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Vestas wins first order with ECN Wind Energy Facilities

Vestas and new customer ECN Wind Energy Facilities are partnering on the 30 MW Wieringermeer test wind site project in Northern Holland, which includes test opportunities to explore how to drive forward renewable energy power plant productivity and improve grid integration. With renewable energy increasing its share of the overall energy mix, Vestas works with partners across markets to improve grid integration and plant productivity, hereby ensuring renewable energy continues to grow its share. The project is an extension of the Wieringermeer test site, which will have a total capacity of 17 wind turbines: eight spots for serially-produced turbines and nine for prototypes of large wind turbine manufacturers. With this order, Vestas will provide the eight serially-produced turbines for regular energy production, which ECN Wind Energy Facilities may use to perform tests on behalf of third parties. Such tests could include operational strategies to optimise output and grid integration. The contract includes design and construction of foundations as well as supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as an Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement ranging up to 20 years. Turbine delivery is expected to begin in the first quarter of 2019.

Mr Luc Rademakers, Managing Director ECN Wind Energy Facilities BV said that “ECN Wind Energy Facilities has completed an extensive tendering process for its eight new wind turbines at the new ECN Wind Turbine Test site Wieringermeer. Apart from the high quality of the Vestas turbines and its organisation, we were very pleased with Vestas’ collaborative attitude to realise the new test site together with us.”

Mr Nils de Baar, President of Northern & Central Europe said that “We are excited to enter into business with leading researcher and technology developer, ECN Wind Energy Facilities, showing how Vestas continues to set the benchmark in industry testing. Together we have developed a tailored solution for the project that maximises energy production and increases customer value.”

The project will consist of eight V126-3.45 MW turbines delivered in a 3.8 MW Power Optimised Mode and hub heights of 117 meters to maximise the energy output of the site’s specific wind conditions. The project includes VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution for monitoring the turbines, reducing turbine downtime and improving the project’s business case.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Minder winst voor windmolenmaker Vestas

Gepubliceerd op 7 nov 2018 om 09:25 | Views: 988

Sif Holding 15:01
15,04 +0,20 (+1,35%)

54,60 0,00 (0,00%)

KOPENHAGEN (AFN) - Windmolenmaker Vestas heeft het derde kwartaal van dit jaar minder winst geboekt. Onder de streep resteerde een bedrag van 178 miljoen euro, tegen 253 miljoen euro in de meetperiode een jaar eerder. De omzet steeg in de voorbije maanden wel.

Vestas waarschuwde eerder al voor moeizame marktomstandigheden. De vraag naar windmolens blijft wel aantrekken, maar de concurrentie op de markt is moordend. Dit zet druk op de prijzen die makers voor kunnen vragen voor windmolens. Vestas heeft nog voor 10,5 miljard euro aan werk op de plank liggen, fors meer dan een jaar eerder.

Het bedrijf rekent dit jaar nog altijd op een omzet van 10 miljard tot 10,5 miljard euro. Om dat te halen moet het bedrijf in het slotkwartaal een recordomzet in de boeken zetten. Qua winstmarge hield Vestas vast aan zijn eerder bijgestelde verwachting.
Vestas Interim financial report third quarter 2018

Revenue on par with last year’s third quarter while earnings and free cash flow decreased. Solid order intake and combined order backlog at high level. Guidance for 2018 is unchanged for revenue and EBIT margin before special items while it has been updated for total investments* and free cash flow*.

In the third quarter of 2018, Vestas generated revenue of EUR 2,811m – an increase of 2 percent compared to the year-earlier period. EBIT before special items decreased by EUR 79m to EUR 276m. The EBIT margin before special items was 9.8 percent compared to 12.9 percent in the third quarter of 2017 and free cash flow* amounted to EUR (223)m compared to EUR 193m in the third quarter of 2017.

The intake of firm and unconditional wind turbine orders amounted to 3,261 MW in the third quarter of 2018. The value of the wind turbine order backlog amounted to EUR 10.5bn as at 30 September 2018. In addition to the wind turbine order backlog, Vestas had service agreements with expected contractual future revenue of EUR 13.2bn at the end of September 2018. Thus, the value of the combined backlog of wind turbine orders and service agreements stood at EUR 23.7bn – an increase of EUR 3.5bn compared to the year-earlier period.

Vestas maintains its 2018 guidance on revenue in the range between EUR 10.0bn and EUR 10.5bn, and on EBIT margin before special items of 9.5-10.5 percent. Guidance on total investment* and free cash flow* is adjusted. Total investments* are expected to amount to approx. EUR 600m (compared to previously approx. EUR 500m), and free cash flow* is expected to be minimum EUR 100m in 2018 (compared to previously minimum EUR 400m).

Group President & CEO Mr Anders Runevad said that “With continued strong global demand for wind energy, Vestas delivered industry-leading results and profitability in the third quarter of 2018, including another all-time high order backlog and all regions contributing to a 25 percent increase in order intake year-on-year. Although the industry remains highly competitive, average selling price in the third quarter saw continued underlying stabilisation, which highlights Vestas’ ability to create value for customers. Our service business performed well with 14 percent organic growth in the quarter, while our offshore joint venture contributed to our net profit with EUR 23m, underlining the strength of our three-legged business model. To ensure Vestas sustains its leading position and ability to achieve long-term growth in the renewable energy industry, we remain focused on managing our fixed costs, effectively mitigating external factors such as tariffs, and delivering the profitability needed to innovate and deliver our industry-leading renewable energy solutions.”

Outlook 2018
Unchanged guidance for revenue and EBIT margin before special items while total investments and free cash flow have been adjusted.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
US Offshore Wind Pioneer Mr Jason Folsom Joins MHI Vestas

MHI Vestas Offshore Wind has announced the appointment of Mr Jason Folsom. Mr Folsom, a respected offshore wind expert with extensive new market entry experience and a passion for offshore wind in the United States, becomes the company’s first official hire in the US market.

On joining MHI Vestas, Mr Folsom said that “I have been watching with great interest how MHI Vestas has approached the US market. I feel the company has been very strategic in their approach to the market. No doubt they have a great product for the market and are extremely committed to developing a US footprint once they have visibility on the project side, and that really appealed to me. I think the company is just the tonic for advancing the offshore wind industry in the US.”

Mr Philippe Kavafyan, CEO of MHI Vestas said that “With the appointment of Jason Folsom, we are pleased to welcome one of the most experienced US Offshore Wind industry veterans in our team. We believe that the US offshore wind industry is about to start a very exciting journey. We are committed to working with our partners to contribute with our latest technology to the transformation of the Energy sector, particularly in the north eastern states.”

Mr Folsom joins MHI Vestas after having spent 10 years leading the US offshore wind operations for another turbine manufacturer.

The move follows hot on the heels of MHI Vestas’ announcement of a preferred supplier agreement for the Vineyard Wind Project in Massachusetts and reflects the company’s increasing presence in the US market.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nieuwe topman moet winst Vestas aanzwengelen

Gepubliceerd op 8 mei 2019 om 09:04 | Views: 636

78,48 0,00 (0,00%)

KOPENHAGEN (AFN) - De nieuwe topman voor windturbinemaker Vestas, die dinsdag naar voren werd geschoven, mag aan de slag bij een bedrijf met flink tegenvallende winstgevendheid. Het Deense industriële bedrijf had in het afgelopen kwartaal onder meer last van de wereldwijde handelsoorlog.

Importheffingen zorgden ervoor dat grondstoffen uit China duurder werden, waardoor ook de materiaalkosten voor Vestas opliepen. Ook was er prijsdruk door de grote toename aan aanbestedingen voor nieuwe windmolens.

Vestas kondigde op de avond voor zijn kwartaalpresentatie aan dat bestuursvoorzitter Anders Runevad na zes jaar opstapt en plaatsmaakt voor Henrik Andersen, die momenteel topman is van verfconcern Hempel en al een bestuursfunctie heeft bij Vestas. Volgens Vestas is de wisseling van de wacht een reguliere opvolging vanwege het einde van de termijn van Runevad. Hij blijft overigens in een andere functie verbonden aan Vestas.


De grootste maker van windturbines ter wereld zag afgelopen kwartaal de nettowinst dalen van 102 miljoen euro tot 25 miljoen euro. Analisten hadden gemiddeld gerekend op 65 miljoen euro. De omzet bleef nagenoeg gelijk op 1,7 miljard euro.

Vestas houdt overigens wel vast aan zijn eerder afgegeven omzetverwachting voor het hele jaar. Zo wordt nog gerekend op een omzet van 10,75 miljard tot 12,25 miljard euro.
Vestas Announced Change un The Board of Directors

Mr Henrik Andersen has resigned from Vestas’ board of directors as he takes up the position of president and CEO of the company. The move became effective on August 1, marking Andersen’s first day as Vestas’ chief. Andersen first became a member of Vestas’ board in 2013.

Vestas announced in May that former president/CEO Anders Runevad would be stepping down. The change was attributed to Vestas’ long-term succession planning, which will see Runevad staying involved until mid-2020 as an advisor to the company.

Mr Andersen said that “I’m truly excited by the opportunity to join Vestas and continue the company’s journey to become the global leader in sustainable energy solutions.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Windmolenmaker Vestas scherpt prognose aan

Gepubliceerd op 15 aug 2019 om 08:56 | Views: 88

KOPENHAGEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Deense windmolenmaker Vestas heeft zijn winstverwachtingen voor het hele boekjaar aangescherpt. Het bedrijf kampt duidelijk met prijsdruk, ondanks dat de onderneming een recordaantal aan opdrachten voor windturbines op de plank heeft liggen.

Door de aanhoudende handelsspanningen tussen de VS en China zijn bedrijven meer kwijt aan ruwe materialen. Dat geldt dus ook voor makers van windmolens. Verder is er steeds meer concurrentie bij de veilingen van nieuwe contracten. Dat noopt de sector om de prijzen te verlagen.

Mede door de concurrentiedruk wist Vestas de voorbije maanden qua winst en omzet niet aan de verwachtingen te voldoen. Het bedrijfsresultaat in het tweede kwartaal kwam uit op 128 miljoen euro op een omzet van 2,1 miljard euro. Dat was een jaar eerder een resultaat van 259 miljoen euro op een omzet van bijna 2,3 miljard euro. De winst halveerde tot 90 miljoen euro.

Voor heel dit jaar rekent het bedrijf nu op een winstmarge van 8 tot 9 procent. Dit was 8 tot 10 procent.
Vestas Announced New member of Executive Management of Vestas Wind Systems

Vestas Wind Systems A/S promotes Christian Venderby as Executive Vice President of Service and member of the Executive Management. Since 2014, when Vestas established a stand-alone Service business area, it has become a significant source of revenue and profit and this organisational change reflects the importance of the service business area to Vestas’ strategic and financial targets.

With 86 GW under service, Vestas is the global leader in onshore wind energy service and the service market remains a key priority for Vestas due to its growth – cumulative onshore installations are expected to increase 8-10 percent annually until 2022 – predictable nature and potential profitability, driven by increasing annual installations, digitalisation, as well as customers’ and societies’ need for predictable energy production from renewables.

Mr Christian Venderby joined Vestas in 2006 as the CFO for the North American Sales Business unit, before being appointed COO in 2010. In 2014, he moved back to Denmark to become Group SVP and Head of Service. Prior to joining Vestas, Christian Venderby spent more than 15 years with Danish engineering company FLSmidth in various international management roles in finance and construction in Japan, Brazil, Egypt and India.

Mr Henrik Andersen, Group President & CEO, Vestas Wind System A/S said that “It is with great pleasure, that I can announce the appointment of Christian Venderby as Executive Vice President at Vestas. During the last five years Christian has turned the Vestas Service business into a successful and profitable part of Vestas. Christian’s relentless focus and drive have paid off, and I am very pleased that he will now join Vestas’ Executive Management team.”

Mr Christian Venderby, Executive Vice President said that Five years ago, when we established Vestas Service as a separate business area, our ambition was to capture the full potential within service. Together, our dedicated team, created the right strategy, products and capabilities that made Service one of the three key areas of our business strategy. We will continue building this function into a strong and profitable part of the business, keeping our ambitions, innovating with our industry-leading data, and building on our digitisation and multibrand opportunities.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas Announced Q2 2019 Result

Revenue and earnings decreased compared to last year’s second quarter while free cash flow improved. Highest ever quarterly order intake and combined order backlog at all-time high level. Guidance for 2019 narrowed. In the second quarter of 2019, Vestas generated revenue of EUR 2,121 million a decrease of 6% compared to the year-earlier period. EBIT before special items decreased by EUR 131 million to EUR 128 million. The EBIT margin was 6.0% compared to 11.5% in the second quarter of 2018 and free cash flow* amounted to EUR (75) million compared to EUR (173) million in the second quarter of 2018.

The intake of firm and unconditional wind turbine orders amounted to 5,696 MW in the second quarter of 2019.

The value of the wind turbine order backlog amounted to EUR 15.9 billion as at 30 June 2019. In addition to the wind turbine order backlog, Vestas had service agreements with expected contractual future revenue of EUR 15.6 billion at the end of June 2019. Thus, the value of the combined backlog of wind turbine orders and service agreements stood at EUR 31.5 billion an increase of EUR 8.5bn compared to the year-earlier period.

Vestas narrows the 2019 guidance on revenue to range between EUR 11.0 billion and 12.25 billion (compared to previously EUR 10.75 billion to 12.25 billion), and on EBIT margin before special items to 8-9% (compared to previously 8-10%). Total investments* are expected to amount to approx. EUR 800 million (compared to previously approx. EUR 700 million). The adjustments are based on performance and improved visibility for the remainder of the year.

Group President & CEO Henrik Andersen said that “In the second quarter of 2019, continued high demand for wind energy helped Vestas achieve a record-high order intake of 5.7 GW and 15 percent growth in Service revenue. Based on these strong sales results, our order backlog soared by EUR 8.5bn year-over-year to an all-time high of EUR 31bn, again demonstrating our global leadership in a highly competitive market. Together with our Offshore business’ increased profits, the first half of 2019 highlights the complementarity of our business model’s three main areas, creating a great long-term outlook for Vestas. Prices remained stable in the quarter, but further increases in tariffs, raw material prices and transport costs, continue to increase execution costs, causing our gross margin to decline compared to the same period last year. To finish the year as strongly as possible and prepare for high activity levels in 2020, we remain focused on executing our strategy and delivering an extraordinarily busy second half of 2019.”

Key highlights
Highest ever quarterly order intake and all-time high order backlog
5.7 GW of order intake in Q2 including first order for the new EnVentus platform

Total revenue of EUR 2,121m
Six percent decrease compared to Q2 2018

EBIT of EUR 128m
EBIT margin at 6.0 percent impacted by competitive markets, tariffs, and back-end loaded activity level

Strong service performance
Revenue growth of 15 percent, and EBIT margin of 28.4 percent

Increasing profit in MHI Vestas Offshore Wind
Net profit of EUR 22m; an underlying improvement of EUR 49m YoY

Outlook 2019
Guidance for 2019 narrowed for revenue and EBIT margin based on performance and improved visibility

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas to be Principal Partner of the Mercedes-Benz EQ Formula E Team

Vestas announced that it will be a Principal Partner of the Mercedes-Benz EQ Formula E Team as part of our journey to help create a world powered by wind energy and other renewables. This prestigious sponsorship will introduce our brand and partnership activities into one of the world’s fastest-growing, most exciting, and agenda-setting sports. And we want to use this opportunity to raise awareness of both Vestas and one of the most pivotal challenges of the climate crisis: the need for electrification of the energy system.

Under the team tagline, Powered by Vestas, the long-term partnership will see us joining the many teams, fans and sponsors in some of the world’s most famous cities, starting with the ABB FIA Formula E Championship’s sixth season. With our own history of innovation and purpose, Vestas will use this sponsorship of the Mercedes-Benz EQ Formula E team to play a larger role in the global conversation around making renewables the foundation of our energy system, including mobility.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Verlies voor Vestas

Vestas Wind Systems AS
114,40 0,00 0,00 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
Vestas Wind Systems AS
DKK 847,00 0,00 0,00 % OMX Copenhagen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas Wind Systems heeft in het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar verlies geleden, maar de omzet nog wel zien stijgen. Dit bleek dinsdag uit het kwartaalbericht van de Deense windturbineproducent.

De omzet steeg van 2.121 miljoen euro naar 3.541 miljoen euro, maar het bedrijfsresultaat voor bijzondere posten daalde van 128 miljoen euro in het tweede kwartaal van 2019 naar 34 miljoen euro in dezelfde periode dit jaar. Er resteerde een nettoverlies van 5 miljoen tegen een nettowinst van 90 miljoen euro een jaar eerder.

In een kort commentaar op de resultaten liet Vestas weten dat COVID-19 nog altijd druk uitoefent op de sector voor minder milieuschadelijke energiebronnen als windenergie.


In april van dit jaar liet Vestas de outlook voor 2020 los, maar inmiddels is er een nieuwe. Vestas rekent op een omzet van 14 tot 15 miljard euro, zoals het in de vorige outlook ook al deed.

De EBIT-marge is daarentegen verlaagd van 7 tot 9 procent naar 5 tot 7 procent. Dit is inclusief een voorziening van 175 miljoen euro.

Voor de investeringen wordt door Vestas voor dit jaar rekening gehouden met minder dan 700 miljoen euro, waar in de oude prognose nog circa 700 miljoen werd aangehouden.

Vestas benadrukte dinsdag dat de outlook onderhevig is aan grotere onzekerheden die met het coronavirus en de gevolgen ervan verband houden dan onder 'normale' omstandigheden het geval is.

Het aandeel Vestas sloot maandag 1,1 procent lager.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Vestas Under Service Wind Turbines Reach 100 GW Mark

With more than 100 GW of wind turbines under service, Vestas is, as the first company to reach this milestone, leading the renewable energy industry’s efforts to replace fossil-based energy sources as the backbone of our society. As installed capacity has grown and continues to grow, Vestas’ Service Business has scaled accordingly, which has seen Service evolve from a new business unit with a high potential in 2014 into a strong and highly profitable business unit today with an even more promising outlook. Today, Vestas services more than 47.000 wind turbines, including multibrand, and has around 10,000 dedicated service employees in a global network across 69 countries.

Vestas President and CEO Henrik Andersen said“Vestas has led the energy transition for the past four decades. Our current portfolio of 115 GW installations and 100 GW under service shows how far Vestas and wind energy has come. As the current global pandemic has demonstrated, renewables are fast becoming a critical component of the global energy system as well as an important element in the green recovery of the world’s economies. To this end, the service business plays an increasingly important role in ensuring a balanced and stable supply of energy to communities all over the world and in supporting a growing number of jobs globally”.

The successful proliferation of wind energy and other renewables are, however, creating new demands for the industry, and the successful transition away from fossil fuels requires equipment to deliver as expected and energy systems to remain reliable. To ensure that turbine blades keep turning and energy systems are running with an increasingly large share of renewables, Vestas is at the forefront of the digital transformation, data collection and analysis. More than 140 times a day, 27,000 turbines under Vestas service thus send performance data to Vestas’ Performance and Diagnostics Centre. Through the effective use of digital tools and advanced forecasting systems, Vestas is able to deliver outstanding service and maintenance solutions both on turbine and system level as well as advanced digital analytics applications through its US based subsidiary, Utopus Insights.

With 100 GW under service, Vestas helps remove over a hundred million tonnes of CO2 every year from the atmosphere by providing reliable, sustainable and cost-effective renewable energy, meeting global energy needs without compromising our planet’s wellbeing. Based on the global average of electricity usage, 100 GW of wind energy saves around 134 million tonnes of CO2 annually. This is equivalent to removing more than 90 million passenger cars from the road every year.

Vestas Surpasses 1 GW Order Intake in China in 2020

Vestas has secured a 101 MW order for a project in China that includes the supply of 42 V120-2.2 MW wind turbines delivered in 2.4 MW Power Optimised Mode, as well as a 20-year Active Output Management 4000 service agreement. Vestas has also received a 150 MW order in China that includes the supply of 53 V120-2.2 MW in 2.4 MW Power Optimised Mode and seven V155-3.3 MW turbines as well as a 5-year Active Output Management 4000 service agreement. With these orders, Vestas has reached an order intake in China in 2020 of more than 1 GW.

Deliveries are expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2020, with commissioning planned for the same quarter.

Vestas to Acquire Stake in MHI Vestas Offshore Wind JV

Vestas Wind Systems A/S and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd have signed an agreement that Vestas will acquire MHI’s shares in the MHI Vestas Offshore Wind joint venture, against MHI acquiring 2.5 percent in Vestas and being nominated to a seat in Vestas’ Board of Directors, thus strengthening the partnership within sustainable energy between the two companies. Vestas is to acquire MHI’s 50 percent share of the MVOW joint venture against 5,049,337 shares in Vestas that will be issued at closing of the transaction, corresponding to 2.5 percent of Vestas’ nominal share capital after the capital increase. The transaction has a value of approx. EUR 709 million, based on the volume-weighted average of the price for shares in Vestas as quoted on Nasdaq Copenhagen the last five days up to and including 28 October 2020. Following a decision made by the Board of Directors of Vestas, and subject to completion of the transaction, the share capital of Vestas will be increased by a nominal value of DKK 5,049,337, divided into shares of DKK 1 each, pursuant to the authorisation in article 3(1)(b) of Vestas’ Articles of association.

If the transaction is approved by the competition authorities, MHI will through MHI Holding Denmark ApS, subscribe for nominally DKK 5,049,337 new shares, divided into shares of DKK 1 each, by contribution in kind of MHI Denmark’s shares in the MHI Vestas Offshore Wind joint venture. The new shares shall be subscribed at a price of DKK 1,045 per share of nominally DKK 1, calculated as the volume-weighted average of the price for shares in Vestas as quoted on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S the last five business days open for trading up to and including 28 October.

Subscription and payment of the new shares shall be made by MHI Denmark at the date of completion of the transaction, but no later than 12 months after the date of the decision by the Board of Directors to issue the shares. Vestas is subject to certain obligations to offer MHI Denmark rights to subscribe for shares against cash payment in the event of a rights issue to shareholders in the period until closing of the transaction to ensure that any changes to the size of the nominal value of Vestas shares do not subsequently impact MHI Denmark’s proportionate holdings.

The new shares will have the same rank, pari passu, as the existing shares in Vestas and shall carry a right to dividend from the date of registration of the capital increase with the Danish Business Authority. Following completion of the capital increase, the registered share capital of Vestas will amount to nominally DKK 201,973,452, divided into 201,973,452 shares of DKK 1 each. The new shares are expected to be admitted to trading and official listing on Nasdaq Copenhagen as soon as possible following closing of the transaction.

The share issue will be made pursuant to applicable exemptions from the obligation to publish a prospectus as a directed issue and private placement at market value and without pre-emption rights for Vestas’ existing shareholders.

Vestas’ planning of the expected integration of MVOW into the Vestas group will commence immediately and run until transaction closing, focusing on synergies in sales, technology, manufacturing footprint and procurement to sustain customer relationships, lower costs and build a strong shared Vestas culture. Until transaction closing, the executive management of MVOW will consist of Johnny Thomsen, CEO of MVOW, Tatsuichiro Honda, Co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of MVOW, Kentaro Hosomi, Deputy Chairman of MVOW and CEO, Energy Systems, MHI, and Henrik Andersen, Chairman of MVOW and Group President and CEO of Vestas.

On a stand-alone basis, MVOW is expected to report a consolidated revenue for 2020 of approx. EUR 1.4 billion, with an EBIT margin of around 4 percent.

Closing of the transaction is expected to take place within either the fourth quarter of 2020 or the first quarter of 2021.

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