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'Kapitaalverhoging ArcelorMittal verrassend'

Gepubliceerd op 12 mei 2020 13:05 | Views: 4.841

ArcelorMittal 15:35
8,20 -0,43 (-5,00%)

AMSTERDAM (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De kapitaalverhoging van staalconcern ArcelorMittal van 2 miljard dollar is verrassend gezien de goede cijfers over het eerste kwartaal en de solide vooruitzichten. Dat meldde Bank of America (BofA) in een reactie.

ArcelorMittal wil het geld ophalen met nieuwe aandelen en converteerbare obligaties, onder meer om de balans te versterken. BofA stelt dat het bedrijf daarmee voorrang geeft aan een sterkere balans en wijst op de verwatering van het aandelenkapitaal. De kapitaalverhoging kan volgens de bank zijn aangejaagd door zorgen over de kredietwaardigheid. Het advies is neutral, met een koersdoel van 11,60 euro. BofA stelt dat er nog extreme onzekerheid heerst op de staalmarkt, vooral wat betreft de auto-industrie, een van de grootste markten voor ArcelorMittal.

Citi verlaagt het koersdoel van ArcelorMittal van 17 euro naar 14 euro in verband met de emissie. Het advies blijft buy. Het aandeel noteerde dinsdag omstreeks 12.50 uur een min van 2,9 procent op 8,38 euro.
S&P Reaffirms Negative outlook for ArcelorMittal

S&P Global Ratings has reaffirmed its BBB- credit rating on the world's largest steelmaker, ArcelorMittal, with a negative outlook, amid continuous pressure from weak market conditions. However, the steel demand trough is now behind us. S&P Global Ratings said "Production halts in Europe and the US due to the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an unprecedented steel demand drop in April, while demand will likely remain uncertain for the rest of the year. With the meltdown of steel demand in current quarter, it has revised downwards its expectations for ArcelorMittal's financial performance for the rest of the year, assuming an underlying EBITDA of below USD 4 billion, down from USD 5.8 6.3 billion assumed in early February. The negative outlook reflects a potential one-notch downgrade to 'BB+' in the coming three-to-12 months, if very weak steel market conditions persist, and the company is unable to deleverage.”

The ratings agency said that the USD 2 billion capital raising, together with an ongoing USD 2 billion divestment program and other initiatives, should support a net debt reduction of about USD 3 billion in 2020 and another USD 2 billion in 2021. It said "ArcelorMittal is pulling different financial policy levers to manage the industry crisis and minimize the effect on its operations and financial results. Rating pressure remains high since, under our base case, the company's credit metrics are likely to be below the rating threshold for three years in a row."

Source : S&P Global Ratings
Glencore Merafe Chrome Restarts Operations at Lion smelter & Eastern Chrome Mines

Glencore Merafe Chrome Venture has recommenced operations at the Lion smelter and Eastern Chrome mines. Furthermore, the Venture’s UG2 plants will commence operations in a phased approach once platinum mines resume operations. The Venture has implemented stringent COVID-19 restrictions and return to work processes that include screening and testing procedures and strict social distancing protocols at each operation. These procedures are in line with the South African Government COVID-19 regulations and guidelines.

The Venture’s Boshoek, Rustenburg, Wonderkop, Lydenburg smelters and Kroondal mine will remain under care and maintenance. The decision to restart these operations will be kept under review and is subject to an improvement in the macro-economic environment, which was challenging even before the impact of COVID-19.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
US ITC to Continue Probe on Non-Refillable Steel Cylinders Imports from China

The United States International Trade Commission has determined that there is a reasonable indication that a US industry is materially injured by reason of imports of non-refillable steel cylinders from China that are allegedly subsidized and sold in the United States at less than fair value. As a result of the Commission’s affirmative determinations, the US Department of Commerce will continue with its antidumping and countervailing duty investigations concerning imports of this product from China, with its preliminary countervailing duty determination due on or about June 22, 2020, and its antidumping duty determination due on or about September 3, 2020.

Product Description: The non-refillable steel cylinders covered by these investigations are produced to meet the requirements of US Department of Transportation Specification 39, TransportCanada Specification 39M, or United Nations pressure receptacle standard ISO 11118. The subject non-refillable steel cylinders are portable and range from 300-cubic inch (4.9 liter) water capacity to 1,526-cubic inch (25 liter) water capacity. The subject non-refillable steel cylinders may be imported with or without a valve and/or pressure-release device and are unfilled at the time of importation. Specifically excluded are seamless non-refillable steel cylinders.

Status of Proceedings:
1. Type of investigations: Preliminary antidumping and countervailing duty investigations.
2. Petitioner: Worthington Industries, Columbus, OH.
3. USITC Institution Date: Friday, March 27, 2020.
4. USITC Conference Date: Friday, April 15, 2020 – Wednesday April 22, 2020
5. USITC Vote Date: Friday, May 8, 2020.
6. USITC Notification to Commerce Date: Monday, May 11, 2020.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ArcelorMittal to Raise USD 2 Billion

ArcelorMittal announced its intention to offer common shares, without nominal value, and mandatorily convertible notes in an expected aggregate amount of approximately USD 2.0 billion. The Company retains the flexibility to adjust the relative proportions of shares and mandatorily convertible notes offered in the offerings. The shares and mandatorily convertible notes will be offered within the United States pursuant to a registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and globally subject to certain customary selling restrictions.

The capital to be raised today is a proactive measure to accelerate the achievement of the Company’s USD 7 billion net debt target.

ArcelorMittal intends to use the net proceeds from the offerings for general corporate purposes, to deleverage and to enhance liquidity, thereby building additional resilience going forward in what remains an uncertain environment.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Acerinox Takes Measures at Campo de Gibraltar Factory

Acerinox has applied a one-year temporary employment regulation ERTE file from May 5 for all the staff of its Campo de Gibraltar factory in Cádiz due to production circumstances, which has been endorsed by the four unions present in the works council. The agreement, reached by the management of Acerinox Europe and the works council of the factory will allow the personnel to be adapted to the existing production needs at all times, increasing or decreasing and thus providing a great flexibility. The agreement includes a partial supplement by the company of up to 85% on the concepts included in it to limit the possible decrease in wages during time not worked.

Acerinox president Antonio Jiménez said that "There has been practically no choice but to carry out the ERTE because the drop in orders is really important. Fewer minimum services and some needs we have for some processes, we are all at ERTE and it will adapt to the production we have."

Source : Strategic Research Institute
GMS Market Commentary on Shipbreaking in Week 19 -Easy Does It

There has been a slow and cautious easing of restrictions in ship recycling sectors across the Indian subcontinent markets as certain yards get back to work in Alang and a few vessels waiting for special permissions in Bangladesh have finally been allowed to beach last week. However, lockdown measures for India, Bangladesh and Pakistan as a whole, remain in place until May 16th at least - with all flights grounded and restrictions on foreign crew entering the country still in place. In fact, rumours abound in India that the lockdown may likely extend until June. As it stands, due to the ongoing virus scare, nearly 70% of the workforce in Alang has returned to their home towns on specially arranged trains by the Gujarat authorities. So those yards that did begin to cautiously open have been left with a decimated workforce and may as well remain closed at this time. It therefore remains extremely difficult to solicit any serious offers above USD 300/LDT at present, with most ship recyclers waiting on official reopening permissions on incoming vessels from government authorities, which may likely not be forthcoming for at least a few weeks.

Many deals that have missed cancelling dates due to force majeure conditions, have now been recommitted at much lower levels, with Ship Owners and Cash Buyers having to face the harsh realities of a much reduced market due to the pandemic.

The Turkish market too has suffered increasing reversals, with both fundamentals now down, local offerings for vessels dipping towards the USD 150/MT mark and under own power deliveries still restricted.

The coming weeks will be essential for the global community to slowly get back to business and open up economies once again, without letting a second wave of the virus take hold and wreak further destruction on communities that are already struggling with fear, loss and anxiety.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Steel Shipments in US in March Down 6% YoY

The American Iron and Steel Institute reported that for the month of March 2020, US steel mills shipped 7,802,192 net tons, a 0.4 percent increase from the 7,771,656 net tons shipped in the previous month, February 2020, and a 6.3 percent decrease from the 8,327,990 net tons shipped in March 2019. Shipments year-to-date in 2020 are 24,109,603 net tons, a 0.2 percent decrease vs. 2019 shipments of 24,152,051 for three months.

A comparison of March shipments to the previous month of February shows the following changes: hot rolled sheet, up 4 percent, cold rolled sheet, down 1 percent and hot dipped galvanized sheet and strip, down 5 percent.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
New Alro Steel Oshkosh Facility Now Open

Alro Steel announced the opening of its Oshkosh facility on March 16, 2020. The new 194,000 square foot facility is located at 3970 Poberezny Rd., Oshkosh, Wisconsin. This replaces the former 66,000 square foot facility at 43 E. Tenth Ave, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. In addition to expanded product offerings, the Oshkosh location added new processing capabilities and equipment including shearing, large capacity saw cutting, shot blasting for material up to 60 inches wide, as well as new automated equipment to clean and prepare flame and plasma cut parts for shipment. The expanded inventory and processing services allow the Oshkosh facility to focus on cut-to-size metals and next day delivery to Wisconsin customers. Click for Alro Steel Oshkosh location information.

Alro Steel was founded in 1948 by brothers Al and Robert Glick. The company is a distributor of metals, industrial supplies, and engineering plastics. Alro is focused on offering cut-to-size metals and plastics with next day delivery to 25,000 customers in North America. Alro operates over 70 locations in 12 states and provides a broad inventory of products under the following companies: Alro Steel, Alro Metals, Alro Metals Outlet, Alro Industrial Supply, and Alro Plastics.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Steel Production Capacity Utilization Rate in US in Week 19 seen at 53.7%

American Iron and Steel Institute announced that in the week ending on May 9, 2020, US raw steel production was 1,204,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 53.7 percent. Production was 1,880,000 net tons in the week ending May 9, 2019 while the capability utilization then was 80.8 percent. The current week production represents a 36.0 percent decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending May 9, 2020 is up 5.2 percent from the previous week ending May 2, 2020 when production was 1,144,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 51.1 percent.

Adjusted year-to-date production through May 9, 2020 was 30,859,000 net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 72.2 percent. That is down 12.4 percent from the 35,218,000 net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 81.4 percent.

Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending May 9, 2020 in thousands of net tons: North East: 94; Great Lakes: 398; Midwest: 122; Southern: 525 and Western: 65 for a total of 1204.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nico Inberg (van de IEX) op youtube! (een must voor de Arcelor aandeelhouder)

ArcelorMittal Waarom Emissie?

PS: Veel informatie wat hij vertelt zit in het Premium artikel.
Salzgitter boekt verlies

Salzgitter AG
10,80 0,00 0,00 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)

(ABM FN) Salzgitter heeft in het eerste kwartaal verlies geleden en verwacht ook voor het hele boekjaar significant rode cijfers. Dit maakte het Duitse staalbedrijf woensdagochtend bekend.

De omzet kwam afgelopen kwartaal uit op 2,1 miljard euro, tegenover 2,3 miljard euro een jaar eerder.

Salzgitter boekte een verlies voor belastingen van 31,4 miljoen euro tegen een winst van 125,9 miljoen euro een jaar eerder. Het staalbedrijf schreef het verlies toe aan de volatiele prijzen voor bijzondere metalen en aan de investering in Aurubis.

Onder de streep restte een verlies van 43,7 miljoen euro. Vorig jaar verdiende Salzgitter nog bijna 97 miljoen euro.

Volgens Salzgitter had de coronacrisis geen significante impact op de kwartaalresultaten. Desondanks kwam een stabilisering op de Europese staalmarkt "abrupt" tot een einde door de lockdown-maatregelen die in landen werden getroffen om de verspreiding van het coronavirus tegen te gaan, aldus het staalbedrijf.

Voor heel het jaar voorziet Salzgitter een significante terugloop in de omzet en zal het brutoverlies vermoedelijk in de drie cijfers lopen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Indian Steel Mills banking on Exports

Mint reported that with domestic demand for steel nearly negligible, Indian steel mills are now producing almost exclusively for export as China has been slowly returning to full scale production of crude steel. JSW Steel joint managing director and group CFO Mr Seshagiri Rao said “With India yet to completely lift the lockdown and only some activity resuming in green and orange zones, companies like JSW Steel are now looking at opportunities to export more. With production in other major steel exporting countries like Russia and Japan hugely impacted and other key exporters like Korea and China also impacted to a limited extent, there are huge opportunities for Indian companies to look at.”

A spokesperson for Steel Authority of India Limited told Mint “With the quantum of booked export orders, physical exports during May and June of 2020 would be substantially higher than previous period. Depending on relative market situation, SAIL will take a call on maintaining higher export volumes during subsequent months as well. SAIL has also commenced exports to China, which is comparatively a new market for our company."

A spokesperson for AM/NS India told Mint “In recent months, we have been actively monitoring and adjusting production at our plants to respond to the effect of Covid-19 on domestic steel demand and we continue to maintain stock levels in line with the needs of our customers. In May, around half of our total steel production is destined for export markets, including China."

Jindal Steel and Power Limited managing director VR Sharma told Mint “The liquid steel manufacturers in Asia are down and unable to supply to their customers. There were also restrictions in inter-province movement in China from January to March, and we expect the situation to remain the same for the next 2-3 months. So we’re seeing a difference in the kind of products we’re exporting to different markets. In China and South Asia, there’s a lot of demand for semis while in markets in Europe, where the entire steel industry has stopped functioning, there’s a demand for finished products. While about 60% of JSPL’s production was sold domestically last year, in April and May, about 75-80% of production was directed to exports.”

Steel products booked are billets & sabs at USD 340-360 FOB and hot rolled coils at USD 370-400 FOB.

Source : Mint
JFE Steel Reports Net Loss for Fiscal 2019

JFE Holdings Inc has reported a record group net loss of JPY 197,744 million yen in fiscal 2019 as compared to JPY 169.82 billion net profit recorded in the previous fiscal year, its first net loss in eight years, hurt by 230 billion yen in impairment losses attributable mainly to the shutdown of a blast furnace at its East Japan Works decided in March. The company's net sales amounted to JPY 3.73 trillion, down 3.7 percent year on year. JFE Steel's consolidated crude steel output increased to 28.09 million mt, up 0.7 percent year on year. JFE Steel said that overseas and national economies are slowing due to the coronavirus and that steel product demand is declining.

JFE Steel stated that it will not provide a new forecast for the fiscal year 2020-21 due to uncertainties related to the coronavirus pandemic and the inability to evaluate reliably the business performance of the company due to the pandemic.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Coronavirus Pandemic Impacts thyssenkrupp

thyssenkrupp’s performance in the 1st half of the current fiscal year 2019/2020 was significantly impacted by the initial effects of the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, the weak automotive market in particular as well as price and volume losses in the materials businesses had a negative impact on performance. In order intake this is reflected in an 8 percent year-on-year decrease to EUR 15 billion. Sales were down by 4 percent to EUR 15.9 billion. thyssenkrupp Chief Executive Officer Martina Merz said “The coronavirus pandemic presents us with enormous challenges. The full impact of the crisis on our businesses is not yet foreseeable. But it is already clear that the economic disruptions will leave very deep marks. We have made a lot of progress with our transformation in the last few months. The company has delivered. We have sold the elevator business and negotiated and begun implementing the steel strategy. We have also found solutions for all our businesses under review. The initiated restructurings are well on track. So things are moving forward. Coronavirus is slowing things down but we are keeping our foot on the gas.”

2019/2020 forecast - Against the background of the coronavirus pandemic and the associated impacts on the economy as a whole, the sales and earnings performance of thyssenkrupp’s businesses for the remaining months of the fiscal year cannot currently be predicted in full. It was for this reason that the company withdrew its forecast for the current fiscal year at the end of March.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Metalloinvest Appoints Mr Nazim Efendiev as new CEO

Leading global iron ore and HBI producer and producers of high-quality steel Metalloinvest has announced the appointment of Mr Nazim Efendiev as CEO of Management Company Metalloinvest. He will combine the new role with the duties of First Deputy CEO, Sales Director. Nazim Efendiev was born in 1963 in Baku. In 1985, he graduated from the Military Institute of Foreign Languages and, in 1995, he obtained an MBA at the Academy of National Economy and completed a specialised international management programme at Kingston University (UK). From 2018 to 2019, he studied at IESE Business School of the University of Navarra on the Advanced Management Programme.

Since 1996, he worked at Siberian Aluminium as Deputy Commercial Director of the Sayan Aluminium Plant, Director of the Trading House of the Samara Metallurgical Plant, and Chief of the Rolling Division of Russian Aluminium. In 2001, he became Sales Director at NOSTA and Ural Steel. Since 2004, he has served as General Director of Ural Steel. In 2006-2007, he was Executive Director of Management Company Metalloinvest. In 2007-2009, he served as CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Machine-building Corporation Uralmash. Since June 2010 he was Managing Director of Ural Steel. In 2011-2012, he was Deputy CEO, Government Relations Director of Management Company Metalloinvest. From March 2012 until present he has been serving as First Deputy CEO, Sales Director of Management Company Metalloinvest.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nitrogen Gas Leak Hurts 3 at SAIL BSL

The Telegraph reported that at least three people, including a deputy general manager, fainted after inhaling nitrogen gas that leaked from a transformer at the hot strip mill of the Bokaro Steel Plant on Monday evening. Bokaro Steel Plant chief communication officer Manikant Dhan said that the incident occurred when one of their senior officials from the distribution network department and two workers were inspecting a new transformer adjacent to the hot strip mill department. He said “DGM V Narayan and the two other employees were admitted to Bokaro General Hospital, where they are stable. They will be released soon after the observation period is over in the hospital. Since the inquiry committee report is pending, we are unable to ascertain the cause leading to the exposure to this gas.”

The cause of the gas leak is not known yet

New transformers have nitrogen gas filled inside them which is taken out prior to installation and replaced with oil. Nitrogen, when inhaled, can cause death because it replaces the oxygen in the lungs.

Source : The Telegraph
German Government Ready to Support Thyssenkrupp

Rheinische Post newspaper quoted an Economy Ministry spokeswoman as saying that the German government’s protective umbrella for businesses is open to struggling conglomerate Thyssenkrupp, which warned on Tuesday it faced a deep quarterly loss. The ministry spokeswoman told the Rheinische Post “On the subject of Thyssenkrupp, the same applies as to all companies: We have put up a historical protective umbrella for companies to give them the best possible support during the coronavirus crisis and to maintain Germany’s economic strength.”

Thyssenkrupp said that its operating loss could swell to 1 billion euros in the April to June quarter due to the coronavirus crisis, sending its shares down as much as 13.5%.

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government has agreed a stimulus package worth over 750 billion euros to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, with the government aiming to take on new debt for the first time since 2013.

Source : Reuters
ThyssenKrupp Acciai Speciali Terni Extends Shutdown

Italian stainless steel producer ThyssenKrupp Acciai Speciali Terni announced that it will extend the temporary shutdown that it had already planned in May due to below-forecast production volumes. The stop will concern the steel mill department and other areas and production lines for the period from May 25 to June 2. It said “The restarting phase of production activities of many companies, after the interruption for the Covid-19 emergency, has just begun and is not continuous and regular yet, due to the need to adapt production levels to demand and to new ways of organizing work."

Protected routes, sanitized environments, controls with thermal scanner at the entrance thanks to which Special Steel Terni is the first Italian company certified anti Covid. In the factory that directly employs 2,400 people, work stopped for a few days during the lockdown. It has obtainined the certification of safety interventions from DNV GLagainst coronavirus in Ast. It is the first company in Italy to have it.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
US DOC Starts Circumvention Probe on Stainless Steel Imports from Vietnam

The US Department of Commerce has sef initiated a circumvention inquiry to determine if imports of stainless steel sheet and strip from Vietnam are circumventing existing US antidumping and countervailing duties on these products from China. The possible circumvention involves stainless steel flat-rolled products from China that are completed in Vietnam and then exported to the US. If Commerce preliminarily determines that circumvention is occurring, it will instruct US Customs and Border Protection to suspend liquidation and begin collecting cash deposits on imports of stainless sheet and strip completed in Vietnam using Chinese-origin stainless steel flat-rolled inputs and or Chinese-origin stainless sheet and strip further processed in Vietnam

US DOC is also self-initiating a concurrent scope inquiry to determine if stainless sheet and strip from Vietnam is within the scope of the AD & CVD orders on stainless sheet and strip from China

US DOC said “Shipments of stainless sheet and strip from Vietnam to the US increased in value by USD 122 million, or 180.4%, comparing import data from the 40-month periods before and after the initiations of the original AD/CVD investigations on Chinese stainless sheet and strip on March 3, 2016.”

Commerce set final AD duties ranging from 63.86%-76.64% and subsidy rates of 75.6%-190.71% on Chinese stainless steel sheet and strip in March 2017.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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