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Xcite, Bentley oilfield en Fugro

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Van ii:
Sorry for the length of this piece but it is Sunday and I do like to start at first principles and work on from there, so here goes:

We are a successful species because we are good at cooperation. Working together multiplies our ability to get things done and so over evolutionary time we now pay great attention to what the other guy is thinking (or might be thinking shortly). Rumour and gossip are our way of staying in touch and making sure that we are immediately aware of any dangers and opportunity.

That explains why I am writing and you are reading this instead of doing something more useful or enjoyable; it is a two way process, we swap information just as we return other favours and it is rewarding because we all like to feel part of a wider community. But the problem with reading BB’s is that this is a virtual and not completely virtuous community; there are `snakes in the grass’ out to feed misinformation for their own ends. Short selling provides a powerful incentive to drive the price down and the BB provides the means to exert influence, especially if several apparently different posters are driving home similar messages.

We are particularly vulnerable to paying more attention to bad news rather than good because way back in time before shoes were invented there really were snakes in the grass and a timely warning would save your life…. But only if you took notice and reacted quickly enough. So the pessimists survived and the optimists who did not think anything bad could happen to them died out. We are the progeny of a whole series of ancestors who were careful to take heed of warnings and so we have inherited this negative bias.

How does this relate to XEL? The problem with a virtual community is that you cannot easily decide what weight to give to the vague clues that appear on the BB’s; we all know that tr*lls exist and are posting their negative rumours and there will certainly be some rampers trying to profit from boosting the SP. These people will have learned to take turns so that each drives the price more effectively in the direction they want and they can then take their short term profit. Some are obvious and we can put them on ignore, but it is far too easy to change the name or use a different one which has been kept just ticking over and with high speed trading and a good pot of cash, it will be possible to make a lot of money. The presence of the more obvious BB tr*lls makes it clear that their existence is not just a theoretical possibility but a proven fact and their activities must indeed be profitable.

So how can we develop an immunity to this plague when there may be some warnings and opportunities that are genuine? The answer we have evolved is to not `take anyone’s word for it’ but to rely on the community to analyse and question each rumour and then rather than pay too much attention to who is shouting loudest, watch to see what they actually do `actions speak louder than words’.

But how can we do that in a virtual community? Easy, we simply check the trading statistics and especially the SP (which unfortunately is exactly what the rampers and derampers want us to do). We assume that this gives us a feel for how the broader community of shareholders are reacting …….except that it does not. The volumes traded (typically around a million) are usually only a tiny fraction of the number in issue (292 million). The sellers have either been spooked by the derampers and have decided to get out or they would like to hold but need the money urgently and so have to sell. And for every person selling, there is someone buying i.e. they have decided that the derampers are wrong and they need to buy now before the price goes back up.

So the charts record the cumulative effect on the SP of only a tiny proportion of the shareholders. Still when the price goes down, we tend to assume that it will continue to fall because that is what mainly happens in the natural world. But in the natural world gravity is the overriding force and so we are more accustomed expect things to continue falling unless something intervenes. We tend to assume that there is something akin to gravity at work, some underlying cause, when it may merely be that the lying cause is derampers acting on our human nature.

We need to remember that when a volume of 1.2M shares are traded, that means that 291.8M did not change hands i.e.99.628% did not sell and even the 0.34% of shares that were sold, were immediately bought again, many by day traders of the opposite persuasion. In the village rumour network we would test a rumour by discussing it with other people and in the above case, you would need to talk to over 240 people before you found someone who had actually sold. The SP is simply a record of the price a tiny proportion of holders agreed to exchange on, some a bit naïve, others desperate for the money and a few perhaps who genuinely decided that they no longer wanted to hold this share.

The agreed price could have been worked out by taking the NPV of the assets, deducting the loans etc etc and then mutually agreeing that this was a fair price but that would be a time consuming and impractical method involving accountancy skills that most shareholders don’t have and would not be inclined to use. The MM’s remove the need by quoting a price which they have found will enable the transaction to proceed, both sides of the bargain being equally happy (or unhappy) to proceed on that basis.
But the MM’s price is not derived from much more than yesterday’s price modified by today’s demand, i.e. if they charge more than people are willing to pay, there will be no deal and if they charge less they will soon have no stock; so the SP bears no relation to the NPV of the enterprise unless dividends are being paid and then it is relatively easy to work out a SP which reflects the return obtainable from this share compared to that from other stocks with similar risk etc.

Bringing this all back to XEL, it is all too easy to be swayed into accepting that the SP really is a reflection of the progress the company has made when as can be seen, XEL’s SP has moved independently of the actual progress of the company. It was initially far higher and latterly far lower than the real NPV of the company even based on estimates that are very

@ Bara,

je hebt een mooie beschouwing gekopieerd. En, ook dat mag gezegd worden, je hebt het initiatief genomen om dit forumdraadje voort te zetten sinds dhr Zandeman het forum in alle stilte heeft verlaten (tijdelijk?).

Ik hoop dat je je nobele initiatief voort zult zetten.

Nieuwe hoop voor Xcite beleggers, beurskoers Londen wint 19,2%.
Xcite kiest voor kennisdeling met Statoil en Shell UK over specifieke technische en operationele data mbt Bressay en Bentley Field.

bron : www.xcite-energy.com/investors/regula...

Xcite heeft reeds eerder data verkocht waarmee het de kaspositie versterkte. Afgaande op de koersstijging speculeren de aandeelhouders van Xcite op een voortzetting en uitbouw van de samenwerking met Statoil en RD Shell.

Of die speculatie bewaarheid gaat worden, zal men moeten afwachten. Voor degenen die hun aandelenpositie in XEL hebben vastgehouden, is een voorlopige felicitatie op zijn plaats.


ff_relativeren schreef op 6 mei 2014 10:30:

Nieuwe hoop voor Xcite beleggers, beurskoers Londen wint 19,2%.
Xcite kiest voor kennisdeling met Statoil en Shell UK over specifieke technische en operationele data mbt Bressay en Bentley Field.

bron : www.xcite-energy.com/investors/regula...

Xcite heeft reeds eerder data verkocht waarmee het de kaspositie versterkte. Afgaande op de koersstijging speculeren de aandeelhouders van Xcite op een voortzetting en uitbouw van de samenwerking met Statoil en RD Shell.

Of die speculatie bewaarheid gaat worden, zal men moeten afwachten. Voor degenen die hun aandelenpositie in XEL hebben vastgehouden, is een voorlopige felicitatie op zijn plaats. reetzzz
Dit lijkt me een hele mooie gelegenheid om met weinig kleerscheuren uit te stappen.

Ik verwacht binnenkort nieuws over nieuwe aandelen-emissies, dit bericht krikt de koers mooi omhoog.

Shell en Statoil willen deze tent niet overnemen, die hebben al genoeg problemen op te lossen.

ff_relativeren schreef op 6 mei 2014 10:30:

Nieuwe hoop voor Xcite beleggers .....

Xcite heeft reeds eerder data verkocht waarmee het de kaspositie versterkte. Afgaande op de koersstijging speculeren de aandeelhouders van Xcite op een voortzetting en uitbouw van de samenwerking met Statoil en RD Shell.

Of die speculatie bewaarheid gaat worden, zal men moeten afwachten. Voor degenen die hun aandelenpositie in XEL hebben vastgehouden, is een voorlopige felicitatie op zijn plaats.

¨Mijn¨ Shell ...? Volgens mij heeft RDS een andere focus, past niet in de strategie (of ik moet het niet begrepen hebben). Sorry. Maar iedereen toch succes.
6 May 2014
Collaboration Agreement with Statoil and Shell

Xcite Energy announces that its 100% owned subsidiary, Xcite Energy Resources Ltd ("XER"), has entered into a Collaboration Agreement with Statoil (U.K.) Ltd. ("Statoil") and Shell U.K. Ltd. ("Shell"), which allows all the Parties to make available and share field-specific technical and operational information for the evaluation of potential synergies and collaboration between the Bentley and Bressay Fields.

A joint XER, Statoil and Shell team will work together to analyse the current available information and develop a number of proposals for assessment, including the potential utilisation of common infrastructure, assets and operational solutions during the phased development of the Bentley Field and the future development of the Bressay Field.

XER believes that collaboration in a number of key areas, along with a coordinated approach to an area development, will realise a number of mutual opportunities which have the potential to benefit all stakeholders.

Rupert Cole, CEO of Xcite Energy, commented:

"We are pleased to continue to work with Statoil and Shell in this important initiative and, following their purchase of the Bentley EWT data in 2013, believe that it demonstrates the value that independent oil companies can bring to the North Sea to unlock major energy assets. We also believe that the principles contained in this Collaboration Agreement complement the recent UK Government commissioned report, "UKCS Maximising Recovery Review" by Sir Ian Wood, and will provide an important early framework through which additional value can be captured in area development scenarios."

@ Roloff, daar heb je helemaal gelijk in.
Ik vermoed dat Xcite probeert om Statoil en Shell UK te overtuigen van renderende winbaarheid van de Bentley-olie.

Het is denk ik goed, dat je wijst naar de focus van RDS. Indien er op termijn inderdaad geen verdere stappen voortkomen uit deze poging van Xcite, zal de hype van vandaag wel afkoelen -wat dan helaas voor Xcite aandeelhouders een neerwaartse beweging meebrengt-.

Thanks !
OSLO--Global energy company Statoil ASA (STO) is to delay investment in the Bressay heavy-oil field in the U.K. sector of the North Sea, in a setback to its development plans.

"Statoil has decided to reconsider the concept and delay the field's development decision," said Statoil spokesman Knut Rostad, adding it was acting with license partner Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSA).

The technically challenging project was estimated to cost between $6 billion and $7 billion, and would be one of the largest investments in the U.K. part of the North Sea in decades.

Earlier this year, the Norwegian company received U.K. consent to develop the nearby $7 billion Mariner heavy-oil field, and stressed the project was moving forward as planned.

Mariner and Bressay are the largest, most important Statoil-operated projects outside of Norway, and are also among its most challenging projects.

Statoil expected Bressay to come on stream in 2018, but has decided to review the project after receiving new data, said the company.
Gents and Ladies,

in vorige postings heb ik in enkele varianten doorgerekend wat de eindwaarde per aandeel Xcite zou zijn na afronding van 30 jaar oliewinning uit het Bentley field, na aftrek van alle uitgaven.

In die berekeningen heb ik een standaard gehanteerd van 70% winbaarheid.
Omdat de 70% grens een zeer klein eindresultaat opleverde, en vanuit 2 invalshoeken zelfs verlies opleverde = waarde kleiner dan 0,00, heb ik de winbaarheid van het Bentley field verhoogd naar 80%.

Statoil, waarover nu zoveel vreugde bestaat bij Xcite beleggers, heeft vandaag winbaarheidscijfers gegeven waar Xcite beleggers even naar zouden moeten kijken :

1. het Offshore Johan Sverdrup oilfield voor de kust van Noorwegen
(quote) Met de moderne techniek en veel vindingrijkheid verwacht Statoil tot 70% winbaarheid te komen over de gehele lifecycle van het gigantische olieveld.

2. De paleogene Wilcox velden in de Golf van Mexico
leveren standaard recovery rate van slechts 6 tot 10 procent. Statoil verwacht dit door aanpassingen te kunnen verhogen naar misschien 20% of daarboven.

bron : www.ogj.com/articles/2014/05/oil-reco...

Deze 2 uitkomsten werpen een minder fraai licht op de verwachtingen voor het Bentley field en de toekomstige waarde per aandeel Xcite. Met de huidige slotkoers van het aandeel Xcite van 91,50 pence verwacht ik dat dhr Zandeman zich binnenkort weer wel hier zal melden met de mededeling dat alles goed gaat komen. Ik zou zeggen, maak aub eerst de rekensom op basis van een maximale winbaarheid tussen de 20% (paleogeen Wilcox) en 70% (Johan Sverdrup). Trek daar alle te voorziene winbaarheidskosten + aflossingen van leningen + overige (bedrijfs)onkosten vanaf. En kijk aub kritisch naar de verwachte olieprijs per barrel. De laatst bekende olieverkoop per barrel lag veel lager dan de opgevoerde rapporten ... papier is geduldig, maar uiteindelijk wil je toch weten wat je porto je gaat opleveren of gaat kosten.

>> om misverstanden te voorkomen, ik gun iedereen een prachtig rendement op lopende beleggingen. Maar het kan geen kwaad om bekende vergelijkingscijfers naast je eigen verwachting te leggen ... good luck

How Much Lower Can Xcite Energy Limited Go?
By Motley Fool | Tue, 6th May 2014 - 09:45

Xcite Energy (LSE:XEL) shareholders have every right to be disappointed in the company’s performance so far this year. Indeed, even after the company reported a stellar set of pre-production flow test results from its Bentley oil field at the end of last year, the oil minnow’s share price has gone nowhere but down during the past few months.

However, Xcite announced some great news this morning, revealing that the company had entered into a collaboration agreement with Statoil and Shell, allowing the parties to evaluate potential synergies between the Bentley and Bressay Fields. This agreement has opened up the possibility of a joint venture between Xcite, Shell and Statoil.

Still, the question remains, even after this good news, will Xcite’s shares push back to their 2011 high of 400p, or retest the 2010 low of 35p?
The bigger picture
oil rig

Unfortunately, Xcite is facing several headwinds going forward, none of which are under the company’s control.

For example, it is widely believed that Xcite is unlikely to receive any takeover or joint-venture offers to develop the Bentley field, until the Scottish referendum has taken place.

Further, the company is constrained by operating conditions within the North Sea. Specifically, ageing infrastructure, high tax liabilities and high costs are three factors driving oil companies away from the region.

Still, the recently released Wood Report, commissioned to establish the best way of extending the North Sea’s life and boosting the UK’s oil production, contains many recommendations that would make the region more attractive to investors.

Thankfully, the proposals put forward within the report are likely to be adopted after the outcome of the Scottish referendum; both the Scottish and UK governments have voiced their support for the reports proposals.

Additionally, Xcite’s management remains proactive and are doing everything possible to speed up the development of the Bentley field.

During the space of the last year alone, Xcite has signed an offtake agreement with BP, a memorandum of understanding with AMEC for the development of the Bentley field,another memorandum of understanding with Teekay Shipping for the provision of shipping services for Bentley field infrastructure, and as mentioned above, the collaboration agreement with Statoil and Shell.
But how much is Xcite worth?

Of course, the key question on everyone’s lips is how much is Xcite actually worth and are the company’s shares under, or overvalued at current levels?

My preferred method of valuing oil exploration companies like Xcite, is to compare the company’s PV-10 figure to its enterprise value.

The PV-10 ratio attempts to show us the future value of all of the hydrocarbon reserves held by the company, net of extraction expenses. Therefore, oil and gas companies trading below their PV-10 figure are often considered undervalued.

Xcite’s PV-10 value of proved and probable reserves stands at £4.5bn, after the deduction of tax this figure drops to £2.1bn, significantly above Xcite’s current enterprise value of around £250 million.

So, as Xcite is currently trading at a huge discount to the value of its oil reserves, it would appear that the company is seriously undervalued.
@ff, mooi werk, AB van mij! Petje af hoe je de zaken steeds verder uitdiept inzake Bentleyfield.

Als we beide bovenstaande berichten combineren zou die 70% winbaarheid de deal met Statoil en Shell nog kunnen dwarsbomen. Economische winbaarheid staat in ieder geval centraal bij dergelijke evaluaties. Niet dat ik een zwartkijker ben, verre van dat.
Ben eerder een realist, daar kom je namelijk het verste mee.

Ik hoop voor alle Xciters trouwens van harte dat de deal er komt en het jullie leuk wat oplevert.
Een aantal van jullie (waaronder dhr Z*.) heeft er in ieder geval lang op moeten wachten.

*zou leuk zij weer eens even iets van hem te vernemen. Ik draag hem een warm hart toe.

Xcite Energy recovers ground as it signs collaboration deal with Statoil and Shell
08 May 2014 by Our Oilbarrel Staff

Shares in AIM-quoted Xcite Energy enjoyed a welcome surge this week after the heavy oil developer announced a collaboration agreement with Statoil and Shell. The company, which holds 100 per cent of the Bentley heavy oilfield in the North Sea, has agreed to share technical and operational information to evaluate potential synergies between Bentley and the Bressay oilfield.

Statoil, which holds 80 per cent of Bressay alongside Shell, delayed its development late last year amid concerns about costs, thought to be up to US$7 billion to bring the heavy oilfield onstream in 2018.

BVI-registered Xcite was once the darling of the AIM oil patch but its performance has disappointed over the last two years as the heat generated by its breakthough extended well test of 2012 dissipated. Tuesday saw the company regain some of that buzz, however, with its shares surging almost 29 per cent during Tuesday trading.

By Wednesday lunchtime, the share price had edged higher to trade at 93.25 pence as news of the collaboration whetted investor appetites for a more lucrative tie-up. This speculation is not new: in 2013 Statoil paid US$15 million for a package of technical data from an extended well test on Bentley, raising hopes that the Norwegian oil giant was lining up a bid either for the asset or the whole company. Investors may be more wary this time round.

Even so, the latest news is welcome as it is again a vote of confidence in the quality not only of Bentley but also of Xcite's approach to proving up the commercial potential of this heavy oil asset and finding a cost-effective development solution. A joint team from Xcite, Statoil and Shell will now work together to analyse existing information and develop proposals to potentially share infrastructure, assets and operational solutions. Xcite's CEO Rupert Cole said it demonstrated “the value that independent oil companies can bring to the North Sea to unlock major energy assets”.

There is no doubt that Bentley is a material asset. The average UKCS discovery size over the past ten years has been 25 million barrels of oil equivalent and 90% of current fields in production on the UKCS are producing less than 15,000 boepd. At ten times the average size of a UKCS discovery, Bentley is expected to have an economic field life of 50 years and modelled to produce 15,000 barrels of oil per day after 17 years of production and approximately 8,500 barrels per day after 35 years of production.

The big issue is how Xcite can monetise this resource base. Even a scaled back phased development approach requires deeper pockets than it can currently muster, notwithstanding its efforts to line up a slate of world-class partners on a shared risk/reward basis: last month, for example, it agreed an MoU with Amec and Arup to co-operate on the the design and development of Arup's self-installing, steel ACE platform for the Bentley field and another with Teekay Shipping for the supply of a bridge-linked Sevan FSO.

These kinds of agreements mean Xcite can refine costs, design and scheduling of Bentley to present a development-ready situation to reserves-hungry oil majors – and the collaboration with Statoil and Shell shows the asset is certainly on Big Oil's radar.
Op 8 mei publiceerde Xcite op haar homepage een verandering in haar bestuurs-samenstelling.

Roger Ramshaw has retired as Chairman for personal reasons and has resigned from the Board with immediate effect. Xcite Energy is pleased to announce the appointment of Timothy Stephen Jones as non-executive Chairman and Henry ("Harry") George Wilson as a non-executive director of the Company, effective from 7 May 2014.

Meer achtergrond informatie over de heren Jones en Wilson staan in de Xcite publicatie. Bron : www.xcite-energy.com/investors/regula...


ff_relativeren schreef op 8 mei 2014 00:09:


Statoil, waarover nu zoveel vreugde bestaat bij Xcite beleggers, heeft vandaag winbaarheidscijfers gegeven waar Xcite beleggers even naar zouden moeten kijken :

1. het Offshore Johan Sverdrup oilfield voor de kust van Noorwegen
(quote) Met de moderne techniek en veel vindingrijkheid verwacht Statoil tot 70% winbaarheid te komen over de gehele lifecycle van het gigantische olieveld.

2. De paleogene Wilcox velden in de Golf van Mexico
leveren standaard recovery rate van slechts 6 tot 10 procent. Statoil verwacht dit door aanpassingen te kunnen verhogen naar misschien 20% of daarboven.

bron : www.ogj.com/articles/2014/05/oil-reco...


Het alias Bara heeft dit forumdraadje voorzien van enkele copy-paste berichten die positief waren over 2 belangrijke zaken. De toekomstige samenwerking met grote olieproducerende en transporterende bedrijven, en de value per share van Xcite.

Voorwaarde voor dit optimisme is dat de deelnemende partijen delen in de Risk en in de Award. Xcite zou zo spoedig mogelijk openheid moeten geven over welk deel van de Award waarde weg vloeit naar de deelnemende partijen. Eenvoudigweg omdat het koersgevoelige informatie is die de restwaarde voor Xcite-aandeelhouders bepaalt. Opbrengst min omzet voor deelnemende bedrijven = ?? (restwaarde voor aandeelhouders).

>> hoe meer Risk and Award deals worden gesloten, hoe minder er over blijft voor de Xcite aandeelhouders <<

In combinatie met de bijdragen van @ Bara, en de recent vrijgegeven winbaarheids-cijfers van Statoil,

ben ik opnieuw in de Xcite documentatie gedoken. Cruciaal is dat we nu bestaande winbaarheids-cijfers kunnen leggen naast de nieuwste voorraadschattingen van het Bentley field.

Olie uit de Jura/Krijt lagen leveren bij Statoil een winbaarheid op van 60%-70%.
Olie uit de Paleogene lagen leveren bij Statoil een winbaarheid op van 6-10%,
waarbij men hoopt met de nieuwste techniek en veel vindingrijkheid de winbaarheid naar 20% te kunnen brengen.

Voor Xcite beleggers is het dus van enorm belang in welke lagen de Bentley olie zich bevindt. Het antwoord is te vinden in een rapport uit 2009 van RPS Energy. Bladzijde 15, paragraaf 2.1.2 Bentley Drilling History, vertelt ons dat de proefboringen in het Bentley field gedaan zijn in de Paleogene lagen.

Bron : www.xcite-energy.com/investors/presen...

Gerelateerd aan de cijfers van Statoil moeten de Xcite aandeelhouders zich dus gaan opmaken voor een huidige winbaarheid van 6 tot 10%, met een streven naar 20%.

>> in een volgende posting werk ik de berekeningen verder uit <<

This is how Steve Kew views what we have achieved:

As well as running a test, Xcite is running a research programme looking at the biology in the resevoir, to see if this could be used to its advantage to aid production with bugs in the crude create biosurfactants. It is also analysing the crude chemistry for refining and marketing purposes.

"We do not intend to give all that data away" he says. "There are quite a lot of challenging resevoirs this data is applicable to and we want to take advantage of that"

It has been estimated there are nine billion barrels of Heavy Oil in place in the North Sea waiting to be tapped.

"We see two billion barrels of more in the triangle Bentley, Bressay and Kraken" says Kew. We see a lot of potential there. Its a life long production"

"There are many fields like that emerging and we have worked out how to get it out"
In bovenstaande postings is een deelname van andere partijen aan bod gekomen voor de exploitatie van het Bentley field. Xcite heeft niet de geld-reserves om deze partijen cash te kunnen betalen. Via Risk en Award deelname zou Xcite de volgende stap kunnen zetten om deze partijen aan boord te halen.

Een dergelijke stap heeft echter grote consequenties voor de restwaarde van de aandelen Xcite. De opbrengst zou dan terecht komen bij 6 bedrijven. Een worst-case scenario dat tot reëel scenario zou kunnen worden ;

Xcite zelf kan geen geld inbrengen in dit avontuur. Daarmee is het volledig afhankelijk van de inbreng van Statoil en Shell. Deze 2 bedrijven, samen met Teekay Shipping dat de bridge linked Sevan SFO in zou brengen, zullen het leeuwendeel van de Risk and Award opbrengst claimen voordat ze bereid zijn om deel te nemen.

Daarnaast zullen ook de bedrijven Amec en Arup een deel opeisen voor hun design en engineering van het platform.

In een dergelijke verdeling kan Xcite alleen de licentiewaarde in het project inbrengen. Echter, Xcite moet daar haast mee maken om te voorkomen dat de licentie verloopt. Dan zouden de aandeelhouders met lege handen achter blijven.

Ondanks dat Xcite de alleenrechten heeft om het Bentley field te exploiteren, kunnen ze door de tijdsdruk -die het management zelf heeft laten ontstaan- bijna geen eisen stellen in een onderhandeling met externe partijen die nagenoeg geheel de Risk factoren moeten dragen. En daar begrijpelijk ook nagenoeg geheel de Award voor in ruil zullen willen ...

Een verdeling zoals onderstaand is daarmee niet ondenkbeeldig ;

Statoil : 35%
Shell UK: 35%
Teekay Sh. 15%
Amec : 2,5%
Arup : 2,5%

Daarmee blijft er voor de licentiewaarde van Xcite 10% van de Award waarde over. In de posting hierboven heb ik een 6% tot 10% winbaarheid van paleogene olievelden van Statoil vergeleken met de proefboringen in het Bentley field.

Indien Xcite 10% van de Award ontvangt uit 10% winbaarheid, dan kunnen de aandeelhouders van Xcite samen 1% van de Bentley waarde verdelen. That's all (oil)folks ...

De verdientijd van de opbrengst wordt uitgedrukt in de totale levenscyclus van het Bentley olieveld. Die levenscyclus is stilzwijgend van het een-na-jongste rapport (35 jaar) naar het jongste rapport (50 jaar) met 42,85% uitgerekt. Je mag je afvragen wie er aandelen wil kopen die hun eigenaar ruim gaan overleven om tot de eindwaarde te komen.

Waarbij die eindwaarde gebaseerd moet worden op ?
De P2 voorraad (waarschijnlijk maar niet bewezen) van het Bentley field is groter dan de P1 (bewezen) voorraad. En de P3 voorraad (misschien aanwezig, niet bewezen) is nog groter ..

bron : www.xcite-energy.com/investors/regula...

Tot dusver de langetermijn problematiek voor Xcite.
Op korte termijn heeft Xcite een ander probleem. Het bedrijf moet ondanks de afwezigheid van eigen inkomsten een lening terug gaan betalen van US $ 80 miljoen, tegen 12,5% rente.

Xcite zal daarom een nieuw konijn uit de hoge hoed moeten toveren.
Hetzij in de vorm van een nieuwe lening om de huidige lening te betalen.
-het ene gat met het andere gat vullen-
hetzij in de vorm van een emissie van aandelen.

Om 80 miljoen US $ af te lossen met een emissie van aandelen, zal Xcite een stortvloed van nieuwe aandelen moeten plaatsen. Reken even met mij mee ;

Huidige koers per aandeel Xcite = 88 pence.
Wisselkoers US $ vs UK Pond = 0,59.

Bij een emissie tegen huidige beurskoers zou dat een emissie betekenen van 53,63 miljoen nieuwe aandelen. Vergelijk : aantal aandelen op dit moment = 292,81 miljoen aandelen.

bron : www.xcite-energy.com/investors/share-...

Schuld-aflossing via een emissie tegen huidige beurskoers zou dan een verwatering betekenen van 18,32%.

De nare realiteit is dat een emissie vrijwel nooit tegen actuele beurskoers plaats vindt. Tientallen procenten er onder daarentegen wel.
Een verwatering van > 25% is derhalve te verwachten indien de schuld-aflossing via een emissie wordt voltrokken.

Zowel de onderhandelingen over Risk & Award, als de schuldaflossing staan dit jaar op de agenda. Indien Xcite via Risk and Award tot 1% opbrengst komt (10% award van 10% winbaarheid), en er nog dit jaar een verwatering plaats vindt van de aandelen met > 25%, dan mogen alle aandeelhouders over de 50-jaar levenscyclus een opbrengst gaan verdelen van 0,75%.

>> de deelnemende bedrijven hebben een heel andere investment case. Voor hen is het een van de vele projecten waarbij Risk and Award in evenwicht dienen te zijn. Dat er voor de aanbrengende partij niets over blijft in value per share, ligt niet op hun bureau <<


Now Is The Time To Buy Xcite Energy Limited
By Motley Fool | Wed, 21st May 2014 - 11:36

The last time I took a look at Xcite Energy (LSE:XEL) was at the beginning of May, and I concluded that the company was ‘seriously undervalued’, although it was unlikely that development of the company’s Bentley field would occur before the Scottish referendum.

However, since that article, Xcite has reported first-quarter results and more details have emerged about the company’s deal with Statoil and Shell, a deal which could potentially lead to a buyout, or joint venture in the near future.
Undervalued companyoil rig

When I covered Xcite at the beginning of May, the articles main focus was on the value of the company’s oil reserves, in relation to Xcite’s enterprise value. As covered previously:

My preferred method of valuing oil exploration companies like Xcite, is to compare the company’s PV-10 figure to its enterprise value.

The PV-10 ratio attempts to show us the future value of all of the hydrocarbon reserves held by the company, net of extraction expenses. Therefore, oil and gas companies trading below their PV-10 figure are often considered undervalued.

Xcite’s PV-10 value of proved and probable reserves stands at £4.5bn, after the deduction of tax this figure drops to £2.1bn, significantly above Xcite’s current enterprise value of around £250 million.

After a brief spike higher, Xcite’s enterprise value now sits at around the same level it was when I first undertook this analysis; the company remains undervalued.
Transformational deal

Since the initial analysis, Xcite has released its results for the first three months of this year, which showed a small loss of £0.4m. Of this loss, £0.3m was due to the impact of unfavourable currency movements. So, Xcite effectively broke even for the first three months of this year.

Additionally, the company’s books showed a cash balance of £17m at the end of the first quarter, indicating that Xcite has plenty of cash to stay afloat for the time being.

However, the most important news and analysis to emerge during the past few weeks is related to Xcite’s deal with Statoil and Shell.

Statoil and Shell own the Bressay field, which neighbours Xcite’s Bentley filed and together the two oil fields hold up to 500m barrels of reserves.

According to the arrangement, the three parties are planning to work together to analyse all available data and various development proposals. Xcite’s management has drawn the conclusion from this that there is the possibility of sharing infrastructure, assets and operational solutions.

This does raise some important questions, as Statoil and Shell had previously stated that they were postponing the development of the Bressay filed following the analysis of data from Xcite’s Bentley test well, received at the end of 2013.

It’s possible that as a result of this deal, Statoil and Shell are now reconsidering their decision to postpone development.

Bressay field will cost $7bn to develop but if Statoil and Shell can leverage these development costs in order to access the reserves from the Bentley field, all parties will benefit.

The recent deal between Statoil, Shell and Xcite now makes a joint venture, or buyout a very real possibility.

Rupert owns shares in XCITE ENERGY LIMITED.

Xcite Energy price is “attractive” ahead of a Bentley deal, says Cantor Fitzgerald
By Jamie Ashcroft May 20 2014, 3:12pm In a note, today, Wahab said he has long highlighted that Xcite needs to secure a cash rich and technically adept partner – and, because of Bressay, he reckons Statoil and/or Shell would represent logical choices.In a note, today, Wahab said he has long highlighted that Xcite needs to secure a cash rich and technically adept partner – and, because of Bressay, he reckons Statoil and/or Shell would represent logical choices.

Xcite Energy’s (LON:XEL) current share price is an attractive entry point for investors, before a deal is struck for the Bentley oilfield, says Cantor Fitzgerald analyst Sam Wahab.

The North Sea heavy-oil specialist earlier this month formalised a collaboration with Statoil and Shell, the owners of the Bressay field which neighbours Bentley.

These two heavy oil fields hold significant resources. Bentley has just over 257mln barrels of reserves and it is believed between 200 and 300mln barrels could be recovered from Bressay.

Bressay had been on hold since November, as the partners re-evaluated the envisaged US$7bn development plan following the analysis of well data from Xcite’s successful well test in 2012.

According to the latest arrangement the parties will work together to analyse all available data and various development proposals. As such there is the possibility of sharing infrastructure, assets and operational solutions.

In a note, Wahab said he has long highlighted that Xcite needs to secure a cash rich and technically adept partner – and, because of Bressay, he reckons Statoil and/or Shell would represent logical choices.

“Xcite has confirmed that negotiations are ongoing, albeit at a much slower pace than anticipated, with a potential partner(s),” Wahab said. “The shares have been volatile in recent weeks, with the large retail following buying in expectation of a farm out and then growing frustrated in the absence of any news.

"Nevertheless, we highlight that the underlying fundamentals of the company remain unchanged, and therefore the current share price represents an attractive entry point for investors ahead of an expected transaction.”



Bara schreef op 21 mei 2014 14:19:

Xcite Energy price is “attractive” ahead of a Bentley deal, says Cantor
In a note, Wahab said he has long highlighted that Xcite needs to secure a cash rich and technically adept partner – and, because of Bressay, he reckons Statoil and/or Shell would represent logical choices.
“Xcite has confirmed that negotiations are ongoing, albeit at a much slower pace than anticipated, with a potential partner(s),” Wahab said. “The shares have been volatile in recent weeks, with the large retail following buying in expectation of a farm out and then growing frustrated in the absence of any news.
"Nevertheless, we highlight that the underlying fundamentals of the company remain unchanged, and therefore the current share price represents an attractive entry point for investors ahead of an expected transaction.”
Vlak voor de komende emissies moet de koers nog even worden opgekrikt, degene die het meest positieve stukje schrijft, mag de meeste provisie opstrijken.

Ik wil wedden dat in 2020 Bentley nog steeds geen olie produceert.

En ik wil wedden dat de koers van Xcite voor eind dit jaar boven de 1,5 pond staat.
En ik wil wedden dat ZR plus al zijn andere nicknames ongelijk blijken te hebben over Xcite!

Makkelijk weddenschappen aangaan... bovendien heb je al verloren ZR @ ff_relativeren @ ... want Bentley heeft al olie geproduceerd, een tanker vol, verkocht aan BP. Dus weddenschap verloren, waar had je ook weer om gewed?

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