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Operating Conditions Deteriorate Slightly in April - Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI

After broadly stabilising in March, operating conditions across China's manufacturing sector weakened slightly in April. The recent easing of measures to halt the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic underpinned a further rise in output. However, the impact of the virus globally led to a substantial drop in export sales, which drove a further decline in total new work. Weaker demand conditions prompted firms to reduce their staff numbers and input buying. At the same time, companies reported moderate falls in both input costs and selling prices. The headline seasonally adjusted Purchasing Managers Index, a composite indicator designed to provide a single-figure snapshot of operating conditions in the manufacturing economy, slipped from 50.1 in March to 49.4 in April, to indicate a renewed deterioration in operating conditions. That said, the decline was marginal and much softer than the record pace seen in February when many firms closed down to stem the spread of the virus.

Key findings
Output continues to recover, albeit at a mild pace...
...but total new work declines again as export sales plummet
Input costs and output charges both fall
Data were collected 7-22 April 2020

Chinese manufacturers signalled a back-to-back monthly rise in production after a record decline in February, as more firms reopened and were able to increase capacity. That said, the rate of expansion remained marginal overall.

Meanwhile, total new orders fell for the third month running at the start of the second quarter. The modest drop in overall new business was largely driven by weaker foreign demand, according to underlying data. New export business fell at the steepest rate since December 2008, as the COVID-19 pandemic led to temporary lockdowns and business closures across the globe.

Reduced amounts of new work led firms to cut their staff numbers again in April. Furthermore, the rate of job shedding quickened from March. Backlogs of work meanwhile rose further as firms continued to process orders from previous months, though the rate of accumulation eased for the second month in a row.

The weaker order book trend also prompted firms to reduce their purchasing activity. Greater usage of current stocks meanwhile led to a further decline in inventories of inputs, though the rate of contraction was only fractional.

Although the time taken for inputs to be delivered to manufacturers continued to lengthen in April, the rate at which vendor performance deteriorated was only modest. Where delays were recorded, they were generally attributed to shortages at suppliers and virus-related travel restrictions.

A combination of increased production and difficulties in delivering products to clients led to a further rise in stocks of finished goods. That said, the rate of expansion remained marginal.

Average input costs fell at the quickest rate in over four years in April amid reports of lower raw material prices. Output charges also declined as firms sought to remain competitive and attract sales.

Concerns over the longevity and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on global demand weighed on business confidence at the start of the second quarter. Optimism regarding the 12-month outlook for output dipped to a four-month low in April.

Commenting on the China General Manufacturing PMI data, Dr. Zhengsheng Zhong, Chairman and Chief Economist at CEBM Group said “The Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI returned to contractionary territory in April, coming in at 49.4. China’s economic recovery was hindered by shrinking foreign demand,
1. While manufacturing output expanded at a faster clip, export orders plunged amid sluggish demand. The output subindex rose further into expansionary territory, the bestperforming among the five PMI subindexes and the only one above 50, reflecting further resumption of work. The gauge for new export orders dropped back sharply to a level lower than that in February, pointing to a sharp contraction in foreign demand amid the coronavirus pandemic. The subindex for total new orders worsened slightly from a relatively low level the previous month, amid shrinking overseas demand compounded by limited recovery in domestic consumption.
2. Amid rapid production recovery and falling demand, inventories of finished goods increased relatively fast, and growth in work backlogs continued to slow. The subindexes for stocks of purchased items and suppliers1 delivery times continued to recover despite staying in negative territory, reflecting the fact that manufacturers were well prepared for production.
3. Prices of industrial products continued to fall. Amid a plunge in global oil prices, input costs dropped markedly. The gauges for input costs and output prices had the same reading in April. Meanwhile, downward pressure on the prices of raw materials including glass and steel grew amid large inventories and limited demand recovery.
4. Both the gauges for business confidence and employment dropped. Unlike in February and March, manufacturers1 confidence was not high in April as the coronavirus's hard hit on external demand forced them to reassess the pandemic's impact: the economic shock may be greater than previously thought, and it may take longer for the economy to recover. Amid sluggish demand, employment contracted at a steeper rate.
To sum up, the sharp fall in export orders seriously hindered China’s economic recovery in April, although businesses were gradually getting back to work. Amid the second shockwave from the pandemic, the problems of low business confidence, shrinking employment and large inventories of industrial raw materials became more serious. A package of macroeconomic policies, as suggested in the April 17 Politburo meeting, must be implemented urgently. It is particularly necessary to aid weak links including small and midsize enterprises and personal incomes. ”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Beursblik: lastig eerste kwartaal voor ArcelorMittal voorzien

9,497 -0,505 -5,05 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft vermoedelijk een lastig eerste kwartaal van 2020 achter de rug. Dit blijkt uit de analistenconsensus die het staalbedrijf publiceerde.

Gemiddeld rekenen 18 analisten die bijdroegen aan de voorspelling voor het eerste kwartaal op een EBITDA van 867 miljoen dollar.

In het vierde kwartaal van 2019 lag het bedrijfsresultaat van ArcelorMittal nog op 925 miljoen dollar en in het eerste kwartaal in 2019 was dit zelfs 1.652 miljoen dollar.

Outlook en financiering

ArcelorMittal moest aan het einde van het eerste kwartaal de productie terugschroeven omdat de industriële activiteit in alle regio's waar het bedrijf actief is aanzienlijk was gedaald als gevolg van de corona-uitbraak.

Om de gevolgen van de bestaande en mogelijk nog door te voeren beperkingen op te vangen, trof ArcelorMittal maatregelen die de kaspositie van het bedrijf moeten beschermen en de bedrijfskosten in lijn moeten brengen met de lagere productie, zei het staalbedrijf eind maart.

Dit betekent dat het bedrijf ook gebruik maakt van de coronanoodfondsen die verschillende overheden ter beschikking hebben gesteld.

Verder heeft ArcelorMittal toezeggingen ontvangen voor een nieuwe kredietfaciliteit ter waarde van 3 miljard dollar, meldde het bedrijf medio april. ArcelorMittal zei toen ook geen directe noodzaak te hebben om het krediet op te nemen, maar dat dit wel aanvullende financiële flexibiliteit biedt "onder de huidige uitzonderlijke omstandigheden".

ArcelorMittal zal bij de kwartaalupdate donderdag mogelijk een update verschaffen over de kasbehoefte.

De Zwitserse bank UBS meent dat de balans van het bedrijf robuust is en een claimemissie onwaarschijnlijk is, gezien de nettoschuld op het laagste niveau in de geschiedenis van het bedrijf staat. De liquiditeit is goed, er hoeft maar beperkt te worden geherfinancierd en de convenanten bieden nog voldoende ruimte, aldus UBS.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
'Daling bedrijfsresultaat bij Aperam'

Gepubliceerd op 5 mei 2020 13:53 | Views: 622

Aperam 14:53
23,39 +0,40 (+1,74%)

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Roestvrijstaalfabrikant Aperam heeft in het eerste kwartaal van dit jaar naar verwachting een lager bedrijfsresultaat behaald door de coronacrisis. De in Amsterdam genoteerde onderneming publiceert woensdag haar resultaten over de afgelopen periode.

Uit een consensus van analistenschattingen die Aperam op de eigen website heeft geplaatst, wordt voor het bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) een bedrag voorzien van 69 miljoen euro. Dit resultaat wordt op de financiële markten gezien als de belangrijkste winstgraadmeter voor het bedrijf.

In het vierde kwartaal van 2019 werd door Aperam een resultaat van 102 miljoen euro in de boeken gezet. Dat was inclusief een bijzondere bate van 17 miljoen euro. Op aangepaste basis bedroeg het resultaat 85 miljoen euro. Aperam had in februari aangegeven voor het eerste kwartaal te rekenen op een vergelijkbaar aangepast resultaat.

Fabrieken gesloten

Vanwege de coronacrisis heeft Aperam een deel van zijn fabrieken gesloten en een aandeleninkoopprogramma uitgesteld. Ook is het bedrijf bezig kosten te verlagen. Daarnaast werd in april bekend dat Aperam Sudhakar Sivaji heeft benoemd tot financieel directeur. Hij volgt Sandeep Jalan op die in februari zijn vertrek aankondigde.

ING kwam vorige maand met een adviesverhoging voor Aperam. De bank stelt dat Aperam te maken heeft met uitdagende marktomstandigheden door de crisis, maar een sterke balans heeft met gedisciplineerd management en een bewezen staat van dienst bij kosten- en cashcontrole in uitdagende tijden. Volgens ING is Aperam verder uitstekend gepositioneerd om van het herstel te profiteren. Wel verlaagt de bank zijn verwachtingen voor het bedrijfsresultaat van Aperam voor dit jaar flink vanwege de crisis.
ArcelorMittal boekt lager resultaat door crisis'

Gepubliceerd op 5 mei 2020 13:26 | Views: 1.630

ArcelorMittal 14:51
9,89 +0,39 (+4,10%)

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal heeft in het eerste kwartaal van dit jaar een lager bedrijfsresultaat behaald vanwege de coronacrisis. Dat komt naar voren uit een consensus van analistenschattingen die het bedrijf op de eigen website heeft geplaatst. Het AEX-fonds komt donderdag met resultaten naar buiten.

Volgens de consensus komt het bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda), de belangrijkste winstgraadmeter bij ArcelorMittal, uit op 867 miljoen dollar. In het vierde kwartaal van 2019 was dit 925 miljoen dollar en een jaar eerder bijna 1,7 miljard dollar.

Uit een consensus bij persbureau Bloomberg wordt in doorsnee een resultaat van 925 miljoen dollar voorspeld, op een omzet van 15,8 miljard dollar. In de voorgaande periode werd een omzet behaald van 15,5 miljard dollar en in het eerste kwartaal van 2019 was dit 19,2 miljard dollar.

Productie teruggeschroefd

Vanwege de coronacrisis heeft ArcelorMittal zijn productie teruggeschroefd. Daarnaast zal 's werelds grootste staalproducent een beroep doen op de steunpakketten van overheden en houdt het concern zijn kosten tegen het licht en stelt waar mogelijk uitgaven uit.

Kredietbeoordelaar Fitch kwam in april met een afwaardering van de kredietstatus van ArcelorMittal naar junk vanwege de moeilijke marktomstandigheden in de staalindustrie. Fitch stelt dat door de coronacrisis de vraag naar staal langere tijd behoorlijk onder druk zal staan, bijvoorbeeld vanuit de auto-industrie en bouwsector, en dat de staalprijzen dit jaar zullen dalen.
U.S. Steel, Nucor lift steel sheet prices

May 4, 2020 6:58 PM ET|About: Nucor Corporation (NUE)|By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor

Nucor (NYSE:NUE) has raised the price of hot-rolled, cold-rolled and galvanized by a minimum of $50/ton, and U.S. Steel (NYSE:X) told customers it will increase the price of all new flat-rolled products spot orders by a minimum of $60/ton (RSC1:COM), Bloomberg reports.

ArcelorMittal USA (NYSE:MT) also reportedly will charge on all future orders $500/ton for hot-rolled, $700/ton for cold-rolled and $700/ton on coated products.

COVID-19 Lockdown in April Impacts India the most

Latest IHS Markit India’s Manufacturing PMI number of 27.4 for April 2020 contracting by 47% as against PMI of 51.8 in March, like zero auto sales, is an absolutely shocker. But in reality, it shows an extremely grim picture of the impact of lockdown on manufacturing & economy in India in April. And it appears that 180 degree recovery in manufacturing is out of question, eroding any hopes of strong recovery in steel demand in May testing resilence of big steel makers, reported to be attempting only minor reduction in pre lockdown price levels.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
JSW Steel Crude Steel Capacity Utilization Dips to 38% in April

JSW Steel Limited has reported crude steel production at 0.563 million tonnes for April 2020, clocking an average capacity utilisation of about 38% for the month. JSW Steel said “The Company, recognising the formidable challenges of disrupted supply chains, unparalleled drop in demand, uncertainty in seamless transportation of inbound and outbound goods through containment zones across the country, and inadequate credit flow to the industry, has undertaken multiple initiatives to reduce the fixed cost base, improve efficiencies, and find new markets and customers to remain competitive.”

JSW added “The additional two weeks lockdown 3.0, till 17th May’20 declared by the Central Government with further relaxations to commence some more additional economic activities, is a step in the right direction in reviving the sentiment and in gradually restoring the confidence to rejuvenate the economy.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
NCLT Approves CarVal Bid for Uttam Value Steel & Uttam Galva Metallics

Mint, citing a person aware of the development, reported that Mumbai bench of the National Company Law Tribunal has approved the sale of Uttam Value Steel Ltd and Uttam Galva Metallics to a joint consortium of CarVal Investors and Nithia Capital Resources Advisors for INR 2,300 crore. The source said “This is among the first resolutions where the corporate insolvency resolution process of two companies worked in tandem. The two companies are interlinked in terms of production and therefore getting two different resolution plans for them made no sense. Uttam Galva Metallics was filed in NCLT Chandigarh, the petition against the other company was filed in Mumbai. To ensure a smooth resolution process of these connected companies, the case was transferred from Chandigarh to Mumbai.”

The resolution plan would allow lenders to get close to 40% of their claims for both the companies. While the resolution professional admitted INR 3,634 crore of financial creditor claims in Uttam Galva Metallics, it was at INR 2,479 crore for Uttam Value Steel, as on 9 April.

Union Bank of India has the highest exposure in Uttam Galva Metallics at INR 921 crore, followed by Bank of Baroda at INR 680 crore and Punjab National Bank at INR 571 crore, among others. Union Bank of India also has the highest exposure in Uttam Value Steel, at INR 589 crore. The other lenders are Punjab National Bank at INR 466 crore, State Bank of India at INR 416 crore and Bank of Baroda at INR 277 crore, among others.

While the joint resolution plan was approved by the committee of creditors in April last year, SSG Capital, the other bidder for these assets contested the decision. The case to decide on SSG’s claims was then heard by a two-judge bench in Mumbai NCLT, where both judges took opposing views. The matter was then heard by the principal bench of the NCLT in New Delhi which dismissed SSG’s plea.

Source : Mint
US DoC to Initiate Section 232 Investigation into Imports of Laminations and Wound Cores for Transformers

US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross announced that he will initiate an investigation into whether laminations for stacked cores for incorporation into transformers, stacked and wound cores for incorporation into transformers, electrical transformers, and transformer regulators are being imported into the United States in such quantities or under such circumstances as to threaten to impair the national security. The decision to launch an investigation under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as amended, follows inquiries and requests from multiple members of Congress as well as industry stakeholders. As required by law, Secretary Ross will send a letter to Secretary of Defense Mark Esper informing him of the investigation. Secretary Ross will also notify other relevant executive branch officials.

The investigation, to be conducted by the Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security, will provide the opportunity for public comment. A notice will be published shortly in the Federal Register.

Transformers are part of the U.S. energy infrastructure. Laminations and cores made of grain-oriented electrical steel are critical transformer components. Electrical steel is necessary for power distribution transformers for all types of energy, including solar, nuclear, wind, coal, and natural gas, across the country. An assured domestic supply of these products enables the United States to respond to large power disruptions affecting civilian populations, critical infrastructure, and US defense industrial production capabilities.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Klöckner & Co Reports Lower Earnings in First Quarter of 2020

Sales at Klöckner & Co decreased by 14.9% to EUR 1.4 billion in the first quarter of 2020 due to lower volumes and prices. Operating income at EUR 21 million was significantly below the EUR 34 million prior-year figure. Net income was likewise lower, with a loss of EUR 21 million compared to a loss of EUR 10 million in the prior-year period. Share of sales generated via digital channels increased at a rapidly accelerating rate by more than 3%-points relative to the fourth quarter of 2019, to 35% (Q1 2019: 27%). At the end of the first quarter, the Kloeckner Assistant, an application for automatically processing incoming quotation requests and orders, was already in deployment with more than 500 customers in Europe and the USA.

Klöckner & Co also made further progress with its open industry platform, XOM Materials. In April, the number of contracted vendors and customers on the platform increased to a total of around 70 and some 1,000, respectively. This represents more than a fourfold increase in both figures over the course of this year. In addition, the new XOM Materials eProcurement solution successfully began automating procurement for Klöckner & Co from the beginning of April. The application is to be marketed to other companies before the end of this year.

Klöckner & Co has already initiated a range of measures to surmount the crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and is further stepping up efforts in this regard. The company sees the crisis as an opportunity to expedite those restructuring measures that are still necessary and to benefit from the anticipated more rapid industry consolidation.

For the second quarter, Klöckner & Co expects a considerable decline in shipments and sales compared with the first quarter of 2020. Against this background, the company expects a negative EBITDA in the low double-digit million euro range, with cash flow from operating activities being positive due to the reduced net working capital requirement.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
GMS Market Commentary on Shipbreaking in Week 18 - Lengthened Lockdown

Last week, as lockdowns were once again extended at all subcontinent locations until May 15/16th, the toll on frustrated Ship Owners and Cash Buyers has started to tell. At present, there is no way to import fresh vessels into any subcontinent location for recycling and there are still a number of vessels at various anchorages that have arrived, but have failed to obtain permissions for boardings and / or beachings. Most of these vessels have missed cancelling dates between the Owners / Cash Buyers / end Users and are therefore subject to a return of the respective deposit or restructuring a new deal altogether, at whatever price the new market realities of today are. However, what makes matters confusing is that there is no telling where market prices realistically are at, given that a huge spread of numbers has been seen from Recyclers and Cash Buyers who are essentially speculating on a closed market that is presently much lower than it was at the start of the year. Currencies have also depreciated alarmingly across the board and it is quite clear that steel plate prices have fallen precipitously as well. As such, until activity fully resumes and steel mills start operating at pace once again, it will essentially remain a guessing game at the moment. Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Turkey are of course on their month long Ramadan holidays and this has perhaps come at an opportune time as the number of cases continues to climb (especially in Pakistan and Bangladesh) and stay at home orders remain in place for at least another two weeks.

Finally, the situation in Turkey remains relatively unchanged with plate prices pegged at levels similar to those from last week and the Lira weakening once again, dragging the local sentiment down even further.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Raw Steel Production Capacity Utilizaion in US Dips to 51% in Week 18

AISI announced that in the week ending on May 2, 2020, domestic raw steel production was 1,144,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 51.1 percent. Production was 1,889,000 net tons in the week ending May 2, 2019 while the capability utilization then was 81.2 percent. The current week production represents a 39.4 percent decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending May 2, 2020 is down 8.5 percent from the previous week ending April 25, 2020 when production was 1,250,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 55.8 percent.

Adjusted year-to-date production through May 2, 2020 was 29,655,000 net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 77.5 percent. That is down 11.0 percent from the 33,338,000 net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 81.4 percent.

Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending May 2, 2020 in thousands of net tons: North East: 109; Great Lakes: 401; Midwest: 121; Southern: 476 and Western: 37 for a total of 1144.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Manufacturing output in India plummets in April amid COVID-19 Lockdown

April data pointed to an unprecedented contraction in Indian manufacturing output. The result came amid national lockdown restrictions to help stem the spread of the coronavirus disease COVID-19, which in turn led to widespread business closures. In an environment of severely reduced demand, new business collapsed at a record pace and firms sharply reduced their staff numbers. Meanwhile, both input costs and output prices were lowered markedly as suppliers and manufacturers themselves offered discounts in an attempt to secure orders. At 27.4 in April, the seasonally adjusted IHS Markit India Manufacturing PMI fell from 51.8 in March. The latest reading pointed to the sharpest deterioration in business conditions across the sector since data collection began over 15 years ago.

Key findings
Record contraction in production
New orders collapse
Firms cut staff numbers at fastest rate on record
Data collected 7-24 April

The decline in operating conditions was partially driven by an unprecedented contraction in output. Panellists often attributed lower production to temporary factory closures that were triggered by restrictive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Amid widespread business closures, demand conditions were severely hampered in April. New orders fell for the first time in two-and-a-half years and at the sharpest rate in the survey's history, far outpacing that seen during the global financial crisis. Total new business received little support from international markets in April, as new export orders tumbled. Following the first reduction since October 2017 during March, foreign sales fell at a quicker rate in the latest survey period. In fact, the rate of decline accelerated to the fastest since the series began over 15 years ago.

Deteriorating demand conditions saw manufacturers drastically cut back staff numbers in April. The reduction in employment was the quickest in the survey's history. There was a similar trend in purchasing activity, with firms cutting input buying at a record pace.

Despite firms employing fewer staff, an evaporation of new business saw volumes of outstanding work fall sharply in April. The latest decline continued the downward trend that began in March, but the rate of contraction accelerated to the fastest on record.

Meanwhile, there was evidence of severe supply-side disruption across the manufacturing sector amid the lockdown, with input delivery times lengthening markedly. In fact, the result pointed to the steepest deterioration in vendor performance since data collection began in 2005.

Despite shortages of some products, faltering demand among manufacturers saw input prices drop in April. Moreover, the rate of reduction was the fastest since the survey's inception.

Lower cost burdens gave manufacturers room to decrease their output prices at the start of the second quarter. The marked decline was the quickest since data collection began.

Finally, sentiment regarding the 12-month outlook for production ticked up from March's recent low on hopes that demand will rebound once the COVID-19 threat has diminished and lockdown restrictions eased. That said, optimism remained relatively muted.

Commenting on the latest survey results, Eliot Kerr, Economist at IHS Markit, said "After making it through March relatively unscathed, the Indian manufacturing sector felt the full force of the coronavirus pandemic in April. In the latest survey period, record contractions in output, new orders and employment pointed to a severe deterioration in demand conditions. Meanwhile, there was evidence of unprecedented supply-side disruption, with input delivery times lengthenin g to the greatest extent since data collection began in March 2005.There was a hint of positivity when looking at firms' 12-month outlooks, with sentiment towards future activity rebounding from March's record low. That said, the degree of optimism remained well below the historical average."

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Aperam rekent voor tweede kwartaal op lagere aangepaste EBITDA
*Aperam aangepaste EBITDA eerste kwartaal 70 miljoen euro, verwacht was 69 miljoen euro
*Aperam omzet eerste kwartaal 1.049 miljoen euro, was vierde kwartaal 1.000 miljoen euro

bron Binck

Hier het volledige verslag:
Minder winst voor Aperam.

23,56 0,00 0,00 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Aperam heeft in het eerste kwartaal van 2020 de winst conform verwachting onder druk zien staan, maar wist de omzet op peil te houden, hetgeen in het lopende kwartaal niet zal lukken. Dit bleek woensdag voorbeurs uit de kwartaalcijfers van de fabrikant van roestvast staal.

Het jaar 2020 begon volgens CEO Timoteo Di Maulo nog met een seizoensmatig volumeherstel, waarbij ook werd geprofiteerd van bepaalde importquota. Toch bleven de prijzen laag, aldus de topman.

Tegen het einde van het kwartaal werd Aperam evenwel geconfronteerd met de gevolgen van de corona-uitbraak.

Medio maart meldde de fabrikant al een aantal productielijnen te moeten sluiten vanwege de corona-uitbraak. De financiële impact kon toen nog niet worden ingeschat.

Wel zei Di Maulo woensdag dat het orderboek wijst op een "duidelijke terugval" van de volumes. En dat zal de winstgevendheid ook raken. De topman voegde toe dat Aperam alle noodzakelijke maatregelen heeft getroffen, zowel operationeel als op financieel vlak.


Voor het lopende tweede kwartaal verwacht Aperam een afname van de aangepaste EBITDA op kwartaalbasis als gevolg van lagere volumes. Die volumes kunnen mogelijk met 25 procent terugvallen, zo waarschuwde de fabrikant.

Wel denkt Aperam dat het een positieve vrije kasstroom zal genereren in het tweede kwartaal. De schuld zal iets oplopen. Eind maart was die 108 miljoen euro.

Voor heel 2020 mikten de analisten in aanloop naar de kwartaalcijfers gemiddeld nog op een EBITDA 243 miljoen euro.

Resultaten eerste kwartaal

De omzet steeg op kwartaalbasis van 1 miljard naar 1,05 miljard euro. De aangepaste EBITDA kwam uit op 70 miljoen euro, waar dit een kwartaal eerder nog 85 miljoen euro was.

In totaal rekenden 11 analisten vooraf gemiddeld op een EBITDA van 69 miljoen euro in de eerste drie maanden van 2020.

Aperam zei bij de publicatie van de jaarcijfers in februari nog dat de EBITDA grofweg gelijk zou zijn aan die in het vierde kwartaal.

De vrije kasstroom lag afgelopen kwartaal op 18 miljoen euro.


Dinsdag vondt de jaarvergadering van Aperam plaats. Alle agendapunten werden goedgekeurd.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
JSPL Exports Record 248KT in April 2020

Jindal Steel & Power Limited has reported its highest ever exports of steel & related products during April 2020. The company exported 248,000 tonnes of steel & related products, which is a growth of 109% and contributed to 74% of its total sales volume of 335,000 tonnes. JSPL said “The balance production is under shipment and stocked at the port waiting for vessels, which will be accounted in the month of May 2020. JSPL recorded consolidated sales of 456,000 MT during April 2020 as JSPL’s Oman Steel plant reported 106,000 tonnes of steel production while steel sales stood at 120,000 tonnes in April 2020.”

JSPL also said “Blast Furnace at JSPL Angul has recorded the highest ever production of 298,000 tonne of hot metal during April 2020.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Metinvest’s Italian Subsidiaries Resume Operations

Metinvest Group’s Italian factories, Ferriera Valsider and Metinvest Trametal, have resumed normal operations after the expiration of the Italian government’s decree suspending work at the country’s metallurgical enterprises due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. Ferriera Valsider relaunched production on 30 April and Metinvest Trametal on 12 April. Warehouse stockpiles of semi-finished goods will make it possible to resume the normal pace of work quickly subject to the demand. The Group expects output in May to total 32 kt at Ferriera Valsider and 40 kt at Metinvest Trametal.

On 23 March, Metinvest halted operations at both of its re-rollers in Italy, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the requirements of the Italian government that metallurgical enterprises suspend their work.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ArcelorMittal Poland Reduces Workers Wages

Local media reported the trade unions agreed with the management board of Arcelor Mittal Poland that the economic downtime in the concern will be introduced on May 1 and will last three, not five months, as previously planned. During this time, employees of six steel mills and coking plants will receive 60 to 80 percent remuneration.

The document was signed by the heads of three representative headquarters: Soli darnosc, the Inter-Enterprise Trade Union of Arcelor Mittal Employees in Dabrowa Garnicza and NSZZ Employees of Arcelor Mittal Poland. The agreement states, among other things, that during stoppage, during which the employee is ready to work at home or in another place of his choice, he receives 80 percent. remuneration when the total parking period does not exceed 14 business days. When it is 15-24 business days - the salary will be 75 percent, 25-40 business days - 70 percent, and over 40 business days - 60 percent.

During periods of economic downtime, work can be provided by employees necessary for the implementation of orders placed by customers, and people needed to secure basic functions in the company - continuity of production, payroll, financial, IT, and purchasing processes. Employees are to be informed about the selection of persons to work 24 hours in advance.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Steel Packaging Hits New Recycling Milestone of 82.5%

APEAL announced that the new record rate, which represents data from 2018, confirms steel as Europe’s most recycled primary packaging material and means that more than 8 out of 10 steel items put on the EU market this year have been recycled into new steel products. APEAL secretary general Alexis Van Maercke said “A recycling increase of two percentage points sends a clear message to all stakeholders in the value chain that steel for packaging is a tried, tested and sustainable packaging solution, fit for a 21st century circular economy. Steel is circular by design. Magnetic properties make steel easy to collect and steel can be recycled over and over again without any loss of material quality. Today’s rise in recycling rates is largely the result of increased separate collection in countries such as Italy and Poland. As 100% of separately collected steel packaging is used to make new products, steel is clearly the best placed of all packaging materials to achieve the aims of the new Circular Economy Action Plan CEAP 2.0”

APEAL believes that there is no room for complacency, however. The industry has achieved a great deal already, but we must continue to strive towards the improvement of collection and recycling of steel packaging throughout the EU. Mr Van Maercke added: “Indeed, we welcomed the European Commission’s ambition to harmonise separate collection of packaging waste streams in the EU, demonstrated in the CEAP 2.0. Separate collection is the best way of guaranteeing high-quality input into recycling operations.”

In the case of steel packaging, an input of steel scrap is a necessary component for making new steel at any one of more than 500 steel plants in Europe. Indeed, the more quality scrap that can be used in new steel production, the less raw materials and energy are needed and in turn, this reduces emissions.

In 2018 over 4 million tonnes of CO2 were saved through recycling, the equivalent of taking 870,000 cars off the road for one year2.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
CBMM and Boston Metal to Trial New Technology for Production of Niobium Products

World’s leading supplier of niobium products and technology CBMM and Boston Metal today announced a strategic partnership to trial Boston Metal’s molten oxide electrolysis technology for the production of niobium products. Together, the companies will deploy the MOE technology at CBMM’s production plant in Araxá, Brazil with the first commissioning expected later this year. With this partnership, CBMM and Boston Metal will seek to further advance niobium production efficiency and provide innovative material transformation solutions. CBMM’s leadership in the niobium market is a direct result of decades of research and development investment in niobium processing and its focus on collaborating with customers and partners across the globe to develop better materials.

Boston Metal, based in Woburn, Massachusetts, has developed the patented MOE technology as a platform for the production of a wide variety of alloys. The molten oxide electrolysis technology uses electricity to reduce metals from their oxide form, such as CBMM’s niobium oxide containing raw materials, into high-quality, molten metal products. At its Massachusetts headquarters, Boston Metal is developing MOE for the production of metals and alloys, and with this partnership MOE hardware and Boston Metal personnel will be deployed at CBMM’s headquarters in Araxá, enabling the teams to collaborate closely.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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