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Onrust in het Midden Oosten (Iran)

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'Sancties zorgen voor recessie in Iran'
Gepubliceerd op 11 dec 2012 om 13:25 | Views: 336

BEIROET (AFN) - De Iraanse economie komt in steeds grotere problemen door de internationale sancties tegen het land. Dat stelde bankenclub Institute for International Finance (IIF) dinsdag.

De olie-export van Iran is aanzienlijk gedaald, terwijl de inflatie hard oploopt en de nationale munt een groot deel van zijn waarde is kwijtgeraakt. Het IIF verwacht dat de Iraanse economie dit jaar met 3,5 procent krimpt na een groei van 1,2 procent in 2011. De inflatie zal uitkomen op ongeveer 50 procent.

De Verenigde Staten en Europa hebben de handel met Iran aan banden gelegd om het land te dwingen af te zien van zijn nucleaire programma. Ondanks de hoge olieprijzen lopen de inkomsten van Iran uit de olie-export dit jaar daardoor met ruim 40 procent terug.

De Iraanse regering voert bezuinigingen door om de tegenvallende inkomsten te compenseren. Het IIF waarschuwt in zijn rapport dat de zware economische omstandigheden voor veel onrust kunnen zorgen in de aanloop naar de presidentsverkiezingen die halverwege volgend jaar in Iran worden gehouden.
Iranian steel exports up by 12pct

Tehran Times reported that Iran exported over USD 390 million worth of steel products in the first 8 months of the current Iranian calendar year which began on March 20 showing 12% rise compared to the same period in the previous year. Exports of steel ingots however fell by 79% in value and 82% in weight YoY.

Mr Mehdi Ghazanfari Industry, Mine and Trade Minister of Iran has said that Iran will become one of the world’s main steel exporters by March 2016. Despite global economic sanctions the country’s steel output increased by 5 million tonnes during the past 2 years reaching 17 million tonnes.

Source - Tehran Times
Iran crude exports to hit lowest since sanctions

Iran's crude exports are set to drop by about a quarter in December from the preceding month to the lowest since tough sanctions were applied this year.

Shipping sources said that oil shipments by Iran have more than halved in 2012 due to US and European sanctions on its oil trade, straining Tehran's finances, pressuring its currency and igniting inflation.

Most of the crude would have gone to energy hungry Asian buyers China, India, Japan and South Korea with the drop in December shipments from November representing a loss of about USD 800 million for Iran at current oil prices.

The source said that China, Iran's top trading partner is expected to drive the cut by lifting the lowest volume for the year. Iran's customers including Turkey, the only non Asian buyer will lift 834,000 barrels per day of crude in December compared with 1.08 million barrels per day in November.

According to Reuters calculations, the December number puts Iranian crude imports by Asia's top buyers for the full year at about 1.06 million barrels per day down roughly a quarter from a year ago.

The United States, which is due to decide this month on whether to renew a 180 day waiver from sanctions for importers of Iranian oil wants to see buyers progressively cut purchases.

The architects of US sanctions legislation, Democratic Senator Robert Menendez and Republican Senator Mark Kirk have urged the White House to require oil importers to reduce purchases by 18% or more to qualify for further exemption.

Of Iran's top four clients in Asia, Japan has already secured its exemption while India, South Korea and China are expected to get an exemption this month.

Market nerves over the impact of sanctions on supply pushed Brent crude futures to a high of USD 128 a barrel in March and have kept the benchmark over USD 100 for most of this year.

Iranian exports took a deep hit from July once European Union sanctions banning insurance cover for ships carrying Iranian oil came into force. Shipments recovered in October to 1.3 million barrels per day from 1.0 million seen in the 2 previous months.

Source - Reuters
Over 400 Iranian firms supplying equipment to South Pars projects

MNA reported that more than 400 Iranian companies are taking part in the development of the South Pars gas field through supplying equipment to related projects.

Mr Ali Akbar Shabanpour MD of South Pars Gas Company said that the company has placed the priority on providing the necessary equipment through domestic suppliers aiming to attain self sufficiency in this field of industry.

The South Pars gas field is shared by Iran and Qatar. The Iranian share which is divided into 29 phases has about 14 trillion cubic meters of gas or about 8% of the total world reserves and more than 18 billion barrels of liquefied natural gas resources.

Mr Rostam Qasemi oil minister of Iran said that the country has overcome the tough economic sanctions and the oil industry is heading toward development. Many development projects are underway and is projected that USD 150 billion will be invested in the oil sector.

Mr Qasemi said that by March 2015 natural gas production will reach 1.4 billion cubic meters from 600 million cubic meters. At the beginning of 2012, the United States and the European Union imposed new sanctions on Iran’s oil and financial sectors with the goal of preventing other countries from purchasing Iranian oil and conducting transactions with the Central Bank of Iran.
US sanctions entered into force on June 28th 2012 while EU bans on Iranian oil imports came into force on July 1. In October, the EU approved another major package of economic sanctions on Iran.

Recently, Mr Qasemi said that although the West has imposed sanctions on Iran’s oil sector with the goal of toppling the Islamic establishment, the country’s oil exports will never be halted because oil consuming countries need Iranian crude.

He said in April that at least USD 30 billion will be invested in the domestic oil industry this year. A major portion of the sum will be allocated to the South Pars gas field projects.

Source – MNA
Turkey clashes with US over Iranian oil imports

Turkey is still highly dependent on Iranian oil imports, despite being given 6 month exception to the sanctions alongside India, South Korea and China amongst others.

This was to give the countries time to diversify their energy sources which would enable them to significantly reduce their oil and natural gas imports from Iran or face punitive measures including being removed from the US financial system.

The US law demands that states continue to decrease their imports every six months. However, Turkey’s failure to totally adhere to this law has provoked consternation in the White House.

A Senate aide raised the issue asserting that “While I find it very hard to believe the US State Department didn’t remind our Turkish partners that US law requires them to continue significantly reducing toward a permanent end to Iranian imports, US law stands whether they received a warning or not.”

Given Turkey’s winter fuel requirements and despite their increasing imports of Russian energy, the likelihood that Turkey will have the ability or the inclination to reduce purchasing over these harsh winter months is low. Turkey is arguing that these sanctions and the expanded ones approved by the US senate on Friday, do not apply to them. As Iran’s largest natural gas consumer, Turkey poses a real challenge to the United States ability and legitimacy to impose such regulations.

Erdoan has stated unequivocally that Turkey will continue to import these energy resources, informing both Tehran and Washington of this plan. Furthermore, to pay for these continued imports Turkey is having to convert lira into gold due to sanctions preventing them from transferring money into the country. This additionally violated the sanctions against supplying Iran with precious metals.

The Journal of Turkish Weekly interviewed energy security studies expert Mr Hasan Selim zertem regarding these developments asking whether Turkey’s position regarding the sanctions is legitimate. It is totally legitimate because it’s not a United Nations Security Council resolution, it’s mainly a group of countries that have a stated a policy against Iran. There have been a number of resolutions accepted by the UNSC but they proved to be inefficient so the US as part of its policy against Iranian proliferation, initiation a unilateral policy which is being followed by Americas allies.

Turkey has started to diversify its oil imports and this year Mr Taner Yildiz the Minister of Energy stated that Turkey will buy 15% to 20% less oil and this will continue to be decreased incrementally. The first problem is that Turkey cannot change its consumption activities over night as there is no surplus oil to be traded in the Mediterranean region although Libya just came back to the market. Secondly Turkey has signed some binding agreements with Iran which have to be fulfilled so as to avoid certain consequences of breaking these agreements in international courts.

On the other hand, Turkey is continuing to try and find some other ways to decrease oil imports from Iran so it’s started negotiations with Saudi Arabia and Russia. Here in turkey these energy deals are predominantly made by refinery monopoly TUPRA which, in the last decade, made significant investments to refine Iranian oil so it is also hard for them to change their consumption patterns overnight. Concurrently this also means that this is not a state policy.

Apart from oil, one of the main areas of sanctions is on natural gas. Turkeys position is more critical in this area because Iran supplies almost 20% of Turkey’s natural gas demand this is a 25 year agreement and it’s hard for Turkey to cancel this with Iran considering the constraints in the natural gas market in the region. So we have to make a differentiation here. Regarding oil, Turkey will continue to diversify but regarding natural gas, Turkey’s position should be respected because this will not just be sanctions against Iran but sanctions against Turkey if Washington insists on stopping gas imports.

Consequently, the US and Turkey remain engaged in diplomatic talks to find a mutually acceptable solution to this issue. As the US Ambassador to Ankara Mr Francis Ricciardone stated that “How we go about this is something we have to work out together. There are no easy answers, but we all agree that diplomacy is the way to go.”

Source – Albany Tribune

Iran and Turkey trade hits USD 20 billion in 10 months

MNA reported that the value of trade exchanges between Iran and Turkey has reached to USD 20 billion in the past ten months of 2012.

As per report, the value of bilateral trade between the two neighbors has increased more than 45% compared with the same period in the last year. Turkey has exported more than USD 9.3 billion worth of goods to Iran in the first 10 months of 2012 while it imported around USD 10.5 billion from the Islamic Republic in the mentioned period.

Iran and Turkey have sharply increased the level of their trade ties over the past years. In 2000, the level of bilateral trade stood at only around USD 1 billion but in 2010 it exceeded USD 10 billion. The figure hit USD 16 billion last year. The two sides seek to raise the value of their bilateral trade to USD 30 billion by 2015.

Mohammad-Reza Rahimi first VP of Iran has announced recently that the speed of trade exchanges between Iran and Turkey has accelerated and will soon reach the targeted goal of USD 30 billion per year.

Earlier this month, Mr Ali Babacan deputy PM of Turkey confirmed that Iran was selling natural gas to Turkey for payment in Turkish Liras in Turkey that were later converted into gold before brought to their homeland.

Source – Mehr News Agency
Iran electricity exports to neighbors up by 40pct

MNA reported that Iran’s electricity exports to neighboring states have increased by about 40% as the Islamic Republic is helping them overcome regular power outages.

As per report, Iran has boosted its power output in recent years and exported 7,668.9 GW hours of electricity to its neighbors since the beginning of the current Iranian calendar year.

Iran's power exports this year have been 39.22% higher compared to the same period a year ago when the country exported some 5,508.3 GWH of electricity to neighboring states. Iran is currently exchanging electricity with Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey.

Earlier in February, Majid Namjou energy minister of Iran said that the country was planning to export electricity to Syria and Lebanon through Iraq’s power grid. Iran is capable of exporting 1,000 MW of electricity to Iraq. Syria had also requested 500 MW of electricity.

Seeking to become a major regional exporter of electricity, Iran has attracted more than USD 1.1 billion in investments to build 3 new power plants. By the end of the 5th Economic Development Plan (2011-2015), Iran will boost its electricity generation capacity by 25 GW to reach 73 GW.

Source – Mehr News Agency
Drilling Mast in S Pars Phase 12

Shahid Rajaee Offshore Drilling Mast was installed in the largest phase of South Pars in the Persian Gulf announced Mr Masoud Haqiqi manager of National Iranian Drilling Company for offshore drilling.

Mr Masoud Haqiqi said that the mast has been installed to conduct complementary processes of 6 gas wells. The measure seeks to increase output from the wells. The mast was transferred to Phase 12 from Phase 14.

The project to develop Phase 12 of South Pars is implemented to produce 75 million cubic meters of gas which will be transferred to national gas supply network. It is estimated that about 120,000 barrels of gas condensate and 750 tonnes of sulfur will be produced daily in Phase 12.

Shahid Rajaee Drilling Mast joined NIDC's fleet in 1985. It is one of the most equipped offshore drilling masts in the Persian Gulf which has so far drilled over 100 offshore wells. NIDC has 70 onshore and offshore drilling masts of which three including Shahid Rajaee, Shahid Modarres and Movarrab are offshore.

Source - Iran Daily

. 14-12-2012..........."IAEA vangt weer bot in Iran
TEHERAN - Het Internationaal Atoomenergieagentschap (IAEA) heeft weer bot gevangen in Iran.
Voor de zoveelste keer weigert het land waarnemers van het agentschap toe te laten tot het militaire complex Parchin ten zuidoosten van de hoofdstad Teheran.
Het IAEA wil graag weten wat Iran daar precies aan het doen is en of het niet in het geheim kernwapens aan het maken is. Onderhandelingen over een bezoek liepen vrijdag op niets uit. Het agentschap hoopt nu dat gesprekken volgende maand wel resultaat zullen hebben.
Een woordvoerder van het agentschap meldde dat er ''vooruitgang'' was geboekt in de gesprekken met Iran. Verwacht wordt dat volgende maand afspraken kunnen worden gemaakt voor een bezoek aan het complex. Het volgende overleg staat op de agenda voor 16 januari."...........

Het zoveelste onheilspellende bericht in een onafzienbare reeks; thans haalt men de schouders op; straks zal blijken dat wij met open ogen al die tijd besodemieterd zijn; Iran zal te pas en te onpas met zijn atoomwapen dreigen en met verwijzing naar de Koran legitimeren; Israel zal het nog moeilijker krijgen als 1 van de eerste targets; onvoorstelbaar dat het "vrije Westen" zich zo laat ringeloren.
Laat Iran maar zijn gang gaan!!!!
Hier word ik onrustig van.........http://www.animalsaustralia.org/israel
Middle East largest thermal power plant comes on stream in Iran

Tehran Times reported that a thermal power plant with a generation capacity of 2.8 GW was officially inaugurated in Pakdasht, a city near Tehran.

The project started in 2003 and cost EUR 270 million plus IRR 5 trillion to complete. The facility which is the largest thermal power plant in the Middle East increases the national electricity generation capacity by 6%.

Mr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad president of Iran attended the inauguration ceremony. At present, Iran’s power generation capacity stands at 67 GW and it is projected to hit 70 GW by the end of the current Iranian calendar year.

Sixteen new power stations with a total capacity of 2.6 GW have come on stream in the current Iranian calendar year. Currently, Iran provides electricity to Turkey, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran also plans to connect the national power grid to Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Lebanon and India in the future.

Source – Tehran Times
Legerchef Iran waarschuwt tegen Patriots
TEHERAN - De Iraanse legercommandant Hassan Firouzabadi heeft de plaatsing van Patriotraketten in Turkije ''een bedreiging'' en ''zeer gevaarlijk'' genoemd.
Dat meldde het Iraanse persbureau ISNA zaterdag. Nederland is een van de landen die Patriots stationeert, om Turkije te beschermen tegen raketaanvallen vanuit Syrië.
Iran en Rusland zijn bondgenoten van de regering van de Syrische president Bashar al-Assad, die in het Arabische land vecht tegen opstandelingen. Ze zijn beide fel tegen de stationering van Patriots onder NAVO-commando in Turkije.
''Dit is erg gevaarlijk voor iedereen, en zelfs voor de toekomst van Europa'', aldus de stafchef.
LET OP DEZE UITSPRAAK:......................................................................................................
''De westerse landen die raketten bij de Turks-Syrische grens willen plaatsen, zijn plannen voor een wereldoorlog aan het maken'', zei Firouzabadi
ZIEHIER:........Een prachtige legitimatie van Iran om met zijn kernwapen op de proppen te komen (en te gebruiken)!
Iranian crude twice more productive than Arabs

MNA reported that despite the well orchestrated attempts by Persian Gulf Arab oil producers to take over markets belonged to Iran, high benzene and gasoline productivity of Iranian crude and performance compared to other crude in the market, exports has increased and more countries enjoyed exemption from US sanctions on Iran oil on their imports from Iran.

Despite the international pressures and especially US sanctions posed on the Iranian traditional oil customers, many Asian and African countries import oil from Iran.

The report said that in last few days, Iran has exported 10 millions of barrels of crude to South Korea and Taiwan and exports of this strategic good gained boost in Turkish, South African, Sri Lankan and other Asian countries’ markets.

With rise in Iranian crude imports, Obama Administration have rewarded exemption from sanctions to China, India, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Turkey in importing Iranian crude for another 6 months.

Source - MNA
Iran and Russia mulling over cooperation in electric train project

reported that Iranian and Russian railway companies are discussing plans to cooperate in launching a project for electrifying Garmsar to Gorgan and Tehran to Mashhad railway lines in Northern and Northeastern Iran.

Mr Abbas Nazari director general of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Railway Company for Investment and International Affairs said that "After the electric train of Tabriz to Azarshahr railway line was inaugurated, a meeting was held with the Russian railway company's MD and different subjects went under negotiation."

Mr Nazari said that electrification of Garmsar to Gorgan was among the issues discussed with the Russian official, the two sides decided to send a team of Russian experts to the region to study the project and present a draft contract.

He said that Iranian and Russian officials are due to discuss the two countries cooperation in building a railway line which will connect Qazvin, Rasht and Astara cities in Northern to Northwestern Iran.

Iran has been expanding and renovating its rail network in recent years. In line with the same efforts and to facilitate transportation and connection between Iran and its Northern neighbors, Iranian, Russian and Azeri officials in a series of meetings in February 2011 discussed prospects of railway construction in the North to South Corridor project.

They discussed creating a JV for the construction of the railway Qazvin to Rasht to Astara (Iran) to Astara (Azerbaijan), the design of construction and other issues.

The USD 400 million North to South transport corridor envisages creation of a single railway from Europe through Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran to India and South East Asia. Most of the work will be done in Iran, which has no rail link to the border with Azerbaijan. Certain work worth USD 35 million to USD 40 million is planned to be conducted in Azerbaijan.

Source - MNA
South Korean imports of Iranian crude climb in November

MNA reported that South Korea’s imports of oil from Iran increased 2.9% in November from October, when it resumed shipments from the Persian Gulf nation.

According to data posted on the Korea Customs Service’s website, purchases last month were 814,797 metric tonne, equivalent to 5.97 million barrels, compared with 791,582 tonne in October. Volumes dropped from 1.2 million tonne a year earlier.

There were no cargoes in August or September after South Korean refiners lost insurance coverage on ships carrying the fuel because of international sanctions on Iran. Oil processors globally reduced purchases from the Islamic republic this year amid Western sanctions.

An EU ban that started July 1st on insurance of vessels carrying Iranian crude stopped shipments to South Korea as 95% of the world’s tankers are covered in the bloc. SK Innovation Company and Hyundai Oilbank Company resumed imports after Iran offered its own vessels.

According to the customs data, South Korea’s imports from Iran fell 41% to 6.99 million tonne or 5.9% of the total, during the first 11 months of this year compared with the same period last year.

Source - MNA
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