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Energie in EU: produktie, bronnen etc

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SolarPower Europe: Nederland installeert 16 gigawattpiek zonnepanelen tot en met 2023

SolarPower Europe heeft bij de start van Intersolar Europe de jaarlijkse Global Market Outlook gepresenteerd. De organisatie verwacht dat Nederland tot en met 2023 bijna 16 gigawattpiek zonnepanelen installeert.

De Global Market Outlook 2019-2023 bevat ook de marktcijfers van 2018. Volgens SolarPower Europe is er wereldwijd in 2018 exact 102,4 gigawattpiek aan zonnepanelen geïnstalleerd. Een toename van 4 procent ten opzichte van een jaar eerder. Afgelopen jaar installeerden 11 landen, waaronder Nederland, meer dan 1 gigawattpiek aan zonnepanelen. Europa verwelkomde 11,3 gigawattpiek aan zonnepanelen.

3 groeiscenario's
?In het marktrapport heeft SolarPower Europe 3 groeiscenario’s opgenomen: Low, Medium en High. In het scenario Medium voorziet men een groei van de Europese zonnepanelenmarkt van 80 procent in 2019 tot 20,4 gigawattpiek en een groei van 18 procent in 2020 tot 24,1 gigawattpiek. Daarmee zou het oude recordjaar (red. 22,5 gigawattpiek in 2011) komend kalenderjaar uit de boeken gaan.
Volgens de scenario’s Low en High van SolarPower Europe behoort Nederland in 2023 tot de 6 landen die wereldwijd over het grootste vermogen aan zonnepanelen beschikken.

Zie pdf, voor cijfers

In het scenario Medium zou Nederland per eind 2023 over 20.059 megawattpiek aan zonnepanelen beschikken, wat betekent dat Nederland tot en met 2023 bijna 16 gigawattpiek aan zonnepanelen zal verwelkomen. Komende herfst publiceert SolarPower Europe de eerste editie van de European Solar Market Outlook en de organisatie zal hierin uitgebreider stil staan bij de marktontwikkeling in Nederland, which we will publish in autumn.

België: 2,3 gigawattpiek groei
?Voor België voorspelt SolarPower Europe een groei van 2,3 gigawattpiek van het pv-vermogen tot en met 2023. Dat betekent een jaarlijkse marktgroei van circa 9 procent en een geïnstalleerd vermogen van zo’n 6,4 gigawattpiek per eind 2023.

Door Edwin van Gastel

Enel, Enertrag, Leclanche inaugurate 22 MW Cremzow battery energy storage system in Germany

Enel’s subsidiary Enel Green Power Germany (EGP Germany), the German renewable energy company ENERTRAG and the Switzerland-based energy storage solutions company Leclanché inaugurated the 22 MW Cremzow Battery Energy Storage System located in Cremzow, in the German state of Brandenburg. The system, which involved a total investment of approximately 17 million euros, is supporting the stability of the German electricity network by providing frequency regulation services to the country’s Primary Control Reserve market.

Mr Antonio Cammisecra, Head of Enel Green Power said that “The Cremzow project demonstrates how storage is increasingly becoming an integral part of renewable energy systems due to its enabling role in making them more reliable, flexible and stable. Leveraging on our expertise in the storage segment and the fruitful collaboration with our project partners, we launched this innovative storage system which allows us to contribute to the stability of the electricity transmission network around the clock in Germany, the heartland of the European PCR market.”

Mr Jörg Müller, CEO of ENERTRAG, highlights not only the project’s daily contribution to the primary balancing purposes but also its possible contribution to security of supply. “Cremzow BESS allows us to back up the renewable energy system in case a black start is necessary. Our consortium demonstrates that battery energy systems are profitable without subsidies. Renewable energy systems are mature.”

Mr Anil Srivastava CEO of Leclanché said that “Cremzow is a landmark project which clearly demonstrates how energy storage solutions are solving some of the key challenges faced by our electricity grids today. We are delighted to be working with forward looking partners Enel Green Power and ENERTRAG, to deliver this important energy storage project which ensures the grid’s stability and reliability, with the ambition of increasing the level of renewables in the grid and reducing curtailment.”

The Cremzow BESS is providing the grid with a real-time primary frequency regulation service contributing to its stability. When the grid’s frequency decreases due to high power demand, the battery is able to deliver its stored energy within 30 seconds, while in response to frequency increases due to low demand, the battery is charged with the surplus energy. Furthermore, the possibility to integrate the BESS with ENERTRAG wind farms, using the wind energy surplus to charge the batteries avoiding curtailments, is currently being studied.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ACCIONA developed pioneer solar panels with wind power towers

The Energy Division of ACCIONA has developed a pioneering solution at global level in the field of hybridization between wind and photovoltaic power. It consists of covering a wind turbine tower with flexible organic panels to produce energy for the internal electricity consumption of the turbine. The innovative project will allow the study of the performance of the organic panels -an emerging photovoltaic technology- and their application to improve wind turbine efficiency. The system has been installed in one of the turbines of the Breña Wind Farm (Albacete, Spain), which ACCIONA owns and operates. The turbine is an AW77/1500 of Nordex-Acciona Windpower technology, mounted on an 80-metre-high steel tower (hub height).

Installed on the tower are 120 solar panels facing southeast-southwest to capture the maximum of the sun's rays throughout the day. They are distributed at eight different heights, occupying around 50 metres of the tower's surface area. The photovoltaic modules, with an overall capacity of 9.36 kilowatts peak (kWp), are of Heliatek technology (HeliaSol 308-5986 model). They are only 1 millimetre thick, and each one has a surface area of 5,986 x 308 mm.

In contrast to the conventional technology used in the manufacture of photovoltaic models based on silicon, these organic panels use carbon as raw material and are characterized by their structural flexibility, which makes them adaptable to very different surfaces. Other key features are lower maintenance costs, less energy consumption during manufacture, easier logistics and the complete recycling of the materials used, although their efficiency is still below that of silicon modules.

Mr Belén Linares, Energy Innovation Director in ACCIONAsaid that “The hybridization project in Breña means the optimization of the use of space for renewable energy production and it will enable us to test the efficiency of organic photovoltaics, a technology that we believe has one of the best improvement curves in terms of technological efficiency. That is why we have decided to pilot it.”

The immediate application of the Breña project is to produce part of the energy that the internal systems of the wind turbine need. When the turbine is running, some of the energy generated is used to power the auxiliary systems. In shutdown mode, certain systems need to continue functioning so they are fed from the grid, which means that the wind turbine is registering a net consumption of energy.

The new photovoltaic system with panels on the tower will be able to cover, completely or partially, the energy demand related to the operation of the wind turbine when there is solar radiation, or even -in a possible later phase of the project- when the sun is not shining. This would be done through a battery storage system, leading to an improvement in the net production sent to the grid.

The organic panels are connected to two inverters that convert DC into AC for later connection to the grid which supplies the electrical equipment of the wind turbine.

The entire system is monitored with a view to evaluating it under real conditions, both from the point of view of energy production and degradation of the solar modules. Conceptually, it is a very innovative design in relation to previous experiences in wind power-photovoltaic hybridization, based on panels installed on the ground.

The idea is part of a wide-ranging innovation project driven by ACCIONA to study a number of emerging photovoltaic technologies, with the aim of pioneering the adoption of more efficient solutions in each case and consolidating its leadership as a PV developer. The company currently has over 1,200 MWp in operation or under construction in different parts of the world.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vattenfall and GE Renewable to develop largest offshore wind turbine in Europe

Vattenfall and GE Renewable Energy plan to join forces in the deployment of GE’s new wind turbine, the Haliade-X in Europe. With a capacity of 12MW, it is the largest offshore wind turbine on the market to date. Development and production of the new 12MW turbine will mostly take place in France.

Mr Gunnar Groebler, Senior Vice President and Head of Business Area Wind said that "As a leader of the wind industry, we are constantly striving for top notch technology. The cooperation with GE Renewable Energy enables us to remain one step ahead in wind turbine technology developments. The size and performance of Haliade-X 12MW will support us to further improve the competitiveness of offshore wind energy production. Due to a lower number of turbines needed for future windfarms, there is also a positive impact on the environmental footprint.”

This cooperation is the result of 12 months of intensive exchanges, during which Vattenfall conducted an in-depth technical due diligence and both companies jointly worked on the customization of the platform. The final details of the cooperation will be defined by summer and the organizations will deep dive on specific projects within Vattenfall offshore wind pipeline in the fall.

Mr Gunnar Groebler said that "Vattenfall wants to achieve fossil free living within one generation. By doing that it is also our role to use our capabilities to contribute to the development and reinforcement of the supply chain in Europe and in this particular case, in France.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Austria's will be able to implement Nord Stream 2 project - Mr Kurz

Sputnik reported that Austrian Chancellor said at a press conference with Rainer Seele, the head of the Austrian oil and gas company OMV, his confidence that Vienna and its partners would manage to implement the Nord Stream 2 project. As a committed European, I personally treat this project as positive, just as the German government and many other countries in the European Union do. I think that together we will be able to implement this project.

Russian company Nord Stream 2 AG, which oversees the laying of the pipeline, said that the completion of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline construction and the start of its operation can be delayed until the second half of 2020 as Russia has so far failed to secure a construction permit from Denmark.

The summary of the company's application to Denmark, published by the Danish Energy Agency, said "[Construction] permits have been granted in Sweden, Germany, Finland and Russia. Onshore and offshore construction preparatory works have begun in 2018 in all four aforementioned countries. The pipeline system is planned to be completed and ready for gas transport within the second half of 2020."

Meanwhile, the two previous applications submitted by the company suggested that the route should lie either south of Bornholm in Denmark's territorial waters or to the north-west of the island through the country's EEZ. The first application was filed back in 2017 and is still pending.

Source : Sputnik
Nord Stream 2 AG submitted 3rd permit application and EIA to DEA

Nord Stream 2 AG submitted a third permit application and an EIA to the DEA on 15 April 2019 in order to secure the interests of our shareholder and financial investors, despite our legal reservations. This south-eastern route runs through an area that was previously disputed between Poland and Denmark, and therefore not available for any project developer. The permit application and EIA were submitted following a decision made by the DEA on 26 March. Nord Stream 2 AG, however, appealed the DEA’s decision on 17 April as we consider its request for a third permitting and consultation procedure disproportionate and illegal.

Nord Stream 2 AG already has two other separate route applications pending with the DEA. The first, applied for in April 2017, is based on the guidance received from the Danish authorities for the existing Nord Stream Pipeline and crosses Danish territorial waters. The second application, applied for in August 2018, is an alternative route in Danish EEZ passing north-west of Bornholm. At this time, the north-western route was the environmentally preferred route within the Danish EEZ.

In accordance with the permits already granted in four countries, work on the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline is ongoing in Russia, Finland, Sweden and Germany. More than 1,200 kilometres of the two lines – more than half of the total distance – have already been laid.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ENGIE Cofely Signs Deal With Pragma Industries For Hydrogen Bikes

ENGIE Cofely signed a commercial partnership agreement at the VivaTech show with the Biarritz based start-up Pragma Industries, acquiring 200 hydrogen bikes. This is the first deal to launch the hydrogen cycling industry in France. As the first company to equip its employees with a fleet of hydrogen vehicles as of 2017, ENGIE Cofely is confirming its commitment to green hydrogen mobility through this new purchase.

Green mobility was in the spotlight at the fourth edition of the Viva Technology show, which has become one of the essential meeting-places for innovation. With electric scooters, Segways, hydrogen cars and bikes and even flying taxis, there’s no denying that businesses and local authorities are endeavoring to reinvent the mobility of tomorrow to create a more sustainable environment.

For ENGIE, mobility is a vital factor in the zero carbon transition. To contribute to the harmonious progress of the regions and support them in their energy transitions, the Group is a firm believer in green hydrogen. ENGIE is already a partner of four initiatives selected in the context of “Hydrogen Mobility Ecosystems”, a call for projects launched by ADEME.

The hydrogen bikes constructed by the start-up Pragma Industries were in the spotlight in the Mobility Park, the ENGIE Group’s stand at VivaTech. These are the first electric bikes to be equipped with a fuel cell, which is built into the front frame of the bike and is fueled with green hydrogen.

The bikes have a range of more than 100 kilometers and can be recharged in less than 3 minutes, against 240 minutes for a traditional battery! The innovation is novel, but it is already operational, with around one hundred hydrogen bikes already in use in France. They can have a number of functions eco tourism, company fleets or urban self-service systems.

Mr Alain Colle commercial director of ENGIE Cofely at the signing ceremony said that “ENGIE Cofely wants to play an active part in the launch of the hydrogen bicycle industry through this industrial and commercial partnership with the French start-up Pragma Industries. This sector supplements the French hydrogen ecosystem, supporting ever more carbon-free mobility.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
US Bill Against Nord Stream 2 Proposes Sanctions

US Senators suggested that the United States should be able to impose at least five types of sanctions on individuals or entities that insure or underwrite pipelaying ships engaged in the construction of Russian pipelines for energy exports below sea level, the senators' bill has shown. According to the text of the bill, the restrictions are targeting vessels that are laying pipelines for the export of Russian fuel at the depth of at least 100 feet below sea level. Meanwhile, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is being laid at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

Under the proposed sanctions, the designated foreign persons may be banned from obtaining export licenses in the United States or from receiving more than USD 10 million in loans from US financial institutions in any 12 month period.

Moreover, the US government may refuse to conclude any contracts with the sanctioned individual or company. The US president may also ban the designated foreign person from carrying out property transactions within the country's jurisdiction, among other restrictions.

Source : Sputnik
Albania should urgently diversify away from hydropower - European Commission

Balkan Energy News reported that Albania is moderately prepared in the area of energy, according to the European Commission’s latest report on the country’s alignment with the EU acquis. Albania’s national energy strategy 2018-2030 has been adopted, the Chapter 15 section of the report notes. However, the country has delayed electricity market reforms and should accelerate implementation of the connectivity reform measures, especially by removing legal and contractual obstacles to the integration of energy markets, according to the European Commission.

In the coming year, Albania should in particular:

Diversify electricity production away from hydropower and promote alternative sources of renewable energy while complying with environmental standards, and establish an organized day-ahead electricity market;

Finalize the unbundling of energy companies and abolish legal obstacles to the right of customers to change their electricity supplier;

Fully align its Energy Efficiency Law with the acquis, set up an energy efficiency fund and draft and adopt secondary legislation implementing the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.

Albania’s electricity system has been interconnected with the neighboring systems of Greece and Montenegro since 2014, when the European Network of Transmission System Operators approved synchronous operation of the Albanian electricity transmission system with the continental European system. Electricity distribution losses in the Albanian power grid in 2018 were high at 24.4%, although they were lower than in 2017 when they stood at 27.5%, the report reads.

Some progress has been achieved in the legal unbundling of the distribution-system operator OSHEE SA from its supply activity. This was achieved by the establishment of three new companies, but effective legal unbundling is pending due to delayed transfer of human resources to the new companies. Functional unbundling has been postponed by the Albanian Energy Regulator Entity decision till December 2020. In January 2018, the Energy Community Secretariat initiated an infringement procedure for non-compliance with Albania’s obligations on OSHEE’s unbundling.

Electricity prices are still regulated but should be gradually liberalized once legislation is implemented. The freedom for all customers to switch suppliers is effectively prevented by amendments to the Power Sector Law; implementation is still lacking since most customers connected to 35kV are allowed to be supplied by the supplier of last resort, and all connected to lower voltage level by universal service supplier. The electricity market remains closed by a regulated contract between state-owned generation and supply companies. This contract must be terminated urgently, according to the report.

Source : Balkan Energy News
Klimaatroutekaart FME: industrie moet massaal inzetten op zonnepanelen op daken

FME heeft voor de technologische en metallurgische industrie een Klimaatroutekaart gepresenteerd. Grootste gemene deler is dat beide industrieën massaal gaan inzetten op zonnepanelen op daken.

FME is de ondernemersorganisatie voor de technologische industrie met 2.200 leden en 45 aangesloten brancheverenigingen. De organisatie heeft de Klimaatroutekaarten opgesteld om met haar achterban snel aan de slag te gaan om de doelen uit het Klimaatakkoord te halen. De technologische en metallurgische industrie zijn verantwoordelijk voor circa 7,5 megaton CO2-uitstoot. Dat is ongeveer 7 procent van de totale CO2-uitstoot van de industrie en elektriciteitssector in Nederland.

Technologische industrie: besparen en opwekken
De technologische industrie zal tussen nu en 2030 vooral inzetten op procesoptimalisatie inclusief energiebesparing, elektrificatie van processen en plaatsing van zonnepanelen op daken van bedrijven. Daarnaast zijn waterstofprojecten en de opslag van waterstof zeer belangrijk om na 2030 als volwaardige energiedrager te kunnen fungeren.

In een voorbeeldroute voor de technologische industrie wordt getoond dat 49 procent CO2-reductie tot 2030 haalbaar en meest zinvol is met een combinatie van energiebesparing, procesoptimalisatie, elektrificatie van processen, verduurzaming van gebouwen en zonnepanelen op daken. Daarnaast zijn een snelle adaptatie van led-verlichting en isolatie nodig om aan de gebouwnormen te voldoen. Isolatie wordt daarbij gezien als noodzakelijke stap om in een later stadium ook de ruimteverwarming te kunnen elektrificeren.

In de Klimaatroutekaart voor de technologische industrie – opgesteld door Berenschot – wordt het belang van de Stimuleringsregeling Duurzame Energie (SDE+/SDE++) onderstreept: ‘Veel maatregelen, met name rond elektrificatie, kennen nog een onrendabele top. De SDE++-subsidie en andere financieringsmogelijkheden blijven noodzakelijk. Bovendien is elektrificatie alleen zinvol voor CO2-reductie als de productie afkomstig is van duurzame bronnen zoals wind- en zonne-energie. Daarnaast zijn de technologische en metallurgische industrie zeer afhankelijk van het (betaalbare) aanbod van duurzame energie. Dit aanbod mag niet te vroeg, maar ook niet te laat beschikbaar komen.’

47 procent van daken geschikt
Omdat de technologische industrie over vele bedrijfshallen en kantoren beschikt met een relatief groot dakoppervlak stelt men in de Klimaatroutekaart dat met name zonne-energie een groot potentieel in de technologische industrie heeft. ‘In totaal is in de sector een dakoppervlak beschikbaar van 28,5 miljoen vierkante meter. De mogelijkheid van deze daken om een volledige constructie met zonnepanelen te dragen, is in de praktijk vaak niet optimaal. Ingeschat wordt dat voor de sector als geheel per vierkante meter dakoppervlak 47 procent benut kan worden voor zonnepanelen (de overige 53 procent is niet geschikt door obstakels, dakranden en de sterkte van het dak). Verschillen zijn uiteraard denkbaar op bedrijfsniveau. Met benutting van het volledige technisch potentieel kan in de sector 5,8 petajoule elektriciteit worden opgewekt. Dit levert een besparing op van 185 kiloton CO2 in 2030, uitgaande van de emissiefactor van elektriciteit in 2030.’

Metallurgische industrie: 1,5 miljoen vierkante meter
Voor de tweede Klimaatroutekaart hebben FME en haar brancheverenigingen in de metallurgische industrie VNMI en AVNEG Berenschot laten onderzoeken wat er moet gebeuren om de CO2-emissie in de metallurgische industrie zo snel mogelijk te verminderen. In de Klimaatroutekaart voor de metallurgische industrie en gieterijen schrijft men over zon op daken het volgende. ‘Het totale dakoppervlak van de metallurgische industrie is beperkt ten opzichte van het energieverbruik. In totaal gaat het binnen de sector om ongeveer 1,5 miljoen vierkante meter.’

Ook in deze industrie geldt dat 47 procent van de daken benut kan worden. ‘Met benutting van het volledige technisch potentieel kan 0,3 petajoule elektriciteit worden opgewekt. Dit levert een besparing op van 10 kiloton CO2 in 2030. Deze berekening is exclusief mogelijkheden voor zonnepanelen op braakliggend terrein.’

Door Edwin van Gastel, Marco de Jonge Baas


voda schreef op 5 juni 2019 20:32:

Klimaatroutekaart FME: industrie moet massaal inzetten op zonnepanelen op daken

Stroomoverschot dreigt voor Zwols bedrijventerrein
Lekker dan. Net nu iedereen enthousiast is over zonnepanelen dreigt een probleem op bedrijventerrein Hessenpoort in Zwolle. Nog even en het netwerk van Enexis kan de teruggeleverde stroom niet aan. Wat nu?

Marco van den Berg 05-06-19, 09:11 Laatste update: 09:16
In korte tijd zijn er veel zonnepanelen bijgekomen op bedrijventerrein Hessenpoort in Zwolle. Eind september liggen er nog eens 19.000 panelen achterop het terrein. Een initiatief van gezamenlijke ondernemers. Parkmanager Ilse Sijtsema is er blij mee. Ook al rijzen er problemen. Want er wordt straks zoveel stroom opgewekt, dat het netwerk vol raakt. Voor de huidige bedrijven en het nieuwe zonnepark is nog ruimte beschikbaar om energie terug te leveren aan het net. Die mogelijkheid is zelfs gegarandeerd. Maar daarna dreigt een stop. Terwijl er genoeg bedrijven zijn die ook nog willen investeren in panelen. Sijtsema: ,,Enexis moet eigenlijk een extra station bouwen. Maar dat duurt al snel vijf tot tien jaar.’’
'Spanjaarden dingen mee naar windpark op zee'

Gepubliceerd op 6 jun 2019 om 08:45 | Views: 1.503

MADRID (AFN) - Het Spaanse nutsbedrijf Iberdrola lijkt zich te mengen in de strijd om licenties voor de ontwikkeling van windparken voor de Nederlandse kust. Volgens de Spaanse krant Expansión bundelt Iberdrola daarvoor zijn krachten met Green Investment Group, de duurzame investeringsdivisie van investeerder Macquarie.

Verschillende consortia willen het volgende windpark op de Nederlandse Noordzee bouwen. De windparken Hollandse Kust (zuid) III en IV komen op ongeveer 20 kilometer voor de kust van Den Haag te liggen. De windparken krijgen naar verwachting een geïnstalleerd vermogen van in totaal ongeveer 760 megawatt. Dit is genoeg om circa 1 miljoen huishoudens van groene energie te voorzien.

Andere partijen die azen op concessies zijn naar verluidt het Franse Engie, dat de hulp heeft van het Canadese Northland Power en beleggingsmaatschappij Meewind. Ook Shell en Eneco, Vattenfall en Orsted willen aan de slag met de windparken.
Council Of State Approves Wind Farm N33 of Innogy

Innogy announce that, after years of preparation and careful consideration, the N33 wind farm can be built. The Council of State declared that the necessary procedures to gain approval for construction of the wind farm had been completed carefully and correctly. The objections submitted have been declared unfounded by the Council of State. Construction of the N33 wind farm can now begin. Construction of the N33 wind farm will start in summer of 2019. The exact timeframe has not yet been finalised. The developers expect the wind farm to be completed in autumn of 2020 and they will soon inform the local community about the planned construction work. We want to be a good neighbour and communicate carefully with the people in the surrounding area about the planning and progress of the work on the wind farm.

At the end of January, the Council of State dealt with the appeals of 21 objectors over a period of two days. During the sessions, the Council of State heard the petitioners and put their questions to the initiating companies and competent authorities. During the hearing on 30 January, all appeals against the integration plan (phase 2) were declared unfounded, as a result of which this part of the approval has become irrevocable. On Wednesday 29 May, the Council of State ruled on the remaining appeals and declared them unfounded.

The N33 wind farm is located in Groningen, along the N33 road near Veendam, Muntendam, Meeden, Zuidbroek and Scheemda. The project has been initiated by innogy Windpower Netherlands (innogy) and Windpark Vermeer B.V. (part of Yard). The planned wind farm consists of 35 turbines, with a total installed capacity of almost 150 MW. With an expected annual production of approximately 500 GWh, the wind farm supplies enough green electricity for the annual consumption of approximately 140,000 households.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
MHI Vestas Offshore Wind Celebrates Handover of Borkum Riffgrund 2

MHI Vestas and Ørsted are celebrating the handover of 56 V164-8.3 MW turbines, marking the official inauguration of the most powerful turbines in the German offshore wind market. The installation, which was completed ahead of schedule in 2018, also included the 100th V164 turbine to be installed by MHI Vestas worldwide. The 450 MW project, the first German offshore wind farm to feature 8 MW turbines and suction bucket jacket foundations, is located 57 km off the coast of Lower Saxony. After a successful installation during the latter part of 2018, the project is now an important addition to the German renewable energy transition, providing enough clean energy to power more than 460,000 homes.

The project marks the opening of MHI Vestas’ activity in Germany as the company gears up for installation of 33 V164-8.4 MW turbines at Deutsche Bucht. In addition, the offshore wind OEM has been named preferred turbine supplier for up to 52 V174-9.5 MW turbines for Baltic Eagle, scheduled for installation in 2022-2023.

Mr Volker Malmen, Managing Director for Ørsted in Germany said that “Offshore wind energy is a reliable cornerstone for a successful energy transition. With MHI Vestas’ 8.3 MW turbines for Borkum Riffgrund 2, we set a new milestone for offshore wind in Germany, by pioneering this technology in German waters.”

Mr Flemming Ougaard, Chief Operations Officer for MHI Vestas said that
“The collaboration with Ørsted and other installation partners on Borkum Riffgrund 2 was outstanding. The project is a noteworthy contribution to the German clean energy transition.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
EnBW Closes Acquisition Of VALECO In France

After having received the final official approvals, EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG closed the acquisition of the French developer and operator of wind and solar farms VALECO on 3 June 2019. EnBW’s bid was previously accepted in a highly competitive field of bidders. The acquisition strengthens EnBW’s activities in the renewable energy sector over the long term as a key future business area for the company and at the same time secures growth opportunities in one of the most important markets for renewable energy in Europe.

EnBW CEO Frank Mastiaux said that “The acquisition of VALECO marks a significant step forward in the rigorous expansion of EnBW in renewable energy to make them one of the main pillars of the company. In addition, the target of reaching 1,000 MW of installed capacity in the onshore wind sector by 2020 has now nearly been achieved. With VALECO, we now have one of the most experienced players on the French renewable energy market at our side. We will exploit the growth opportunities together and become one of the Top 5 players on the French wind and solar market in the medium term as strong partners.”

Mr Hans-Josef Zimmer, Chief Technical Officer added that “EnBW and VALECO fit very well together. We are delighted to now have our new colleagues from France on board. And we are looking forward to future cooperation and numerous joint projects.”

The acquisition of VALECO increases the renewables portfolio of EnBW by an impressive 31 percent right from the start – and will also make an immediate contribution to the EnBW Group’s operating result. Over the last few years, EnBW has already installed more than 1,200 megawatts of generation capacity from renewable sources.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Gazprom Announces That 57% of Nord Stream 2 Is Ready

As Gazprom’s information office informed, Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, which lies from Russia to Germany is constructed by 57%. It was specified that as of early June, 1391 kilometres of pipelines were laid under the Baltic Sea. It is expected that the pipeline will connect Slavyansk compressor station in Leningrad region, Russia, with Greifswald on the Baltic coast of Germany.

As it was reported, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that the European Commission would not be able to block the construction of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Belgische stroomprijs stort in door softwareprobleem
Vandaag om 19:18 door pse

Belgische stroomprijs stort in door softwareprobleem
Verdeelcentrum voor elektriciteit in Izegem. (Themabeeld) Foto: Frank Meurisse
De stroomprijs in België is vanmiddag ingestort. Waardoor Engie Electrabel morgen de kerncentrales op een lager pitje moeten laten draaien. De oorzaak: de handel op de Europese elektriciteitsbeurs is gisteren plots volledig in de soep gedraaid. Stroom voor levering op zaterdag werd tot min 133 euro per megawattuur verkocht.

Door softwareproblemen bij het Europese beursplatform Epex is de Europese marktkoppeling volledig in de war gelopen. Dat heeft in ons land geresulteerd in zwaar negatieve prijzen op de groothandelsmarkt. Stroom voor levering op zaterdag werd tot min 133 euro per megawattuur verkocht. Ter vergelijking: de gemiddelde groothandelsprijs in ons land bedroeg vorig jaar 42 euro.

Veel wind
Hoe die zeer negatieve stroomprijs in ons land te verklaren is? De Europese marktkoppeling betekent dat het aanbod en de vraag naar elektriciteit over de grenzen heeft op elkaar afgestemd kan worden. Maar door het wegvallen van deze automatische veiling, viel ook deze onmiddellijke herverdeling over de grenzen heen weg.

Dat had voor ons land tot gevolg dat er - zeker omdat er morgen zaterdag veel wind wordt verwacht - heel wat elektriciteit op overschot is, die niet kan worden uitgevoerd naar het buitenland. Dat leidde op de groothandelsmarkt tot een instorting van de prijs voor levering van elektriciteit tijdens de volgende dag. Zo’n negatieve prijs betekent dat elektriciteitsproducenten fors moeten betalen om stroom te mogen leveren.
Canadian Solar Signs 500 MW Module Supply Contract For Projects In Spain

Canadian Solar Inc announced that it has signed a module contract with the global solar power company Solarcentury to supply 500 MW modules to Solarcentury's two projects 'Cabrera' (200 MW) and 'Talayuela Solar' (300 MW) in Spain. The construction for the 200 MW Cabrera project is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2019 in Alcalá de Guadaira, the Spanish region of Seville and it is expected to be connected to the grid in 2020. Once operational, the plant will produce enough electricity to power 105,000 households in the region.

The 300 MW Talayuela Solar project is scheduled to start construction later in 2019 in the Extremadura region of Talayuela in Spain and will be connected to the grid in 2020. It is expected to be one of the largest solar power plants in Europe, which will produce enough electricity to meet the needs of more than 150,000 homes.

A total of approximately 1.4 million Canadian Solar's high efficiency CS3U-P KuMax Modules will be used for both projects. This 144-cell polycrystalline module is the best solution for these two large-scale projects, as it offers industry-leading cell technology and low power loss in cell connections, which are the key factors for the success of the projects.

Dr Shawn Qu, Chairman of Canadian Solar, commented that 'We are very proud to partner with Solarcentury in one of the largest solar power projects in Europe, which is set to be built without subsidy in the country. This partnership further expands our presence and competitive position in this region.'

Mr Steven Taylor, Global Operations Director of Solarcentury said that "Solarcentury's purpose is to make a meaningful difference in the fight against climate chaos. Due to the sheer quantity of renewable electricity these subsidy-free projects will generate, they are a highly significant milestone in realizing our vision. With Canadian Solar we have a bankable and industry-proven partner with high quality standards, which is essential for all our solar projects be they large or small.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tecade wins Taranto offshore wind farm project

Spanish Tecade has secured a contract with Haizea Wind Group for the supply of components for Taranto offshore wind project which is to to be located on the south coast of Italy and will be the first offshore wind farm in the Mediterranean.

This park will be operational in 2020 and will have a capacity of 30 MW.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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