Press Release Ecully, April 15, 2022 – 10 am
Continued growth in Q1 2022
Q1 2022 revenues up +55%
In thousands of euros 2022* 2021 % Variation
Turnover Q1 1 342 865 + 55%
Unaudited consolidated data
In line with the last quarter of 2021, Spineway confirms its growth momentum and totals revenues
of €1.3 million for the first quarter of 2022, up 55% compared to the year 2021. The latter benefits
from the synergies implemented with Distimp, the growth of sales in France and positive
commercial orientation in Latin America.
Sales in Latin America showed strong growth of 31.1% compared to 2021 and represented 41.5% of
Group sales (€558 k). Despite the continuing health crisis in the territory, the region is benefiting
from a return to a more normalized situation in surgical activity, which has enabled the booking of
significant orders.
The significant growth in the Europe region, which doubled compared to Q1 2021 to reach €427 k,
was mainly driven by sales in France, which now represent 26.2% of Group sales at €351 k in Q1
2022, following the successful integration of Distimp.
Asia remained stable in Q1 2022 (€181 k), while the Middle East zone amounted to €176 k and
increased significantly compared to Q1 2021, following the strengthening of the Group's presence in
North Africa.
On the basis of the upward trend at the beginning of 2022, Spineway confirms the recovery of its
business and reinforces its ambition to become a leading European player in spine surgery with
Premium positioning