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Siemens Gamesa reaffirms its leading position in Spain

With new agreements* to supply nearly 200 MW to five separate customers, Siemens Gamesa ratified its #1 position in the Spanish market, where it accounts for over 55% of the installed fleet. In total, the company will supply 63 wind turbines this year to seven wind farms, located in Navarra (32 machines), Valladolid (4), Zaragoza (15), Málaga (9) and Cádiz (3). The company will also provide operating and maintenance (O&M) services for all those facilities.

Most of these agreements are for the supply of the SG 3.4-132 model (42 turbines in total), although it will also install 16 SG 2.6-114 turbines and five SG 2.6-126 machines.

Most of the blades for these turbines will be manufactured in the plants at Aoiz (Navarra, Spain), As Somozas (Galicia, Spain) and Tangier (Morocco). All the nacelles will be produced at the Ágreda plant in Soria, Spain.

Specifically, the company will install 32 SG 3.4-132 wind turbines in the Cavar wind complex, which is being co-developed by Iberdrola and Caja Rural de Navarra. This project, comprising four wind farms with an installed capacity of 111 MW, is located in the municipalities of Cadreita and Valtierra, in Navarra. It will also maintain the machines for 10 years.

Siemens Gamesa will supply 12 turbines (32 MW) to Alfanar Energy: nine SG 2.6-114 turbines for the La Escalereta II farm in Málaga, and three SG 2.6-114 machines for the La Estancia wind farm in Cádiz. In this case, the company will operate the farms and provide maintenance services for 20 years.

Siemens Gamesa has also reached an agreement with Villar Mir Energía for the turnkey construction of the Tablares (12 MW) and El Sotillo (15 MW) wind farms in Zaragoza.

The company will also deliver six SG 3.4-132 wind turbines to Grupo Jorge for a 21 MW wind farm in Pedrola, Zaragoza, and will provide maintenance services for 10 years.

Siemens Gamesa has also signed an agreement with Falck Renewables to supply four SG 2.6-114 turbines (11 MW) for the Carrecastro wind farm in the Valladolid municipalities of Tordesillas and Velilla.

With these contracts, Siemens Gamesa has sold 1.2 GW in Spain since the end of 2017, entailing the production and installation of 265 wind turbines.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Gulen Industrial Harbour awarded contract for Hywind Tampen

Gulen Industrial Harbour in Sogn og Fjordane county has been awarded the contract for assembly site for the floating Hywind Tampen wind turbines before they are transported to the field in the North Sea. No work will commence prior to an investment decision for Hywind Tampen. Hywind Tampen could become the world’s first project to use wind turbines for electrification of oil and gas installations. Reduction of CO2 emissions from the five oil and gas platforms at the Snorre and Gullfaks fields is estimated at more than 200,000 tonnes per year.

Equinor’s project director Olav-Bernt Haga said that “Equinor on behalf of the partners, have awarded a contract to Wergeland Base in Gulen Industrial Harbour in Sogn og Fjordane based on assessments of i.a. topographic suitability, safety as well as technical and commercial conditions.”

The contractor shall provide onshore and inshore areas for storage, assembly and commissioning of all the components for the floating wind turbines, as well as necessary infrastructure and facilities in the project period. The floating wind turbines will be towed to the field where they will be anchored, connected and put into operation.

With a combined capacity of 88 MW, the 8 MW turbines will meet around 35 % of the annual power demand of the five platforms.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nord Stream 2 Dividing EU Into Two Camps

Sputnik reported that Europe remains divided over the Nord Stream 2 project but even the endeavour's ardent antagonists are forced to admit that the construction of the pipeline can't be halted. Meanwhile, European countries are increasing Russian gas imports, according to preliminary Gazprom data.

While the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is due to become operational in 2019, the Russo-European endeavour continues to be a bone of contention dividing the EU into two camps amid US threats to impose sanctions against the project's participants.

Germany is interested in the project as it would turn the country into a major gas hub: Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 are due to deliver 110 billion cubic metres of gas per year to Europe through Germany.

In response to Washington's threats and Brussels' criticism, Berlin has repeatedly emphasised the importance of the energy project.

Austria also supports the endeavour. As Russian Ambassador in Austria Dmitry Lyubinsky told Sputnik 28 December 2018, Vienna believes "that this project will be successfully implemented".

Of the five countries whose permission is needed for the construction of the offshore pipeline running through the Baltic Sea, Germany, Russia, Finland and Sweden have already signalled their consent.

Meanwhile, Nord Stream 2 antagonists are claiming that the endeavour poses a grave threat to the European energy security.

In May 2018 Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki dubbed the pipeline a "hybrid weapons" aimed against the EU and NATO.

Poland's rationale is clear: the country is pushing ahead with its own energy initiative — the Baltic Pipe — which envisages the construction of an offshore gas pipeline connecting transmission systems of Poland and Denmark.

However, Morawiecki admitted in late January 2019 that it is practically impossible to axe the Nord Stream 2 project: Russia and Germany "are two powerful states, so to speak, and it is not easy to forbid them from doing anything", he admitted, reiterating that Nord Stream 2 is "against European values".

Ukraine is also up in arms about the Russo-European pipeline as it may hypothetically deprive it of gas transition revenues. Additionally, Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Romania, Lithuania and Croatia have voiced energy security concerns over the project.

Source : Sputnik
Centrica signs PPA with Moray Offshore Windfarm East

Centrica plc has entered into a long-term contract with Moray Offshore Windfarm (East) Ltd to trade and balance 76.7 pct. of the electricity generated from the 950 MW installation. Centrica’s Energy Marketing and Trading division has signed a Power Purchase Agreement that covers all Balance Responsible Party (BRP) services and the trading of the power generated in the UK day-ahead market. The PPA contract is for a 15-year period starting from commercial operation which is scheduled for 2022.

Cassim Mangerah, Co-Managing Director for Energy Marketing and Trading, said that “We are excited to have secured the PPA for the Moray East windfarm. The contract represents another milestone for our route-to-market business and is a testament to the level of sophistication and capability we have built. The deal re-affirms our commitment to the development of renewable infrastructure projects and demonstrates further progress in this growth area of our business.”

Mr Oscar Diaz, Project Director for Moray East said that “Moray East is a landmark project for the offshore wind industry, delivering sustainable, renewable generation at a highly competitive power price. This PPA brings high-capacity, low cost, low-carbon power generation to the UK wholesale market on a long-term contract with associated stability for the entire CfD period.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
France launches its first offshore wind project

LOC Renewables supplies MWS work to Floatgen, France’s first offshore wind project and its first full-scale floating turbine. The Paris office of LOC Renewables, a part of LOC Group, the leading international marine and engineering consulting firm, has successfully overseen the launch of France’s first offshore wind turbine. LOC Renewables supplied marine warranty surveying services across the project, which enabled an efficient and successful delivery of the 2MW Floatgen. Strikingly, the project is both France’s first offshore turbine and its first launch of full-scale floating wind turbine.

France is well-suited to floating wind, due to the strong, stable winds presented by regions with deeper seas off its coast, both Atlantic and Mediterranean. Moreover, the ability to tow to site floating wind turbines further out to sea means that there is less visual impact than with fixed offshore wind. This is a key issue in the ongoing French offshore debate, which recently saw public opinion and expensive subsidies delay development of several fixed offshore projects by four to six years.

The Floatgen Demonstrator project, led by Ideol and involving 6 other European partners (Centrale Nantes, Bouygues Travaux Publics, University of Stuttgart, RSK, Zabala, Fraunhofer), is designed to show the technical and economic feasibility of the multimegawatt integrated floating wind turbine system, opening up a route to future developments with decreased, competitive electricity generation costs which may soon match those of bottom-fixed offshore wind.

The unique Ideol design involves a concrete floater, moored by six nylon mooring lines, which led to technical challenges. For example, the mooring lines had to be stretched before connection, requiring the use of specialised marine techniques and equipment. In order to ensure that such challenges were appropriately met, LOC was brought on to guide the choice of equipment and procedures.

For Ideol, LOC offered MWS services for a variety of activities, from concrete floater construction and launch to turbine component integration, mooring line hook-up and turbine tow-out. In order to accomplish this, LOC brought their considerable marine engineering expertise to the local market, working with firms more used to coastal work and shore construction to guide the efficient build of Floatgen to keep risks low and ensure successful installation.

Mr Hugues Delanoue, Managing Director of LOC France, said that “This Floatgen project could be the first step of a significant success story for France, which has already awarded four offshore floating wind pilot projects. With its larger potential capacity, floating offshore wind is at the forefront of a new wave of renewables technologies that will shake up the energy mix in France and wider Europe. The MWS provided by LOC Renewables can ensure smooth, safe and quick operations, particularly when new projects and technologies such as floating wind can require delicate operations that may be unfamiliar to local project teams. Bringing our engineering expertise to floating wind has allowed us to deliver this ground-breaking project with carefully-managed costs and minimal complications.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
even 'n zijstapje naar Turkije: Stroomschepen

Vier Turkse megaschepen zullen ervoor zorgen dat miljoenen mensen in Afrika en Azië probleemloos van hun elektriciteitsbehoeften worden voorzien. De stroomschepen met daarop elektriciteitscentrales zijn zondag in Istanbul-Tuzla te water gelaten en zijn van Turkse makelij.

Het grootste stroomschip, Karadeniz Powership Osman Khan (480 MW), is onderweg naar het Afrikaanse land Ghana, de ‘Onur Sultan’ naar Myanmar en de ‘Gökhan Bey’ en ‘Yasin Bey’ (beiden 120 MW) naar Indonesië.

Stroomschip ‘Osman Khan’, het grootste ter wereld, kan in zijn eentje voor de elektriciteit van een stad van 2,5 miljoen inwoners zorgen. Van dit schip zijn enkel de stroomturbines en hoofdmachinekamer van buitenlandse makelij.


Ik wist niet dat er stroomschepen bestonden... leuke eye-opener!
Er zijn er dus 10-tallen aan het werk.
Is een handige oplossing om even snel een flinke energiecentrale bij te plaatsen. Zoals in Ghana, Haiti, Zuidafrika.

Ze lijken ook wel toegepast te worden als "vuile olie verbrandingsinstallaties"... Op zee mag alles. Wat vind Greenpeace hier van???

Het lijkt me wel een buitengewoon handige en financieel interessante, maar mogelijk vieze oplossing.
Ben je mooi van je troep af èn je hebt goedkope stroom èn het is snel leverbaar: je hoeft het schip maar aan te sluiten en hij doet het.

jaja, ook in geval van grote,langdurige,storingen bijv. in west EU?
Of bij rampen zoals op Puerto Rico ?
Wss mogen ze stoken op open zee wat ook de grote vrachtschepen doen ?
En ze hebben koelwater bij de hand:)
Belgie had vorig jaar ook interesse i.v.m. mogelijke energie tekorten in de winter.
Belgen gaan Limburgse stroom tappen
Updated 48 min geleden
49 min geleden in FINANCIEEL

AMSTERDAM - De gascentrale in het Limburgse Maasbracht moet België door de winter helpen. Via een ondergrondse kabel moet het Belgische hoogspanningsnet volgend jaar gekoppeld worden aan de gascentrale.

De Clauscentrale in Maasbracht.
De Clauscentrale in Maasbracht.? AEROVISTA
De Limburgse Clauscentrale ligt momenteel in de mottenballen. Eigenaar RWE wil de installatie opnieuw in gebruik nemen omdat de vraag op de markt weer aantrekt, zo werd vorig jaar al gemeld. Toen gingen er ook al wel geluiden op over een koppeling met België, maar de geluiden van toen waren minder concreet dan de plannen nu.

België zoekt naar oplossingen om de sluiting van kerncentrales tegen 2025 op te vangen. RWE zou met de plannen samen optrekken met klimaatbedrijf Nuhma. De aangesloten Belgische gemeenten zouden willen meebetalen aan de kabel van 13 kilometer.

De Clauscentrale is een van de grotere centrales van RWE. De installatie heeft een vermogen van 1304 megawatt en kan elektriciteit leveren aan circa drie miljoen huishoudens.
Turbine spins at Hornsea One m

The first Siemens Gamesa SWT-7.0-154 turbine is spinning at the Hornsea Project One offshore wind farm, off the coast of the UK. The project is owned by Danish offshore wind giant 0rsted, and is located 120km off the Yorkshire coast. The 1.2GW wind farm is poised to be the world’s largest array when commissioned in 2020.

When commissioned in 2020, it will power more than 1 million homes. Each of the 174 turbines has a rotor diameter of 154m and a rated capacity of 7MW. The first turbine, F18, was installed earlier this week, using Fred. Olsen Windcarrier’s jack-up vessel Bold Tern. Load out of components was completed at Alexandra Dock in the Port of Hull.

Fred. Olsen Windcarrier was awarded a contract for the works in May 2016. It is responsible for the installation of approximately half of the turbines, with A2SEA to install the remainder.

Turbine foundation installation is also underway at the site, and is being completed by GeoSea and subsidiary A2SEA. Two vessels, DP2 Innovation and SEA INSTALLER, were deployed for works which began in January 2018.

Hornsea One is just one of multiple zones being developed by Orsted off the Yorkshire coast. The company recently held community events for the Hornsea Project Two wind farm to inform the public of onshore cabling works which will kick off in March.

Hornsea Project Two secured a Contract for Difference in September 2017. The 1.4GW project will be located 89km off the Yorkshire Coast and will feature 165 Siemens Gamesa turbines for the project. When operational in 2022, the wind farm is expected to supply clean electricity to over 1.3 million homes.

Furthermore, 0rsted is currently moving forward with Hornsea Three and Hornsea Four projects. It submitted consent to the Planning Inspectorate in June 2018 for Horsea Three, and plans to submit consent for Hornsea Four next year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Amendments to EU gas directive may leave Nord Stream 2 half empty

Russian Kommersant newspaper reported that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is likely to remain underutilized for at least several years of operation due to the latest amendments to the EU gas directive. The amendments, in particular, prescribe that not only the European Commission, but also a committee of representatives from all EU countries will have to give consent to make a project exempt from EU norms, which would make the procedure lengthy and difficult.

The media outlet, citing informed sources, said that the current version of the text was final as it would be "undoubtedly approved" at the re-vote at the Council of the EU on February 20.

In practice, the amendments mean that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline must have an operator that is independent of Gazprom and that third parties must receive access to the facility. Currently, the Nord Stream 2 AG consortium is fully responsible for the construction and operation of the pipeline.

A handout by Nord Stream 2 claims to show the first pipes for the Nord Stream 2 project at a plant of OMK, which is one of the three pipe suppliers selected by Nord Stream 2 AG, in Vyksa, Russia, in this undated photo provided to Reuters on March 23, 2017

Source : Sputnik
Total, Orsted and Elicio Join Forces to Bid for a Wind Farm Offshore Dunkirk

Total, a major energy player, Ørsted, renewable major, and Elicio, a renewable energy producer preselected by the French Energy Regulatory Commission, announce the creation of an industrial consortium to submit a joint bid for the Dunkirk offshore wind farm project for a power capacity of up to 600 MW.

Mr Philippe Sauquet, President Gas, Renewables and Power at Total said that "Total's participation in this offshore wind bid is in line with our strategy to develop low-carbon electricity business in Europe. Our recognized offshore oil and gas know-how combined with Ørsted market-leading expertise across the offshore wind energy value chain, as well as that of Elicio, an experienced developer qualified from the beginning of the bid, provide a solid foundation for success of a safe and competitive project.”

Mr Martin Neubert, Chief Executive Officer of Ørsted Offshore, said that “Offshore wind can contribute significantly to France’s renewable energy targets. As the world-leading offshore wind developer, we bring an unparalleled track-record in developing, constructing and operating offshore wind farms to the consortium, and the combined competencies of Ørsted, Total and Elicio are ideal to help France unleash its significant potential for developing clean power from offshore wind.”

Emile Dumont, President of Elicio France, said that “Wind energy has significant growth potential in France and is at the heart of Elicio’s strategy to contribute towards a cleaner and cost-effective energy powered world. Further to Elicio’s successful preselection for the French round 3 competitive dialogue and by joining our unique expertise and experience, we are committed, with our partners Total and Ørsted, to making this tender a milestone in the French offshore wind sector".

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Windpark Slufterdam 2.0 geopend met dubbel zoveel vermogen

Eneco en Vattenfall hebben een nieuwe versie van windpark Slufterdam in gebruik genomen. In het park zijn de 17 windmolens vervangen voor 14 efficiëntere exemplaren. Het vermogen is bijna verdubbeld van 25,5 megawatt naar 50,4 megawatt.

Jaarlijks wekken de 14 windmolens 180 gigawattuur windstroom op, genoeg voor het gemiddelde jaarverbruik van zo’n 60.000 huishoudens.De energiebedrijven zijn medio 2017 gestart met de voorbereidingen voor het vervangen van de windmolens. In zo’n 1,5 jaar tijd zijn de oude windmolens gedemonteerd, is de infrastructuur voor het nieuwe windpark aangelegd en zijn de nieuwe windmolens geplaatst.

Door de locatie van het park komt hier een diversiteit aan maatschappelijke en economische belangen samen. Van natuurorganisaties (Stichting Het Zuid-Hollandse Landschap en Natuurmonumenten) tot het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam en van gemeenten (Westvoorne en Rotterdam) tot 2 concurrerende energiebedrijven (Eneco en Vattenfall).

Er zijn 14 windmolens van type Vestas VII2 geplaatst, 8 in eigendom van Vattenfall 6 in eigendom van Eneco. Het vermogen is 3,6 megawatt per windmolen. GVB neemt de stroom af van de Vattenfall-windmolens; Royal Schiphol Group neemt de stroom af van een deel van de windmolens van Eneco. Voor het overige deel is Eneco in gesprek met lokale partijen.

TenneT bouwt nieuw hoogspanningsstation in Eemshaven voor transport windenergie

Hoogspanningsnetbeheerder (TSO) TenneT is begonnen met het versterken van het elektriciteitsnet in Eemshaven voor transport van windstroom. Gronings gedeputeerde Nienke Homan gaf het startsein voor de bouw van een compleet nieuw 110-kilovolt-hoogspanningsstation Eemshaven Midden.

Dit hoogspanningsstation wordt met een 7 kilometer lange ondergrondse kabelverbinding verbonden met het (bestaande) hoogspanningsstation Eemshaven-Robbenplaat voor aansluiting op het regionale en landelijke elektriciteitsnet.Het nieuwe hoogspanningsstation is noodzakelijk voor het transport van duurzame stroom op en rond de Eemshaven. De komende jaren komen er steeds meer windmolens in het gebied, waarmee de behoefte aan transportcapaciteit sterk toeneemt.

In Groningen Seaports (red. de havens van Eemshaven en Delfzijl) staat al 8.000 aan productievermogen voor elektriciteit of wordt er aan land gebracht via het Gemini-windpark, de NorNed-kabel tussen Nederland en Noorwegen en vanaf 2019 de COBRA-kabel tussen Nederland en Denemarken.

De Eemshaven heeft de grootste concentratie van hoogspanningsstations in Nederland. Met het in 2019 in gebruik te nemen converterstation voor de onderzeese COBRA-kabel is Eemshaven Midden er het tiende hoogspanningsstation van TenneT. TenneT bouwt samen met Enexis Netbeheer aan de toekomst van een betrouwbare elektriciteitsinfrastructuur in Groningen. De plannen van TenneT voor een nieuwe stroomsnelweg (380-kilovolt-verbinding) die Eemshaven verbindt met hoogspanningsstation Vierverlaten nabij Groningen zijn vergevorderd. Deze verbinding komt in de plaats van de huidige 220-kilovolt-verbinding. Het is de bedoeling dat de 380-kilovolt-verbinding in 2022 in bedrijf is.

De eerste grondwerkzaamheden voor het 110-kilovolt-hoogspanningsstation zijn eind 2018 al begonnen. Vanaf 8 februari wordt de vloer van het station gestort waarna het terrein verder ingericht kan worden en installaties kunnen worden geplaatst. Een ondergrondse 110-kilovolt-kabelverbinding van 2 circuits over 7 kilometer lengte in de berm van de Kwelderweg verbindt het station met het bestaande 110/220-kilovolt-hoogspanningsstation Robbenplaat. De capaciteit van dit hoogspanningsstation wordt uitgebreid voor de plaatsing van 2 nieuwe 110/220-kilovolt-transformatoren en het realiseren van 2 nieuwe transformatorvelden. Omexom is als onderaannemer van TenneT actief om het nieuwe 110-kilovolt-hoogspanningsstation te bouwen. Stations en verbinding zijn eind dit jaar klaar.

foto: © Daniel Schreurs | Dreamstime.com

Stroom en gas in Nederland veel duurder dan in de rest van Europa

In Nederland betaal je veel meer voor stroom en gas dan in de meeste andere Europese landen. Dat concludeert Energievergelijk.nl. Het is olie op het vuur, nadat bekend werd dat Nederlanders dit jaar honderden euro’s meer kwijt zijn aan gas en elektra dan eerder.

Volgens de analyse die is gebaseerd op de Household Energy Price Index liggen de prijzen voor elektra in ons land 28 procent hoger dan gemiddeld in Europa, maar gas is relatief nog duurder. “Dat hebben Nederlandse huishoudens vooral te danken aan de hoge belastingen’’, stelt Koen Kuijper van Energievergelijk.nl. “53 procent van onze totale gasrekening bestaat uit energiebelasting en btw. In geen enkel ander Europees land is dit aandeel zo groot.”

In Nederland betalen we 0,76 cent voor een kubieke meter gas. Onze ooster- en zuiderburen betalen respectievelijk maar 0,56 en 0,55 cent. Alleen in Zweden, Zwitserland, Denemarken en Italië zijn ze meer kwijt aan gas. Een kilowattuur stroom kost in Nederland 0,23 cent. Daarmee staan we Europees gezien op een achtste plaats. Duitsers en Denen betalen 0,31 cent, maar Fransen en Zweden hoeven maar amper 0,20 cent neer te tellen.

Extremadura inaugurates the first wind farm

The installation has involved an investment of 40 million euros, has created 250 jobs and will produce 155 GWh per year, equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 44,000 homes. The park is composed of 15 wind turbines and will contribute to reducing around 120,000 tons of polluting and greenhouse emissions and three tons of CO 2 emissions throughout its lifetime. The president of the Junta de Extremadura, Mr Guillermo Fernández , accompanied by the Mayor of Plasencia, Fernando Pizarro , and the General Director of Gas and Electricity of Naturgy, Manuel Fernández, inaugurated this morning the Merengue Wind Farm, the first to be built in the region of Extremadura.

The event was also attended by the director of Generation of Naturgy, Ana Peris , the director of Development of Generation of the company, Carlos González , and the head of Renewable Development in Extremadura of Naturgy, Ana Ruiz .

Also, at the inauguration were present the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure of the Junta de Extremadura, Olga García , the delegate of the Government in Extremadura, Yolanda García , and the President of the Assembly of Extremadura, Blanca Martín , as well as several councilors of the City Council of Plasencia and numerous personalities from the institutional and business sector of the region.

Mr Manuel Fernández , general director of Gas and Electricity of Naturgy said that "This infrastructure will make it possible to displace the use of other sources of conventional electricity generation, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by around 120,000 tons per year, and CO 2 emissions throughout its useful life by three million tons . With the development of this project, Naturgy reinforces its commitment to Extremadura. Likewise, this project demonstrates the strong commitment of the company to the increase in renewable generation, contemplated in our Strategic Plan 2018-2022.”

For his part, the mayor of Plasencia, Fernando Pizarro , said that "the processing of the wind farm has been a long time work that has required great coordination between the Board and the City Council. It is the first wind farm in Extremadura and the processes were new for the two administrations, thanks to this coordination and the interest of Naturgy, today the Merengue Wind Farm is launched. Today is a day of thanks and hope to continue working together for renewable energy. "

Merengue Wind Farm
The Merengue Wind Farm has a power of 40 megawatts (MW) and will produce around 155 GWh per year, equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 44,000 homes. This project has involved an investment of some 40 million euros and during its construction has created approximately 250 jobs.

The wind farm has a total of 15 wind turbines. These are Siemens Gamesa wind turbines of model SG 2.6-126, with a unit power of 2,625 MW and a rotor diameter of 126 meters.

In addition to the Merengue Wind Farm, the company is developing other projects in Extremadura, such as the Las Jaras photovoltaic plant, located between La Albuera and Badajoz with a power of 50 MW, or the Miraflores photovoltaic plant, in the municipality of Castuera, which will have an installed power of 20 MW.

In addition, Naturgy is studying various projects to develop in the region, which confirms the company's commitment to Extremadura.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens inks USD 78.4 million Wind Turbine Deal in Bosnia

Economic Times reported that wind turbine maker Siemens Gamesa signed a 69 million euro (USD 78.4 million) contract on Tuesday to supply Bosnia's biggest power utility EPBiH with wind turbines for a future 48 megawatt (MW) wind farm. Under the contract the company will supply 15 turbines and build the wind park on the Podvelezje plateau near the southern town of Mostar. The deadline to complete the project is 21 months. It will also service the turbines for five years. The total cost of building the wind farm, the first in EPBiH's portfolio, was put at around 83 million euros. It will produce 130 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity, enough to supply 6,500 households.

To help EPBiH proceed with the project, German state-owned development bank KfW lent the utility 65 million euros, while EPBiH will finance the remainder of the cost.

Bosnia generates 60 percent of its electricity from coal-fired power plants and the remainder from hydro-power. It plans to increase the share of renewable energy to 43 percent by 2020.

Several developers are seeking to add around 500 MW in wind capacity in Bosnia over the coming years but only one wind farm has been put into operation so far.

Source : Economic Times
ScottishPower announces record GBP 2 billion UK investment in 2019

ScottishPower has announced it will spend up to £2billion in the UK in 2019, the company’s biggest ever investment in the country in a single year. The announcement came as ScottishPower updated its investment plans following the sale of its thermal generation business and transition to 100% renewable energy in 2018.

Mr Keith Anderson CEO of ScottishPower said that “Our first investment plan since leaving coal and gas behind is a historic milestone for ScottishPower and is a vote of confidence in the UK’s commitment to decarbonising the economy. In a time of uncertainty the UK needs to deliver its Industrial and Energy strategy and that’s what we’re providing with our biggest ever investment in a single year. Consumers want and need access to reliable, clean and affordable energy. That is what ScottishPower is focused on delivering and as long as Government climate change commitments stay firm, with sensible policies to support them, this investment will continue. Now that we have sold our gas power stations our growth plans are about cleaner and smarter power that will help the UK to decarbonise faster and we have set out the part we will play in the transition to electrify the economy where it matters most now – in transport and in heating."

Between 2018-2022 ScottishPower will spend GBP 6billion in the UK with 40% on new renewable energy generation, 42% on smarter enhanced networks and 15% on innovative services and products for customers.

ScottishPower will invest in smarter services for customers, including products to unlock the market for electric vehicle ownership.

As part of its strategy for growth ScottishPower announced plans for a new public electric charging service based within the company’s Retail division. The new business will install fast chargers across the UK at strategic commercial locations from winter 2019.

The company also announced plans for a 50MW battery storage project at Whitelee the UK’s largest onshore windfarm. The large-scale battery project will be the first of a series of storage schemes, mainly located at windfarms and at strategic points on the network. ScottishPower believes the combination of renewable energy and flexible storage are the most cost effective low carbon solution for consumers.

In renewables ScottishPower set out plans to develop a 1GW pipeline of onshore wind projects by 2025. Onshore wind remains the lowest cost technology for new electricity generation in the UK and ScottishPower sees substantial opportunities for the continued development of onshore wind projects across Scotland and other areas of the UK.

Construction continues at pace for the East Anglia ONE offshore windfarm located 43km off the Suffolk coast. The GBP 2.5billion project will see 102 Siemens Gamesa turbines deployed, each with a capacity of 7 megawatts; which could in total provide enough clean energy to power the equivalent of more than 630,000 homes annually. Over 50 percent of the project’s total investment will be spent in the UK, ensuring the benefits of East Anglia ONE are felt across the country.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Modern turbines double the power in renewed Dutch wind farm

Dutch Slufterdam wind farm was inaugurated in 2002. Today, its original 17 turbines have been replaced by 14 more efficient ones. As a result, the power output was doubled from 25 MW to 50 MW. The original windfarm has been supplying renewable energy since 2002. In mid-2017 Dutch utility Eneco and Vattenfall, started preparations to replace the wind turbines. In a period of roughly 18 months, the old wind turbines were dismantled, new infrastructure was built, and the new wind turbines were installed.

Constructive cooperation between the various parties in this region was a significant factor in ensuring this project was completed successfully. Diverse social and economic interests intersect due to the unique location of the wind farm, including nature conservation organisations South-Holland Landscape Foundation and Nature Reserves Holland Landscape, the Port of Rotterdam Authority, municipalities Westvoorne and Rotterdam, and two competing energy companies: Eneco and Vattenfall. They all worked together to achieve the ultimate objective: to generate more renewable energy that also contributes to the restoration of the natural environment.

Mr Peter Smink, CEO Vattenfall Netherlands said that "For Vattenfall, every step we take with wind energy and other renewables is an important milestone, because it is entirely consistent with our ambition to enable fossil free living within one generation. This wind farm is situated in a unique location with plenty of wind. With the new, larger wind turbines, we can make perfect use of this resource."

Slufterdam wind farm facts and figures
14 Vestas VII2 wind turbines: 8 belonging to Vattenfall and 6 belonging to Eneco.
3.6 MW per wind turbine for a total of 50.4 MW installed capacity.
The Amsterdam transport company GVB will purchase electricity from the Vattenfall wind turbines.
Royal Schiphol Group NV (Amsterdam airport) will purchase electricity from part of the Eneco turbines. Eneco is in dialogue with local parties for power from the rest of their turbines.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
First power to heat plant in Hamburg to convert wind energy into heat

The largest power-to-heat plant to date in Germany officially entered service on 29 November 2018, but as early as September, the new plant supplied its first megawatt-hour of heat to the district heating network in Hamburg. The plant is intended to generate heat during peak-load periods and, in future, convert wind energy into heat to be used for heating purposes.

Project Manager Mr Bernd Gross said that "Delivering the first megawatt-hour enabled us to show that the new electric boiler is ready for use. This modern plant will also be able to convert wind energy into heat and therefore make a further contribution to sector coupling and the energy transition in the long term."

The plan is to use the plant in the event of a short-term surplus of energy from renewable sources. Wind energy can then be used to heat water that will be supplied to the district heating network.

Mr Gross explains that "Generally speaking, it works like a giant continuous-flow water heater and enables us to reduce the use of fossil fuels to generate heat and cut CO2 emissions.”

He added that "We want to integrate renewable energy sources primarily wind in Northern Germany into the system to a much greater degree and couple it with other sectors," says Gross. Using more renewable energy to generate heat or in industrial processes while gradually replacing fossil fuel sources will enable us to take a number of important steps along the road to the energy transition."

The plant is a major project within the “Smart Energy Showcases – Digital Agenda for the Energy Transition" funding programme launched by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. The aim is to use this power-to-heat plant to determine the basic technical and economic conditions for the operation of a plant of this kind. The programme should establish whether it is possible to supply the entire region of Northern Germany and its 4.5 million inhabitants with renewable energy by 2035.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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