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Polen levert Leopard-tanks aan Oekraïne
De Poolse president Andrzej Duda heeft aangekondigd dat hij moderne Leopard 2-tanks van Duitse makelij aan Oekraïne gaat leveren. Dat meldt Kyiv Independent.
Duda deed de aankondiging tijdens een ontmoeting met Volodymyr Zelensky en de Litouwse tegenhanger Gitanas Nauseda in Lviv woensdag als onderdeel van de “Lublin Triangle”, het regionale partnerschap dat in juli 2020 door de drie is opgericht.
"Een compagnie Leopard-tanks wordt geleverd als onderdeel van de coalitie", zei Duda op de persconferentie. Een tankcompagnie bestaat over het algemeen uit tien tot een dozijn tanks. 
Hoewel het niet duidelijk is welke landen Duda in gedachten had met de term "internationale coalitie", wordt het gebrek aan bredere coördinatie tussen Europese partners consequent door Duitsland aangevoerd als de reden om niet het voortouw te nemen bij het leveren van luipaarden. 
Andere Europese landen hadden eerder aangegeven bereid te zijn om de tanks te leveren, maar ook op voorwaarde van gecoördineerde actie tussen Europese staten. 
43 minuten geleden

Rusland vervangt legerleider in Oekraïne opnieuw

Rusland heeft opnieuw zijn militaire commandant in Oekraïne vervangen. Legerchef Valeri Gerasimov krijgt de leiding over de troepen in het buurland, meldde het ministerie van Defensie in Moskou. Zijn benoeming moet de militaire operaties in Oekraïne "effectiever" maken.

Generaal Gerasimov neemt het bevel over van Sergej Soerovikin, die de afgelopen drie maanden het commando had over de troepen in Oekraïne. Hij wordt de tweede man, achter Gerasimov, voor de "speciale militaire operatie" in Oekraïne, zoals Rusland de oorlog noemt. Soerovikin heeft vanwege zijn vermeende meedogenloosheid de bijnaam "Generaal Armageddon".

De 67-jarige Gerasimov heeft net als minister van Defensie Sergej Sjojgoe scherpe kritiek gekregen van Russische militaire bloggers vanwege de talrijke tegenslagen van het Russische leger op het slagveld en het uitblijven van de overwinning.
Russia’s military unit 54777, disinformation and psychological operations abroad


Russia’s military unit 54777, also known as the 72nd Special Service Center or the Foreign Information and Communication Service of the Main Directorate of the General Staff, is a military intelligence psychological operations unit. 

Many narratives and topics in the media, even probably in your country, might be influenced by the stories developed by this military unit. How is it structured, and how does it work?

Since Russian state media, hundreds of foreign so-called independent news websites, different YouTube channels, and thousands of social media profiles distribute identical narratives, viewers may guess that a single group is behind the entire effort. And the idea that a government-related body orchestrates the Russian disinformation campaign is not false.


Websites networks in Russian disinformation over the war against Ukraine

After Russia launched an all-out war against Ukraine in February 2022, the European Union restricted RT and Sputnik, two of the Kremlin’s top platforms for disseminating propaganda and false information about the war.

Months later, Russia discovered ways to get around the ban, and the number of suspicious websites promoting the same pro-Russian information has multiplied. To cover it up, the Kremlin-funded resources changed the brand of their work. And they copied and pasted a lot of the content onto brand-new websites with no apparent links to Russia. In these non-partisan wires, they accurately inserted disinformation and propaganda stories.

With dozens of recently created online media, NewsGuard, a New York-based company that researches online misinformation, has identified a total of 250 websites that are actively disseminating Russian propaganda about the war.

These sites contain claims that the Ukrainian military committed crimes against civilians in Donbas, that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy staged public appearances, or that Ukrainian refugees committed crimes in the EU countries.


Websites networks in Russian disinformation over the war against Ukraine

After Russia launched an all-out war against Ukraine in February 2022, the European Union restricted RT and Sputnik, two of the Kremlin’s top platforms for disseminating propaganda and false information about the war.

Months later, Russia discovered ways to get around the ban, and the number of suspicious websites promoting the same pro-Russian information has multiplied. To cover it up, the Kremlin-funded resources changed the brand of their work. And they copied and pasted a lot of the content onto brand-new websites with no apparent links to Russia. In these non-partisan wires, they accurately inserted disinformation and propaganda stories.

With dozens of recently created online media, NewsGuard, a New York-based company that researches online misinformation, has identified a total of 250 websites that are actively disseminating Russian propaganda about the war.

These sites contain claims that the Ukrainian military committed crimes against civilians in Donbas, that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy staged public appearances, or that Ukrainian refugees committed crimes in the EU countries.

Kremlin propaganda adjusts its narratives to the events in the war

When Russia increased missile strikes on civilian energy infrastructure throughout Ukraine, the Kremlin’s disinformation network started working to discredit, downplay, and divert attention away from the crimes that Russia has been perpetrating in Ukraine.

The evidence of atrocities amounting to war crimes committed by the Russian military was irrefutable. But the proof is meaningless to Kremlin-friendly misinformation outlets. Russia-backed media poured many conflicting “explanations” of the events in Bucha into the information space. 

It includes allegations of a Ukrainian provocation, that the Russian war crimes were orchestrated, that the West was to blame, and references to conspiracy theories. However, the objective of this disinformation was quite clear: spread false information to hide Russian war crimes.


Russian psychological operations target not only Ukraine

However, Russian disinformation campaigns target not only Ukraine. They sought to persuade people that the West was to blame for the rising costs of products and the deterioration of food security worldwide. 

Russia makes a deliberate effort to convince audiences worldwide that Western sanctions imposed on Russia are to blame for the rise in food and fuel costs. The truth, however, is that these sanctions contain exemptions for export and transactions involving food and agricultural products. The war Russia started against Ukraine is the real cause of the food shortages and rising energy costs.

To spread propaganda and misinformation in Western countries, the Russian authorities use their agents of influence – far right and far left politicians, political experts, sociologists, and journalists. The goal is to win the population’s trust through influencers. And information campaign directors from the 54777th military unit may be behind the overall staging of the campaigns.

While there are already private and public initiatives in Europe to combat Russian propaganda and disinformation, there is an urgent need for all users to be aware of Moscow’s plots in the information space, be critical of information, and mistrust pro-Kremlin sources.
Geweldig nieuws over de tanks. Ik had het nog niet zo snel verwacht.

Ik heb nog wat meer research gedaan op youtube en ik moet mijn mening over de AMX10 bijstellen. Ik neem aan dat het de rc versie is die naar Oekraïne gaat en niet de rcr versie (de tweede r staat voor rénové, dus dat is een gemoderniseerde variant).

De AMX10 is géén tank-killer. Het kanon is niet gestabiliseerd, dus hij kan alleen uit stilstand nauwkeurig schieten. En het kanon ziet er indrukwekkender uit dan het is. Het kan pantserwagens en ouderwetse tanks (tot ongeveer T64) uitschakelen, maar voor nieuwere tanks moet het de zwakste punten raken. Veel geluk of een stil geparkeerde tank dus. Zwaarder dan dat van de Bradley en de Marder, maar niet echt anti-tank. En het kanon is niet NATO compatible dus kan geen NATO standaard munitie schieten. Hij heeft munitie nodig die speciaal voor dit kanon is gemaakt. Totale afhankelijkheid van Frankrijk dus. Het pantser stelt ook niet zo gek veel voor: het houdt geweervuur en granaatscherven tegen maar niet veel meer dan dat.

Wat is hij dan wel? Het is een lichte, snelle pantserwagen met redelijke vuurkracht. Hij haalt 80 km/h en dat is echt snel voor een pantserwagen en daarbij heeft hij ook nog een grote actieradius. Hij is gebouwd voor blitzkriegtactiek tegen vijanden die geen zware wapens hebben. En daar is hij goed in. Met veel succes gebruikt in Mali en Tsjaad en ook in de eerste Golfoorlog. Op de flank, tegen Iraakse infanterie. Daar konden de Fransen supersnel oprukken en de vijand oprollen. Voor het Charkov-offensief was deze wagen perfect geweest, maar de vraag is of we zo'n soort situatie weer gaan zien in Oekraïne.

Ik verwacht van de drie eigenlijk het meest van de Bradley want die lijkt me het meest all-round. De Marder is vooral een transporter die ook tegen infanterie kan vechten, de AMX10 is dus vooral geschikt voor snelle offensieven tegen niet al te sterke tegenstand. De vraag is dus hoe vaak dat weer gaat gebeuren.

Geen van de drie zijn echt geschikt om een doorbraak te forceren tegen een ingegraven vijand met een hoop artillerie en andere zware wapens. Ze hebben ook best wel verschillende toepassingsgebieden.

Let wel, ik ben dus geen militair en ik heb er niet voor geleerd, alleen maar een geïnteresseerde leek die gek genoeg is om een stel youtube films over dit soort wapens te kijken. Dit is dus geen professionele mening.
Ukraine has established its own production of 82-mm fragmentation mines abroad at the facilities of a NATO country, according to Uukroboronprom.

A Russian soldier was giving a blowjob to his comrade, and both did not notice the arrival of a Ukrainian drone.

video 0:29 minuut

Russian troops saying that they have been told to make their new home in these trenches but that they are full of ice and that it is -20 degrees.

How long will they last with their poor clothing?

Medical evacuation coming under artillery fire in Soledar. Probably somewhat older footage as this is around School ?14 in the southern part of Soledar which is already confirmed under Russian control and no snow/frost is visible.

Nevertheless absolute bravery

video 2:11 minuut

Ukrainian artillery has been hitting Russian units in Soledar all day with precision strikes.

Their exposed positions are easy for Ukrainian drone operators to spot.

Strijd om Soledar

“It is tough here, but we are more alive than anyone else.” A Ukrainian soldier in Soledar told CNN Wednesday evening that he and his comrades remained in the settlement, but that the situation was “very difficult” & next 24 hours or so would be critical.

Putin is zogenaamd verontwaardigd dat er geen contracten waren om nieuwe vliegtuigen te bestellen in Rusland in2022

Russian aviation industry didn't receive a single contract to produce a passenger plane in 2022.

video van Putin 0:08 minuut Engels ondertiteld

Video van Tsjetsjenen in de loopgraaf
de situatie is hideous ( afschuwelijk )

video 0:30 minuut Engels ondertiteld


De Tsjetsjenen, zitten achter de linie
De gemobiliseerden gaan vooruit naar de vijand en de gemobiliseerden worden dan beschoten
De taak van de Tsjetstsjenen is in hoofdzaak om iedere gemobiliseerde die terug vlucht te doden
Maar deze Tsjetsjenen zitten ook niet bepaald veilig
Russische drone raakt in Rusland, de stad Belgorod, de electiciteitskabels in de boven de grond

Waarschijnlijk de Russisch Forpost drone die 6 tot 7 miljoen $ kost, heeft een deel van de stad zonder elektriciteit gezet

video 0;07 minuut

foto's van de op de grond gevallen drone



Russische soldaten doen een aanklacht op video over de onbarmelijke omstandigheden waarin zij worden gezet

A video from the much-loved category "Russian servicemen's complaints"
In this episode - Russians complain to Putin and FSB that they are being blackmailed by their own commanders.

video 2:09 minuut Engels ondertiteld

Vlissingen vol met Amerikaans legermateriaal

enorme oorlogsvloot komt aan in Vlissingen

Jan 11, 2023
De Amerikaanse krijgsmacht stuurt groot materieel naar Oost-Europa voor een NAVO-missie. De wereldmacht brengt het materieel aan het Europese vasteland via Vlissingen. Defensie-verslaggever Silvan Schoonhoven noemt de taferelen indrukwekkend

video 3:39 minuut

Minus 55 graden Celsius in Yakutia, Rusland

In Yakutia at particular places the temperature hit -55. Naturally, Chinese rubber cannot withstand these exceptional circumstances.

Meanwhile, Europe is freezing to death ( volgens Putin, omdat we geen gas meer afnemen uit Rusland )

video 0:51 minuut


kaart Yakutia rood omlijnde


Lonely he froze to death. Not only him, but many others face the same fate.

video 0:14 minuut

Attention, Germany!

Direct call for murdering Analena Baerbock ( Minister van Buitenlandse zaken van Duitsland, die Kharkov, Oekraïne bezocht ) by Aleksey Zhuravlev, Russian politician and member of parliament.

I wonder if he's been sanctioned.

video Russische Staats TV 0:14 minuut Engels ondertiteld

Remember the Invincibility yurt in Bucha I posted about several days ago?
Een Yurt is in Kazakhstan een grote tent, die het nomadenvolk gebruikt om zich warm te houden

Russians got upset about Kazakhstan helping Ukraine and officials had to give comments about that.

video 1:48 minuut


Foto's van een yurt in Bucha, Oekraine




A sudden mass exodus of warships and submarines from Novorossiysk today. Very unusual, may be a leading indicator of an operation of some kind


Ukrainian forces will be monitoring a sudden movement of Russian warships and submarines out of their base of Novorossiysk. The naval base, near the Kerch Bridge, is further from Ukrainian controlled coast than the famous base at Sevastopol. Yet the unusual movement may be important.

This morning Russian Navy ships and submarines left their base at Novorossiysk, in the Black Sea, en-masse. This is highly unusual and may indicate ongoing operations.

Sources seen by Naval News confirm the exodus. The group included the Project 11711 Ivan Gren class landing ship, Pyotr Morgunov, the largest amphibious ship in the Black Sea.

It also contained all three Project 636.3 Improved-Kilo class submarines which were present at the base. Analysis suggests that other warships were also sailing, leaving only a few warships and support vessels in the port. It is likely the most empty that Novorossiysk has been in many months.

Recently Pyotr Morgunov has been to carry supplies from Russia to Sevastopol following the October 8 2022 Ukrainian attack on the Kerch Bridge. Although Russia has managed some repairs, the bridge remains at limited capacity. So the Russian Navy’s landing ships have been pressed into service as transports. However the simultaneous sailing of the submarines suggests that this may be more than a resupply mission.
Possible Reaction To Ukrainian Threat

One explanation might be that the mass exit may be a drill to test the crews’ readiness. Or possibly a precaution against an incoming threat.
The base has not, so far, been within range of Ukrainian aerial drones. On the other hand, despite its distance from Ukrainian controlled coast, it is within range of Ukraine’s maritime drones.

These are small uncrewed boats loaded with explosives. They are best known for their dramatic attack on Sevastopol on October 29. One of the drones hit Novorossiysk on November 18. It caused limited damage but sent the message that the base is within reach.

Russia was already implementing enhanced defenses at its naval bases and the warships and submarines are now protected by multiple floating booms. The booms should provide protection against the maritime drone attacks. So this explanation seems less convincing.

Offensive Operations

The remaining explanation is that the Russian Navy assets are involved in an operation. The last time we reported an unusual spike in Russian Navy activity it preceded extensive missile strikes on Ukraine.

The Improved-Kilo class submarines have been used to launch Kalibr cruise missile attacks on Ukraine. They were largely withdrawn from Sevastopol on Crimea in September 2022 following Ukrainian drone attacks on the port city. They still return to Sevastopol to load Kalibr missiles. But three of the five (four improved-Kilo and one original kilo class) had been in Novorossiysk for weeks.

This does not explain the mass exodus because it would be unique for all three to be involved in a single attack. And their sailing to Sevastopol to arm would not likely be conducted in such a manner. what is more, the combination of amphibious ships and submarines also suggests that it is not missile strikes.
The Boldest Move: Amphibious Landings

One explanation which will be on analysis minds is some form of amphibious landing. This may target southwestern Ukraine to establish a land bridge to Transnistria. This Russian-supported unrecognized state is part of Moldova and borders Ukraine. It has always been understood that it is within Russia’s wider war aims to join up with it.

The submarines would be involved in broader intelligence or covering missions surrounding the amphibious ships.
Landings seem unrealistic given the fate of Russian advances at the beginning of the war. Although frequently threatened, the landings never came. At the same time the naval infantry, similar to marines, were deployed inland. They have been much depleted and plans to expand the naval infantry force will take months or years to complete. Despite all this, we cannot rule out some form of amphibious operation.

Analysts and commanders in Ukraine will no doubt be watching this development closely. In peacetime such an exodus, without a back story, would hardly be newsworthy. But in the ongoing war it takes on an added dimension.


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