Pagina 83:
“The indication initially proposed by the Applicant encompassed: monotherapy and combination with MTX = second line as well as monotherapy first line. In the approved indication, the first line indication has been omitted”
Op pagina 84 wordt hier verder op ingegaan:
“ Regarding DARWIN 2, it is noted that although this was considered as a monotherapy study, antimalarial DMARDs were included among the permitted medications. Given that a rather small proportion of subjects in the study were treated with antimalarials (approximately 10%), that this use was rather evenly distributed between the treatment groups and the known fairly modest treatment effect of antimalarials on RA, this condition is not expected to influence the overall conclusions to be drawn from this dose-finding study. However, as the Applicant indicated that the data from this study also supports the current monotherapy claim -and as this is actually the only study that provides data on monotherapy second line- the applicant was at Day 120 requested to re-analyse the data from this study (primary and key secondary endpoints with focus on endpoints reflecting low disease activity or remission) excluding subjects concomitantly treated with antimalarials (see outcome and discussion below)”
En ook op pagina 85/86 (FINCH3):
“First, antimalarials are included among the permitted concomitant medications and thus the treatment arm referred to as the Filgotinib monotherapy arm is actually not a monotherapy arm in the strictest sense. As in total, only 9.4% had concurrent antimalarials, since this use has a fairly even distribution among treatment groups and since the treatment effect of antimalarial DMARDs is known to be rather modest, this condition is not expected to have any major impact on the overall study results. However, to verify this preliminary view and to get a more precise view of the performance of Filgotinib given as true monotherapy (which is important given the proposed wording of the indication) the applicant was requested to re-analyse the data with regards to the primary and key secondary endpoints excluding subjects on concomitant anti-malarias (see outcome and discussion below).”