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Environment Clearance is a Must for Steel Rolling Units Now

Hitavada reported that according to Environment Impact Assessment notification of 2006, the secondary metallurgical processing industries, the projects involving operation of furnaces only such as induction and electric arc furnace, submerged arc furnace with capacity of more than 30,000 tonnes per annum would require EC. But a Maharashtra Pollution Control Board circular says that all re-rolling, Cold Rolling and Cold Rolled Coils units that are established or operating with Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate from Maharashtra Pollution Control Board must have Environment Clearance.

Since, these units are established or operating under the CTE &CTOs obtained from SPCBs, a period of one year may be allowed for this recommended conversion to EC. This will also insure that the units remain in operation for the allowed period

Failing in which further legal action will be initiated as per NGT orders

Source - Strategic Research Institute
RINL Start Rebar Supply for Navaratnalu Pedalandiriki Illu Housing

Andhra Pradesh Governments AP Housing Corporation Limited of has placed an order with Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited for supply of around 2000 tonnes of steel for prestigious project of Housing named Navaratnalu Pedalandiriki Illu. The truck carrying the first consignment of Vizag Steel products was flagged off from RINL stockyard at Vijayawada.

RINL CMD Additional Charge Mr DK Mohanty said “It’s a great moment to cherish and it is just the beginning of RINL‘s Share in this prestigious project of AP Govt, which will build more than 30 Lakhs houses in next few years in two phases of 15 lakhs each requiring more than 7 lakhs tonnes of steel in each phase. RINL is aiming for major share in this project.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Emissions Trading Systems Put a Price on Carbon Emissions

Reuters reported that an Emissions Trading System sets a gradually decreasing cap on the emissions a sector or group of sectors can produce. It creates Carbon Permits for those emissions, which companies must buy for each tonne of CO2 they emit. Some sectors are given free permits to help maintain international competitiveness.

Below are some of the major carbon emissions trading systems around the world

BRITAIN - Britain launched a domestic ETS in 2021 after leaving the European Union scheme following Brexit. It covers power plants, aviation and energy intensive industries.

CHINA - A national ETS covering the power sector is set to launch this month. Already covering 4 billion tonnes of carbon emissions, or around 40% of China’s total, it is expected to expand to other carbon-intensive sectors, including steel and construction, in the next phase.

EUROPEAN UNION - The EU’s ETS, which started 16 years ago, is mandatory for all 27 EU members, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, covering power plants, aviation and energy intensive industries. The European Commission has also proposed that it be expanded to include shipping.

KAZAKHSTAN - Its scheme started in 2013. It was suspended in 2016 and relaunched in 2018 following reforms. It covers the energy sector, mining and chemical industries.

MEXICO -A three-year pilot scheme was launched in 2020 covering the power, oil and gas, and industrial sectors.

NEW ZEALAND - Its ETS, which began in 2008, covers electricity generators, manufacturers of liquid fossil fuels including petrol and diesel. Some forest owners are given free permits others can voluntarily join the scheme.

QUEBEC - Its scheme was launched in 2012 and covers electricity and energy intensive industrials.

SOUTH KOREA -Its ETS started in 2015. It covers about 600 of the biggest emitters, collectively responsible for almost 70% of the country’s annual emissions.

UNITED STATES - The United States does not have a national ETS, but many regions and states use carbon pricing, such as California and states covered by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
MECL to Take Stock of Iron Ore in Goa

The Goa government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the public sector undertaking Mineral Exploration Corporation Ltd to build an inventory of Goa’s minerals, mainly iron ore. The MoU will help the government assess its mineral resources and establish its mineral inventory. The MoU is seen as a step towards the government restarting mining through its own state-run corporation after the Supreme Court ruled that if mining is to restart, fresh leases will have to be allotted, which now involves an auction.

In March this year, while presenting the state budget, Sawant announced that the state government would set up its own mining corporation in a bid to break the logjam that has resulted in shuttering of state’s mining industry since 2018. The inventory would also help the Goa government explore the possibility of opening fresh leases and having them auctioned in a bid to bypass the legacy leases that are stuck in a legal quagmire.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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Hoogste resultaten voor staalfabrikant ArcelorMittal sinds 2008
Van onze redacteur 07:20

Na slechte jaren op de staalmarkt, profiteert staalreus ArcelorMittal van een grotere vraag en stijgende prijzen. Foto: ANP

De resultaten van staalconcern ArcelorMittal MT€28,49-- over het eerste halfjaar zijn de sterkste resultaten sinds 2008. Dat blijkt uit de cijfers die het bedrijf donderdag voorbeurs heeft gepresenteerd. De verbeterde resultaten zijn het gevolg van een grotere vraag en de aanzienlijk hogere prijzen voor staal wereldwijd.

Het bruto bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) over de eerste zes maanden komt uit om $8,3 mrd. Dat is het hoogste resultaat sinds 2008. In enkel het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar komt het resultaat uit op $5,1 mrd en ook dat is het sterkste sinds 2008. Het is ook fors hoger dan de gemiddelde verwachting van analisten geraadpleegd door het staalconcern. Zij kwamen uit op een resultaat van zo'n $4,7 mrd.

Het verschil met ruim een jaar geleden kan bijna niet groter. Toen werd het bedrijf, en de gehele staalsector, hard geraakt door de coronacrisis. Zo kampte ArcelorMittal met aanzienlijke dalingen in grote afzetmarkten, zoals de bouw- en de auto-industrie. Die werden op hun beurt hard geraakt door de verschillende lockdowns en dalende vraag naar onder meer auto's. Het bedrijfsresultaat werd in het tweede kwartaal van dat jaar meer dan gehalveerd.

Tijdens de coronacrisis heeft het concern actief op de kosten gelet. Zo is er in capaciteit afgeschaald. Dat is ook nu nog terug te zien: hoewel het concern aangeeft dat de vraag aantrekt, is er in het eerste halfjaar minder staal geleverd dan in dezelfde periode vorig jaar. Tegelijkertijd is de omzet flink toegenomen.

Het tij was in het eerste kwartaal van 2021 al gekeerd: toen noteerde het staalbedrijf al de hoogste resultaten in tien jaar tijd. Arcelor verwacht ook dat de vraag nog even aanhoudt en heeft de verwachtingen naar boven bijgesteld. Voor Europa wordt groei verwacht tussen de 13% tot 15%, waar eerder werd gerekend op een plus van 9,5%. De vraag, met name in de machinebouw, elektrische toepassingen en de bouw, is daar al op het niveau van voor de coronacrisis.

Ceo Aditya Mittal schrijft dat er in het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar sprake was van een 'aanhoudend sterk herstel, naast een aanhoudende magere voorraad' in het bijgevoegde persbericht. 'Dit heeft ons in staat gesteld om onze balans verder te verbeteren'.

Zo heeft het bedrijf ook verder de nettoschuld weten te verlagen tot $5,0 mrd. In 2016 beloofde het om voor eind 2020 het bedrijfsresultaat structureel te verbeteren en de nettoschuld te verlagen. De schuld was toen $11 mrd. Eind 2020 stond de teller op $6,4 mrd. ArcelorMittal wil zich nu richten op het belonen van aandeelhouders. Het concern kondigt ook aan om nog eens voor $2,2 mrd aan eigen aandelen in te kopen.

Het concern, met hoofdkantoor in Luxemburg maar feitelijk aangestuurd vanuit Londen, staat genoteerd aan de Amsterdamse effectenbeurs, naast die in Parijs, New York, Luxemburg en diverse Spaanse beurzen.

Tegelijkertijd heeft het staalbedrijf donderdag een nieuwe CO2-reductiedoelstellingen aan. Zo wil de gehele groep in 2030 zo'n 25% minder CO2 uitstoten. Voor Europa is de nieuwe doelstelling 35%, dat was 30%. Om die doelen te bereiken wil het bedrijf de investeringen versnellen in een fabriek die staal produceert met groene waterstof en een elektrische boogoven (DRI-EAF, in jargon) om zo de eerste volledige staalfabriek zonder koolstofemissies bouwen in Sestao in Spanje. De fabriek moet tegen het einde van 2025 in gebruik zijn. De nieuwe verduurzamingsplannen voor het gehele concern vragen om een geschatte investering van zo'n $10 mrd, aldus het bedrijf.

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Beursblik: ArcelorMittal verrast positief
ING handhaaft koopadvies.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft in het tweede kwartaal positief verrast. Dit stelden de analisten van ING donderdag.

De EBITDA van 5 miljard dollar viel 56 procent hoger uit dan in de eerste drie maanden van dit jaar en steeg op jaarbasis zelfs met meer dan 600 procent. De EBITDA lag ook 8 procent hoger dan waarop analisten hadden gerekend.

De winst per ton staal verdubbelde dan ook bijna ten opzichte van het eerste kwartaal, lichtte ING toe.

ArcelorMittal verhoogde ook de groeivooruitzichten voor de rest van het jaar en ING denkt dat de consensus met circa 5 procent omhoog moet.

Een extra teken van vertrouwen noemde ING dat ArcelorMittal 2,2 miljard dollar wil laten terugvloeien naar de aandeelhouder. Daarmee komt het totaal voor dit jaar op 4,3 miljard dollar, ofwel 11 procent van de marktkapitalisatie.

ING handhaafde het koopadvies op ArcelorMittal met een koersdoel van 35,00 euro.

Het aandeel steeg donderdag 4,8 procent naar 29,84 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
ArcelorMittal (the ‘Company’) today announces a new share buyback program in the amount of $2.2 billion (the ‘Program’) under the authorization given by the annual general meeting of shareholders held on 8 June 2021 (the ‘AGM Authorization’).

For the background to this Program, reference is made to the Company’s second quarter and half year 2021 results press release dated 29 July 2021 which outlines that it will (i) return the proceeds from the redeemed Cleveland Cliffs preference shares and (ii) advance a part of its prospective 2022 capital return to shareholders (to be funded from 2021 surplus cash flow under the capital return policy announced in February 2021) by launching a new $2.2 billion share buyback. This Program will be completed by 31 December 2021, subject to market conditions.

The shares acquired under the Program are intended:

1) To meet ArcelorMittal’s obligations under debt obligations exchangeable into equity securities, and/or;

2) To reduce its share capital.

ArcelorMittal intends to repurchase shares for an aggregate maximum amount of $2.2 billion in accordance with the AGM Authorization and applicable market abuse regulations. The Program will commence on 2 August 2021[1].

[1] The Significant Shareholder has declared its intention to enter into a share repurchase agreement with ArcelorMittal, to sell each trading day on which ArcelorMittal has purchased shares under the Program, an equivalent number of shares, at the proportion of the Significant Shareholder’s stake in the Company of 36.34% of issued and outstanding shares of ArcelorMittal, at the same price as the shares repurchased on the market. The effect of the share repurchase agreement is to maintain the Significant Shareholder’s voting rights in ArcelorMittal’s issued share capital (net of treasury shares) at the current level, pursuant to the Program.
Targeting 25% global carbon-emissions reduction by 2030 - Estimated cost of c. $10 billion - Europe 2030 target
increased to 35% - ArcelorMittal Sestao to become world’s first full-scale zero carbon-emissions plant - New collaboration announced with Science Based Targets initiative - Targets to be linked to executive remuneration

ArcelorMittal (‘the Company’) has today published its second group climate action report, following the first group report published in May 2019 and the European climate action report published in May 2020.

In the new report, ArcelorMittal has for the first time announced a 2030 global carbon emissions intensity reduction target of 25%. It has also increased its European 2030 carbon emissions intensity reduction target to 35% from 30% previously announced. All targets are on a scope 1 and 2 basis. The Company had previously announced a net zero by 2050 ambition in September 2020.

The Company’s targets are underpinned by a set of assumptions:

The cost of green hydrogen will become increasingly competitive over the next decade but will still require government support.

Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) infrastructure will take time to be built at scale. While Europe is expected to take the lead, CCUS infrastructure has the potential to expand quickly in the US and Canada – providing some potential upside to our assumptions.

Different regions of the world will continue to move at very different paces and the level of climate ambition will differ between jurisdictions at any given time.

The introduction of climate-friendly policies in other regions will be 5–10 years behind Europe.

Reflecting these assumptions, each region in which the Company operates is designated as either ‘Accelerate’ (supported by the introduction of more ambitious climate change policy) or ‘Move’ (reflecting a policy environment not yet providing any meaningful support to accelerate steel industry decarbonization and where accelerating without supportive policy will render the asset uncompetitive versus national/regional competition).

Voor meer, zie link:
*Aperam gaat voor 100 miljoen euro aan eigen aandelen inkopen
*Aperam omzet tweede kwartaal 1.272 miljoen euro, was 818 miljoen euro
*Aperam aangepaste EBITDA tweede kwartaal 262 miljoen euro, verwacht was 219 miljoen euro
*Aperam nettowinst tweede kwartaal 213 miljoen euro, was 21 miljoen euro
*Aperam verwacht voor derde kwartaal op zelfde aangepaste EBITDA als in tweede kwartaal
Flink meer winst voor Aperam
Winstgevendheid nog sterker dan verwacht.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Aperam heeft in het tweede kwartaal de winstgevendheid fors zien stijgen dankzij een gunstige prijsontwikkeling. Dit bleek woensdag uit de kwartaalcijfers van het bedrijf in roestvaststaal.

De omzet steeg op kwartaalbasis van 1,2 miljard naar 1,3 miljard euro en de aangepaste EBITDA steeg van 175 miljoen naar 262 miljoen euro. De analistenconsensus rekende op een EBITDA van 219 miljoen euro. De taxaties van de analisten lagen tussen de 203 en 250 miljoen euro.

In het tweede kwartaal van 2020 behaalde Aperam bij een omzet van 818 miljoen euro een aangepaste EBITDA van 49 miljoen euro,

Bij de laatste kwartaalcijfers liet Aperam weten zelf voor het tweede kwartaal te rekenen op een aangepaste EBITDA die hoger zou uitvallen dan in de eerste drie maanden. Ook rekende de fabrikant op een kleine daling van de nettoschuld.

Die lag in het eerste kwartaal op 56 miljoen euro en daarvan was nog slechts 1 miljoen euro over aan het einde van juni.

Netto verdiende Aperam afgelopen kwartaal 213 miljoen euro, bijna een verdubbeling ten opzichte van de 116 miljoen euro in het eerste kwartaal.


CEO Timoteo Di Maulo heeft alle vertrouwen dat de goede trend ook in de tweede helft van dit jaar doorzet. In combinatie met het Leadership Journey programme denkt de topman dat dit zal resulteren in het beste halfjaar in de geschiedenis van Aperam.

Voor het lopende derde kwartaal mikt Aperam op een zelfde aangepaste EBITDA als in het tweede kwartaal. Ook de vergelijkbare vrije kasstroom zal gelijk zijn aan die in het tweede kwartaal, "ondanks een hoger werkkapitaal".

Verder wil Aperam voor 100 miljoen euro aan eigen aandelen inkopen.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
ArcelorMittal 2021 Q2 - Results - Earnings Call Presentation
Jul. 29, 2021 10:37 AM ETAMSYF, MT...2 Likes

Q2: 2021-07-29 Earnings Summary
EPS of $3.46 beats by $0.76 | Revenue of $19.34B (76.23% Y/Y) beats by $280.53M
The following slide deck was published by ArcelorMittal in conjunction with their 2021 Q2 earnings call.

De link hieronder bevat de 24 slides, er is ook een pdf beschikbaar (1.27MB), deze is echter te groot om te plaatsen.
Madras HC Directs CCI to Probe into Steel Price Cartelisation

Madras High Court Justice V Bhavani Subbaroyan on July 28 has directed the Competition Commission of India to proceed with the investigation into alleged cartelisation by steel manufacturers within four months. The Court took on record the submission made by the Coimbatore Corporation Contractors Welfare Association that steel manufacturers are controlling its supply, creating artificial scarcities thereby, leading to an increase in the price of steel to make abnormal gains. The petition was filed through Advocates Mr S Doraisamy.

In another case, the Court directed the Director General of Police of Tamil Nadu to take action on a complaint alleging cartelization in the cement industry, after being informed that a March 6, 2021 complaint on the issue has been forwarded to the DGP by the Central Bureau of Investigation. Class I Contractor Welfare Association had raised allegations against major cement players in India, including ACC Limited, Ambuja Cements Limited, Grasim Cement, Ultra Tech Cement Limited, Jaiprakash Associate Limited, The India Cements Limited, JK Cement Limited, Century Textiles and Industries Limited, The Ramco Cements Limited, Binani Cement Limited and Lafarge India Private Limited.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ArcelorMittal Reports USD 4 Billion Net Income in Q2 of 2021

World’s leading steel maker ArcelorMittal has announced significantly improved operating performance in Q2 of 2021, with the continuing demand recovery supporting a further positive evolution of steel spreads and 2.4% sequential increase in steel shipments to 16.1 million tonnes. Q2 operating income of USD 4.4 billion compares to USD 2.6 billion in Q1 of 2021; 1H 2021 operating income of USD 7.1 billion. EBITDA of USD 5.1 billion in Q2 of 2021, the strongest quarter since 2008 and 55.8% higher than Q1 of 2021; H1 BITDA of USD 8.3 billion represents the strongest half year performance since 2008. Net income was USD 4.0 billion in Q2 2021 vs. USD 2.3 billion in Q1 of 2021; 1H 2021 net income of USD 6.3 billion represents the strongest half year performance since 2008

ArcelorMittal Chief Executive Officer Mr Aditya Mittal said “The second quarter has seen a continued strong recovery backdrop alongside a sustained lean inventory environment. This resulted in even healthier spreads in our core markets than in the first three months of the year, supporting the best quarterly and half year result we have reported since 2008. This has enabled us to further improve our balance sheet and deliver on our commitment to return cash to shareholders. Our performance is clearly very welcome after the unprecedented disruption the business and our people faced in 2020.”

NAFTA segment crude steel production increased by 4.5% to 2.3 million tonne in 2Q 2021 as compared to 2.2 million tonne in 1Q 2021 following an improvement in demand and the recovery of Mexican operations post disruptions due to severe weather in the prior quarter. Steel shipments in 2Q 2021 increased by 3.2% to 2.6 million tonne, as compared to 2.5 million tonne in 1Q 2021.

Brazil segment crude steel production increased 3.8% to 3.2 million tonne in 2Q 2021 as compared to 3.0 million tonne in 1Q 2021, and was significantly higher as compared to 1.7 million tonne in 2Q 2020 when production was adapted to match the reduced demand levels driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. Steel shipments in 2Q 2021 increased by 3.3% to 3.0 million tonne as compared to 2.9 million tonne in 1Q 2021, primarily due to a 5.6% increase in flat product shipments (with increased exports), and higher long products shipments (up +0.8%). Steel shipments were 44% higher in 2Q 2021 as compared to 2.1 million tonne in 2Q 2020 due to both higher flat and long products.

Europe segment crude steel production was 3.2% lower at 9.4 million tonne in 2Q 2021 as compared to 9.7 million tonne in 1Q 2021 and higher as compared to 7.1 million tonne in 2Q 2020 (which was impacted by weak demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic). Steel shipments in 2Q 2021 decreased by 8.0% to 8.3 million tonne as compared to 9.0 million tonne in 1Q 2021.

ACIS segment crude steel production in 2Q 2021 was 10.9% higher at 3.0 million tonne as compared to 2.7 million tonne at 1Q 2021 primarily due to improved production performance in South Africa. Crude steel production in 2Q 2021 was 52.1% higher as compared to 2.0Mt in 2Q 2020 primarily due to COVID-19 related lockdown measures implemented in South Africa in 2Q 2020. Steel shipments in 2Q 2021 increased by 8.0% to 2.8 million tonne as compared to 2.6 million tonne as at 1Q 2021, mainly due to improved production performance as described above.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
India Opens Review of AD Duty on Imports of PPGI from China & EU

India’s Direcor General Trade Remadies has initiated a sunset review investigation to review the need for continued imposition of anti-dumping duty in force in respect of PPGI originating in or exported from China & EU and to examine whether the expiry of such duty is likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping and injury to the domestic industry. Indian Steel Association has filed an application on behalf of JSW Steel Coated Products Limited and ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited for initiation of sunset review investigation concerning imports of Color coated & pre painted flat products originating in or exported from China PR and European Union. The applicant has requested for extension of duties on imports of subject goods, originating in or exported from the subject countries. Petitioner has proposed the period from 1st October 2019 to 31st March 2021 as the period of investigation. The injury investigation period is 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and POI.

The original anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of subject goods from subject countries was initiated on 29th June 2016. Direcor General Trade Remadies had recommended imposition of anti-dumping duty. His recommendations were implemented vide Notification No. 49/2017-Customs dated 17, October 2017. The duty is valid upto 10th January 2022.

The scope of the product under consideration in the present sunset review investigation is the same as in the original investigation. The product under consideration in the present sunset review investigation is “Pre-painted, painted, colour coated or organic coated flat steels in coils or not in coils, whether or not with metallic coated substrate of zinc, aluminium zinc or any other substrate coating excluding plates of thickness 6mm or more.”

The product under consideration is classified under Custom Tariff Headings 72107000, 72124000, 72259900 and 72269990 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. However, the imports have also been observed in certain other ITC HS Codes viz. 72082790,72085430, 72091590, 72091820, 72103090, 72104100, 72104900, 72106100, 72106900, 72107000, 72109010, 72109090, 72112350, 72112330, 72121010, 72123090, 72125090, 72126000, 72131090, 72254013.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ArcelorMittal Maps Journey to Net Zero Steel Making

ArcelorMittal has published its second group climate action report, following the first group report published in May 2019 and the European climate action report published in May 2020. In the new report, ArcelorMittal has for the first time announced a 2030 global carbon emissions intensity reduction target of 25%. It has also increased its European 2030 carbon emissions intensity reduction target to 35% from 30% previously announced. All targets are on a scope 1 and 2 basis. The Company had previously announced a net zero by 2050 ambition in September 2020.

The new climate action report provides a roadmap that illustrates the Company’s current thinking on the journey to net zero steelmaking. Five key levers are identified as the stepping-stones to achieve net zero by 2050. These are:

A – Steelmaking transformation: In the course of the coming decades the steel industry will undergo a transformation of the assets used to make steel on a scale not seen for over 100 years. This includes in a first phase the transition from coal (in the blast furnace) to natural gas (in a DRI plant) as a precursor to green hydrogen DRI.

B – Energy transformation: The energy used to make steel in future years will undergo a further and more radical transition, from high-emitting fossil fuel-based energy to low and zero-carbon emissions forms of energy. This includes green hydrogen, circular forms of carbon and CCUS technologies.

C – Increased use of scrap: As well as using scrap in the EAF, we will increase the use of scrap in blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace (BF-BOF) steelmaking.

D – Sourcing clean electricity: We will focus on increasing the amount of low and zero-carbon emissions electricity we consume. We plan to do this by purchasing renewable energy certificates and by direct power purchase agreements (PPA) with suppliers from renewable projects.

E – Offsetting residual emissions: There are likely to remain residual emissions for which either there is no feasible technological solution or the solution involves excessively high economic or social costs. For these emissions ArcelorMittal will buy high-quality offsets or launch projects to generate high-quality carbon credits.

The Company’s targets are underpinned by a set of assumptions:

The cost of green hydrogen will become increasingly competitive over the next decade but will still require government support.

Carbon capture, utilisation and storage infrastructure will take time to be built at scale. While Europe is expected to take the lead, CCUS infrastructure has the potential to expand quickly in the US and Canada providing some potential upside to our assumptions.

Different regions of the world will continue to move at very different paces and the level of climate ambition will differ between jurisdictions at any given time.

The introduction of climate-friendly policies in other regions will be 5–10 years behind Europe.

Reflecting these assumptions, each region in which the Company operates is designated as either Accelerate, supported by the introduction of more ambitious climate change policy or Move, reflecting a policy environment not yet providing any meaningful support to accelerate steel industry decarbonization and where accelerating without supportive policy will render the asset uncompetitive versus national & regional competition.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Fortescue & JSW to Develop Green Hydrogen in India

Australian iron ore mining giant Fortescue Meal Group’s Fortescue Future Industries has entered into a framework agreement with JSW Energy Limited’s wholly owned subsidiary JSW Future Energy Limited to explore opportunities to develop green hydrogen projects in India. Under the agreement, FFI and JSW Energy will collaborate and conduct scoping work on potential projects relating to the production of green hydrogen and explore opportunities to utilise it for green steel making, hydrogen mobility, green ammonia and other mutually agreed industrial applications in India.

FFI CEO Ms Julie Shuttleworth said “FFI’s goal is to become the world's leading fully renewable energy and green products company. The world’s transition to a renewable energy future represents a major growth opportunity and there will be many important markets for green hydrogen in the coming decade. Collaborating with JSW Energy provides an exciting opportunity to explore India’s renewable energy and green hydrogen market and positively contribute to India’s decarbonisation ambitions. FFI is actively establishing a portfolio of projects associated with renewable green hydrogen and green industrial products. We look forward to working with JSW Energy on potential projects in India and providing a strong contribution to the world’s transition away from fossil fuels.”

JSW Energy Joint Managing Director and CEO Mr Prashant Jain said “We aspire to be a green energy future tech company with a pro-active approach to adopt innovative technologies like green hydrogen, offshore wind, battery energy storage and be a front-runner in the green energy revolution. Green hydrogen is going to be the disruptor in the clean energy space and in the near future we believe it will replace the fossil fuels used for various industrial applications as well as in the transportation and mobility sector. We are excited about the partnership with FFI which has a promising repertoire of work in this area and I am confident that along with FFI, we will create a new era of green hydrogen applications in India and fulfill our net zero commitments earlier than our target of 2050.”

Fortescue Future Industries is establishing a global portfolio of renewable green hydrogen and green ammonia operations and has an initial plan to produce 15 million tonnes per annum of green hydrogen by 2030.

JSW Energy Limited currently has 4,559 MW of operational Thermal, Hydro and Solar Power capacity. The Company has around 2,500 MW of Renewable energy projects under construction which are likely to be completed by 2023. JSWEL has outlined a blueprint to reach 20 GW of capacity by 2030 and expand the share of Renewable Energy in its portfolio to 85% from 30% currently. It has also committed to net zero carbon emission target by 2050.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Net Zero Steel Pathway Project Sets Path for Global Steel Industry

ResponsibleSteel has published final report and recommendations for the Net Zero Steel Pathway Methodology Project. The project was set up in response to the view of many steelmakers that while they were supportive of the value of science based targets for decarbonisation in line with the achievement of the goals of the Paris Agreement, they were concerned that key aspects of the specific methodology for defining a science-based target as developed by the Science Based Targets Initiative needed to be refined to recognise the characteristics of the steel sector. The project has been led by a steering group consisting of 4 steelmakers ArcelorMittal, Tata Steel, BlueScope Steel and GFG Alliance together with ResponsibleSteel and worldsteel. Another 11 steel companies and the German steel association have taken part as members of the project’s technical working group. Civil society organisations were briefed on progress through the project’s stakeholder reference group. ResponsibleSteel has been responsible for the project’s management, on behalf of the steering group as a whole.

The final report makes a number of recommendations which will be considered by the SBTi as an input for the development of SBTi steel sector guidance, due to start later in 2021. Work is now needed by all stakeholders to review the report’s recommendations, and to consider what it means for their own work in relation to reductions of the steel sector’s greenhouse gas emissions. These recommendations are urgently needed as the steel sector currently emits between 7-9% of global CO2 emissions annually. However, steelmakers will not be able to achieve net zero on their own, significant support will be needed from both investors and policy makers to create the right environment for the massive and long-term investment required to make the structural changes needed.

Tata Steel Europe Director Sustainability Ms Annemarie Manger said “Sustainability is at the heart of our strategy and steel is at the heart of global sustainability. This is why we have set ourselves a target to reduce our steelmaking emissions in Europe by 30-40% by 2030. To do this we will need to make significant investments to decarbonise our assets in the coming years, so we are preparing various decarbonisation options including hydrogen-based steel production technology and, especially in support of more rapid decarbonisation, carbon capture, storage or utilisation. Decarbonising the steel sector will need action not just from us and other steelmakers, but governments, policy, makers, markets and other stakeholders, including civil society, who will all need to work together to solve the challenge. We very much welcome the publication of this report as an important step on the pathway to a decarbonised sector, by making a valuable contribution to supporting steel producers with their own target-setting and transition”.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
AM/NS India Reports Strong Results for April-June Quarter

ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India has reported strong performance for the three months ended 30 June 2021, with EBITDA of USD 607 million vs USD 107 million in corresponding quarter last year, more than 450% YoY. The company’s crude steel production increased to 1.8 million tonne in Q2 of 2021. Operationally, the business continued to respond swiftly to external market conditions during the quarter, mitigating the negative impact of the second wave on domestic steel demand by redirecting steel supply to serve a buoyant export market. Towards the end of the quarter, the business saw encouraging signs of domestic demand revival, particularly from the automotive, white goods and infrastructure sectors. As a result, crude steel production in Q2 of 2021 remained stable at 1.8 million tonne, close to the levels achieved Q1 of 2021.

Progressing strategic initiatives

At Odisha, AM/MNS India is nearing the completion of doubling the capacity of our pellet plant to 12 million tonne; commissioning is expected in 3Q’21. With this addition, the overall pellet capacity of AM/NS India in the country will increase from 14 million tonne to 20 million tonne

Operations at Sagasahi iron ore mine in Odisha are due to come on stream in 3Q’21

Continue to advance plans to expand steelmaking capacity in India to up to 30 million tonne

Doubling of steel production capacity at Hazira, Gujarat, to 18 million tonne. Debottlenecking of existing operations is under way to achieve 8.4 million tonne; medium and long-term plans to ramp up capacity to 14 million tonne and 18 million tonne respectively remain in place.

Signed an MoU with state government of Odisha to set up a 12 million tonne greenfield integrated steel plant.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
RINL Vizag Steel Opens New Stock Yard at Guwahati

Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited has opened a new Stock yard at Guwahati, the capital of Assam to make steel products easily accessible to the North East region of India. The New stock yard is located at Pandu premises of Inland Waterways Authority of India in Guwahati. First train rake with Vizag Steel products arrived here on 26th July 2021. The first consignment was handed over to Larsen & Toubro ECC group and the materials were dispatched for their ongoing projects in the NE region.

RINL Director Commercial & CMD Additional Charge Mr DK Mohanty said that “This stock yard will cater to the needs of the customers in the North-Eastern region and help in the infrastructural growth & developmental projects of the region. This will help RINL to contribute to the priority agenda of governmet to develop the North-East Sector."

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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