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Kerncentrale Borssele gesloten vanwege storing, levert geen stroom

De kerncentrale in Borssele is gesloten nadat zich gisteren een storing voordeed in de turbine. De oorzaak van de storing wordt onderzocht, meldt de Zeeuwse elektriciteitsproducent EPZ.

Binnenlandredactie 29-07-19, 11:13 Laatste update: 11:27

De veiligheid van de installatie is volgens het stroombedrijf niet in het geding, omdat de storing in het niet-nucleaire deel van de centrale zit. Borssele kan nu geen stroom leveren aan het landelijke net.

Het is nog onbekend wanneer de kerncentrale weer in gebruik genomen gaat worden. Afgelopen februari werd de centrale in Borssele ook al stilgelegd wegens een storing in de turbineregeling.

'Duur en gevaarlijk: elke kerncentrale maakt tijdens leven 5 miljard euro verlies’

Kernenergie is nergens op de wereld ooit winstgevend geweest en dat zal ook in de toekomst zo blijven. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van Duitse economische denktank DIW, die alle 674 gebouwde kerncentrales doorlichtte.

David Bremmer 29-07-19, 17:08 Laatste update: 22:05

Met alle forse duurzaamheidseisen uit het klimaatverdrag van Parijs denken veel Europese landen, waaronder Nederland, weer nadrukkelijk aan kernenergie. Zo pleitte VVD-leider Klaas Dijkhoff eind vorig jaar voor de bouw van nieuwe centrales. Bijna de helft van de Nederlandse bevolking is voor, bleek uit een peiling van Maurice de Hond's Peil.nl.

Het vooraanstaande Duitse Instituut voor Economisch onderzoek (DIW) in Berlijn onderzocht of nieuwe kerncentrales inderdaad een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan een schone(re) economie. Het antwoord is negatief: alle 674 kerncentrales die tussen 1951 en 2017 wereldwijd verrezen, zijn met forse overheidssubsidies gebouwd. Zonder zulke steun waren ze nooit tot stand gekomen.

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Voor 2030 komt er in Nederland geen kerncentrale bij
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Kerncentrale Borssele weer in bedrijf

Nucleair afval
De centrales blijken namelijk stuk voor stuk verlieslatend, ook in kernenergieland Frankrijk. Op een 40-jarige levensduur draaide een kerncentrale gemiddeld 5 miljard euro aan rode cijfers. Dat is exclusief latere ontmantelingskosten van de centrale plus het langdurig opslaan van nucleair afval. In het gunstigste scenario met langdurig hoge energieprijzen bedraagt het verlies nog steeds 1,5 miljard euro.

,,Nucleaire energie is nooit ontwikkeld met het doel om op commerciële basis stroom te genereren”, verklaart Christian von Hirschhausen, hoofd-onderzoeker van de studie. ,,Het was allereerst bedoeld voor kernwapens. Om die reden was en blijft kernenergie onrendabel.”

Ook in Nederland draait de kerncentrale van Borssele al jaren verlies. Vorig jaar boekte Zeeuwse exploitant PZEM, mede door de noodlijdende kerncentrale, 54 miljoen rode cijfers. In 2017 was dat zelfs 70 miljoen. De roep van onder meer Dijkhoff ten spijt, bleek uit een rondgang van het AD dat geen enkel energiebedrijf brood ziet in het bouwen van een nieuwe.

Torenhoge bouwkosten
Dat komt mede doordat nieuwe kerncentrales sinds 1960 bovendien alleen maar duurder geworden. De onderzoekers van DIW wijzen op de vele voorbeelden: de in 2005 gestarte bouw van de Finse Olkiluoto 3 centrale is pas volgend jaar klaar. Tegen die tijd zijn de kosten geëxplodeerd van 3 naar 11 miljard euro. De nieuwe Hinkley Point C centrale in het Britse Somerset kost inmiddels 22 miljard euro. En in de VS vergt de nieuwe kerncentrale in Georgia, Verenigde Staten, 25 miljard dollar om te bouwen. Dat is 11 miljard meer dan geraamd.

Denktank DIW noemt verder het gevaar van ongelukken door het vrijkomen van nucleaire straling. In Amerikaanse Harrisburg (1977) en vooral Tsjernobyl (1986) en Fukushima (2011) ging het heel erg mis. ,,Het gebrek aan economische efficiency gaat hand in hand met een hoog risico [...].”

,,Om al die redenen is kernenergie, ook al is nucleaire stroom uitstootvrij, geen relevante oplossing voor profijtelijke, klimaatvriendelijke en duurzame energie in de toekomst.” Volgens de onderzoekers is kernenergie als oplossing voor klimaatbescherming ,,een oud narratief dat heden ten dage even inaccuraat blijkt als in de jaren ‘70.”

Om de klimaatdoelen te halen moeten we over op andere vormen van energie. Daarbij horen we steeds vaker dat Nederland niet meer om kernenergie heen kan. In deze video van de Universiteit van Nederland legt klimaatbeleidwetenschapper dr. Heleen de Coninck uit hoe we daar tóch zonder kunnen:

TEPCO to Scrap Fukushima No 2 Nuclear Plant

Tokyo Electric Power Co Holdings Inc formally announced on July 24 it will decommission the Fukushima No. 2 nuclear power plant, an undertaking it estimates will take more than four decades to complete. The utility estimated the cost of decommissioning the No. 2 plant at 280 billion yen (USD 2.59 billion).

The company president, Tomoaki Kobayakawa, conveyed the decision to Fukushima Governor Masao Uchibori and other senior prefectural officials during a meeting at the prefectural government building here.

TEPCO’s decision followed repeated requests from the prefectural government to scrap the No. 2 plant in light of the triple meltdown at the No. 1 plant triggered by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster.

Kobayakawa explained that the decision to decommission the No. 2 plant was difficult to make and took time because of the slew of factors involved. He said that “It is unprecedented to scrap all six reactors (at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant) as well as the four reactors (at the Fukushima No. 2 nuclear plant). Another consideration was that we need to simultaneously proceed with work to decommission the No. 1 nuclear plant in a safe and steady manner.”

Source : Asahi
Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh Runs As Per Schedule

Concrete works of the the turbine hall foundation slab at Unit – 2 of Bangladesh’s maiden Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (RNPP) has been completed on August 6, 2019. The structure required 3,782 tons of rebars and 23,550 cubic meters of concrete. According to Mr Sergey Lastochkin, Vice-President of the Rooppur NPP construction Project, this is an important stage of construction that will be followed by the erection of walls of the turbine hall. Necessary preparation has begun for the next stage job.

Turbine hall houses steam generators and the turbine. Heat is removed from the reactor core by coolant; it may be a liquid or gaseous substance which passes through the core. This thermal energy is used to produce water steam in the steam generator. Steam’s mechanical energy is supplied to the turbine generator where it goes into electricity and further moves to users by wires.
The Rooppur NPP will have two units, each with a Generation 3+ Russian VVER-1200 reactor, with active and passive safety systems. Construction works of the project are progressing, according to the schedule. The first unit is scheduled to be commissioned in 2023 and the second in the following year. Engineering division of Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation of Russia is the general contractor.

Each stage of constructing the Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh is closely monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency and by the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
US blacklists Chinese Nuclear Firm Involved in UK Hinkley Point C Project

A state owned Chinese company which is funding part of the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station in the UK has been placed on a US export blacklist. The US Department of Commerce has placed China General Nuclear Power Group to its “entity list”, which effectively blocks US companies from selling products and services to the firm without written approval.

The entity list identifies organisations “for which there is reasonable cause to believe, based on specific and articulable facts, have been involved, are involved, or pose a significant risk of being or becoming involved in activities contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests” of the US.

CGN partnered with EDF to help fund a third of the GBP 20 billion cost of the Hinkley power plant being built in Somerset.

The Department of Commerce alleges the nuclear company and three of its subsidiaries “engaged in or enabled efforts to acquire advanced US nuclear technology and material for diversion to military uses in China”.

Chinese reports suggest CGN, which is one of the largest nuclear energy companies in the US, said the move will have “basically manageable influence” on the company’s development.

A BEIS spokesperson said that “Nuclear power has an important role to play in the UK’s low carbon energy future and all nuclear projects in the UK are conducted under robust and independent regulation to ensure that the UK’s interests are protected.”

Source : Energy Live News
Construction of Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant Reaches 93%

Overall construction is 93% complete on Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant in Abu Dhabi, which Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation is developing alongside prime contractor and joint venture partner, Korea Electric Power Corporation, as well as Nawah Energy Company and Abu Dhabi Transmission & Despatch Company . Unit 2 of Barakah NEP is 95% complete as of August 2019, while construction on Units 3 and 4 is respectively 91% and 82% complete. The details were revealed by Enec as it revealed recent progress on Unit 3 of Barakah NEP. The main power transformer, gas insulated bus, auxiliary power transformers, and excitation transformer of Barakah NEP’s Unit 3 have been energised, marking a key milestone in the plant’s testing and commissioning.

Transco carried out the work which comes approximately a year after the completion of similar work on Unit 2, and two years after the same work was completed for Unit 1 of Barakah NEP.

Testing and commissioning teams will now begin preparing for the commencement of hot functional testing at Unit 3, implementing the lessons learned during their testing of Units 1 and 2.

Commenting on Unit 3’s progress, Enec’s chief executive officer, HE Eng Mohamed Al Hammadi, said that “I am proud of the continued progress being made at Unit 3 of the Barakah NEP. We have maintained our track record of safety and efficiency with the successful energisation of the unit’s transformers, and we continue to establish Barakah NEP as the benchmark for new nuclear construction projects worldwide.”

Construction Week Online
Source : Construction Week Online
Sberbank Provide loans for Turkish Nuclear Power Station

Russia's largest lender Sberbank will provide a USD 400 million loan for the construction of the Akkuyu nuclear power station in Turkey. The seven-year loan will be provided to a subsidiary of Rosatom, Russia's state nuclear firm building the plant. The 4,800 MW plant is intended to reduce Turkey's dependence on energy imports, but has been beset by delays since Russia was awarded the contract in 2010.

In June, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said it was important to finish the first reactor in the Akkuyu nuclear power plant by 2023.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Floating Nuclear Power Unit Akademik Lomonosov Leaves for New Home

The world’s only floating nuclear power unit Akademik Lomonosov set sail for its final destination of Pevek, Chukotka, in Russia's Far East where it will provide areas with heat and energy. Russia`s Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation CEO Mr Alexey Likhachev gave the signal for the Akademik Lomonosov to set sail and said that "This is a momentous occasion for our company and for the Chukotka region. Today the Akademik Lomonosov begins its journey to Pevek, where it will guarantee clean and reliable energy supplies to people and businesses across the region. This amounts to a significant contribution to creating an Arctic future that is both sustainable and prosperous."

During the ceremony, the operating company Rosatom’s Rosenergoatom was awarded a Russian Book of Records certificate confirming Akademik Lomonosov’s status as the world's northernmost nuclear installation. Upon completing the 4,700 km journey to Pevek, the floating nuclear power unit will become a central part of the region's power supply. There, it will operate as part of a floating nuclear power plant, replacing the outgoing capacities of the Bilibino NPP and the Chaunskaya CHPP.

The FNPP project is one of the most promising branches of small nuclear power reactors on the market today. It is especially suited to very remote areas and island states that require stable, green sources of energy. So far, significant interest in Rosatom’s FNPP technology has come from the Middle East, North Africa, and South-East Asia. Rosatom is currently working on second-generation FPUs, i.e. Optimized Floating Power Units (OFPUs), which will be built in a series and be available for export.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Japan Regulator to Launch New Investigation into Fukushima Disaster

Reuters reported that Japan’s nuclear regulator said that it would launch a new investigation into the Fukushima disaster, to look into how radiation leaked from damaged reactor containment vessels and other factors. Three reactors at an atomic power plant run by Tokyo Electric Power melted down after an earthquake and tsunami eight years ago, spewing radiation that forced 160,000 people to flee, many never to return.Authorities have said they are planning a series of investigations as radiation levels gradually fall enough in reactor buildings to allow closer examination.

The Nuclear Regulation Authority released a paper showing it would look into the leaks in the reactor vessels and at cooling systems set up to keep the melted fuel in the reactors from overheating.

Tokyo Electric Power said it was ready to help. A spokesman said that “If requested in the future, we would like to proactively cooperate in the investigation, such as providing necessary data.”

A commission appointed by Japan’s parliament concluded in 2012 that Fukushima “was a profoundly manmade disaster – that could and should have been foreseen and prevented, (while) its effects could have been mitigated by a more effective human response.”

Source : Reuters
Saudi Arabia Wants to Enrich Uranium For Nuclear Power

Reuters reported that Saudi Arabia is seeking uranium production and enrichment for its planned nuclear power program, the kingdom’s new Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman while attending the 24th World Energy Congresssaid that “We are proceeding with it cautiously… We are experimenting with two nuclear reactors.”

The prince, appointed to the energy post over the weekend, said Saudi Arabia wants to go ahead with the full cycle of the nuclear program, including the production and enrichment of uranium for fuel for the purpose of power production.

With the aim of reducing the kingdom’s dependence on fossil fuel, the minister said the country wants to tap nuclear technology for peaceful uses.

In January, Khalid bin Saleh Al-Sultan, president of King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy, said that the kingdom had received offers to build two atomic reactors from five countries, the US, China, Russia, France and South Korea, at cost averaging around $7 billion.

The kingdom also plans to produce 3.45 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2020.

Source : Reuters
Rosatom First of a Kind Floating Nuclear Power Unit Arrives in Russia

The floating power unit Akademik Lomonosov has arrived at the port of its permanent location in Pevek, Chukotka, in Russia's Far East, where it is being docked to start operations by the end of this year. Once commissioned, it will become the world’s first operational nuclear power plant based on small modular reactors technology and a working prototype for reliable source of low-carbon energy supply in remote areas. The project has been welcomed by scientists, nuclear energy experts and environmentalists across the world. Akademik Lomonosov is a pilot project and a ‘working prototype’ for a future fleet of floating nuclear power plants and on-shore installations based on Russian-made small modular reactors. The small power units will be available for deployment to hard-to-reach areas of the Russia’s north and Far-East, as well as for export. The total cost of the Pevek installation will not be disclosed until the project is complete but Rosatom’s spokesman said the technology is strongly competitive.

Rosatom’s CEO Alexey Likhachev said that “It’s maybe one small step for sustainable development in the Arctic, but it’s a giant leap for the decarbonisation of remote off-grid areas, and a watershed in the development of small modular nuclear power plants in the world."

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Prevent another Disaster Like Fukushima - Mr Shinjiro Koizumi

Japan's new environmental minister Mr Shinjiro Koizumi called for permanently shutting down the nation's nuclear reactors to prevent a repeat of the 2011 Fukushima disaster, comments that came just a day after Koizumi's predecessor recommended dumping more than one million tons of radioactive wastewater from the power plant into the Pacific Ocean. Mr Shinjiro Koizumi, Japanese environmental minister said that "I would like to study how we will scrap them, not how to retain them," the younger Koizumi, whose ministry oversees Japan's nuclear regulator, said during his first news conference late Wednesday. "We will be doomed if we allow another nuclear accident to occur. We never know when we'll have an earthquake."

Mr Koizumi was appointed to his position as part of a broader shake-up of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's cabinet. He is the 38-year-old son of former Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, a vocal critic of nuclear energy.

In March of 2011, a powerful earthquake triggered a tsunami that caused the meltdown of three nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant on Japan's northeastern coast, forcing tens of thousands of people to flee radiation around the plant. It was the world's second-worst nuclear disaster, after Chernobyl.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Afwijkingen aan zes reactoren energiereus EDF

Gepubliceerd op 18 sep 2019 om 10:25 | Views: 364

PARIJS (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Franse energieconcern Électricité de France (EDF) heeft productie-afwijkingen aangetroffen bij onderdelen van zes van zijn kernreactoren. Het bedrijf, dat in totaal 58 kernreactoren in Frankrijk heeft, stelt dat de problemen niet zo ernstig zijn dat er reactoren moeten worden stilgelegd.

De grootste elektriciteitsproducent van Frankrijk maakte vorige week bekend afwijkingen aan kernreactoronderdelen te onderzoeken. Daaruit kwam naar voren dat zestien stoomgeneratoren afwijken van de technische standaarden die voor deze onderdelen gelden, blijkt nu. EDF stelde tegelijkertijd vast dat de generatoren ondanks hun afwijkingen nog geschikt zijn om te blijven draaien. Energieprijzen in Frankrijk en buurlanden stegen hard in reactie op de eerste melding van de afwijkingen vorige week.
CEA, EDF & Westinghouse to Cooperate on a Small Modular Reactor

During the IAEA General Conference in Vienna, CEA, EDF and Westinghouse Electric Company signed a framework agreement to explore potential cooperation on small modular reactor development. Worldwide demand for low carbon- electricity generation in the 300-400 MW range is an important market segment that the parties strongly believe their unparalleled experience in nuclear fuel and reactor design, and operation can address. Under the agreement, the three will examine the possibility of combining the long-standing pressurised water reactor expertise from both the French NUWARD™ initiative (supported by Naval Group and TechnicAtome together with CEA and EDF) and the Westinghouse SMR design, featuring the industry's only passive safety technology in operation, to meet the growing world demand for decarbonized, competitive and safe electricity.

As part of this international cooperation framework, the parties will also pursue regulatory and design standardization, which are key for the implementation of a successful SMR design.

The detailed project roadmap will be confirmed in early 2020.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Belarusian to Get Protection against Drone Attacks in Nuclear Power Plant

BelTA reported that Belarusian nuclear power plant will be protected against incidents involving drones, BelTA learned from Belarusian Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Mikhadyuk. The official said that “The matter has been settled at the top level. Requirements of the Belarusian legislation in this area are even higher than those in Russia and other countries. As for drones, documents have been passed on measures to be taken to ensure the security of nuclear installations. We are working with the relevant agencies on it within the framework of our legislation.”

Speaking about current work at the nuclear power plant, the official noted that the first unit is virtually ready for prelaunch operations. The nuclear power plant personnel already work the way they will have to when the nuclear power plant is operational. Primary and secondary circuits have passed hydraulic tests. The main process equipment of the second unit is being installed. Preparations are in progress for supplying power for the unit's own needs in order to be able to test pieces of installed equipment one by one.

Asked about how much of the Russian loan on building the nuclear power plant has been spent, Mr Mikhail Mikhadyuk said that “We have no financial problems today and we don’t expect any in the future. We will have ample funding right until the two units are commissioned. There are no problems with that.”

Source : Belta
India 21 New Nuclear Reactors to add 15000 MW Capacity – DAE

Department of Atomic Energy Secretary Mr KN Vyas said that nearly 21 nuclear reactors are under various stages of construction and planning which will add around 15000 MW of power generating capacity. He said that "India has a plan for capacity addition in nuclear power generation and presently we have 21 reactors under the stage of construction and planning. This will help in achieving an additional capacity of about 15,000 MW.”

DAE earlier said that 21 new nuclear power reactors with a total installed capacity of 15,700 MW are expected to be set up in the country by 2031. It also informed that five sites which would have total 28 nuclear reactors have been accorded 'in principle' approval by the central government.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Russia to Help Uganda Develop Nuclear Energy

Uganda has signed an Inter-Governmental Agreement with Russia to help the East African country build capacity to exploit nuclear technology for energy, medical and other peaceful purposes. In an emailed statement, Uganda’s energy ministry said the IGA with Russia was signed in Vienna between Energy Minister Irene Muloni and Nikolai Spasskiy, the deputy director general of Russian state corporation ROSATOM. Under the agreement, the statement said, Russia will help Uganda with development of nuclear infrastructure and production and application of radioisotopes for industrial, healthcare and agricultural use.

In May last year Uganda also signed a memorandum of understanding with China National Nuclear Corporation to help Uganda build capacity in the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
TENEX & ENEC Renew MoU for Nuclear Fuel Cycle

The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation and TENEX, Joint-Stock Company have renewed their Memorandum of Understanding on exploring potential opportunities for collaboration in the field of nuclear fuel cycle management. The new MoU was signed on September 20, 2019, during the 24th World Energy Congress in Abu Dhabi by Mohamed Al Hammadi, Chief Executive Officer of ENEC, and Sergey Polgorodnik, Director General of TENEX. The renewal represents an extension of the MoU signed by ENEC and TENEX in 2017, which established a framework for potential future cooperation in the field of innovative nuclear fuel cycle solutions.

Mr Mohamed Al Hammadi CEO of ENEC said that “We are delighted to renew this MoU with TENEX as we continue developing the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Program in line with the highest international standards of quality, safety, and security. TENEX has an excellent track record and decades of experience in nuclear fuel cycle management and we look forward to continuing to explore opportunities for collaboration in the coming months and years ahead.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
EDF ziet hogere kosten Britse kerncentrale

Gepubliceerd op 25 sep 2019 om 09:30 | Views: 300

PARIJS (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Franse energieconcern Électricité de France (EDF) denkt dat de kosten voor de bouw van de Britse kerncentrale Hinkley Point C aanzienlijk hoger uitvallen dan eerder verwacht en waarschuwt ook voor een groter risico van vertraging bij oplevering van het project.

De kosten kunnen tot wel 2,9 miljard pond, omgerekend 3,3 miljard euro, hoger uitvallen dan eerder geraamd. EDF schat de totale bouwkosten van de kerncentrale nu tussen 21,5 miljard en 22,5 miljard pond. Volgens het energieconcern vallen de bodem- en graafwerkzaamheden duurder uit dan eerder voorzien door moeilijke werkomstandigheden op de grond.

De Hinkley Point C-kerncentrale in het Engelse Somerset met twee reactoren ligt al langer onder vuur vanwege de hoge kosten. Een bouwcombinatie met de Britse infradochter van het Nederlandse bouwbedrijf BAM is betrokken bij het project.
Three Mile Island Generating Station Unit 1 Retires from Service after 45 Years

For the past 45 years, Three Mile Island Generating Station Unit 1 has been safely and reliably powering more than 830,000 homes and businesses with carbon-free energy. That legacy ended at noon today when operators took the TMI Unit 1 reactor offline for the final time, setting a site record of running 709 continuous days, beating the station’s previous record of 705 days set in 2009. The world-class commercial nuclear power facility now enters a new chapter. Over the next few weeks, workers will remove the reactor’s fuel supply and store it safely in the station’s used fuel pool. After that, workers will begin preparing the station for long-term decommissioning.

Three Mile Island Unit 1 began commercial operation in September 1974. Since Exelon Generation purchased TMI Unit 1 in 2000, the plant has offset more than 95 million metric tons of carbon, the equivalent of keeping nearly 20 million cars off the road.

About 300 of Three Mile Island Unit 1’s employees will be staying for the first phase of decommissioning. Other employees are taking on different roles within Exelon companies, and still others have elected to retire or move on to other opportunities outside the company.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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