GFG Alliance Sets Out Global Plans to Adjust to Post COVID19 Economy
GFG Alliance last week set out both an accelerated investment programme and a productivity drive globally, targeting up to 30% overall efficiency gains, to adapt its businesses to the post-pandemic environment. GFG Alliance also reaffirmed its commitment to develop environmentally sustainable GREENSTEEL, GREENALUMINIUM and to progress towards carbon neutrality, as a group, by 2030. As part of the group’s carbon neutral by 2030 programme, the following investment plans are being prioritised across our three primary steel operations, for delivery over the next 3-5 years:
A direct reduced iron facility and two electric arc furnaces at LIBERTY Steel Galati in Romania, supported by the country’s Government, the national gas company, research and educational institutions
Europe’s first hybrid furnace, blending electric arc and blast furnace steelmaking, at LIBERTY Steel Ostrava in the Czech Republic, allowing the business to use higher volumes of local steel scrap and emit less carbon dioxide
Transformation of the Whyalla steelworks in Australia through a transition away from its blast furnace in due course, by investment in an electric arc furnace, a direct reduced iron facility and a new state-of-the-art rolling mill
ALVANCE Aluminium and SIMEC Energy will announce updates on their investment plans separately.
In addition to accelerating the CN30 investment program, and in order to put our businesses on a firm economic footing, GFG is also implementing an immediate global efficiency drive to help adjust to a new market environment. GFG aims to deliver up to 30% in overall efficiency gains through the following steps:
Overhead optimisation: A comprehensive review of corporate overheads is underway with a view to reducing costs and enshrining new working practices. This will include reviewing office space usage, implementing greater use of digital tools, reviewing travel policies and introducing flexible working.
Efficiency and productivity programs: Many GFG businesses have already put continuous improvement programs in place, seeking multiple detailed initiatives to increase yields and improve operational performance. Dedicated review teams will be set up, supervised directly by senior management including Executive Chairman Sanjeev Gupta to optimise operations globally based on new market conditions.
Headcount reduction: GFG Alliance businesses are adjusting to lower levels of demand. With regret, this will mean we cannot avoid a reduction in roles in certain locations. We will explore and exhaust all options to minimise the impact on our people, including natural attrition and redeployment with support from GFG Workforce Solutions.
GFG Alliance sites will begin implementing local plans over the next three months.
Source : Strategic Research Institute