Logicacmg Holding(s) in Company
Date : 12/05/2009 @ 11:00
Source : UK Regulatory (RNS and others)
Stock : Logicacmg (LOG)
Quote : 78.0 -1.5 (-1.89%) @ 16:12
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Logicacmg Holding(s) in Company
1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which
voting rights are attached:
Logica plc (ISIN: GB0005227086)
2. Reason for the notification (delete as appropriate):
- An acquisition or disposal of voting rights
3. Full name of person(s) subject to the notification obligation:
Aviva plc & its subsidiaries
4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3):
Name of company/fund Number of % of issued
shares share
BNY Norwich Union Nominees Limited Direct 11,494,765 0.72
BT Globenet Nominees Limited Direct 11,802 0.00
Chase GA Group Nominees Limited Direct 65,886,111 4.12
Chase Nominees Limited Direct 2,671,780 0.17
CUIM Nominee Limited Direct 8,131,622 0.51
Vidacos Nominees Limited Direct 147,811 0.01
BNP Paribas - London Indirect 568,339 0.04
Chase Nominees Limited Indirect 16,994,330 1.06
Delta Lloyd Nederland Fonds NV (Dutch Indirect 1,035,394 0.06
listing held)
State Street Nominees Limited Indirect 7,343,034 0.46
Vidacos Nominees Limited Indirect 6,426,938 0.40
Total Direct 88,343,891 5.53
Total Indirect 32,368,035 2.02
TOTAL 120,711,926 7.55
5. Date of the transaction and date on which the threshold is crossed or
7 May 2009
6. Date on which issuer notified:
11 May 2009
7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed or reached:
6% to 5% change at Direct Interest level
8. Notified details:
A: Voting rights attached to shares
Class/type of shares (if possible using the ISIN CODE):
GB0005227086 (SEDOL 0522708)
Situation previous to the triggering transaction
Number of shares: 145,189,662
Number of voting rights: 145,189,662
Resulting situation after the triggering transaction
Number of shares (direct): 88,343,891
Number of voting rights (direct): 88,343,891
Number of voting rights (indirect): 32,368,035
% of voting rights (direct): 5.53%
% of voting rights (indirect): 2.02%
B: Financial Instruments
Resulting situation after triggering transaction
Type of financial instrument: --
Expiration date: --
Exercise/Conversion Period/Date: --
Number of voting rights that may be acquired --
if the
instrument is exercised/converted:
% of voting rights: --
Total (A+B)
Number of voting rights: 120,711,926
% of voting rights: 7.55%
9. Chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the
financial instruments are effectively held, if applicable:
The voting rights are managed and controlled by Aviva Investors Global Services
Limited and Delta Lloyd Asset Management NV, with the following chain of
controlled undertakings:-
Aviva Investors Global Services Limited:
* Aviva plc (Parent Company)
* Aviva Group Holdings Ltd (wholly owned subsidiary of Aviva plc)
* Aviva Investors Holdings Ltd (wholly owned subsidiary of Aviva Group
Holdings Ltd)
* Aviva Investors Global Services Ltd (wholly owned subsidiary of Aviva
Investors Holdings Ltd)
Delta Lloyd Asset Management NV:
* Aviva plc (Parent Company)
* Aviva Group Holdings Ltd (wholly owned subsidiary of Aviva plc)
* Aviva International Insurance Ltd (wholly owned subsidiary of Aviva Group
Holdings Ltd)
* Aviva Insurance Ltd (wholly owned subsidiary of Aviva International
Insurance Ltd)
* Aviva International Holdings Ltd (wholly owned subsidiary of Aviva
Insurance Ltd)
* CGU International Holdings BV (wholly owned subsidiary of Aviva
International Holdings Ltd)
* Delta Lloyd NV (majority owned subsidiary of CGU International Holdings BV)
* Delta Lloyd Asset Management NV (wholly owned subsidiary of Delta Lloyd NV)
Proxy voting:
10. Name of the proxy holder:
See Section 4
11. Number of voting rights proxy holder will cease to hold:
12. Date of which proxy holder will cease to hold voting rights:
13. Additional information:
Figures are based on a total number of voting rights of 1,598,385,281
14. Contact name:
A J Birchall, Assistant Company Secretary, Logica plc
15. Contact telephone number:
020 7446 1077
Date: 12 May 2009