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Nogmaals.... Vestas power......

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Vestas Wind Systems receives orders for 220 V52-850 kW wind turbines from China
COPENHAGEN (AFX) - Vestas Wind Systems AS said it has received orders for a total of 187 MW, consisting of 220 units of the V52-850 kW wind turbine for two wind power projects in China. No financial details were released, but Vestas said the orders do not affect the group's expectations for 2007.
The two orders are from Datang Chifeng Saihanba Wind Power Co Ltd, for 152 units of the V52-850 kW turbine, and from Yilan Longyuan Wind Power Co Ltd, for 68 turbines.

The orders comprise supply and commissioning of the turbines.

Delivery of the turbines will begin in the autumn of 2007, with commissioning of the wind power plants to take place at the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008.

The projects are located in the provinces of Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia in the northern and north-eastern part of China.

Both companies are state-owned utilities and developers and are among the 'big five' in China's electrical power sector. michael.delaine@afxnews.com mdl/jlw


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Een vraagje zzzaai, hoe is het mogelijk dat de levering van maar liefst 220 turbines geen invloed op de outlook van 2007 heeft?
Ze zijn best groot hoor, hebben diverse schepen, voertuigen, productielijnen, zitten in meer dan 10 landen d8 ik, dus dan 220 van die dingen, en niet eens de grootste, is niet zo veel moeite voor ze
Vestas verrast met verhoging verwachtingen 2006
De grootste producent van windturbines ter wereld, Vestas (DKK 284,50 – Houden) heeft haar verwachtingen voor 2006 verhoogd. De omzetverwachting werd met 10% opwaarts bijgesteld tot EUR 3,85 miljard. Voor het eerst werd er meer duidelijkheid gegeven over de operationele winst, die EUR 200 miljoen zal bedragen. De operationele winstmarge zal een verbetering van 0,2% laten zien tot 5,2%. De verwachtingen voor 2007 zijn onveranderd gebleven, terwijl voor 2008 de eerdere operationele winstmargedoelstelling van 10 tot 12% bevestigd werd. De publicatie van de beter dan verwachte voorlopige cijfers kwam geheel onverwacht. Na de stijging van de koers van het aandeel Vestas de afgelopen tijd is de waardering op een relatief hoog niveau beland. Gelet op de aantrekkelijke sectorvooruitzichten vinden wij dit te rechtvaardigen, maar verdere koersstijgingen lijken niet waarschijnlijk. Wij handhaven daarom ons advies Houden.

bron: www.abnamro.nl/nl/beleggen/nieuws/beu...
Denk eerder dat de Abnamro down gaat dan Vestas wahah

Nadat we zagen dat toen de olie minder ging kosten de intresse in duurzame renewabls NIET naar beneden ging, denk ik dat er voor deze branche geen andere weg is als up up up:P
Win met wind
[PvK] Dat sommige aandelen u geen windeieren leggen, dat weet u hopelijk niet alleen van horen zeggen op verjaardagsfuifjes, maar ook uit ondervinding. In één sector hadden beleggers het afgelopen kwartaal de wind écht mee.


Begint er al een belletje te rinkelen? Goed, dan. Laatste wind, pardon, hint: Vestas.

Windenergie maakt een stormachtige periode door. Het Duitse Nordex zag de koers dit jaar al met 46% oplopen, Repower zelfs met 50% in de afgelopen vier weken, dat laatste met dank aan het bod van het Franse energiebedrijf Areva, dat in een biedingsslag gewikkeld is om hun Duitse prooi met het Chinese-Indiase Suzlon.

Maar niet alleen Duitse windmolens renderen. Het Spaanse Gamesa kent een koerswinst van 46% sinds de blaadjes eind vorig jaar begonnen te vallen, de Europese marktleider Vestas (uit Denemarken) steeg zelfs 75% in dat tijdsbestek.

Er zijn maar ene paar grote spelers in de windenergiesector en nu het lonken en flirten naar elkaar begonnen is, sluipt er snel fantasie in de koersen. Op dit moment is Vestas nog 's werelds grootste:

1. Vestas (28%)
2. General Electric Wind (18%)
3. Gamesa (13%)
4. Enercon (13%)

Het statutair Indische, maar in de praktijk Chinese Suzlon kan wel eens overnameprooi nummer 1 zijn. Ze heeft namelijk één heel groot voordeel op de rest: ruimte. Waar we in, pak 'm beet, Nederland al uit moeten wijken naar de Noordzee en Denemarken ook rap te klein wordt, kent het Chinese achterland ontelbare duizenden kilometers lege deprimerende vlaktes, die bij uitstek geschikt zijn voor de gemolenwiekte windvangers.

Na de recente stijgingen is het wel de vraag of nu instappen verstandig is. Om dat blijmoedig te kunnen doen, moet u misschien eerst een klap van de molen krijgen. Don Quichots kunnen zich in rotten van twee melden bij hun broker.

Het Indische Suzlon is niet de prooi maar de jager.
Na het uitbrengen van hun bod op het Duitse Repower sprongen prompt de koersen van Nordex en Vestas opwaarts (om en bij 10%).

Er zit dus een deel speculatie in de koers. Wanneer de correctie?
Danish Vestas Wins 33 Wind Turbines Order in Greece
Danish wind turbine maker Vestas Wind Systems A/S said on February 26, 2007 its Greek sales unit Vestas Hellas had won an order to deliver 15 V80-2.0 MW and 18 V52-850 kW turbines to three wind power projects in Greece of local energy company Terna Energy SA. No financial details were available.
The order comprises supply, supervision and installation of the wind turbines, as well as a five-year maintenance contract. Deliveries will start in the summer of 2007 and are scheduled for completion in the fourth quarter of the year.

In early February 2007, Vestas ( www.vestas.com ) announced a large order in China regarding 187 MW or 220 units of V52-850 kW wind turbines for two wind projects. Deliveries in China will start in the autumn of 2007. Commissioning of the turbines will take place at the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008.

(Alternative name: Vestas Greece)


Source: RB Borsen (DP/RL/DP)

Vestas secures more contracts
The Danish wind farm equipment manufacturer Vestas has been awarded two contracts representing a total of 187 megawatts (MW) of capacity. The contract covers 220 of the company's V52-850 wind turbines, all of which are scheduled for delivery in the second half of 2007 and for commissioning in late 2007 or early 2008. The smaller order is for 68 of the 0.85-MW units and was placed by the Yilan Longyuan Wind Power Company. The investor is a subsidiary of the Longyuan Electric Power, one of the country's largest wind power developers and a subsidiary of the China Guodian Group, one of the five state-owned generation holding companies carved out of the State Power Corporation in late 2002.
The 57.8-MW project will be located at Yilan in Heilongjiang province. Longyuan Electric Power already owns a 47-MW wind farm project at Daqingshan near Yichun in the same province.

The two-phase Daqingshan project also involves Vestas equipment, with the 16.15-MW first phase comprising nineteen 0.85-MW Vestas turbines ordered in February 2005 and installed in December 2005. The 30.6-MW second phase comprises 36 turbines supplied by Spain's Gamesa Eolica under a contract signed in November 2005.

Yilan, the site for the new Longyuan Electric project, has been identified as a site for wind farm projects for some time. In 2005 the Heilongjiang province-backed Huafu Electric Power Investment Company sought Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) accreditation for a 49.5-MW wind farm project at Yilan.

The second and larger contract awarded to Vestas covers 152 wind turbine units and was placed by the rapidly-growing Datang Chifeng Saihanba Wind Power Company. The company had previously and separately contracted with Vestas for the supply of 164 turbines in March 2006.

Datang Chifeng Saihanba Wind Power was formed in 2006 to develop wind farm projects in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region. The main investor is a subsidiary of the China Datang Group, another of the five state-owned generation holding companies carved out of the State Power Corporation in late 2002.

The project company also includes the South Korean state-controlled power utility Korea Electric Power Corporation. In late 2006 Korea Electric Power said in a submission to the US Securities and Exchange Commission that it owned a 40% interest in the Chifeng New Energy Company.

Datang Chifeng Saihanba Wind Power and its predecessor in the Datang Group has developed a large number of wind farm projects in the Chifeng area of Inner Mongolia. The company's first project was the 30.6-MW Saihanba West wind farm project

The Saihanba West project was commissioned from late 2005 and comprises 36 Vestas turbines. The project sought CDM approval in 2006 with the purchaser of the emission rights, if approved, to be Carbon Resource Management.

The company is seeking CDM approval for several of its other wind farm projects, with the purchaser of the emission rights, if the projects secure approval, also set to be Carbon Resource Management. The projects include the Saihanba East and Saihanba North projects at Zhirui, both of which have 45.05 MW of capacity.

The Saihanba East project began operation in November 2006 at a cost of Yuan 477 million ($61.1 million). Output is projected at 110.6 GWh a year with the power sales tariff said to have been approved at Yuan 550/MWh ($70.5/MWh). Saihanba North will be broadly similar in terms of size, cost, output and tariff.

Datang Chifeng Saihanba Wind Power is also developing the Dongshan and Bolike projects, both of which involve 49.3 MW of capacity. Construction of the Dongshan project began in April 2006 with output projected at 123 GWh a year, while the Bolike wind farm project at Xiahaba is projected to produce 122.85 GWh a year on its entry into operation from late 2007.

The two Chinese orders came less than a month after Vestas was awarded an order for 112 larger-scale wind turbines from Japan's Toyota Tsusho Corporation. The 81 V80-2.0 MW and 31 V90-3.0 MW wind turbines will be delivered and installed at nine different wind projects in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.

Meanwhile in a separate wind power development the official Xinhua News Agency has said that Shanghai plans to spend Yuan 800 million ($103 million) on the construction of a wind plant at a former landfill site near the East China Sea. The plant will be developed by the Shanghai Huagang Wind Power Generation Company, a joint venture between the Shanghai Environment Group and the Shanghai Huadian Electric Power Development Company.

The first phase of the project will cost Yuan 200 million and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2007. It will comprise fifteen 1.5-MW wind turbines that are projected to produce an average of 46.96 GWh a year.

Shanghai plans to have 300 MW of installed wind capacity by 2010, sufficient to meet about 2% of the city's electricity needs.

Danish Vestas To Deliver 24 MW Wind Turbines in USA
Danish wing turbine maker Vestas Wind Systems A/S said on March 6, 2007 it has received an order to deliver eight V90-3.0 MW wind turbines to the Alta Wind Energy Center project in the Tehachapi Pass region of southern California, the USA. No financial details were available.
The order was placed by Alite Wind, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Australian Allco Finance Group.

Vestas turbines are the first part of the Alta Wind Energy Center project, which will include turbines with a combined capacity of 1,500 MW. The wind farm is scheduled for completion in October 2007.

First deliveries will be in the third quarter of 2007. Vestas will also provide service and maintenance for a five-year period.

On February 26, 2007 the Greek sales unit Vestas Hellas won an order to deliver 15 V80-2.0 MW and 18 V52-850 kW turbines for three wind power projects in Greece of local energy company Terna Energy SA.


Source: RB Borsen (DP/RL/DP)

Vestas Wind Systems A/S wins order for 27 wind turbines from Italy's FRI-EL Group
Danish wind turbines manufacturer Vestas Wind Systems A/S said on Tuesday (6 March) that its unit Vestas Mediterranean A/S has received an order for 27 wind turbines from FRI-EL Grottole Srl, part of Italian renewable energy company FRI-EL Group. The contract is a turnkey agreement covering the delivery, installation and commissioning of 27 units of the V90-2.0 MW wind turbine, the VestasOnline Business SCADA system, as well as a five-year service contract.
The wind turbines will be installed at the Grottole project in the Basilicata region in southern Italy. Delivery is scheduled to begin in November.

The value of the contract was not disclosed.

Vestas Wind Systems, headquartered in Randers in Denmark, has production facilities in 10 countries. The company has over 11,200 employees and a turnover of over EUR3.58bn. Vestas Wind Systems is listed on the Nordic Exchange in Copenhagen.

One British pound (GBP) is worth approximately 1.48 euros (EUR).

Comments on this story may be sent to nbr.feedback@nordicbusinessreport.com

Wind power generator stations will be built in Azerbaijan, according to the appropriate international program. Azerenergy JSC's projecting and research institute said 40 wind power generators (2 megawatts each) will be installed by the German and Danish company Vestas at the first stage. They are likely to produce 240 million kilowatts/hour. Wind-power engineering projects were first advised for Azerbaijan in the 1960s, with the appropriate research and calculations conducted by the Energy Institute in Baku. The natural conditions of Azerbaijan (and especially Baku-Absheron) were found very convenient for wind power engineering because of strong winds blowing here almost constantly at 8 meters per second on the annual average. --15‚
Vestas Wind Systems, GE Energy lost market share in US in 2006 - report
COPENHAGEN (AFX) - The share of the US windpower market held by Vestas Wind Systems AS and General Electric Co unit GE Energy fell in 2006, newswire Direkt said, citing Windpower Monthly magazine. Vestas fell from second position behind GE Energy to third position, after Siemens Wind Power entered the market as a new supplier.
The magazine said that a record 2,485 MW of new capacity was supplied to US markets in 2006.

Vestas Wind Systems delivered 463.3 MW, or 18.6 pct, down from the 27.7 pct the group achieved in 2005.

GE Energy had 47.5 pct of the market in 2006, down from 61.2 pct.

Siemens Wind Power's market share was 23 pct, but the group supplied no wind turbines to the US in 2005.

michael.delaine@thomson.com mdl/gp


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Danish Vestas To Regain U.S. Market Share 2007 - Analyst
Danish wind turbine maker Vestas Wind Systems A/S is expected to regain market share in the USA in 2007 after losing percentages in 2006, based on the growth of the wind power market and orders due for delivery, Danske Equities analyst Henrik Breum was cited as saying by Danish news agency Direkt-dk on March 13, 2007. With the 1,000 MW due for delivery in 2007, Vestas is heading towards the number two position in the United States after local General Electric (GE) Energy. The U.S. wind turbine market will set a record in 2007 with new installations of 3,100 MW.
According to data by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), Vestas supplied 463 MW in the country in 2006, which reduced its market share to 18.6 pct from 27.7 pct in 2005. Siemens Wind Power outrun the Danish group and ranked the second largest provider in the USA.

In 2006 Vestas raised prices of its wind turbines by 25 pct compared to the prices in the contracts from 2004/05. In addition, prices alone increased and are currently 30-35 pct higher, Breum said. The company revenue from the North American market is therefore seen to improve in future.


Source: Direkt-dk (DP/RL/DP)
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