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Smart metering - using energy intelligently

March 02, 2009

Logica's award-winning smart metering projects aim to help organisationsrealise the full value from smart metering with real-time data and smart grids. Rich Hampshire, Principal Consultant, Energy & Utilities, Logica, details the funda behind smart metering solutions in an interview with CIOL.

CIOL: What is the concept behind smart metering?

Rich Hampshire: There is no doubt currently that the energy sector is entering a period of dramatic change with significant implications for the way consumers and businesses meet their energy needs. Experts agree that the world will face an "energy crunch" within a few years as our ability to meet demand for traditional primary energy sources outstrips their supply. This will be further fuelled by increasing energy prices, uncertain funding and the high priority of climate change on the political agenda. Hence the immediate need is to find new ways of satisfying our energy demand; from different methods of generating power to rewarding consumers for adopting more sustainable usage behaviour, utilities need to start making the change now whilst still focussing on the immediate challenge of delivering day-to-day operational performance.

At Logica we are very sensitive to these challenges and understand that the drivers in each market are different. Smart metering has the potential to enable utilities to meet these challenges. The deployment of smart metering creates an information and communication infrastructure that doesn't just support improved operational effectiveness through better customer service, but provides timely feedback to consumers that allows them to use energy more intelligently, creates the opportunity for new 'lifestyle' tariffs and other energy service provision for utilities as well as enabling the local distribution grids to be controlled intelligently. Smart metering is based on two-way real-time communications between the utilities' back office systems and the meters, which enables them to do just that. Logica's award-winning smart metering projects have demonstrated the expertise to help realise the full value from smart metering with real-time data and smart grids.

CIOL: What is 'smart' about smart metering?

RH: Smart metering is built on 20 years experience from grid metering to smart meters which helps save energy and increase energy efficiency. The technology is truly a ground breaking way to solve the current energy crises.

Energy efficiency – The smart metering solutions provides real time information to customers through the web or in-home displays which encourages more intelligent consumption. This way consumers see the cost and level of their energy consumption, at any given time, which encourages them to reduce or change the timing of energy use.

Smart Grids – Smart meters run autonomously at local levels for managing personal power generation like energy from roof top solar panels. Then the Smart grids derive local information from the smart meters located in the vicinity and inform the control centre which takes strategic actions like adjusting the network elsewhere, or sending out a repair crew to mend faults.

New features – Smart meters help better understanding of customers' lifestyle by showcasing the variation in the energy consumption pattern throughout the day. This allows utilities to offer flexible services and enables more accurate billing.

Meeting regulatory demands – Regulatory demands to install smart meters has led to a need for large scale, integrated, smart metering solutions. Logica has the unique blend of metering expertise, experience in delivery of solutions that enable deregulated markets to operate, partners and broad utility knowledge to meet the requirement.

CIOL: Is it meant for the utilities sector alone?

RH: One of the key challenges for regulators is to decide whether the information and communication infrastructure created by the implementation of smart metering is a dedicated solution for the acquisition of meter reads and operation of a locally balanced smart grid, or whether it creates the opportunity to support the delivery of other services by new businesses – from new entrant, independent energy services providers to social services, such as remote monitoring of, and control for, vulnerable consumers in their own homes.

CIOL: How can organisations propose to save power costs with smart metering?

RH: At Logica our award-winning smart metering projects have the expertise to help realise the full value from smart metering with real-time data and smart grids. The technology enables:

Manage business processes - from end-to-end management of the utility – unlike traditional meter manufacturers. So, for example, a complete meter communications solution for E.ON in the Nordics, from meter installation, through IT integration to an ongoing meter data BPO service was delivered recently.
Deliver big, complex projects handling large amounts of real-time data. For example, a central electricity or gas markets in several countries including the UK, Czech Republic and Australia have been installed.
Develop valuable applications – from wind farms to energy efficiency, balancing and settlement to asset management – to help you maximise the value of the real-time data from smart meters.
Lead the way with innovative, award-winning solutions. These include the BCS award for social responsibility for a prepayment metering service for Centrica, in the UK.

CIOL: Are the products functional yet?

RH: Automated Meter Reading (an earlier version of smart metering supporting only one way communication with the meter) and Smart Metering programmes are being widely implemented around the world. Many states in North America have implemented smart metering solutions, as have ENEL in Italy and all the utilities in Sweden. Most of the rest of Europe is actively deploying or making plans to implement smart metering.
Logica and Sun Microsystems Demonstrate the Ability to Process Massive Growth in Payment Volumes

March 10, 2009

Logica, a leading IT and business services company, today announced the results of a high-performance benchmarking test carried out on Logica's All Payments Solution (LAPS), the company's new payments hub, with Sun Microsystems' T-Series and Sun SPARC Enterprise(R) M-Series servers. LAPS achieved a record processing capability in excess of 50 million payments per hour. This performance exceeds by far the low value volume requirements for any bank, from small regional to the largest global financial institutions, and demonstrates that Logica’s payments hub can scale to support not only a bank’s organic growth but any future merger and acquisition activity.

Sarah Loveday, managing director, global financial products at Logica, comments: “With the year-on-year growth in payments volumes and declining revenues, banks are under increasing pressure to transform their payment business, by reducing costs and increasing flexibility and functionality. Regulatory drivers such as the Single Europe Payments Area (SEPA) and the Payments Services Directive (PSD) combined with the effects of the global economic downturn, which has increased the number of mega-bank mergers, have made the need to transform the payments business even more urgent. With our experience and expertise in the payments arena, we enable banks to re-engineer their payments processes and create a payments services hub that will not only handle the growth in payment volumes but will also provide the flexibility to support the changing business needs of the future.”

This benchmark test has proven that Logica’s payments hub can cost-effectively manage the entire retail payments traffic in any bank. LAPS has been designed to process high volumes and support the complexities of multiple entities in any insourcing or acquisition scenario.

“The benchmark proves that LAPS can process over 50 million transactions per hour, which exceeded the original test targets by a phenomenal 70 percent, says Joaquin de Valenzuela, manager, global retail banking solution at Sun Microsystems. “Deploying Logica’s system on Sun's Solaris(TM) 10 Operating System (OS) provides banks with a high-end, scalable solution that allows them to maximise throughput and lower the total cost of ownership while simplifying their IT environments.”

For the benchmark test, Logica and Sun Microsystems recreated the payments environment according to the real requirements of a global bank, processing outgoing SEPA Credit Transfer requests to Euro Banking Association (EBA). Logica’s payments platform used a 10g Oracle database and the Solaris 10 OS. The project was undertaken by a joint Logica and Sun Microsystems team in Sun’s performance testing facilities in Scotland.

Capgemini krimpt zijn Nederlandse tak flink in
11 maart 2009, 7:30 uur | FD.nl
Door: Johan Leupen
Automatiseerder Capgemini dringt het aantal Nederlandse banen fors terug om zich te wapenen tegen de verwachte krimp in zijn sector. De grootste speler in de IT-markt compenseert nauwelijks voor zijn natuurlijk verloop, dat op dit moment 10% bedraagt.

Dat zegt directielid Henk Broeders van het overkoepelende Franse moederbedrijf in gesprek met deze krant. 'Bij iedereen die weggaat vragen we ons drie of vier keer af of we een vervanger willen. Alleen sleutelfuncties blijven vervuld.'

Daarnaast ontslaat het bedrijf enkele tientallen personeelsleden. 'Van disfunctionerende medewerkers neem je eerder afscheid dan je in uitstekende tijden zou doen. Maar het hoort ook bij een gezonde bedrijfsvoering.'

Overeind gebleven

Vorige maand bleek nog dat Capgemini Benelux ten opzichte van zijn kleinere concurrenten het beste overeind is gebleven in crisistijd. Over 2008 leverde de tak de belangrijkste bijdrage aan de groepswinst en de omzet steeg ruim 11 %. De operationele marge staat echter onder druk en Capgemini Benelux verwacht het eerste halfjaar van 2009 al een omzetdaling tot 2%. Verder dan juli dit jaar durft Broeders niet te kijken.

Hevige prijsconcurrentie op de IT-markt dwingt hem tot verlaging van zijn tarieven. Daarom brengt hij nu het kostenniveau omlaag. Zowel commerciële klanten als lokale overheden proberen hun bestaande contracten open te breken. 'Klanten staan onder enorme druk. Maar wij hebben niet de ruimte om 15 of 20% marge in te leveren en sturen dus aan op meer werk voor hetzelfde tarief. Soms lukt het om de druk te weerstaan, soms niet', aldus Broeders.

Natuurlijk verloop

Inclusief de acquisitie van Getronics-onderdeel BAS werken er bij Capgemini Nederland zo'n 7000 mensen. Hoeveel er eind 2009 over moeten blijven, is afhankelijk van het natuurlijk verloop - dat daalt - en de markt. Capgemini blijft wel werven om een klein deel van het verloop te compenseren. Het directielid verwacht dat Capgemini zijn marktaandeel in de Nederlandse automatiseringsbranche zal vergroten.

Broeders hoopt tegenwicht te bieden door steeds meer werk over te hevelen naar India. Daar heeft Capgemini ongeveer 20.000 goedkopere krachten gestationeerd, wat veel meer is dan bij de meeste concurrenten. Het is de bedoeling dat het interne marktaandeel van de divisie Outsourcing groeit ten koste van de onderdelen Business Technology en Consulting, waar de meeste krimp zal plaatsvinden. 'Het belang ligt nu bij het misschien wat saaiere werk dat omzet oplevert.'

Extra personeel

Vooralsnog is Capgemini niet van plan om te saneren bij zijn BAS-acquisitie, die afkomstig is van KPN-Getronics. Sinds de aankoop in juli 2008 is het onderdeel met zijn 2200 werknemers zelfstandig blijven opereren. 'Hun activiteiten lijken erg op de onze. De behoefte aan synergie neemt daar toe. Die zal dit jaar nog ontstaan.' Volgens bestuurder Bob Bolten van FNV Bondgenoten is de officiële lijn nog dat er juist extra personeel nodig zal zijn, al heeft Capgemini geen garantie afgegeven voor de werkgelegenheid bij BAS.

Eerder maakten branchegenoten Logica en Ordina al bekend het aantal werknemers te reduceren. Bij Ordina vallen veel gedwongen ontslagen, Logica Nederland krimpt via natuurlijk verloop en stuurde een deel van zijn medewerkers in proeftijd naar huis.

ICT-reuzen vechten voor behoud van hun positie van 26 januari 2009
Bank snoeit extern personeel
Online neemt het stokje over van 16 januari 2009

Copyright (c) 2009 Het Financieele Dagblad

Actuele koers CAP GEMINI : 23,25 (-1,21%)
Stimulus Will Spur $100 Billion in Technology Sales, IDC Says

March 13 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama’s $787 billion economic stimulus plan will generate revenue of more than $100 billion for technology companies, research firm IDC said.

Investments in energy technology, such a “smart-grid” programs and renewable sources, will generate $77.6 billion in sales, according to the IDC report, which is set to be released next week. A plan to digitize health records will spur $20.4 billion in spending, while government technology outlays will contribute a further $2.5 billion, IDC said.

The extra spending will bolster the U.S. technology industry, which will probably expand 0.1 percent this year, said Meredith Whalen, an analyst at Framingham, Massachusetts-based IDC. The stimulus bill will have a lasting effect on the economy because of the breadth of technology spending, she said.

“There’s more protein than fat in here,” Whalen said in an interview. “In this economy, any size technology vendor is looking for growth.”

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said this week that global technology spending may drop 9 percent this year, compared with an earlier forecast of 4 percent.

The biggest chunk of energy spending is $66 billion to develop renewable sources such as wind and solar, IDC said. Another $8.6 billion will pay for smart-grid technology, including meters that tell consumers how to change their habits to save money, and equipment that lets utilities share power more efficiently.

Energy Management

A further $3 billion of energy spending will pay for conservation technologies such as programmable thermostats and energy-management systems for commercial buildings, IDC said.

International Business Machines Corp., the world’s biggest provider of computer services, and Logica Plc, the Anglo-Dutch computer-services provider, will benefit from smart-grid spending, IDC said.

The way stimulus money is spent, and what it is spent on, has spurred debate about how soon the plan will jumpstart the economy. The investments may not pay off immediately, said David Wyss, an economist with Standard & Poor’s in New York.

“There’s a question of whether some of this belonged in the stimulus bill,” said Wyss. “The medical records, which I support, are a long-term issue.”

The $20.4 billion set aside for electronic-medical records will help doctors pay for software and equipment to track patients’ test results and bills. Instead of upfront grants, the money will be paid in the form of larger reimbursements from programs including Medicare and Medicaid beginning in mid-2010.

General Electric Co., Siemens AG, Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions Inc. and Quality Systems Inc. stand to gain business from the health-care spending, Whalen said.

‘Long-Term Issue’

Technology spending in the stimulus bill may generate less of a “multiplier effect” than more traditional projects such as building roads and bridges, said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Economy.com.

The $40 billion in stimulus money set aside for road projects and water systems will generate $72 billion in gross domestic product within a year after the work is done, Zandi said. Each dollar of spending will add $1.80 to economic output.

Technology projects are forecast to generate $125 billion in economic output -- a smaller multiplier effect, Zandi said.

“That kind of spending takes the longest to kick in,” Zandi said. “Its impact is also uncertain because it’s very different than what has been done in past recessions.”

Still, there is little chance that the investments will come too late to aid the economic recovery, Zandi said.

“This downturn is going to be longer,” he said.

Logica krijgt opdracht van TeliaSonera voor outsourcing

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Logica Plc. heeft een outsourcing-opdracht gekregen van telecombedrijf TeliaSonera. Dat maakt Logica dinsdag bekend, zonder financiele details te vermelden.

Door de opdracht, die een tijdspanne van vijf jaar kent, komen 240 werknemers van TeliaSonera in Zweden en Finland voor Logica te werken.

In totaal zullen 34.000 IT-gebruikers bij TeliaSonera gebruik maken van de diensten van Logica, aldus de IT-dienstverlener.

Door Eelco Hiltermann; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715 201, eelco.hiltermann@dowjones.com


voda schreef:

Logica krijgt opdracht van TeliaSonera voor outsourcing

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Logica Plc. heeft een outsourcing-opdracht gekregen van telecombedrijf TeliaSonera. Dat maakt Logica dinsdag bekend, zonder financiele details te vermelden.

Door de opdracht, die een tijdspanne van vijf jaar kent, komen 240 werknemers van TeliaSonera in Zweden en Finland voor Logica te werken.

In totaal zullen 34.000 IT-gebruikers bij TeliaSonera gebruik maken van de diensten van Logica, aldus de IT-dienstverlener.

Door Eelco Hiltermann; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715 201, eelco.hiltermann@dowjones.com

Klinkt wederom goed, vraag me af wanneer er meer duidelijkheid komt omtrent het G project.
Logica omlaag naar neutral bij Goldman Sachs

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Het advies op Logica is verlaagd naar neutral van buy door de analisten van Goldman Sachs. Sectorgenoten bieden meer waarde. Goldman Sachs geeft de voorkeur aan Capgemini, dat het best gepositioneerd is. Omstreeks 9.50 uur noteert het aandeel Logica 1,4% lager op EUR0,73, terwijl de Midkap met 0,8% stijgt. (YVV)

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; amsterdam@dowjones.com

Logica en The Law Society sluiten outsourcing ovk
Logica: ovk heeft waarde GBP12 mln, looptijd 5 jr

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

Logica en The Law Society sluiten uitbestedingsovereenkomst

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Logica Plc. kondigt aan een uitbestedingsovereenkomst te hebben gesloten met het Britse adviesbureau The Law Society. De overeenkomst heeft een waarde van GBP12 miljoen en een looptijd van 5 jaar.

Het uitbestedingscontract stelt The Law Society in staat om de IT-dienstverlening te verbeteren en een kostenbesparing te realiseren van meer dan 25%. Naast het uitbestedingscontract is Logica ook uitgenodigd om deel uit te maken van het IT Leadership Team van The Law Society.

- Door Martijn Mom; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715 201; martijn.mom@dowjones.com

Logica CEO sees chance to raise margins in 2009
CEO says current quarter looks "great"

LONDON, March 19

Anglo-Dutch computer services company Logica Pls (LOG.L)(LOG.AS) said on Thursday the current quarter was looking "great" and the company had a chance to improve profitability this year.

Chief Executive Andy Green, who said last month he was confident of outperforming a modest decline in the IT services market this year thanks to sound outsourcing demand, said there were plenty of opportunities to win contracts.

"Q1 looks like being great," Green told journalists at a meeting in London. "Looking forward into 2009, there's no shortage of opportunities to get out and put bid teams on the ground," he added.

Demand for large outsourcing projects is expected to increase as companies look for new ways to squeeze costs.

Green, who was previously head of BT's (BT.L) corporate IT services department, Global Services, reiterated that Logica should outperform the market this year, after a first half in which sales would be broadly flat.

"Logica is likely to do better than the market," he said.

Green added that Logica might even raise profitability this year. "There's a fighting chance to improve margins by half a percentage point this year," he said.
Plans for tighter child protection measures delayed by IT problems

March 24, 2009

Tougher checks on people wanting to work with children and vulnerable adults are now running two years late after a Home Office decision to further delay the full launch of the scheme.

The rollout of the scheme, planned to close loopholes in child protection measures, has been postponed a second time because of fears it would not be able to cope with demand.

Key parts of the new Independent Safeguarding Authority, designed after the school caretaker Ian Huntley was convicted of murdering Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, will now not come into force until July next year. Police knew Huntley had earlier been accused of rape and indecent assault, yet he still got a job in a school.

The delay means new applicants for jobs working with children and the vulnerable will not have to register with the Authority until July next year, rather than this October.

Last September the Home Office confidently predicted that the new Independent Safeguarding Authority’s check system would be fully “switched on” this October, but ministers say there is a need for further tests of the IT systems. A Home Office spokesman said: “They want to make sure it is piloted and tested fully.”

A four-year contract, valued at £50 million, has been awarded to Logica, the IT firm, to develop and support the information systems for the Independent Safeguarding Authority, which will vet people either working or volunteering with children or vulnerable adults. It will check millions of existing workers and new applicants for a range of jobs including teaching, fostering childcare, school governors, nurses, school receptionists and cleaners.

Applicants for jobs will be registered to work by the Authority after it has received information on whether the person has a criminal record or is on any other relevant Government-based list. It will also update employers with any new information that it receives from police, social services or professional regulators about their existing employees. Checks on existing workers will be phased in over five years.

When the scheme is fully operational an estimated 11.3 million people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will be registered, each having paid a fee of £64.

Meg Hillier, a junior Home Office minister, said: “The protection of children and vulnerable adults is a priority for the Government. We already have one of the most comprehensive vetting systems in the world.”

Implementing change means there is no time to rest for Logica chief

March 23, 2009

What happens when you put someone who doesn't really need the job in charge of a corporate basket case? The answer, in the case of Andy Green and Logica, is quite a promising turnaround situation.

It is just over a year since Mr Green was parachuted into Britain's biggest software and IT services company, after 22 years at BT, with an agenda for change. One of his first challenges was to shake up the culture at Logica.

“The first issue was that it wasn't a company, it was a series of businesses that came together to fight for their turf in a centre called Stephenson House. The building itself had real personality, but it was an awful one — the lifts didn't work, the toilets got blocked. People used to refer to ‘what Stephenson House says' and I said: ‘Hang on, buildings don't talk.' There were people who had been beaten down by it.”

From having more than 700 staff in the old headquarters, Logica now has a small office in Kings Place, the swanky new block near King's Cross station in London. Other staff are in Reading.

“The second thing was that I knew Logica didn't sell well, it wasn't a sales-driven organisation. It spent 40 per cent less on sales and marketing than the sector average. When I spoke about the need to keep overheads down, I was shocked when some people interpreted that as cutting the sales force.

“I'd never heard the sales force being referred to as an overhead before, as a necessary evil, rather than being at the heart of a thriving company.

“That was when I came up with the idea that we needed to change the culture. I started on January 5 last year and, by April 24, we came out with our strategic review. We had a pretty simple plan: we would integrate the company, cut overheads, grow our offshoring operations and have a ‘one Logica' policy.

“I know every CEO has a ‘one something' strategy, but that was ours. The City thought it was OK when we presented it to them and then the next day I got our top 200 managers in. We presented the story to them in six frames and spent all our time trying to energise them.

“Then I spent the next few weeks on the road talking to the staff. I spoke to around one third of our 40,000 people in total. I didn't want what we were doing to be blocked by anyone on the ground.” He added: “The other key way we signalled that things were changing was when I started a blog — which people were just amazed by. I insisted also on going out with our salespeople — I have seen a customer a day since starting in this job. We also did lots of video messaging and I have also done webchats with the staff.

“Closing Stephenson House was the other key thing we did. The way people saw things were changing, the signals on how the organisation was changing, to let them know what was different, was to talk to them all the time about customers. A lot of my time is about driving cultural change.

“We did have to make some reductions in the headcount, but the point is, if you do it in a framework, people understand and even find it energising.”

Although Logica is the biggest of its kind in the UK, Mr Green is keenly aware that it is much smaller than its competitors in the United States, and some in India. He said: “There are three ways you can compete — on cost, on product difference or on customer focus. The Indians compete on cost. With the Americans, it is on the products.

“Where we are different is our customer intimacy. We are so European, we don't believe in Europe, if you understand that. What I mean is that, unlike the Americans, we don't regard Europe as a whole. We love the diversity of Europe. If you are in Finland, you need a good Finnish team. You can't give them what you give your French customers. We don't just say this — we constantly stick to it. And people appreciate our ability to listen and to be local. For example, we were bidding to run a call centre for some customers in Norway. To save costs, they wanted people being called to answer in English rather than Norwegian. We gave them options — they didn't want India, so we gave them Wales. The standard response would just have been to give them something in India, but they didn't want that. They are paying more by being in Bridgend, rather than India, but what got us that job was being flexible.

“The other people we were competing against for that work just had a standard way of doing it. It is a question of being bright enough to listen — and you don't always get that with American companies.”

Mr Green knew about business from an early age. Born in Solihull and educated at King Edward's School in Edgbaston, Birmingham — when it was a state school, he noted — his father was a director of a company that made scaffolding. He said: “My Dad was a proper metal-basher. They made things, as you should in the Midlands. It is one disappointment to me that I've never made things.

“Dad had a very strong sense of values and was a very good salesperson and very good with people. My mother was a real business wife. She spent a lot of time away, travelling around with him, as well as entertaining at home. There were four of us and we always had to be on our best behaviour.

“At school, I was always into maths and science and I chose Leeds University because its chemical engineering course was a year shorter and I was keen to get into business. I was very keen to get working. Unfortunately, I chose chemical engineering, rather than electrical engineering, which would have been the smarter move, but chemical engineering was more interesting. There was a physical product at the end of it.”

Mr Green started his career as a graduate trainee with Shell, where he rapidly learnt the importance of client relationships. He said: “I went straight into industrial sales and marketing and had responsibility for a plant in Wilton, on Teesside, which went straight into an ICI factory so there was always a similar set of questions at the end of every month — how much are we going to supply you and at what price?

“I enjoyed Shell very much, but the problem I had with them was that they tried to tell you from an early age what your career was going to be — and I did not like that very much.”

He left to become a management consultant for Deloitte Haskins & Sells, where his first assignment was with BT. He said: “I was there as a consultant but got a bit fed up about the fact that when I would do work, the world would change and consequently the work would change, and I got very fed up with not seeing things get done. I like to see results. So it was time to go. I was about to do so when I was invited to go and fix payphones for BT.

“It was one of their markets where they had big problems. Payphones were a symbol of everything that was horrible about the company — around a quarter of them were broken at any one time and someone in the Government had been asking questions about it. Somebody at BT, in response to this, had stood up and said: ‘It will all be fixed by March.' So we had no time at all.

“I then had the brainwave of sending people out to check the boxes a few times a day — previously, it had been assumed that the public would just get in touch if they weren't working, which, of course, they didn't.”

lees verder...

After this success, Mr Green became a troubleshooter in BT for the next decade or so, tackling tasks that nobody else wanted. He said: “I ran price reviews, new products. I moved all the people in Directory Enquiries out of London, which was very much the India of its day. I also introduced charging for Directory Enquiries, which, for a time, made me the least popular man in Britain. I ended up having to do 34 interviews in one day — but it was the right thing to do. People were just throwing away their address books at that time.

“But all of that was very good training. It's very good to do lots of different stuff early in your career.”

After the collapse of BT's attempt to buy MCI, the American telecoms operator, Mr Green was one of those who helped to pick up the pieces and rebuild the firm's shattered ambitions to become a bigger player in the internet. He helped to launch Openworld, BT's broadband business. He said: “The genesis of the MCI deal was a sense that the internet would change everything. When that deal fell apart, Freeserve had changed the map here, but Openworld put BT on the map with broadband. It made us bigger as an internet service provider. It was very hard in getting that.

“With Openworld, we built a 400-strong team, none of whom wore suits, we had beanbags in the office — it was very different from the rest of BT. We made a massive cultural change. It did bring us the type of people we wanted. That was part of my belief in cultural change. You have to create a vision for the future.”

Mr Green then helped to launch BT Global Services, the division of BT that takes on outsourced IT work on behalf of clients. Eventually, Mr Green left, although not, as widely believed, out of pique at not becoming chief executive of BT. His last role at BT, a non-operational role as head of group strategy and operations, convinced him to rethink his plans.

“I didn't really enjoy it,” he said. “I missed the rhythm of monthly numbers and customer contact and thought to myself: ‘This is stupid.' I was very lucky that David Tyler had just been brought into Logica as chairman.

“Someone had sounded me out, but I said no because I didn't like the state of the board. I didn't like the corporate governance. Logica had done good work for me but were just not customer-focused enough.

“They had a very good reputation, though, and David convinced me to take the job. I hadn't realised how international it was. I was very excited about that, I enjoy global business, it's what gets me up in the morning.”

Mr Green said: “I wish people would stop calling us troubled. These days, we are rather untroubled. The spirit is very ambitious here. We are all going through a very difficult time but it's a recession — and I've lived through those before.”


Born: September 7 1955

Education: King Edward's School, Edgbaston, Birmingham; Leeds University (BSc chemical engineering, first class hons)

Career: 1976-82 Shell, sales representative

1982-84 Shell, product manager

1984-86 Deloitte Haskins & Sells, marketing consultant

1986-87 BT, manager IT marketing

1987-88 BT, general manager national payphone services

1988-93 BT, general manager then director network services

1993-94 BT, general manager customer services, then director UK customer field services

1994-2000 BT, group director strategy and development

2000-01 BT Openworld, chief executive

2001-07 BT Global Services, chief executive

2007 BT, chief executive group strategy and operations

2008- Logica, chief executive

Family: Married with three children

Lives: Enfield, north London


Who, or what, is your mentor?

I have never had one specific mentor, although I have had the good fortune to work closely with some great people who have shown faith in me and who I still speak to regularly. They have taught me how empowering coaching others can be for both parties involved.

Does money motivate you?

Money is not my primary motivator, but it means I can protect the people I love, which is hugely important to me

What was the most important event in your working life?

My first management conference at Logica where we galvanised the whole firm across every territory to work together; it marked a new beginning.

Which person do you most admire?

Archbishop Desmond Tutu — it's extraordinary how much forgiveness he can show.

What gadget must you have?

A Blackberry for work and an iPhone for home.

What does leadership mean to you?

Inspiring people to want to do more than they ever felt possible.

How do you relax?

Off-road cycling, watching cricket, drinking wine

If you could change one thing in the financial and commercial environment, what would it be?

I think sound businesses should be able to expect to have access to bank debt and particularly to be able to “roll over” current facilities
Logica denies Interaction invasion of privacy fears


IT services and consultancy provider Logica has released a new platform that enables mobile operators to create targeted, white-label social networking sites, but has denied claims that the targeted advertising capabilities of Interaction may lead to invasion of privacy fears.

Recent criticisms over BT’s trial of Phorm’s targeted advertising technology has raised concerns over the way advertisers collect data – and what they do with it. Google’s launch of the UK version of its Street View service has also been hit with problems. Many images have been removed and privacy campaigners have sent a letter to the Information Commissioner asking for the service to be shut down.

Speaking to CBR about Interaction, Elaine Doherty, principal business consultant with Logica, said that allaying fears was one of the company’s primary concerns. “The information collected is not shared by any third party and is not available to any individual, it’s all automated,” she said. “One of the requirements we make to mobile operators is that it is as easy as possible to opt in and out, as easy as ticking a box.”

As well as advertising, the profiling capabilities will also be used to spread news and other targeted content to users. Users can also define their own interest areas through retrieving the information themselves or subscribing to RSS feeds, Doherty said. She added that users still have the option to stop receiving certain content if they wish.

To coincide with the launch of Interaction, Logica released the results of a survey into attitudes towards mobile Internet, with one finding suggesting that 41% of respondents would be happy to receive targeted advertising content.

Doherty argues that targeted advertising can have a positive impact on users. “If a user is searching for news of Madonna, for example, they can be targeted with adverts for a concert or album release,” Doherty said. “That can change the user’s perception of a service as it now means something to them. It makes it personal.”

The aim of the platform is to enable mobile operators to monetise social networking and build communities based around similar interests, Doherty said. “Social networking is predominantly about relationships, not like-minded individuals sharing a passion, whether that’s for Formula 1, rugby, films or whatever,” she said.

Uniting people within a community and targeting them with relevant content could improve user loyalty, as Logica’s research found that 77% of users would switch operator if their consumer needs are not being met.

Logica Interaction is available to all mobile operators and can be used on around 3,000 devices with an Internet connection. One device not included at the moment is the BlackBerry as it is more of a enterprise device rather than a consumer device, although there are plans to introduce the platform to BlackBerry handsets at a later date, Doherty said.

Logica en Rabobank starten proef met interactieve vergadertafel

25 maart 2009

MS Surface wordt ingezet in bankfiliaal en kantoor

Logica en Rabobank lanceren samen in Nederland de interactieve multitouch-vergadertafel MS Surface. De twee ondernemingen gaan de tafel inzetten en testen in de dagelijkse praktijk van het centrale kantoor en een filiaal van de bank. Met de MS Surface willen Logica en Rabobank een nieuwe en dynamische manier van vergaderen en overleg mogelijk maken.

In het filiaal zullen adviseurs de tafel inzetten bij gesprekken met klanten over bijvoorbeeld hypotheken, terwijl in het centrale kantoor in Utrecht zal worden vergaderd met behulp van de tafel. Logica coördineert het project en analyseert samen met Rabobank de mogelijkheden van deze nieuwe manier van overleg.

Het tafelblad van de MS Surface is een multifunctioneel touchscreen met een oppervlakte van circa een vierkante meter. Met één vingerbeweging is het mogelijk programma’s te openen en documenten of foto’s te verplaatsen naar een willekeurige plaats op het scherm. Ook kunnen meerdere gebruikers tegelijkertijd verschillende documenten digitaal openen, wijzigen en versturen. Verder is het mogelijk om met collega’s of klanten op afstand te vergaderen. Het resultaat is dat de deelnemers op een zeer interactieve en vooral productieve wijze met elkaar overleggen.

Volgens Logica en Rabobank kunnen multitouchtafels een belangrijke rol spelen in nieuwe manieren van overleg tussen collega’s en klanten.Maar ook in educatieve situaties kan het apparaat grote voordelen opleveren. Zo wordt de MS Surface ingezet op de Onderwijsservicebus van de Zeeuwse bibliotheek. In de bus wordt de tafel gebruikt om kinderen meer inzicht te geven in gevaarlijke verkeerssituaties.
New Age, ik zie je altijd als een Philip Frericks het nieuws bijhouden. Chapeau, maar wat is jou visie op log en hoe zit je er zelf in? Ben benieuwd naar je reactie.

m.i.t.c.h. schreef:

New Age, ik zie je altijd als een Philip Frericks het nieuws bijhouden. Chapeau, maar wat is jou visie op log en hoe zit je er zelf in? Ben benieuwd naar je reactie.
Waar het mij om gaat is wat iedereen wilt en dat is winst. Logica is voor mij persoonlijk een gewaagde maar zeer aantrekkelijke gok. Ik had het zelfde met Corus toen de tijd. Vele baalde ervan maar bij mij ging het om de spanning en fantasie. Uiteindelijk heb ik er heel veel winst mee behaald.

Logica is eigenlijk voor de lt-er weggelegd en niet voor de korte termijn belegger. Het is een bedrijf wat nu pas van de grond begint te komen en of de koers nu op 0.70 staat op 2.48 euro maakt mij niet veel uit. Het gaat erom dat de weg naar meerdere euro's per aandeel haalbaar is. Nu nog niet merkbaar maar binnen nu en 2 jaar gaat de beer wel los.

Vergeet ook niet dat er een slimme topman bezig is om de boel weer bij elkaar probeert te lijmen. Dat heeft tijd nodig! Dus eerst oogsten en dan zaaien.

Zelf met 2,48 erin met bijna 100k aandelen en nog steeds bijkopend.
Logica bouwt internetplatform voor auto van de toekomst

27 maart 2009

Milieuvriendelijke auto c,mm,n te zien op AutoRai

Logica levert het essentiële internetplatform waarmee vervoersspecialisten, ontwerpers, ingenieurs en andere geïnteresseerden de c,mm,n (spreek uit common) gaan ontwerpen, de milieuvriendelijke auto van de toekomst. Vanaf 1 april discussiëren betrokkenen met elkaar via het vernieuwende internetplatform, Online Collaboration Platform (OCP), over de auto. Het OCP-platform brengt een groot aantal specialisten uit verschillende disciplines bij elkaar. OCP helpt de ontwerpers doordat het continu dwarsverbanden legt tussen de aangeleverde ideeën, structuur in de discussie aanbrengt en deze op een toegankelijke manier presenteert. Daardoor wordt het proces aanzienlijk versneld.

Een prototype van de c,mm,n is vanaf 1 april te zien tijdens de AutoRAI. Het project is een initiatief van de stichting Natuur en Milieu en wordt gesteund door Logica, Ahtlon Car Lease en Rabobank. De Technische Universiteiten van Delft, Eindhoven en Twente werken mee aan de ontwikkeling, net als ingenieursbureau DHV. Voor meer informatie over het project kijk hier .

De essentie van OCP is dat het is gebaseerd op crowd sourcing: het benutten van de ideeën van een groot aantal, onafhankelijk van elkaar opererende mensen als kennisbron. De innovatie vindt dus niet binnen de traditionele muren van ondernemingen en instellingen plaats, maar doorbreekt deze juist.

Logica levert momenteel een vergelijkbaar systeem aan de Nederlandse rijksoverheid. In een pilot maken ambtenaren van verschillende ministeries gebruik van OCP bij het oplossen van beleidsvraagstukken. OCP kan ook een geschikt instrument zijn voor bijvoorbeeld gemeentes die de inspraak van burgers willen organiseren.

Gerben Mak, directeur Innovatie Logica Nederland: ‘Het c,mm,n -project toont aan dat crowd sourcing een krachtige manier is om nieuwe projecten en diensten vorm te geven. Zonder de last van de traditionele grenzen zoeken creatieve geesten naar de beste oplossingen. Crowd sourcing is daarmee een waardevolle aanvulling op innovatieprocessen.’

New Age schreef:

New Age, ik zie je altijd als een Philip Frericks het nieuws bijhouden. Chapeau, maar wat is jou visie op log en hoe zit je er zelf in? Ben benieuwd naar je reactie.

Waar het mij om gaat is wat iedereen wilt en dat is winst. Logica is voor mij persoonlijk een gewaagde maar zeer aantrekkelijke gok. Ik had het zelfde met Corus toen de tijd. Vele baalde ervan maar bij mij ging het om de spanning en fantasie. Uiteindelijk heb ik er heel veel winst mee behaald.

Logica is eigenlijk voor de lt-er weggelegd en niet voor de korte termijn belegger. Het is een bedrijf wat nu pas van de grond begint te komen en of de koers nu op 0.70 staat op 2.48 euro maakt mij niet veel uit. Het gaat erom dat de weg naar meerdere euro's per aandeel haalbaar is. Nu nog niet merkbaar maar binnen nu en 2 jaar gaat de beer wel los.

Vergeet ook niet dat er een slimme topman bezig is om de boel weer bij elkaar probeert te lijmen. Dat heeft tijd nodig! Dus eerst oogsten en dan zaaien.

Zelf met 2,48 erin met bijna 100k aandelen en nog steeds bijkopend.
Fundamenteel vertrouwen in het type bedrijf en topman, daar geloof ik ook wel in. Ze komen van ver en Andy Green is mogelijk de Scheepbouwer van Logica. Geduld uitoefenen is soms moeilijk maar ik zie ook wel de parallel met Corus. (heb ik ook veel aan verdiend). Zit inmiddels met een aardig mega verlies in Log maar het kan ook weer hard naar boven gaan.

Succes ermee en keep up the good work.
Trimedia declines to defend Logica account


Trimedia will not defend its three-year hold on Logica's six-figure PR account, after the IT consultancy called a review of the business.

Trimedia divisional director Justin McKeown confirmed that, while the agency was invited to repitch, it had declined the offer. 'We think we've done what we can do and wish them the best.'

Logica UK head of PR and media relations Rima Awad explained that the pitch follows a wide-ranging review of the company's global operations last year. As part of a restructuring of its UK marketing operation, the company is reviewing all of its agency relationships, including PR and advertising.

The account is estimated to be worth as much as £250K, a figure that Awad said was ‘incorrect.'
‘We're still reviewing that at this point of time,' said Award, adding that cost was not a factor in the decision to pitch.

It is thought that three to four agencies are competing for the business. Awad declined to disclose which agencies were involved, pointing out that the ‘list is closed'.
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