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ArcelorMittal Italia Reiterates Commitment to Ilva

ArcelorMittal Italia chief executive Ms Lucia Morselli said last week that the company intends to comply with the agreement signed on 4 March with the Italian government for the relaunch of former Italian steelmaker Ilva. In a television interview Ms Morselli said “There is a good climate at the meeting between the company and authorities earlier this week. The government becoming a shareholder in the steelmaker could be done in the presence of ArcelorMittal and it would support the plant’s relaunch.”

This is in response to the latest declarations by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and economic development minister Stefano Patuanelli that ArcelorMittal’s latest industrial plan for Ilva is unacceptable. These comments triggered speculation that the steelworks could be nationalised through state financial body Invitalia.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Labour MP Seeks Support for UK Steel Industry

BBC News reported that Opposition MPs are calling on the UK government to provide loans to steel firms experiencing a sudden drop in demand due to coronavirus. Labour MP Mr Stephen Kinnock said “There can be no post-pandemic economic recovery without a strong and healthy steel industry. Nothing, really, can work in this country in terms of the manufacturing sector without steel. Steel is in the offices we work in, the cars that we drive, the trains that we ride, even the cutlery that we eat our food with."

Mr Kinnock said he believed loans to steel firms would be returned and he has urged the government to consider the costs to the taxpayer of not stepping in to support them.

In May, 10 Welsh MPs wrote to the chancellor asking for extra support for the sector during the pandemic. As shops start reopening, and pressure builds on the government to outline its plans for the UK's economic recovery, big questions still remain about the part steel will play in the country's economic bounce back.

Source : BBC
Staalconcern ArcelorMittal wil in 2050 klimaatneutraal zijn

Gepubliceerd op 25 juni 2020 12:48 | Views: 806

ArcelorMittal 13:47
8,97 -0,05 (-0,55%)

LUXEMBURG (AFN) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal Europe wil in 2050 volledig klimaatneutraal zijn. In 2030 wil het grootste staalbedrijf ter wereld zijn CO2-uitstoot in Europa al met 30 procent hebben verlaagd. Het bedrijf heeft daarvoor plannen gepresenteerd.

ArcelorMittal wil deze doelstelling op verschillende manieren bereiken. Zo wil het bedrijf in zijn staalfabrieken gaan inzetten op duurzame energiebronnen uit zon en wind en ook uit biomassa. Daarnaast moet in de toekomst gewerkt gaan worden met energie uit "groene" waterstof. Daarbij wordt waterstof geproduceerd met behulp van schone energiebronnen. Verder zal CO2 worden opgevangen en ondergronds worden opgeslagen. ArcelorMittal verwacht dat hiermee investeringen van tientallen miljarden zijn gemoeid.

Het in Amsterdam genoteerde bedrijf wil zo helpen met de Green Deal van de Europese Unie en voldoen aan de klimaatafspraken van Parijs. Financieel directeur Aditya Mittal zegt dat klimaatverandering een van de grootste uitdagingen voor de wereld is.
Salzgitter to Conduct Feasibility Study for DRI Plant at Wilhelmshaven in Lower Saxony

On June 24, 2020, Salzgitter AG reached an agreement with the Federal State of Lower Saxony, the City of Wilhelmshaven and the industrial partners Rhenus and Uniper to conduct a feasibility study for the construction of a direct reduced iron plant with an upstream hydrogen electrolyzer at the deepwater port of Wilhelmshaven in Lower Saxony. The study includes potentially building a DRI plant and developing the necessary infrastructure for supplying it with raw materials, natural gas and hydrogen. The results are to be available by March 31, 2021 at the latest.

If the findings of the feasibility study are successful, follow-up activities in the form of joint implementation of the project have been planned for. The target envisaged is to produce two million directly reduced iron castings per year that will be transported by rail to Salzgitter and processed there into high-grade, environmentally compatible strip steel products in Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH’s integrated steelworks.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
High Strength Damascus Steel by Additive Manufacturing

Image Source: 3D Printed Damascus Steel

Swords made of the legendary alloy known as Damascus steel were renowned in medieval times not only for their unique beauty, possessing wavy bands on their surfaces reminiscent of flowing water, but also for their incredible sharpness and toughness. The swirling patterns of dark and light stripes on ancient Damascus steel resulted from a combination of hard and soft layers with different shades caused by differing levels of carbon. These alternating layers gave the steel excellent strength, the hard layers resisted damage, while the soft layers reduced the overall brittleness of the alloy. Although the steel is named after Damascus in Syria, the metal was actually produced in India. The secret of how to forge this alloy was eventually lost, and metallurgists have debated for generations how it was made.

Inspired by this ancient metal, researchers have now used lasers to create an even stronger alloy. The researchers created their steel in cycles by repeatedly spraying a powder made of iron, nickel and titanium onto a surface and then blasting it with an infrared laser, a kind of 3D printing technique known as laser additive manufacturing. After every fourth layer was produced, the molten alloy received a two-minute respite in which it cooled rapidly before it was coated with a fresh sheet of powder and lit up with the laser. All this work took place in a chamber filled with argon, which as a noble gas would not chemically react with the metals.

The cooling triggered grains of nickel-titanium only nanometers, or billionths of a meter, wide to form within the steel. These particles hardened the steel by preventing any defects from moving around within the alloy.

The cycles of heating and cooling produced a metal with alternating hard and soft layers much like Damascus steel. All in all, the new metal had a tensile strength of more than 1,300 megapascals and enough ductility to stretch up to an extra 10% of its length before breaking. In comparison, modern attempts to forge Damascus steels using ancient techniques only had a tensile strength of 1,100 megapascals and could elongate only 9.5% before breaking.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tata Steel Netherland Workers Pause Strike

Employees at Tata Steel’s Dutch factory in IJmuiden have suspended their strike action after the company indicated its willingness to talk. CNV labour union said on that workers had given Tata two days to come up with a proposal to meet their demands after the company invited unions to return to the negotiating table. CNV spokesman Peter Boeseken said “If a solution is not in sight by 1pm on Friday, action will resume immediately.”

Tata’s Dutch employees have been on strike since June 10 over planned job cuts. Production at the IJmuiden factory was shut down for 24 hours late last week as workers cut the supply of iron ore to the two blast furnaces at the site.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Odisha May Auction of 9 Iron Ore & Manganese Blocks in July

Business Standard reported that after the successful online auctions of 24 merchant mining blocks, the Odisha government is bracing for auctioning nine virgin mineral blocks. A source close to the development said the state government is likely to issue Notice Inviting Tenders in respect of the nine iron ore and manganese blocks in July this year. The blocks identified are Purheibahal, Chandiposhi, Rengalaberha North-East, Gandhalpada, Netrabandh Pahar (West), Dholtapahar, Jumka Pathriposhi, Unchabali and Kalimati.

It may be noted that online auctions of 24 merchant blocks with deposits of iron ore, manganese and chromite had witnessed frenetic bidding activity. Close to 300 bidders vied for these blocks.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Open-Die Forging Press from SMS Group in Operation at Gustav Grimm Edelstahlwerk

SMS group has put into operation the 31.5/34-MN high-speed open-die forging press at forging company Gustav Grimm Edelstahlwerk GmbH & CO KG based in Remscheid in Germany. Demolition of the old and assembly of the new press, including the subsequent acceptance tests, were successfully completed during a construction phase of just under eleven weeks. Gustav Grimm can reap the benefits of higher process efficiency, as the new high-speed forging press achieves time savings of around ten percent compared to the old press. For the first time, SMS group has installed an additively manufactured machine component in an open-die forging press. The 3D-printed hydraulic manifold block is lighter and more compact, and has a flow-optimized design.

Hydraulic components with a fluid-conducting function, in particular, are perfectly suited to be additively manufactured due to the high degree of design flexibility that this technology offers. With the new function-oriented design approach, modelling of the design starts from within the component, i.e. from the inside out. In case of the manifold block, first the fluid volume was simulated and then the required wall thickness generated, so that material is only used where it is actually needed for functional reasons.

The 3D-printed hydraulic manifold block, designed by SMS group and made in an aluminum alloy, weighs just one tenth of the component conventionally designed in steel. The manifold block is used to distribute the hydraulic oil for operating and venting the cylinders. The optimized valve arrangement takes into account the direct, optimized flow of fluid through the individual channels and provides easier access to the manual valves for maintenance. The monolithic component design significantly reduces the number of potential leakage points. Despite its high complexity, the 3D-printed hydraulic manifold block can be delivered in much less time than its steel equivalent.

The high-speed open-die forging press is equipped with a data monitoring system. All target and actual parameters are captured during the forging process. In the event of a fault, the SMS specialists can analyze the machine condition and operating data, and immediately perform a remote fault diagnosis. The data monitoring system can also be used for process optimization and quality assurance. For quick tool changes, the press is equipped with a hydraulic forging-tool changing device. As the die turning and clamping device now comes with significantly fewer mechanical components, it requires much less maintenance.

Source : Strategic Research Institute,
Modern Steels Workers Protest in Mandi Gobindgarh

The Tribune reported that hundreds of labourers and other employees of Modern Steels Limited in Mandi Gobindgarh held a protest against the management for not paying them their salaries for the last two months. They raised slogans against the management and threatened to block the GT Road, but timely intervention by Amloh SDM Anand Sagar Sharma saved the situation from turning ugly. Protesters said they would continue to protest till the time they didn’t get their dues. The SDM said the major issue of pending salaries had been resolved and the management had agreed to deposit INR 5,000 in the account of the employees immediately.

Spokesperson for the management said they hadn’t received payments due to the lockdown, and would clear the dues of employees soon.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Worthington Industries Names Andy Rose as CEO

The Board of Directors of Worthington Industries Inc announced that B. Andrew Rose, the Company’s President, will become President and Chief Executive Officer, effective Sept. 1, 2020, succeeding long-time Chairman and CEO John P McConnell who will remain with the Company as Executive Chairman. Rose, 50, was named president of Worthington in 2018. He joined the Company in 2008 as vice president and chief financial officer when the Company and the country were deep in the Great Recession. Rose helped preserve liquidity and financial stability and guide the Company through that challenge. In 2014, he was promoted to executive vice president and CFO and has been instrumental in advancing the Company’s financial and capital allocation strategies. Before joining Worthington, Rose was a senior investment professional of a public investment company and partner and co-founder of Peachtree Equity Partners, a private equity fund backed by Goldman Sachs.

As executive chairman, McConnell will continue to work with Rose, the executive team and the board to develop Company strategy and help identify value-enhancing strategic initiatives including acquisitions, joint ventures and strategically important relationships.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Cleveland-Cliffs’ AK Steel Recognized by General Motors as 2019 Supplier of the Year Winner

Cleveland-Cliffs wholly-owned subsidiary AK Steel was named GM Supplier of the Year by General Motors for Raw Materials during a virtual ceremony honoring the recipients of the company’s 28th annual Supplier of the Year awards on Wednesday, June 24, 2020. GM’s Supplier of the Year award is reserved for suppliers who distinguish themselves by meeting performance metrics for quality, execution, innovation, and total enterprise cost. AK Steel produces a unique product mix of carbon, stainless and electrical steel products for automotive solutions and this is the third consecutive year that the business has received the award.

During the event, GM recognized 116 of its best suppliers from 15 countries that have consistently exceeded GM’s expectations, created outstanding value or introduced innovations to the company. The awards ceremony was originally scheduled as a live-event to be held in March but was postponed due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The recognition is for supplier performance in the 2019 calendar year.

The Supplier of the Year award winners were chosen by a global team of GM purchasing, engineering, quality, manufacturing and logistics executives. Winners were selected based on performance criteria in Product Purchasing, Global Purchasing and Manufacturing Services, Customer Care and Aftersales, and Logistics.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Synalloy Recommends Shareholders Vote on Synalloy’s BLUE Proxy Card

The Board of Directors of Synalloy Corporation issued a letter to shareholders encouraging them to vote on the BLUE proxy card in advance of the 2020 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. In the letter, Synalloy welcomes the recommendations of independent proxy advisory firms Institutional Shareholder Services Inc and Glass, Lewis & Co LLC, both of whom concluded that shareholders should vote on management’s BLUE proxy card. If shareholders follow the recommendations of these firms and the Board, Synalloy will have a Board that consists of five incumbent directors and three directors nominated by two of Synalloy’s shareholders, Privet Fund Management LLC and UPG Enterprises LLC. This mixed Board ensures Synalloy will continue to execute its existing, successful business plan with its current CEO, while benefiting from substantial input from shareholders.

Synalloy urges all shareholders to support the Blue Card Compromise and vote on the Company’s BLUE proxy card in connection with the upcoming 2020 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
India Imposes Anti-Dumping Duty on Coated Steel Imports from China, Vietnam, South Korea

Indian government on June 23rd 2020 has imposed provisional anti-dumping duty ranging USD 13.07 to USD 173.10 per tonne on imports of flat-rolled product of steel, plated or coated with alloy of aluminium or zinc originating in or exported from China, South Korea & Vietnam forfor a period of 5 yrs from date of imposition that is 15th Oct, 2019. The said anti-dumping duty shall not be levied for the period commencing from the date of the lapse of the provisional anti-dumping duty that is the 15th April, 2020 up to the preceding day of the publication of this notification in the Official Gazette.

Product Flat rolled product of steel plated or and coated with alloy of Aluminum and Zinc (this alloy of Aluminum and Zinc may contain one or more additional elements which in individual or in combination shall not exceed 3% by weight.)
The subject goods do not include
Flat rolled steel products coated with Zinc without addition of Aluminium
Flat rolled steel products coated with Aluminium without addition of Zinc
Pre-painted or colour coated Aluminium Zinc alloy coated steel sheets

ource : Strategic Research Institute
Metinvest Delivers Humanitarian Aid from China to Fight Coronavirus in Ukraine

Metinvest Group financed the delivery of humanitarian supplies from China with protective equipment and medical equipment to fight the coronavirus pandemic in Ukraine. During three months, the Embassy of Ukraine in China received equipment worth over USD 1 million from Chinese state and provincial authorities, private organizations, associations, foundations, companies and ordinary citizens of the country. Ukrainian military IL-76 aircraft delivered coronavirus test kits, medical protective masks, respirators, protective suits, gloves and goggles, ventilators, disinfectants and infrared thermometers.

The state enterprise Ukrvaktsina will distribute the medical supplies to local authorities, medical institutions and universities of Kyiv and Kyiv region, Kharkiv, Odessa, Lutsk, Lviv, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, Zhitomir and Sumy regions.

Metinvest Group spent USD 250,000 to organize the flight from Beijing to Borispol. The plane landed in Borispol on the morning of June 24. The humanitarian cargo was met by Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Yevgeny Yenin, Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine Ihor Ivashchenko, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Ukraine Fan Xianrong and Metinvest Group CEO Yuriy Ryzhenkov.

Rinat Akhmetov was the first to come to the country's aid back in February. He pooled the resources of his Charitable Foundation, FC Shakhtar, DTEK, Metinvest and other SCM assets to help Ukraine and allocated UAH 300 million to fight COVID-19 as part of Rinat Akhmetov’s Foundation's "Fight against COVID-19 in Ukraine" project. They are aimed at addressing the country's most important medical needs, which have been identified in coordination with the Ministry of Health. The "Fight against COVID-19 in Ukraine" project became the part of Rinat Akhmetov’s Foundation’s “Save Lives Program”.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Societe Generale meldt belang in ArcelorMittal

9,054 0,031 0,34 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Société Générale heeft op 22 juni twee belangenmeldingen bij ArcelorMittal gedaan. Dit meldde de staalreus donderdag.

De Franse bank meldde dat het op 16 juni een belang van 5,99 procent in ArcelorMittal had, maar dat dit een dag later al weer was gedaald naar 4,66 procent.

De belangen werden opgebouwd door een palet aan financiële instrumenten, zo werd gemeld.

ArcelorMittal meldt op zijn eigen website alleen aandeelhouders met een belang van meer dan 5 procent. Door de melding van 17 juni is dit niet nodig, aldus de staalreus.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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ArcelorMittal Europe sets out path to net zero by 2050, with pioneering technologies at the forefront of the company’s roadmap for carbon-neutral steelmaking

Thu June 25, 2020 5:40 AM|GlobeNewswire|About: MT

ArcelorMittal Europe sets out path to net zero by 2050, with pioneering technologies at the forefront of the company’s roadmap for carbon (CARN)-neutral steelmaking

1100 CET, 25 June 2020

Europe’s largest steelmaker, unveils breakthrough technologies that will take the company to 30% lower CO2 emissions by 2030, and carbon neutrality by 2050

ArcelorMittal Europe is investing in two routes to carbon neutrality, Smart Carbon and an innovative DRI-based route, in recognition of the need to act now to reduce CO2 emissions, in line with the EU’s Green Deal and the Paris Agreement

Calls for new policy framework, to support the industry in its transition to carbon neutrality, naming five market conditions that are needed for Europe’s steelmakers to compete globally
ArcelorMittal Europe has announced details of how it plans to become carbon neutral by 2050 in its first climate action report, published today. Building on the company’s work that has demonstrated that the steelmaking process can become carbon neutral, the report publishes details of the ground-breaking work underway to reduce emissions by 30% by 2030 before reaching net zero in 2050.

The company is pioneering two breakthrough carbon-neutral routes for steelmaking: Smart Carbon, and an innovative DRI-based route.

Smart Carbon is a carbon-neutral steelmaking route that leverages all clean energies – circular carbon, clean electricity and carbon capture and storage (CCS) - within the high temperature-controlled reduction environment of ironmaking. In its first phase, Smart Carbon will primarily use circular carbon.

Reaching carbon-neutral steelmaking via DRI involves moving from using predominantly natural gas, to hydrogen as the key reductant in ironmaking. As this hydrogen becomes ‘green’, the steelmaking process comes close to carbon neutrality.

While both the Smart Carbon route and the DRI-based route have the potential to deliver carbon -neutral steel by 2050, the important difference between the two routes is that Smart Carbon can deliver results sooner, through its use of complementary technologies which enable incremental progress. Uniquely, Smart Carbon has the potential not only to provide carbon-neutral steel, but also carbon-neutral cement, and the building blocks to make recycled carbon materials to replace polyethylene-based plastics. Smart Carbon can also contribute to CO2 removal, through the increased use of circular carbon, using sustainable biomass and waste, combined with scaling up CCS.

By investing in both routes – and in recognition of the need to act now to combat climate change - this means ArcelorMittal Europe can significantly reduce scope 1 CO2 emissions* – which include all process emissions - by 2030 over a 2018 baseline, while waiting for the large-scale, affordable renewable energy needed for hydrogen-based steelmaking.

ArcelorMittal Europe’s 2030 target therefore combines Smart Carbon technologies and increased scrap usage, specifically by developing new ways to increase the use of low-quality scrap metal – which is hard to recycle - in the primary steel production process.

In the longer-term, both routes have the potential to leverage all three clean energies to achieve carbon neutrality, namely:

clean electricity (generated by sources such as solar and wind),
circular carbon (making use of biowaste materials, such as sustainable forestry and agriculture residues, to produce bioenergy)
carbon capture and storage (capturing CO2 before it is emitted, transporting it and storing it safely underground).
Commenting on the report, Aditya Mittal, President and CFO, ArcelorMittal, and CEO ArcelorMittal Europe, said:

Deel 2:

“Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing us all. Understandably, much attention is currently focussed on navigating the unexpected and unprecedented outbreak of Covid-19. However, climate change remains a huge long-term challenge that will require diligent attention and progress for decades to come. And like Covid-19, it is not something that one country or one company can solve alone. Carbon emissions also know no border, so it will take a global effort, with all nations and companies playing their part.

“ArcelorMittal Europe is doing a lot of work to develop a path to net zero. The technologies we are working on have the potential to make a big impact. Indeed, steel should and can play a leading role in achieving the vision for Europe as outlined in the Green Deal. Our research and development team are one of the best in the industry and relish solving complex problems. But it needs a team effort. The support the EU and member states can give to ensure we have well-designed policy to make large-scale, competitive, carbon-neutral steelmaking a reality, is critical.”

ArcelorMittal Europe has industrial-scale demonstration projects under construction for every part of its carbon-neutral roadmap. The company is building industrial-scale demonstration plants at its operations in Belgium (Carbalyst® and Torero), France (3D and IGAR in Dunkirk). In Hamburg, Germany, we are in the design and funding phase prior to the investment decision, of an industrial-scale project to use hydrogen instead of natural gas in the direct reduction of iron ore (DRI). These demonstration plants will allow the company to scale-up technologies that will be used in the Smart Carbon and DRI-based routes. The progress made has also been possible thanks to financial support from EU member states and European Union funding. ArcelorMittal Europe is now in the process of applying for funding for a further six projects.

While some of the technologies that feature in ArcelorMittal Europe’s roadmap will be ready for commercial-scale use by 2025, and by 2030 many of the Smart Carbon technologies can be mature and partially deployed across our facilities in Europe, the report also highlights the need for the right policy framework to enable European steelmaking to contribute to the EU’s climate targets, particularly given the costs involved. In total, the estimated investment needed for ArcelorMittal Europe to fully implement Smart Carbon is €15-25bn and €30-40bn for the DRI-based route. An additional €15–200bn would be required for the associated clean energy infrastructure (see report for more detail).

Geert Van Poelvoorde, CEO ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products, explained:

“I am proud of the work that has brought us this far in our efforts to create Europe’s first and largest carbon-neutral steelmaker. Our progress would not have been possible without the many partners we have on our Smart Carbon and innovative DRI projects. Today, the biggest barrier to transitioning to carbon-neutral steel, beyond the necessary technologies reaching commercial maturity, is the absence of the right market conditions. The financial costs of realising carbon-neutral steelmaking are undeniably huge. However, with a shift in market conditions brought about by having the right policies in place, European steelmakers will be able to unlock the means to reduce emissions from steel globally, while also ensuring the European steel industry remains competitive.”

The medium-term market conditions needed include:

1. Creating an environment where carbon-neutral steel is more competitive than steel which is not carbon neutral

2. A fair competitive landscape that accounts for the global nature of the steel market, addressing domestic, import and export steel dynamics, as well as the distinction between primary and secondary sources to make steel.

3. Access to sustainable finance, to innovate and make long-term investments.

4. Access to abundant, affordable clean energy: the scale of the steel industry’s energy needs are such that concerted cross-sector and government efforts will be required to develop the necessary clean energy infrastructure.

5. Public instruments to accelerate innovative technology deployment to transition to carbon neutral steelmaking.

The report also reiterates the company’s position that a Carbon Border Adjustment should be introduced in the European Union, which would ensure that EU-produced steel and imported steel tonnes in direct competition would have an equal carbon cost, creating a fair market and, crucially, encouraging investment in lower-emissions steel production.

ArcelorMittal Europe announced its target to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030, in December 2019, and its ambition to be carbon neutral by 2050, in June 2019.

The ArcelorMittal group will publish its 2030 target later this year.


*ArcelorMittal Europe 30% CO2 reduction target includes: ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products, ArcelorMittal Europe – Long Products, and Industeel

To read the report and view a short film about our roadmap, visit

To view our Carbon Border Adjustment animation, ‘Creating a low-carbon world, the case for a Carbon Border Adjustment’ visit

US Imposes Sanctions on Iran Related Steel Firms

US Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control has issued sanctions targeting four steel, aluminum and iron companies operating within Iran's metals sector. The department said "Mobarakeh Steel Company has provided millions of dollars annually to Mehr Eqtesad Iranian Investment Company, an entity with close ties to Iran's paramilitary Basij force, which is controlled by the IRGC, and its Bonyad Taavon Basij. Collectively, the subsidiaries designated today help generate the equivalent of tens of millions of dollars annually from the sale of Mobarakeh Steel Company products."

Germany-based Tara Steel Trading, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mobarakeh Steel, was designated for engaging in the wholesale of metals and metal ores in Europe.

UAE-based Pacific Steel, Better Future General Trading Co and Tuka Metal Trading were also designated as agents and trading companies that are majority-owned by Mobarakeh Steel Company and have engaged in the import and export of Iranian metal products in the region. Metil Steel, and Iran-based steel producer and exporter, was also designated for being majority-owned by Mobarakeh Steel.

The actions announced June 25 also target three large aluminum, steel, and iron producers in Iran, including South Aluminum Co., Sirjan Jahan Steel Complex and the Iran Central Iron Ore Co.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Severstal uses AI to Boost Productivity at Cherepovets Steel Mill

A team of specialists from Severstal Digital, working with experts in flat rolled products from the Cherepovets Steel Mill have successfully increased the productivity of a machine learning model that controls the speed of the Mill’s continuous pickling line NTA-3. Adelina, a digital model in use at Severstal’s continuous pickling line since November 2019, has now been joined by Ruban, a new artificial intelligence agent based on a deep reinforcement learning algorithm. Both products were developed by Severstal in-house using open source applications. Adelina and Ruban now work in parallel with one another; Adelina controls the speed of the unit, and Ruban adjusts the speed to achieve optimal results. This partnership has made the production process more flexible and secure, as the model and agent are able to adjust the speed of the unit every second and respond instantly to any unforeseen situation.

Ruban differs from classic machine learning models, learning not just from historical data, but independently, by exploring the digital twin of NTA-3. The operating speed at the unit largely depends on the parameters of the passing steel strip – the length, width and thickness of the roll, its steel grade and temperature, among other factors. Ruban learns from combinations of different parameters, specifically created for it by a generative adversarial network, which uses two neural networks to generate new data. It also sets a production plan and creates unique situations for training purposes. For effective learning, the agent was assigned a training system based on rewards and penalties; Ruban experiments to find a solution where the reward amount surpasses the penalties as far as possible.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Metalloinvest Inks ECA Backed Financing Deal with ING Bank

Metalloinvest announced the signing of an agreement with ING Bank for ECA backed financing in the amount of EUR 11.7 million. The agreement with ING Bank is concluded under the existing framework agreement signed with twelve international banks in August 2019. The credit line will be used to finance previously incurred expenses under the contract with Danieli Centro Combustion SpA. for the equipment supply under the investment project for the construction of the heat treatment facility for hot-rolled steel at OEMK.

Insurance cover will be provided by Servizi Assicurativi del Commercio Estero, the Italian export credit agency.

The loan provided under the agreement with ING Bank will be repaid in equal semi-annual payments over the course of 10 years.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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