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Arvedi Opts for Danieli Quality System for Cremona & Servola Plant

Italian steel maker Arvedi awarded Danieli Automation the orders for quality management systems for two cold-mill complexes in Italy. The first one will be implemented at Cremona plant and will manage a push-pull pickling line, a continuous pickling line, tandem cold mill and three hot-dip galvanizing lines, including the quality lab. The other will serve the technological lines of Servola plant, namely a tandem cold mill, two hot-dip galvanizing lines, a color coating line and quality lab. The quality-related process parameters will be collected from various sources (Level 2, PLC, MES, ASIS, manual inspection) and will be used to build a product digital passport. Quality and SPC rules will be implemented in the system in order to manage product grading and improve process control. A web portal will be used for monitoring, analytics and dash boarding.

Q3-Premium contributes to reducing the product non-conformance ratio and increases the production yield, with higher process repeatability. It supports a fast response to customer claims, by identifying root cause for defects and it is a driver for knowledge sharing and continuous improvement.

The new project will be completed in phases between end of 2021 and end of 2022.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Iranian Apparent Steel Consumption Declines in Q1

Financial Tribune reported that According to the Iranian Steel Producers Association, Iran's apparent steel usage, defined as production plus imports minus exports, sometimes also adjusted for changes in inventories, decreased in the first quarter of the current Iranian year (March 21-June 21) to 6.4 million tonnes for semi-finished products, registering a 1% decrease compared with last year's corresponding period. It totalled 4.6 million tonnes for finished products, posting a 2% decline year-on-year. Flat steel products accounted for the largest portion of finished steel consumption with 2.34 million tonnes, down 4% YoY. Long steel products accounted for 2.33 million tonnes of finished steel apparent usage, unchanged from last year.

HR - 2.2 million tonnes down 5% YoY

CR – 728,000 tonnes up 6%

Coated – 371,000 tonnes up 16%

Rebar - 1.8 million tonnes down 1%

Beams - 285,000 tonnes up 6%

According to ISPA, a total of 8.07 million tonnes of semi-finished steel were produced in Iran in Q1, up 6% year over year. Billet and bloom made up 4.88 million tonnes of semi-finished production, up 7% YoY. Slab output reached 3.2 million tons to register a 6% year-on-year rise. The output of finished steel increased to 5.4 million tonnes up by 7% YoY. Long steel products had a 3.1 million-tonne share in the output of finished steel products, posting a 16% growth compared with the similar period of last year. Production of flat steel with 2.3 million tons registered a 3% YOY decline in the three-month period.

First quarter exports stood at 1.62 million tonnes for semi-finished products, up 55% year-on-year. Billet and bloom had the lion’s share of semis exports with an aggregate of 1.06 million tonnes, 26% higher than the previous corresponding period. Slab exports stood at 563,000 tonnes during the period, up 176% YOY. The export of finished steel products jumped by 125% to 873,000 tonnes during the three months under review and mostly included rebar at 684,000 tonnes up 142%; beam at 36,000 tonnes up 33% YoY; hot rolled coil at 57,000 tonnes up 171%; cold-rolled coil at 1,000 tonnes down 89% decline year-on-year & coated coil at 31,000 tonnes up 107% YoY

The import of semi-finished steel stood at 1,000 tonnes in Q1, unchanged compared to last year’s corresponding period. The import of finished steel rose by 2% YOY to 194,000 tons and mostly included HRC with 45,000 tonnes down 48%; CRC with 79,000 tonnes up 80%; coated coil with 50,000 tonnes up 4%; L-beam, T-beam and other types with 9,000 tonnes up 29%; rebar with 8,000 tonnes up 60% and beam with 3,000 tonnes up 100%.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
US Steel Adds Sustainability Targets to Credit Facilities

United States Steel Corporation has announced changes to two asset-based credit facilities that reward performance for meeting sustainability targets. This is part of the on going execution of the company’s Best for All strategy of creating profitable solutions for sustainable steelmaking. At the company’s request, its USD 2 billion asset-based revolving credit facility has been amended to include an increase or decrease in the margin payable based on achievement of targets related to carbon reduction, safety performance and facility certification by ResponsibleSteel. In addition to the new sustainability link, the ABL has also been amended to reduce the credit line to USD 1.75 billion from USD 2 billion, which supports the company’s current footprint and is consistent with the company’s efforts to optimize its global liquidity position.

Additionally, the company’s subsidiary, Big River Steel, extended its USD350 million ABL by five years to 2026 and included the same sustainability performance targets.

When US Steel joined the global not-for-profit organization in April, it became the first North American steelmaker to gain membership in ResponsibleSteel, which provides a process and certification framework for sustainable steel use throughout its lifecycle.

J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and ING Capital LLC acted as Joint Sustainability Structuring Agents in the U. S. Steel Sustainability-linked ABL. Goldman Sachs Bank NA and ING Capital LLC acted as Joint Sustainability Structuring Agents in the BRS Sustainability-linked ABL.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Kumba Iron Ore Production & Sales Report for Apr-Jun 2021 Quarter

Kumba’s Chief Executive Mr Themba Mkhwanazi said “Kumba's performance in the first half demonstrates our operational strength underpinned by our strong commitment to safety and health. We have now operated for more than five years without a fatality and continued to protect our workforce and support our communities through the Covid-19 pandemic. On behalf of the Kumba team, I thank each and every one of our people and contractors for looking after each other. It is through these collaborative efforts that we can continue to keep each other safe and healthy. Our operations performed well and production increased by 12%, while sales increased by 3%, reflecting the impact of rail constraints and periods of severe weather at Saldanha Port. We are therefore revising sales guidance down by 1 million tonne to 39–40 million tonne while maintaining production guidance at 40-41 million tonne as we continue to build up stock at the port. As the iron ore market strengthened, we have seen a strong and sustained demand for our high quality products. We achieved an average realised price of US$220 per tonne in the first half of the year, well above the benchmark price of US$166 per tonne, driven by our focus on optimising the value of our products for the long-term benefit of all our stakeholders."

Total production increased by 12% to 20.4 million tonne (1H 2020 18.2 million tonne), driven by good ex-pit ore and plant performance. Q2 2021 increased by 14% to 9.8 million tonne (Q2 2020: 8.6 million tonne).

Total sales increased by 3% to 19.5 million tonne (H1 2020: 18.9 million tonne), on the back of a 5% increase in export sales to 19.4 million tonne, partly offset by a 0.3 million tonne decrease in domestic off-take to 0.1 million tonne. Sales in Q2 2021 increased by 12% to 9.2 million tonne.

Average realised FOB export iron ore price of USD 216 per wet metric tonne (wmt), equivalent to USD220 per dry metric tonne (dmt), well above the average benchmark price of USD163 per wmt or USD 166 per dmt, reflecting the high quality of Kumba's iron ore.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Das boot....

Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Bags Largest Order in History

thyssenkrupp Marine Systems has officially been commissioned to build six identical Type 212CD submarines. The procurement organizations of Norway and Germany signed the corresponding contracts. Worth approximately EUR 5.5 billion, the order comprises the delivery of two submarines to the German Navy and four to the Norwegian Navy. thyssenkrupp Marine Systems CEO Dr Rolf Wirtz said “The 212CD order is a major milestone. The Norwegian and German navies are getting the most modern submarines in the world, international and industrial teamwork will permanently shape cooperation in the maritime sector, and we have created capacity utilization for our company. Today is a good day for our employees and for thyssenkrupp!”

212CD | Submarine design – Main data

Displacement (surface): ~ 2,500 cubic meters

Length overall: ~ 73 meters

Beam: ~ 10 meters

Height: ~ 13 meters

Construction of the first boat will begin in 2023. Delivery of the first submarine for the Norwegian Navy is expected for 2029, while delivery of the two boats for the German Navy is scheduled for 2032 and 2034. In preparation for the order, thyssenkrupp has already initiated investments of around €250 million in 2019. The aim is to further develop thyssenkrupp Marine Systems at the Kiel location into an international centre of competence for the construction of conventional submarines. Construction of a new shipbuilding hall has already begun, and progress is clearly visible at the shipyard site.

Norway and Germany had already entered into a cooperation in 2017 that goes beyond the construction of six new HDW Type 212CD submarines, as a new generation of the Type 212A. The design of the Type 212A submarine, which has proven itself in service with the German and Italian navies, will be further developed with the integration of advanced technologies to expand the U212 family in Europe. This project is another important step towards deepening and expanding European cooperation in the field of defence. With the order now placed in the Norwegian-German strategic cooperation project U212CD, thyssenkrupp Marine Systems will consolidate its partnership with Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, which has already existed since 2017, and expand its value-adding industrial partnerships in Norway and Germany.

Source - Strategic Research Institute

Groep stichtingen gaat met drones uitstoot Tata Steel meten
ANP Producties 1 uur geleden

IJMUIDEN (ANP) - Een groep stichtingen gaat zelf met drones en onderwaterrobots de uitstoot en lozingen meten van Tata Steel in IJmuiden. Volgens hen blijken de GGD en het RIVM gevoelig voor de lobby van Tata Steel en doen die geen onderzoek naar de verhoogde kans op kanker en andere ziektes in de omgeving van het staalcomplex vanwege de uitstoot van giftige stoffen.

Om die metingen mogelijk te maken hebben kapitaalkrachtige personen een bedrag van 1 miljoen euro toegezegd, aldus voorzitter Jan de Jong van de Stichting Schapenduinen die opkomt voor de natuur in het gebied rond Tata Steel. "In de IJmond is de emmer volgedruppeld. Als de GGD en RIVM niet meer te vertrouwen zijn, houdt alles op. We hebben besloten daarom een schaduwoverheid te vormen en de taak van de overheid op ons te nemen", zegt De Jong.

Volgens hem blijken de GGD en het RIVM een "willige windvaan" van de Tata Steel-lobby. Het staalbedrijf mag volgens De Jong namelijk alle uitstoot en lozingen zelf berekenen in plaats van (verifieerbaar) gecertificeerde metingen. Ook zou Tata Steel zelf mogen bepalen wanneer uitstoot en lozingen niet worden gerapporteerd omdat die gegevens vertrouwelijk zouden zijn.

Kortere levensverwachting

De Jong stelt dat de buren van Tata Steel een 50 procent hogere kans op kanker en andere ziektes hebben en dat ze volgens deskundigen mogelijk zelfs een tien jaar kortere levensverwachting hebben dan Nederlanders die elders in het land wonen.

De metingen betreffen de uitstoot van bijvoorbeeld broeikasgassen en fijnstof, maar ook de giftige stof chroom-6 door Tata Steel, aldus De Jong die bij het initiatief optrekt met de stichtingen IJmondig en
Miljonairs openen aanval op ‘ziekmakend’ Tata Steel: ‘We gaan het zelf wel oplossen’

Een groep van drie stichtingen gesteund door enkele kapitaalkrachtige ondernemers start een eigen onderzoek naar de oorzaak van de verhoogde kans op kanker en andere ziektes in de regio rond staalgigant Tata Steel. De benodigde één miljoen euro is al beschikbaar. In de ogen van de groep zijn de GGD en het RIVM te gevoelig voor de lobby van Tata Steel en laten zij cruciaal onderzoek liggen. ,,We hebben gezegd: dan lossen wij het zelf op.”

Victor Schildkamp 28 jul. 2021 Laatste update: 09:23

De zorgen in de regio zijn enorm nadat het RIVM op basis van gegevens van huisartsen en GGD’s in april van dit jaar concludeerde dat de kans op onder meer kanker in de regio rond Tata veel groter is dan in de rest van het land. Chronische hartaandoeningen, longkanker en diabetes komen vaker voor in het gebied, naast veel voorkomende klachten als buik- of maagklachten, misselijkheid of braken, last van de ogen, pijn of druk op de borst, hoofdpijn, duizeligheid, benauwdheid en jeuk.

De onderzoekers legden echter geen direct verband met Tata Steel, het kon ook aan andere industrie liggen of zelfs aan leefgewoontes van de omwonenden. ,,Wij vragen al jaren om brononderzoek: wáár komt dit nou vandaan”, zegt Ellen Windemuth, bekend documentairemaakster, nu in de rol van woordvoerster van de stichting IJmondig.

We vragen al jaren om brononder­zoek: wáár komt die vervuiling nou vandaan?

Ellen Windemuth
Begin juli werd het wantrouwen richting de overheid nog groter toen bleek dat een GGD-directeur van Kennemerland ervoor had gezorgd dat de naam van staalconcern Tata Steel, de grootste bron van luchtvervuiling in de IJmond, helemaal uit het rapport werd geschrapt. Het Noordhollands Dagblad onthulde de kwestie na een beroep op de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur. Daaruit bleek dat directeur Bert van de Velden van GGD Kennemerland persoonlijk heeft ingegrepen om Tata Steel uit de wind te houden.

De druppel die de emmer voor de initiatiefnemers van dit onderzoek helemaal deed overlopen, is het feit dat de resultaten van een tweede onderzoek naar de gezondheid in de IJmond te lang op zich laten wachten. Het gaat om gezondheidsonderzoek naar de neergedaalde stoffen die elke dag over de regio dwarrelen waardoor onder meer speeltuinen regelmatig moeten worden schoongemaakt. Hiervoor zijn 420 veegmonsters genomen die het RIVM onderzoekt.

De resultaten zijn er al. Toch is publicatie van het rapport uitgesteld tot na een Tweede Kamerdebat op 9 september over de toekomst van Tata. Het RIVM heeft de stichtingen (IJmondig, en Schapenduinen) laten weten dat er meer tijd nodig is. Dat leidt tot veel argwaan bij omwonenden. Advocaten proberen nu via een beroep op de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur de resultaten van het ‘veegmonsteronderzoek’ eerder in handen te krijgen.

Bovendien zegt het RIVM geen onderzoek te doen naar de bronnen van die uitstoot, ofwel waar die schadelijke stoffen vandaan komen. ‘Dat ligt niet in de opdracht’, zo schrijft het RIVM in een e-mail, al ‘kan het wel relevant zijn’. ,,Het RIVM, de GGD en de provincie zijn veel te gevoelig geworden voor de lobby van Tata Steel”, aldus de Bloemendaalse multimiljonair Jan de Jong, de grote man van investeringsmaatschappij Nedamco, nu woordvoerder van stichting Schapenduinen.

Zwarte sneeuw rondom de Tata Steel fabriek bij IJmuiden © Rob van Wieringen

Het gebrek aan onafhankelijkheid zorgt ervoor dat de genoemde stichtingen samen met enkele (anonieme) kapitaalkrachtigen uit de regio een miljoen euro hebben uitgetrokken om zelf onderzoek ‘aan de bron’ te laten doen. Metingen met drones bij de schoorstenen en met onderwaterrobots, uitgevoerd door een onafhankelijk bureau moeten voor eens en altijd duidelijk gaan maken dat de gevaarlijke uitstoot daadwerkelijk van Tata komt. De organisatie doet een openbaar aanbod aan alle toezichthouders op Tata om zich aan te sluiten bij het onderzoek.

De enige voorwaarde is dat de resultaten worden gepubliceerd op een voor ieder toegankelijke website. ,,Doen ze niet mee, dan moeten ze maar eens uitleggen waarom”, aldus De Jong. Het onderzoek - waarvoor de organisatie op zoek gaat naar een onafhankelijk ingenieursbureau - komt er sowieso. De initiatiefnemers hebben daarmee straks in elk geval een extra wapen in handen om eventueel bij een rechter maatregelen af te dwingen. ,,Elke provincie in Nederland stroopt de mouwen op om vervuilende industrie aan te pakken, behalve hier”, zegt Windemuth die vanwege de slechte lucht verhuisde naar Bergen, maar zich nog steeds hard maakt voor de zaak. ,,Wat hier gebeurt is een schande.”
ArcelorMittal (referred to as “ArcelorMittal” or the “Company”) (MT (New York, Amsterdam, Paris, Luxembourg), MTS (Madrid)), the world’s leading integrated steel and mining company, today announced results1,2 for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2021

Earnings Release - EN - PDF
Analysts slides – EN – PDF
Analyst slides appendix - EN - PDF
Analyst model - XLS
Analysts Webcast – 15.30 CET – Link
Key Highlights:

ArcelorMittal reports second quarter 2021 and half year 2021 results
Luxembourg, July 29, 2021 - ArcelorMittal (referred to as “ArcelorMittal” or the “Company”) (MT (New York,
Amsterdam, Paris, Luxembourg), MTS (Madrid)), the world’s leading integrated steel and mining company, today
announced results1,2 for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2021.
Key highlights:
• Health and safety performance: Protecting the health and wellbeing of employees remains the Company’s
overarching priority; LTIF rate3 of 0.89x in 2Q 2021 and 0.83x in 1H 2021
• Significantly improved operating performance in 2Q 2021, with the continuing demand recovery supporting a
further positive evolution of steel spreads and 2.4% sequential increase in steel shipments to 16.1Mt (vs. scope
adjusted4 15.6Mt in 1Q 2021)
• 2Q 2021 operating income of $4.4bn compares to $2.6bn in 1Q 2021; 1H 2021 operating income of $7.1bn
• EBITDA of $5.1bn in 2Q 2021, the strongest quarter since 2008 and 55.8% higher than 1Q 2021; 1H 2021
EBITDA of $8.3bn represents the strongest half year performance since 2008
• Share of JV and associates net income in 2Q 2021 further improved to $0.6bn, reflecting continued strong
performance at AMNS India8 and AMNS Calvert9; 1H 2021 share of JV and associates net income $1.0bn
• Net income of $4.0bn in 2Q 2021 vs. $2.3bn in 1Q 2021; 1H 2021 net income of $6.3bn (vs. adjusted net loss in
1H 2020 of $0.9bn)7 represents the strongest half year performance since 2008
• Free cash flow18 of $1.7bn generated in 2Q 2021 ($2.3bn net cash provided by operating activities less capex of
$0.6bn) includes a further $1.9bn investment in working capital on account of higher market prices; this brings
the 1H 2021 free cash flow generated to $2.0bn ($3.3bn net cash provided by operating activities less capex of
$1.2bn less minority dividends $0.1bn) despite a total $3.5bn investment in working capital
• Gross debt declined to $9.2bn (vs. $11.4bn as end of 1Q 2021 and $12.3bn as end of 2020) and net debt
declined to $5.0bn (vs. $5.9bn as end of 1Q 2021 and $6.4bn as end of 2020)
• Since April 1, 2021, the Company returned $1.6bn to shareholders through share buybacks and the payment of
the annual base dividend. Total returns to shareholders since September 2020 now total $2.8bn
Strategic update and outlook:
• Leadership on decarbonization: New Group CO2 reduction target of 25% by 2030; new Europe CO2 reduction
target of 35% (previously 30%) by 2030 includes the acceleration of DRI-EAF investments and the world’s first
full scale zero carbon-emissions steel plant at Sestao, Spain; the new group decarbonization plan requires an
estimated gross investment (pre-government funding) of $10bn
• Capex update: FY 2021 capex is expected to increase to $3.2bn from previous guidance of $2.9bn to reflect the
impacts of higher volumes and capacity utilization – the Company’s operating plan (including the number of tools
utilized) has changed to reflect the strength of the demand environment
• Demand outlook improving: The Company has upgraded its global apparent steel consumption (ASC) forecast
in 2021 vs. 2020 from +7.5% to +8.5% (from previous growth estimate of +4.5% to +5.5%)
• New $2.2bn share buy-back program: The Company will return the $1.2bn proceeds from the redeemed
Cleveland Cliffs preference shares and has decided to advance $1bn as part of its prospective 2022 capital
return to shareholders (equivalent to 50% of 1H 2021 FCF) as a share buy back program to be completed by the
end of 2021

Voor meer, zie pdf.

Enorme winstgroei ArcelorMittal
EBITDA in tweede kwartaal stuk hoger dan verwacht.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft de winst in het tweede kwartaal nog verder weten op te voeren. Dit bleek donderdag voorbeurs uit de kwartaalcijfers van de staalgigant.

"Een aanhoudend sterk herstel", zei CEO Aditya Mittal donderdag. De topman verwacht dat de vraag in de tweede helft van dit jaar verder zal verbeteren.

De omzet van de staalreus steeg in het tweede kwartaal op jaarbasis van 11,0 naar 19,3 miljard dollar. Dit leverde een EBITDA op van 5,1 miljard dollar, het sterkste tweede kwartaal sinds 2008. Analisten rekenden gemiddeld op een EBITDA van 4,7 miljard dollar.

In de eerste drie maanden van dit jaar lag de EBITDA op 3,2 miljard dollar en in het tweede kwartaal van 2020 was dit maar 707 miljoen dollar.

Deze enorme stijging schreef analist Andrew Jones van UBS in een vooruitblik toe aan de recordprijzen die momenteel gevraagd worden voor staal. Ook Barclays wees op de hoge prijzen.

Dit resulteerde in een nettowinst in het tweede kwartaal van 4,0 miljard dollar. Dat was een jaar geleden in dezelfde periode nog een verlies van 559 miljoen dollar.

ArcelorMittal laat 2,2 miljard dollar terugvloeien naar de aandeelhouder door het inkopen van eigen aandelen.


ArcelorMittal gaf bij de cijfers over het eerste kwartaal aan te verwachten dat de wereldwijde vraag naar staal dit jaar met 4,5 tot 5,5 procent zal groeien. Donderdag stelde de staalreus dat de groei vermoedelijk tussen de 7,5 en 8,5 procent zal uitkomen.

Barclays voorziet voor 2021 een EBITDA van 16,9 miljard dollar. In 2020 kwam ArcelorMittal niet verder dan 4,3 miljard dollar.

Verder wil de staalreus dit jaar niet 2,9 maar 3,2 miljard dollar investeren.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
UK Ministry of Defence Buys Sheffield Forgemasters

UK’s Ministry of Defence has launched an offer to acquire Sheffield Forgemasters International Limited, allowing HM Government to refinance the company and secure the supply of components for the MOD’s critical existing and future UK defence programmes. The MOD also intends to invest up to GBP 400 million for defence critical plant, equipment and infrastructure into SFIL over the next 10 years to support defence outputs. The immediate cost of the acquisition is GBP 2.56 million for the entire share capital of the Company plus debt assumed. The Ministry of Defence will acquire 100% ownership of Sheffield Forgemasters International Limited, the parent company of the Sheffield Forgemasters Group. There will be no change to the corporate structure of the group and all subsidiary companies, including Sheffield Forgemasters Engineering Ltd and Sheffield Forgemasters Steel Ltd, will remain wholly owned by SFIL. Existing contracts will be honoured. The purchase represents a nationalization of a UK steel asset in an industry that has been in private hands since the 1980s. The investment will secure Sheffield Forgemasters' role as a critical supplier to the next generation of UK defense programs, while continuing independent commercial activities, including exploiting opportunities arising from the government's net zero carbon agenda, in markets like civil nuclear, oil & gas, power generation and renewables including offshore wind and steel processing

The transaction will involve injection of up to GBP 400 million of new investment over the next 10 years into Sheffield Forgemasters' defense-critical assets to modernize its plant and equipment to support its role as a long-term supplier to UK defense, including plans for a new heavy forge line and building, a flood alleviation scheme, major machine tool replacements and a site-wide upgrade, the company said. This is expected to retain and create new highly skilled manufacturing jobs within the Sheffield City region.

The transaction, supported by major shareholders, is subject to a three-week offer period and due to be completed August 19.

UK’s Materials Processing Institute Chief Executive Mr Chris McDonald, has hailed the government’s move to nationalise Sheffield Forgemasters as a major show of support for the UK’s steel and manufacturing sectors. He also welcomed its pledge to invest GBP 400 million in the business over the next decade, which, he says, will also bolster the nation’s steelmaking sector.

Welcoming the news, Unite's assistant general secretary for manufacturing, Steve Turner said "This is the news we've waited two years to hear. Unite has been engaged in a long battle with the Ministry of Defence and the UK government to protect UK steel supply to our defence and nuclear programmes so today’s news will be welcomed with a huge sigh of relief right across our steel communities. It brings to an end years of instability for this historic 215 year-old company, but is also a sign that government is maybe finally waking up to a crisis of its own making. Critical infrastructure industries like steel function better in public hands and advanced economies like our own need to have stable, secure domestic steel production capabilities to protect our national security interests as well as to compete in global markets.

The origins of Sheffield Forgemasters date back to the 1750s as a small blacksmith forge. George Naylor set up the foundations for the business as a commercial operation with the building of the Millsands Steelworks in 1805. His son in law, Edward Vickers, later joined forces with him to form Naylor Vickers and Co. Since then the company has been associated with many famous steel industry names such as English Steel, Firth Brown, British Steel and River Don Castings. It is now capable of producing the largest and most technically challenging cast and forged steel components in the world. It has an on-site steel melt shop with an 105 tonnes electric arc furnace, a steel foundry with steel casting up to 630 tonnes in a single pour and a steel forge steel forge with a 10,000 tonnes press capable of forging up to 300 tonnes and a 4,500 tonnes press capable of forging up to 40 tonnes.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Central Government Hell-bent on Privatization of RINL VSP

Indian Government has filed a counter affidavit in the Public Interest Litigation filed in the Andhra Pradesh High Court against the privatization of Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited’s Vizag Steel Plant. The government submitted that the disinvestment is happening through privatization and the Cabinet Committee headed by the Prime Minister had taken a decision to this effect. The affidavit also mentioned that the legal inquiry into the decisions taken on the economic needs of the country is inappropriate. The government reminded that there are Supreme Court judgments on the issue of withdrawal of investment and added that the process is being looked into by experienced senior officials. The counter affidavit also says “Former CBI Joint Director Lakshminarayana who filed the case had contested in the recent parliamentary elections. It is obvious that he has filed the petition for political gain. The PIL should not be entertained.”

Also, reiterating its determination of going ahead with privatization, the Indian government’s Department of Investment and Public Asset Management has extended the last date for appointment of merchant banker and legal advisors for the proposed disinvestment from 28 July 2021 to 17 August 2021.

The privatisation of the Visakha Steel Plant and the issues surrounding the matter have become the talk of the town, with all political parties in the state of Andhra Pradesh against the privatisation of the steel plant, which provides employment to lakhs of people. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Mr YS Jagan Mohan Reddy even wrote a few letters to Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi, requesting for the PM to withdraw the decision of privatising VSP. However, there has been no response from the PM yet. On the other hand, while the opposition parties are opposing the privatisation of the plant, their protests are not being heeded by the Central government. With the privatisation of the steel plant becoming a national issue, The Congress Party’s leader Mr Rahul Gandhi is said to be interested in visiting Visakhapatnam and meet with the employees union leaders of the plant very soon.

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on January 27 gave its 'in-principle' approval for 100% disinvestment of government stake in Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd, also called Visakhapatnam Steel Plant or Vizag Steel, along with RINL’s stake in its subsidiaries/joint ventures through strategic disinvestment byway of privatisation.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Evraz North America Breaks Ground for New Rail Mill at Pueblo

Ground was broken and site preparations started for the new, high-tech rail mill of Evraz North America in Pueblo in Colorado in USA. The new mill will replace the current line and is expected to roll the first rails in late 2022 or early 2023. With a production capacity of 670,000 short tons, rail hardness up to 425 BHN and lengths up to 100 meters, it will be the most modern rail-rolling mill in North America. The rail mill will feature flexible rolling processes both in the break-down and in the ultra-flexible reversing mills, achieving very low roll consumption and precise geometrical tolerances thanks to an advanced Danieli Automation control system.

The rail mill will be powered by the 1,800 solar farms being constructed at the steel mill which is due to be complete by the end of the year the most green steel facility in North America and maybe the world

Having completed the design of the technological equipment, Danieli now is manufacturing the machinery for the new mill, namely reheating furnace, rolling mill and roller straightening line. The tandem mill will be pre-assembled and tested at specialized Danieli workshops in Italy before shipping to the US.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
US President Mr Biden Proposes Buy American Rule

US President Mr Joe Biden has proposed to increase US content in the products the federal government buys and to support the domestic production of products. His proposal would increase US content in the products the federal government buys and support the domestic production of products critical to our national and economic security

American Iron and Steel Institute President & CEO Mr Kevin Dempsey said “We applaud President Biden for his actions today to strengthen federal Buy American preferences. We strongly support these efforts to ensure federal tax dollars are used to buy products made in America, including by increasing the amount of American-made content that must be contained in a product to be considered made in America. Strong domestic procurement preferences, including provisions to require the use of American steel, are essential to creating and maintaining good-paying US manufacturing jobs and to protecting our national security. And since the US leads the world in terms of clean steel production, using our products benefits the environment as well.”

US President believes that when US spends American taxpayers’ dollars, it should support American workers and businesses. Since January, the Biden-Harris Administration has made significant progress implementing the President’s vision. In April, the President opened his new Made in America Office. The Office reviews proposed waivers of Made-in-America laws and helps agencies use taxpayer dollars to support US manufacturing. The Made in America Office issued new waiver guidance to fulfil the President’s commitment to scrutinize and reduce waivers to Made-in-America laws. The guidance lays out a whole of government agenda to maximize the use of taxpayer dollars on domestic products and services to strengthen our industrial base and create good-paying, union jobs for Americans.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Srikalahasthi Pipes Expanding Mini Blast Furnace

Electrosteel Castings Limited’s Associate Company Srikalahasthi Pipes Ltd, formerly Lanco Industries Limited, has taken shut down of its Mini Blast Furnace from 25th July, 2021 for about 18 days to complete commissioning of new Blast Furnace to increase the capacity from 300,000 tonnes per annum to 400,000 tonnes per annum. During this period, the Ductile Iron Pipes Plant of the company shall also be under shutdown for taking up various synchronization jobs as well as commissioning of new Finishing Line.

Srikalahasthi Pipes Limited is a pioneer in production of DI Pipes in India. Srikalahasthi Pipes Limited's manufacturing facility is located in Rachagunneri village on Tirupati-Srikalahasthi Road in Srikalahasthi Mandal in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh in India. Ductile Iron Pipe Plant of SPL is integrated with the 275,000 tonnes per annum Mini Blast Furnace, 225,000 tonnes per annum Coke Oven Plant, 12 MW Captive Power Plant, 99,000 tonnes per annum Cement Plant, 500,000 tonnes per annum Sinter Plant and 5 MLD Sewage Water Treatment Plant. The Blast Furnace Gas from the Mini Blast Furnace caters to various energy requirements, thereby reducing HSD/LDO consumption significantly.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Toyota Motors NA Joins Auto/Steel Partnership

Auto/Steel Partnership announced the addition of Toyota Motor North America to the partnership. A/SP executive director Michael Davenport said “We are excited to welcome Toyota to our team of automakers, steel companies and tier supplier representatives who are dedicated to pursuing the partnership’s goals and projects. Toyota will make a great addition to the diversity and knowledge we need to continue to achieve world-class research, education and technology advancements.”

The Auto/Steel Partnership is a consortium of the American Iron and Steel Institute’s Automotive Applications Council, Stellantis, General Motors Company, Toyota and tier one Affiliates. Formed in 1987, the Partnership leverages the resources of the automotive and steel industries to pursue research, validation and education that have helped automakers enhance vehicle safety and fuel economy while improving design and manufacturing. Through the Auto/Steel Partnership, automakers, steel companies and tier suppliers have worked to drive improvements from concept through realization in vehicles on the road today.

Source - Strategic Research InstituteSource - Strategic Research Institute
Borusan Mannesmann to Build Pipe Processing Plant in Romania

Turkey's leading steel pipe producer Borusan Mannesmann has announced that it will make its second investment in Europe by building a new pipe processing plant in Romania at an investment of USD 8 million. Borusan Mannesmann has already established a subsidiary in Romania, Borusan Tube Products.

In 2001, Borusan Mannesmann acquired the Vobarno cold drawn pipe plant in Italy. The investment will be Borusan's second in Europe, after the one in Italy.

Part of the Borusan Group, Borusan Mannesmann merged its operations with European steel and technology firm Salzgitter Mannesmann GmbH in 1998 and operates seven plants across three continents.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
TMK Approves Mechel Izhstal for Round Billets for Seamless Pipes

Mechel Group’s Izhstal plant was recognized as an approved supplier of the Pipe Metallurgical Company, one of the world leaders in the production of pipe products. The certificate of qualification issued to the plant applies to billets for the production of seamless pipes and sections for the production of drill joints.

Earlier, at the end of 2020, the plant received the status of "Excellent Supplier" from the Pervouralsk Novotrubny Plant, when Izhstal received the maximum 100 points on three out of four criteria for evaluating suppliers.

The plant has mastered the production of large-diameter rolled products after the modernization of mill 450. To meet the stringent requirements of pipe manufacturers to the quality of the metal surface, a rolling finishing line was put into operation.

For 6 months of this year, the plant delivered 4 and 5 times more metal products to TMK and PNTZ, respectively, than in the same period last year.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Alloy Steel International & Kostecki Sign Merger Agreement

Perth Australia based wear resistan steel plate supplier Alloy Steel International Inc and Kostecki family owned Kostecki Brokerage Pty Ltd have entered into a definitive merger agreement under which Kostecki Brokerage Pty Ltd will acquire the non-controlling shareholders interest in the Company in an all cash transaction. Under the agreement, the Company's shareholders, excluding the Kostecki family and its affiliated entities, will receive AUD 2.55 per share in cash upon completion of the transaction for a total implied market capitalization of the Company of approximately AUD 40.6 million.

The Special Committee, comprised of independent members of the Board of Directors of the Company was formed in May 2021 to review the proposal from the Kostecki family and, with the assistance of independent legal and financial advisors, completed a thorough review of the proposal, unanimously concluding that the transaction with the Kostecki family was in the best interests of the Company's shareholders. Based on the unanimous recommendation of the Special Committee, the agreement was also approved by the full Board.

Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss, P.C. served as legal advisor to the Company. Conner & Winters, LLP served as legal advisor to the Special Committee. Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP served as legal advisor to Kostecki Brokerage Pty Ltd.

With over 30 years of experience, Alloy Steel International is a vertically integrated Australian owned and operated company. Alloy Steel International’s 9,000 square meter state of the art Steel Mill and Manufacturing Facility in MALAGA WA combines both the milling of Chromium Carbide Wear Plate and the fabrication of field-ready applications.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Seifsa CEO Mr Kaizer Nyatsumba Resigns

IOL reported that the Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of Southern Africa confirmed last week that its chief executive Mr Kaizer Nyatsumba has resigned. Seifsa board chairman Mr Elias Monage said due to recent events, the parties reached an agreement to mutually separate.

Mr Nyatsumba joined Seifsa in November 2013 as chief executive officer. Mr Nyatsumba had been placed on precautionary suspension at the beginning of May.

Mr Nyatsumba, who has recently completed his PhD, had decided to return to his consulting company, KMN Consulting.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Hoa Phat Posts 100% Increase in Prestressed Steel’s Sales in H1

Vietnamese Hoa Phat Metal Production Company Ltd. produced and supplied more than 43,000 tonnes of prestressed steel of all kinds to the market in the first six months of 2021. Of which, export volume reached 8,500 tonnes. Both domestic and export sales volume in the first half of the year increased by more than 100 per cent over the same period period last year.

Many projects across the country have used Hoa Phat's PC Strand products such as Yen Nghia Pumping Station (Hanoi), the Dong A-Sam Son coastal ecological urban area (Thanh Hoa Province), the Sa Huynh coastal anti-erosion embankment (Quang Ngai Province), the technical infrastructure project of D and E zones at Golden Hills City, East ring road of Da Nang City, TIA Wellness Danang resort etc. Hoa Phat Group has exported prestressed steel bars and prestressed steel cables Strand to many countries such as the US, Taiwan, Cambodia, Myanmar.

In addition to prestressed steel, the company's drawn steel wire output reached more than 27,000 tonnes, representing 13 per cent year-on-year increase. In which, the export volume accounts for about 55 per cent, including black steel wire products and hot dipped galvanized steel wire. The products’ export market includes the US, Canada, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Laos.

Hoa Phat Metal Production Co Ltd specializes in manufacturing and trading wire rod steel, pre-stressed steel and flanges for the production of pre-stressed concrete piles. According to the company's development plan, Hoa Phat wire rod steel factory in Hung Yen Province will reach a capacity of 100,000 tonnes a year, and the prestressed steel factory in Quang Ngai Province will have a scale of 320,000 tonnes a year in the upcoming time. Flange products are manufactured at Hoa Phat Binh Duong Mechanical Factory, with a capacity of 12,000 tonnes a year. The main input materials for production of drawn steel wire and prestressed steel are high quality wire steel of Hoa Phat Steel Integrated Complex in Hai Duong and Quang Ngai provinces.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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