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Daimler overtreft verwachtingen

Daimler AG
57,74 0,15 0,26 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
Daimler AG
57,58 0,00 0,00 % Gruppo Borsa Italiana
Daimler AG -OTCPK-
$ 71,70 2,98 4,34 % OTC USA

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Daimler heeft in 2020 resultaten geboekt die significant hoger uitvielen dan waar het bedrijf en de markt op rekenden. Dit maakte de Duitse autobouwer donderdagavond bekend.

Daimler sprak van een "zeer sterk vierde kwartaal", vooral met betrekking tot vrije kasstroom bij de tak Industrial. Maar alle divisies droegen bij aan het succes, aldus de autobouwer, waarbij vooral het merk Mercedes-Benz veel beter presteerde dan een jaar eerder.

Daimler boekte in 2020 een vrije kasstroom bij Industrial van 8,3 miljard euro, waar de consensus mikte op 5,3 miljard euro, zo bleek uit de voorlopige cijfers. De liquiditeitspositie van Industrial bedroeg 17,9 miljard euro, waar dit aan het einde van het derde kwartaal van 2020 nog 13,1 miljard euro was.

Het EBIT-resultaat van Daimler kwam uit op 6,6 miljard euro, terwijl de consensus mikte op 5,2 miljard euro. Op aangepaste basis kwam de EBIT zelfs uit op 8,6 miljard euro, eveneens beduidend hoger dan de verwachting van 7,1 miljard euro.

Ook bij Mercedes-Benz was er sprake van een hoger dan voorziene EBIT, terwijl het EBIT-resultaat bij Daimler Trucks & Buses juist wat lager uitviel.

Daimler zegt ook positieve ontwikkelingen te verwachten in 2021, zonder concrete details te noemen.

Op 18 februari komt Daimler met de volledige cijfers over 2020.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Daimler Trucks Unveils BharatBenz Reefer Truck for Vaccines

Daimler India Commercial Vehicles has unveiled the BharatBenz BSafe Express, a specialized reefer truck designed for the safe transportation of COVID-19 vaccines. Equipped with state-of-the-art connectivity, the BSafe Express uses newly developed refrigeration units that ensure the temperature and stability of the vaccines is accurately monitored and maintained at all stages of delivery. The reefer is mounted on the BharatBenz 2823R heavy duty chassis. The refrigerated container is supplied by automotive system solutions provider Motherson Group. It is made from Glass Reinforced Plastic, XPS Foam, and other carefully-chosen materials that ensure the product is strong, water-resistant, and non-corrosive, yet light-weight and highly insulated. The container can be assembled locally in as little as 96 hours, making it a much more practical solution than conventional products which can take three or more weeks to deliver.

With purpose-built IoT sensors integrated inside the container, fleet managers can monitor temperature, humidity, shock, tilt, and tamper. They can also adjust the temperature as required, and sound the alarm if a problem occurs. This further integrates with QR Code tracking of all stock on board, so that users can check the location, status, and history of each package. Paired with BharatBenz’s ‘Truckonnect’ telematics platform, the BSafe Express offers vaccine distributors absolute peace of mind with real-time tracking of both the vehicle and its precious cargo.

India has recently started its corona vaccination campaign, aiming to vaccinate 300 million people by July 2021. The BharatBenz BSafe Express offers a solution to Indian logistics companies in the efforts to contribute to the nation’s goal of bringing COVID under control as quickly as possible.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Update: Daimler wil meerderheidsbelang in Daimler Truck afsplitsen via beursgang

Daimler AG
63,77 4,49 7,57 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
Daimler AG
63,41 3,98 6,70 % Gruppo Borsa Italiana
Daimler AG -OTCPK-
$ 76,62 4,34 6,00 % OTC USA

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Daimler is van plan om een meerderheidsbelang in Daimler Truck af te splitsen via de beurs. Dit maakte de Duitse fabrikant woensdagmiddag bekend, nadat de raad van commissarissen akkoord ging om de plannen te evalueren.

Intussen zijn de voorbereidingen voor een aparte notering in gang gezet.

"Een historisch moment", aldus voorzitter Ola Källenius.

Daimler Truck bouwt vrachtwagens en bussen en wordt na de beursgang volledig zelfstandig met een eigen directie, aldus Daimler.

Daimler, dat na de opsplitsing alleen nog luxe passagiersauto's maakt, wil de naam dan veranderen in Mercedes Benz.

Aandeelhouders zullen nog groen licht moeten geven voor de plannen. Die vergadering kan aan het einde van het derde kwartaal plaatsvinden, waarna Daimler Truck nog dit jaar naar de beurs van Frankfurt zou kunnen gaan.

Het aandeel Daimler schoot na de aankondig omhoog en noteerde kort voor het sluiten van de beurs 6,6 procent in het groen.

Update: om meer informatie toe te voegen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Hans, wederom bedankt!


Wat spuit zo'n aandeel plots omhoog na enkele echt goede berichten. Zie postings van Hans hierboven en op Duitse websites. BIJNA 65 Euro!!!

Een jaartje geleden, toch echt "aangeslagen" met een koers die naar beneden gedonderd was van rond de 25 Euro...

Rond de 25 Euro en NU : Bijna 65 Euro.

Gisteren 8 procent erbij. Volg hans 'postings goed ( Cune ! ) en vandaag alweer anderhalve Euro erbij.

Er zijn perioden dat je als langetermijnbelegger moet zweten en op je tanden bijten en er zijn perioden dat de miljoenen blijven aantikken....

Wel heel benieuwd hoe de door mij gewaardeerde voorpagina schrijver: Arend Jan Kamp nu tegen al deze ontwikkelingen aankijkt. Arend Jan is altijd nogal negatief over onze Duitse buren, maar gelukkig heb ik altijd een andere instelling gehad. Onderschat Duitsers.....NOOIT !

Bij Merck KGaA zijn ze ook goed bezig evenals uiteraard bij Siemens en zijn onderdelen.

Vermogensopbouw in tientallen jaren....... Het is een andere tak van kennis en kunde dan wat aankopen en verkopen op je Iphone doen.....

Daimler Plans Truck & Bus Business Spinoff

Daimler plans a fundamental change in its structure, designed to unlock the full potential of its businesses in a zero-emissions, software-driven future. The Supervisory Board and the Board of Management of Daimler has agreed to evaluate a spin-off of its Truck and Bus business and begin preparations for a separate listing of Daimler Truck. It is intended that a significant majority stake in Daimler Truck will be distributed to Daimler shareholders. The Daimler Truck business will have fully independent management, stand-alone corporate governance including an independent Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and is targeted to qualify as a DAX company. The transaction and the listing of Daimler Truck on the Frankfurt stock exchange is expected to be complete before year-end 2021. In addition, it is also Daimler’s intention to rename itself as Mercedes-Benz at the appropriate time.

As part of a more focused corporate structure, both Mercedes-Benz and Daimler Truck will also be supported by dedicated captive financial and mobility service entities, driving sales with tailor-made financing, leasing and mobility solutions, increasing retention and building customer loyalty. In this process, the company plans to assign resources and teams from today’s Daimler Mobility to both Mercedes-Benz and Daimler Truck.

Daimler Truck intends to generate value for its shareholders by accelerating the execution of its strategic plans, raising its profitability and driving forward with its development of emissions-free technologies for trucks and buses.

Daimler Truck is the world’s largest Truck and Bus producer, with industry leading positions in Europe, North America and Asia, and with more than 35 main locations around the globe. With more than 100,000 employees, it unites seven brands under one roof: BharatBenz, Freightliner, Fuso, Mercedes-Benz, Setra, Thomas Built Buses and Western Star.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Mercedes roept ook in Nederland auto's terug voor probleem eCall

Gepubliceerd op 16 februari 2021 10:37 | Views: 156

Daimler 15 feb
64,84 +0,18 (+0,28%)

UTRECHT (ANP/BELGA/BLOOMBERG) - Mercedes-Benz roept ook in Nederland personenauto's terug vanwege een mogelijk probleem met eCall, het automatische noodoproepsysteem. Het mankement zit in wagens van de modeljaren 2017 tot 2020. Om hoeveel auto's het in Nederland gaat, is onduidelijk.

Door het mankement is het "in zeldzame gevallen" mogelijk dat bij een ongeluk de noodoproep via eCall niet beschikbaar is of dat hulpdiensten naar de verkeerde locatie worden gestuurd. Mercedes probeert het euvel in eerste instantie met een automatische software-update verhelpen. "In sommige gevallen lukt dat niet, als een auto bijvoorbeeld in een parkeergarage staat", zegt een woordvoerster. Die eigenaren krijgen bericht van de autobouwer. De reparatie duurt in de garage ongeveer een half uur.

De terugroepactie heeft betrekking op verschillende modellen van de bouwjaren 2017-2020, onder meer CLA, GLA, GLE, GLS, S-klasse en E-klasse. In de Verenigde Staten heeft Mercedes ruim een miljoen voertuigen teruggeroepen.

Voor beleggers die een investering in Daimler willen bestuderen, raad ik aan de postings van Hans hierboven rustig door te lezen en de posting die ik hierboven plaats.

Daarin wordt een heldere schets gegeven hoe de zaken er momenteel voor staan en waarom de voorgenomen splitsing personenauto's afgescheiden van de vrachtwagens door de meeste analisten als positief wordt gezien.

Daimler verhoogt dividend na winstsprong in 2020

Daimler AG
66,53 1,09 1,67 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
Daimler AG
66,80 1,59 2,44 % Gruppo Borsa Italiana
Daimler AG -OTCPK-
$ 79,05 0,61 0,78 % OTC USA

(ABM FN) Daimler heeft in 2020 een hogere nettowinst geboekt en stelt daarom een dividendverhoging voor. Dit maakte de Duitse autobouwer donderdagochtend bekend.

De nettowinst steeg in 2020 op jaarbasis van 2,4 miljard naar 3,6 miljard euro.

De jaaromzet viel evenwel met 11 procent terug tot 154,3 miljard euro, terwijl de kwartaalomzet 1 procent daalde tot 46,6 miljard euro.

Daimler kwam al eerder met voorlopige cijfers over 2020. Donderdag werd bevestigd dat de autobouwer in het afgelopen jaar een EBIT boekte van 6,6 miljard euro en een aangepaste EBIT van 8,6 miljard euro.

Daimler wil een dividend voorstellen van 1,35 euro per aandeel over 2020, hetgeen meer is dan de 0,90 euro per aandeel over 2019. In 2018 bedroeg het dividend evenwel 3,25 euro per aandeel.

Voor 2021 verwacht Daimler dat de omzet en EBIT "significant" boven het niveau van 2020 zullen liggen. De omzet in het lopende eerste kwartaal zal evenwel de klap voelen van de tekorten in de halfgeleiderindustrie, zo waarschuwde de autobouwer.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Camion Transport Gets 3 FUSO eTrucks for Swiss Streets

Daimler Trucks first all electric truck in small series production is now conquering another European truck market. The delivery of three FUSO eCanter trucks to Camion Transport AG marks the beginning of a new chapter of ecological logistics in Switzerland. Urbanisation is a significant global trend. At the same time, the need for goods is growing steadily, particularly in dense city centres. Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, e-commerce business has exploded worldwide. The FUSO eCanter is the ideal vehicle for that last mile of inner-city distribution. As a 7.49 tonne truck with a range of over 100 km, a top speed of approx. 80 km/h and 129 kW output, it has everything needed for ecological and economical operation in urban centres. Its 3400 mm wheelbase makes it extremely agile. More than 200 vehicles are currently in daily operation in the USA, Europe and Japan.

The experience that Camion Transport AG and other notable logistic companies gain with the powerful eCanter small series model flows directly back to FUSO, where the data is assessed and taken into account for the development of the series production vehicle. With a global fleet achievement of over 3 million kilometres driven locally emission free in customer operations, the team of engineers at FUSO can call on an ever-increasing pool of experience. The aim is that when the eCanter goes into series production in large numbers in the first half of this decade, it will be even further developed and fulfil customers’ needs even more precisely. Until then, more FUSO eCanter from small series production will be delivered successively.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Camion Transport Gets 3 FUSO eTrucks for Swiss Streets

Daimler Trucks first all electric truck in small series production is now conquering another European truck market. The delivery of three FUSO eCanter trucks to Camion Transport AG marks the beginning of a new chapter of ecological logistics in Switzerland. Urbanisation is a significant global trend. At the same time, the need for goods is growing steadily, particularly in dense city centres. Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, e-commerce business has exploded worldwide. The FUSO eCanter is the ideal vehicle for that last mile of inner-city distribution. As a 7.49 tonne truck with a range of over 100 km, a top speed of approx. 80 km/h and 129 kW output, it has everything needed for ecological and economical operation in urban centres. Its 3400 mm wheelbase makes it extremely agile. More than 200 vehicles are currently in daily operation in the USA, Europe and Japan.

The experience that Camion Transport AG and other notable logistic companies gain with the powerful eCanter small series model flows directly back to FUSO, where the data is assessed and taken into account for the development of the series production vehicle. With a global fleet achievement of over 3 million kilometres driven locally emission free in customer operations, the team of engineers at FUSO can call on an ever-increasing pool of experience. The aim is that when the eCanter goes into series production in large numbers in the first half of this decade, it will be even further developed and fulfil customers’ needs even more precisely. Until then, more FUSO eCanter from small series production will be delivered successively.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Eerste elektrische SUV van Mercedes-Benz: de productie is begonnen

Daimler is begonnen met de productie van de EQC, de volledig elektrische SUV van Mercedez-Benz. In de afgelopen jaren maakte Mercedes al een elektrische variant van de supersportwagen SLS ( de SLS AMG Electric Drive) én een volledig elektrische versie van de B-Klasse. De EQC is echter de eerste elektrische Mercedes die in grootschalige serieproductie gaat. Bovendien is hij de eerste elektrische SUV van het merk.

Tweakers / Autoredactie 07-05-19, 07:19 Laatste update: 10:04

Maandag rolde de eerste auto van de band in de fabriek bij Bremen. De EQC is al te bestellen, al gaf het bedrijf eerder aan dat de SUV voor de rest van dit jaar uitverkocht is. De auto, met de volledige naam EQC 400 4Matic, krijgt met zijn 80 kWh-batterijenpakket een bereik van 417 kilometer (WLTP) en verlegt daarmee geen grenzen. Sommige concurrenten komen verder. Een ander minpunt van het nieuwe model is dat het zogenaamde drie fase opladen niet mogelijk is. Dit beperkt de mogelijkheden voor snel laden.

De auto weegt ruim 2.400 kg, waarvan een kwart voor rekening van het batterijenpakket komt. In totaal heeft de EQC 408 pk aan motorvermogen en sprint hij vanuit stilstand naar 100 km/u in 5,1 seconden. Hij heeft twee motoren, waarmee zowel de voor- als de achteras wordt aangedreven.

De fabrikant meldt dat de aanbevolen Duitse prijs voor het basismodel op 71.281 euro uitkomt. Dat is inclusief een btw-percentage van 19 procent. In Nederland pakt dat hoger uit. Op de Nederlandse website van Mercedes-Benz staat een totaalprijs van 80.995 euro genoemd.


Renault verkoopt belang in Daimler

Daimler AG
70,52 -1,57 -2,18 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
Daimler AG
70,61 -1,50 -2,08 % Gruppo Borsa Italiana
Daimler AG -OTCPK-
$ 85,33 -1,32 -1,52 % OTC USA
Renault SA
39,52 -0,215 -0,54 % Euronext Paris
Renault SA
39,70 -0,195 -0,49 % Gruppo Borsa Italiana
Renault SA nominatif adm
39,52 -0,215 -0,54 % Euronext Paris

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Renault heeft zijn belang in het Duitse Daimler verkocht voor een bedrag van 1,14 miljard euro. Dit maakte de Franse autobouwer vrijdagochtend bekend.

Renault verkocht het belang van 1,54 procent tegen een prijs van 69,50 euro per aandeel. Het aandeel Daimler sloot donderdag op 72,09 euro. Uiterlijk dinsdag moet de verkoop rond zijn.

De opbrengsten uit de verkoop van het belang zal Renault gebruiken om schulden af te bouwen bij zijn automotive-activiteiten, aldus de Franse autobouwer.

Na deze transactie heeft Renault geen belang meer in Daimler.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Groundbreaking for Test Centre of Mercedes-AMG in Affalterbach

Like parent group Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-AMG is consistently following the path of electrification with initial vehicles in this year. Now the performance and sports car brand is taking the next forward-thinking step and is building a highly automated test area for the development of electrified high-performance powertrains and electrical components. The official groundbreaking for the new Technikum technology centre took place on 4 March 2021. In doing so, AMG is investing in important topics of the future and is underlying its clear commitment to the Affalterbach location.

The new technology centre with a total area of 5000 square metres on three levels will rise between Benz- and Maybachstrasse in Affalterbach by 2022. It is a new, highly automated test area for the development of electrified high-performance powertrains and electrical components. With all-wheel test stands and a high-voltage test stand for batteries, AMG is gearing itself towards the future. If needed, the building allows for further expansion stages.

The all-wheel test stands aid the engineers in Affalterbach in the simulation of real driving and environmental conditions. The four wheel hubs of a vehicle are connected to the four machines of a test stand and thereby reflect realistic driving resistances to reproduce street-like handling characteristics. One of the test stands is additionally equipped with a climatic/altitude chamber. It uses a vacuum to reproduce an altitude of up 5000 metres above sea level at a temperature as low as -30°C. The developer does not sit in the vehicle during the tests, but controls it from the operator room in an automated process. AMG thereby also contributes to a more sustainable future: By using the test stands, fewer test kilometres in real-world operation are required.

Be it arctic temperatures or tropical climate – the high-voltage test stand with climatic chamber makes it possible to test the high-voltage batteries developed at the Affalterbach location in a temperature range from -40 to +80°C in a fully automated process. This makes it possible to test nearly every conceivable circumstance that a battery system could face during its service life. The focus in this context is particularly on safety, long-term durability as well as on function and performance under extreme conditions. The extensive measurement technology of the test centre and the high level of automation result in reproducible and legally compliant test conditions.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Mercedes-Benz Euro VI Touring Coaches for Taiwan

Daimler Buses is launching its first Euro VI touring coach in the Taiwanese market. The launch of this vehicle based on the Spanish-made Mercedes-Benz OC 500 chassis will see the company further expand its market presence. Daimler Buses will supply the chassis from its Sámano plant in Spain to Taiwanese partner MFTB Taiwan Company Ltd – a joint venture of Daimler’s FUSO commercial vehicle subsidiary and the Shung Ye group. The chassis will be assembled locally by MFTB into complete vehicles equipped to Euro VI specification.

Daimler Buses will also be following new paths in terms of the design of the two-axle vehicle: it was designed to be something completely new as part of a collaboration between Head of Design Stefan Handt and local partner MFTB Taiwan Company Ltd. Traditional Taiwanese elements were combined with the modern design language of Mercedes-Benz. The coach chassis will also represent a benchmark this year in terms of the introduction of the Euro VI emissions norm into buses and trucks in the Taiwanese market. It doesn’t just stand out from the crowd with its exemplary fuel efficiency, but also with a range of modern safety features.

The bus business area of Daimler Truck AG has been present in the Taiwanese market since 2018 and has taken up a strong position within the touring bus sector. The market entry three years ago was an important step in the growth strategy of the Stuttgart-based group as the touring coach market there demonstrates enormous potential.

Source - Strategic Research Institute

Métropole Rouen Normandie Orders Mercedes Benz eCitaro Buses

Métropole Rouen Normandie Chair Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol has put trust in 100 % electrified buses, The region in north-west France consists of the city of Rouen and 70 predominantly small municipalities. Now, following the latest order of ten eCitaro buses, the first fully electric city buses will be added to the region’s fleet and will cover the routes almost silently and locally emission-free.

Métropole Rouen Normandie’s Astuce public transport network has a fleet of more than 200 buses, some of which are used for an interesting range of services: the region has around half a million inhabitants and doesn’t just have traditional bus routes, but also runs schoolbuses, rapid bus lines, a BRT system, a night bus line, not to mention a Metro connection and five lines for on-demand transport. All in all, the network covers more than 18 million kilometres annually.

The ten new eCitaro buses are a perfect match for this demanding region. Mercedes-Benz will deliver the vehicles in summer of this year. The order from France comprises eight solo buses with the latest generation of NMC batteries which have an energy capacity of 396 kWh each, as well as two further solo buses equipped with innovative solid-state batteries with a capacity of 441 kWh. The buses will be charged in the Rouen depot. They all feature a charging socket at the front right of the bus as well as another at the rear of the vehicle.

Three double-width doors ensure rapid passenger flow at the bus stops. Inside the bus, passengers are greeted by an attractive interior: graphite black floor covering, seat upholstery in smoke grey and blue grab handles complement one another to deliver a very attractive interior. Passengers also benefit from USB sockets to charge their devices. Plus, the passengers enjoy not only cleaner transport, but also a high level of safety: among the comprehensive range of equipment on-board the eCitaro are Active Brake Assist and the Sideguard Assist turning aid. Besides the familiar paint colours of the Astuce network, all ten eCitaro buses will feature a clear reference to their fully-electric drivetrain: “100 % électrique”.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Spainish Aquaservice Using Daimler eCanter Trucks

Leading distributor of natural mineral water and beverage dispensers in Spain Aquaservice has become the first company in the southern European country to incorporate Daimler Trucks’ reliable all-electric light-duty truck in its urban distribution fleet. With a first delivery in Spain, the FUSO eCanter is now running in 12 European markets.

The FUSO eCanter is the answer to customer needs for sustainable, ecological mobility solutions for their urban delivery fleets. In a first phase, the new Aquaservice FUSO eCanter will operate in Valencia, as plans are in place to incorporate more all-electric trucks into its fleet between 2022 and 2025. Aquaservice already is a loyal FUSO customer with 110 FUSO vehicles in operations across Spain.

The addition of the FUSO eCanter represents a next step towards in the company’s sustainable mobility strategy by further reducing its carbon footprint. Ultimately, the goal of Aquaservice is to be completely carbon neutral by 2030.https://media.daimler.com/marsMediaSite/en/instance/ko.xhtml?oid=49297986&ls=L2VuL2luc3RhbmNlL2tvLnhodG1sP3JlbElkPTYwODI5JmZyb21PaWQ9NDgzNjI1OCZyZXN1bHRJbmZvVHlwZUlkPTQwNjI2JnZpZXdUeXBlPWxpc3Qmc29ydERlZmluaXRpb249UFVCTElTSEVEX0FULTImYWpheFJlcXVlc3RzTWFkZT0xJnRodW1iU2NhbGVJbmRleD0xJnJvd0NvdW50c0luZGV4PTUmZnJvbUluZm9UeXBlSWQ9NDEwMTI!&rs=47

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Mercedes Benz to Source CO2 Free Electricity from 2022

Mercedes-Benz is expanding its green power portfolio in cooperation with the energy supplier Enovos and the Norwegian energy producer Statkraft. This means that from 2022 onwards, the company will purchase electricity in Germany which comes exclusively from renewable sources. A green power supply contract ensures the purchase of electricity from renewable energy sources at all times.

The CO2-free electricity from solar, wind and hydro sources is generated in various power plants, most of which are located in Germany. These include a part of a solar park with the size of 60 football pitches near Ingolstadt and 24 wind farms with a total of more than 200 wind turbines. The electricity generated from this is roughly equivalent to the amount consumed by 65,000 households annually. The intelligent mix is supplemented by electricity from flexible hydropower plants.

Generation of green electricity is synchronised to follow patterns of consumption so that a supply from the grid with green electricity can be guaranteed on a quarter hourly basis. In many previous green power contracts, feed-in to the grid takes place purely on an annual balance basis. A green power concept of this type and scale is so far unique in Germany. It enables the subsidy-free construction of the solar park as well as the continued operation of the wind turbines, which will no longer be subsidised under the Renewable Energy Sources Act from this year. In 2018, Mercedes-Benz was the first major industrial customer in Germany to secure the long-term continued operation of six wind farms in northern Germany after the end of the EEG subsidy through a similar concept. The first Mercedes-Benz locations are already being supplied with this CO2-free electricity.

In Germany, green electricity procurement is ensured not only for the passenger car production plants, but for all Daimler locations. This also includes the German van, truck and bus plants as well as the central and administrative units – more than 100 locations in total. The company is thus making a significant contribution to the expansion of renewable energy in Germany and to the energy transition.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Mercedes-Benz Vans is Electrifying Ambulance Vehicles

For a number of decades the special vehicles sector for ambulance, fire and police services has been an important area for Mercedes-Benz. Already in 1995, the Sprinter saw its first conversion into an ambulance and today occupies a large portion of the market for emergency vehicles in the health sector with its various body variants. During a pandemic, the need for reliable patient transport vehicles and emergency ambulances is particularly high. Mercedes-Benz Vans and its partner “Ambulanz Mobile GmbH & Co KG” from Schönebeck in Saxony-Anhalt has used the eSprinter as the basis of its first fully electric vehicle for duties in the health sector.

With a range of 120 km and a top speed of up to 120 km/h, the electrically powered ambulance transport vehicle isn’t just suitable for locally emission-free transport around town, but also in the greater urban area. Despite the installations necessary in the patient compartment, the electric ambulance transport vehicle doesn’t exceed the permissible gross weight of 3.5 tonnes. In this light, even drivers who only have a passenger car driving licence can carry out patient transport operations. To this end, the body has an especially weight-saving design, despite using high-quality materials. The electricity supply for the body is kept separate to that of the base vehicle, using two control units which operate independently of one another. Accordingly, the medical devices can be operated independently of the vehicle battery.

In mid-March, the electric ambulance transport vehicle was handed over to the first customer in Bindow near Königs Wusterhausen. The van has entered operational testing within the “Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe” Christian aid organisation. As part of this process, the aid organisation will be closely supported by Ambulanz Mobile GmbH in order to integrate feedback from daily operations into the further development of the vehicle which is intended to be sold all over Europe.

For many years Mercedes-Benz Vans has been working closely with “Ambulanz Mobile GmbH” in the field of ambulance transport vehicles and emergency ambulances. One result of the innovative projects from this co-operation was the so-called “Wünschewagen” (Wish Wagon) for the ASB charitable aid agency. The project enables terminally ill people to fulfil one final wish, for example spending the day at the seaside or with their relatives. The vehicle is based on a regular patient transport vehicle, contains basic emergency medical equipment and leaves plenty of room for individual modifications in order to make the journey for each patient as pleasant and safe as possible.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Daimler Buses Launches OF Bus Chassis in Brazil

Daimler Buses and Mercedes-Benz do Brasil have launched the OF 1621 bus chassis on the Brazilian market. The chassis is particularly suitable for charter transport, for example as a factory shuttle, with the shorter front and rear overhangs simplifying driving maneuvers in tight inner cities. Rimatur Transportes, one of the largest companies in charter transport in Brasil, has acquired the first mounted vehicle.

Due to its “plug and play” characteristics, the new Mercedes-Benz OF 1621 is a chassis that comes ready for bodybuilding, thereby ensuring more speed, less interference and less repositioning of components, not to mention fewer adjustments to the exhaust system, brake systems and chassis frame supports. Among other things, the wheelbase of 5,950 mm also contributes to the bodybuilder-friendly overall construction. It has enabled the OF 1621 to be equipped with a 300-liter fuel tank and pre-installations for an air conditioning system in a manner that relieves the need for subsequent reworking. Less reworking means that customers enjoy lower acquisition costs and the best cost/benefit ratio in the chartered transport services market.

The new OF 1621 has been a joint development of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil with the bodybuilders and with Rimatur Transporters, one of the leading charter transport companies in Brasil. This cooperation with partners and customers underlines the efforts of Daimler Buses to respond to market-specific needs and to offer demand-oriented transport solutions around the globe.

Bus operator Rimatur Transportes, from the Brazilian State of Parana, is the first customer to acquire the new Mercedes-Benz OF 1621. Rimatur’s main activity is the provision of chartered transport services, transporting the staff for call center companies and industrial hubs such as those of São José dos Pinhais, Campo Largo and Fazenda Rio Grande, in the Metropolitan region of Curitiba.

The new chassis is equipped with the 208 hp OM 924 LA engine, has a GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) of 16.5 tons and comes with the 6-speed G-85 transmission, renowned for its efficiency and driving comfort. The engine also drives the air conditioning compressor, which is an optimal solution for chartered operations. The OF 1621 bus chassis can be fitted with bodies measuring up to 12.55 meters in length, thus enabling the installation of up to 48 seats for passengers plus an additional wheelchair space.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Mercedes-EQ Starts Production of Battery Systems for EQS

Mercedes-Benz has started producing high-performance batteries for its all-electric luxury EQS at its Stuttgart-Hedelfingen plant, as part of the Untertürkheim location in Germany, ahead of the sedan’s world premiere on April 15, 2021. The EQS marks the start of a new generation of high performance electric vehicles and will offer-a range of more than 700 km (based on WLTP), based on a high efficiency powertrain and advances in battery energy density. Having integrated battery production seamlessly alongside existing transmission production, the Hedelfingen plant has been transformed into an important part of the company’s global battery production network. The quick ramp-up of its global battery production capacities and targeted expansion of battery competencies through the entire value chain are the key pillars of Mercedes-Benz electric initiative - from basic research, cell production up to batteries’ afterlife including 2nd-life applications and recycling.

This in-house know-how and vertical integration is key for playing a leading role in electric vehicles. In addition to scaling up the EQS battery production, the Mercedes-Benz Drive Systems Campus Untertürkheim will specifically expand its research and development activities in the field of e-mobility - through a campus for electric and electrified drive systems- as announced earlier this month.

The Hedelfingen plant, as part of the Mercedes-Benz Untertürkheim location in Germany is responsible for the production of battery systems for the Mercedes-Benz EQS, as well as the upcoming EQE. The plant has a production and logistics area of about 16,500 m², relying on state-of-the-art systems including a wide range of Industry 4.0 technologies. The highly complex lithium-ion battery system is produced on an approximately 300 meter production line with more than 70 production stations and with a high number of automated as well as manual steps. A variety of components including up to 12 cell modules and the so-called EE-compartment for the intelligent integration of power electronics make up the EQS battery system.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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