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Gibraltar veilt als eerste in beslag genomen superjacht van Russische oligarch, opbrengst niet naar Oekraïne

Een superjacht van 76,5 miljoen euro van een Russische oligarch, dat vanwege sancties in beslag is genomen, wordt dinsdag door de regering van Gibraltar geveild. Het is het eerste jacht dat wordt verkocht sinds de sancties tegen honderden rijke Russen na de invasie in Oekraïne.
Buitenlandredactie 20-08-22, 13:06 Laatste update: 13:29

De 72,5 meter lange Axioma wordt echter niet verkocht ten behoeve van het Oekraïense volk, maar ten behoeve van een Amerikaanse investeringsbank, JP Morgan. Die bank beweert dat de steenrijke eigenaar van het jacht, miljardair Dmitry Pumpyansky, hen meer dan 20 miljoen euro verschuldigd is.

Het schip, dat beschikt over zes luxueuze kamers, een zwembad, 3D-bioscoopzaal, fitnessruimte, jacuzzi en een volledig uitgeruste spa, werd aan de ketting gelegd nadat het in maart in Gibraltar was aangemeerd.

Pumpyansky, de eigenaar van een producent van stalen pijpen die levert aan het Russische staatsenergiebedrijf Gazprom, werd na de invasie van Oekraïne door het Verenigd Koninkrijk, de Europese Unie en de Verenigde Staten aan sancties onderworpen. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk zei dat de miljardair, die naar schatting een fortuin van 2,17 miljard euro had opgebouwd, een van de oligarchen was die ‘het dichtst bij Poetin stond’.

Terwijl reeds tientallen superjachten van oligarchen over de hele wereld in beslag zijn genomen, is Axioma het enige jacht dat te koop is aangeboden. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk en andere regeringen hebben voorgesteld de bezittingen van de gesanctioneerde oligarch in beslag te nemen en te gebruiken om Oekraïense vluchtelingen te helpen, maar dit zal dus niet gebeuren.
Voorwaarden geschonden

De bank die het geld claimt, JP Morgan, zei dat het feit dat de miljardair aan sancties was onderworpen betekende dat de voorwaarden van de lening waren geschonden. JP Morgan vroeg de rechtbank van Gibraltar om het jacht aan te houden en te verkopen.

De bank reageerde niet op vragen van de pers of het een deel van het geld van de verkoop zou doneren aan Oekraïense vluchtelingen, maar een woordvoerder zegt: ,,JP Morgan heeft een filantropische toezegging van 5 miljoen dollar verhoogd naar 10 miljoen dollar om de verergerende vluchtelingencrisis in Oekraïne te helpen ondersteunen.”

Nigel Hollyer, de makelaar van het hooggerechtshof van Gibraltar, leidt de veiling. Hij zei dat er een ‘onverwachte late golf van potentiële kopers’ was geweest en dat er meer dan 30 naar het gebied waren gevlogen om het jacht persoonlijk te inspecteren. ,,Het zijn mensen van over de hele wereld”, vertelt Hollyer aan de Britse krant The Guardian. ,,Het zijn mensen die boten van vergelijkbare grootte bezitten of hebben bezeten, en zijn aangetrokken tot deze boot vanwege het gerechtelijke verkoopproces. Ze zijn ervan overtuigd dat ze een koopje gaan krijgen.”
Parade van, door het Oekrainse leger vernietigde, Russische tanks in het centrum van Kyiv

Ministerie van Defensie van Oekraine :

In February, russians were planning a parade in downtown Kyiv.
6 months into the large-scale war the shameful display of rusty russian metal is a reminder to all dictators how their plans may be ruined by a free and courageous nation.

video 1:51 minuut

Overzicht van het materiaal dat Duitsland heeft geleverd om Oekraine te steunen

Germany gives updates on military aid for Ukraine.

A lot of good stuff here, less glamourous than HIMARS, but much needed

bridge laying tanks, recovery vehicles, anti-drone systems, air defenses, trucks, medical equipment - including fridges, ammunition etc.

lijstjes :




Ukrainian spies snuck into Russia ahead of the invasion and found a lot of drunk Russian troops had traded supplies for alcohol: report

In the days leading up to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in late February, Ukrainian spies were sent into Russia to conduct surveillance on the Russian military and encountered "a lot" of drunk soldiers, according to a new Washington Post report.

The Russian troops had apparently traded fuel and other supplies for alcohol. "A lot of them were drunk," a Ukrainian official who saw reports from the spies told the Post.

Their observations, which also included tank formations without crews or maintainers, suggested that Russia was unprepared for war and reportedly fueled some degree of disbelief among some officials in Ukraine that Russia would actually attempt an invasion. In many ways, as has since been demonstrated, Russia wasn't ready, but it moved forward anyway.

The Post's report, which relies heavily on a trove of sensitive materials gathered by Ukrainian officials and other security services, offers intricate details on Russian intelligence failures ahead of the war.

Russia began laying the groundwork for an invasion years ago, according to the report, and cultivated a significant network of agents in Ukraine with the ultimate goal of toppling the government and subjugating the former Soviet republic.

Prior to the invasion, it was widely believed that if Russia did launch a military incursion it would be able to defeat Ukrainian forces in a matter of days, but that's now how the conflict has played out.

The Russian military failed to take Kyiv, as the Ukrainian military put up a much stiffer resistance than many expected. The fight has now lasted nearly six months, with Russia making only incremental progress as the conflict has morphed into a grinding war of attrition.

In many respects, the invasion has been humiliating for the Russian military, which has suffered massive troop and equipment losses.

Russia's primary spy agency, the FSB, bears much of the responsibility for the failed war plans and the overconfidence that catalyzed the Russian military's ambitious objectives, according to the Post's report.

The FSB, for example, reportedly offered the Kremlin misleadingly positive assessments that suggested Ukrainians would welcome Russia with open arms.

"There was plenty of wishful thinking," a senior Western security official told the Post, adding that the FSB had the sense "there would be flowers strewn in their path." The FSB apparently thought that a rapid assault would quickly bring down the Ukrainian government. But, according to the Post report, FSB officers ultimately ended up retreating from Kyiv alongside Russian troops.

Previous reports suggested that Putin received bad intel because his advisors are "too afraid" to give him negative assessments. Individuals who have angered or displeased the Russian leader have at times ended up dying in violent or mysterious ways, while others have landed in prison.

"We believe that Putin is being misinformed by his advisors about how badly the Russian military is performing and how the Russian economy is being crippled by sanctions because his senior advisors are too afraid to tell him the truth," a US official said in late March.

"Putin," the official said, "didn't even know his military was using and losing conscripts in Ukraine, showing a clear breakdown in the flow of accurate information to the Russian president."

Zaporizhia oblast ( Zuid Oekraine ) :

Russian counter-battery radar system Zoopark-1 get destroyed

video 0:40 minuut

Russians: "Bullets, grenades, mortars – nothing could stop this crazy Ukrainian machine gunner."

After finally capturing "his" position they realized Ukrainian soldiers placed a BTR turret in a trench and operated it remotely.

Exclusive: Inside Ukraine’s Secret Effort to Train Pilots for U.S. Jets

No one was coming to help. Alexander Gorgan was lying in a three-foot-deep trench dug to defend a snow-covered village north of Kyiv in March, and Russian artillery shells were shattering the frozen ground on all sides. He could hear a platoon commander in a foxhole nearby shouting into the radio: “Can you strike back? Can you hit them? Can you cover us? Please give us cover. We need support. Cover us!” But there was nothing to hit back with.

Pinned down and alone in that hole, Gorgan’s thoughts turned to the savior he wished he could hear coming over the horizon: the low bbrrrrrrrtt of an American-made A-10 Thunderbolt II jet, known as the Warthog, a cold war relic designed specifically for destroying Russian tanks advancing on infantry units. As a kid, Gorgan saw news footage of American A-10s bombing lines of Soviet-made Iraqi tanks during the first Gulf War. Images flooded his mind of the stubby attack plane with two bulbous jet engines mounted on its back and a gatling gun for a snout. Gorgan believes in God but at that moment, he wasn’t convinced God was going to save his life. “In that situation, there really has to be something tangible that can help you, and I thought about the A-10,” Gorgan told TIME. “I would be really lucky to hear the noise from his cannon.”

Lees verder:
A Show Of Shame - Belgian Weapons Deliveries To Ukraine

While many NATO member states have duly answered Ukraine's call to supply it with heavy weaponry, for other countries President Zelensky's plight has offered a stark realisation what decades of defence cuts have come to. For no country is this true more than for Belgium, which in March 2022 had to come to the painful conclusion that it had no heavy weaponry to send from its own stocks. This staggering feat is the result of years of chronic underfunding that had eroded the Belgian Army to the point it could not even pay to operate man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS) any longer, leaving an entire army without any form of ground-based air defences. Although Belgium has since announced additional investments into its military, it will take years for these investments to actually have effect.

Belgium's free-riding approach to the security of other NATO member states and of itself is perhaps best illustrated by the fact that in 2014 Belgian Prime Minister Di Rupo declared his country's intention to commit 2% of its GDP to defence spending by 2024, only for Prime Minister De Croo to do the same in 2022, but with the date to achieve this pushed back by eleven years to 2035. [1] Even after rising slightly in recent years, Belgium's budget remains one of the lowest in NATO, just barely cresting 1% of GDP for the first time in years in 2020 and 2021. [2] An early conclusion to the Russo-Ukrainian War, though unfortunately unlikely to occur at this point in time, would likely serve as the perfect excuse for a future Belgian government to keep the country's defence budget well below 2% of its GDP.

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The doges of war: how a Twitter meme is helping fight the Russian war in Ukraine

It is a cold night in Vienna. The moon shines harshly on frosted Baroque palaces as the Russian diplomat hurries by, his breath painting the air with furtive clouds, he pauses to send a message to his contact when a noise behind him makes him freeze in terror. A man watches from afar as his dogs tear the diplomat apart.

An international incident? A dark tale from the Cold War?

No. A recent event on Twitter when Mikhail Ulyanov, permanent representative of Russia in Vienna, found himself unable to use his Twitter account due to being harangued by hundreds of cartoon dogs, or doges.

Ulyanov was a victim of NAFO, the North Atlantic Fellas Organization, a loose online collective united only by their Shiba Inu avatars and their hatred of ‘Vatniks’.

What’s a Vatnik?
‘Vatnik’ is a name coined in ex-Soviet states for those who blindly follow or spout Russian propaganda. It’s a modern version of the ‘Tankie’ label that was applied to westerners who unquestioningly defended the Soviet Union, even as Soviet tanks rolled into Hungary.

A ‘fella’ is a character loosely based around the Shiba Inu dogs so popular in meme culture. Importantly ‘fella’ is gender neutral: there are male, female and non-binary fellas. Louise Mensch got quite upset about that recently.

Why is Mensch arguing about cartoon dogs? Because NAFO is an online phenomenon. In three months, they have gone from a single goofy character drawn by NAFO president @Kama_Kamilia, to an online movement that has raised thousands of dollars for Ukrainian military and humanitarian causes.

Rules of engagement: how does NAFO raise money?
NAFO encourages its members to try and get well-known Vatnik accounts to block them (@russianEmbassy, @Amb_Ulyanov etc..) then screenshot the block screen as proof of the action. The screenshot is then shared on NAFO channels and either the poster or another NAFO member makes a donation to a pro-Ukraine cause.

If it is a new member, the post will include a request for a custom fella avatar graphic e.g ‘a fella in a flight-suit’.

At the time of writing, NAFO has channelled over a hundred thousand US dollars into Ukrainian causes using this technique.

Effectiveness: the power of doge

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Ukraine will receive both a satellite and access to the database of the ICEYE satellite constellation

The agreement on the purchase of the satellite and access to the data of the satellite constellation of the ICEYE suggests that Ukraine will receive ownership of the satellite and access to the database.

The Foundation’s press release reports this..

It notes that after the paid access to the database expires, the satellite will remain in full ownership of Ukraine until the end of its operation on the orbit.

“The owner of the satellite is Ukraine, and the Ukrainian side determines what and when it records, as well as in what format and spectrum we will receive the data. That is, we fully own, manage, and use the images of this satellite,” the statement said.

The satellite is planned to be further re-registered under Ukrainian name in the required directories. It is emphasized that this procedure might take some time, as it requires compliance with the necessary standards.

Also, the satellite is insured and if something happens to it, the company should replace it with the the identical one.

The Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine will be the user of the satelite. The Foundation added that the satellite can work both during the day and night and under any weather conditions.

“Unlike optical satellites, which can only work during the day and when the sky is clear, a SAR (Synthesized Aperture Radar, i.e. this satellite is a radar) satellite acts like a lantern — it “illuminates” the earth’s surface with its own radio waves. Therefore, obstacles, night, clouds, rain, fog, smoke are not important for shooting. The SAR satellite “penetrates” everything with its radio waves,” the Foundation reported.

The satellite flies over the territory of Ukraine twice a day, and the photos taken by it will be received only by the Ukrainian side. When the device is not flying over the territory of Ukraine, it is possible to access the ICEYE SAR satellite constellation. This will ensure the continuous data acquisition.

The resolution of the satellite is from 0.5 to 1 meter, depending on the area covered by the image.

One image can cover an area of up to 225 square kilometers.

“Such specifications make it possible to more comprehensively “see” the rear of the enemy,” the Foundation added.

In addition, it emphasizes that the data received from the satellite will allow to distinguish disguised objects , or to identify dummies as opposed to real equipment. Some artificial objects on the landscape will also be visible, for example, machinery or shelters in the forest.

Lees verder:
Russia is a terrorist state”: Oekraïense Songfestivalsensatie Go_A speelt het politiek op Pukkelpop

De voorlaatste dag van Pukkelpop was amper uit z’n startblokken, of Go_A zorgde in de Marquee al voor het heetste feestje van de dag. Met dank ook aan de niet-aflatende liefde voor hun vaderland. “Slava Ukraini”, klonk het na hun show. Duizenden hoofden knikten instemmend.


Good news.

Ukraine's downing Russia's civilian targeting missiles.

This morning in the Dnipropetrovsk region, anti-aircraft fire destroyed 4 Russian Kalibr cruise missiles fired from the Black Sea.
And Air Force anti-aircraft fighters shot down another enemy UAV ( drone )



Russische raketten vanaf de Krim hebben een dorpje bij Mikolaiv ( Zuid Oekraïne ) getroffen

9 burgers gewond waarvan 3 kinderen

Mykolaiv oblast ( provincie ) administration head Kim :

Voznesensk, Mykolaiv oblast :

"As of 13:00, there are 9 wounded, including 4 children. The children aged 3 to 17 are all in serious condition"







kaart Voznesensk bij rode aanwijzer
ver van het front bij Kherson en diep in Oekrains gebied

US Minister van Defensie Lloyd Austin ;

We just announced another Ukraine security assistance package.

It includes a mix of capabilities — some new, some the Ukrainians have been using very effectively.

As Russia’s unprovoked invasion enters its sixth month, our commitment to Ukraine remains unwavering.

overzicht van het nieuwe toegezegde pakket


Russian media: nearly 700 Russian contractors from the 64th Separate Guards Motor Rifle Brigade want to desert from battlefield

Nearly 700 contractors from the 64th Separate Guards Motor Rifle Brigade, which is responsible for war crimes in the Kyiv region, are trying to get fired and leave Ukraine but don’t manage to.

Details: Media cites the servicemen from this brigade who say that the Russian command refuses to withdraw them from the territory of Ukraine – even those soldiers whose contract with the army expired back in May.

Due to this, some contractors run away and head for their military unit for their own money in order to write a resignation letter there. The command tries to persuade the soldiers to stay by promising them to increase their salary from 90 to 120 thousand rubles a month.

One of the interviewees complains it is impossible to leave Ukraine: "It is unreal. There are checkpoints everywhere. Conscientious objectors who left had their report signed by their deputy commander. Our command won’t sign it. The command doesn’t give a **** about all the servicemen".

The interviewed soldiers also confirmed their involvement in the killings of civilians. They say they followed the orders of Azatbek Omurbekov, the brigade commander.

One of the interviewees stated that the Russian soldiers shot from 3 to 4 cars with civilians after receiving an order.

Apart from that, in Andriivka, the command didn’t just order to kill civilians, it was also actively looting the civilians’ houses. Viacheslav Klobukov, deputy commander of the rear, stole a dinner set "so that the command eats from nice dishes", not to mention fridges, laptops and even tables and chairs stolen from civilians.

Moreover, the command of the brigade was reporting the higher command distorted information about advances on the front.

During the attacks, the commanders made soldiers pose for photo reports in front of the combat vehicles.

Background: On 15 August, reporters of Vazhnie Istorii found out the names of the Russian occupiers responsible for atrocities in the Andriivka village in the Kyiv region. One of them confessed to have committed the crimes.

Ukrainian drone pilots do a very important and very dangerous job. This video gives a glimpse of their work.

Drones play a huge role in this war and there is a constant need for them.

??by @BBCNews

US Will Handed Over ScanEagle UAVs to Ukraine: What They Can

New military aid package for Ukraine from USA includes wide spectrume arms, munitions, and equipment from U.S. Department of Defense inventories

According to the list of weapons that was spread by media, Ukraine will getv 15 ScanEagle unmanned aerial vehicles to assist the artillery with reconnaissance and targeting.

The ScanEagle is a small, long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). It was made by US-based company Insitu, par of Boeing. The ScanEagle was designed by Insitu based on SeaScan, a commercial UAV that was intended for fish-spotting.

ScanEagle carries a stabilized electro-optical and/or infrared camera on a lightweight inertial stabilized turret system, and an integrated communications system having a range of over 62 miles (100 km); it has a flight endurance of over 20 hours. It can operate up to 92 mph (150 km/h), with an average cruising speed of 55 mph (89 km/h). It has a service ceiling of 19,500 ft, or 5,950 m and an endurance superior to 24 hours.

Rusland beschuldigt Oekraïne van vergiftiging Russische soldaten

Het Russisch ministerie van Defensie beschuldigt Oekraïne ervan dat het chemische stoffen heeft gebruikt in de oorlogsvoering. Het Russische staatspersbureau RIA Novosti meldde dat op 31 juli militairen met tekenen van ernstige vergiftiging naar het ziekenhuis zijn gebracht. Daar zou in hun lichaam botulinetoxine zijn aangetroffen.

De betreffende militairen waren gestationeerd in het dorp Vasilivka, in de buurt van de kerncentrale Zaporizja, waar de voorbije weken hard is gevochten. Volgens Moskou heeft de Oekraïense president Volodimir Zelenski persoonlijk toestemming gegeven voor het gebruik van de giftige stof. Een woordvoerder van het Oekraïens ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken suggereerde in een reactie dat de vermeende vergiftiging het gevolg kan zijn geweest van het eten van vlees dat over de datum was.

De Russen zeggen bewijs te hebben voor het gifgebruik en dat binnenkort naar de Organisatie voor het Verbod op Chemische Wapens (OPCW) in Den Haag te zullen sturen. Zowel Rusland als Oekraïne is lid van die organisatie die is opgericht om te voorkomen dat chemische wapens ooit nog worden ingezet.

Botulinetoxine is een giftige stof die op de zenuwcellen inwerkt. Mensen die eraan zijn blootgesteld, moeten lang aan de beademing. In de vorige eeuw is er geëxperimenteerd met het gif als biologisch wapen door de Verenigde Staten, de Sovjet-Unie, Japan en Duitsland, maar ze tekenden in 1975 een verdrag waardoor het gebruik verboden werd.

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