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Beursblik: winst ArcelorMittal in tweede kwartaal vermoedelijk gehalveerd

9,582 -0,118 -1,22 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft een lastig tweede kwartaal achter de rug, waarin de EBITDA op kwartaalbasis vermoedelijk halveerde. Dit bleek uit de analistenconsensus die het staalbedrijf zelf publiceerde in aanloop naar de kwartaalrapportage.

Gemiddeld rekenen 19 analisten die bijdroegen aan de voorspelling voor het tweede kwartaal op een EBITDA van 482 miljoen dollar.

Bij de cijfers over het eerste kwartaal zei ArcelorMittal voor het tweede kwartaal zelf te mikken op een EBITDA tussen de 400 miljoen en 600 miljoen dollar.

In het eerste kwartaal van 2020 bedroeg de EBITDA 967 miljoen dollar en in het tweede kwartaal van 2019 was dit nog 1.555 miljoen dollar.

Goldman Sachs, dat recent een koopaanbeveling op het aandeel ArcelorMittal plakte, verwacht voor heel 2020 een EBITDA van 3,2 miljard dollar. Maar dit kan in 2022 alweer zijn opgelopen naar bijna 7 miljard dollar. Momenteel zit de neerwaartse cyclus op zijn dieptepunt, menen de analisten van de Amerikaanse zakenbank.

ArcelorMittal publiceert donderdag voorbeurs de kwartaalcijfers.

Door: ABM Financial News.
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Aperam ziet winst dalen door coronapandemie

Roestvrijstaalfabrikant Aperam APAM€25,49+2,78% heeft het personeel in zijn fabrieken tijdens de uitbraak van het coronavirus veilig kunnen houden, meldde ceo Timoteo Di Maulo trots bij het bekendmaken van de resultaten van het tweede kwartaal. Voor de rest is er vooral sprake van dalende cijfers, onder andere doordat het bedrijf door de uitbraak van het virus fabrieken moest stilleggen en te maken had met een dalende vraag vanuit de auto-industrie.

De omzet daalde vergeleken met het tweede kwartaal van 2019 met zo'n 25% tot €818 mln. Het bedrijf leverde ook minder staal, namelijk 376.000 ton tegenover 465.000 ton een jaar eerder.

Toch bleef Aperam winstgevend, zij het bijna de helft minder dan in dezelfde periode vorig jaar. De bedrijfswinst (ebitda) bedroeg in het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar €49 mln. Een jaar eerder was dit nog €95 mln. De nettowinst kwam uit op €21 mln, tegen €57 mln vorig jaar.

Hogere vrije kasstroom
De operationele kasstroom bedroeg in het tweede kwartaal €57 mln, dat was €6 mln minder dan in de drie maanden ervoor. De vrije kasstroom voor dividend was met €34 mln echter een stuk hoger dan de €18 mln van het kwartaal ervoor. Ook de de schuld liep op. Waar deze in de eerste drie maanden van 2020 nog €108 mln was, bedroeg deze in het afgelopen kwartaal €123 mln.

Om het bedrijf winstgevend te houden, snijdt Aperam in de kosten. Het besparingsplan genaamd 'Leadership Journey' heeft in het afgelopen kwartaal een jaarlijkse besparing van €21 mln opgeleverd en in totaal al €171 mln. Aan het eind van 2020 moet Aperam met dit programma jaarlijks €200 mln besparen.

Vraag onder oude niveau
Aperam zegt voor het derde kwartaal van dit jaar een vergelijkbaar ebitda als in het afgelopen kwartaal te verwachten. Volgens Di Maulo trekt de vraag naar staal weer aan, maar blijft deze voorlopig nog duidelijk onder het normale niveau.

Voor Aperam, dat in 2011 werd afgesplitst van ArcelorMittal, is de coronacrisis niet de enige uitdaging. De onderneming heeft al langer te lijden onder de import van goedkoop staal uit China.
RINL Launches Mobile Health Care Facility

RINL-Vizag Steel launched Mobile Health Care Unit for Periodic Health Check-ups as part of its CSR initiative. Sri KC Das, Director (Personnel), RINL flagged off the Mobile Health Care Van as a mark of inauguration of the Corporate Environmental Responsibility Project. The objective of the Project is to reach out to those who are unable to access the existing healthcare system due to lack of mobility, old, or any other reason and bring healthcare service to their doorsteps. This Project is implemented through Help Age India at a cost of Rs.24.14 Lakhs.

Sri KC Das in his address appreciated Help age India for partnering with RINL-VSP in this novel CER Project.

Tata Steel Starts Steel Scrap Dispatch from Recycling Plant in Rohtak,

Tata Steel flagged-off the 1st raw material consignment of ferrous scrap on the 24th of July for trials at its steel recycling plant being set-up in Rohtak in Haryana. The first state-of-the-art Scrap Processing Plant of 0.5 million tonne per annum capacity is scheduled to be commissioned soon. The BOO partner is Aarti Green Tech Ltd, a subsidiary of Aarti Steel Ltd. It is the first such facility in India, equipped with state-of–the-art scrap processing equipment such as Shredder, Baler, Material Handler etc. The scrap would be procured from various market segments such as End-of-Life Vehicle scrap, Obsolete Household Scrap, Construction & Demolition scrap, Industrial Scrap etc. This scrap would be processed through mechanised equipment and the high Quality processed scrap would be supplied to Electric Arc Furnaces, Induction Furnaces & Foundries for downstream steel making, satiating their long-standing demand.

The initiative aims to provide the much-needed raw material fillip to the steel industry by making available Quality Processed Ferrous Scrap, streamlining the currently unorganised scrap supply chain, lowering the dependency on imports, and enhancing the transparency and efficiency in the entire value chain.

Danieli to upgrade Cold Finishing Services of Viraj Profiles Mill

Stainless steel long product manufacturer Viraj Profiles chose Danieli technology to upgrade the cold finishing services of its mill in Tarapur in India, and to benefit from better cutting quality and higher productivity. The project includes the supply of a brand new cut-to-length area fully equipped with in-line straightener and cold shear, for channels up to 100 mm and equal leg angles 4x1/2 inches. A 10-roll double support multi-strand straightener, designed for in-line straightening of sections, angles and channels, and the cold shear have been specifically studied to minimize the deformation of profiles during cutting. Quality, productivity and minimum changing time to set up the straightener rolls and shear blades are the main strengths which guided Viraj Profile to select Danieli. This new solution will also improve lean production and plant maintenance through the possibility to evacuate the layer from both sides of cooling bed and convey once again the layers into the existing stacker area at the end of process.

Foundation works to be executed during mill operation will allow for minimum shutdown period.

The project is being handled by the specialized “Small Revamping Team” of Danieli Service which efficiently supports steel producers with close-to-the-customer, on-field services.

Deka Investment Seeks Steel Strategy from thyssenkrupp

ThyssenkruppReuters reported that 11th-largest shareholder Deka Investment said that Thyssenkrupp must soon find a solution for its struggling steel unit and say how it will spend the 17.2 billion euros in proceeds from the sale of its elevator division. Deka Investment head of sustainability and corporate governance Ingo Speich said “There has to be a solution for steel in the near term. It would be good if there was clarity until the next annual general meeting. Completely divesting steel will be difficult but a joint venture or merger with a peer would be the most likely options. Time is against Thyssenkrupp and in favour of its peers.”

Thyssenkrupp’s next AGM is scheduled for February 5, 2021.

Hyundai Steel Reports Q2 Results

South Korea’s second-largest steel maker Hyundai Steel Co announced Tuesday that it reported 4.11 trillion won in consolidated sales in the second quarter, down 26.2 percent on-year. It reported a 14 billion won operating profit, down 94 percent on-year, but up from 29.7 billion won in operating losses in the first quarter. It swung to 12.9 billion won in net loss from 51.1 billion won in net profit in the same period last year, but the net loss shrunk by 88.8 percent from the first quarter.

Hyundai Steel said “Sales generated from shaft furnaces slowed down due to the stagnation in demand from automobile and shipbuilding industries as a result of Covid-19. Having a diverse portfolio, including steel bars and beams used for construction, helped Hyundai Steel drive up its operating profit.”

Mayor Unveils 12 Month Jobs Plan for Former SSI Site at Newly Named Teesworks

Mayor Ben Houchen has set out his plan for jobs at the former Redcar steelworks site, a plan that will see almost 400 jobs created and almost GBP 400 million worth of investment over the next 12 months. Throwing the doors open to the newly-named Teesworks site, Mayor Houchen announced a host of new contracts which will go out for tender in the coming weeks, and he is urging businesses across Teesside, Darlington and Hartlepool to bid for the work in order to create good quality local jobs for local people. Over the next 12 months, 19 separate demolitions will take place and 18 individual contracts will go out for tender, creating 390 jobs, 39 of which will be for apprentices. In total, 775 jobs will be created through these investments, which will total GBP 393 million.

In a further bid to support local businesses, Mayor Houchen worked with Middlesbrough-based Better brand agency to develop the new Teesworks brand, established to appeal to both international investors and local workers in Teesside, Darlington and Hartlepool, and a new site entrance will also be built by the end of the year. Mayor Houchen said: “My 12-month plan for the former steelworks is a plan for local people and local businesses to create jobs, jobs and more jobs. Due to the sheer scale of the site, the numbers are huge and there is nothing like this anywhere else in the UK. More than 200 local jobs have already been created on the site, but this is just the beginning. Over the next year, we will go on to create hundreds more real jobs for real people in our communities. We own the land, we have the keys, the diggers are in place and we are getting on with the job we promised to the former steelworkers, some of which are already back on site in new jobs.”

ArcelorMittal Reports Second Quarter & Half Year 2020 Results

ArcelorMittal announced results for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2020. ArcelorMittal Chairman and CEO Mr Lakshmi N Mittal said “The first six months of the year, and particularly the second quarter, have been one of the most difficult periods in the history of the Company, with demand for steel considerably disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. I would like to thank our employees across the globe, who have demonstrated great resilience and strength of character to first look out for one another and then maintain operations to meet customer demand in these most challenging of environments. As a group we responded swiftly to protect our people, assets, profitability and cashflow, ensuring the Company is in as strong a position as possible to weather this very challenging period. We implemented a comprehensive range of measures that include reducing production, capex and fixed costs, as well as raising capital to further strengthen the balance sheet which has taken our net debt close to the level at which we will prioritize returns to shareholders. There are now signs of activity picking up, especially in regions where lockdowns have ended, but clearly it is prudent to remain cautious about the outlook. Against this context, we are examining what structural changes might be required to ensure the Company is well configured to prosper in the coming years as demand recovers. In conclusion, it has been an unexpectedly challenging period for everyone. The remainder of the year will no doubt continue to be challenging but I believe we are well prepared to increase production and capture the improvement in demand when it comes.”


Operating performance in 2Q 2020 reflects the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic primarily on the steel business, with reduced demand leading to a 23.7% sequential reduction in steel shipments (1H 2020 shipments 23% lower YoY)

Operating loss of USD 0.3 billion in 2Q 2020 includes USD 0.2 billion exceptional items (1H 2020 operating loss of USD 0.6 billionn includes USD 0.8 billion impairment and exceptional items3)

EBITDA of USD 0.7 billion in 2Q 2020 (1H 2020 EBITDA of USD 1.7 billion)

Net loss of USD 0.6 billion in 2Q 2020 (1H 2020 net loss of USD 1.7 billion, with adjusted net loss of USD 0.9 billion excluding impairment and exceptional items.

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Outlook - While the speed and trajectory of the demand recovery post the COVID-19 pandemic remain uncertain, ArcelorMittal’s core markets are showing signs of recovery from exceptionally low levels. The Company will continue to align production levels to demand, with the ability and flexibility to restart hot idled capacity as the recovery progresses. Against the exceptional operating backdrop, the Company has taken a comprehensive series of actions to reduce all costs to protect profitability and cash flows. While these actions will continue, the Company is now developing its options for structural cost improvements to appropriately position the fixed cost base for the post COVID-19 operating environment, with more details to be announced with full year results.

ArcelorMittal South Africa Reports Deeper Losses for H1 of 2020

South AfricaSteel producer ArcelorMittal South Africa Ltd fell deeper into a half-year loss as demand for steel dropped due to the new coronavirus and output declined after operations were shut during a lockdown. ArcelorMittal SA said that its headline loss had increased to ZAR 2.613 billion (USD 157 million) for the six months to June 30 from a loss of ZAR 638 million a year earlier. ArcelorMittal South Africa said some parts of its business would remain idle until demand recovered, including placing the melting operations at its Vereeniging Works on care and maintenance from the third quarter. The company said it expected steel demand to be at 70% to 75% of pre-lockdown levels for the foreseeable future. ArcelorMittal South Africa Chief Executive Kobus Verster said “On the back of a demanding 2019, the first half of 2020 proved to be incredibly difficult with the widespread health, social and business impact brought about by the global COVID-19 pandemic.”

During the period, liquid steel production fell 54% to 1.1 million tonnes and sales volumes dropped 47% to 1.1 million tonnes.

Vallourec Extends Contracts with Petrobras to Provide Tubes & Services

Vallourec announced the extension of its contracts to supply products and services to Petrobras. Since the initial signing of these contracts in 2018, Vallourec has been supplying Petrobras with OCTG products, including seamless steel tubes, premium connections and accessories, as well as associated services such as offshore inspection, repair, and supervision, amongst others, which are supported by its digital offer. By extending the contracts until 2023, Vallourec and Petrobras are reaffirming their historic partnership.

Petrobras uses the products and related services provided by Vallourec in its offshore oil and gas exploration and production wells, located mainly in large pre-salt reservoir fields. The Brazilian pre-salt reservoirs present several challenges in addition to the salt layer itself: well depths of up to 7,000 meters; very deep water conditions with sometimes as much as 2,000 meters between the surface and the seabed; acid corrosion caused by H2S and CO2; as well as high pressure/high temperature conditions in some areas.

The association of these factors sets the technical requirements for OCTG products, which must be able to withstand mechanical, corrosive, and thermal constraints. Vallourec has been innovating and reinventing itself every day in order to meet all these requirements, thus providing Petrobras with the most advanced technological solutions for its offshore operations.

JSW Steel Awaiting Tribunal Nod to Implement Resolution Plan for ACCIL

JSW Steel has informed the National Company Law Tribunal that it was only awaiting approval from the tribunal to implement its INR 1,550 crore resolution plan for Asian Colour Coated Ispat. JSW said it is also in the possession of a commitment letter from the Deutsche Bank for an amount upto INR 1,650 crore for the said acquisition. JSW also cited a June 15 filing made by the company with the US Securities Exchange Commission in which, in relation to their ACCIL proposal. JSW said that the information memorandum it had submitted in conformity with Sebi regulations was confidential and meant to provide investors with enough caution while investing in the group. By approaching NCLT, Interups was only trying to mislead the tribunal using such documents and information which were part of the statement in the risk factor of the information memorandum.

The NCLT was hearing a petition by the US-based Interups that, in a petition last month, had urged the NCLT to direct the resolution professional to allow it submit a resolution plan for the firm for which lenders had last year chosen a JSW Group company as the preferred bidder. Interups had said that there is also no guarantee that the registrant will be able to arrange monies and the transaction will consummate. Interups had on June 12, 2020, expressed its willingness to bid which would meet the twin fold test of maximisation of value and viability and feasibility for ACCIL. It also sent a follow-up letter on July 8, but the RP denied accepting the offer, stating that the resolution process for the company was not yet over.

Interups’ bid is in excess of INR 2,000 crore. In its application to the NCLT, the company also urged the NCLT to direct the RP to put its bid for voting by the Committee of Creditors and direct the RP to allow it to provide access to the data room and other information/documents with respect to ACCIL so as to complete due diligence.

ACCIL was admitted for resolution on July 20, 2018, on an application by State Bank of India. In June, 2019 lenders approved JSW Group’s bid for the company.

Financial Express

Henan Jiyuan I&S Orders Danieli EWR to Upgrade Bar Mill

Henan Jiyuan I&S in China contracted Danieli to upgrade its 150-tph rebar mill with Endless Welding Rolling technology. With the addition of a new K-Weld machine, billets will be joined at mill entrance to form a continuous billet, allowing endless rolling thus improving productivity and efficiency. Danieli EWR systems feature independent burr cleaning and preserve final product-quality consistency. K-Welding technology eliminates the billet gap time and increases the operating speed thanks to the improved stability in rolling parameters.

Danieli EWR process brings a 12-14% improvement in mill productivity and a 99% rise in material yield as end and tail cropping are eliminated, with related benefits in plant efficiency, production costs, and material-quality homogeneity across the range of whole endlessly rolled stock.

The startup is scheduled for the beginning of 2021.

Fully Automatic Dummy Bar System from Primetals Technologies receives FAC at Baosteel

In May 2020, Primetals Technologies received the final acceptance certificates for a fully automatic dummy bar top feeding system for the CC3 two-strand continuous caster of Baoshan Iron and Steel Co Ltd at Steelworks No 1 in Shanghai. With the new solution the operator starts the fully automatic insertion of a dummy bar into the mold and the fully automatic takeover from hoist to car each by pushing only one button. To witness and validate the position of all moveable components, Primetals Technologies has installed several additional safety-related measuring systems as e.g. safety encoders, laser distance sensors and safety limit switches. The new solution relieves operators from routine tasks, saves valuable time and guarantees safety requirements despite the automatic processes. The automatic sequence can be started from the casting platform by push button on LCP or from the main control room via Level 1 - HMI Integrated Control Center – Room ICC. The new fully automatic dummy bar top feeding system from Primetals Technologies executes all necessary steps for the dummy bar insertion into the mold and the takeover of the dummy bar by withdrawal drives, each in one sequence. The operator just has to push one button once at the local pulpit or on the HMI (human machine interface) in the main control room (Integrated Control Center to start such a fully automated sequence.

In the past, the operators of Baosteel had to control and supervise each step of the insertion of a dummy bar into the mold as well as each step of the takeover from hoist to car. Such a sequence consisted of several steps, and each step had to be started manually by pushbuttons (= semi-auto mode) on the local pulpit on the casting platform. Before the start of any next subsequent step, the operator had to supervise whether the previous step was completed correctly - like e.g. car traveling to exact mold or hoist position, hoist lifting position or correct chain positioning.

For a safe and reliable operation of the fully automatic dummy bar top feeding system, it is very important, that the hoist, the car and the chain are in the exact and correct position for all steps of a fully automated sequence. Therefore, Primetals Technologies installed several additional safety-related measuring systems as e.g. safety encoders, laser distance sensors and safety limit switches. These components continuously witness and validate the correct position of all controlled components before any automated movement is released. Before the installation of the new fully automatic dummy bar top feeding system, the operator himself had to review the result of each previous step as well as the correct positioning of all components before initiating the next step.

With the new solution, the operator is relieved from routine tasks and just has to monitor the fully automated sequence for the dummy bar insertion and takeover by withdrawal drives. In case of any problems, operating personnel can intervene by stopping the automatic sequence and switching to semi-automatic or manual mode. These modes can also be used for maintenance tasks. After the fully automatic dummy bar insert and takeover of the dummy bar by withdrawal drives, the operator only has to adjust the casting width for the width adjustable mold. This is executed as usual, and he jogs the dummy bar to the exact start position in the mold by a pendant panel back.

This project was part of the modernization of the CC3 continuous caster at Steelworks No. 1 in Shanghai. In 2019, a new Integrated Control Center (ICC) for controlling and monitoring the entire continuous casting plant was commissioned including two casting platform robots and a new facial recognition system.

Severstal Commits to Cutting Carbon Emissions by 3% by 2023

Severstal announced a public target to cut its greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 3% over the next three years compared with 2020. It is the first stage of a longer-term strategy to reduce its carbon footprint and increase its contribution to meeting the goals set by the Paris Climate Agreement. Severstal said “We have identified the following investment projects that should contribute most significantly to this target are: the construction of long-range wire mill 170, implementation of argon purging of metal in a steel casting ladle from production to casting, increasing the share of sintering ore from Yakovlevskiy Mine in sintering mix, the reconstruction of the solid fuel unit Sinter plant 2 as well as the launch of top-pressure recovery turbines #16 & #25.”

In addition, Severstal has revised and upgraded its total atmospheric emissions reduction targets for 2025. Following the Company’s decision to fit new gas cleaning equipment at the Cherepovets Steel Mill’s sinter processing plant, Severstal now expects to reduce its total atmospheric emissions by 13% (66,500 tonnes) against 2017 levels, compared with the previously announced target of 7%.

Since 1990, the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from steel production at the Cherepovets Steel Mill has decreased by 43%. According to the World Steel Association, Severstal is in the first quartile of companies in the steel industry with the lowest greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions intensity of CherMK in 2019 amounted to 2.08 tonnes of CO2 equivalent / tonnes of liquid steel (Scopes 1–3). Over the past year, Severstal has climbed three places in the worldsteel ranking of companies with the lowest specific greenhouse gas emissions to rank 13th out of 64 companies with comparable technologies.

Tata Steel BSL Posts Loss in April June Quarter

Tata Steel BSL Ltd on has reported a consolidated net loss of INR 650 crore in the quarter ended June 30, mainly on account of reduced income as compared to net profit of Rs 111 crore during the same quarter a year ago. Total income fell to INR 2,710 crore during the quarter under review from INR 4,359 crore in the year-ago quarter. Crude steel production during the quarter ended June 30, 2020 was 0.66 million tonnes which is lower than the normal capacity utilization in previous periods (year ended March 31, 2020: 4.47 million tonnes; quarter ended March 31, 2020: 1.12 million tonnes; quarter ended June 30,2019: 1.12 million tonnes).

The Company has started ramping up its steel making operations at Angul in the second half of June 2020 and the downstream facilities are also being ramped up progressively. Further, the Management believes that there may not be significant impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the financial position and performance of the Company, in the longterm.

Tata Steel's Nest-In Launches Smart Warehouse for Onion Storage

Tata Steel’s modular construction solutions brand Nest-In announced launch of onion storage solution Agronest for better storage and reducing wastage. Agronest has a unique structural design that maximises air flow, and is spacious, thus making it conducive for longer and safer storage of onions, and provides a cost-effective environment control to ensure minimal wastage, the company said in a statement.

The warehouse has sensors installed for monitoring temperature, humidity and gas, thereby enabling early detection of spoilage of the produce, it said.

WISCO Grants FAC to SMS Group after Finishing Mill Revamp

Wuhan Iron & Steel, based in Wuhan, China, has granted SMS group the final acceptance after the successful modernization of finishing stands F4 and F7 in their High-Capacity Hot Strip Mill No 2. The objective of the project was to increase plant availability. The High-Capacity Hot Strip Mill No 2, supplied by SMS group, has been in operation at Wuhan Iron & Steel since 2003. In 2015, a modification by SMS group of the mill’s coiler enabled WISCO to expand its range of high-strength and pipe grade products. The recent installation of advanced work roll bending and shifting systems has provided a further boost in plant availability.

The revamping of the finishing stands F4 and F7 by SMS group included the installation of CVC plus systems with +/- 150 millimeters shifting stroke and the adaptation of the hydraulic valve stands. The modifications could be performed as planned during the regular 2019 annual shutdown of the mill because just little machining of the mill housings and only very few adaptations of the machine piping were required.

Through specifically tailored, well-conceived revamps, SMS group can boost the performance of hot wide strip mills and match growing market requirements.

Metalloinvest Supplies Rolled Plate to the Offshore Superfacility Construction Center

Metalloinvest’s Novotroitsk based Ural Steel has produced rolled plate for the steel structures for NOVATEK Murmansk’s Offshore Superfacility Construction Center. The enterprise supplied 71 thousand tonnes of rolled plate of steel grades C245, C255, C345, C355, C390, C440, 10KhSND to Ak Bars Metal, Kamsky Steel Structure Plant TEMPO, KONAR, JVK-Cimolai and Kurganstalmost, which produced steel structures for this project.

Metalloinvest is one of the leading domestic plate producers for major infrastructure projects. The implementation of the boldest engineering ideas in the construction industry is enabled thanks to the use of Ural Steel’s metal. Ural Steel’s rolled plate was used in the construction of skyscrapers of the Moscow City business centre and Lakhta Center in St Petersburg, the Ekaterinburg-Expo exhibition centre, the terminal at Vnukovo Airport, the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University, Okhotny Ryad shopping centre in Moscow, stadiums for the 2018 World Cup and Olympic facilities in Sochi.

Ural Steel’s metal, which has unique technical characteristics, is used in the construction of reliable and durable structures. The special properties of Ural Steel’s metal enable the construction of an entirely new type of structures, reducing their weight while maintaining durability, reducing construction time and increasing their service life.

USITC Keeps AD Duty on Ferrovanadium Import from China & South Africa

The US International Trade Commission determined that revoking the existing antidumping duty orders on imports of ferrovanadium from China and South Africa would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time. As a result of the Commission’s affirmative determinations, the existing orders on imports of this product from China and South Africa will remain in place.

This action comes under the five year (sunset) review process required by the Uruguay Round Agreements Act.

The five-year (sunset) reviews concerning Ferrovanadium from China and South Africa were instituted on January 2, 2020.

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