Windkracht schreef op 30 maart 2019 17:14:
Even m.b.t. de goedkeuring om aandelen te mogen uitgeven. Hieronder staat de tekst die is goedgekeurd (binnen een periode van 5 jaar dus!)
Management Board thus proposes, with the approval of the Supervisory Board and in accordance
with article 5 of Kiadis Pharma’s articles of association, that the authority to issue shares and to grant
rights to subscribe for shares in the capital of Kiadis Pharma is delegated to the Management Board
up to Kiadis Pharma’s authorized share capital included in its articles of association from time to
time, and that such authorization shall be granted for a period of 5 years following the date of this
Meeting, and consequently until (and including) 29 March 2024.