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Turkije: 346.000 vluchtelingen dankzij Turkse missies terug naar Syrië

Dankzij militaire antiterreuroperaties van Turkije in het buitenland zijn delen van Syrië vrijgemaakt van terroristische groeperingen. Daardoor konden honderdduizenden Syrische vluchtelingen terugkeren naar hun eigen land, zei de Turkse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken vrijdag.

“Meer dan 346.000 Syriërs zijn teruggekeerd naar gebieden van Syrië die zijn vrijgemaakt van terroristen dankzij missie Eufraat Schild en Olijftak”, vertelde minister Mevlüt Çavusoglu tijdens een gezamenlijke persconferentie in Libanon naast zijn Libanese collega-minister Gebran Bassil, daarmee verwijzend naar Turkse operaties sinds 2016.

“We kunnen een gezamenlijk forum organiseren met Libanon, Jordanië en Irak over de terugkeer van Syrische vluchtelingen naar hun land,” zei hij. “De internationale gemeenschap kan dat forum ook bijwonen.”

Ook riep de Turkse minister de internationale gemeenschap op om “gevoeliger” te zijn voor Syrische vluchtelingen.

Turkije vangt ongeveer 3,6 miljoen Syrische vluchtelingen op, meer dan enig ander land ter wereld. Libanon staat met 1,5 miljoen op de tweede plaats.
Military says IRGC was planning to launch several >>>armed drones>>> simultaneously into northern Israel>>>


>>>Qassem Soleimani, >>>commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps's al Quds Force >>>personally oversaw the training, funding and preparation for the drone attack that the>>>IDF thwarted late Saturday night,>>>> Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen.>>> Aviv Kochavi>>> said on Sunday.

According to IDF Spokesperson Brig.-Gen. >>>Ronen Manelis>>> the IDF was able to stop the cell and was ordered last night to strike>>> Aqraba>>> early Sunday morning after they received intelligence that the attack>>> would happen on Sunday.>>>

The drones, he said, were similar to the kind used by the>>> Houthis in Yemen>>> against >>>Saudi Arabia.>>> Each of the drones was capable of carrying>>> several kilograms >>>of explosives and was supposed to be operated by a group of>>> Iranian pilots>>> who arrived specially in>>> Syria several days ago for the mission. >>>
>>>Manelis >>>said that the airstrikes>>> struck several targets in Aqraba>>> where there was the presence of>>> Quds Force and Shiite militia troops,>>> equipment>>> and Iranian missiles. >>>

The>>> cell>>> planning the attack had>>> recently arrived in Syria,>>> landing at >>>Damascus International Airport>>> from Tehran>>> several days ago and had received >>>direct orders from Quds Force Commander Major General Qassem Soleimani>>> who was personally involved.>>>

The>>> IDF was on high alert Sunday >>>amidst the possibility that>>> Iran would retaliate>>> to the Israeli Air Force bombing that thwarted an imminent attack by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Quds Force and>>> killed two Hezbollah operatives and one Iranian.>>>

In a rare confirmation of an Israeli attack, the military that it struck several targets in the village of >>>Aqraba south of the Syrian>>> capital of Damascus>>> following intelligence that the cell was planning to strike>>> northern Israel >>>in the coming days by launching several “killer” drones against the targets.

The military said that Israel had been>>> monitored the plot >>>for several months>>> and prevented the cell >>>from an “advanced attempt” >>>of launching the attack>>> on >>>Thursday when the military identified the cell>>> near Aqraba in Syria’s Golan Heights>>> trying to carry out the attack.
Israel’s Security Cabinet said that the aim of the operation was to send a message: >>>"We will not allow Iran to establish itself in Syria.">>>

"In a major operational effort, we thwarted an attack against Israel by Iranian Quds force and Shiite militias,” Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. “I repeat:>>> Iran has no immunity anywhere.>>> Our forces are operating in every direction against the>>> Iranian aggression.>>> We will continue to work against Iran and its proxies with determination and responsibility for>>> Israel's security. ">>>

>>>“If someone rises up to kill you, kill him first,”>>> Netanyahu added referencing a passage from the Talmud.

Van Atlas naar Arabië

Iran: Khamseh

In het zuidwesten van Iran bezoekt Kefah Allush de Khamseh-stam. Met hun vrolijke kleding en hun vrije nomadenbestaan geven ze letterlijk kleur aan het leven in de streng Islamitische Republiek Iran

Irakees verdrinkt tijdens oversteken van Kanaal met zwemvest van pet-flessen

Een Iraakse migrant die, uitgerust met een zwemvest gemaakt van plastic flessen, zwemmend Groot-Brittannië probeerde te bereiken, heeft die poging met de dood moeten bekopen. Zijn ontzielde lichaam werd vrijdag bij een windmolenpark, zo'n 28 kilometer voor de kust van het Belgische Zeebrugge, uit de Noordzee gehaald.
Buitenlandredactie 26-08-19, 09:16 Laatste update: 11:25

De 48-jarige Irakees had om zich te wapenen tegen het koude water twee spijkerbroeken over elkaar heen aangetrokken. ,,Dit laat zien hoe wanhopig vluchtelingen soms zijn’’, zegt de Vlaamse officier van Justitie Frank DeMeester tegen Het Nieuwsblad. De openbaar aanklager noemt de dood van de man ‘een nachtmerrie voor iedereen die mensensmokkel probeert te bestrijden’.
Twaalf flessen in visnet

Het is de eerste keer dat in de Belgische wateren een migrant wordt aangetroffen. De vluchteling - die eerder zonder succes asiel in Duitsland aanvroeg - had een visnet met daarin twaalf pet-flessen als reddingsvest omgesnoerd. Zwemvliezen moesten hem helpen bij de overtocht naar de Britse kust, maar zijn poging strandde voor hij de oversteek kon maken.

Vermoedelijk gaat het om dezelfde man die vorige week zondag in de buurt van het Noord-Franse Duinkerke werd gespot door een Belgische zeiler, meldt de krant. De Belg heeft meerdere pogingen gedaan de man uit het water te krijgen. Als het om dezelfde man gaat, is hij tijdens zijn tocht flink afgedreven. Zeebrugge ligt zo'n 90 kilometer ten noord-oosten van de Franse havenplaats.

Belgische media meldden afgelopen week dat in de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag 24 migranten door de Franse kustwacht uit zee zijn gered. Zij probeerden vanuit Calais in een opblaasboot het Kanaal over te steken. Toen hun bootje water begon te maken, belden zij zelf de brandweer. Een dag eerder werden ook al 30 migranten, waaronder tien kinderen en een baby, opgepikt voor de Noord-Franse kust.
Stunningly, the IDF even published pictures of the>>> two onboard a flight>>> and near an airplane to Iran to take part in some of the training sessions.

Met foto.

With Monday morning’s jaw-dropping sharing of a wealth of intelligence by the IDF about the Iranian drone crew it struck in Lebanon, the power of Israeli intelligence became ever clearer.

The key to the IDF thwarting the planned attack by Iran on Israel was not merely that it identified the Lebanese operatives working with the Iranians who were en route to carry out their attack, but that it traced the presence of particular operatives involved in using drones on their way to the area before they got there.

Let’s analyze the information put out by the IDF. First, there were>>> three casualties>>> from the strike,>>> two>>> of whom were>>> Hezbollah>>> operatives being trained by>>> Iran’s external intelligence Quds Force>>>:>>> Hassem Yussuf Zabib>>> from>>> Nabatieh>>> in southern Lebanon>>>, born in >>>1996>>>, and>>> Yasser Ahmed Tzahr>>> from Beleide village>>>, born in>>> 1997.>>>

According to the IDF, the two visited Iran several times this year and went through training targeted at operation of unmanned aerial vehicles and explosive drones at the Quds Force base.

Stunningly, the IDF even published pictures of the two onboard a flight and near an airplane to Iran to take part in some of the training sessions.

According to IDF Spokesperson Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis, the IDF was ordered specifically to strike Aqraba early Sunday morning after they received intelligence that the attack would happen on Sunday.

He said that the drones were like the kind used by the>>> Houthis in Yemen>>> against>>> Saudi Arabia.>>> Each of the drones could carry several kilograms of explosives and was supposed to be operated in conjunction with a group of>>> Iranian pilots>>> who arrived in>>> Syria>>> several days before, especially for this mission.>

The IDF has not identified the name of an additional Iranian it said was killed in the strike.

From the above released intelligence, which is likely still only part of the full picture, part of the key is that the IDF has been watching these two individuals.

Even nearly >>>20 years ago>>>, when Israeli intelligence pulled off one of its best coups of all time, tracking and capturing the>>> Palestinian terror Karine A>>> massive weapons boat through the Indian Ocean and deep into the Red Sea, a huge key was tracking the movements of>>> four or five individuals>>> who it knew were part of the>>> Palestinians’ smuggling network.>>>
Tracing those individuals, and likely tracing these two Hezbollah operatives, invariably includes old-school intelligence like>>> HUMINT, or human spying provided by the Mossad.>>>

Israel has confirmed through various leaks that>>> dozens of Mossad agents penetrated Iran>>> to pull off its appropriation of>>> Tehran’s secret nuclear file in January 2018.>>>

So, even as the >>>CIA’s network in Iran>>> was purged at least once in the 2010 to 2013 period due to security breaches, and the Iranians recently claimed to have purged a>>> newer CIA network>>> trying to track its illicit oil shipments, the>>> Mossad>>> likely still has found a way to have>>> physical agents>>> deep in the Islamic Republic.

These agents could be responsible for the footage of the>>> Hezbollah agents>>> traveling on the airplane to Iran, but more likely is that one of>>> Israel’s many cyber arms >>>hacked>>> a phone or>>> video camera>>> on or near the>>> various airplanes.>>> The photos appear like they were taken by the>>> Hezbollah operatives to show off.>>>

Other tracing of these operatives, including video footage of some Quds Force operatives taking what appears to be an Iranian drone out to prepare it for a strike, could have been accomplished by >>>Israeli drones>>>, the>>> IDF’s F-35,>>> Mossad>>> or IDF>> special forces >>>in the field or again by>>> hacking some kind of>>> Hezbollah>>> video feed nearby.>>>

The intelligence also makes it clear that Israel’s network for tracking these Hezbollah agents was spread out over>>> multiple countries.>>>
All of this highlights that often a key to preventing disastrous attacks on Israel is not merely having an answer once the attack is in motion, but having unmatched intelligence prior to the attack so that the rug can be pulled out from beneath the feet of the attackers before they have been able to “hit the on-button” for their attack.

There are some good questions to ask about what information security Israel may have compromised by sharing this information with the public and what the motivations for sharing it really was, which could be anything from>>> psychologically beating Iran>>> in public to politics.

But Monday morning’s information showed unmistakably once again that in the arena of Middle East intelligence,>>> Israel is second to none.>>>

On>>> Sunday >>>Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who is under US sanctions, flew to the French town of Biarritz where the Group of Seven leaders were meeting.

BIARRITZ - U.S. President Donald Trump appeared to leave a window open for diplomacy with>>> Iran>>> on>>> Monday>>> after French President Emmanuel Macron flew in Iran's foreign minister to a G7 summit in an effort to>>> reduce U.S.-Iranian tensions>>>.

European leaders have struggled to tamp down the brewing confrontation between Iran and the United States since Trump pulled Washington out of world powers' 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran and reimposed sanctions on the Iranian economy.

But Macron has spent the summer trying to create conditions for a period of pause to bring the two sides backs to the negotiating table.

Those efforts took a surprise turn on>>> Sunday>>> when Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who is under U.S. sanctions, flew to the French seaside town of Biarritz where the Group of Seven leaders were meeting.

Zarif held talks with Macron and British and German officials before returning home. Though potentially a diplomatic minefield, Macron's gamble with Zarif appears to have worked out for now, as Trump on Monday endorsed the French president's initiative and toned down his usual harsh rhetoric on Tehran.

While Trump reaffirmed Washington's goal of extracting farther-reaching security concessions from Iran, he told reporters at the summit he wanted to see>>> "a really good Iran,>>> really strong,>>> we’re>>> not looking for regime change.>>>

Je kunt van TRUMP:) zeggen wat je wil, het ontbreekt hem niet aan gevoel voor humor.

Israel had net Iran voor L*L gezet. Zie boven.

"I knew (Zarif) was coming in and I respected the fact that he was coming in. We're looking to make Iran>>> rich again,>>> let them be rich,>>> let them do well,>>> if they want," >>>Trump said.
The>>> 2015>>> deal between>>> Iran and six world powers>>>, reached when Trump's predecessor>>> Barack Obama>>> was in office, aimed to curb Iran's disputed uranium enrichment program in exchange for the lifting of many international sanctions on Tehran.

Since ditching the deal last year, Trump has pursued a policy of "maximum pressure" to try to force Iran into broader talks to restrict Iran's ballistic missile program and end its support for proxy forces around the Middle East as well.

While Trump's>>> European allies>>> also want fresh negotiations with Iran, they believe the nuclear deal must be upheld to help ward off the risk of wider war in the Middle East.>>> Macron>>> had already met Zarif in Paris on Friday ahead of the G7.

"What we want is very simple. It's got to be>>> non-nuclear (as well)," Trump said>>>. "We’re going to talk about ballistic missiles..., about the timing. But they >>>(Iran) have to stop terrorism.>>> I think>>> they>>> are going to change, I really do."

He said that he had not wanted to meet Zarif himself, because it was too soon.

The Iranian leadership also appeared upbeat. "Road ahead is difficult. But worth trying," Zarif said in a tweet.

"Those who imagine one hand is enough are mistaken. We have to use our military, cultural and economic power as well as political power, diplomacy and negotiation,” President Hassan Rouhani said on his official website.


Beyond the symbolism of Zarif coming and Trump appearing to endorse the step, it is unclear whether real progress was made.

In response to the tougher U.S. sanctions and what it says is the failure of European powers party to the deal - France, Britain and Germany - to compensate it for revenues lost to U.S. sanctions, Iran has responded by>>> retreating from some of its commitments to limit its nuclear activity.>>>

It has given the Europeans until>>> Sept. 5>>> to come up solutions before scaling back those commitments further.

Macron wants to either create a >>>compensation mechanism>>> for Iran or convince Trump to ease some of the U.S. oil sanctions.

In return for any concessions he would expect>>> Tehran to return to full compliance with the nuclear deal and engage in negotiations covering its ballistic missiles, regional influence and its nuclear activity after 2025, when the deal expires.>>>

Highlighting the difficulties, two Iranian officials and one diplomat told Reuters on Sunday that Tehran wants to>>> export a minimum of 700,000>>> barrels per day of its oil and ideally up to>>> 1.5 million bpd>>> if the West seeks to negotiate with Tehran to save the nuclear deal.

One of the Iranian officials also reiterated Tehran's stance that the ballistic missile program is non-negotiable.

The United States has made no indication that it will ease any of its sanctions. A European diplomat familiar with the G7 discussions said the leaders had >>>not persuaded Trump to budge.>>>

"In sum, the French offers and Iranian demands have frankly shifted little over the past four months," said Eurasia Group>>> Iran analyst Henry Rome.>>> "Meanwhile, we’re>>> 11 days away from Iran’s expected new nuclear escalation." >>>

Jerusalem Post Israel News

"Increasing the number of workers in the hi-tech sector is an important task in light of the industry's contribution to the State of Israel's economy and exports," said Economy Minister Eli Cohen.

The share of Israelis working in the country's hi-tech sector rose to>>> 8.7%>>> of the entire workforce by the end of 2018, exceeding >>>300,000 employees >>>for the first time, new statistics published by the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) has revealed.

By the end of 2017, hi-tech employees - excluding communication sector workers - represented 8.3% of the total workforce, the IIA said. During 2018, an additional 19,000 hi-tech positions were filled.

The data also shows that the number of hi-tech employees has continued to grow during 2019, exceeding 307,000 workers by May.
The software industry was responsible for a large share of the increase in employment, growing by some>>> 14,000 employees in 2018 alone>>>. A>>> decline of 3,000>>> employees was recorded in the>>> pharmaceutical manufacturing>>> sector due to major layoffs by >>>Teva,>>> Israel’s leading pharmaceutical company.

“Increasing the number of workers in the hi-tech sector is an important task in light of the industry’s contribution to the State of Israel’s economy and exports,” said Economy Minister Eli Cohen. “In order to continue to lead in this field, we must strive to>>> retain Israeli innovation >>>and brains>>> in the country, and provide them with the>>> right platform>>> to staff the>>>many hi-tech jobs>>> on offer.”

Despite surging employment, a study published in December by the IIA and Start-Up Nation Central revealed that Israel’s tech innovation >>>sector is growing faster>>> than the local >>>supply of talent, >>>leading to a>>> shortage of approximately 15,000>>> skilled workers needed to fill open positions.

While demand for tech talent is rapidly increasing, the supply of programmers, scientists and engineers has lagged behind. Some >>>15%>>> of positions in the Israeli tech sector>>> remained unfilled.>>>

In order to nurture future hi-tech industry growth engines, the IIA said it is investing>>> NIS 500 million (approx. $142m.) annually in the life sciences>>> industry, an area in which it says Israel has yet to>>> realize its full potential.>>>

“The rate of employees in hi-tech has stood at about 8% for a decade, but for the first time we see a real positive trend in this figure,” said IIA chief executive Aharon Aharon. “We are working to significantly increase employment in hi-tech and innovation-led companies across all sectors, so that a>>>larger proportion of the nation’s citizens enjoy high-quality and high-paying jobs.>>> We have taken on an ambitious and challenging task, and this positive trend is the welcome product of the joint activity of several government ministries.”

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the average monthly wage of a hi-tech employee in March stood a>>>t NIS 25,912 ($7,370). >>>The average salary among all Israeli employees was NIS 11,140>>> ($3,168).>>>

>>>Unemployment>>> in Israel>>> declined sharply >>>from 4.1% in June to >>>3.7%>>> in July among Israelis aged >>>15 and over>>>, the CBS said on Monday.
Hartje zomer, de mussen vallen van de daken, maar in België is nu ook een soort zwarte-pietdiscussie losgebarsten. Over een al eeuwenoude traditie met o.a. een bruin geschminkte wildeman ('Sauvage'), die in het verhaal overigens de baas is van blanke knechten.
In 2005 nota bene erkend door Unesco als immaterieel erfgoed. Nu dringen actievoerders, gesteund door de Nederlandse kinderfeestbedervers "Kick Out Zwarte Piet" er bij de UN op aan om deze erkenning in te trekken. Het moet niet gekker worden.


Authorities initially denied that the project was being built, saying such claims were ‘unfounded’

Moroccan Authorities demolished a Holocaust memorial on Monday that was being built by German NGO >>>PixelHELPER>>> in>>> Ait Faska>>>, southeast of Marrakesh.

This comes less than a week after The Jerusalem Post revealed that the Holocaust memorial was in the works.

Founder of PixelHELPER Oliver Bienkowski said that all the installations and artworks that had so far been built “were deliberately destroyed by bulldozers,” and the rainbow blocks at the entrance, which memorialize LGBTQ+ victims of the Holocaust, were also desecrated.

He added that the “water and power lines have been cut.”

“We thought that there was acceptance of Jewish society in Morocco but its not [the case],” he told the Post. “We get a lot of antisemitic and anti LGBTQ+ messages.”

Founder of PixelHELPER Oliver Bienkowski said that all the installations and artworks that had so far been built “were deliberately destroyed by bulldozers,” and the rainbow blocks at the entrance, which memorialize LGBTQ+ victims of the Holocaust, were also desecrated.

“We thought that there was acceptance of Jewish society in Morocco but its not [the case],” he told the Post. “We get a lot of antisemitic and anti LGBTQ+ messages.”

Late on Monday, Moroccan Authorities denied in a press statement that the memorial was being built, adding that such claims were “unfounded.”

“Information conveyed by certain electronic sites and on social networks about the establishment of a project by a foreign national including a museum and several facilities as well as a memorial in the form of art paintings, in the commune of Ait Faska, in Al Haouz province, are without any foundation,” the local authorities of Al Haouz province claimed. “The relevant services in this province have not granted any authorization for the establishment of such a project.”

The authorities added that “the establishment of such a project follows regulatory procedures and requires the obtaining of existing administrative approvals.”

However, on Tuesday, journalists at Yabiladi Radio station in Morocco also told the Post that the Interior Ministry had said the PixelHELPER did not get the authorization it needed from the Culture Ministry.

“We thought that there was acceptance of Jewish society in Morocco but its not [the case],” he told the Post. “We get a lot of antisemitic and anti LGBTQ+ messages.”

Late on Monday, Moroccan Authorities denied in a press statement that the memorial was being built, adding that such claims were “unfounded.”

“Information conveyed by certain electronic sites and on social networks about the establishment of a project by a foreign national including a museum and several facilities as well as a memorial in the form of art paintings, in the commune of Ait Faska, in Al Haouz province, are without any foundation,” the local authorities of Al Haouz province claimed. “The relevant services in this province have not granted any authorization for the establishment of such a project.”

The authorities added that “the establishment of such a project follows regulatory procedures and requires the obtaining of existing administrative approvals.”

However, on Tuesday, journalists at Yabiladi Radio station in Morocco also told the Post that the Interior Ministry had said the PixelHELPER did not get the authorization it needed from the Culture ministry.

Bienkowski claimed that authorities were aware that the memorial was being built, but had “declined to cooperate.
"Unfortunately, from the beginning, the authorities refused any cooperation and, during the first year, all requests for meetings were rejected by the mayor," he said.

In an interview with the Post last week, Bienkowski said construction on the project had begun in 2018.

Bienkowski spoke of the inspiration for the creation of the memorial. He said as the founder of the PixelHelper Foundation, which promotes human rights and fights against racism worldwide, “I did research in the Yad Vashem database and found my last name, ‘Bienkowski.’

“I read that people who have the same last name as me were killed by the Germans in concentration camps, and that Freemasons were also killed in concentration camps,” he said. Although it was not clear whether the Bienkowskis found in the Yad Vashem database were directly related to him, for Bienkowski, he said it made no difference.

It was soon after making this discovery, he started work on building the memorial.

“Our goal,” he said at the time, “is to take people from the entrance, and go through our memorial until the end in an emotional, eye-opening and artistic happening that will reach people’s heart and not only their mind, [like what happens] if they see movies or hear sound files.

“It’s so important to show videos, audio and live theatrical forms for people [to understand] in their minds the brutality of the Holocaust,” Bienkowski added. “Culture and historical exchange is the best fertilizer for tolerance between humans. We hope that this Holocaust memorial will push the friendship between Muslim countries and Jews.”
Already in March, Hernandez has pledged to open such an office and said he recognized >>>Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.>>>

Honduras is slated to open a trade office in Jerusalem next week as a preliminary step toward relocating its embassy to Jerusalem, Israel’s Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday.

Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez and his wife are due to arrive in Israel Saturday to inaugurate the office, which will have Honduran diplomatic status, the Foreign Ministry said.

I find that there is a different attitude toward children here in Israel – at times, >>>more permissive, >>>other times,>>> more demanding>>>. Every child is deemed to be>>> your child>>> for whom you feel>>> responsible.>>> It is not uncommon to see a>>> stranger reprimand a youngster>>> for crossing the street carelessly, or for>>> not offering a seat on a bus to the elderly.>>> And people accept that. We are, after all,>>> mishpacha. And one cares for family.>>>

A poll was recently taken>>> among diplomats>>> as to what they considered the best “posting,” i.e., the>>> best country in the world in which to be placed.>>> From over >>>100 possible places, >>>Israel was considered fourth in preference as a>>> country in which to raise one’s family and enjoy life!>>> Despite the wars, despite the heightened security, despite the supposed difficult bureaucracy, the diplomats saw Israel as a wonderful place to live. And in explaining his vote, one diplomat stated that>>> life for children here is absolutely wonderful.>>> The many places for their >>>amusement,>>> the learning opportunities>>> in visiting historical sites, and the>>> excellent schools>>> made this country his choice for a diplomatic post, he said.

Voordelen van een homogene populatie, een cultuur die kennis hoog in het vaandel heeft staan en een regering die zorgt voor de mogelijkheid om de wensen uit te voeren.

Excellente scholen, excellente medische zorg.
Iedereen er aan meewerken.

The island country from the >>>Pacific>>> joined a small number of other countries who have taken this step in the last several years, including>>> the United States, >>>Guatemala and Honduras.>>>

The Republic of Nauru has recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital, Israel Foreign Ministry announced on Thursday.

"I commend @Republic_Nauru’s important decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. We will continue to strengthen Jerusalem and to bring about the recognition and opening of diplomatic missions and embassies in our capital,">>> Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz>>> tweeted on Thursday.

Hoe meer je schrijft over de joden hoe meer hekel ik krijg aan de belijdende joden.
Die oude garde zit jong progressief enorm in de weg.

izdp schreef op 29 augustus 2019 19:13:

Hoe meer je schrijft over de joden hoe meer hekel ik krijg aan de belijdende joden.
Die oude garde zit jong progressief enorm in de weg.
Wil je nu beweren dat je houding tov anderen van MIJ afhangt?
Ik geef informatie die ik lees in een van de kranten die ik lees. Ik ben verbaasd dat er in de Nederlandse kranten nauwelijks tot niets verschijnt over wat er zich daar afspeelt.
Een land dat in veel opzichten een voorbeeld zou kunnen zijn.
Waar we misschien iets van kunnen leren. Zoals bijvoorbeeld de aandacht voor excellent onderwijs, en het integreren van een binnenkomende haast analfabete bevolking in het geheel. De vraagstukken die nog heel wat gecompliceerder zijn dan bij ons, die zij onverveerd aanpakken.

Ik vind het onverstandig als je kennis elders opgedaan laat liggen.
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