Oeps, naast de claims van de Kreos leningen (bladzijde 101 en 102 van hetzelfde document),
is er een keiharde clausule opgenomen bij de overname van CytoSen (en de betaling ervan in aandelen Kiadis), te lezen bovenaan bladzijde 103 van hetzelfde document :
"Further to the abovementioned 1,513,052 newly issued Shares, the former holders of CytoSen shares have a conditional entitlement to receive 267,012 newly issued Shares - the Holdback Shares as further discussed below. Also, as per the CytoSen Acquisition Agreement, the former holders of CytoSen shares and options are eligible to potential future consideration of up to 5,819,466 additional Shares upon the achievement of six clinical development and regulatory milestones, with the final milestone being first FDA approval of an NK-cell product based on CytoSen's technology. In the event we fail to pay any contingent consideration due, a party that has a competing NK-cell product in clinical development or on the market would acquire control over us, we sell all or substantially all our assets, or we transfer our NK-cell related intellectual property to a third party, all unpaid contingent consideration in Shares will become immediately payable at a reduced amount that will be calculated according to a pre-agreed formula that is based on the moment of the accelerated payment of the contingent consideration compared to the projected timing of such payment on an unaccelerated basis. In the event that anyone acquires 50% or more of the voting rights attached to our outstanding Shares, we dispose a majority of our assets, or are party to a merger, reorganization or consolidation which results in the voting rights attached to our Shares immediately prior to such transaction representing less than 50% of the voting rights of the surviving entity or its parent immediately after such transaction, we have the right to immediately pay all unpaid contingent consideration in Shares at a reduced amount that will be calculated according to the abovementioned pre-agreed formula."
Dat hadden aandeelhouders van Kiadis vast eerder willen weten ..
CytoSen en hun NK-produkten zijn dus nog niet echt eigendom van Kiadis Pharma. Het kan zomaar in andere handen overgaan als Kiadis ook maar 1 termijn niet kan betalen !