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Daimler-(Chrysler) verdient zijn verbleekte ster ...terug

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hirshi schreef op 1 juli 2019 16:58:

De koers van Daimler Benz is al meer dan vier jaar in een downtrend.
Mijn idee?
Beleg niet in de auto- of in de luchtvaartindustrie
Heb je je wel eens afgevraagd waarom Daimler al 4 jaar in downtrend zit?

En waarom de luchtvaartindustrie erbij gesleept. Ten eerste heeft dat niets met de automobielindustrie te maken en ten tweede legde EADS = Airbus een fantastisch parcours af de afgelopen 6 jaren. Zowel koers als dividenden stegen enorm.

Als de automobielsector de ellende van de dieselschandalen heeft verwerkt en weer massaal elektrische auto's kunne gaan fabriceren kan daar wel degelijk een flink herstel in de koersvorming komen. Trump wil ook al geen Duitse auto's in de USA zien. Het zit gewoon even niet mee, maar Duitsers geven nooit op en Daimler heeft in zijn 100 jarig bestaan voor hetere vuren gestaan. Je kunt natuurlijk ook in afgeleiden van de autosector beleggen als in bedrijven die toeleveranciers zijn van deze sector. Kansen genoeg en mooie diversifiëring. En voor wie lef heeft, net als Buffett in Chinese autoproducent zwaar beleggen….


@ Peter

Ik had het helemaal niet over de vliegtuigindustrie maar over de luchtvaartindustrie. Ik hoop dat je het verband nu wel ziet.

Wat de autoindustrie betreft. "Het zit gewoon even niet mee", schrijf je.
De noem ik een eufemisme.
Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT Buses are the Backbone of Madrid

A natural-gas drive is a fast and cost-efficient option for achieving lower emissions in local public bus transport. The EMT Madrid (Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid) transport company successfully operates several hundred Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT buses with natural-gas drive in the Spanish capital. In the coming year their number will increase to 672 environmentally friendly urban buses.

Mercedes-Benz Citaro: a choice of environmentally friendly urban bus The fully-electric eCitaro, the low-emissions Citaro equipped to Euro VI specification, the Citaro NGT with a gas engine; both also available as hybrid variants – at Mercedes-Benz, transport companies certainly have freedom of choice. In 2016, EMT Madrid ordered a total of 82 Citaro NGT buses and Citaro G NGT articulated buses. The buses made a positive contribution and so the company decided to place several subsequent orders for more Citaro buses with a natural-gas drive. When the current order has been delivered, 672 Citaro buses with a gas drive will be on the road in Madrid.

EMT Madrid wants to have changed its entire bus fleet to low-emission drives by the end of the year. The Citaro NGT forms the basis of its environmentally friendly overall concept. EMT Madrid is run by the city and operates Europe’s largest gas-driven bus depot. Buses are of great importance in the Spanish capital: EMT Madrid’s fleet comprises 2000 buses; the vehicles travel more than one million kilometres a year and transport 425 million passengers in a network of service routes covering around 3800 kilometres. Thanks to a network of different transport operators and an extremely regular bus schedule, local public transport in Madrid is very popular and demand is increasing. At the same time, the private transport traffic in the city centre has decreased perceptibly.

At the heart of the Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT is the Mercedes-Benz M 936 G natural-gas engine. With a displacement of 7.7 litres it is, at present, the most compact natural-gas engine in its class. The vertically-installed six-cylinder in line monovalent engine runs on compressed natural gas or biogas. With an output of 222 kW (302 hp), it achieves a maximum torque of 1200 Nm and undercuts the Euro VI emissions limits by a considerable margin. Thanks to these values and its powerful performance, this single-stage supercharged engine fully matches the benchmarks set by its diesel-powered equivalent.

The environmentally-friendly track record of the Citaro NGT is particularly exemplary. The CO2 emissions when operating with natural gas are up to ten percent lower than those of a diesel engine. When using bio natural gas, operation of a gas-driven urban bus is even almost CO2 neutral. An additional argument for using the Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT is the noise emissions which are up to 4 dB(A) lower than those of a diesel bus. This corresponds subjectively to halving the perceived noise level.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Daimler AG and BMW Group Join Hands For Automated Driving

The Daimler AG and BMW Group are launching their cooperation on automated driving: representatives from the two companies today signed an agreement for a long-term strategic cooperation, which will focus on joint development of next-generation technologies for driver assistance systems, automated driving on highways and automated parking (all to SAE Level 4). In addition, further talks are planned to extend the cooperation to higher levels of automation in urban areas and city centres. This underscores the long-term and lasting nature of the undertaking, which will extend to encompass a scalable platform for automated driving. The non-exclusive cooperation is also open to other OEMs and technology partners, with results being made available to other OEMs under license.

A key aim of the cooperation is the swift market launch of the technology, which is expected to feature in passenger car systems for private customers from 2024. The two companies will each implement the technologies in their respective series products independently. The cooperation will see more than 1,200 specialists working together, often in mixed teams. They will be based at locations including the Mercedes-Benz Technology Centre in Sindelfingen, the Daimler Testing and Technology Centre in Immendingen and the BMW Group Autonomous Driving Campus in Unterschleissheim, near Munich. Efforts will focus on developing a scalable architecture for driver assistance systems, including sensors, as well as a joint data centre for data storage, administration and processing, and the development of functions and software.

Along with Aptiv, Audi, Baidu, Continental, Fiat Chrysler, HERE, Infineon, Intel and Volkswagen, the BMW Group and Daimler have published a white paper entitled Safety First for Automated Driving. As well as covering all relevant safety methods for Level 3/4 SAE automated driving, the paper introduces a traceability system, which extends from the primary goal – being safer than the average driver – right down to the individual safety objectives of the various components. The paper was published on 2 July 2019.

Automated driving at Daimler AG:
Daimler AG has been working on series development projects not only for specific Level 3 vehicles but also for Levels 4 and 5. Long a leader in active safety systems, it programmed its systems largely in-house right from the very beginning. 2019 will see the launch in San José, Silicon Valley, of its first pilot programme, with Bosch, on self-driving vehicles (Levels 4/5) in urban environments. This will be the next milestone within the existing cooperation between both partners and the cooperation will continue as planned. Early next decade, Daimler will bring to the market not only highly automated (Level 3) vehicles but also fully automated (Level 4/5) vehicles. It is the only OEM in the world to be so well-positioned to apply autonomous driving in every relevant context, from passenger cars and vans to buses and trucks, and is therefore relying on scalable solutions to deliver automated driving.

Automated driving at the BMW Group:
The BMW Group has been working on highly automated driving since 2006 and has established a non-exclusive platform with technology specialists, suppliers and OEMs to take it to series maturity. Since 2017, work in this area has been consolidated at the Autonomous Driving Campus in Unterschleissheim, just north of Munich, and the industrialisation of the technology is being advanced with the support of partners. The technology’s unique scalability from Level 2 – 4 both enables a high level of flexibility and ensures it will be viable in the future. Cutting edge agile software development is used at the Campus to speed up development of the platform and set new industry standards. Around the world, more than 70 test vehicles are trialling the latest technology. They collect data in order to improve machine learning with artificial intelligence through simulations and test new Level 2 – 5 functions out on the road. The generation of technologies that is currently under development will go into series production as Level 3 automation in 2021 in the BMW iNEXT where it will also be Level 4 enabled for pilot projects.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nieuw winstwaarschuwing Daimler

(ABM FN) Daimler heeft de winstverwachting voor dit jaar neerwaarts bijgesteld. Dit maakte de Duitse autofabrikant vrijdagochtend bekend.

Daimler voorziet dat de EBIT in 2019 “significant" lager zal uitpakken dan een jaar eerder. Enkele weken terug waarschuwde de fabrikant ook al. Toen voorzag het nog dat het resultaat in lijn zou zijn met een jaar eerder. Daarvoor mikte het autobedrijf nog op een lichte groei van de EBIT.

In het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar realiseerde Daimler een EBIT-verlies van 1,6 miljard euro, beduidend minder dan de winst van 2,6 miljard euro een jaar eerder. Vooral de verkopen van Mercedes-Benz bestelbussen vielen lager uit en ook een herziening van de productportefeuille zorgde voor een lager resultaat bij deze divisie.

Bovendien moest Daimler een provisie van nog eens 1,0 miljard euro nemen als gevolg van een terugroepactie van Takata-airbags, die is verlengd. Verder lopen de kosten gerelateerd aan het dieselschandaal, waar Mercedes-Benz-voertuigen in betrokken zijn, op met circa 1,6 miljard euro.

Ook verwacht Daimler minder snel auto's te kunnen afleveren, hetgeen de beschikbaarheid in 2019 zal beïnvloeden. Tot slot zal de groei in de automarkten lager zijn dan verwacht.

Door: ABM Financial News.
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Daimler Announced Its Preliminary Results for Q2

Due to items listed below, Daimler AG has achieved a Group EBIT for the second quarter 2019 that is significantly below market expectations. Group EBIT sums up to EUR minus 1.6 billion (Q2 2018: EUR 2.6 billion).

EBIT for the divisions amounts to:
Mercedes-Benz Cars: EUR minus 0.7 billion (Q2 2018: EUR 1.9 billion)
Daimler Trucks: EUR 0.7 billion (Q2 2018: EUR 0.5 billion)
Mercedes-Benz Vans: EUR minus 2.0 billion (Q2 2018: EUR 0.2 billion)
Daimler Buses: EUR 0.1 billion (Q2 2018: EUR 0.1 billion)
Daimler Financial Services: EUR 0.4 billion (Q2 2018: EUR 0.1 billion)
Reconciliation: EUR minus 0.1 billion (Q2 2018: EUR minus 0.1 billion)
All mentioned figures are preliminary and unaudited.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese automaker BAIC neemt belang in Daimler

Gepubliceerd op 23 jul 2019 om 08:51 | Views: 1.880

STUTTGART (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Chinese automaker BAIC heeft een belang van 5 procent genomen in zijn Duitse branchegenoot Daimler. Het moederbedrijf van Mercedes-Benz laat weten "zeer blij te zijn dat onze langdurige partner BAIC nu ook een langetermijninvesteerder is geworden".

Daimler en BAIC werken al sinds 2005 samen in verschillende samenwerkingsverbanden in China. Zo zijn de twee automakers samen eigenaar van Beijing Benz Automotive Company, dat luxe-auto's maakt voor de Chinese markt.

Het belang van BAIC bestaat uit 2,48 procent van de aandelen in Daimler. Daarnaast verwierven de Chinezen het recht om voor 2,52 procent aan stemrecht te kopen. Wat BAIC betaald heeft, is niet bekendgemaakt. Een aandeel van 5 procent in Daimler heeft een marktwaarde van 2,5 miljard euro.
Duitse Daimler diep in het rood, terwijl Franse PSA stevige winst boekt

De malaise in de auto-industrie heeft in het tweede kwartaal van 2019 ook zijn weerslag gehad op de resultaten van Daimler, dat een operationeel verlies van €1,6 mrd noteerde. Het Franse PSA, eigenaar van onder andere Citroën en Peugeot, wist de dans te ontspringen en boekte een recordwinst.

Het operationele verlies van Daimler heeft vooral te maken met met €4,2 mrd aan eenmalige kosten bij de luxe automaker. Een deel daarvan was te wijten aan het dieselschandaal waar het bedrijf in verwikkeld was, een ander deel aan een terugroepactie wegens ondeugdelijke airbags.

Het verlies van Daimler kwam niet onverwacht. Het bedrijf gaf eerder deze maand nog een winstwaarschuwing uit, de vierde in de laatste paar maanden. Voor heel 2019 verwacht de automaker uit Stuttgart een lichte stijging van de omzet, maar een significant lagere winst dan in 2018.

De omzet van Daimler steeg in het afgelopen kwartaal met 5% tot €42,7 mrd terwijl het aantal verkochte voertuigen afnam van 833.000 naar 822.000.


Ook PSA had te maken met een daling van het aantal verkopen. In de eerste zes maanden van 2019 verkocht de Franse automaker wereldwijd 13% minder auto's dan een jaar eerder. PSA voorspelt dat dit jaar in Europa 1% minder auto's worden verkocht. In China is dat zelfs 7%.

Ondanks de dalende verkoop kan het Franse PSA terugkijken op een uitstekend halfjaar waarin het een operationele winst van €3,4 mrd behaalde. Dat is een stijging van 10,6% ten opzichte van het jaar ervoor.

De operationele marge steeg naar een recordniveau van 8,7% ten opzichte van 7,8% een jaar eerder, dankzij een toename van €270 mln aan kostenbesparingen op inkoop, onderzoek en ontwikkeling en overhead.

Volgens cfo Philippe de Rovira speelden vooral de overname van Opel en Vauxhall van General Motors en de verkoop van duurdere modellen als de Citroën C5 Aircross een grote rol bij de stijging van de winst van PSA. Daarnaast is het bedrijf al sinds 2014 bezig met het verlagen van de kosten.

Daimler Announced Second Quarter 2019 Results

Daimler AG reported results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2019. The Group’s total unit sales declined by 1% to 822,000 passenger cars and commercial vehicles (Q2 2018: 833,000). Revenue was EUR 42.7 billion (Q2 2018: EUR 40.8 billion), an increase of 5%. Also adjusted for positive exchange-rate changes, revenue was slightly higher than the prior-year level. The Daimler Group posted second-quarter EBIT of minus EUR 1.6 (Q2 2018: plus EUR 2.6) billion.

saidOla Källenius, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars, said “Our second quarter results were mainly impacted by exceptional items of 4.2 billion euros. Therefore, our focus for the second half of this year is on improving our operating performance and cash-flow generation. In general, we are intensifying the Group-wide performance programs and reviewing our product portfolio in order to safeguard future success. At the same time, we are continuing consistently our company transformation.”

In the second quarter, earnings weakened to a net loss of EUR 1.2 billion (Q2 2018: net profit of EUR 1.8 billion). Net loss attributable to the shareholders of Daimler AG amounted to EUR 1.3 billion (Q2 2018: net profit of EUR 1.7 billion), leading to a decline in earnings per share to minus EUR 1.24 (Q2 2018: plus EUR 1.61).

Mercedes-Benz Cars sold 575,639 vehicles in the second quarter, which is 3% fewer than in Q2 2018 (Q2 2018: 590,690). Mercedes-Benz Cars’ revenue decreased by 1% to EUR 22.3 billion (Q2 2018: EUR 22.6 billion) and its EBIT slipped to minus EUR 672 million (Q2 2018: plus EUR 1,901 million). Return on sales was minus 3.0% (Q2 2018: plus 8.4%).

Daimler Trucks showed an increase in unit sales of 2% to 126,474 vehicles in the second quarter (Q2 2018: 123,910). Revenue increased by 14% to EUR 10.5 billion (Q2 2018: EUR 9.2 billion). EBIT was up 33% to EUR 725 million (Q2 2018: EUR 546 million) and return on sales was 6.9% (Q2 2018: 5.9%).

Mercedes-Benz Vans’ unit sales were flat at 111,118 (Q2 2018: 110,883) vehicles. Revenue was 4% higher at EUR 3.7 billion (Q2 2018: EUR 3.5 billion). EBIT decreased to minus EUR 2,050 million (Q2 2018: plus EUR 152 million) while return on sales fell to minus 56.1% (Q2 2018: plus 4.3%).

Daimler Buses’ sales grew by 12% to 8,435 units in the second quarter (Q2 2018: 7,522). Revenue increased by 18% to EUR 1.3 billion (Q2 2018: EUR 1.1 billion). EBIT amounted to EUR 106 million (Q2 2018: EUR 66 million), an increase of 61%. Return on sales improved to 8.4% (Q2 2018: 6.1%).

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Daimler Financial Services AG Becomes Daimler Mobility AG

Today Daimler Financial Services AG will begin operating under the name of Daimler Mobility AG and act as a provider of services in the field of financing, leasing, insurance and fleet management for the entire Daimler Group. Furthermore, the Daimler Mobility business division is a strategic investor in mobility services such as FREE NOW, SHARE NOW and Blacklane. Flexible service offerings like Mercedes-Benz Rent (car rental) and Mercedes me Flexperience (subscription solution) complete the mobility ecosystem. As part of the approved implementation of the Daimler Group’s Project Future, Daimler Mobility AG is one of the three legally autonomous units under the umbrella of Daimler AG, alongside Mercedes-Benz AG and Daimler Truck AG.

Since the start of the mobility joint ventures in February 2019, the companies established jointly by Daimler AG and the BMW Group have developed very positively. As of June 30, 2019, more than 75 million people had used the mobility services of the five joint ventures for ride hailing (FREE NOW), car sharing (SHARE NOW), on-demand mobility and multimodality (REACH NOW), parking (PARK NOW) and charging (CHARGE NOW). By the end of the second quarter, 269 million transactions had been concluded with the services of the YOUR NOW joint-venture companies.

Companies affiliated with the Daimler Mobility business division, such as the foreign Mercedes-Benz Financial Services companies and Mercedes-Benz Bank AG, will continue to do business under their firms. With the nomination of Jörg Lamparter as Member of the Board of Management for Digital and Mobility Solutions, as of 1 June 2019 the company has upgraded these business activities accordingly. With the new corporate purpose WE MOVE YOU, Daimler Mobility is also underlining its commitment to offer customers a wide range of mobility solutions. The purpose is part of a Daimler-wide initiative to give an unmistakeable identity to the individual divisions of the Group.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Campagne tegen neonazi-praktijken in Mercedes-fabriek

Daimler, het moederbedrijf van Mercedes-Benz, is een campagne begonnen tegen neonazi-praktijken in de Mercedes-fabriek in het Duitse Untertürkheim. Op de website van Daimler wordt stelling genomen tegen de provocaties en zelfs topman Ola Källenius neemt daar het woord.

Niek Schenk 31-07-19, 20:00

De onrust bij de autofabrikant begon vorig jaar, toen twee medewerkers van de fabriek in Untertürkheim door Daimler werden ontslagen. Zij zouden maandenlang een collega van Turkse afkomst en een vertrouwenspersoon van vakbond IG Metall hebben bestookt met afbeeldingen van Adolf Hitler, hakenkruisen en beelden waarin moslims belachelijk worden gemaakt. Een kleine vakbond, genaamd Zentrum Automobil, heeft vervolgens de confrontatie met de directie van Daimler gezocht.

Lees ook
Mercedes en BMW investeren een miljard euro in gezamenlijke mobiliteitsdiensten

Zentrum Automobil, die ook in de ondernemingsraad vertegenwoordigd is, heeft onlangs op YouTube en Facebook de 35 minuten durende video ‘Der Vertrauensmann’ gepubliceerd waarin het ontslag van de twee medewerkers als ‘volledig absurd’ wordt bestempeld. Ook wordt gesproken van corrupte praktijken bij vakbond IG Metall. Eerder deze maand kwam het voor de poorten van de fabriek tot een botsing tussen aanhangers van beide vakbonden. Zentrum Automobil probeerde toen pamfletten te verspreiden. Volgens Duitse media moest de politie eraan te pas komen om de strijdende partijen uit elkaar te halen.

Zentrum Automobil zegt op de eigen website dat al meer dan 100.000 mensen de bewuste video hebben bekeken. Ook wordt daar uitgebreid verslag gedaan van de incidenten én is een bankrekeningnummer geopend voor financiële steun aan de ontslagen medewerkers.

Terecht ontslag
Maar volgens een uitspraak van de rechter in Stuttgart zijn de twee medewerkers vorig jaar terecht ontslagen. Daimler zegt normaliter niet te reageren op dit soort voorvallen, maar nu een uitzondering te willen maken gezien de ernst van de situatie. Het concern zegt racisme en discriminatie in de organisatie te willen bestrijden. Daimler-topman Källenius is zelf van Zweedse afkomst en verklaart op de website: ,,Hoewel ik niet in Duitsland ben opgegroeid, is dit de plek waar ik nu werk en ik noem dit nu mijn thuis. Daimler is niet alleen een motor voor innovaties en banen maar ook voor integratie. Wij zijn net zo divers als onze klanten. Juist die diversiteit maakt ons sterk. Daarom is er geen plaats voor xenofobie en intolerantie bij Daimler.”
Vakbond Zentrum Automobil is ook actief bij autofabrieken van Porsche en BMW.

met video, zie link;

Mercedes-Benz eActros in Practical Testing at Logistik Schmitt

The battery electric Mercedes-Benz eActros is in operation at logistics company Logistik Schmitt, located near Rastatt in southern Germany. Practical testing of the all-electric heavy-duty truck has been carried out in the region over the course of several years now and, as part of this, comparative drives with the eWayBW catenary project are also planned to take place in the Murg valley and surrounding areas. The official handover of the eActros to Logistik Schmitt took place at the beginning of the year as part of the Daimler Trucks annual press conference in Gaggenau.

The 25-tonne vehicle commutes between the warehouse facility of Logistik Schmitt in Ötigheim and Rastatt’s Mercedes-Benz Gaggenau plant approximately seven kilometres away. Logistik Schmitt uses the eActros instead of a conventional diesel truck for the transportation of transmission housings. In doing so, the eActros with its range of up to 200 kilometres, covers a daily distance of approximately 168 kilometres as part of a demanding 3-shift operation.

Experience with the eActros so far strengthens aim of Mercedes-Benz Trucks: Start of series-production from 2021 onwards

As part of the eWayBW project, the transport of goods on the B462 near Rastatt will be partially electrified, whereby diesel-hybrid catenary trucks will be tested. In parallel to this, tests of the eActros will take place by way of comparison with the catenary project. As part of this testing, a further-developed version of the eActros with higher payload capacity and greater range will be used.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Big Order for Daimler Bus Division Down Under

Daimler Buses has received a purchase order for 44 Euro VI chassis from Transit Systems in Australia. It is the biggest single order for Daimler’s bus division in Australia for more than a decade. The chassis are produced in the Spanish plant of Daimler Buses at Sámano and subsequently equipped with bodies from either Volgren or Gemilang. The buses are to be used in Sydney.

Transit System is an Australian-based international transport company which operates in five of Australia’s biggest cities and which has obtained bus orders within some of the world’s biggest transport networks in London and Singapore. The large order also includes a comprehensive service package featuring, for example, on-site assistance by a service technician and driver training.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Next Step For E-Mobility At Daimler Buses

Preparing for the market launch of high-output charging, Daimler Buses has equipped its Mannheim bus plant with a central charging station for the fully-electric eCitaro. It can also be used to provide the newly released eCitaro with electricity via a pantograph. The special feature of this charging station is that the charging devices are suspended at a height of around five metres above the ground. The station serves to charge the eCitaro as part of the production process and ahead of delivery to customers. Plus, new charging technologies such as charging management, new communications protocols, new hardware for charging using a cable or a roof-mounted pantograph can be tried and tested. What’s more, the infrastructure is expandable as required.

Flexible and modular infrastructure concept for the relevant charging solutions: charging via cable, pantograph and charging rail

The charging station is compatible with all common charging technologies: 150 kW cable-bound charging, 300 kW rapid charging using a pantograph on the bus roof and 300 kW rapid charging using a permanently installed set of charging rails on the roof of the bus. In technical jargon, the latter is referred to as an inverted pantograph.

All four parking bays are setup to handle the particularly common cable-bound charging of the eCitaro. And in line with this, it can handle the different charging systems of two manufacturers. Using them, buses can be charged with an output of 150 kW. Two parking bays additionally offer rapid charging via the vehicle roof; one uses a pantograph, the other uses charging rails. In both cases, the charging output is 300 kW. The entire system has a modular design to ensure that it can be expanded as required.

As space in the bus plant is at a premium, Mercedes-Benz has decided to move off the ground, installing the eCitaro charging station at the height of the upper floor of the building. An idea which many transport companies also use. It doesn’t just save space, it also protects against costly accidents between manoeuvring buses and the charging technology.

The electric charging station is located directly behind the vehicle handover hall and thus has a strategically interesting location. To save electrically-powered city buses from having to carry out complex manoeuvring, the charging station has been built in a space-saving way to resemble a bridge. The city buses drive straight under the charging station and park right there for charging.

The charging station has four parking bays. It uses four charging devices with 150 kW output each and two with 300 kW each. The six charging devices enjoy shared use by three different technologies and two different manufacturers. The total connection power at the charging station is an impressive 1.2 megawatts. The corresponding cables are roughly as thick as a human arm and run in an extendible cable channel in the ground.

The charging station is positioned on a total of ten pillars and is accessible from all sides. For service purposes, wide steps lead up to the charging devices on the upper deck, as it were. These are protected against the influences of the weather by means of a roof.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Mercedes-Benz Energy and Beijing Electric Vehicle Start Development on 2nd Life Battery Storage

Daimler AG with its wholly owned subsidiary Mercedes-Benz Energy GmbH and Beijing Electric Vehicle Co Ltd a subsidiary of the BAIC Group have entered into a development partnership, intending to establish 2nd-life energy storage systems in China in the future. The partnership will see a consolidation of expertise and resources regarding the value-chain of automotive battery systems, while laying the groundwork for a sustainable renewable energy development. Together, Mercedes-Benz Energy and Beijing Electric Vehicle plan to set up the first 2nd-life energy storage unit in Beijing, making use of retired BJEV electric car batteries. This project will serve as the basis for other types of cooperation in the future.

Gordon Gassmann, CEO of Mercedes-Benz Energy, stated that “The extension of regenerative and thus high-fluctuation energy production is rapidly increasing worldwide. The tendency towards increasing distances between the site of energy production and the site of energy consumption also means huge challenges for today’s energy grids. This is creating wide-ranging opportunities for stationary energy storage systems worldwide. 2nd-life battery storage units are a very sensible supplement, as with the further utilisation of disused car batteries we are also making sustainable use of valuable raw materials.”

Mr Ye Xiaohua, Deputy General Manager of BJEV, emphasized that “The rapid electrification of vehicles has transformed vehicles from a traditional means of transport, to a new tool of energy management. BJEV is an expert in areas such as charging and battery swap infrastructure and battery 2nd-life usage. I believe our cooperation in energy management will bring long-term and stable benefits.”

As a subsidiary of Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz Energy, which is based in Kamenz has been responsible for developing innovative energy storage solutions since 2016. These are based on the automotive battery technology, which is used in electric and hybrid vehicles from Mercedes-Benz and smart. The spectrum of large-scale storage applications by Mercedes-Benz Energy ranges from load peak compensation through black start (power system independent start up of the power plant) to uninterrupted power supply. The company’s focus is in particular on applications from the 2nd-life and replacement parts storage unit sector. Together with its partners, Daimler has already put three mass storage devices with a total energy of 40 MWh from car battery systems into the German grid. Just some weeks ago, Mercedes-Benz Energy also furnished proof together with the transmission system operator TenneT: automotive battery storage systems can take over tasks from large power stations and make a fundamental contribution towards grid stabilisation and system reconstruction following a power station outage. The cooperation with the Chinese partner BJEV is now paving the way for the Daimler subsidiary to go abroad. With extensive tests and simulations, the Mercedes-Benz Energy engineers will demonstrate in the coming months how electric automotive storage units will in future also be able to support the Chinese power grid efficiently and sustainably with regard to fluctuation and power outage management.

Daimler Trucks Moving Toward Digitization

Daimler Trucks is consistently driving forward the digitalization of its trucks. As a result of this, drivers are relieved of stress in their daily work. Also work processes are becoming more efficient and more secure. One area of development in this context is the ability of trucks to autonomously communicate with other machines and carry out legally-binding transactions, such as payments. With the newly created digital Truck-ID and the associated Truck Wallet, experts at Daimler Trucks have now created the appropriate prerequisites as part of a pilot project. In an initial use case, the developers have joined forces with partners and successfully carried out an automatic payment at an electric charging station.

Trucks can identify themselves to other machines using their Truck-ID as if they had their own integrated ID card and can thus provide a unique signature for specific processes. The Truck Wallet works as a platform technology and central user program for all applications which can access the Truck-ID for various purposes. Truck-ID and Truck Wallet – both currently still in the prototype phase – are stored as encrypted software programs within a cryptographic processor. This processor is part of the Truck Data Center, the central telematics control unit of the new Mercedes-Benz Actros.

Dr Helge Königs, head of the Truck Wallet project at Daimler Trucks said that "With Truck-ID and Truck Wallet, we have laid the foundation for autonomous interaction between trucks and other machines – a true technological milestone. Our aim is that, in future, trucks will be able to act on their own behalf in various fields of application. Drivers can then concentrate more on their actual driving tasks and haulage firms benefit from a significant reduction in administration work and more secure processes. This renders it practically impossible to carry out such things as fuel card scams whereby criminals copy a fuel card and spy on the PIN number being entered. Also in terms of highly automated trucks, our prototypes show the direction in which such further developments can go."

Just like a real wallet, the Truck Wallet can hold cash for payments and additional cards such as fuel cards and loyalty cards – though all in digital form. The electronic information, which also includes any cash added, is stored directly in the Truck Wallet and can then be transferred to other machines by means of a Wi-Fi connection. This process is secured by means of checks on an online system. The radio technology is a component of the Truck Data Center.

Mercedes-Benz to Expand Range Of New-Generation Minibuses

Mercedes-Benz continues to expand its range of new-generation minibuses. The Sprinter Transfer 45 all-rounder and the Sprinter City 45 urban bus are new to the product range. For both the Sprinter Transfer 45 and Sprinter City 45, the standard engine has an output of 105 kW (143 hp). A six-speed manual transmission is responsible for power transmission to the rear axle on the Sprinter Transfer 45, or as an option, the 7G-TRONIC PLUS automatic transmission with torque converter. The latter is part of the standard equipment on the Sprinter City 45. Both minibuses can be equipped to passenger-car standard with assistance systems suitable for each individual area of operation.

The Sprinter Transfer is the flexible all-rounder in the portfolio of minibuses bearing the three-pointed star. It’s a school bus and a crewbus, it can be used for transfers and trips, serves as a shuttle bus and covers the whole spectrum of passenger transportation, taking up its space between the regular-service specialists and long-distance travel experts. Measuring 7.4 metres in length, the new Sprinter Transfer 45 is the largest model of the series. It has seats for up to 22+1 passengers and a permissible gross vehicle weight of up to 5.5 tonnes.

Passengers enter the Sprinter Transfer through a sliding side door with an electrically operated step. As an option, entry is also possible via a widened and lowered co-driver’s door.

If desired, Mercedes-Benz can equip the Sprinter Transfer 45 with an air-sprung rear axle or a retarder as a wear-free auxiliary brake. The equipment in the Sprinter Transfer 45 is as diverse as its range of possible applications. The passenger compartment is fully panelled and a bus interior ceiling can be optionally ordered in place of the regular textile ceiling. Luggage racks are also available. The standard, highly resistant InterStar Sprinter intercity seats are excellent for longer distances. Alternatively, the TravelStar Sprinter touring coach seats are also available.

Mercedes-Benz Pushing Wide Range of Third-Generation Plug-In Hybrids

Mercedes Benz Cars is pushing ahead with the development of its plug-in hybrids under the EQ Power label. With the A 250 e (combined fuel consumption 1.5-1.4 l/100 km, combined CO2 emissions 34-33 g/km, combined electrical consumption 15.0-14.8 kWh/100 km)1, A 250 e Saloon (combined fuel consumption 1.4 l/100 km, combined CO2 emissions 33-32 g/km, combined electrical consumption 148 -147 kWh/100 km)1 and B 250 e (combined fuel consumption 1.6-1.4 l/100 km, combined CO2 emissions 36-32 g/km, combined electrical consumption 15.4-14.7 kWh/100 km)1 models from the compact-car family with the third-generation hybrid drive are now celebrating their premiere. The A 250 e and A 250 e Saloon can be ordered now at prices from €36,943.55[2] and €37,300.553. Sale of the B 250 e starts a few weeks later. Market launch of the models will take place this year. The EQ Power for the A- and B-Class underscores Mercedes-Benz’s plug-in initiative: the company aims to extend its offering to more than 20 model variants by 2020.

For the new compact vehicles with EQ Power, (electric) driving pleasure and suitability for everyday use are to the fore. This is illustrated by the models highlights:
Electric operating ranges of 70-75 km (NEDC)
Electric output 75 kW
System output 160 kW
System torque 450 Nm
Top speed 140 km/h (electric)/235 km/h (total; A-Class Compact Saloon)
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in 6.6 seconds (A-Class Compact Saloon)
Hardly any restrictions on the load compartment

The vehicles belonging to Mercedes-Benz’s compact car family feature transversely mounted engines. A compact hybrid traction head has been developed for the 8F-DCT dual clutch transmission which follows the same technical principles as the corresponding component on the vehicles with a longitudinally installed engine. It is a permanently excited synchronous machine as an internal rotor. The stator is permanently integrated in the traction head housing, while the low-loss wet clutch is incorporated in the electric machine’s rotor. On-demand stator and rotor cooling allow use of the electric motor’s peak and continuous output without any problems.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Mercedes-Benz EQV First Fully-Electric Premium MPV

Mercedes-Benz Vans presented the Concept EQV as a study at the Geneva Motor Show in March 2019. Now the series version of the Mercedes-Benz EQV is celebrating its debut. The next member of the Mercedes EQ family combines emissions-free mobility with impressive driving abilities, high functionality and aesthetic design as the first fully-electric premium MPV from Mercedes-Benz. The Mercedes-Benz EQV will be displayed to the public for the first time at this year’s IAA. The technical highlights include a range of 405 kilometres and the rapid charging of the high-voltage battery from 10 to 80% in less than an hour. The Mercedes-Benz EQV also offers ultimate comfort in the interior and unparalleled flexibility. Customers can also choose between two different wheel bases.

Mr Marcus Breitschwerdt, Head of Mercedes-Benz Vans said that “Our MPVs meet the highest standards in terms of functionality and variability. The EQV also does not compromise in this respect. It offers comfortable handling, dynamic electro-aesthetics, intuitive operation and generous space and all locally emissions-free. This means that it offers all of the typical qualities of the brand and segment that our customers expect, whether as a family car or a shuttle vehicle with a lounge-like character.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Biffa Expands With 43 New Mercedes-Benz Econic Trucks

Integrated waste management and recycling leader Biffa has expanded its fleet with 43 new Mercedes-Benz Econic trucks. The British refuse collection and recycling specialist now has a fleet of around 1500 refuse collection and recycling vehicles in active operation across the UK. A large part of that fleet is made up Econic refuse collection trucks. The majority of the 43 recently delivered brand-new Econic vehicles are refuse collection vehicles based on the Econic 2630 L and feature a steered rear axle as well as a compactor body. Colin Bagnall, Fleet Project Engineer at Biffa, is truly impressed by the Econic: "The Mercedes-Benz Econic is our vehicle of choice for refuse collection. It is reliable and cost-effective in operation, while our crews appreciate its comfortable, air-conditioned walk-through cab."

Alongside the 38 three-axle, 26-tonne trucks with compactor body, Biffa has also ordered two novel vehicle types: skip loaders and hookloaders based on the low-entry Econic chassis. The five new refuse collection vehicles are currently being tested in London. There are three two-axle Econic 1827 L skip loaders and two Econic 3235 L hookloaders with four axles. By equipping the trucks with a steering front axle, a tandem axle unit with two driven rear axles and a single-tyre trailing steered axle, the Econic hookloaders are especially well-suited to waste collection in heavy urban traffic thanks to the particularly good manoeuvrability which this combination offers. Initial feedback from the drivers was encouragingly positive.

The new Econic vehicles from Biffa are powered by frugal OM 936 LA six-cylinder inline engines with 7.7 litres displacement. Engine output on the refuse collection vehicles is 220 kW (299 hp); on the skip loaders, that figure is 200 kW (272 hp), whilst the hookloaders deliver 260 kW (354 hp). On the Econic 2630 L refuse collection trucks, a fully automatic Allison 6-speed transmission handles gearshifts, whilst the skip loaders and hookloaders are equipped with a 12-speed Mercedes PowerShift 3 transmission.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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