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Boris Johnson :

This week I visited Ukrainian troops being trained by British Armed Forces in North Yorkshire.

The UK is committed to doing all we can to help Ukraine continue to repel Russian aggression.

video 2:12 minuut

Russen hadden kort geleden de gehele Provincie Luhansk veroverd na de inname van de steden Severodonetsk en Lysychanks

Oekrainse leger heeft nu het gerechtsgebouw van Lysychanks beschoten met artillerie van afstand en zeker 50 Russen, waaronder officieren, gedood

Russia's cannon fodder sentenced in court.
Ukraine's Luhansk governor reports things went "pop" in occupied Lysychansk city.
Ukrainian forces hit the courthouse, killing 50 Russian officers & men from "headquarters of the 6th regiment, second army corps"

Video presumably of mortar strikes by Ukraine's 68th Jager Infantry Brigade on Russian troops and BTR-82 vehicles.

video 0:43 minuut

The Kyiv Independent :

Death toll of Russian attack of Kirovohrad Oblast reaches 3, another 16 injured.

On the morning of July 23, Russia launched eight Kalibr cruise missiles and five Kh-22 anti-ship missiles at Kirovohrad Oblast, according to Kirovohrad Oblast Governor Andriy Raikovych.


kaart Kirovohrad Provincie in het lichtgroene rood omlijnde deel onder de letters Oekraine


Russen gebruiken dus anti ship missiles voor doelen op de grond
Niet erg effectief en alleen nuttig om middels terreur willekeurig burger doelen beschieten en onder de burgers dood en verderf zaaien
'Rusland bestookt haven Odessa na graandeal'

Rusland heeft volgens het Oekraïense leger de haven van Odessa zaterdag met raketten bestookt. De vermeende aanval volgt een dag na de deals die Rusland en Oekraïne met Turkije en de VN sloten over het hervatten van de graanuitvoer via Oekraïense havens aan de Zwarte Zee.
Volgens het leger zijn er vier kruisraketten afgevuurd op de haven. Twee daarvan zouden "haveninfrastructuur" hebben geraakt, stellen een lokale overheidsfunctionaris en een Oekraïense legereenheid op Telegram. De twee andere raketten zijn volgens het leger neergehaald.
Vanaf Russische zijde is er nog niet gereageerd op de aanval. De Oekraïense regering zegt in een reactie dat president Vladimir Poetin met de aanval op Odessa "in het gezicht spuugt" van de Verenigde Naties en Turkije, waarmee Kiev en Moskou vrijdag hun graandeal sloten.
Het Oekraïense ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken roept de VN en Turkije op ervoor te zorgen dat Rusland zich aan de afspraken houdt. Afgesproken is dat Rusland en Oekraïne de export van graan doorlaten. Odessa is daar een cruciale doorvoerhaven voor. Rusland en Oekraïne zijn samen verantwoordelijk voor ongeveer 30 procent van de tarwe-export van de wereld.
Ook VN-baas António Guterres, die vrijdag in Istanbul aanwezig was bij de ondertekening van het akkoord, veroordeelt de raketaanval ten scherpste. Een woordvoerder zegt dat alle partijen toegezegd hebben de export van graan uit Oekraïense havens toe te staan. Ook is het graan hard nodig om wereldwijde voedseltekorten te lijf te gaan, aldus Guterres. "Volledige implementatie door de Russische Federatie, Oekraïne en Turkije is absoluut noodzakelijk."
Explosies in door Russen bezet Oost Oekraine


video 0:19 minuut geluid aan


Kaart Horlivka midden kaart


kaart met recente posities

Horlivka net onder Novo Luhansk bij de rechts onderste cirkel


luchtschip schreef op 23 juli 2022 18:10:

Explosies in door Russen bezet Oost Oekraine


video 0:19 minuut geluid aan


Kaart Horlivka midden kaart


kaart met recente posities

Horlivka net onder Novo Luhansk bij de rechts onderste cirkel

It's machinery plant in Horlivka looking that nice (at least some local sources mention this location)

Waarschijnlijk werd deze als opslag voor munitie gebruikt

video 0:29 minuut

Begin van het eind voor Putin & Rusland?

Time will tell ... maar dit kan wel eens de druppel worden die de emmer doet overlopen.


Russia on brink of civil war as Chechen rebels prepare to topple key Putin ally

VLADIMIR PUTIN is potentially facing a new civil war in the Caucasus after Chechen rebels said they were preparing for further hostilities in the region.

Russia was involved in two bitter wars in Chechnya during the 1990s and early 2000s after Chechen separatists pursued independence from Moscow after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The First Chechen War took place between 1994-1996 under President Boris Yeltsin and resulted in a humiliating defeat for Russia. Then in 1999, Putin once again sent in the troops to crush Chechen rebels in a brutal campaign which saw Chechnya's capital Grozny raised to the ground.

Akhmat Kadyrov, a local warlord who had switched allegiances from the rebels to Moscow, was put in charge as President of the Islamic Republic until his assassination in 2004.

He was succeeded by his son Ramzan Kadyrov, who has remained in power ever since and proved a loyal supporter of the Russian president.
Kadrov has sent his soldiers to fight for Putin in Ukraine, providing much-needed manpower for Russian commanders.

However, Chechen rebels have formed their own battalions that are fighting for Ukraine.
One such unit is named after Sheikh Mansur, a legendary Chechen commander and Islamic leader who fought the Russians during the late 18th century.
Islam Belokiev, a spokesman for the battalion, said in a recent video address that Chechen rebels were preparing for new hostilities in their homeland.

Akhmat Kadyrov, a local warlord who had switched allegiances from the rebels to Moscow, was put in charge as President of the Islamic Republic until his assassination in 2004.

He was succeeded by his son Ramzan Kadyrov, who has remained in power ever since and proved a loyal supporter of the Russian president.

Kadrov has sent his soldiers to fight for Putin in Ukraine, providing much-needed manpower for Russian commanders.

However, Chechen rebels have formed their own battalions that are fighting for Ukraine.

One such unit is named after Sheikh Mansur, a legendary Chechen commander and Islamic leader who fought the Russians during the late 18th century.

Islam Belokiev, a spokesman for the battalion, said in a recent video address that Chechen rebels were preparing for new hostilities in their homeland.

A Russian defence expert believes the threats of further conflict in Chechnya are not idle and could force the Kremlin to divert troops from Ukraine at a time it can ill afford to do so.

Rebekah Koffler, a former intelligence officer in Russian doctrine and strategy for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), told Fox News: "The possibility of them taking advantage of Putin’s forces being tied up in Ukraine to assert their independence is very plausible."

Even if the threats come to nothing, she argued it would "at least make Putin and the Russians believe that they will have to divert their attention and take eyes off Ukraine, so Ukrainians could launch a counter-offensive."
In a further chilling warning to Putin and his Chechen henchman, Islamist rebels declared a new jihad against Kadrov and his regime in a video posted to social media.

They said: "Ramzan Kadyrov - this is our message to you in the name of the sons of Ichkeria.

"Our fathers and mothers were killed by Russian federalists because of your father.

"We are declaring jihad against you and your godless regime. From today the resistance movement will begin to act.

"Among your closest circle, there are supporters of the sons of Ichkeria. Therefore we are the first to know about your plans.

We also know about the dirtiest secrets of your worthless life, which we will soon reveal to the whole world.
"We call on all free people in Ichkeria to carry out resistance at all levels - later we will unite with you, shoulder to shoulder. Allah willing, we will prevail.
"We, the sons of Ichkeria, refuse to live under the flag of occupation. Kadyrov - the time has come which you have feared. Freedom for Ichkeria! Allahu Akbar!"

Masked gunmen then set fire to Chechnya's current national flag, before unfurling the Ichkerian flag and vowing to return it to its rightful place.

The Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (CRI) was an unrecognised secessionist government in Chechnya, which declared its secession from Russia in 1991 but did not obtain de facto independence until 1996.

#Israel conducted air strikes to successfully destroy an Iranian drone assembly plant near Damascus, which was slated to supply #Putin with drones to use against #Ukraine.

Top Putin weapons designer, 46, dies in mysterious circumstances 'undergoing treatment for anxiety and depression' as war rages in Ukraine

One of Vladimir Putin's top weapons designers has died in mysterious circumstances as he 'underwent treatment to combat anxiety disorders and depression'.

Dmitry Konoplev, 46, headed the defence-related Shipunov Instrument Design Bureau, which is behind the lethal Pantsir missile system used in the war in Ukraine.

In total, the organisation is responsible for more than 150 weapons and pieces of military equipment used by the Russian Army.

Previously, Konoplev was deputy director of Russia's Federal Agency for the Supply of Weapons, Military, Special Equipment and Materials.

He evidently died after suffering acute anxiety.
Initial reports said doctors could not establish the weapon guru's cause of death.

Lees verder:
Russian soldiers are put 'on a direct path to a body bag' with only FIVE DAYS' training
for recruits and some sent to Ukraine without knowing how to use a machine gun.

Russian soldiers are being put 'on a direct path to a body bag,' a military analyst has said, with one soldier claiming he was given just five days of training before being sent to fight on the front lines in Ukraine.

The soldier, named only as Ivan to protect his identity, said in some cases his comrades were being shipped off to fight without even knowing how to use a machine gun, according to The Moscow Times.

The report is the latest sign of Russia's increasing desperation to crush Ukraine's fierce resistance that has taken the Kremlin by surprise, with some estimates suggesting President Vladimir Putin has seen more than 30,000 of his troops killed.

When the invasion began on February 24, Moscow brazenly believed its forces would sweep to victory and depose Kyiv's government in a matter of days. Instead, Russia has been dragged into a protracted and costly conflict, with no end in sight.

Independent military analyst Pavel Luzin offered a damning assessment of Russia's military when told of Ivan's claim that he was given less than a week of training.

'A week [of training] is nothing — for a soldier, it is a direct path to a hospital or a body bag,' Luzin told The Moscow Times on Thursday

Lees verder:
De brug over de Inhulets, Daryivka Bridge, is slechts 1 nacht beschoten en dit is het resultaat
De brug is nu al bijna onbruikbaar voor zwaar militair transport door de gaten in het wegdek

video 0:14 minuut


Ook de brug over de Dnjepr bij Kherson heeft al de nodige schade en de Russen moeten zelf maar bepalen of ze het aandurven met zware tanks en ander materiaal erover heen te gaan
US Ministerie van Defensie :

Minister van Defensie, Lloyd Austin :

Russia is keeping up its relentless shelling ( onophoudelijke beschietingen van afstand ) and that's a cruel tactic that harkens back ( zich ontwikkeld heeft ) to the horrors of World War I


De Russen hebben zich versterkt met munitie, zwaar materiaal en lange afstand raket systemen rond de Kernenergie centrale van Enerhodar ( bij Zaporizhzhia )

Orlov, who’s not in the city, said there was a lot of speculation surrounding what had happened, but that

>> on Monday afternoon nine Russian soldiers "were urgently delivered to the city hospital with injuries of varying severity.
>> Some had been hospitalized and one was in intensive care."

>>>"There are also dead people, but we cannot give their exact numbers at the moment," he said.

Director general of International Atomic Energy Agency, called “for maximum restraint” following the alarming situation at #Europe’s largest nuclear plant in Zaporizhzhia #Ukraine. Recent reports say several Russian soldiers were injured & people killed.


>>>On Monday, Dmytro Orlov, the mayor of the Russian-occupied city of Enerhodar, which is adjacent to the plant, said that an unexplained incident at the plant left several Russian soldiers injured as well as a number of dead people.


IAEA chief calls for "maximum restraint to avoid any accident" at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant

Rafael Mariano Grossi, the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), called on Friday “for maximum restraint” following recent reports indicating an alarming situation at Europe’s largest nuclear plant in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.

The plant is located in the Russian occupied part of southern Ukraine and the IAEA said it has not been able to visit the facility since before the conflict began five months ago.

“These reports are very disturbing and further underline the importance of the IAEA going to the Zaporizhzhia plant. I’m continuing my determined efforts to agree and lead a safety, security and safeguards mission to the site as soon as possible. It is urgent,” Grossi said in a statement, adding that there is a need to ”avoid any accident that could threaten public health in Ukraine and elsewhere.”
On Monday, Dmytro Orlov, the mayor of the Russian-occupied city of Enerhodar, which is adjacent to the plant, said that an unexplained incident at the plant left several Russian soldiers injured as well as a number of dead people.

Orlov, who’s not in the city, said there was a lot of speculation surrounding what had happened, but that on Monday afternoon nine Russian soldiers "were urgently delivered to the city hospital with injuries of varying severity. Some had been hospitalized and one was in intensive care."

"There are also dead people, but we cannot give their exact numbers at the moment," he said.

"We will not guess what caused the simultaneous 'thinning' of the ranks of the occupiers at the facility," Orlov said. But he added that the Russians "were so frightened that they ran around the [power] station's territory in a panic" and had blocked two shifts of power plant workers.

The IAEA said that “in recent weeks, there have been a series of reports, both in the media and in the form of official communications received by the IAEA, suggesting that the already difficult and stressful conditions facing Ukrainian staff at the plant have deteriorated further.”

Grossi stressed that the UN nuclear watchdog must be able to send a mission to the Zaporizhzhia plant to “conduct essential safety, security and safeguards activities at the facility.”


Succes schreef op 23 juli 2022 19:34:

Russian soldiers are put 'on a direct path to a body bag' with only FIVE DAYS' training
for recruits and some sent to Ukraine without knowing how to use a machine gun.

Russian soldiers are being put 'on a direct path to a body bag,' a military analyst has said, with one soldier claiming he was given just five days of training before being sent to fight on the front lines in Ukraine.

The soldier, named only as Ivan to protect his identity, said in some cases his comrades were being shipped off to fight without even knowing how to use a machine gun, according to The Moscow Times.

The report is the latest sign of Russia's increasing desperation to crush Ukraine's fierce resistance that has taken the Kremlin by surprise, with some estimates suggesting President Vladimir Putin has seen more than 30,000 of his troops killed.

When the invasion began on February 24, Moscow brazenly believed its forces would sweep to victory and depose Kyiv's government in a matter of days. Instead, Russia has been dragged into a protracted and costly conflict, with no end in sight.

Independent military analyst Pavel Luzin offered a damning assessment of Russia's military when told of Ivan's claim that he was given less than a week of training.

'A week [of training] is nothing — for a soldier, it is a direct path to a hospital or a body bag,' Luzin told The Moscow Times on Thursday

Lees verder:
"Russian soldiers are put 'on a direct path to a body bag' with only FIVE DAYS' training"

Hier de body bags die in koeltreinen gelegd zijn in afwachting van toestemming van Putin om ze naar Rusland te zenden
Eindelijk kunnen de treinen de dode lichamen naar Rusland brengen, verpakt in een zak met niets anders dan een label met datum van overlijden

Russia's cannon fodder returning home from Ukraine.
Stacked up like cattle carcasses with nothing but the date they died on them.

Krasse Aufnahmen aus Russland.
In drei Lagen übereinander gestapelt in Kühlwaggons mit nichts als ihrem Todesdatum am Leichensack kehren Tausende Russen aus der Ukraine zurück






Rusland ontkent elke betrokkenheid bij aanval op haven in Odessa

Rusland zegt tegen Turkije dat het land niets te maken heeft met de raketaanvallen op de haven in Odessa zaterdag. De aanval zorgde voor veel ophef, aangezien Rusland, Turkije, de VN en Oekraïne vrijdag een deal sloten die graanschepen en havens moet beschermen en de Oekraïense graanexport - op papier - mogelijk maakt.
Maar Rusland ontkend dus enige betrokkenheid. De Turkse minister van Defensie Hulusai Akar meldde zaterdag in een verklaring: ,,De Russen hebben ons verteld dat zij helemaal niets met deze aanval te maken hadden, en dat ze het voorval zeer uitvoerig en in detail aan het bestuderen zijn.”
,,Het feit dat een dergelijke aanval plaatsvindt de dag nadat we een akkoord hebben gesloten, baart ons veel zorgen”, aldus Akar.
De aanval zorgde voor veel verontwaardiging binnen en buiten Oekraïne. De aanval werd onder andere door de Europese buitenlandchef Josep Borrell bekritiseerd: ,,Het aanvallen van een cruciaal onderdeel van de graanexport de dag na het ondertekenen van een overeenkomst in Turkije is bijzonder laakbaar en toont opnieuw Ruslands totale minachting voor het internationale recht en de internationale verplichtingen.”

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 23 juli 2022 21:47:

Rusland ontkent elke betrokkenheid bij aanval op haven in Odessa

Rusland zegt tegen Turkije dat het land niets te maken heeft met de raketaanvallen op de haven in Odessa zaterdag. De aanval zorgde voor veel ophef, aangezien Rusland, Turkije, de VN en Oekraïne vrijdag een deal sloten die graanschepen en havens moet beschermen en de Oekraïense graanexport - op papier - mogelijk maakt.
Maar Rusland ontkend dus enige betrokkenheid. De Turkse minister van Defensie Hulusai Akar meldde zaterdag in een verklaring: ,,De Russen hebben ons verteld dat zij helemaal niets met deze aanval te maken hadden, en dat ze het voorval zeer uitvoerig en in detail aan het bestuderen zijn.”
,,Het feit dat een dergelijke aanval plaatsvindt de dag nadat we een akkoord hebben gesloten, baart ons veel zorgen”, aldus Akar.
De aanval zorgde voor veel verontwaardiging binnen en buiten Oekraïne. De aanval werd onder andere door de Europese buitenlandchef Josep Borrell bekritiseerd: ,,Het aanvallen van een cruciaal onderdeel van de graanexport de dag na het ondertekenen van een overeenkomst in Turkije is bijzonder laakbaar en toont opnieuw Ruslands totale minachting voor het internationale recht en de internationale verplichtingen.”
Carl Bildt, Co-Chair European Council on Foreign Relations :

It’s really preposterous ( belachelijk, onzinnig ) when Russia tells Turkey that it had nothing to do with the missile attack against the Odessa port.

Kalibr cruise missiles are sophisticated weapons launched from ships and submarines of the Russian navy and from nowhere else.

video 0:15 minuut

A Mao
Beetje rare actie van de Russen, wat willen ze er mee bereiken?
Neem aan dat ze betere doelen kunnen vinden voor hun spaarzame raketten.
Deze nacht om circa 22:00 uur ned tijd ( 23:00 uur Oekrainse tijd )

Some sort of crazy explosion just now above central Donetsk. Is this Thermite or something else?

Petri Makala :

Looks a lot like thermite from a Russian MLRS warhead, but hard to tell without seeing it land on something.

If it is, that fire is going to visible to satellites soon.

video 0:12 minuut


Een tweede video ok van het centrum van Donetsk
bij 0:20 minuut valt het in een boom

video 0:43 minuut


Blijft de vraag wat het is

Het kan thermite zijn dat zeer brandbaar is en hoge temperaturen heeft \

Thermite is a pyrotechnic composition of metal powder and metal oxide. When ignited by heat or chemical reaction, thermite undergoes an exothermic reduction-oxidation (redox) reaction. Most varieties are not explosive, but can create brief bursts of heat and high temperature in a small area. Its form of action is similar to that of other fuel-oxidizer mixtures, such as black powder.

Thermites have diverse compositions. Fuels include aluminum, magnesium, titanium, zinc, silicon, and boron. Aluminum is common because of its high boiling point and low cost. Oxidizers include bismuth(III) oxide, boron(III) oxide, silicon(IV) oxide, chromium(III) oxide, manganese(IV) oxide, iron(III) oxide, iron(II,III) oxide, copper(II) oxide, and lead(II,IV) oxide.[2]

The reaction, also called the Goldschmidt process, is used for thermite welding, often used to join railway tracks. Thermites have also been used in metal refining, disabling munitions, and in incendiary weapons. Some thermite-like mixtures are used as pyrotechnic initiators in fireworks.


Het kan ook iets anders zijn om te zorgen voor licht of om de bewoners angst aan te jagen

OSINTTechnical zegt er dit over :
Some theories on this, the Russians have been firing 9M22S incendiary rockets over neighboring Mar'inka over the past few weeks. They control Donetsk so this may have been some sort of munition failure. Or it’s Ukrainian, but they haven’t really been seen using incendiary stuff.

zie 2de tweet


De komende tijd zal misschien meer duidelijk zijn
Ukraine’s military destroys Russian military supply point, ammunition depot in southern Ukraine.

Operational Command “South” said it killed 54 Russian troops and destroyed three Russian T-62 tanks, three “Grad” MRLS, one Msta-B howitzer, and armored and military vehicles.

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