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AISI Applauds Passage of Amendment to Ensure Sufficient Funding to Combat Unfair Trade Practices

The American Iron and Steel Institute applauded passage of a measure that would set sufficient funding levels for trade enforcement activities conducted by the International Trade Administration Office of Enforcement and Compliance to ensure adequate resources to combat unfair trade practices.

The US House of Representatives today passed an amendment, introduced by the leaders of the Congressional Steel Caucus, Representatives Mike Bost (R-IL), Conor Lamb (D-PA) and Rick Crawford (R-AR), and others, to the FY2021 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations bill (CJS), which would set minimum funding levels for trade enforcement activities at the E&C office. The office is part of the Department of Commerce and conducts antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations to determine if imports are being dumped or subsidized. It also enforces trade laws against foreign importers seeking to circumvent trade remedy orders. AISI had strongly advocated for passage of the amendment, including writing a letter earlier today to congressmen with steel facilities in their states or districts.

Sharp Profitability Decline amid Demand Destruction keeps Steel Outlook Negative - Moodys

Moodys outlook for the Asia Pacific steel industry remains negative. This outlook reflects Moodys expectations for fundamental business conditions in the industry over the next 12 months. It said “Falling demand will exacerbate profitability decline. Aggregate EBlTDA-per-ton profitability of the nine rated Asia Pacific steel-makers will decline by a further 15% in the 12 months to March 2021, after falling 30% a year earlier. Deteriorating economic conditions, the coronavirus-induced demand shock and producers' inability to pass on elevated costs to customers will severely hit profitability. Absolute EBITDA will decline around 20%, steeper than the EBlTDA/ton reduction, as sales volumes fall. Input costs will remain high, keeping product spreads narrow. Prices of iron ore, the main steelmaking material, will stay high over the next 12 months. Prices of metallurgical coal, the other key raw material, are falling on weak steel demand. Still, product spreads will remain narrow and profitability low because of soft steel selling prices and the elevated iron-ore price.”

Rated steel-makers' sales volume will contract for the first time since 2015. Sales volume will fall a mid-single digit in Korea Aa2 stable, around 10% in India Baa3 negative and a midteen percentage in Japan A1 stable. Plummeting automaker demand and weakness in construction, infrastructure and shipbuilding will drive the decline. China's A1 stable demand, however, will fall marginally by a low-single-digit given government support measures for infrastructure construction. Steel supply will remain broadly stable in APAC with most steel-makers delaying expansion amid the pandemic. The pandemic will cause rated Asia Pacific steel-makers' sales volumes to shrink around 6% in the 12 months ending March 2021 from a year earlier. In comparison, steel volumes declined 5% during the last downturn in 2015. Risks to this forecast remain to the downside given the uncertainty of economic recovery regionally and globally amid the high risk of resurgence in infections.

China's (A1 stable) economic growth is slowing, following years of sustained expansion. Real GDP will grow only around 1% in 2020 and as a result the country's steel consumption will likely decline by a low-single-digit percentage during LTM March 2021. Growth in infrastructure construction, which accounts for the largest portion of the country's total steel consumption, will mostly offset weak demand from the manufacturing including auto, property and shipbuilding sectors. We expect the pace of infrastructure investments to pick up in 2020-21, underpinned by the central government's spending to spur economic growth. Since late 2018, the Chinese government has articulated policies supporting faster growth of key infrastructure investments, including railway and toll-road construction. Meanwhile, demand from the property sector, another steel-intensive industry, will be weaker in 2020 than 2019. Weaker demand takes into account sales disruptions in the beginning of the year, lower economic growth, weaker demand in some lower-tier cities and our expectation that the government will not use the property sector to stimulate economic growth. Moodys expects 2020 national sales will be modestly weaker than in 2019. Weak Chinese auto sales will dampen demand for steel products such as auto sheets. Auto unit sales in China will contract 10% in 2020 amid signs that demand is beginning to return to normal levels following a sharp Q1 decline.

India’s Baa3 negative economic growth will remain materially lower than in the past with real GDP contracting 3.0% in 2020. We assume that economic activity will begin to gradually pick up from July. However, given the possibility for second or third waves of virus infections or deeper economic costs than currently factored in, downside risk to these forecasts is significant. Moodys estimate that lower GDP growth will translate into steel consumption falling at least 10% for rated steel-makers in the 12 months to March 2021. India will remain the world's second-largest steel producer behind China after having overtaken Japan in 2018. But new capacity additions will take a back seat with weak steel consumption hurting free-cash-flow generation in the current year. We do not expect new capacity until the industry's profitability as well as cash-flow stability is restored to pre-pandemic levels. Consolidation in the Indian steel sector that began in 2018 will continue in 2020, with five stressed steel companies accounting for 20% of the country's steel-producing capacity operating under new ownership. Capacity utilization will widely vary across the industry. The strongest steel-makers will likely increase utilization rates from 50% in April to more than 80% by the end of March 2021. Industry leaders, Tata Steel Limited Ba2 negative and ISW Steel Limited Ba2 negative, have already announced reduction in their capital spending to conserve cash.

The Chinese government's stance on capacity reduction remains firm. It has urged central state-owned enterprises to complete the capacity reductions outlined in the 13th Five-Year Plan by the end of 2020. China's supply-side reform initiated in 2016-17 has materially improved supply and demand dynamics in the country, supporting steel prices at relatively high levels compared with 2015 and 2016. The government had reduced steel capacity by 150 million tons during 2016-18, ahead of original schedule. The reduced capacity accounted for around 20% of total steel capacity of around 1.13 billion tons as of year-end 2015. At the same time, the government has forced steel mills that used illegal induction furnaces to shut down, removing capacity of around 230 million tons.

Indian steel-makers Tata Steel and JSW Steel will bear the brunt of a projected 10% drop in steel consumption in the country, the first decline since the global financial crisis. Even so, their competitive cost of production, use of domestic iron ore that is cheaper than imported ore, and their brand strength in India will help them to minimize volume decline and generate above-average profitability. With India's steel consumption declining, the steel-makers will seek to divert their surpluses to relatively open export destinations, such as Southeast Asia, Middle East, parts of Southern Europe and China. However, export realizations will be lower than realizations on domestic sales, with the latter benefiting from import parity prices and anti-dumping duties. We expect EBITDA per ton for JSW's and Tata Steel's Indian operations to decline by a mid-single digit percentage in LTM March 2021, and for their debt/EBITDA leverage to remain elevated at around 6.0x-7.5x.

Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Orders 4.3 Meter Heavy-Plate Mill from SMS Group

Stainless Steel Plate Mill SMS GroupOn June 18, 2020, Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co Ltd placed an order with SMS group for the supply of a 4.3 meter heavy-plate mill. The company is located in Taiyuan, capital of the Chinese province of Shanxi. The heart of the new heavy-plate production plant will be a mill stand group consisting of a four-high rolling mill with attached edger. A high rolling force and a correspondingly high forming capacity characterize the four-high stand. The combination of a very large roll gap opening with the coaxial CVCplus system, Continuously Variable Crown, is a new development and allows the rolling stock to have an input thickness of up to 960 millimeters and thus an extremely large product range. To be able to process even short slabs, the heavy edging stand will be equipped with a newly developed support roller table. The equipment will be designed to roll both, extreme casting block dimensions as well as small slab dimensions, down to plates. This will make production flexible and dynamic and ensure tightest geometrical tolerances.

The maximum rolling force of the four-high reversing stand will be 109 MN in order to be able to reliably roll also special materials. The mill stand will be equipped with the latest actuators to set the required plate geometry. In addition to the hydraulic roll gap adjustment, these include the patented coaxial CVCplus technology with integrated work roll bending.

The vertical edger will be provided with a combined mechanical/hydraulic roll gap adjustment for extremely tight width tolerances.

Designed for an annual production of 700,000 tons, the heavy-plate mill will produce plates between five and 120 millimeters thick and 1,550 to 4,200 millimeters wide.

The product range will include carbon steels, quality steels, low-alloy steels, grades for ship, bridge and pressure vessel construction, weather-proof and wear-resistant plates, pipe grades according to the API standard, as well as stainless steel and nickel-based materials.

NLMK La Louvière Optimizes Logistics Flow

La LouvièreIn early July, the logistics team of NLMK La Louvière launched the use of multi-purpose wagons for transporting slabs and coils by train. The objective of this innovation is to optimize the logistics flow and improve customer service while reducing environmental impact. In late 2019, with the support of NLMK Group, the logistics team of NLMK La Louvière decided to introduce multi-purpose wagons in the La Louvière - Port of Ghent logistics flow. Slabs arrive at NLMK La Louvière by train. Whereas previously the train would go back empty, it now goes to Ghent loaded with hot rolled and pickled coils, intended for customers in Flanders.

The multi-purpose wagons can be used to carry both slabs and coils.

USITC Continues CVD on Steel Wire Rod Imports from Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Moldova & Trinidad & Tobago

The US International Trade Commission determined that revoking the existing countervailing duty order on imports of carbon and certain alloy steel wire rod from Brazil and the existing antidumping duty orders on imports of this product from Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Moldova, and Trinidad and Tobago would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time. As a result of the Commission’s affirmative determinations, the existing orders on imports of this product from Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Moldova, and Trinidad and Tobago will remain in place.

The five-year (sunset) reviews concerning Carbon and Certain Alloy Steel Wire Rod from Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Moldova, and Trinidad and Tobago were instituted on June 3, 2019.

CSN Reports Results for Second Quarter of 2020

Companhia Siderurgica Nacional announced its results for the second quarter of 2020 in Brazilian Reais. Net revenue in 2Q20 totaled R$6,221 million, 17% higher than 1Q20 and 10% lower YoY. The increase in sales in 2Q20 was mainly due to the recovery of production volumes and sales of iron ore compared to 1Q20. In 2Q20, the cost of products sold totaled R$4,378 million, 9% higher compared to 1Q20. Gross margin increased by 4.9 pp. compared to 1Q20, reaching 29.6% in 2Q20, due to improvement in steel prices and margin recovery in logistics and cement.

In 2Q20, slab production by CSN totaled 913 thousand tons, 3.3% higher than in 1Q20 even with the stoppage of BF#2 at the end of May, showing the good performance of BF#3 post revamp.

In 2Q20, total sales reached 1,003 thousand tons, 12% lower when compared to 1Q20, mainly due to the expected slowdown in the domestic market due to the pandemic, however partially offset by foreign markets' commercial opportunities with the exchange rate depreciation.

In 2Q20, steel volumes sold in the domestic market totaled 615 thousand tons, 20.7% lower than 1Q20 due to the pandemic, which had a major impact on the automotive and white goods sectors. Of this total, 555 thousand tons refer to flat steel and 59 thousand tons to long steel. According to data from the Brazil Steel Institute (lABr), apparent consumption based on the monthly average (April and May 2020), fell by 27.4% compared to 1Q20.

In the foreign market, sales in 2Q20 totaled 388 thousand tons, 7% higher than those made in the previous quarter, helping to mitigate the slowdown in the domestic market. During this period, 53 thousand tons were exported directly and 335 thousand tons were sold by subsidiaries abroad, 76 thousand tons by LLC, 191 thousand tons by SWT, 68 thousand tons by Lusosider.

Danieli to Modernize OMK Thin Slab Caster

OMK Vyksa Works in Russia contracted Danieli to modernize a thin-slab casting and rolling plant, supplied by Danieli in 2005. In a two-stage project, Danieli will extend the single-strand slab caster to increase its metallurgical length from 14.2 to 17.3 meters. The caster extension is part of a broader strategy to ensure the plant's ability to absorb the additional liquid steel coming from a recent upgrade to the electric arc furnace and the forthcoming installation of a new meltshop by Danieli Centro Met, including an EAF, a twin LF and a twin Vacuum Degasser. The first phase of the caster extension is planned for September 2020 during the annual plant shutdown. The additional segment No. 10 will be installed and two extraction unit modules will be maintained. Modifications will be made without major impact to the existing foundation and steel structures, keeping the installation within the maintenance shutdown and without production losses.

The TSC modernization also will include installing the latest Danieli technological packages, such as:
- Q-COOL (the advanced, 3D secondary cooling system) to ensure uniformity, accuracy and reliability during the solidification process;
- Q-CORE (Liquid Core and Dynamic Soft Reduction system); and,
- Q-PULSE (the unique system to physically detect the solidification end) to ensure that the Dynamic Soft Reduction is always applied within the targeted solid fraction.

Following the upgrade of the existing EAF and installation of segment No 10, OMK will increase its productivity up to 9%.

The second phase will consist of replacing two extraction units and adding segment 11, increasing the metallurgical containment length to 17.3 m. This will improve plant productivity by an additional 11%.

The installation of the second phase is planned for August 2021 to coincide with the startup of the new meltshop complex.

ArcelorMittal Completes Acquisition of Odisha Slurry Pipeline Infrastructure

The Telegraph reported that ArcelorMittal has completed the acquisition of Odisha Slurry Pipeline Infrastructure Ltd for a net consideration of INR 1,860 crore, filling a much needed gap in its supply chain logistics to procure iron ore for AMNS India. The company acted on an NCLT Cuttack order of March 2 and paid off the creditors, led by IDBI, earlier this month. It also inducted three directors on the board of OSPIL. The pipeline is a key infrastructure to ferry ore from the mine heads inside Odisha to the Paradip port without depending on road or rail network. The ore is then converted to pellets, loaded in ships and taken to Hazira in Gujarat

However, Calcutta-based NBFC Srei Infrastructure Finance Ltd, a fund sponsored by Srei and which held a 69.81 per cent stake in OSPIL, continues to dispute the transaction. SIFL, which had also lent INR 321 crore to the pipeline, did not accept the fund transferred by ArcelorMittal as part of the resolution plan and kept the amount in an escrow account. It had challenged the NCLT order at the appellate tribunal in Delhi soon after the March order but hearing on the matter was delayed because of the lockdown and other restrictions.

Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI Signals Quick Recovery in Operating Conditions in July

Latest PMI data signalled a solid improvement in the health of China's manufacturing sector in July, as market conditions continued to recover from the coronavirus disease 2019 COVID-19 outbreak. Companies registered the quickest expansions of output and new orders since January 2011 amid reports of firmer customer demand. New business from overseas meanwhile fell at the slowest rate for six months. Increased production led to the strongest rise in purchasing activity since January 2013. However, firms maintained a cautious approach to hiring, with staff numbers falling modestly despite an increase in backlogs of work. Inflationary pressures picked up, with firms reporting steeper increases in both input prices and output charges. At 52.8 in July, the headline seasonally adjusted Purchasing Managers Index rose from 51.2 in June to signal a further improvement in the health of China’s manufacturing economy. Operating conditions have now improved in each of the past three months, with the latest upturn the strongest since January 2011.

Key findings:
Output and new orders both rise at fastest rates for nine-and-a-half years
Export sales fall at softer pace
Inflationary pressures pick up

Supporting the higher PMI figure was a steeper increase in production across Chinese manufacturing firms. Output expanded for the fifth month in a row, and at the fastest rate for nine-and-a-half years, with many companies citing greater client demand amid a further recovery in market conditions following the COVID-19 outbreak. Moreover, new business expanded at a solid pace that was the steepest since the start of 2011.

Rising new order intakes placed some pressure on capacity, as highlighted by a further increase in outstanding business. The rate of accumulation quickened since June but was modest overall. Although backlogs increased, companies cut their staffing levels again in July, albeit only slightly. Lower employment was generally attributed to efforts to increase efficiency, often through redundancies or the non-replacement of voluntary leavers.

Higher operational requirements led manufacturers to increase their buying activity again in July. Furthermore, the rate of expansion was the most marked in seven-and-a-half years. Consequently, stocks of inputs rose for the second month running.

The time taken for purchased items to be delivered to goods producers continued to lengthen in July, albeit modestly. Companies frequently mentioned that the pandemic and stock shortages at vendors had negatively impacted delivery times.

The fulfilment of orders meanwhile led to a further reduction in inventories of finished items at the start of the third quarter. That said, the rate of depletion remained marginal.

July survey data signalled a solid rise in average input costs faced by Chinese manufacturing firms. Anecdotal evidence indicated that higher operational expenses were due to greater prices for raw materials. As a result, companies raised their prices charged. Though modest, the rate of increase was the sharpest recorded since August 2018.

Companies were generally confident that output would be higher than current levels in 12 months’ time. Growth forecasts were underpinned by expectations that economic activity and client demand will continue to recover from the pandemic.

Commenting on the China General Manufacturing PMI data, Dr. Wang Zhe, Senior Economist at Caixin Insight Group said "The Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI stood at 52.8 in July, up from 51.2 the previous month, reflecting that the manufacturing sector continued to expand amid the ongoing economic recovery.

1. Manufacturing demand and supply continued to recover, but overseas demand remained subdued. In July, manufacturing output and demand expanded at a faster pace than the previous month, with the subindexes for output and total new orders both hitting their highest levels since January 2011, as the domestic epidemic was largely under control. Due to the impact of the overseas pandemic, the gauge for new export orders remained in contraction territory for the seventh consecutive month. Although the pace of the contraction slowed, overseas demand remained a drag on overall demand.

2. As production and demand expanded, measures for purchases and stocks of purchased items both remained strong. Active production activities drove the gauge for quantity of purchases to rise for the third consecutive month, reaching the highest since January 2013. Meanwhile, active stock replenishment led the subindex for stocks of purchased items to expand for the second consecutive month, reaching a high not seen since February 2018. The gauge for stocks of finished goods stood slightly below 50, and the gauge for backlogs of work continued to expand, reflecting strong demand.

3. Employment remained weak. The subindex for employment stayed in negative territory for the seventh consecutive month, although the contraction was marginal. The survey found that some companies increased recruitment to meet production needs, but some others remained cautious and laid off workers to reduce costs. The gauge for future output expectations remained in positive territory. However, to increase employment, manufacturers will need more time and confidence.

4. Input costs and output prices both rose at a faster clip. The gauge for input costs continued to rise, and the gauge for output prices increased strongly. Raw material prices continued to recover, and the recovery of market demand contributed to that price rise. Data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that the producer price index (PPI) in June returned to growth month-on-month, and its year-over-year decline narrowed. We expect the PPI to rise in the future.

Overall, flare-ups of the epidemic in some regions did not hurt the improving trend of the manufacturing economy, which continued to recover as more epidemic control measures were lifted. The supply and demand sides both improved, with relevant indicators maintaining strong momentum. However, we still need to pay attention to the weakness in both employment and overseas demand.”

AMNS India Operating at Full Capacity as Steel Demand Recovers- Mr Aditya Mittal

PTI reported that ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Chairman Mr Aditya Mittal said that the Indian steel market has started showing signs of recovery after being hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns but operations at ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India’s Hazira plant in Gujarat are running at full capacity. He said “We are seeing the domestic market recover and that’s a reason why our operations are running at full capacity at Hazira in Gujarat. The focus remains on the domestic market. In India per capita steel consumption is much lower than most of the other countries of the world. That is a key reason why we have made investment to be part of the growth of the Indian industry.”

While announcing June quarter earnings, ArcelorMittal said “AMNS India's operations were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic during Q2 of 2020 with lockdown measures, in particular impacting April 2020. As lock down measures lift the assets are currently running at higher utilization levels then the low levels during the peak impacts during Q2 of 2020.”

AMNS India key performance indicators for Q2 of 2020
Crude steel production of 1.2 million tonne down by 27% QoQ vs 1.7 million tonne in Q1 of 2020
EBITDA of USD 107 million down by 24% QoQ vs USD 140 million in Q1 of 2020.

Steel Dynamics Columbus Produces First Coil at Continuous Galvanizing Line 3

Global industrial engineering group Fives together with Steel Dynamics Columbus LLC successfully produced the first coil with a new continuous galvanizing line 3 in Columbus in Mississippi in USA. The first prime coil was produced on July 09, 2020, in the midst of a challenging COVID-19 environment. The project involved equipment delivery from several countries experiencing different forms of lockdown, namely France, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, Mexico and the USA.

In December 2018, Fives was awarded a supply contract for a galvanizing line at the existing SDI Columbus plant. The new CGL with a production capacity of 400,000 tons per year is designed to diversify SDI’s product portfolio. The scope includes the design and supply of entry & exit coil handling, degreasing, horizontal annealing furnace, cooling, skin-pass mill, strip leveler, strip inspection sections, automation, as well as metallurgical assistance for various steel grades and types of coating.

Mr Sumit Deb Assumes Charge as CMD of NMDC

Mr Sumit Deb has assumed charge as Chairman-cum-Managing Director of NMDC Limited on 01 August, 2020. Prior to assuming the role of CMD NMDC, Mr Deb was Director Personnel and succeeds Mr N Baijendra Kumar IAS, who has superannuated from the services of the Corporation. He brings with him vast knowledge gathered through his extensive experience at RINL & NMDC. He joined NMDC as General Manager Commercial in 2015, later he was then promoted as Executive Director Personnel & Administration at NMDC. In 2019 he assumed charge as Director Personnel and was heading various functions of Personnel & Admin, Human Resource Development, Law, Corporate Communications, CSR & Rajbhasha etc

Mr Deb is a graduate in Mechanical Engineering from Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology Bhubaneshwar. Prior to NMDC, he was with Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited. He joined as a Management Trainee and worked with RINL for about 25 years accumulating rich and diverse experience in the steel industry. He has worked in different regions of the country, dealing with heterogeneous mix of external as well as internal customers and handling the domains of HR, marketing & distribution.

Metalloinvest Appoints Mr Andrey Belyshev as Deputy CEO Organisational Development & HR Director

Metalloinvest announced the appointment of Mr Andrey Belyshev as Deputy CEO Organisational Development and Human Resources Director at Management Company Metalloinvest. His responsibilities include the development and implementation of the Company’s HR and organisational development strategy and the implementation of the employee evaluation, training and development programme. Andrey Belyshev will also be involved in increasing the involvement of the Company's employees and improving the employee incentive system.

From 2003 to 2008, Andrey Belyshev was head of the Training Department at Metro Cash & Carry. From 2008 to 2009, he was Head of Training and Development at Severstal Resources, going on to be HR Director at the company from 2009 to 2013. From 2013 to 2015, he was HR Director of Severstal-Russian Steel. From 2015 to 2020, Andrey Belyshev was Human Resources Director of Severstal Management.

ArcelorMittal Espana L1 in Head Hardened Rail Supply Tender for Delhi Meerut RRTS Project

ncrtc-head-hardened-rail-arcelormittal-espana_52733.jpg Image Source: NCRTC Head Hardened Rail ArcelorMittal Espana

Urban Transport News reported that the National Capital Region Transport Corporation on 28th July 2020 opened the financial bids of the contract called for the supply of 22,000 tonnes of 60E-1 1080 Grade Head Hardened Rails Class-A undrilled Rails conforming to IRS T-12-2009 for the underc onstruction Delhi-Meerut Regional Rapid Transit System corridor. As per the financial bid result, Spanish firm ArcelorMittal Espana SA has emerged as the lowest bidder among the other four contenders. As per the data revealed by the NCRTC, the financial position of each bidder is as under
1. ArcelorMittal Espana SA: INR 144.79 crore
2. Mitsui & Co Ltd: INR 148.15 crore
3. East Metals AG: INR 150.62 crore
4. Voestalpine Schienen GmbH: INR 155.01 crore

As per report, Jindal Steel & Power Limited had also participated in this contract but not found technically compliant according to the conditions laid down in the tender notice, so their financial bid was not opened.

Now NCRTC will have to issue the Letter of Acceptance to ArcelorMittal Espana SA after evaluating the technical and financial bids. The firm has to complete the delivery of 22,000 tonnes of Head Hardened Rails in 24 months from the date of issuance of LOA.

AIIB & ADB funded Delhi-Meerut RRTS corridor consisting total 22 railway stations, including 6 stations of Meerut Metro Rail Project, will connect Delhi to Meerut through a rapid rail network at projected cost of INR 30,274 crores by 2024.

Danieli Centro Maskin Commissions HGS300 Slab Grinding Unit at STS1 Plant of POSCO

Centro Maskin has commissioned the new HGS300 slab-grinding unit at the STS1 Plant of POSCO. Equipped with a 250 kW motor on the main unit, the new grinder works on 140 to 220 mm thick stainless steel slabs up to 1.65 meters wide and 10.5 meters long to ensure an output of approximately 200,000 tonnes per year in full skin-grinding mode at an average removal depth of 2 mm per slab face. The plant is equipped with CastGrind technology to process material with surface temperature up to 700 degree centigrade, as well as Hi-Grind, the E-Cube set-up for stepless-angle grinding from 45 to 90 degrees.

An updated automation platform was developed by Danieli Automation. This is an important milestone in the collaboration between Danieli Centro Maskin and Posco, which started in 1979 and developed through various conditioning applications for long and flat products and for stainless steel as well as for low and medium carbon grades.

Sinter Plant Reconstruction Close to Completion at Ilyich Steel

Ilyich Iron and Steel Works of Mariupol is close to completing one of the largest environmental projects in the history of independent Ukraine, which is the reconstruction of the mill's sinter plant. To install the software and to have cold and hot testing of dedusting equipment, the Italian specialists arrived on site. Metinvest Group's investments in the project amounted to over USD 150 million. Despite the pandemic, Metinvest Group continued its key environmental project, including construction and erection of a new two-stage gas cleaning system within the sintering area of 12 sinter machines at Ilyich Steel. The first stage of cleaning involves coarse dust removal by modern Italian cyclones HURRICLONE. In the second stage, the gas is further cleaned of dust and sulphur compounds in high-capacity bag filters, thus providing more than a ten-fold reduction of dust emissions.

Installation of software had been initially planned for the first quarter of this year, yet the coronavirus pandemic forced the Italian specialists to leave Ukraine back in early spring, while the equipment requiring further fine-tuning was still pending its installation.

However, due to ease-up of quarantine measures, the Italian specialists were able to get back to finalizing the project. According to Andrea Fontolan, an engineer of Customer Service Department of TERMOKIMIK CORPORATION S.p.A., the remaining work includes installation of software, checking on erection work for compliance with the technical documentation, and commissioning of the equipment along with correction of any issues related to equipment operation.

Metalloinvest Announces Management Changes at Ural Steel

Metalloinvest announced the resignation of Ural Steel Managing Director Mr Evgeny Maslovfor family reasons and that Mr Alexey Prosyanik, Chief Engineer of Ural Steel, will assume the role of interim managing director alongside his current duties until a replacement is appointed.

Ural Steel has played a pivotal role in Evgeny Maslov’s career. He joined the enterprise in 2007 and worked as Deputy Chief Engineer for Coke Oven and Blast Furnace Production. He went on to become Head of Steelmaking as well as Chief Engineer of the enterprise. Evgeny Maslov was the head of Ural Steel from 2014. During his leadership, the powerful and modern Coke Oven Battery #6 and the new Casting Machine #5 at the blast furnace shop were launched, slag bowl production was implemented, a landfill for industrial waste was opened, a thermal hardening complex was launched at Rolling Mill #1, CCM #1 was upgraded at the electric arc furnace plant and electric furnaces were converted to the innovative FMF technology. Ural Steel's technical re-equipping programme continues, as new medium pressure boilers of the thermal power plant are being installed, furnaces #2 and #3 in the blast furnace shop are being modernised and Air Separation Unit #6 is under construction.

United States Steel Corporation Reports Second Quarter 2020 Results

Steel Corporation has reported second quarter 2020 net loss of USD 589 million. Adjusted net loss was USD 469 million. This compares to second quarter 2019 net earnings of USD 68 million. Adjusted net earnings for second quarter 2019 were USD 78 million. US Steel President and Chief Executive Officer Mr David B Burritt said “We are encouraged by the recovery in market conditions as automotive original equipment manufacturers) are nearing normalized production levels and healthy order activity has continued into the third quarter. Construction demand is exceeding our expectations and is expected to remain robust, particularly for value-add construction products. To ensure we continue to serve our customers, we restarted two blast furnaces to quickly respond to increasing activity and plan to restart an additional furnace at Gary Works on August 1. In Europe, demand is beginning to recover, in-line with the re-opening of the European continent. Ee exceeded our second quarter guidance as North American Flat-rolled segment shipments meaningfully accelerated in the second half of June, resulting in better than expected production efficiencies and cost benefits across our mines and steel plants. Still, second quarter performance was impacted by COVID-19 and the nonrecurring costs associated with a significant portion of our steelmaking operations being idled in the quarter. We are encouraged by the accelerating pace of incoming orders across our steelmaking and sheet finishing facilities. While a portion of operating inefficiencies will continue to impact third quarter performance, we are confident that the second quarter was the trough for the year.”

Media Reports COVID19 Death of Tata Steel Jamshedpur Employee

Avenue Mail News Service reported that a 57 year old Tata Steel employee in the company’s Lime Plant in Jamshedpur attended duty till July 25. He developed fever and developed breathing problems. He was immediately admitted to Tata Main Hospital for treatment where he died on August 2 evening. He was a resident of Sidgora and left behind three daughters and a son.

Five deaths have been reported in Jharkhand on Sunday, August 2. The death toll in Jharkhand stands at 120 while corona positive tally has climbed to 12634. The first case of the pandemic was reported from Hindpiri on March 31. The Jharkhand government has ordered an extension of lockdown related restrictions in the state outside containment zones, up to August 31, due to COVID-19 cases.

Brussel komt met nieuwe maatregelen tegen dumpen Chinees roestvast staal

24,61 0,47 1,95 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Europese Commissie heeft besloten om de maatregelen die het dumpen van roestvast staal door China moeten voorkomen, uit te breiden. Dit kondigde de Europese instelling woensdag aan.

Op grond van nieuw onderzoek, ontdekte de Commissie dat het dumpen van roestvast staal door China vrijwel over is dankzij de getroffen maatregelen.

Op roestvast staal waarvoor geen invoermaatregelen gold, zag Brussel echter juist een fikse stijging van de import.

Door hun producten licht aan te passen hebben Chinese bedrijven de maatregelen weten te ontlopen, constateerden de onderzoekers.

Om dit in de toekomst te voorkomen, heeft de Commissie de maatregelen uitgebreid.

De nieuwe maatregelen zijn van toepassing op alle Chinese exporteurs met uitzondering van één onderneming die wel meewerkt, aldus de Commissie.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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Volume 6.205.320
Volume gemiddeld 2.649.844
Volume gisteren 2.533.234

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
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