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* President Trump is following through on his pledge to combat high drug prices.
+ President Trump released a blueprint to reduce drug prices and expand affordability for American patients.
+ The Administration’s efforts to lower drug prices led to the largest year-over-year decrease in drug prices ever recorded.
+ The President has advanced efforts to import prescription drugs from Canada in partnership with several states, including Florida and Colorado.
+ The President launched an initiative to stop global freeloading in the drug market, proposing a new way for Medicare to pay for certain drugs based on prices other developed nations pay.
+ The President signed legislation to end pharmacy gag clauses, which prevented pharmacists from letting patients know when it would be cheaper to buy drugs without their insurance.

SAFEGUARDING LIFE AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY: President Trump has made it a priority of his Administration to uphold the sanctity of life and safeguard religious liberty for all.
* President Trump is unequivocally committed to protecting the sanctity of every human life.
+ The Administration issued a rule preventing Title X family planning funds from supporting the abortion industry.
+ President Trump has called on Congress to end late-term abortions.
+ The Trump Administration cut all funding to the U.N. population fund, due to the fund’s support for coercive abortion and forced sterilization.
+ HHS rescinded an Obama-era guidance that prevented states from taking certain actions against abortion providers.
+ President Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy in 2017, ensuring that taxpayer money is not used to fund abortion globally.
+ The President has taken action to end federal research using fetal tissue from abortions.
* President Trump is protecting healthcare entities and individuals’ conscience rights—ensuring that no medical professional is forced to participate in an abortion in violation of their beliefs.
* The Administration provided relief to American employers like Little Sisters of the Poor, protecting them from being forced to provide coverage that violate their conscience.

* President Trump has taken unprecedented action to support the fundamental right to religious freedom.
+ In 2018, President Trump signed an Executive Order establishing the White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative.
+ In 2017, President Trump signed an Executive Order upholding religious liberty and the right to engage in religious speech.
+ The Department of Justice created a Religious Liberty Task Force in 2018.
+ The Trump Administration continues to vigorously defend religious liberty in the courts at every opportunity.
+ President Trump reversed the Obama-era policy that prevented the government from providing disaster relief to religious organizations.
+ The Administration is preserving a space for faith-based adoption and foster care providers to continue to serve their communities consistent with their beliefs.
+ The Administration reduced burdensome barriers to Native Americans being able to keep spiritually and culturally significant eagle feathers found on their tribal lands.
+ The Administration has allowed greater flexibility for Federal employees to take time off work for religious reasons.
* The Trump Administration has stood up for religious liberty around the world.
+ The Administration has partnered with local and faith-based organizations to provide assistance to religious minorities persecuted in Iraq.
+ President Trump hosted the Global Call to Protect Religious Freedom at the 2019 U.N. General Assembly, calling on global and business leaders to bring an end to religious persecution and stop crimes against people of faith.
+ The Administration dedicated $25 million to protect religious freedom, religious sites and relics.
+ The State Department has hosted two Religious Freedom Ministerials, with the 2019 Ministerial becoming the largest religious freedom event of its kind in the world.
+ In 2019, the Administration imposed restrictions on certain Chinese officials, internal security units, and companies for their complicity in the persecution of Uighur Muslims and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang.

TRANSFORMING THE COURTS: President Trump is transforming the Federal judiciary by appointing a historic number of Federal judges who will interpret the Constitution as written.
* Working with the Senate, President Trump has now had 187 judicial nominees confirmed to the Federal bench.
+ President Trump’s remaking of the judiciary is only accelerating with 103 Federal judges confirmed in 2019, more than 2017 and 2018 combined.
* The President named Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, fulfilling his promise to appoint justices who will uphold the constitution as written.
* President Trump has appointed 50 Circuit Court judges – more than any other President at this point in their Administrations.
+ More than a quarter of all active Circuit Court judges were appointed by President Trump.
+ The average age of Trump-appointed circuit judges is less than 50 years old, ensuring that these qualified jurists will continue to have an impact for decades to come.
* President Trump has flipped the Second, Third, and Eleventh Circuits from Democrat-appointed majorities to Republican-appointed majorities.


USHERING IN AN ERA OF ENERGY DOMINANCE: President Trump’s policies are ushering in a new era of American energy dominance.
* President Trump has rolled back the burdensome regulations of the past Administration and implemented policies that are unleashing American energy.
* The United States is the largest oil and natural gas producer in the world.
* American oil production reached its highest level in history in 2019.
+ The United States became a net exporter of crude oil and petroleum products in September 2019, the first time this has occurred since records began in 1973.
* Natural gas production is projected to set a record high in 2019, marking the third consecutive year of record production.
* President Trump is opening up more access to our country’s abundant natural resources in order to promote energy independence.
+ Department of the Interior energy revenues soared in fiscal year FY 2019, nearly doubling since FY 2016 to $12 billion.
+ Applications to drill on public lands have increased by 300 percent since FY 2016, and the time it takes to complete these permits has dropped by half.
+ President Trump signed legislation to open up Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to energy exploration.
* President Trump is promoting energy infrastructure to ensure American energy producers can deliver their products to the market.
+ This year, President Trump signed two Executive Orders to streamline processes holding back the construction of new energy infrastructure, like pipelines.
+ In 2017, the Administration took action to approve the Dakota Access pipeline and the Keystone XL pipeline.
+ The Administration issued permits for the New Burgos Pipeline that will export American petroleum products to Mexico.
+ The Administration has streamlined Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal permitting.
+ In 2019, the Department of Energy granted 11 new long-term LNG export approvals.

* American energy exports have reached historic highs.
+ LNG exports have increased by 247% since 2017, hitting record highs in 2019 and are projected to continue increasing next year.
+ In 2017, the United States became a net natural gas exporter for the first time in 60 years.
+ The United States has exported LNG to five continents and 37 countries, marking 19 additional countries from the beginning of the Trump Administration.
* President Trump strengthened America’s domestic energy production and supported our Nation’s farmers by approving year-round E-15.
* President Trump worked to ensure greater transparency and certainty in the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).
* President Trump has promoted domestic energy production and economic growth while working to ensure Americans have access to safe drinking water and a clean environment.
+ The United States environmental record is one of the strongest in the world and America continues to make environmental progress in clean air and clean water.
+ Under President Trump’s leadership, the EPA took action to protect vulnerable Americans from lead exposure by proposing changes to the Lead and Copper rule.
+ Under President Trump’s leadership, in FY 2019 the EPA completed cleanup on the most superfund sites on the National Priority List in 18 years.
+ Emissions of all criteria pollutants dropped between 2016 and 2018.

PROMOTING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY: President Trump is working to ensure all Americans have access to quality education.
* President Trump signed into law a modernization of our country’s career and technical education system to ensure more Americans have access to high-quality vocational education.
* This year, the Administration proposed Education Freedom Scholarships to expand education options for students of all economic backgrounds.
+ This plan will invest up to $5 billion in students through a tax credit for donations for state-based, locally-controlled scholarships.
* President Trump is expanding education and training opportunities for incarcerated individuals to learn how to make a living before their release.
* The President signed legislation reauthorizing the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship program.
* Thanks to President Trump’s historic tax reform, parents can now withdraw up to $10,000 tax-free per year from 529 education savings plans to cover K-12 tuition costs.
* President Trump has made supporting Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) a priority of his Administration.
+ President Trump signed the Farm Bill that included more than $100 million dollars for scholarships, research, and centers of excellence at HBCU land-grant institutions.
+ The Administration has enabled faith-based HBCUs to enjoy equal access to Federal support.
+ President Trump signed legislation providing $255 million dollars of permanent annual funding for HBCUs and other Minority Serving Institutions.



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Minister van defensie Mike Pompeo over de aanval op de US ambassade in Iraq

: What you saw was Iranian-backed terrorists – many of them are individuals that have been designated terrorists by the U.S. and others – come into the American embassy and posing a risk to American diplomats and personnel inside the embassy.


De Iranian backed terrorists zijn vanuit Iran naar Iraq gegaan. Zij proberen te infiltreren in Iraq en zetten de Iraqese bevolking vaak onder druk.
Op een andere plek in Baghdad verzamelden zich de Iraqezen. Bij de Ambassade waren het vooral mensen, gesteund door Iraans regiem.


Geen goed nieuws voor Trump en Giuliani

Giuliani associate asks court to allow handing over documents sought in Trump impeachment
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lev Parnas, an indicted associate of U.S. President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, has asked a court for permission to turn over the contents of Parnas’ phone and other documents to a House of Representatives panel for use in the Trump impeachment inquiry, his lawyer said on Monday


Lev Parnas werkte samen met Giuliani om de ambassadeur te ontslaan, belastend materiaal over Biden te krijgen en Lev Parnas zou in een gasbedrijf van Oekraine komen. Dit gas bedrijf zou dan 100 verschepingen LNG uit de US gaan importeren.
Echter Lev Parnas is gearresteerd en de rechtszaak tegen hem is nu bezig. Heeft beloofd mee te werken aan de rechtszaak.

Geeft nu ook bewijsmateriaal aan het House. Committee in de impeachment procedure

Het opruien is begonnen

De schuldigen zijn de Joden en de left liberals

Trump is in gevaar, er dreigt een coup en Trump zal uit het Witte Huis gejaagd worden

Een oproep aan de Trump achterban dit te voorkomen.


luchtschip schreef op 2 januari 2020 17:17:

Het opruien is begonnen

De schuldigen zijn de Joden en de left liberals

Trump is in gevaar, er dreigt een coup en Trump zal uit het Witte Huis gejaagd worden

Een oproep aan de Trump achterban dit te voorkomen.

De Joden zijn juist gek op Trump.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 2 januari 2020 17:25:

De Joden zijn juist gek op Trump.
Zag vandaag nog uitgebreid Sammy Davis Jr., ook een bekeerde Jood.
Wat een artiest, wat een energie in voor- en tegenspoed, wat een zanger. En wat kunnen ZE goed dansen......

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 2 januari 2020 17:25:

De Joden zijn juist gek op Trump.
De Amerikaanse een stuk minder dan de Israëlische.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 2 januari 2020 17:25:

De Joden zijn juist gek op Trump.
Totdat ze de schuld krijgen.
Zolang hij een groep voor zijn karretje kan spannen, is de groep waardevol en krijgt een hoge achting bij Trump. Totdat hij zijn tussendoel bereikt heeft en ze niet meer nodig heeft. Dan laat hij ze vallen als een baksteen.

De Trump cult heeft altijd een zondebok nodig om de mensen te mobiliseren in hun Trumpgeloof en strijd.

Iedere groep die niet bij de Trump aanhang hoort of in hun ogen niet bij past komt vroeg of laat aan de beurt.

Vandaag ben je zijn vriend omdat hij je steun nodig heeft en morgen zijn allergrootste vijand en dan roept hij zijn mensen op jou aan te vallen.

Het enige wat op den duur nog getolereerd worden zijn blanke fanatieke Trump supporters.
En zelfs die behandelt hij uiteindelijk als een stuk vuil, want het enige wat uiteindelijktelt is Trump en een kleine kliek rondom hem.

Zie het zo :
Trump is tegen moslims die naar de US willen emigreren
Gelukkig hoor ik daar niet bij, dus ik laat het maar gebeuren
Trump is tegen Latino's die naar de US willen emigreren
Gelukkig hoor ik daar niet bij, dus ik laat het maar gebeuren
Trump is tegen Moslims, Latino's en African Americans, die in de US wonen
Gelukkig hoor ik daar niet bi, dus ik laat het maar gebeuren
Trump is tegen Joden die in de US wonen
Gelukkig hoor ik daar niet bij, dus ik laat het maar gebeuren

Trump heeft over verloop van de tijd, deze mensen of verjaagd of opgesloten.
De achterban zorgt ervoor dat deze groepen geen leven hebben in de US vanaf het moment dat Trump hen beschuldigt.

En nu Trump's volgende stap
Trump is tegen alle blanken die geen aanhanger zijn van Trump's partij.
Daar hoor ik bij, en er is geen groep meer die mij nog steunt. Ik sta er alleen voor samen met de andere blanke anti Trump figuren.

Dan Scavino is Assistent to the President and Director of Social Media at the White House

En hij plaatst deze tweet op twitter :

When this guy with Trump Derangement Syndrome went to steal a #TrumpPence campaign sign there was one problem, it was electrified....


Het is bij wet verboden zaken onder elektrische stroom te zetten, zeker als er geen waarschuwing bij staat.
En dan nog op een hoogte waar kinderen bij kunnen.
Het bord "Trump Pence" stond gericht op de camera en niet op de weg, waardoor voorbijgangers het niet zien.

En iemand met een top functie in het Witte Huis verlaagt zich tot deze filmpjes op zijn twitter account.

Netanyahu vraagt het parlement om immuniteit tegen rechtsvervolging.
Zorgt voor vertraging in de rechtszaak, want zolang het parlement een beslissing moet nemen, wordt de rechtszaak stilgelegd, het parlementsoordeel afwachtend.

Netanyahu wordt verdacht in 3 strafbare zaken van fraude en vertrouwensbreuk, waarbij in 1 zaak ook omkoping.

Netanyahu is cruciaal voor Trump's midden oosten politiek, waaronder ook Jared Kushner's (Trump's schoonzoon) vredesplan.


Noord Korea

In a strongest indication that North Korea could resume some of the major tests it had suspended more than two years ago, Kim Jong Un said that the world would soon see his country’s ‘new strategic weapon’


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