Ronald Engels schreef op 6 november 2022 16:48:
Forumleden Klimaat Discussie,
Dit bepaalt het Klimaat/Weer op Planeet Aarde en slechts zeer marginal broeikasgassen zoals H20 en CO2, enzv.
If you look at the year long trend of the Thule Greenland Neutron Monitor in Counts/Hour and you compare this with the WDC-SILSO Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels Sunspots Counts / Month, you will very clearly notice "increases of at least 30 % of Cosmic Rays Neutron Counts" at each Solar Minimum, like see the Solar Minimum years1963/1964, see the Sol Min years 1975/1976, see the Sol Min years 1985/1986, see the Sol Min years 1996/1997, see the Sol Min years 2008/2010 and last but not least see the Solar Minimum years 2019/2020.
In all these above mentioned 11-year cycle Solar Minimum years with maximum Cosmic Rays Neutron Counts, there was at the same time in these mostly very cold winter years at the same time minimum Solar Activity with minimum to zero Sunspots and very minimum Solarwind passing alongside Planet Earth`s magnetic field defense systems and giving as such due to minimum Solarwind, maximum Cosmic Rays Cloud Seeding and more cloud formation coverage of Planet Earth in these cold winters in each of these years.
And just for your information in all of these cold winter years like 1963/1964, 1975/1976, 1985/1986 and last one 1997 we had in the Netherlands in the province of Friesland in each of these cold winter years our famous Dutch Eleven Cities lakes and canals race of 200 km ice-speed-skating.
Also in 2009/2010 and 2020 we also had a very cold but shorter winter period in the Netherlands and for that reason the ice was not thick enough to carry the weigth of at least 14.000 Dutch People speed-skating this 200 km long Eleven Cities skating Race on Ice.
I am for a full 100 % convinced the SVENSMARK Brothers were and are right about more or less (~30 %) Galactic Cosmic Rays Cloud Seeding variations giving more or less clouds variations (3 to 4 %) on Planet Earth during each 11-year Solar Activity Cycle, proven since more than 60 years, during the 11-year Solar Activity Cycles 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 for now.
Believe me they the Svensmark Brothers are for sure right and “yes” this can only be proven by tracking closely each 11-year solar minimum / solar maximum cycle as well as tracking the variations of the Thule Greenland Neutron Monitor => "Galactic Cosmic Rays Cloud Seeding Counts/Hour variations, and so on.
Please be aware there is also a 350 to 450 years Solar Activity variation and since 1830, “after the 1790-1830 Dalton Minmum / Solar Minimum / Mini-Ice Period”, we are in the warming increasing solar activity 200 year period with intermittant 11-year solar activity cycle variations and as of june 2016 in my personnal view we are in the 200 year cooling activity cycle with intermittant 11-year solar activity variations and as such you can expect Planet Earth to cool by about minus -1.3 degrees celcius by the year 2220-2230.
So whether we like it or not our Planet Earth is now in a 200 year cooling phase with Ocean Levels to start dropping, I expect this dropping of ocean levels to start with a delay as of 2055/2060, by about 24 to 27 cm the next 200 years of cooling of Planet Earth.
And please do not underestimate the coming decreasing TSI by about 4 to 5 Watt/M2 on our Stratossphere in the next 200 years due to the Milankovitch Eccentricity Cycle, increasing the distance between Planet Earth and our Allmighty Sun by about 1.5 million miles as per Professor Zarkova of Birmingham University, bringing the TSI on our Stratossphere down to about 1357 Watt/M2, in the half year period each year that Planet Earth will then be at the longest distance of about 154.5 million km of our Allmighty Sun by about 2230.
Note: (TSI means: Total Solar Irradiance).
So for sure it will get colder in all winter periods by at least minus -1 to -1.3 degrees celcius on Planet Earth in the next 200 years and more CO2 in our atmosphere will NOT change our climate, on the contrary it will be beneficial for a much greener Planet Earth-Sahel / Sahara, I do not doubt all this for one second!
Regards from Hulst, The Netherlands.