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Ambassadeur VS: gebruik geen Russisch gas

Gepubliceerd op 19 dec 2018 om 09:16 | Views: 3.656

Royal Dutch Shell A 16:22
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DEN HAAG (ANP) - De Amerikaanse ambassadeur in Nederland Pete Hoekstra roept in een open brief in De Telegraaf Nederland op om niet mee te werken aan het Russische gasproject Nord Stream 2. Hoekstra schrijft dat het Amerikaanse Congres vorige week heeft besloten om alle landen in de Europese Unie te vragen niet deel te nemen aan het project. Daarbij waarschuwt Hoekstra in gesprek met het NPO Radio 1-programma De Nieuws BV dat voor de Verenigde Staten ook sancties een mogelijkheid zijn.

Nord Stream 2 is een nieuwe pijpleiding die door de Oostzee moet lopen om delen van Europa van Russisch gas te voorzien. Het project van het Russische staatsbedrijf Gazprom wordt medegefinancierd door vijf Europese energiebedrijven, waaronder Shell.

Hoekstra denkt dat Rusland de nieuwe pijpleiding kan gaan gebruiken om politieke macht uit te oefenen op Europese landen. ,,Wij zijn tegen Nord Stream 2 omdat het een geostrategische bedreiging vormt voor onze beste vrienden en bondgenoten", schrijft Hoekstra in de krant.

Amerikaanse sancties

De ambassadeur noemt het conflict in Oekraïne, de MH17-ramp en de poging van Rusland om de Organisatie voor het Verbod op Chemische Wapens (OPCW) in Den Haag te hacken als redenen voor Nederland om niet deel te nemen aan het Russische gasproject.

Amerikaanse sancties zouden ingesteld kunnen worden tegen bedrijven die aan Nord Stream 2 meewerken zoals baggeraars Van Oord en Boskalis en Shell, maar ook tegen onderaannemers en individuele personen.


Van Oord en Boskalis gaven tegenover De Nieuws BV aan dat er een clausule in de contracten staat over eventuele sancties. Shell liet weten zijn verplichtingen te willen ,,nakomen in volledige naleving van alle toepasselijke sancties en handelsregels''.
Vestas secures first order from enercity Erneuerbare GmbH in Germany

Vestas has received a 33 MW order from German municipal utility enercity Erneuerbare GmbH, a subsidiary of Hannover-based utility enercity AG, for the Klettwitz III B.A. 2.2 project located in Klettwitz in the Brandenburg region in eastern Germany. The project will comprise ten V117-3.3 MW turbines, which will be installed on a former coal surface mining area, making the project an example of the German energy market's rapid transformation from fossils to renewables. The contract includes supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as a 15-year Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement. The project will feature VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution to lower turbine downtime and optimise the energy output. Deliveries are scheduled for late 2019 and early 2020.

Mr Ivo Grünhagen, CEO of enercity Erneuerbare GmbH said that “The Klettwitz III B.A. 2.2 is an extension of the existing Klettwitz park and will make a significant contribution to the German energy transition. When fully commissioned, it will produce around 95.000 MWh/y, which is enough to provide energy for around 30.000 households.”

The project builds on Vestas’ extensive experience from previous projects in the Klettwitz region. Vestas’ first wind turbines in the region were commissioned in 1999, and in 2014 the first repowering activities began, which at the time was one of the largest repowering projects in Germany.

Mr Jens Kück, Sales Director at Vestas Northern & Central Europe said that "Our extensive local experience and project expertise has been key in winning this order with a new customer, and we are grateful for enercity placing their trust in our ability to build and execute this project flawlessly. Located on a former coal surface mining area, the wind park is a good example of how a former coal region can make the transition to taking a leading role for the expansion of renewable energy.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Turkish Stream, TAP not competitors - MrManturov

Azer News cited Mr Denis Manturov, Russian Industry and Trade Minister as saying that Russian initiated Turkish Stream project and the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), which envisages transportation of Azerbaijani gas to Europe are not competitors. Turkish Stream and TAP are not competitors: the two infrastructures, which cross different countries, can in some ways be called complementary, Italian La Stampa newspaper quoted Manturov as saying. At the same time, it is incorrect to state that the Turkish Stream is an alternative to the Trans Adriatic Pipeline project, according to the Russian minister. He noted that TAP can transport not only Azerbaijani, but also Russian gas.

Earlier, Greek Prime Minister Mr Alexis Tsipras also said that TAP may be filled with Russian gas as well. He said that “TAP project is 80 percent complete already. I think we have the necessary technical conditions to fill this pipeline with Russian gas. I believe that this will be beneficial for the European economy and the entire region,” adding that Greece will promote this position in the meetings with European partners.

TAP worth EUR 4.5 billion is a part of the Southern Gas Corridor, which is one of the priority energy projects for the European Union. The project envisages transportation of gas from Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz Stage 2 to the EU countries. The pipeline will connect to the Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) on the Turkish-Greek border, run through Greece, Albania and the Adriatic Sea, before coming ashore in Italy’s south.

However, TAP will be 878 kilometers in length (Greece 550 kilometers, Albania 215 kilometers, Adriatic Sea 105 kilometers, and Italy 8 kilometers).

Source : Azer News
EDP Renováveis is awarded long term CfD of wind at Greek energy auction

EDP Renewables a global leader in the renewable energy sector and one of the world's largest wind energy producers, secured 20-year Contract-for-Difference at the Greek wind energy auction to sell electricity produced by Aerorrachi 15 MW wind farm, located in North Greece and with expected commercial operation until 2021.

In July 4th 2018 EDPR announced the entrance in Greece with the award of a 20-year CfD for Livadi 45 MW wind farm. With this new contract EDPR reinforces its footprint in a new market with a sustainable development of its Renewable Energy Source.

As part of its growth strategy, EDPR continues to study worldwide opportunities while developing profitable projects focused in countries with low risk profile and regulatory stability.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Raad van State wuift laatste bezwaren tegen windpark Zeewolde weg

Het omstreden Windpark Zeewolde mag er komen. De Raad van State heeft de bezwaren van woningbouwontwikkelaars en van eigenaren van bestaande windturbines ongegrond verklaard.

In de omgeving van Zeewolde staan ook al moderne windmolens in een windpark van Vattenfall. Die nieuwe windturbines zijn gebouwd door Nuon.Foto: Flip Franssen/HH

De uitspraak woensdag van de Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State betekent dat in het zuidelijk deel van Flevoland 91 nieuwe windturbines mogen worden gebouwd en dat de 220 bestaande en verspreid staande windturbines moeten worden afgebroken.

Meer capaciteit
De 91 nieuwe turbines hebben volgens de Raad van State beduidend meer capaciteit dan de bestaande. De Raad van State zegt in de uitspraak de belangen van de eigenaren van de bestaande turbines te erkennen, maar hecht tegelijkertijd meer belang aan het opwekken van meer groene energie en de verbetering van het landschap.

De nieuwe turbines wekken bijna drie keer zo veel energie op als de huidige molens. Windpark Zeewolde, een samenwerkingsverband van meer dan 200 boeren, bewoners en ondernemers uit het buitengebied van Zeewolde, levert vanaf 2021 groene stroom voor ruim een kwart miljoen huishoudens. Eigenaren van bestaande turbines hadden zelf een deel van de bouwwerkzaamheden willen uitvoeren. Windpark Zeewolde claimt de grootste boeren/burgerwindcoöperatie van Europa te zijn.

Bezwaren tegen het windpark kwamen vooral van woningbouwontwikkelaars. Het park zou volgens hen op gespannen voet staan met de ambitie van het Rijk om de komende jaren 15.000 woningen in zuidelijk Flevoland te bouwen. De Raad van State deelt die bezwaren niet en zegt ook dat de woningbouwplannen nog onzeker zijn.

Volgens Windpark Zeewolde worden komende maanden de contracten met de turbineleverancier en andere aannemers gesloten. Eind 2019 verwacht de organisatie de bankfinanciering rond te hebben, waarna begonnen wordt met de bouw. Als alles volgens plan verloopt moet het nieuwe park eind 2021 draaien. Vijf jaar later moeten alle 220 huidige turbines zijn verdwenen.

Nissan switches on largest collective solar roof in Netherlands

Nissan has confirmed the switch-on of the largest collective solar roof in the Netherlands at its facility in Amsterdam. Installed on the roof of Nissan Motor Parts Center located in the country’s capital, the solar roof consists of almost 9,000 photo-voltaic panels and produces enough renewable electricity annually to power up to 900 households. It will also significantly reduce the facility’s CO2 output and in total, it is estimated that the solar roof will save 1.17 million kilograms of CO2 per annum.

With the ability to produce almost 70% of NMPC’s annual energy, the installation of this immense solar roof represents a significant milestone as Nissan strives to make its operations more sustainable across Europe. Additionally, energy generated by some of the panels will be fed directly in to the country’s national grid.

Mr Francisco Carranza, Managing Director, Nissan Energy said that “Nissan is committed to reducing the environmental impact of our facilities across Europe and we are delighted that we can today confirm the switch-on of the solar roof at our parts centre in Amsterdam. Investing in and integrating new energy solutions is a cornerstone of Nissan Intelligent Mobility and this project is a clear demonstration that we not only strive to transform the way you drive, but also the way you live.”

The project is the result of the first major collaboration between residents and a company, with part of the project financed through a national crowdfunding scheme.

Mr Koen Maes, Managing Director, Nissan Benelux said that “Amsterdam is one of the most forward-thinking cities in Europe and we’re excited to be able to help the city make clever and efficient use of space, energy and resources while making our own operations much more sustainable.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Aasta Hansteen gas field in the Norwegian Sea on stream

Equinor and its partners started production from the Aasta Hansteen gas field in the Norwegian Sea. Gas from the Aasta Hansteen field is available to the market for the first time and together with the Polarled pipeline the field opens a new region for gas export to Europe. Mr Anders Opedal, Equinor’s executive vice president for Technology, Projects and Drilling said that “Aasta Hansteen is a pioneer! Located in 1 300 metres of water, this is the deepest field development on the Norwegian continental shelf the largest spar platform in the world, and a first on the NCS. The field now coming on stream is unique.”

Aasta Hansteen is located 300 kilometres west of Sandnessjøen, far from other fields and in an area with harsh weather conditions. The field has been named after another pioneer: Feminist, social commentator, painter and author Aasta Hansteen.

The field development concept consists of a floating platform with a vertical cylindrical substructure moored to the seabed (spar platform). 339 metres tall, the platform weighs 70 000 tonnes. When the platform was towed to the field in April, it was the biggest tow on the NCS since Troll A in 1995.

The gas is produced from seven wells in three subsea templates. This is the deepest ever installation of subsea equipment on the NCS.

Opedal said that “Aasta Hansteen has been a complex and challenging development project, requiring us to take new technological steps together with our partners Wintershall, OMV and ConocoPhillips as well as the suppliers.”

Both Aasta Hansteen and the 482-kilometre pipeline from the field to Nyhamna has the capacity to accommodate new discoveries. The first one, Snefrid North, is already under development, and will come on stream towards the end of 2019.

The recoverable resources at Aasta Hansteen, including Snefrid North, are estimated at 55.6 billion standard cubic-metres (Sm3) of gas and 0.6 million Sm3 of condensate (353 million barrels of oil equivalent).

Arne Sigve Nylund, Equinor’s executive vice president for Development and Production Norway said that “The production from the Aasta Hansteen field will help secure long-term Norwegian gas export. With the infrastructure installed it will also be more attractive to explore around the platform and along the pipeline. This enables us to secure activity for many decades, in line with our ambitions for the NCS. The exploration activity in the area around the field has already increased, and several discoveries have been made.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
'Combineer offshore wind tenders met waterstof'

Shell, netbeheerder Tennet en Siemens roepen de Duitse overheid op om toekomstige aanbestedingen van windparken op zee te combineren met de productie van waterstof. Zo zou moeten worden voorkomen dat er een overschot aan groene elektriciteit ontstaat die het landelijk net niet kan worden ingevoerd omdat de transportcapaciteit te beperkt is. Dat hebben de bedrijven eerder deze maand gezamenlijk laten weten.

Toename groene stroom
Het potentieel van offshore wind is heel groot en nog lang niet uitgeput. Waterstof kan daarbij een belangrijke rol in de energiemix gaan spelen, omdat een overschot aan stroom via elektrolyse kan worden opgeslagen in waterstof en het elektriciteitsnet ontlasten.

Een Tennet Offshore converter platform voor de aansluiting van Duitse offshore windparken op het elektriciteitsnet wordt op deze archieffoto uit 2012 geassembleerd bij Heerema in ZwijndrechtHollandse Hoogte

Waterstof is immers makkelijk op te slaan en te transporteren en kan zo seizoensschommelingen opvangen. Nu bestaat het risico dat de uitrol van windenergie in Duitsland op termijn wordt vertraagd, omdat de uitbouw van het landelijk elektriciteitsnet geen gelijke tred houdt met de grote toename aan duurzame elektriciteit.

Industrie en vervoer
Shell, Siemens en Tennet stellen daarom voor om nieuwe aanbestedingen voor offshore windparken te combineren met de aanbesteding van waterstofproductie. Daarmee kan de uitrol van offshore wind doorgaan en tegelijkertijd technologieën om elektriciteit om te zetten in waterstof marktrijp worden gemaakt.

Duitsland zou tussen 2026-2030 een extra 900 megawatt aan offshore windcapaciteit kunnen bouwen in combinatie met waterstof. Dat zou blijken uit een studie die de bedrijven hier naar hebben laten doen. De waterstof kan niet alleen het net balanceren en schommelingen opvangen, maar ook andere sectoren van de economie, zoals de industrie en de mobiliteitssector, helpen vergroenen.

Kosten moeten omlaag
Het omzetten van elektriciteit in gassen, zoals waterstof wordt al langere tijd gezien als een mogelijk interessante oplossing voor het probleem dat in de toekomst bij een elektriciteitssysteem dat grotendeels draait op weersafhankelijke groene energiebronnen, er periodes zijn dat geen elektriciteit wordt geproduceerd. Dat is bijvoorbeeld het geval tijdens periodes dat het nauwelijks waait en het bewolkt is.

Grote uitdaging om de technologie van waterstof in te zetten is het verlagen van de kosten.

Bert van Dijk

Tough to stop Nord Stream 2 now it’s being built – EU’s Mr Oettinger

Reuters citing, European Commissioner Mr Guenther Oettinger, as saying that US President Mr Donald Trump’s criticism of the Russian-backed Nord Stream 2 pipeline is no reason to stop the project and any attempt to do so would be difficult now that it is being built. Mr Trump has attacked Berlin for supporting the USD 11 billion gas pipeline spanning the Baltic Sea, accusing Germany in July of being a “captive” of Russia due to its reliance on Russian energy.

Mr Rick Perry, US Energy Secretary said that Washington retained the option of imposing sanctions on companies working on the pipeline, which would bring Russian gas directly to Germany. Berlin and Moscow have been at odds since Russia annexed Crimea four years ago, but they have a common interest in the Nord Stream 2 project, which will double the capacity of the existing Nord Stream 1 route from next year.

Mr Oettinger, the EU’s budget commissioner, told German magazine Der Spiegel “I was never a great supporter of Nord Stream 2. But the truth is the pipeline has long been under construction and can no longer so easily be stopped. Trump’s threats are no reason for that.”

Germany refuses to join opposition to the project from many EU states and – thus far – from the EU executive, describing it as a private enterprise.

Washington is concerned that the pipeline, which will bypass Ukraine by running under the Baltic Sea, will strip Ukraine of important transit revenue and says Moscow is using the project to divide Europe.

Source : Reuters
Norway not to halt 288 MW Fosen Vind project

Renewables Now reported that Norway’s energy ministry said that it would not be halting construction of Fosen Vind’s 288-MW Storheia wind farm, despite concerns about the turbines’ impact on reindeer herding in the area. In a letter dated December 10, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights asked the Norwegian government to stop the construction of the wind park as it had received a complaint by Sami reindeer herders, who feared the wind park would have a negative impact on winter pastures. The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, however, said there is no basis for halting work on the project, which has passed through all legal inspections.

The UN call came under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Storheia is one of six wind farms being built by Fosen Vind, a company in which Norwegian state-owned utility Statkraft AS has a 52.1% stake. Its partners in the projects are TroenderEnergi, with 7.9%, and Nordic Wind Power DA, with 40%. Significant progress has already been made at Storheia in preparation for the start of wind turbine installation, Fosen has informed the ministry. The 3.6-MW Vestas turbines will be erected between April and August 2019. Fosen has agreed to take measures to address the concerns of reindeer herders during construction.

Completion of the Storheia wind farm is planned for the fourth quarter of 2019. It will be the third of the portfolio to reach operation, after the 256-MW Roan wind farm, up and running since the summer of 2018, and the 94-MW Hitra II park, which will be ready in the third quarter of 2019. The other three parks Geitfjellet (155 MW), Harbaksfjellet (108 MW) and Kvenndalsfjellet (101 MW) will be completed in the third quarter of 2020, according to a recent update by Statkraft.

Source : Renewables Now
Nederlands bedrijf dat huizen door servers wilde verwarmen is failliet


Zo zie je maar weer dat 'all electric' hem niet gaat worden.
Immers: zelfs al laat je met dezelfde stroom voor je computers ook je huis verwarmen, dan rendeert het nog steeds niet.
Gazprom exports over 201 bcm gas in 2018 - CEO

Interfax news agency reported, citing chief executive officer Mr Alexei Miller, Russia's gas giant Gazprom has exported over 201 billion cubic metres of gas in 2018. The company's gas production was at 497.6 billion cubic metres this year.

The agency quoted Miller as saying, in 2018, Gazprom reached its investment peak.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas receives 32 MW wind park extension order in Italy and passes 12 GW in global order intake for 2018

Vestas has signed a 32 MW contract for the extension of the Ulassai wind park in Italy that takes Vestas’ global order intake in 2018 to 12,014 MW, clearly passing 2017’s record order intake of 11,176 MW. The 2018 order intake is based on announced orders in all four quarters of 2018 as well as unannounced orders in the first three quarters of the year. Unannounced MW of orders received in the fourth quarter of 2018 will be disclosed in the annual report in February 2019.

The order is placed by Sardeolica S.r.L. and includes the supply and installation of nine V117-3.45 MW turbines delivered in 3.6 MW Power Optimised Mode, adding to the 48 V80-2.0 MW turbines already installed on the site. To accommodate the site’s specific wind conditions and maximise energy production, six of the new turbines will have a hub height of 91.5m whilst the other three will be 116.5m.

With this new contract, the long-term partnership between Vestas and Sardeolica continues to evolve and now, totals 128 MW of wind projects in Italy.

Mr Rainer Karan, General Manager of Vestas Mediterranean Eastern Cluster said that “This is Vestas’ first contract outside the auctions systems in Italy and therefore showcases, once again, the competitiveness and efficiency of wind energy. Since 2012, when the country held its first auction, Vestas has achieved more than 1 GW in order intake derived from auction-wins in Italy. In this regard, this new contract represents a great step on the country’s transition towards renewable energy and we are so proud to be part of this milestone.”

Turbine delivery is planned for the second quarter of 2019 whilst commissioning is expected by the third quarter of the same year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Spain to shut all coal plants in 2019

Sputnik reported that joining an increasing number of nations ending the heavily-polluting practice of fossil fuel extraction, Spain will shutter all of its remaining 26 coal mines in 2019, most of which are in the Asturias, Aragon and Castilla and Leon locales. Over 2,000 workers will be affected by the closures, an employment number significantly lower than the 51,420 estimated coal mining industry workers in 1985.

Spanish coal is primarily sold to the nation's own thermal power plants for electricity production, according to a report from Telesur.

Similar to other developed nations in Europe, the EU member has seen its coal extraction industry decline for some 30 years.

According to reports, two Spanish mining companies have stated their intention to continue extraction operations, despite Madrid law requiring the firms' departure from Spain and the cash return of all financial and tax aid.

Although all Spanish coal mines will be closed, the mineral will continue to be imported from Russia and Columbia among other sources and burned to produce electricity for power grids until 2020, according to Telesurtv.net.

Source : Sputnik
Vestas receives 29 MW repower order from Denmark’s first energy auction

Vestas has received a 29 MW repowering order from the Danish utility company NRGi Renewables A/S for the Tagmark wind park in Thisted Municipality in northwestern Jutland, Denmark. The repowering project is derived from Denmark’s first energy-neutral auction held in November 2018.

The site currently consists of six V66-1.75 MW turbines, which will be replaced by eight V117-3.45 MW turbines delivered in 3.6 MW Power Optimised Mode that will more than double the annual energy production due to more efficient turbines. The project thus underlines Denmark’s large repowering potential from replacing older turbines with new and more efficient variants.

Mr Jakob Bundgaard, CEO of NRGi Renewables A/S said that “Our strong partnership with Vestas on this project has enabled us to deliver the most competitive bid in Denmark’s first energy-neutral auction, which marks a significant milestone in Denmark’s green transition as it highlights that renewable energy projects are soon possible without any state subsidies.”

The project is firmly rooted in the community, as the local owners of the current turbines will be part owners of the new project and 20 percent of the new wind park will be sold in shares to nearest neighbours.

Christer Baden Hansen, Vestas Head of Sales Nordics said that “To partner with NRGI on this repowering project, which is derived from Denmark’s first energy-neutral auction, highlights onshore wind energy offers the lowest cost of energy and Denmark’s repowering potential. Denmark continues to be an important market for Vestas and the strong local commitment to this project underlines wind energy’s benefits for both our climate and the community.”

Deliveries are expected to begin in the third quarter of 2019, while commissioning is planned for the fourth quarter of 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Maak van Nederland een waterstofland

Opinie | Gerard Kreeft, managing director bij EnergyWise

Het artikel ‘Het klimaat schreeuwt om actie…maar de verbouwing kan slimmer en goedkoper’ roept vragen op (FD, 29 december). FD-redacteur Bert van Dijk schrijft terecht dat het klimaatakkoord een politiek voetbal dreigt te worden: links beweert dat er geen CO2-opslag nodig is, en Diederik Samsom, nu vermomd als energiedeskundige, blijft beweren dat elk gezin een warmtepomp moet hebben om de energietransitie tegemoet te komen. Rechts doet het wat makkelijker…is er wel of niet een crisis, de tijd zal het leren. Moet de energietransitie €235 mrd kosten, of is een systeem van subsidies voor het isoleren het enige wat de polder nodig heeft?

‘Er is binnen Europa al veel onderzoek gedaan naar waterstof’
Misschien moeten we eerst verder kijken dan de polder. Op Europees niveau is er al voldoende bewijs wat de nodige beleidslijnen in de volgende 25 jaren worden. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk (VK), het land van de bestreden brexit, is marktleider als het gaat om het laten zien hoe een energietransitie kan verlopen. Neem de vier waterstofprojecten die in verschillende snelheden ontwikkeld worden. In Leeds is een plan gelanceerd dat 3 miljoen huishoudens van aardgas tot waterstof zal leiden. Zij bouwen het gasnet om tot een waterstofnet, zonder grote kosten. En er wordt geschat dat binnen 25 jaar het waterstofnet voor het hele land beschikbaar is.

Er is binnen Europa veel onderzoek gedaan naar waterstof. CO2-opslag is hier een belangrijk onderdeel van. Het energiebedrijf Equinor, partner in Leeds, heeft al ervaring in het opslaan van CO2 in Noorwegen. Voor de huishoudens in Nederland is een waterstofnet een oplossing die door de overheid en de industrie kan worden neergezet. Werd Nederland ooit aardgasland te maken, nu is het nodig om van ons land een waterstofland te maken.

Gerard Kreeft is managing director bij EnergyWise.

Vestas wins 328 MW order for wind projects in Norway

Vestas has secured an order for several wind projects in Norway that will feature different 4 MW platform turbine variants from Vestas’ product portfolio. Utilising the 4 MW platform’s flexibility, the turbines will ensure a high capacity factor and maximise energy production in a tailormade configuration based on the sites’ specific wind conditions.

Mr Nils de Baar, President North at Vestas North and Central Europe said that “The order affirms the competitiveness of Vestas’ wind power solutions and that wind power provides an attractive long-term energy investment that goes well beyond its climate and sustainability benefits. We are very proud that our innovative technology will be able to create maximum value for our customer.”

The wind projects will feature a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution lowering turbine downtime to optimize the energy output. The contract further includes supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as a 5 year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement. Turbine installation is expected to start in 2020 and 2021.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas receives 88 MW order in Poland from recent auction

Vestas has received an 88 MW order from the Polish state utility PGE for the 22 MW Karnice II and 66 MW Starza Rybice projects that were amongst the winning wind projects at the Polish energy auction held in November 2018. The two projects will feature 10 V110-2.2 MW and 33 V100-2.0 MW respectively as well as a 2-year Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service contract including the VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution.

Mr Nils de Baar, President of Vestas Northern and Central Europe said that “We are pleased that Poland is back as an onshore wind market with the recent energy neutral auction being dominated by wind projects at very competitive prices. The auction win underlines Vestas’ ability to deliver clean, low-cost wind energy that will ensure many economic benefits to the local community.”

Deliveries are expected to begin in third quarter of 2019, while commissioning is planned for fourth quarter of 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vestas receives 105 MW order in Sweden

Vestas has received a 105 MW order from Fred. Olsen Renewables for the Högalind project in Sweden. The order includes 25 V150-4.2 MW turbines as well as a 2-year Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service contract.

Christer Baden Hansen, Vestas Head of Sales Nordics said that “This order undelines how Vestas’ can offer state-of-the-art technology and leverage our extensive experience across the value chain to strengthen our market leading position in Sweden. We look forward to working with Fred. Olsen Renewables on the execution phase of the project.”

Deliveries are expected to begin in second quarter of 2019, while commissioning is planned for third quarter of 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Wind turbine catches fire in Danish New Year storm

Clean Technica reported that since New Years Eve, it’s been quite windy in Denmark, and of the +6000 wind turbines in the country one of them apparently had to succumb to the pressure after many years of service. TV2 TVMV.dk reports (with video) that the turbine caught fire on Tuesday afternoon, and that the fire subsequently spread to a farm below. Nobody lives on the farm, but it is still in use for livestock and between 30 and 40 bull calves were in the buildings.

Mr Lars Stensbjerg, who is the leader of Fire and Rescue MidtVest said that “The turbine stands where just below there is a two-sided farm with these bull calves. The wings have fallen into the building, and the barn has caught fire, which we have tried to control.”

According to Vestas press officer Anders Riis, it’s an old turbine. “When the fire has stopped, we will initiate a study of what may be the cause of the fire,” he said to TV2 TVMV.dk.

With the address given I found according to thewindpower.net, this must be the turbine in question: “Commissioning: 1993/03 by Vestas. Hub height: 30 m. Total nominal power: 300 kW. Dismantled (2010/05).” That last bit of information is puzzling. Maybe at was decommissioned and replaced or maybe it was just standing there and the brakes wore out and made it spin again causing the fire? While accidents with wind turbines are indeed spectacular, let’s also keep in mind that they are very rare.

One year ago we reported that Denmark had a record wind energy year in 2017 and it will be interesting to see if 2018 will beat that. Also, as turbines get larger, they get lower in numbers. In fact, if the current +6000 turbines in Denmark keep getting updated, it could easily mean a doubling of nameplate capacity with a third of turbines, and many new turbines are going to be off-shore in the future. So, accidents will probably be even more rare.

Source : Clean Technica
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 US500^ 5.570,49 0,00%
 Japan225^ 36.542,30 0,00%
 Gold spot 2.917,60 +0,02%
 EUR/USD 1,0903 -0,12%
 WTI 66,56 0,00%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


ABN AMRO BANK... 0,00%
Accsys 0,00%
ACOMO 0,00%
ADYEN NV 0,00%


ABN AMRO BANK... 0,00%
Accsys 0,00%
ACOMO 0,00%
ADYEN NV 0,00%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer, streaming powered by: Infront