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Luchtvaartmaatschappijen staken migrantensmokkel onder dreiging van EU-sancties
Ria Cats Mathijs Schiffers 18:37

In het kort

Steeds meer landen beletten hun vliegmaatschappijen migranten naar Wit-Rusland te vervoeren.
Dit gebeurt onder druk van de Europese Commissie die dreigt betrokkenen te straffen.
Al vanaf deze zomer laat Wit-Rusland migranten ophalen uit het Midden-Oosten en stuurt ze naar de grens met de EU, uit wraak voor sancties.

Migranten uit het Midden-Oosten die voor een lieve duit naar Wit-Rusland vliegen om van daaruit de grens met de EU-landen Letland, Litouwen of Polen proberen over te steken? 'Dat is bijna gedaan,' liet EU-buitenlandchef Josep Borrell maandag weten in de marge van een vergadering van de 27 Europese ministers van buitenlandse zaken.

Steeds meer landen beletten hun luchtvaartmaatschappijen nog langer migranten naar Minsk te vervoeren. Dit gebeurt onder grote druk van de Europese Commissie. Vrijdag zegde Turkije na een bezoek van Eurocommissaris Margaritis Schinas al toe dat Turkish Airlines geen Irakezen, Syriërs, Afghanen en Jemenieten meer toelaat op een vlucht als zij een enkele reis naar Wit-Rusland hebben geboekt.

Ook Iraqi Airways schrapte al eerder zijn vluchten op Minsk, en sinds ruim een week zijn de consulaten van Wit-Rusland in de Irakese steden Erbil en Bagdad gesloten. Hier konden de migranten tot dan toe hun inreisvisa afhalen. Irak stuurt donderdag bovendien een vliegtuig naar Wit-Rusland om zijn aan de Europese buitengrenzen gestrande burgers te repatriëren. Volgens Bagdad willen 571 Irakese burgers graag snel terugkeren.

Ten slotte stoppen ook de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten met de migratievluchten, werd maandag bekend. De Europese ministers van buitenlandse zaken kwamen op dat moment een nieuw sanctiemechanisme overeen, specifiek gericht op personen en organisaties die de mensensmokkel via Wit-Rusland naar de Europese buitengrenzen faciliteren. Tot dusver gold migratie nog niet als een criterium op basis waarvan de EU het bewind in Minsk en zijn helpers kan straffen.

Het is nog onduidelijk aan wie de EU-lidstaten precies sancties opleggen op basis van het migratiecriterium. Aan de namenlijst werkt Brussel nog. Wel herhaalde Borrell het eerdere dreigement van Brussel dat dit heel goed reisbureaus, hotels en vliegtuigmaatschappijen als Turkish Airlines en het Russische Aeroflot kunnen zijn. Zij verliezen dan mogelijk hun landingsrechten in de EU. 'We verzamelen bewijs tegen luchtvaartmaatschappijen,' bevestigde een Commissiewoordvoerder.

De Wit-Russische luchtvaartmaatschappij Belavia mag al sinds dit voorjaar niet meer landen op Europese vliegvelden of gebruikmaken van het Europese luchtruim. Die sanctie werd van kracht, nadat Minsk dit voorjaar een overvliegend Ryanair-toestel tot landen had gedwongen om een inzittende dissident te arresteren. Ook Belavia kondigde maandag aan niet meer migranten vanuit Turkije en Dubai naar Minsk te halen. Het vliegbedrijf gaat naar eigen zeggen de 'controle op de documenten' versterken.
Sterke steun van Rusland

Al vanaf deze zomer laat Wit-Rusland migranten ophalen uit het Midden-Oosten, uit wraak voor EU-sancties tegen het schrikbewind van president Alexandr Loekasjenko. Aanvankelijk waren het relatief kleine groepjes, maar de laatste weken namen de aantallen toe. Met name Polen laat hen niet toe en stuurt ze terug. Naar schatting zitten duizenden asielzoekers vast in het niemandsland tussen Wit-Rusland en Polen, Letland en Litouwen. Er zijn al doden gevallen.

Loekasjenko ontkende maandag opnieuw de mensensmokkel. Volgens hem probeert zijn regering de migranten over te halen te vertrekken, maar die weigeren dat. Vladimir Poetin stelt dat het westen zelf de redenen heeft gecreëerd waardoor mensen op de vlucht slaan. Wel nam de Russische president afstand van het vorige week geuite dreigement van Loekasjenko dat de gaspijp die van Rusland via Wit-Rusland naar de EU dicht gaat als de EU de grenzen niet opent. Poetin wil bemiddelen tussen Minsk en Brussel over de migratiecrisis.

Volgens Borrell is het echter duidelijk dat 'Loekasjenko doet wat hij doet omdat hij weet dat hij de sterke steun heeft van Rusland, ook al ontkent Moskou zijn betrokkenheid'.
Lees ook

Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/politiek/1418799/luchtvaartmaat...
Ik zou ze zeker niet toelaten als ze niet voldoen aan 2G. En indien wel, ook niet, laten ze maar asiel aanvragen in land van herkomst of anders Wit Rusland.
EU approves fresh sanctions on Belarus over ‘illegal push of migrants’

Bloc says growing humanitarian crisis has been orchestrated by Minsk

The EU is to target airlines, travel agencies and individuals in Belarus involved in an “illegal push of migrants”, the EU’s top diplomat Josep Borrell said on Monday, amid a growing humanitarian crisis that the EU says has been orchestrated by Minsk.

Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, also spoke directly to Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus’s president, as part of efforts to defuse the crisis on the EU’s eastern border. It was the first time a western leader had spoken to the Belarusian leader since he began his brutal crackdown against his dubious re-election in August last year.

EU foreign ministers agreed on Monday to impose further sanctions against Belarus, which they accuse of intentionally attracting migrants to its borders as part of a plan to destabilise the bloc in retaliation for its support for the Belarusian political opposition. About 33 individuals and businesses will be targeted, according to diplomats.

Ireland has also agreed to measures affecting its own aircraft-leasing industry, ordering companies to recall 17 aircraft belonging to Belavia, the Belarusian state airline ferrying many of the migrants to Minsk.

Simon Coveney, Ireland’s foreign minister, said: “That is a consequence for us but that is absolutely the right thing to do. The contracts under which they are leased to Belavia will essentially be cut and these planes will have to be returned, or I presume legal action will be taken.”

The EU is “doing what it can to put as much pressure as we can” on Lukashenko, he added. Dublin has been under pressure to ground the planes for several weeks. Belavia has about 30 aircraft.

Most of the migrants trying to enter the EU from Belarus are from the Middle East. On Monday, Iraq said it would organise a first repatriation flight this week for Iraqi migrants stuck on the Belarus-Poland border.

Iraq’s foreign ministry said the country would offer a voluntary evacuation flight back to Baghdad on Thursday.

Monday’s call between Merkel and Lukashenko came after talks on Sunday between Borrell and Vladimir Makei, Belarus’s foreign minister.

The Kremlin said that Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, had spoken to Lukashenko and Merkel in the hope that they would then speak to each other.

Emmanuel Macron, France’s president, also discussed ways to de-escalate the crisis with Putin on Monday, Paris said.

Lukashenko, who refused to discuss the post-election crackdown with Merkel last year, has repeatedly said that the EU should negotiate with him directly to end the crisis.

Direct flights from Baghdad to Minsk were suspended in August. Travel via Turkey was halted on Friday for citizens of Iraq, Yemen and Syria. A private Syrian airline suspended flights on Saturday. Travel via Dubai was shut to migrants on Monday.

The measures undertaken so far have reduced the number of migrants arriving in Belarus, Borrell said on Monday.

Monday’s sanctions add to those already imposed on officials in Belarus over last year’s crackdown and the forced landing of a Ryanair flight in Minsk in May.

Lukashenko has previously threatened to respond to sanctions by suspending gas transit to Europe.

But Russia, which supplies the gas, has said it will not redirect flows, adding that any such move by Minsk would damage relations between the two allies. Moscow also denied having anything to do with the migrant crisis.

In Belarus, migrants are living in makeshift tent camps and huts, alongside a barbed wire fence guarded by thousands of Polish soldiers and police.

But despite the freezing conditions, many say they will not return home.

On Monday, several hundred migrants gathered at the border crossing between Belarus and Poland near the village of Kuznica. Polish police said the migrants had been led there by Belarusian forces who had falsely told them that they would be picked up and taken to Germany.

“It looks like preparations for yet another attempt to cross the Polish border by force,” Stanislaw Zaryn, spokesman for the minister co-ordinating Poland’s security services, wrote on Twitter.


Belarus migrants: What routes do they use to reach Minsk?

With several thousand migrants stranded along the border between Poland and Belarus, the EU has talked about taking action against airlines it believes are active in trafficking migrants.

We've been looking at how migrants from outside Europe are getting to Belarus, and how the EU plans to respond.
Where are the migrants coming from?

Data from the EU's border force, Frontex, for September (the latest that is available) shows the main countries of origin for migrants detected that month crossing the bloc's eastern land borders were:






The numbers have been growing steadily since the summer, and these are just the crossings that are detected and reported to Frontex.

The capital of Belarus, Minsk is served by direct flights from destinations across the Middle East, including Beirut, Dubai and Baghdad.

The state carrier Belavia operates flights from Istanbul and Antalya in Turkey, as well as from Dubai. Turkish Airlines operates a daily flight from Istanbul.

Turkey's civil aviation authority has said that until further notice, Iraqi, Syrian and Yemeni nationals will not be allowed to fly from Turkish airports to Belarus.

And Belavia has announced that it will no longer accept citizens of these countries on its flights out of Turkey.

Aeroflot, which has regular flights between Moscow and Minsk, has denied that its flights are being used by migrants trying to reach Belarus.

There are also a number of commercial operators with flights to Minsk from Baghdad and Dubai, according to FlightRadar24, which monitors airline traffic in real time.

A recent BBC investigation found that a network of travel firms and smugglers, often using social media, are able to organise flights and visas for Belarus as part of a package deal.

In addition, Belarus allows visa-free travel for a stay of up to 30 days for citizens of 76 countries, although not for those from Iraq or Afghanistan.

There have been accusations that the Belarus authorities are facilitating these journeys in order to provoke a crisis along the EU's eastern borders, luring people in on tourist visas. Belarus has denied this is the case.

What is the EU doing to prevent them coming?

The EU recently said it was "exploring how to take action, including through blacklisting" against airlines it believes are involved in bringing in migrants.

EU Commission spokesman Peter Stano told us the EU was monitoring not just state airlines and commercial operators but also charter flights, which are sometimes arranged at the last minute.

There are no details as yet of what action might be taken, but the EU says it is already in talks with about a dozen countries over the issue.

These are countries - mainly in Africa and the Middle East - from where a significant number of migrants came, or from where there were flights operating to Belarus.

The EU also has a longer list of about 20 countries which it is monitoring, as it believes these could also potentially be used by migrants as a way to get to Belarus and then on into the EU.

In August, the EU asked the Iraqi authorities to suspend all flights from Baghdad to Belarus, which Iraq agreed to for a limited period.

But a question in the European Parliament in August indicated that some flights had been continuing, with Iraqi Airways flights from Baghdad to Minsk nearly sold out.

Frontex data shows a sharp reduction in September in the number of Iraqis who were detected crossing the eastern land borders into the EU compared with August - from 1,345 down to 181.

But we don't as yet have figures for October to know if this trend continued.

And flights from Iraq to Minsk still take place run by commercial private operators.

The indications are that even if direct flights from Iraq to Belarus were fewer, migrants could still find routes via neighbouring countries.

The Belarus state carrier, Belavia, is already banned from EU airspace under sanctions imposed after an incident earlier this year when a RyanAir flight to Lithuania was diverted to Minsk.

Discussions are now reported to be under way over whether to extend these to stop Belavia leasing aircraft from companies based in the EU, mainly Irish, Danish and Romanian leasing firms.

Ireland has indicated that while it supports further sanctions, there could be legal issues over existing leasing contracts to Belavia, which would have to be honoured.

Poland-Belarus border tensions escalate

Polish border guard injured after being hit with a stone, border force says

A Polish border guard was hit by a stone and injured during skirmishes on the country's boundary with Belarus on Tuesday, Poland's border force has said.

The female guard is receiving medical attention after the incident, they added.

Earlier, Polish police tweeted that an officer had separately been injured after being hit with a projectile.

“Unfortunately - as a result of an attack by people inspired by the Belarusian side, one of the policemen was seriously injured,” the police tweeted.

Lukashenko "putting migrants' lives at risk," NATO chief says

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko is using migrants along the country’s border with Poland, Lithuania and Latvia as a “hybrid tactic” against other countries, NATO’s Secretary General said on Tuesday.

Jens Stoltenberg said the alliance is "deeply concerned about the way the Lukashenko regime is using vulnerable migrants as a hybrid tactic against other countries, and this is actually putting the life of the migrants at risk.”

He was speaking ahead of a meeting with EU defense ministers on Tuesday, during which the worsening situation on the Poland-Belarus border is set to be discussed.


someone from the Belarusian side used stun grenades ( verdovingsgranaat/flitsgranaat ) against Polish police.

video 0:12 minuut


We mogen ervan uitgaan dat de toeristen/vluchtelingen geen granaten hebben, dus komt het van het Wit Russische leger


All those who throw stones or other objects at the Polish border guards are hiding their faces. This is how it looked at the checkpoint Bruzgi on the Belarusian side. This is the official checkpoint that in theory has to be protected by Belarusian guards.Who are not here

video 0:22 minuut


It is not unlikely that some of those trying to provoke disorder at the Polish-Belarussian border are not migrants, but members of Belarussian security forces.


Polish Police says as a result of an attack by "people inspired by the Belarusian side", one policemen was seriously injured after being hit by an object


Video of an attack on Polish border from the quadcopter

video 0:23 minuut


Water cannons in winter are nasty, but that is what you get from playing stupid games.

Ministerie van Nationale Defensie, Polen :

De verplaatsing van migranten van het geïmproviseerde kamp naar de grensovergang in Kuznica is een geplande operatie van de Wit-Russische diensten. De actie wordt hoogstwaarschijnlijk geregisseerd vanuit de commandowagen die achter in het voormalige migrantenkamp staat.



BRDM-2 in, what look a lot like, Russian Rosgvardiya camouflage pattern. Could be Belarus interior ministry troops as their army uses a lighter camouflage pattern.

voor tweet vertalen druk op tweet vertalen :



Something very bad is reportedly happening at the Poland-Belarus border! Belarusian soldiers are pushing migrants onto the fence. A woman is heard shouting, someone is using gas, Polish and Belarusian soldiers are shouting at each other. A lot (!) of swearing.

video 2:02 minuut


CNN reportage

Migrants on the Poland-Belarus border scramble for food and firewood as temperatures plummet

video 8:39 minuut


This is abysmal (verschrikkelijke ) journalism, CNN

. An almost 9 minutes segment and not ONCE do you bother to discuss the origins of this crisis :

how thousands of Iraqi, Syrian, and other migrants have suddenly ended up *2000 miles away* in one of the world’s most repressive dictatorships.

De regering van Wit Rusland heeft bewust de mensen uit het Midden Oosten, in samenwerking met Putin, laten komen.
Enkel en alleen om een hybride oorlog ( oorlog zonder wapens ) te ontketenen
Bewust de vluchtelingen naar Europa te sturen om de EU te ontwrichten en te destabiliseren.
Daar mag CNN wel iets meer aandacht aan geven


Radio Free Europe

Migrants trapped in Belarus have clashed with Polish soldiers at the border between the two countries, throwing rocks and debris at the heavily armed guards, who responded with water cannons, tear gas and flash grenades.


Tweede tweet :

An Iraqi Kurdish man told RFE/RL ( Radio Free Europe ) in a video message that the Belarusian police had forced him and other migrants to cut through the barriers on the Belarusian border with Poland. His identity has been hidden for security reasons.

video 0:25 minuut

2de tweet


Belarus eyes Iskander missiles amid border crisis with Poland

WARSAW, Poland — Amid a rapidly escalating border row with Poland, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said he has renewed his request with Russian President Vladimir Putin to acquire Iskander missile systems for his country’s armed forces.

“I’m currently bothering your president, I need to have here missile launchers with [a range of] 500 kilometers,” Lukashenko told Russian military magazine Natsionalnaya Oborona in an interview published Nov. 13. “I need several divisions in the west, in the south, let them stand there. This is [to gain a range of] 500 kilometers, because our Polonez [missile launcher] is [enabled with a range of] up to 300 kilometers.

The distance between the Belarusian capital Minsk and Poland’s capital of Warsaw is about 546 km (339 miles). In addition to Russia, which makes the Iskander missile system, variants of the weapon are used by the armed forces of Armenia and Algeria.

The authoritarian leader’s request comes as ties between Poland and Belarus have become increasingly strained over the past weeks. The European Union and NATO have condemned the repressive regime for bringing migrants into the country to seek illegal entry into Poland, leaving thousands of people stranded at the border. With tempers flaring and temperatures falling, the result has been a sporadically violent standoff on top of a humanitarian crisis brewing on Europe’s eastern doorstep.

Marcin Przydacz, Poland’s deputy foreign minister, said Nov. 15 the situation at the Polish-Belarusian border is unpredictable, accusing Russia of having a hand in it. “The risk of escalation is real and high,” he said during an online panel discussion hosted by the Washington-based Atlantic Council. “Neither Minsk nor Moscow are interested in de-escalating this crisis.”

Lukashenko’s call for help from Russia means he is walking a fine line between maintaining his regime’s independence — which he considers crucial to his political survival — and aligning himself with Moscow to a degree that could make him superfluous in Putin’s eyes, said Valery Kavaleuski, a Belarusian opposition aide speaking at the Atlantic Council event.


luchtschip schreef op 16 november 2021 23:30:

Een cartoon zegt meer dan 1.000 woorden

Provocative Rhetoric and Military Moves Raise Tension at Belarus-Poland Border

Airlines have agreed to curb the flow into Belarus of migrants hoping to reach the European Union. As threats and accusations fly, there are troop buildups on both sides.

At the same time, Russia, a crucial ally for Mr. Lukashenko, sent mixed signals regarding its stance on Belarus’s actions.

Russia also flexed its military might in a show of continuing solidarity with a country it has steadfastly backed since the migrant crisis intensified this week. On Friday, a subdivision of Russian paratroopers flew to Belarus from Russia aboard military transport planes and landed in the Grodno region, near the Polish border, for exercises with Belarusian troops, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The ministry said the “surprise combat readiness check” came on the heels of two days of patrols of the Polish border region by nuclear-capable Russian bombers.

Bron: New York Times
900 euro voor route naar Europa: ‘Ze zeiden dat het makkelijk zou zijn’

Grens Belarus/PolenTien dagen lang zat Mutasem Mansor vast in het niemandsland tussen Polen en Belarus. ,,Ze zeiden dat het makkelijk zou zijn, maar het voelde als de hel.”
Cyril Rosman 17-11-21, 13:00 Laatste update: 13:39

Het is na middernacht als Mutasem Mansor en een groep andere vluchtelingen het prikkeldraad van de grens tussen Belarus en Polen naderen. Het afscheidscomité bestaat uit een groep Belarussische grenswachters. ,,Ze komen naar ons toe, slaan ons en pakken een deel van onze kleding af, onze sigaretten, chocola, geld en dekens. ‘Ga nu naar Polen’, zeggen ze.’'

Aan de andere kant van het niemandsland wacht weer prikkeldraad en Poolse grenswachten. ,,Ze arresteren ons en sturen ons terug naar de grens met Belarus. Daar nemen de Belarussische grenswachten ons weer mee naar een zogenaamde veilige oversteek: een rivier.’'

Mutasem Mansor (27) uit Jemen is een van de duizenden migranten en vluchtelingen die een speelbal is geworden in het geopolitieke conflict tussen de Europese Unie aan de ene kant en Belarus en Rusland aan de andere kant. Al maandenlang nodigt de Belarussische dictator Loekasjenko onder meer Syriërs, Irakezen en Jemenieten uit naar zijn hoofdstad Minsk om ze daarna door te sturen naar de grenzen met Polen en Litouwen. De migranten en vluchtelingen zelf weten dat, ze zien het als een kans om op een relatief snelle en veilige manier Europa te bereiken. Daar melden ze zich als asielzoeker.

900 euro voor een uitnodiging

Mansor werkte als journalist en cameraman in Jemen. Hij vluchtte voor de zich al jaren voortslepende burgeroorlog in het land, waarbij journalisten doelwit zijn van de strijdende partijen, en belandde met zijn gezin in Maleisië. ,,Daar hoorde ik van vrienden over de Belarus-route. Zij hadden die al genomen en waren de grens over gekomen. Ik vroeg of het veilig was, ze antwoorden dat het makkelijk was.’' Mansor en enkele vrienden betalen een reisbureau zo’n 900 euro de man en krijgen binnen tien dagen een officiële uitnodiging om naar Belarus te komen. ,,Daarna zijn we de vlucht naar Minsk gaan regelen en spullen gaan kopen voor de rest van de reis. Ik heb er veel geld voor moeten lenen.’’

Het is tien dagen lang doorgegaan. We werden steeds heen en weer gestuurd door de grenswach­ten van Belarus en Polen. Die van Belarus gaven ons zelfs tangen mee om het prikkel­draad door te knippen.

Na een paar dagen in een hotel in hoofdstad Minsk rijdt een chauffeur van de smokkelaars het groepje op 3 oktober naar de Poolse grens. Daar begint de ellende. ,,Het is tien dagen lang doorgegaan. We werden steeds heen en weer gestuurd door de grenswachten van Belarus en Polen. Die van Belarus gaven ons zelfs tangen mee om het prikkeldraad door te knippen. De Polen arresteerden ons dan weer, schreeuwen dat we naar de hel konden gaan en namen de simkaarten uit onze telefoons in beslag zodat we niet meer konden communiceren of onze locatie konden bepalen.”
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