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Orderbook - best limits DLY 30/04/09 11:55 CEST Meer >>
# of orders # of shares Bid Ask # of shares # of orders
5 23,800 0.27 0.29 83,411 10
2 25,350 0.26 0.30 100,387 7
3 27,250 0.25 0.31 46,500 4
3 15,400 0.24 0.32 106,500 6
1 21,740 0.23 0.33 40,000 3
3 21,000 0.22 0.34 24,750 4
3 25,625 0.20 0.35 30,006 4
1 10,000 0.10 0.36 9,500 1
1 10,000 0.05 0.37 5,000 1
0 0 - 0.38 8,500 2
Een rampzalig slecht boekje...