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Update on Gorakhpur Atomic Power Plant - Dr Jitendra Singh

Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North-Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh informed the Lok Sabha that presently excavation is in progress in Gorakhpur Haryana Anu Vidyut Pariyojana Units -1&2 (2X700 MW) at an advanced stage. Orders have been placed for long delivery equipment like End shields and Steam Generators. The Main Plant Civil Work and several other packages are at various stages of tendering. Land acquisition has been completed at the Gorakhpur site in Haryana.

The first phase of the project comprising of two units GHAVP-1&2 (2X700 MW) is expected to be completed in 2025.

The expenditure incurred on the project till November 2018 was INR 1484 crore. The approved completion cost of the project is INR 20594 crore. The project is expected to generate employment (direct and indirect) for about 2000 persons on becoming operational. In addition, large employment potential is generated with the contractors/ vendors and from business opportunities that emerge consequent to the increase in economic activity at the site. During construction, large numbers of contractor manpower are employed (following a bell curve with about 8000 persons at the peak).

Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), a Public Sector Undertaking under Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), pursues welfare activities under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in and around its nuclear power plants in four major areas of education including skill development; health and sanitation; infrastructure development and environmental sustainability in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. Under the CSR programmes at GHAVP, some of the key initiatives taken up are, support to the meritorious students by way of award of scholarship, pedagogical aids, construction of inter-connecting roads, construction of toilets in schools and public places, including some Panchayats and mid-day meal shelters in the schools. Special efforts were also made, based on the need identified by the locals, for construction of cow-sheds and renovation of Gaushalas. One of the important programmes was providing assistive devices to the differently abled persons in the area. More welfare works including augmentation of construction of toilet blocks in schools, providing of equipment for gymnasium in Gorakhpur State Stadium, construction of drinking water tanks, etc. are identified as an ongoing exercise under CSR at Gorakhpur.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Review of Jaitapur Nuclear Power Plant – Dr Jitendra Singh

Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North-Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh informed the Lok Sabha that during the recent visit of French Foreign Minister to India, both the Governments noted that satisfactory progress had been made in pursuance of the Industrial Way Forward Agreement in 2018 between Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited and Electricite de France and adopted the Status of Progress for implementation of Industrial Way Forward Agreement.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
India to complete construction of 21 nuclear power reactors by 2031

Xinhua reported that India now has nine nuclear power reactors at various stages of construction in India, and 12 more will be built in the near future, Junior Minister for Atomic Energy and Space Jitendra Singh said that the construction of all 21 nuclear power reactors with an installed capacity of 15,700 megawatts (MW) are expected to be completed by the year 2031.

These new nuclear reactors are located in various states, including Gujarat, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and West Bengal.

The minister said that discussions on project proposals of setting up a large size Light Water Reactor (LWR) in collaboration with France in south-western state of Maharashtra, and with the United States in southern state of Andhra Pradesh are underway.

According to the minister, the existing units are operating at their rated capacity. The unit size of indigenous Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors has already been increased from 220 MW to 540 MW and then to 700 MW, which are now under construction.

Source : Xinhua
Fourth Chinese AP1000 enters commercial operation

World Nuclear News reported that Unit 2 of the Haiyang nuclear power plant in China's Shandong province has completed 168 hours of full-power continuous operation and is now deemed to be in commercial operation. It becomes the fourth AP1000 unit in China to reach the milestone.

Haiyang 2 completed the full-power demonstration test run at 4:00pm on January 9 2019, State Power Investment Corporation has announced. The reactor has now met "commercial operation conditions", it said. Although China National Nuclear Corporation must still obtain necessary permits and documentation, the unit is now considered to be in commercial operation.

In September 2007, Westinghouse and its partner the Shaw Group received authorisation to construct four AP1000 units in China: two at Sanmen in Zhejiang province and two more at Haiyang. Construction of Sanmen 1 began in April 2009, while first concrete for Sanmen 2 was poured in December 2009. Construction of Haiyang 1 and 2 began in September 2009 and June 2010, respectively.

Sanmen 1 was the world's first AP1000 to start up, achieving first criticality - a sustained chain reaction - on 22 June last year and grid connection on 2 July. It reached full power operation for the first time on 14 August and entered commercial operation on 21 September.

Unit 1 of the Haiyang plant attained first criticality on 8 August and was grid connected on 17 August. That unit began commercial operation on 22 October.

Source : World Nuclear News
Russia put off Reactor No 1 at the Leningrad nuclear plant

Bellona.Org reported that Russian nuclear officials say they has taken a Soviet-built nuclear reactor has out of operation after 45 years of service, in what is only the third project to decommission a civilian reactor that Moscow has undertaken. The state-controlled Rosatom corporation reported shortly before Christmas that Reactor No 1 at the Leningrad nuclear power plant has been shut down as planned and said its uranium fuel would take until 2023 to fully unload.

The power station’s energy production will eventually be replaced by reactors at the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant II, which is currently under construction alongside the first in the town of Sosnovy Bor, 70 kilometers west of St Petersburg on the Gulf of Finland.

Launched in 1973, the reactor became the first unit of the RBMK-1000 type to be built in the Soviet Union. A reactor of that type exploded in Chernobyl in April 1986 in the world’s worst nuclear accident, and Rosatom was at pains in its announcement to stress that the Leningrad reactor had operated “reliably and safely” throughout its career.

Another three RBMKs were built at the Leningrad site throughout the 1970s, which Rosatom has said it intends to take out of services by 2021.

Mr Vladimir Pereguda, director of the Leningrad nuclear plant, in a release said that “The last stage of the life cycle of any nuclear facility begins with decommissioning. Now our task is to safely and securely maintain the shutdown unit, unload nuclear fuel from the reactor and prepare all its systems for decommissioning.”

Currently, Russia has taken on only one other full-scale decommissioning project on a commercial reactor. In 2011, Rosatom shut down the first two units of the Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant with the aim of decommissioning them fully.

Like the four RBMKs at the Leningrad plant, the older VVER-type reactors at the Novovoronezh will be replaced by VVER-1200 units at a new plant named for the old: The Novovoronezh nuclear power plant II.

These three decommissioned reactors therefore offer something of a test case for more than a dozen other reactors of these older types that Rosatom intends to shut down and replace over the next 12 years.

Aside from watching how Rosatom handles the pressing environmental issue of safely storing the tons of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste resulting from these decommissioning projects, it will be interesting to watch how this work is financed.

Like many other countries operating nuclear reactors, Russia funds decommissioning and dismantlement on the back of electricity tariffs charged by its nuclear power plants.

Source : Bellona.org
Nieuwe tegenslag dreigt voor kernenergiesector in Groot-Brittannië

Het Japanse HitachiHIA1€26,28+4,99% zou op het punt staan om de plannen voor de bouw van een nieuwe kerncentrale in Wales in de ijskast te zetten. De Japanse zakenkrant Nikkei bericht dat Hitachi het project van $28 mrd heeft stopgezet, maar het bedrijf zelf en de Britse regering zeggen nog met elkaar in gesprek te zijn. Dat meldt persbureau Reuters vrijdag.

De nieuwe kerncentrale in Anglesey in Wales zou goed zijn voor ongeveer 6% van het totale Britse elektriciteitsverbruik.

Hitachi en de Britse regering zeggen zelf nog met elkaar in gesprek te zijn.Foto: Reuters

Hitachi geeft in een verklaring aan dat het bedrijf het project beoordeelt 'inclusief een mogelijk uitstel en financiële impact daarvan'. Volgens de krant Nikkei zou het stopzetten van het project leiden tot een eenmalige last van $1,9 mrd tot $2,8 mrd. Volgende week stemt het bestuur van Hitachi over het project.

De hoop was dat een groep Japanse investeerders en de Britse overheid elk een belang van een derde zouden nemen in het eigen vermogen van project. Volgens een bron bij Hitachi zou het project voor een derde worden gefinancierd met kapitaal en de rest met schulden.

Meer kernenergie
Groot-Brittannië wil meer kerncentrales gaan bouwen om zo verouderde kolencentrales en de bestaande kerncentrales aan het eind van hun levensduur te vervangen. Ook kunnen de centrales het groeiende aanbod van wind- en zonne-energie complementeren. Hoge investeringskosten voor de kerncentrales hebben er echter voor gezorgd dat de bouw van nieuwe centrales stokt. Zo schrapte het eveneens Japanse Toshiba in november vorig jaar zijn NuGen-kerncentraleproject in Moorside nadat de Amerikaanse kerncentraletak Westinghouse failliet was gegaan.

In september gaf China General Nuclear aan mogelijk af te zien van plannen voor de bouw van een kerncentrale in Groot-Brittannië vanwege politieke gevoeligheden rond Chinese investeringen.

Kernenergie-optie steeds lastiger
Met het wegvallen van Toshiba en mogelijk ook Hitachi blijft alleen het kernenergieproject Hinkley Point over in Groot-Brittannië als nieuw project. Maar ook dat wordt geplaagd door grote kostenoverschrijdingen.
Nu de kernenergie-optie steeds lastiger wordt in Groot-Brittannië, zullen andere schone energiebronnen daarvan weten te profiteren, denken analisten. 'We zien offshorewindenergie steeds levensvatbaarder worden', aldus John Musk, analist bij RBC Europe tegenover Reuters. De rol van kernenergie als aanvulling op wind- en zonne-energie zal waarschijnlijk voor een deel worden overgenomen door gascentrales.

Groot-Brittannië heeft op dit moment zeven kerncentrales in bedrijf, die goed zijn voor ruim een vijfde van het totale Britse elektriciteitsverbruik.
Aandeelhouders reageerden verheugd op het nieuws dat Hitachi de kerncentrale in Wales zou afblazen. Het aandeel Hitachi steeg in Tokyo vrijdag met ongeveer 6%.

EDF nuclear power output rose 3.7pct in 2018

Reuters reported that nuclear electricity generation by French utility EDF rose 3.7 per cent on a year-on-year basis in 2018 to reach 393.2 terawatt hours (TWh), in line with the company's target of between 393 - 396 Twh. According to data from EDF, EDF's nuclear power generation increased by 4 per cent in December to 38.9 TWh due to lower reactor outages compared with the previous year.

Electricity production at EDF's nuclear reactors in Britain fell 7.5 per cent on a year-on-year basis to 59.1 TWh, it added. Output at its reactors in Britain slipped 2 per cent in December to 4.8 Twh.

Source : Reuters
Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power station sold to Northstar

Stl News reported that NorthStar Group Services (NorthStar) became the new owner of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station. Under its ownership, NorthStar will commence decommissioning and environmental clean-up work at the facility on an expedited timeline, which will allow the site to become available for reuse decades earlier than previously planned. The VYNPS ceased operations at the end of 2014 under the ownership of Entergy, and the plant has since been prepared to undergo decommissioning including the removal and management of spent nuclear fuel from the reactor.

On December 6, 2018, the Vermont Public Utility Commission issued an order approving the sale and transfer of the facility to NorthStar, ending a years-long process and review by the State of the proposed sale to NorthStar and of NorthStar’s proposed plan for an expedited clean-up up the VYNPS site. The Commission’s Order adopts and incorporates the terms of an agreement that was reached among State agencies (Department of Public Service, Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Health), the Vermont Attorney General’s Office, NorthStar, Entergy, and several parties in the PUC proceeding. The agreement ensures that decommissioning and cleanup activities commence as early as this year and will be completed by 2030, perhaps earlier, and the project will be bolstered by additional financial protections.

Governor Phil Scott said that “This is a great day for the people of Vernon, Windham County and Vermont. The agreement will shave decades off the decommissioning timeline and return the site to safe and productive reuse as quickly as possible. The State initially had concerns that Entergy and North Star were not willing to make sufficient financial commitments to this process in order to protect Vermonters. We pressed the companies to address our concerns, and we are pleased with the end result.”

In addition, the agreement with NorthStar and Entergy requires that the two companies collectively provide approximately USD 250 million in additional financial assurance above and beyond what is currently available in the Nuclear Decommissioning Trust for the VYNPS decommissioning. This additional assurance will help to protect against project risks and will ensure that funds are available to complete the decommissioning and restoration work.

The agreement also requires NorthStar to perform site investigation, clean up, and restoration in accordance with Vermont’s laws and regulations, and to engage with ANR and other state agencies throughout the life of the project. The agreement also ensures that the State has oversight of disbursements of funds for certain phases of work and is informed of any major delays or disruptions in work. These commitments ensure close and ongoing State regulatory oversight of the project.

Source : Stl News
Zes vragen over de nieuwe roep om meer kerncentrales

Ineens is de discussie terug: moet Nederland nieuwe kerncentrales bouwen? De VVD wil het, maar de overheid moet daarvoor wel de portemonnee trekken. Zes vragen over de 'nucleaire optie' om minder CO2 uit te stoten.

Hans van Soest en Peter Winterman 07-11-18, 07:45 Laatste update: 08:39

Klaas Dijkhoff (VVD). © ROBIN UTRECHT

Waar komt het pleidooi voor nieuwe kerncentrales opeens vandaan?
Het VN-klimaatpanel IPCC luidde vorige maand de noodklok over de opwarming van de aarde. De klimaatdoelen worden niet gehaald, tenzij we nu alle zeilen bijzetten. En dan ontkomen we eigenlijk niet aan méér kernenergie, zeggen de IPCC-onderzoekers.

Reden voor VVD-fractievoorzitter Klaas Dijkhoff om het idee voor de bouw van nieuwe kerncentrales af te stoffen. Nieuw is dat niet: VVD en CDA zijn al veel langer voorstander. Het kabinet Rutte-1 - waarin VVD en CDA samenwerkten met PVV - wilde vergunningen leveren voor nieuwe kerncentrales. Daar kwam uiteindelijk niets van terecht.

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VVD wil nieuwe kerncentrales om klimaatdoelen te halen
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2 Wat zijn de voordelen van nieuwe kerncentrales?

Het allergrootste voordeel is dat een kerncentrale géén vervuilende broeikasgassen uitstoot. Daardoor wordt het een stuk makkelijker om in 2050 bijna geen CO2 meer de lucht in te blazen, het doel dat Nederland zich heeft gesteld in de klimaatwet. ,,Als we willen dat we in de toekomst voldoende energie hebben om alles draaiende te houden, moeten we niet alleen gokken op zon- en windenergie", zegt hoogleraar Martin Rohde van de TU Delft. ,,We moeten een mix hebben van bronnen. En voor de bouw van kerncentrales hebben we de kennis in huis."

Volgens schattingen is er nog voor zeventig jaar makkelijk te winnen uranium voorhanden om alle bestaande kerncentrales op de wereld van grondstof te voorzien. Rohde stelt voor om kernenergie te winnen uit thorium. ,,Daarvan is er heel veel op de aarde. En het afval blijft maar 250 tot 300 jaar radioactief, waar dat bij uranium - wat nu wordt gebruikt in kerncentrales - wel 200.000 jaar kan duren." Door kernenergie worden we als Nederland ook nog eens minder afhankelijk van olie en gas uit politiek instabiele landen, zoals Saoedi-Arabië en Rusland.

3 Dat klinkt goed, maar wat zijn de nadelen?
Iedereen heeft de beelden nog wel op het netvlies van de kernrampen in Tsjernobyl (1986) en Fukushima (2011), of van de lekkende centrale in het Engelse Sellafield. De angst voor straling is groot, en zelfs vele decennia na een ramp zijn er nog gezondheidseffecten.

Een ander nadeel is het radioactieve afval. Alleen al dit jaar trekt het kabinet 117 miljoen euro uit om afval van de kernreactor in Petten op te ruimen. Het gaat om 1500 vaten, waarvan een deel is gaan roesten.

Rutte-1 probeerde eerder een nieuwe centrale van de grond te krijgen. Dat lukte niet, omdat private investeerders niet genoeg geld bij elkaar sprokkelden. ,,Energiebedrijven moeten het zelf betalen", zegt energiedeskundige Wim Turkenberg. ,,In de hele wereld is het niet rendabel. Behalve in landen waar de overheid bijspringt, bijvoorbeeld in Engeland. De Britse regering subsidieert kerncentrales daar met miljarden."

4 Kerncentrales zijn nu toch véél veiliger dan in 1986?
Ja, zegt Turkenburg. ,,Kerncentrales die op dit moment worden gebouwd, bijvoorbeeld in Frankrijk en Finland, zijn tien keer veiliger dan onze eigen centrale in Borssele." De kerncentrale in Borssele kan wel tegen de inslag van een vliegtuigje. Maar of het ook goed gaat als een zware airbus op de centrale crasht, is volgens Turkenburg maar de vraag.

,,De kans dat met nieuwe kerncentrales een zeer ernstig ongeluk gebeurt, is buitengewoon klein. Maar je kunt nooit helemaal uitsluiten dat opnieuw een ramp als in Tsjernobyl of Fukushima plaatsvindt."

Er is al tien jaar lang niemand die zich heeft aangemeld om deze techniek in Nederland te plaatsen

Minister Wiebes
5 Zien energiebedrijven daar nu wel brood in?
Nee, blijkt uit een rondgang door deze krant. ,,Dat boek is voor ons gesloten'', zegt RWE. De kosten zijn te hoog. De bouw van een nieuwe kerncentrale - drie keer zo groot als Borssele - zou minimaal 8 miljard euro kosten en zo'n tien jaar duren, zegt ook Turkenburg. ,,Er is al tien jaar lang niemand die zich heeft aangemeld om deze techniek in Nederland te plaatsen", zei minister Wiebes van Economische Zaken vorige week nog. ,,Dat is in de komende jaren ook helemaal niet te verwachten. Het speelt nu niet.”

Een nieuwe kerncentrale komt er alleen als het kabinet de portemonnee trekt. Zonder subsidie wil geen energiebedrijf zich er nu aan wagen. Wel denkt Rohde dat dat in de toekomst kan veranderen. ,,Nu vinden bedrijven de bouwkosten nog hoog, omdat er voldoende kolen, olie en gas is. Maar dat verandert. Dan wordt het vanzelf interessant om die investering wel te doen, want een nieuwe kerncentrale levert erg veel energie: zo'n 9 procent van onze totale energiebehoefte.'' Borssele is een oude centrale die slecht een derde daarvan oplevert. Hij sluit in 2033.

Rob Jetten (D66). © ANP
6 Is het politiek haalbaar?
In de Tweede Kamer is mogelijk een kleine meerderheid vóór de bouw van nieuwe kerncentrales, met partijen als VVD, CDA, PVV, SGP en Forum voor Democratie. Toch zal het deze kabinetsperiode hoogstwaarschijnlijk niet gebeuren, omdat coalitiepartijen D66 en ChristenUnie fel tegen zijn. ,,Ik ben buitengewoon sceptisch", zegt CU-leider Gert Seegers. ,,Het is een enorme investering en het duurt heel lang.”

Met dat geld kun je mooiere dingen doen, vindt ook D66-fractievoorzitter Rob Jetten. ,,Bijvoorbeeld het isoleren van huizen en het vergroenen van de industrie."

Hitachi halts work on UK nuclear power plant over financing

Economic Times reported that work on a major new nuclear power station in Britain was suspended after the contracted developer, Japan's Hitachi, said that it has been unable to agree on financing with the UK government. Hitachi said that it was halting work already underway on the Horizon Project, which is located in Wylfa, Wales, on the island of Anglesey. It will also suspend work on another site located in England.

The company had been in talks with the British government for years about how it might support the project financially, including through stock and debt investments.

Mr Duncan Hawthorne, chief executive of Hitachi's nuclear business said that "I am very sorry to say that, despite the best efforts of everyone involved, we've not been able to reach an agreement to the satisfaction of all concerned.”

The suspension is a blow to the British government, which is in the midst of political chaos over Brexit and under pressure to show it is open to business deals with companies and countries beyond the European Union.

It also comes just two months after another Japanese company, Toshiba, decided to not go ahead with a power station it was looking to build in Britain.

Source : Economic Times
CBI chief statement on Wylfa nuclear power plant

Mr Matthew Fell, CBI Chief UK Policy Director, said that “The suspension of Hitachi’s work on the nuclear power plant at Wylfa is a significant blow to the UK’s future energy supply plans.As the second cancellation of funding for a new nuclear plant in as many months, it leaves in doubt the UK’s ability to replace its existing nuclear fleet. Nuclear power is a vital part of our energy mix, and new projects are needed to secure our future low-carbon, mixed energy supply. It will also be a missed opportunity for the local community in Anglesey, with the loss of up to 10,000 new jobs at peak construction.”

He added that “The Government has to demonstrate it is committed to meeting our climate change targets by supporting new low-carbon power supply. The loss of new nuclear projects could leave us more heavily dependent in the long-run on fossil fuels, which could risk our legally binding climate targets. The Government needs to build on its support for new nuclear power by giving individual projects the certainty they need, alongside measures that deliver a mix of low-carbon and renewable technologies.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
NRC plans to grant Seabrook plant 20-year license extension

New Bury Port News reported that Nuclear Regulatory Commission is set to extend by 20 years the operating license for the Seabrook nuclear power plant by the end of the month, despite an ongoing proceeding related to the plant's degraded concrete. For several years, NextEra Energy, the plant's owner, has been seeking a 20 year extension of its current license, which expires in 2030. The plant went online in 1990. Since 2016, NextEra has also been seeking an amendment to the license to express how it plans to deal with concrete degradation caused by alkali-silica reaction, which causes tiny cracks in concrete.

The NRC announced this week that it planned to issue a final no significant hazards consideration determination and license amendment to NextEra "on or about January 22." The federal commission also said it plans to issue a renewed operating license for Seabrook "on or about January 30."

The announcement comes after a recommendation that Seabrook Station should be granted a 20-year extension of its operating license from the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, which said the plant should be able to operate "without undue risk to the health and safety of the public" during the extended period. The committee soon after expressed its support of NextEra's license renewal request.

Mr Peter Robbins, spokesperson for NextEra Energy said that "These are positive developments as we work towards the conclusion of the license renewal process. License renewal is important for protecting the role of Seabrook Station as a regional asset and a producer of clean, reliable and low-cost electricity for New England."

Last year, the local watchdog organization C-10 was granted the right to intervene in an Atomic Safety Licensing Board hearing on concrete degradation at the Seabrook plant, which is set for this summer. C-10 Executive Director Natalie Hildt Treat expressed frustration this week with the NRC's decision to approve the license extension before the hearing.

“For the NRC to grant the license amendment — and then approve a license extension out to 2050 – before the public hearing that the ASLB granted on the concrete is just crazy,” Treat said in a press release. “What’s the hurry? Seabrook still has 11 more years on its current operating license. We believe these action could undermine the safety of the American citizens that NRC is charged with protecting.”

Mr Chris Nord, a Newbury resident and C-10 board member, added that “The unprecedented concrete testing and monitoring methodologies that underpin the license amendment request should be subject to independent peer review prior to their adoption. This is not just good science, but in the case of the deteriorating concrete at Seabrook, this is essential to ensure public safety."

Mr Neil Sheehan, public affairs officer for the NRC, said the reason the commission intends to proceed with the issuance of the license amendment and renewal at this point is because the plant's safety and environmental reviews of both have been completed, noting that a final safety evaluation report was recently issued.

Mr Sheehan said the NRC staff’s decision to issue the license amendment at this point is in accordance with regulations that allow them to issue an amendment while a review is pending, upon a determination by the NRC that the amendment involves no significant hazards consideration.

Source : New Bury Port News

UK to explore options for funding new nuclear - Energy secretary

Reuters reported that Britain will explore its options for funding new nuclear plants as the cost of renewables has fallen so sharply it could not justify much higher subsidies for Hitachi's Horizon nuclear project which the Japanese company halted on Friday, the UK energy secretary said.

Speaking to members of parliament, UK energy secretary Greg Clark said the government had offered a guaranteed minimum price for electricity of 75 pounds per megawatt hour to support the project, as well as being willing to take a one-third equity stake. Mr Clark said that "We need a new approach to financing new projects adding that the government is exploring using a regulated asset-based model.”

Source : Reuters
Strike hits French nuclear and coal generation units

Reuters reported that a strike in the French power sector has reduced power generation at state-controlled utility EDF’s 1,300 megawatt (MW) St. Alban 1 nuclear reactor by around 80 percent. Electricity grid operator RTE data showed that output at St. Alban 1 was at 260 MW by 2200 GMT.

The power systems operator said on Sunday that EDF had been warned of a 24-hour strike at its power generation units in France starting January 21 at 2000 GMT.

RTE said the strike had also impacted electricity output at EDF’s 1,200 MW Cordemais 4 and 5 coal-fired power generators. Output at Cordemais 4 was down over 32 percent at 392 MW, while the similar capacity Cordemais 5 was offline.

Source : Reuters
Brazil seeks private investors to complete nuclear plant by 2026

Reuters reported that Brazil aims to complete its third nuclear plant by 2026 with the help of private investment, Mines and Energy Minister Bento Albuquerque said, in a bid to jump-start the decades-old, corruption-tainted project.

The minister had previously told a domestic newspaper he was in favor of resuming construction of the Angra 3 nuclear plant, which has been halted since 2015, and that the estimated 15 billion reais ($3.95 billion) cost of completing the project would be money well spent.

While nuclear technology should remain in the hands of the government, Albuquerque told reporters, the ministry is working with the government's public-private infrastructure partnerships secretariat to come up with a model for allowing private enterprises to participate in the construction.

He said that "If there is economic viability, if we succeed in attracting investors for finishing the construction of Angra 3, we will complete Angra 3 within this target of entering into operation by 2026.”

Construction was halted on the project in 2015 amid allegations that companies paid bribes to secure contracts, which lead to several arrests and spurred an investigation by public prosecutors.

Source : Reuters

Russian president vows to launch first nuclear power plant in Turkey in 2023

MENAFN - Trend News Agency reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin hopes that the Akkuyu nuclear power plant, which is now being built in Turkey with Russia's assistance, will be launched in 2023.

Russian leader said at a press conference following Russian-Turkish talks said that "The implementation of a large-scale project for the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Turkey, Akkuyu, is under way and complies with the schedule. They are building its first power unit, which we plan to launch in 2023,.”

According to Putin, this date was named by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, since in 2023, the republic of Turkey will celebrate its centenary.

Source : Menafn
Hitachi wants nationalisation of UK nuclear project - Report

Economic Times reported that Hitachi's frozen nuclear power project in Britain can only be revived if it is nationalised. Me Hiroaki Nakanishi at the World Economic Forum in Davos was quoted as saying that "Nationalisation is the only path."

But he added that legal changes would be required for the British government to take a majority stake in the business to fill a funding gap left by the private sector.

The chairman said private investors had little appetite to support the power plant after seeing similar projects around the world stall, Nikkei reported.

Hitachi last week froze construction of the Wylfa Newydd plant in Wales owing to financing difficulties. It had launched the project after acquiring British-based Horizon Nuclear Power in 2012. The UK government had agreed to take a one-third equity stake in the project, alongside investment from Hitachi, Japanese government agencies and other strategic partners.

Britain has put nuclear power at the heart of its low-carbon energy policy, in stark contrast to Europe's biggest economy Germany, which is phasing it out in the wake of Japan's 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Source : Economic Times
Korea could lose nuclear plant market to China, Russia and India

Engligh Donga quoted Dr Chang Yoon-il at a KAIST special seminar on "The Current Situation and Outlook of Global Nuclear Energy” as saying that “Global electricity demand in 2050 will be 2.7 times the current level. For Korea, which has seen per-capacity power consumption grow at the fastest pace in the world, to escape from nuclear energy is not a ‘viable alternative.’ Korea will end up paying hefty price due to electricity supply shortages that the country can hardly afford to pay,”

As an expert with over 40 years of experience in advanced reactor and innovative fuel cycle technology development and demonstration, the Argonne Distinguished Fellow is also serving as an invited visiting professor after retiring US Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory, which he joined in 1974. He is also the winner of the Department of Energy's Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award in 1994

Dr Chang also stressed that escape from nuclear energy is not in line with the international trend, saying that more than 100 nuclear power plants will be constructed in 34 countries over the next 10 years. He said that “Some 20 countries that don’t possess nuclear power plants including Saudi Arabia and Vietnam are also considering construction of nuclear power plants, and the world will thus embrace Nuclear Renaissance soon. Nuclear energy is the most economical among various energy sources currently available, and is the only source of energy that does not produce air pollutants or greenhouse gas."

Dr Chang also said that if Korea continues to push ahead with its policy to escape from nuclear energy despite its most advanced nuclear technology, the country will inevitably come to lag behind in the global energy market. He said that President Moon Jae-in’s "nuclear energy sales diplomacy" at meetings with global leaders while currently implementing the policy to exit from nuclear energy in the country, is inconsistent at best, since Moon effectively gives the message “We are ending nuclear energy but you have it.”

Source : Engligh Donga
Indian atomic energy based power was about 2.93pct in 2017-18
Power News - Published on Tue, 19 Feb 2019
Image Source: The Economic Times
The share of atomic energy in the overall electricity generation in the country was about 2.93% in the year 2017-18. The Government has taken several measures to enhance the generation from nuclear power plants in the country. The measures include Securing fuel supply by conclusion of fuel supply contracts with several countries for existing and future fleet of reactors under IAEA Safeguards and augmentation of fuel supplies from domestic sources.

(ii) Augmenting nuclear power capacity:
Resolution of issues related to Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act & Creation of Indian Nuclear Insurance Pool.

Accord of administrative approval and financial sanction of - ten indigenous 700 MW Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors to be set up in fleet mode & two units of Light Water Reactors to be set up in cooperation with Russian Federation

Amendment of the Atomic Energy Act to enable Joint Ventures of Public Sector Companies to set up nuclear power projects

Enhanced project monitoring to identify and address the issues affecting project progress at multiple levels coupled with close monitoring through Pro-Active Governance And Timely Implementation “PRAGATI” platform.

The completion cost of Indigenous 700 MW PHWR in the year 2017 is about INR 15 crore per MW.

New nuclear power capacity is planned to be added in order to increase the share of generation of electricity through atomic energy. In this connection, nine reactors with a capacity of 6700 MW are under construction. The details are as follows:

Zie de PDF voor de rest van de informatie.
Tata Projects bags USD 321 million order from NPCIL

Tata Projects announced that it has bagged order worth around USD 321 million from Nuclear Power Corporation of India. It said "This 2X700 MW power plant order valued around USD 321 million is the company's third contract in the nuclear power sector. The scope of work involves construction of main plant buildings and structures, among others. Nuclear power sector is a highly technology intensive industry wherein execution expertise is very essential.”

Tata Projects COO Industrial Systems Mr Satyanarayana K said "Once completed, this project will provide much needed power supply and ensure developmental initiatives receive an impetus. Tata Projects believes that nuclear projects provide a clean source of power thereby ensuring a more environment friendly future.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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