Cobalt miner (tpa) 2016 2017 (forecast)
Chinese (Jinchuan, Huayou Cobalt, Jiangsu Cobalt) 46,966 - 47,000
China Molybdenum (OTC:CMCLF) 15,909
Freeport-McMoRan (NYSE:FCX) 10,944 ~2,000
Glencore (OTCPK:GLCNF) (Minara, Mopani, Mutanda) 28,300 - 30,000
Katanga Mining (OTCPK:KATFF) (plans ~11,000tpa in 2018, and ~22,000tpa by 2019 if demand is there)
Sherritt International (OTCPK:SHERF) 6,967 ?
Umicore SA (OTCPK:UMICF) 6,328 - 6,500
Vale (NYSE:VALE) 5,799
ERG - ENRC (Chambishi) (plus an additional ~14,000tpa from ~2019) 4,317 - 4,317
Sumitomo (27.5 % Ambatovy Nickel, Madagascar) 4,418 - 4,500
ICCI 3,902 - 4,000
Zambia 3,874 - 4,000
Norilsk Nickel [LSX:MNOD] (OTCPK:NILSY) 3,234 ~5,500
Others - S.Africa (1,230) 1,230 - 5,000
TOTAL ~123,000 ~130,000
NB: Bloomberg Intelligence reported 2016 total cobalt production to be 123,000 tonnes, CRU says 117,000 tonnes. My estimate is 130,000tpa for 2017. Exane BNP Paribas forecasts ~200,000mt market by 2022, and 300,000mt by 2025.