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Thyssenkrupp 2024

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Thyssenkrupp Nucera secures EU funding for 300-MW hydrogen plant

German electrolyser maker Thyssenkrupp Nucera AG & Co KgaA (ETR:NCH2) said on Thursday that it has been awarded EU funding of up to EUR 36 million (USD 38.7m) for a project to construct a 300-MW plant for green hydrogen production.

The production facility will be using the high-temperature electrolysis technology known as Solid Oxide Electrolyser Cell (SOEC). According to Nucera’s CEO Werner Ponikwar, the technology is characterised by a “high level of efficiency and great cost effectiveness”.

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Thyssenkrupp Nucera secures EU funding for 300-MW hydrogen plant
thyssenkrupp's Strategic Steel Pivot: Kretinsky Deal Takes Center Stage Amid Options

Synopsis: thyssenkrupp explores 50:50 steel joint venture with Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky's EPCG, while keeping alternative partnership options open.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024

In a significant strategic move, German industrial giant thyssenkrupp is actively pursuing a transformative partnership for its steel division, primarily focusing on expanding Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky's EPCG stake from 20% to 50%. This development marks a crucial phase in the company's ongoing restructuring efforts, as revealed by thyssenkrupp's new Chief Financial Officer, Jens Schulte.

The steel division and Kretinsky's team are collaboratively developing a fresh business plan, which will serve as the foundation for mid-term funding assessments scheduled for spring 2025. This comprehensive plan will also guide discussions regarding EPCG's potential increased stake in the business. Schulte, who assumed his role in June, expressed optimism about the negotiations while maintaining a pragmatic approach to alternative scenarios.

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thyssenkrupp Steel's 'Cookie Crumble': German Giant's Drastic Cost-Cutting Shakes Workforce

Synopsis: thyssenkrupp Steel, Germany's largest steel manufacturer, implements strict austerity measures including cuts to employee perks and cancellation of social events, affecting operations in Duisburg.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Germany's leading steel producer, thyssenkrupp Steel, has initiated a comprehensive cost-cutting program that extends to even the smallest workplace amenities, prompting employees to nickname it the "Cookie Decree." The dramatic measures, announced through a corporate circular, reflect the company's urgent need to address its challenging financial situation amid a weakening market environment.

The new austerity program, detailed in a memo from board members Dennis Grimm, Philipp Conze, and Marie Jaroni, eliminates company-provided refreshments and snacks during internal meetings. Employees must now personally fund their coffee, milk, water, and biscuits, marking a significant shift in workplace culture. The measures also include the cancellation of company-sponsored Christmas parties and team events, highlighting the severity of the cost-reduction strategy.

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thyssenkrupp Steel's Duisburg Plant Modernization Accelerates Future-Ready Production Evolution

Synopsis: thyssenkrupp Steel Europe advances its modernization project at Duisburg site, decommissioning 25-year-old casting-rolling line ahead of schedule, with new facilities set to launch in May 2025.
Saturday, November 2, 2024

thyssenkrupp Steel Europe has reached a significant milestone in its modernization journey with the early decommissioning of its long-serving casting and rolling line at the Duisburg facility. This strategic move, executed two weeks ahead of schedule on October 30, 2024, marks a crucial step in the company's Strategy 20-30 transformation plan, setting the stage for advanced steel production capabilities.

The modernization project centers on replacing the existing 25-year-old equipment with cutting-edge technology, including a state-of-the-art continuous casting line and an upgraded hot strip mill. The new installation, comprising continuous casting line 4 and hot strip mill 4, will be equipped with two advanced walking beam furnaces, with operations scheduled to commence in May 2025. This upgrade represents a substantial investment in the facility's future productivity and technological capabilities.

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Steely Resolve: EU Court Upholds Ban on Titanic Thyssen-Tata Tie-Up

Synopsis: The European Court of Justice has ruled that the European Commission's 2019 decision to block the merger between thyssenkrupp and Tata Steel Europe was legal. This upholds a previous ruling by the General Court of the European Union from 2022. thyssenkrupp had challenged the Commission's decision, but their lawsuit has now been dismissed by the ECJ.
Monday, October 7, 2024

The European steel industry received a definitive verdict on a major proposed merger that was blocked over five years ago. On Friday, the European Court of Justice ruled that the European Commission's 2019 decision to prohibit the merger between German steelmaker thyssenkrupp and Tata Steel Europe was legally sound. This ruling upholds a previous judgment by the General Court of the European Union from June 2022, effectively ending thyssenkrupp's legal challenge against the merger ban.

The proposed joint venture between thyssenkrupp and Tata Steel Europe, which would have created Europe's second-largest steelmaker, was abandoned by the companies in May 2019 due to strong opposition from EU competition regulators. The European Commission had expressed concerns that the merger would significantly reduce competition in the European steel market, particularly for automotive steel and packaging steel products. thyssenkrupp, believing the Commission's reasoning was flawed, subsequently filed a lawsuit to annul the decision.

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Deutsche Bank herhaalt het koopadvies voor THYSSENKRUPP AG O.N.
woensdag 13 november 2024 - 04:59u -

Deutsche Bank verlaagt het koersdoel van THYSSENKRUPP AG O.N. naar € 13,00 van € 23,00. Het koopadvies van vrijdag 17 mei 2024 wordt herhaald. Dit vorige advies heeft geresulteerd in een rendement van -31,71%.

Thyssenkrupp omzet KW4 EUR8,81 mrd
Thyssenkrupp nettoverlies KW4 EUR1,06 mrd
Thyssenkrupp EBITDA KW4 EUR107 mln
Thyssenkrupp EBIT verlies KW4 EUR969 mln
19-nov-2024 07:00
ThyssenKrupp nog niet uit de problemen
19-nov-2024 07:44

Opnieuw een verlies onder aan de streep.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Thyssenkrupp boekte in het vierde kwartaal van boekjaar 2024 een nettoverlies, doordat de winst werd getroffen door bijzondere waardeverminderingen, hoewel het verlies afnam ten opzichte van dezelfde periode een jaar eerder. Dit bleek dinsdagochtend uit cijfers van het bedrijf.

De omzet bleef grotendeels stabiel in het kwartaal en daalde met 2 miljoen euro tot 8,81 miljard euro, maar daalde met 7 procent tot 35 miljard euro voor het fiscale jaar 2024.

Het bedrijf zei dat het resultaat werd ondersteund door zijn transformatiemaatregelen, en dat het verlies voornamelijk te wijten was aan ongeveer 1,2 miljard euro aan waardeverminderingen op activa, voornamelijk veroorzaakt door Steel Europe, Materials Services en Automotive Technology.

Het Duitse industriële bedrijf rapporteerde een nettoverlies van 1,06 miljard euro voor het kwartaal tot eind september. Dit vergeleken met een verlies van 2,01 miljard euro een jaar geleden, toen lagere prijzen, hoge grondstof- en energiekosten en lagere inkomsten bij de divisie Steel Europe op de resultaten drukten.

Voor het volledige boekjaar boekte Thyssenkrupp een verlies van 1,51 miljard euro, een verbetering van 27 procent ten opzichte van het jaar daarvoor. Het had eerder een nettoverlies voor het begrotingsjaar verwacht van gemiddeld 500 tot 1 miljard euro.

De positieve vrije kastroom van 110 miljoen euro was wel een meevaller en boven de eerder afgegeven verwachting.


Het bedrijf zal over het boekjaar 2023/2024 een dividend van 0,15 euro per aandeel uitkeren. Op deze manier wil het bedrijf de continuïteit van het dividend waarborgen na de uitkering van de afgelopen twee jaar.


Vooruitkijkend verwacht Thyssenkrupp dat de omzet in het boekjaar 2025 tussen 0 en 3 procent zal stijgen. De aangepaste winst vóór rente en belastingen zal naar verwachting verbeteren tot tussen de 600 miljoen euro en 1 miljard euro.

De nettowinst voor het lopende boekjaar wordt geschat op een bedrag tussen de 100 miljoen en 500 miljoen euro.

JPMorgan Research herhaalt het houdadvies voor THYSSENKRUPP AG O.N.
woensdag 20 november 2024 - 04:58u -

JPMorgan Research verhoogt het koersdoel van THYSSENKRUPP AG O.N. naar € 3,80 van € 3,20. Het houdadvies van maandag 14 oktober 2024 wordt herhaald. Dit vorige advies heeft geresulteerd in een rendement van -1,35%.

thyssenKrupp Reshapes Portfolio: Strategic Shifts Across Five Core Segments

Synopsis: thyssenKrupp implements major restructuring across automotive, decarbon technologies, materials, steel, and marine divisions to enhance competitiveness.
Thursday, November 21, 2024

thyssenKrupp AG has embarked on a comprehensive transformation journey across its five core business segments, implementing strategic changes to adapt to evolving market conditions and strengthen its competitive position. The industrial giant's restructuring efforts span from automotive technology to marine systems, reflecting a bold response to global market challenges.

In the Automotive Technology segment, thyssenKrupp has initiated significant structural changes, including a major reorganization of its Automotive Body Solutions division. The restructuring plan encompasses efficiency improvements and process optimization, accompanied by a workforce reduction of up to 400 positions. While the company continues to seek potential buyers for its Springs & Stabilizers business unit, it has temporarily suspended the divestment process for Automation Engineering, opting instead for a gradual phase-out of powertrain activities at its Bremen facility by 2026.

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Landesbank Baden-Württemberg geeft houdadvies voor THYSSENKRUPP AG O.N.
vrijdag 22 november 2024 - 04:58u -

Landesbank Baden-Württemberg geeft houdadvies voor THYSSENKRUPP AG O.N. met een koersdoel van € 4,10.

thyssenkrupp Steel Boss Warns of Severe Crisis Amid Job Cuts & Market Challenges

Synopsis: thyssenkrupp's steel division is facing a tough economic reality. CEO Dennis Grimm emphasizes the urgency of addressing the sector's crisis, including plans to cut 11,000 jobs. The company’s restructuring and joint venture with Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky highlight the difficult path ahead.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024

thyssenkrupp, one of Germany’s largest industrial companies, is currently navigating a severe crisis within its steel division. Dennis Grimm, the newly appointed head of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe, recently highlighted the worsening market conditions, admitting that the situation has “deteriorated significantly” over the past few months. As the steel market continues to struggle with low demand and overproduction, thyssenkrupp faces significant challenges, including an ongoing restructuring that will involve the loss of around 11,000 jobs from its 27,000-strong steel workforce.

Grimm emphasized that the company cannot ignore the harsh economic realities it faces. "It is not about continuing to maximize existing profits. We are in a serious economic situation and must first of all earn enough money to finance ourselves," Grimm stated in an interview with Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung. The severity of the market’s downturn means that Thyssenkrupp must take drastic actions to safeguard its future, including cutting a large portion of its workforce in the coming years. The company's steel operations are experiencing mounting pressure, with fewer orders and an oversupply of steel globally, making it increasingly difficult to remain profitable.

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JPMorgan Cazenove geeft een houdadvies voor THYSSENKRUPP AG O.N.
maandag 9 december 2024 - 05:47u

JPMorgan Cazenove geeft een koersdoel van € 4,10.

Major Leadership Shift at thyssenkrupp AG: CFO Jens Schulte Steps Down

Synopsis: CFO Jens Schulte to leave thyssenkrupp AG for Deutsche Börse AG, with a transition plan in place.
Monday, December 9, 2024

In a significant move at thyssenkrupp AG, Dr. Jens Schulte, the company’s Chief Financial Officer, has requested the termination of his appointment by mutual consent. Schulte, who joined thyssenkrupp in June 2024, has expressed his desire to take up a new role as CFO at Deutsche Börse AG, a leading group listed on Germany’s DAX stock index. The request has been presented to the Supervisory Board, which is expected to discuss the matter and determine a date for the official conclusion of his term. Until then, Schulte will continue in his current role and, from February 1, 2025, will temporarily take on the additional responsibilities as Chief Human Resources Officer at thyssenkrupp AG.

Schulte’s appointment as CFO was part of a broader leadership transition at thyssenkrupp AG, and his tenure has been marked by his active contribution to the company’s performance in a challenging market environment. He had previously served as CFO at Schott AG before joining the German industrial giant. Schulte’s appointment to thyssenkrupp’s Executive Board in November 2023 was seen as a strategic move to bolster the company’s financial leadership. Since taking office in June 2024, he has played a crucial role in driving the success of the APEX performance enhancement program, a key initiative aimed at improving operational efficiency and financial performance at thyssenkrupp.

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Thyssenkrupp Workers Demand Clarity Amid Uncertainty Over Kretinsky's Plans

Synopsis: Workers at Thyssenkrupp's steel unit are seeking answers from co-owner Daniel Kretinsky regarding his strategy for the division, raising concerns about future cooperation.
Thursday, December 12, 2024

In a climate of uncertainty, workers at Thyssenkrupp's steel division are expressing their concerns over the strategic direction of the company, particularly in light of co-owner Daniel Kretinsky's recent actions. Knut Giesler, a prominent labor representative and head of the IG Metall union in North Rhine-Westphalia, voiced the frustrations of the workforce regarding Kretinsky's lack of communication about his plans for the steel unit. The absence of clarity from the billionaire investor has raised alarms about the potential for effective collaboration in the future.

Kretinsky acquired a 20% stake in Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe earlier this year, with ongoing discussions about purchasing an additional 30%. However, doubts linger about the viability of a joint venture, especially given the division's struggles with high operational costs and fierce competition from cheap Asian imports. The situation has been exacerbated by Thyssenkrupp's recent announcement to cut 11,000 jobs, which amounts to approximately 40% of its workforce, through various means such as divestments and outsourcing.

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Thyssenkrupp Steel Welcomes Frank-Jürgen Weise: A New Era Begins

Synopsis: Frank-Jürgen Weise has been appointed to the Supervisory Board of thyssenkrupp Steel, bringing valuable experience to guide the company through its transformation.
Thursday, December 12, 2024

On December 10, 2024, thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG announced the appointment of Frank-Jürgen Weise as a new member of its Supervisory Board. This decision was made during a board meeting, where the Supervisory Board welcomed Weise as a neutral member of the co-determined board. His addition is seen as a strategic move to enhance the board's capabilities during a critical period of transformation for the company.

Ilse Henne, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board, expressed her enthusiasm about Weise's appointment. She stated, “I am delighted that we have completed the Supervisory Board with Frank-Jürgen Weise, a renowned consultant and driving force.” Henne emphasized that his expertise will allow the board to focus on the significant tasks ahead, particularly the structural realignment of the company and its green transformation initiatives. This reflects thyssenkrupp Steel's commitment to adapting to changing market demands and environmental responsibilities.

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Crisis Thyssenkrupp raakt Siegerland in het hart

Han Dirk Hekking
Thyssenkrupp Steel Europa wil 11.000 van de 27.000 arbeidsplaatsen kwijt. De fabriek in Kreuztal-Eichen moet zelfs dicht. Dat komt hard aan in het Siegerland, van oudsher een staalregio. 

In het kort
- Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe saneert. De productie moet dalen vanwege de slechte markt.
- Het bedrijf wil vijfduizend mensen ontslaan; met desinvesteringen zijn zesduizend banen gemoeid.
- Eén vestiging moet dicht: de fabriek in Kreuztal-Eichen, in staalregio Siegerland.

Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/bedrijfsleven/1539795/thyssenkr...
thyssenkrupp Steel Enhances Energy Efficiency & Product Quality with Modernized Furnace in Duisburg

Synopsis: thyssenkrupp Steel has successfully modernized its walking beam furnace at the Duisburg-Bruckhausen site to improve the quality of electrical steel and reduce energy consumption. The investment focuses on better temperature uniformity, increased efficiency, and enhanced environmental standards, benefiting the energy transition and future markets.
Monday, December 16, 2024

In a significant upgrade to its production facilities, thyssenkrupp Steel has modernized the walking beam furnace, WBW 1, at its Duisburg-Bruckhausen hot strip mill, marking a major step forward in both product quality and energy efficiency. The overhaul of this key furnace, carried out in collaboration with Tenova, a global specialist in heat treatment processes, aims to meet the growing demand for high-quality electrical steel and packaging steel. The modernization, which represents a multi-million Euro investment in the low double-digit million range, positions thyssenkrupp Steel for the future markets of energy-efficient steel products.

The main benefit of the modernization is the significant improvement in the quality of steel produced, particularly electrical steel, which is essential for the energy transition. The upgraded furnace is designed to ensure a more homogeneous temperature distribution across the entire length of the steel slabs. This advanced heating process minimizes temperature variations, especially in the center of the slab, resulting in better product quality. The improved temperature uniformity also reduces defects such as surface flaws and "rails," the contact points between slabs and support systems, which are common issues in traditional heating methods.

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