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De Russische hypocrisie.

1: Proberen de aandacht af te leiden van Ruslands voortdurende oorlogsmisdaden, raket- en drone-aanvallen op Oekraïne - Rusland's VN "vertegenwoordiger" zei: "Oekraïne stationeert luchtverdedigingssystemen in woonwijken in strijd met het internationaal recht."

2: Ondertussen, omringd door “woonwijken” en gelegen in het centrum van Moskou – heeft het Russische ministerie van Defensie “luchtverdedigingssystemen” op zijn dak.

zie foto's


Karel schreef op 3 januari 2024 11:43:

Vunzige persoonlijke aanvallen wederom, die gewoon blijven staan.;
zo wordt een mooi platform inhoudsloos verziekt door enkelingen.
Het is een feit dat zonder jouw 'bijdragen' dit forum flink aan kwaliteit zou winnen.

Karel schreef op 3 januari 2024 13:14:

Toe maar, een forumgenoot met Putin vergelijken; wederom een kinderachtige persoonlijke aanval van Fred 62
[Modbreak: gelieve het netjes te houden op het forum.]
De amateur

luchtschip schreef op 3 januari 2024 13:22:

De Russische hypocrisie.

1: Proberen de aandacht af te leiden van Ruslands voortdurende oorlogsmisdaden, raket- en drone-aanvallen op Oekraïne - Rusland's VN "vertegenwoordiger" zei: "Oekraïne stationeert luchtverdedigingssystemen in woonwijken in strijd met het internationaal recht."

2: Ondertussen, omringd door “woonwijken” en gelegen in het centrum van Moskou – heeft het Russische ministerie van Defensie “luchtverdedigingssystemen” op zijn dak.

zie foto's

Had je ook nog de foto's gezien van de raket resten die ze gevonden hadden in Belgorod? Stond op social media maar was snel weggehaald want bleken resten van hun eigen luchtafweergeschut te zijn.
Bundestag Defense Committee chief urges Germany to send Taurus missiles to Ukraine

Senior German MP demands Taurus missiles and expedited F-16 deliveries blasts slow repairs of German-supplied tanks damaged in Ukraine, to counter Russian aggression.


The War in Ukraine Is Not a Stalemate

Last Year’s Counteroffensive Failed—but the West Can Prevent a Russian Victory This Year


ince the failure of offensives in 2023 by both Ukraine and Russia, a narrative is coalescing that the war in Ukraine has reached a stalemate. The perception of an indefinite but static conflict is causing a sense of fatigue in the capitals of Ukraine’s partners: if neither side is likely to make substantial progress, the status quo appears stable, demanding little urgent policy attention.

This perception of stalemate, however, is deeply flawed. Both Moscow and Kyiv are in a race to rebuild offensive combat power. In a conflict of this scale, that process will take time. While the first half of 2024 may bring few changes in control of Ukrainian territory, the materiel, personnel training, and casualties that each side accrues in the next few months will determine the long-term trajectory of the conflict. The West in fact faces a crucial choice right now: support Ukraine so that its leaders can defend their territory and prepare for a 2025 offensive or cede an irrecoverable advantage to Russia.


A realistic plan would involve resourcing Kyiv to maintain a defensive posture throughout most of 2024 while units are trained and equipped to mount offensive operations in 2025. Beyond the certainty this plan would offer Ukraine’s generals, it would also signal to the Kremlin that it cannot count on winning a years-long war of attrition against an increasingly thinly resourced Ukraine. A U.S. commitment to supporting Ukraine through 2024 would also shift European allies’ incentives toward investing more deeply in increasing the capacity of their weapons industries, reducing the burden on the United States through 2025.

Western leaders must emphasize that longer-term investment in manufacturing capacity is both affordable and ultimately benefits Ukraine’s allies. The total defense budgets of the 54 countries supporting Ukraine well exceed $100 billion per month. By contrast, current support for Ukraine costs those states less than $6 billion monthly.


Some leaders in Western capitals now argue that it is time to negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine. This line of thinking, however, misses both the extent of Russia’s goals and what the Kremlin would realistically offer. Moscow is not interested in simply seizing some Ukrainian territory: Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated that he wants to change the logic of the international system.

If the United States asks its partners to make concessions to Russia to obtain a token cease-fire, two things will likely happen. First, Russia will persistently breach the cease-fire, as it did with all iterations of the 2015 Minsk agreements, while rebuilding its military to finish the task of occupying Kyiv. Second, Russia will argue to its allies that the United States can be beaten through perseverance. This will likely lead many U.S. security partners to seek an insurance policy, reducing the United States’ influence around the world.

Russia does not want a direct conflict with NATO, but the Kremlin is increasingly looking to expand the scope of its indirect confrontations with the West ...

The United States and its European allies face a choice. They can either make an immediate plan to bolster the training they provide to the Ukrainian military, clarify to their publics and to Ukraine that the October 2024 deadline to liberate territory must be extended, and underwrite Ukraine’s materiel needs through 2025, or they can continue to falsely believe the war is in a stalemate, dithering and ceding the advantage to Russia. This would be a terrible mistake: in addition to expanding its partnerships in Africa, Russia is strengthening its collaboration with China, Iran, and North Korea. And if a loss in Ukraine ends up demonstrating that the West cannot meet a single challenge to the world’s security architecture, its adversaries will hardly believe it can deal with multiple crises at once.
Ukrainian troops blow up Russia’s newest radar system


Ukrainian forces have successfully destroyed a state-of-the-art Russian counter-fire radar system, the 1K148 “Yastreb-AV,” valued at approximately $250 million.

According to the local media, Ukrainian troops detected the Yastreb-AV and relayed the coordinates to artillery units within the Ukrainian military. This led to a precise strike executed with HIMARS, effectively neutralizing the threat posed by the Russian radar system.

Reports from the Russian Ministry of Defense revealed that this cutting-edge system had only recently been deployed to artillery units stationed within Ukraine’s territory.

ISW: Four reasons why there is no alternative to the total liberation of Ukraine

Amid growing hints that Ukraine’s western partners are contemplating pressuring it to surrender land to Russia for an elusive end to Russia’s war, the US-based Institute for Study of War has come out with a report about why that is a misguided policy — and why only the total liberation of Ukraine in its 1991 borders will ensure it independence.

Here are its main arguments:

1) Russia remains committed to subjugating Ukraine
2) The current lines are indefensible
3) Concessions damage core international principles
4) Crimea and Donbas are strategically and economically vital


Ukrainian Forces Decimate Eight Invader Artillery Systems Near Donetsk

The Ukrainian military inflicted significant losses on Russian artillery near Donetsk.

The military of the 59th Motorized Brigade and the Shadow of Ukraine unit showed this combat mission in this area.

Initially, three Russian 2S19 Msta-S self-propelled artillery installations were successfully targeted.


Karel schreef op 1 januari 2024 06:11:

Tja, de enige strategisch relevante postzegel terreinwinst die dat “succesvolle” lente/zomer/najaarsoffensief van Oekraïne had opgeleverd (op een frontlinie van ca 1000 km) wordt sinds 17 november in gestaag tempo opnieuw bezet door Rusland.

Vergelijk kaarten uit de pro-Oekrainse site deepstatemap, in de volgende (!) posting
en in de volgende posting schreef Karel :

Open de linkjes om de verschillen te zien; aan alle kanten heeft Rusland ook hier terreinwinst behaald. Strategisch ook al onbelangrijk gebied?

17 november www.iex.nl/Forum/Upload/2024/15133196...

31 december www.iex.nl/Forum/Upload/2024/15133197...

>>>en Karel, gaat dat in gestaag tempo terugveroveren van gebied door de Russen opnieuw door in het nieuwe jaar ?

>>>>>>>>>>>Het militaire rapport van de Generale Staf van het Oekrainse leger vandaag, 3 januari :

"Oekraïense troepen rukten op in de buurt van Verbove en dwongen de vijand bepaalde posities te verlaten."

In de zuidelijke regio Zaporizja ligt het dorp Verbove naast het bevrijde dorp Robotyne.


Dit betreft het Oekrainse font in zuidelijke richting naar Tokmak
Tijdens het lente/zomer offensief is het Oekrainse leger door de sterke verdedigingslinies van de Russen gestoken en heeft Robotyne veroverd
Een plaats op 18 km van Tokmak
De wig in het Russische front had een oppervlakte van 81 km2
Tussen 17 november en 1 januari heeft het Russisch leger ca 7 km2 terugveroverd

Karel noemde de door Oekraine veroverde gebieden tijdens het lente/zomer offensief : veroveringen van postzegelgebiedjes

Me dunkt : Karel noemt het door `Oekraine veroverde gebied van 81 km2 bij Robotyne minachtend een postzegelverovering

Dat de Russen na 17 november slechts 7 km2 hebben terugveroverd meldt hij vol trots en met grote regelmaat als een zeer succesvolle Russische opmars en enorme terreinwinst voor het Russische leger

Schimpend vertellen dat de Oekrainse verovering van 81 km2 een postzegelverovering is en pochen dat de Russen maar liefst 7 km2 hebben terugveroverd
Hier klopt jouw verhaal niet en maak je niet veel indruk

Je houdt ons natuurlijk wel op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen -- ook wanneer de Oekraïners terrein veroveren in dit gebied ?

kaart van de zuidelijke opmars bij Robotyne richting Tokmak
Ukrainian Air Forces intercept all Russian ‘hypersonic’ missiles
Dylan Malyasov
Jan 2, 2024
Modified date: 1 day ago

The Ukrainian Air Forces have reported successfully neutralizing a barrage of Russian ‘hypersonic’ missiles, countering a replicated assault by the aggressor early on January 2nd.

As per the Ukrainian Air Force statement, the interception shot down all Kh-47M2 Kinzhal hypersonic missiles launched from MiG-31K aircraft.

The targets of this assault encompassed crucial infrastructure, industrial, civilian, and military sites, with the primary focus aimed at the capital city of Ukraine.

“At 07:30, launches of ten aeroballistic missiles X-47M2 ‘Kinzhal’ from MiG-31K fighters were detected,” the statement read.

All ten missiles were reported successfully neutralized in the defensive action. Additionally, the interception also accounted for the destruction of 59 cruise missiles of the Kh-101/Kh-555/Kh-55 types, along with three Kalibr cruise missiles.

The Kh-47M2 “Kinzhal” is a Russian hypersonic aviation missile complex. In terms of dimensions and appearance, the missile of the “Kinzhal” complex resembles ballistic missiles of the Iskander missile system. The maximum claimed speed of the missile is 10 Mach. It is carried by the modified interceptor aircraft MiG-31K, which is capable of carrying one missile and striking targets at distances up to 2000 kilometers.

This advanced missile complex represents a formidable threat due to its high-speed capabilities, allowing it to travel at speeds beyond Mach 10, rendering interception and defense exceedingly challenging for conventional air defense systems.

De amateur schreef op 3 januari 2024 15:05:


Had je ook nog de foto's gezien van de raket resten die ze gevonden hadden in Belgorod? Stond op social media maar was snel weggehaald want bleken resten van hun eigen luchtafweergeschut te zijn.
Ja zeker --en sommige mensen maken screenshots, waardoor ondanks het weghalen van de foto's van internet, ze nog te zien zijn

Russische zenders als “Zhest Belgorod” verspreidden video’s en foto’s van raketfragmenten, die burgereigendommen in Belgorod beschadigden.

Toen ze zich echter realiseerden dat dit de boostersecties waren van 23Ya6-raketten van het Russische Pantsir-S1-luchtverdedigingssysteem, verwijderden ze deze.

video 0:08 minuut plus foto's

klik op de video voor grootbeeldscherm

Nato to help member states buy 1,000 more US Patriot missiles so they can hand over existing weapons to Ukraine

NATO will help buy 1,000 US-built Patriot missiles to equip European member states and allow them to hand more of their existing weaponry to Ukraine, the alliance said yesterday.

Its Support & Procurement Agency will give support to Germany, the Netherlands, Romania and Spain to buy the missiles, with the cost of the contract estimated at $5.5 billion (£4.3bn).

Nato secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg said that “Russian missile and drone attacks on Ukrainian civilians, cities and towns show how important modern air defences are. Scaling up ammunition production is key for Ukraine’s security and for ours.”



Ukrainian artillery neutralize Russian recon drone crew

In a recent operation on the Southern Ukrainian front, operators from one of the Special Operations Forces (SSO) units detected an enemy reconnaissance crew operating the “ZALA” Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).

The Ukrainian artillery successfully targeted the location of Russian operators of ZALA UAV in the Zaporizhzhia region.

Swiftly responding to the threat, the operators adjusted the fire of the HIMARS artillery system belonging to the Defense Forces, targeting the hostile Russian UAV crew.

The detected UAV, identified as the ZALA 421-16E2, is developed by the Russian company ZALA AERO and boasts a distinctive “flying wing” design. This reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle is equipped with a daylight camera featuring a powerful 60x optical zoom capability along with a thermal imaging module.

US Navy finalizes delivery of VAMPIRE weapon systems to Ukraine
Colton Jones
Dec 7, 2023
Modified date: Dec 7, 2023

The United States Navy is set to conclude the delivery of a new Counter-Unmanned Air System (UAS) weapon system developed by L3Harris to Ukraine this month, forming a crucial part of the Department of Defense’s aid package.

In response to urgent requirements for wartime support in Ukraine, the Direct and Time Sensitive Strike program office’s contingency operations team (PMA-242) initiated efforts to supply rocket-launching platforms known as Vehicle Agnostic Modular Palletized ISR Rocket Equipment (VAMPIRE) systems.

The VAMPIRE system, a compact and palletized rocket-launching platform, integrates a sensor ball and four-shot Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) launchers designed for mounting onto flatbed trucks. Traditionally employed by the U.S. Navy and Army against air-to-ground targets, the VAMPIRE system introduces a laser-guided rocket capable of effectively countering unmanned aerial threats.

Commander Kevin Raspet, PMA-242’s foreign military sales deputy program manager, emphasized the team’s rapid delivery of the first four systems within six months, achieved through an innovative contracting strategy and dedicated efforts to match the system’s swift development pace.

Robert Galan, the Contingency Operations Case Manager at PMA-242, highlighted the team’s focus on expediting delivery to the warfighter, leveraging diverse contracting authorities to streamline processes and ensure the construction and deployment of an operationally efficient system.

The upcoming delivery will include the first-ever APKWS featuring proximity fuze warheads, a pivotal technology enhancing the C-UAS mission capability by incorporating an RF sensor, enabling APKWS to target Group 2 and Group 3 UAVs.

Captain Alex Dutko, PMA-242’s program manager, noted the immediate impact of the weapon system in Ukraine’s ongoing wartime efforts, illustrating the rapid response and agility of the team in addressing urgent requirements.

With a commitment to supporting Ukraine’s ground forces, PMA-242 aims to deliver 14 VAMPIRE systems, empowering them to effectively target and neutralize UAVs while fortifying defenses against ground threats.
Rusland en Oekraïne ruilen honderden krijgsgevangenen uit

Rusland en Oekraïne hebben krijgsgevangenen uitgeruild. Het Russische ministerie van Defensie meldt op Telegram dat 248 militairen zijn vrijgelaten, de Oekraïense president Volodymyr Zelensky meldt de vrijlating van "meer dan tweehonderd krijgers en burgers uit Russische gevangenschap".

"Na een ingewikkeld onderhandelingsproces zijn 248 Russische militairen teruggekeerd naar eigen land uit gebied dat onder controle staat van het regime in Kyiv", schrijft het Russische ministerie van Defensie op Telegram, verwijzend naar de Oekraïense regering. De Verenigde Arabische Emiraten hebben bemiddeld, meldt het ministerie.

Volgens de Oekraïense ombudsman voor de mensenrechten Dmytro Loebinets zijn 230 Oekraïense militairen vrijgelaten. Zelensky zegt dat onder meer "soldaten, sergeanten en officieren" van verschillende krijgsmachtonderdelen zijn vrijgelaten, onder wie "verdedigers die gevochten hebben in Marioepol en Azovstal".

De slag om de stad Marioepol was een van de bloedigste slagen in de oorlog tussen de twee landen. Oekraïense militairen trokken zich na een lange belegering van de stad terug in de staalfabriek Azovstal, waar ze zich in mei 2022 uiteindelijk overgaven. "Ik bedank iedereen die, ondanks alle moeilijkheden, onze mensen thuis brengt. Ik ben onze verdedigers dankbaar", schreef Zelensky op X.

Volgens Loebinets was dit de 49ste keer dat de twee landen gevangenen hebben uitgeruild. De uitruil van gevangenen lag wel al maanden stil.
het zwaard
KIJK. Tsjetsjeense leider Kadyrov wil familieleden van criminelen executeren: “We moeten bloedwraak nemen”
De Tsjetsjeense leider Ramzan Kadyrov (47) doet opnieuw de wenkbrauwen fronsen met een opvallend voorstel. Tijdens een vergadering zei Kadyrov dat hij de familieleden van voortvluchtige criminelen voortaan wil executeren. “Als we de dader niet kunnen vinden, zullen we zijn of haar familie wel zoeken. We moeten onze bloedwraak nemen”, aldus de Tsjetsjeen.

Bron: The Moscow Times, Meduza
And now for something completely different. :-)

Pioneering Aluminium Road Bridge in Russia

By Strategic Research Institute on Jan 04, 2024 11:12 am


Russia inaugurates its maiden aluminium road bridge across the Linda River in Bor, Tolokontsevo – Mogiltsy motorway, crafted entirely from aluminium alloys—a pioneering feat. With beams and plates crafted using innovative techniques, this landmark structure is a testament to domestic research, materials, and technologies employed in bridge construction.


Russia achieved a monumental milestone with the inauguration of its first aluminium road bridge, spanning the Linda River along the Tolokontsevo – Mogiltsy motorway in Bor. Notably, the 72-meter-long structure stands as an innovative venture for both the aluminium and construction industries, being entirely composed of aluminium alloys—a groundbreaking feat previously unexplored in Russian bridge engineering.

Comprising four aluminium spans, each 18 meters long, the bridge utilized plates ranging from 25 to 42 millimeters in width, employing 1565?? and 6082T6 aluminium alloys—a testament to its capacity to withstand substantial operational loads. The construction involved the unique friction stir welding method, consolidating the span beams with bolted connections atop pillars and subsequent installation of orthotropic plates, followed by waterproofing and asphalt laying.

Evgeny Vasiliev, Deputy Chair of Transport Infrastructure at the Aluminium Association, highlighted the substantial contribution made by the Aluminium Association and expert communities across the nation. This pioneering project necessitated exhaustive regulatory documentation and relied entirely on domestic research, materials, and technologies.

Throughout the bridge's construction, meticulous tests and trials focused on assessing dynamics, tension, fire resistance, wear resistance, and connection quality, ensuring its structural integrity and durability.

Leading scientific and production centers such as the Institute of Light Materials & Technologies (ILM&T), Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NIU MGSU), and Research Center of Artificial Structures played pivotal roles in this groundbreaking project.

An exceptional advantage of aluminium structures lies in their minimal maintenance costs. These bridges forego regular anti-corrosion treatments and are easily transported to construction sites, reducing the need for expensive cranes or additional workforce due to their lightweight nature.

Irina Kazovskaya, Chair of the Aluminium Association, hailed aluminium as a potent material for bridge construction, underscoring its cost-effectiveness, environmental benefits, and aesthetic potential. She emphasized the material's ability to create innovative and futuristic constructions while ensuring a low cost of ownership and extended lifecycle.


This landmark marks another stride in Russia's embrace of aluminium infrastructure, with the Aluminium Association actively fostering the development of transport infrastructure, indicating a growing trend in the construction of aluminium alloy bridges.

Bron: Steelguru (via email)
het zwaard
Atoomagentschap krijgt geen toegang tot reactoren van kerncentrale in Zaporizja
Deskundigen van het Internationaal Atoomenergie Agentschap (IAEA) krijgen geen toegang tot kamers van de reactoren van de Oekraïense kerncentrale in Zaporizja. Die wordt regelmatig getroffen door stroomstoringen. Dat meldde het IAEA woensdag vanuit zijn hoofdkwartier in de Oostenrijkse hoofdstad Wenen.

In Zaporizja, een stad in het zuidoosten van Oekraïne, staat de grootste kerncentrale van Europa. Sinds maart 2022 is die in handen van het Russische leger.

Het IAEA heeft een vast team van deskundigen ter plaatse en drukte al meermaals zijn bezorgdheid uit over de situatie daar. De kerncentrale viel de afgelopen maanden al meermaals zonder stroom en koeling, onder meer door beschietingen. Deskundigen noemen de situatie er "precair", waardoor de vrees voor een nucleair ongeval toeneemt. Rusland en Oekraïne beschuldigen elkaar ervan om op die plaats een catastrofe te willen veroorzaken.

Ook de voorbije twee weken wilden deskundigen van het atoomagentschap de reactoren in de kerncentrale controleren. Ze meldden woensdag dat ze geen toegang krijgen tot bepaalde kamers van de reactoren. Ook de toegang tot bepaalde delen van de turbinekamers wordt beperkt.
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