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BMW en Daimler verkopen veel meer auto's
Van onze redacteur 12:21

De grote Duitse autofabrikanten BMW en Daimler hebben een goed eerste kwartaal achter de rug. BMW meldde nooit eerder zoveel nieuwe auto's in het begin van het jaar te hebben verkocht. Bij Daimler-dochter Mercedes-Benz lagen de verkopen een vijfde boven die van het eerste kwartaal van 2020.

BMW zegt donderdagochtend in een persbericht 636.606 nieuwe auto's te hebben verkocht, 34% meer dan een jaar eerder. Vooral de afzet van elektrische voertuigen verliep voorspoedig. Volgens Pieter Nota, bestuurder bij het autoconcern uit München, is de verkoop van auto's met een elektrische aandrijving in een jaar tijd verdubbeld. 'Daarmee liggen wij op koers om eind dit jaar meer dan honderdduizend volledig elektrische auto's afgeleverd te hebben en alles tezamen minstens een miljoen elektrische voertuigen op de weg te hebben.'

Mercedes-Benz verkocht 590.999 auto's, 22% meer dan in de eerste drie maanden van 2020. Er werden vooral veel meer auto's verkocht in Azië en in de Verenigde Staten. De fabrikant uit Stuttgart zegt in een persbericht dat ruim een kwart van alle verkochte auto's in Europa gedeeltelijk of geheel elektrisch was. Wereldwijd lag dat aantal op 59.000, met ruim zestienduizend geheel elektrische auto's.

Originele link van het artikel: fd.nl/ondernemen/1379668/bmw-en-daiml...
BMW & Daimler Join bp for Digital Charging Solutions

bp has agreed to join BMW Group and Daimler Mobility AG in their drive to extend and significantly improve electrification, making electric vehicle charging more convenient, simpler and seamless for drivers. Under their agreement, bp will become a 33.3% partner alongside BMW Group and Daimler Mobility AG in Digital Charging Solutions GmbH, one of Europe’s leading developers of digital charging solutions for automotive manufacturers and vehicle fleet operators. bp’s acquisition of the stake in DCS will be subject to regulatory approval. The terms of the transaction are not being disclosed.

As part of the agreement, bp’s European charging networks will be integrated into the DCS’s network as well as fuel and charge for fleet customers, as a first step. Electrification is at the heart of bp‘s convenience and mobility strategy and the company aims to grow its network of public EV charging points by 2030 to over 70,000 worldwide. They currently have around 8,700 charging points in Europe and it’s UK network bp pulse is already the most used EV charging network in the U1. The company is also rapidly growing its network of ultra-fast chargers and plans to have around 250 ultra-fast chargers operating at bp retail sites in the UK and 500 ultra-fast charging points across its retail sites in Germany by year end. DCS customers will gain access to these additional charging points and bp will gain access to a wider customer base.

DCS’s services are important for the electrification strategies of the automotive industry. The company works with OEMs to integrate its charging solutions into vehicle operating systems. The BMW Group and Daimler Mobility AG operate mobility services under the umbrella of the YOUR NOW Joint Ventures. Digital Charging Solutions GmbH stands behind the CHARGE NOW brand and operate charging services such as “Mercedes me Charge”, “BMW Charging” and “MINI Charging”. DCS already offers access to 228,000 charging points in 32 countries giving OEMs, fleet customers and EV drivers extensive access to charging infrastructure across Europe.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Siemens to Digitalize Mercedes-Benz Marienfelde Plant

Mercedes-Benz and Siemens plan to cooperate on advancing digitalization and automation in the automotive industry, supported by the State of Berlin. Mercedes-Benz AG aims to digitize its production processes. Siemens, a leading supplier in the field of automation, industrial software and smart infrastructure, will bring its expertise and technologies to the partnership to develop highly flexible, efficient and sustainable automotive production together with Mercedes-Benz.

In this context, the Mercedes-Benz Berlin-Marienfelde site in Germany will be transformed into a competence centre for digitalization with a focus on the development and implementation of the digital Mercedes-Benz Cars ecosystem MO360, in addition to the redesign of production activities. In the future, e-mobility components will also be assembled in Berlin. The company wants to secure the future for the Berlin plant, which is the oldest site in the Mercedes-Benz global powertrain production network. The Mercedes-Benz Digital Factory Campus in Berlin is the technological and digital nucleus for the whole Mercedes-Benz Cars production network. Its objective is to roll out the new developments that have been tested in Berlin at the Mercedes-Benz plants worldwide and to provide the users with the required qualifications.

With the Werner-von-Siemens Centre for Industry and Science in the Siemensstadt in Berlin, there is already an excellent wealth of experience that can be incorporated into the cooperation. With the synergies of the Siemensstadt2 and the Mercedes-Benz Digital Factory Campus Berlin, plants that represent the origin of industrialization in Germany, will be transformed into two modern digital sites.

Siemens leading automation and software solutions lay the foundation for the digital transformation of automotive production. The physical and virtual worlds as well as operational technology and IT can be combined with them. This opens up new possibilities for gathering, understanding and using the huge amounts of data generated in engineering and production. With innovative IoT applications, for example, production processes can be made much more flexible and energy efficient.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Daimler Setra Vaccination Bus in Operation in Germany

Daimler Buses is supporting local Covid-19 vaccination campaigns with a Setra MultiClass S 415 LE business. Up to 400 vaccinations can be carried out every day in the low entry vehicle. The company based in Mühlhausen, in Germany's Swabian region has developed an innovative interior concept that provides the facilities for a fully digitised vaccination process from registration to consultations about the vaccine and the actual vaccination.In the coming weeks Huber will use the bus in areas where, for example, older people must travel greater distances to the next vaccination centre. In this way the bus, in which active filters developed by Daimler Buses filter out the finest aerosols with anti-viral functional layers, is relieving the strain on the main vaccination centres. Furthermore, in future the bus will be available to companies and institutions for vaccination campaigns on their own premises.

The 12-metre-long S 415 LE business bus is equipped with four vaccination booths that are separated from one another by consoles with monitors and newly developed interchangeable load carriers for syringes. The rear area of the Setra inter-city bus is fitted with a registration area, seats for medical consultations, workstations for preparation of doses and a refrigerator for storing the various vaccines.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Daimler overtreft de verwachtingen in eerste kwartaal
Van onze redacteur 11:14

Daimler-ceo Ola Källenius: 'We blijven onze ambities waarmaken in een zeer bemoedigende marktomgeving.' Foto: Ralph Orlowski/Reuters

Stijgende autoverkopen van dochter Mercedes-Benz, met name in China, en significante kostenbesparingen hebben Daimler DAI€77,20+2,31% een beter dan verwacht eerste kwartaal van 2021 bezorgd. De operationele winst (ebit) steeg met een factor negen van €617 mln vorig jaar naar €5,7 mrd.

Dat blijkt uit de voorlopige kwartaalcijfers die het Duitse bedrijf vrijdag publiceerde. De operationele winst (ebit) van zowel Daimler Group als dochterbedrijven Mercedes-Benz, Daimler Trucks & Buses en Daimler Mobility lag volgens de automaker aanzienlijk boven de marktverwachtingen.

Meer auto's
De ebit van Mercedes-Benz overtrof de voorspellingen van analisten met een half miljard en kwam uit op €4,1 mrd. Eerder al maakte Daimler bekend dat Mercedes-Benz in het afgelopen kwartaal 590.999 auto's verkocht, 22% meer dan in de eerste drie maanden van 2020.

De vrije kasstroom van Daimler in het eerste kwartaal was met €1,8 mrd ook beter dan verwacht. De nettoliquiditeit nam toe van €17,9 mrd aan het eind van 2020 naar €20,1 mrd. 'We blijven onze ambities waarmaken in een zeer bemoedigende marktomgeving', zegt ceo Ola Källenius. 'Onze pijplijn met elektrische auto's zit propvol. De lancering van de EQS is nog maar het begin.' De EQS is een nieuw elektrisch model dat eerder deze week werd onthuld.

De Duitse automaker is ondertussen flink aan het bezuinigen. Het bedrijf wil tot 2025 meer dan 20.000 banen schrappen en de vaste kosten met 20% verlagen. Hiertoe verkocht Daimler eind vorig jaar een kleine fabriek in Hambach in Lotharingen aan chemiebedrijf Ineos. Ook kondigde het bedrijf aan een fabriek in Brazilië, die jaarlijks 20.000 voertuigen produceert, te zullen sluiten.

Beleggers zijn onder de indruk van de cijfers. Het aan de beurs van Frankfurt genoteerde aandeel Daimler staat twee uur na opening ruim 2% in de plus. De definitieve resultaten worden op vrijdag 23 april gepubliceerd.

Originele link van het artikel: fd.nl/beurs/1380601/daimler-overtreft...
Daimler Buses Launches Mercedes-Benz Super Padron in Brazil

Mercedes-Benz do Brasil is expanding its vehicle portfolio with the new Super Padron O 500 R 1830. The chassis can be equipped with urban bodies of up to 14 metres in length and offers space for up to 100 passengers. The Super Padron is therefore particularly suited to public transport systems with separate lanes for buses, such as those in Belo Horizonte, Recife, Porto Alegre and Curitiba as well as other major cities in Latin America. The new Super Padron O 500 R 1830 is equipped with a 4×2 drive system (four wheels, two of which are powered). In terms of operating costs, the Super Padron is thus more economical than the 15 metres 6×2 variants from the local competitors since there is no need for maintenance of a further steered axle. Bus companies thus enjoy almost the same passenger capacity in conjunction with greater profitability.

Bus companies have the choice between three variants: the variant with the longest body (14 metres) allows space for up to 95 passengers (64 standing, 30 seated, and one wheelchair) or there is the 90 passenger variant (60 standing, 29 seated, one wheelchair). These options are well-suited to longer routes on which passengers tend to sit for a longer time. A further body variant measuring 13.6 metres offers space for up to 100 passengers (76 standing, 23 seated, one wheelchair). This version is especially suited to routes where passengers enter and exit the bus more often. The different versions can be flexibly designed by the bus companies in order to tailor them precisely to the respective transport requirements.

The Super Padron is delivered ex works with a raised floor and can use bodies with up to five doors (three doors on the right, two doors on the left). The chassis is compatible with the 920 mm raised platforms used in BRT systems and is also equipped with a kneeling system. Thus, the Super Padron offers comfortable and safe access for passengers and wheelchair users alike. With the rear-mounted engine, a greater front overhang could be realised which enables even easier access at the front of the vehicle and simultaneously leads to a reduction in the noise experienced in the driver’s area.

High power-to-weight ratio, not to mention high levels of comfort and safety

The new chassis was designed on the basis of the existing O 500 urban chassis and has a permissible gross weight of 19.6 tons and a 310-hp OM 926 LA engine. Further features include the ex-works ZF Ecolife AP1200 automatic transmission with integrated retarder and automatic hill holder function. The full air suspension with two front and four rear air bellows guarantees high comfort for passengers on-board as well as relaxed working conditions for the driver.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Wiener Linien Relies on EvoBus Austria & Mercedes-Benz Citaro

Seven years after the initial order was placed, the success story of the Mercedes-Benz Citaro in Vienna continues. Yet again it came out on top in a tender process for the purchase of more than 400 buses between 2022 and 2027. The order from Wiener Linien, Vienna’s public transport provider, comprises vehicles from the complete spectrum of Citaro products; and already firmly on the list are:

1. 78 solo buses, 12 m in length

2. 225 articulated buses, 18 m in length and

3. 57 CapaCity buses, 19.7 m in length.

All vehicles will be fitted with swivelling sliding doors which optimise the flow of passengers at bus stops.

Vienna has a population of 1.9 million, meaning a quarter of all Austrians live in the country’s capital. Together with around eight million tourists, Vienna, which ten times over has been voted the world’s best city to live in, rides 100 percent Mercedes-Benz Citaro. Every day the buses cover a distance of more than 100,000 km, which equates to 2.5 times around the world a day.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
J&B Recycling Orders Mercedes-Benz Econic

J&B Recycling is a waste disposal firm which employs a staff of more than 200 and is based in Hartlepool, north-east England. The company puts its trust in the reliability, efficiency and safety technologies from Mercedes-Benz Trucks. After already commissioning three of the first low-entry Econic vehicles to be equipped as standard with Active Brake Assist 5, the company has now ordered a further two 26-tonne Econic 2630 LS models. The Mercedes-Benz Econic 2630 LS vehicles with waste compactor body are equipped with a steering rear axle which increases manoeuvrability by drastically reducing the turning circle. Their 7.7-litre OM 936 six-cylinder inline engines deliver 220 kW (299 hp) and are connected to a six-speed automatic transmission. In addition to this, the vehicles are also equipped with the latest safety assistance technologies. Among the technologies on-board is the standard Active Brake Assist 5 (ABA 5).

ABA 5 can detect vehicles travelling in front as well as stationary obstacles within its own lane at speeds up to 90 km/h. If a dangerous situation arises, a three-stage reaction is initiated: first the system warns the driver using visual and audible signals. If the driver fails to react to this, a partial application of the brakes is carried out (approx. 50 %). In the event of the driver still failing to react, stage 3 is initiated: ABA 5 carries out a full brake application in order to bring the truck to a standstill. In doing so, the hazard warning lights are activated to warn traffic behind.

Further optional safety features which J&B Recycling have ordered for their Econic 2630 LS models include, among other things, a camera system comprising a monitor, two cameras on the outside mirrors and additional forward and rear-facing cameras. The forward-facing camera also covers the blind spot (retrofit solution).

The five Mercedes-Benz Econic trucks are part of J&B Recycling's fleet of 21 vehicles. Each year, the fleet collects more than 200,000 tonnes of waste from commercial and private premises. The company is based in the port town of Hartlepool in north-east England, which is also home to the oldest frigate still afloat in Great Britain, HMS Trincomalee.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Daimler stuurt werknemers naar huis vanwege chiptekort - media
Deeltijd-WW voor deel personeel.

(ABM FN) Daimler stuurt duizenden werknemers van zijn fabrieken in Rastatt en Bremen naar huis vanwege een tekort aan halfgeleiders. Dit meldde persbureau DPA woensdag.

Die halfgeleiders zijn nodig bij de bouw van nieuwe Mercedessen.

Daimler zou vanaf aanstaande vrijdag tot volgende week vrijdag minder mensen aan het werk willen hebben en daarom hebben gekozen voor deeltijd-WW, waardoor de getroffen personeelsleden aanspraak maken op hulp van de overheid.

Eerder deed Volkswagen al hetzelfde, schreef DPA.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

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First truck was Built by Gottlieb Daimler in 1896

One of the greatest talents of inventor Gottlieb Daimler was finding new areas of application for his engine. He invented the motor cycle, then went to the motorised trolley car, a motorised firefighting hose and then, almost inevitably, to the truck in the year 1896. Pragmatism was behind the design of the first truck in the world, which looked like a cart with an engine and without a drawbar. The engine, called "Phoenix", was a four-horsepower-strong two-cylinder engine located at the rear, with a displacement of 1.06 litres, originating from a car. Daimler linked it to the rear axle by means of a belt. There there were two helical springs to protect the engine, which was sensitive to vibrations. The vehicle rolled on hard iron wheels, after all. Daimler steered the leaf-sprung front axle by means of a chain. The driver sat up front on the driving seat as with a carriage. The engine was at the rear of the vehicle. The fuel consumption was approximately six litres of petrol per 100 kilometres. In the terminology of the day, that would be "0.4 kilogrammes per horsepower and hour".

It is noteworthy that the first truck already anticipated 125 years before the planetary axles that are still common today in construction vehicles: because the belt drive sent the power from the engine to a shaft fitted transversely to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, both ends of which were fitted with a pinion. Each tooth of this pinion meshed with the internal teeth of a ring gear which was firmly connected with the wheel to be driven. This is how the planetary axles of the heavy Mercedes-Benz Trucks up to the current Arocs series have worked in principle.

In 1898, for example, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach shifted the two-cylinder Phoenix engine of the six-hp vehicle, which had been located at the rear, to a position under the driver's seat, with the four-gear belt drive also being transferred forward. However, this solution still left a certain amount to be desired. In the same year, the truck was then given the face which clearly distinguished it from the car and was to level the path towards ever-increasing output and payload: the engine was then placed right at the front, in front of the front axle. It conveyed its ten horsepower via a four-gear belt drive and a front-to-rear longitudinal shaft and pinion to the internal ring gears on the iron wheels at the rear. For these vehicles, Daimler made the crucial improvement not only to the drivetrain, but to the engine itself. Instead of a hot tube ignition, the new low-voltage magnetic ignition from Bosch ignited the petrol-air mixture in the cylinders of the 2.2-litre two-cylinder engine, and the radiator had a completely new design.

However, Gottlieb Daimler – probably because of the large number of innovations – was cautious at first before presenting his new five-tonner to the public. The vehicle which was highly modern at the time underwent "Customer testing" which is how the test procedure would be called today. For months, Daimler subjected his new five-tonner to the daily grind of work at a brick factory in Heidenheim, and he painstakingly remedied the shortcomings it showed.

The first purchaser of the very first truck came from the home of industrialisation: England. There, steam-driven vehicles had long since made the shift from rails to the road, and did not die out until the 1950s. It was a good thing that the Red Flag Act was abolished in 1896. Nevertheless, it was not until 1901 that a truck proved itself to be superior to a contemporary steam-driven wagon in a comparison test carried out in Liverpool.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Daimler verhoogt outlook na forse winststijging
Hogere marges bij Mercedes en Mobility verwacht.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Daimler heeft vrijdag de margedoelstellingen voor de Mercedes-Benz- en de Mobility-divisie verhoogd, nadat de winst en omzet aantrokken in het eerste kwartaal. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van de Duitse autobouwer.

In het afgelopen kwartaal steeg de nettowinst van 168 miljoen euro vorig jaar naar 4,4 miljard euro. De omzet steeg met 10 procent tot 41,0 miljard euro. Daimler profiteerde naar eigen zeggen van rugwind in China, een sterke productmix en gunstige prijzen.

Daimler bevestigde de voorlopige cijfers van eerder deze maand met een EBIT van 5,75 miljard euro en een aangepaste EBIT van 4,97 miljard euro.

Daimler verhoogde wel de margeoutlook voor dit jaar voor Mercedes-Benz Cars & Vans en de Mobility-divisie. De autobouwer mikt op een aangepast rendement op de omzet van 10 tot 12 procent voor Mercedes-Benz, waar eerder nog werd gemikt op 8 tot 10 procent. Voor de Mobility-divisie wordt gerekend op een marge van 14 tot 15 procent tegen 12 tot 13 procent in een eerdere raming. Voor de tak vrachtwagens en bussen wordt een rendement verwacht van 6 tot 7 procent.

Voor heel 2021 verwacht Daimler onverminderd dat de omzet, verkopenaantallen en EBIT "significant" boven het niveau van vorig jaar uitkomen.

Daimler merkte wel op dat het tekort aan halfgeleiders de fabrikant afgelopen kwartaal parten speelde, en dat dit tekort ook de omzet in het tweede kwartaal zal beïnvloeden. Er wordt door Daimler "op wat herstel" in het het derde en vierde kwartaal gerekend.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
Bodybuilder Solutions for Vans from Mercedes-Benz

Vans from Mercedes-Benz with sector-specific conversions and bodies are used in all areas of the economy and society. For all of them, a reliable and flexible base vehicle is an indispensable component. Mercedes-Benz already offers bodybuilders and customers tailor-made solutions, 100% locally emission-free. And with the next generation eSprinter Mercedes-Benz will be creating even greater customer value. Body manufacturers and customers can so far already choose from four battery-electric driven vans: the eVito Panel Van, the eSprinter and the eVito Tourer (combined power consumption: 26.2 kWh/100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 0 g/km)[1] and the EQV (combined power consumption: 26.4-26.3 kWh/100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 0 g/km) 1. In the coming year, the new Citan will be available with battery-electric drivetrain, extending the electric product portfolio of Mercedes-Benz Vans to the small van segment.

In order to create even greater customer value in future, Mercedes-Benz Vans has developed the Electric Versatility Platform. It is the basis for the next generation eSprinter, which will be produced successively as of the second half of 2023 in Charleston, Duesseldorf and Ludwigsfelde. The requirements were defined in close cooperation with customers during the development process: with three battery and numerous body variants from the panel van to the chassis for box bodies, the next generation eSprinter is the perfect companion in virtually any business – not just in Europe, but, for example, in the USA and Canada, too. Compared with the current eSprinter, the range will be more than doubled depending on the configuration. In addition, the load capacity will rise by up to 50 percent, with box body even more.

Bodybuilders build on Mercedes-Benz Vans

eVans from Mercedes-Benz are a reliable and flexible basis for sector-specific solutions for specialised body manufacturers. The eVito equipped for transporting refrigerated goods, the eVito Tourer converted for transporting people with restricted mobility, the eSprinter Pharma and the eSprinter patient transport ambulance demonstrate the broad spectrum of different bodies and conversion with locally emission-free vans from Mercedes-Benz that is already possible.

The requirements regarding bodies and fittings are as diverse as the sectors in which they are used. The biggest challenges are to be found mainly in the power supply for refrigerating the cargo and in caring for patients as well as the weight of the bodies and conversions when it comes to payload and permissible gross mass.

Two concept vehicles based on the next generation eSprinter show the bodybuilder and conversion solutions which might be possible in the future: the eGrocery concept for transporting foodstuffs and the CEP delivery concept for applications involving courier, express and parcel services.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Mercedes-Benz Actros Vaccination Lab for Rems-Murr District

In the fight against the corona virus pandemic and in a bid to speed up the vaccination campaign in the Rems-Murr district, the head of the district's council, Dr Richard Sigel has joined forces with Baden-Württemberg's Ministry for Social Affairs and drawn up a unique concept within the State of Baden-Württemberg which will see a mobile doctor's practice being used directly in the towns and villages of the district.

The Rems-Murr district has a number of densely populated industrial centres, but also many large countryside areas which form part of the Swabian forest nature park. And these small and sometimes difficult-to-reach villages also need to be included in the vaccination programme. This is thus the very reason that the district's council sought the assistance of the German Red Cross mobile medical supply unit – a mobile doctor's surgery towed by a Mercedes-Benz Actros 1848 LS tractor unit. The vaccination truck now drives directly to high-risk older patients who often also suffer from reduced mobility.

A plan has been determined which will see the truck stop in every town and village in the district. As part of the route planning, the second vaccination dose also gets calculated in directly. This has to take place three weeks after the initial dose, so after that time, the truck restarts its route from the beginning. Once that route is complete, the locations to which the truck hasn't yet been will also be served. On a daily basis, as many as 130 vaccinations are administered. This method will allow a total of at least 10,000 additional vaccinations to be given, and thus more than 5,000 inhabitants over the age of 80 in the Rems-Murr district will have the best-possible protection against the virus. On-board the truck, currently only the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine is used.

The Rems-Murr district is also willing to use their experience from this unique project to help other districts carry out such a project for similar-sized or highly populated counties. The project may therefore become a role model for others – provided that sufficient vaccination doses are available.

An integral component of the mobile medical supply unit is the Mercedes-Benz Actros 1848 LS tractor unit. Just like the semitrailer, the towing vehicle is also painted in light ivory. The front of the Actros and its doors bear the German Red Cross logo. In line with its equipment as an emergency response vehicle, the Mercedes-Benz tractor unit is also fitted with two blue lights and a siren, not to mention digital two-way radio equipment.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Nissan verkoopt belang in Daimler
Van onze redacteur 09:40

In navolging van alliantiepartner Renault, heeft Nissan zijn belang in Daimler verkocht. Nissan verkocht zijn ongeveer 16,4 miljoen aandelen van de Duitse automaker voor €69,85 per stuk. Daarmee leverde de verkoop het bedrijf in totaal zo'n €1,15 mrd op. In een verklaring op zijn website laat Nissan weten dat de opbrengst gebruikt zal worden om 'zijn concurrentievermogen verder te versterken en verbeteren, inclusief investeringen om elektrificatie te bevorderen.'

In de verklaring liet Nissan weten dat de verkoop van het belang niets verandert aan 'het industriële partnerschap' van beide bedrijven. 'De twee groepen blijven op verschillende gebieden samenwerken', aldus Nissan. Renault verkocht zijn aandeel in Daimler in maart. Dat leverde de Franse automaker €1,14 mrd op. Ook Renault gaf toen aan dat beide bedrijven blijven samenwerken.

Samenwerking niet altijd succesvol
De samenwerking tussen Daimler en de twee automakers was niet altijd even succesvol, meldt persbureau Bloomberg. Verschillende projecten van de voormalig topman van Nissan en Renault Carlos Ghosn, die in 2018 werd gearresteerd, en voormalig Daimler-voorzitter Dieter Zetsche bleken tegen te vallen.

Zo staakte Mercedes, dat onder Daimler valt, begin vorig jaar wegens tegenvallende verkopen de productie van de X-Klasse, die was gebaseerd op de Nissan Navara. De Mercedes Citan, met onderdelen van Renault, werd vanwege de middelmatige kwaliteit door klanten belachelijk gemaakt.

Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/beurs/1382926/nissan-verkoopt-b...
Mercedes-Benz Delivers Electric Buses to ÜSTRA in Hanover

The first eCitaro G articulated buses have now been delivered to Hanover's transport operator, ÜSTRA. They are part of a large-scale order and also an important element of an ambitious plan to electrify bus transport in Lower Saxony's capital. The two new eCitaro G buses for ÜSTRA feature second-generation lithium-ion batteries. Their capacity is about a third higher than that of previous batteries so that the range between recharging stops is increased considerably. The articulated buses for Hanover are equipped with ten battery packs which provide them with a remarkable total capacity of 330 kWh. In addition, current collectors – for which the technical term is pantograph – are installed on the roof for intermediate charging at the final bus stop on routes.

The new vehicles are part of an order from ÜSTRA for up to 48 city buses. The order comprises 30 eCitaro solo buses and 18 eCitaro G articulated buses. The first eCitaro buses have been in operation since September of last year in Hanover. As part of their campaign to switch over to electric buses, ÜSTRA intends to drive electrically with 48 electric buses on all inner-city routes within Hanover's low-emission zone by 2023. The switch-over could save 3800 tonnes of CO2 every year.

At the same time as the buses go into operation, the final bus stops on the inner-city bus routes will all be equipped with the necessary charging infrastructure and both bus depots will be converted to accommodate the charging and maintenance processes for the electric buses – also by 2023.

The fully electric eCitaro G buses at ÜSTRA are not only fitted with powerful technology, but also with equipment that is particularly conducive to passengers' well-being. Four double-width doors ensure rapid passenger flow at the bus stops. All of the doors have light strips with green or red LEDs to highlight the floor edges at the entrances. Passengers with restricted mobility board the bus at door two using an electrically operated cassette ramp.

In the interior the passenger compartment is functional but friendly. The floor sports a warm look. The seat cushions and backrests are upholstered. The passenger compartment is fully air-conditioned and pre-conditioning at the company depot or at the final bus stops saves energy and in turn ensures that the maximum range is achieved.

In the area around door two there is a special-use space for wheelchairs and prams. At the rear of the bus, there is also a second special-use space for prams opposite door three. All these areas are fitted with comfortable upholstered pads to lean on in the standing section or folding seats. Two TFT double monitors, one in the front and one in the rear, provide passengers with information about the bus's progression along the route or entertain them with passenger TV. 13 double USB ports supply passengers' personal mobile devices with electricity and a WiFi router connects them with the Internet.

The driver cockpit is also comfortably equipped. The separate air-conditioning system as well as the heated and climatised seat with electrically adjustable lumbar support deserve a particular mention. The inside rearview mirror and the roller sunblind are also electrically adjustable. The EDF Eco Driver Feedback technology contributes to an economic driving style with the goal of achieving maximum energy efficiency. The driver's cab door has a partition across the complete width of the door while video cameras monitor the door areas and the passenger compartment. These features all add up to a greater feeling of safety.

Active safety is provided for by the exemplary equipment in the buses – the active braking assistance system Preventive Brake Assist, the turning assistance system Sideguard Assist and the standard Articulation Turntable Controller (ATC), an anti-jackknifing system. Its effect is similar to that of ESP. A reversing camera and an acoustic reversing signal prevent accidents when manoeuvring.

With its city buses and trains, ÜSTRA Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe AG is one of Germany's leading local transport providers. The company transports 172 million passengers every year making it the highest-performing provider of local transport in Lower Saxony. ÜSTRA operates 349 city trains, 142 buses and four electrically operated boats. The buses serve a network of 41 lines, measuring 540 kilometres with a total of 672 stops, which amounts to an annual mileage of more than twelve million kilometres.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Daimler Trucks NA & Portland General Electric Open Electric Island

Daimler Trucks North America and Portland General Electric opened to the public the first-of-its-kind heavy-duty electric truck charging site, called Electric Island. Electric Island will help accelerate the development, testing and deployment of zero emissions commercial vehicles, like the ones manufactured by DTNA. First announced in December 2020, Electric Island opened with eight vehicle charging stations, a majority of which are available for public use, for the charging of electric cars, buses, box vans and semi-trucks. The site is built to immediately provide charging for EVs of all shapes and sizes, and will serve as an innovation center, allowing both PGE and DTNA to study energy management, charger use and performance, and, in the case of DTNA, its own vehicles’ charging performance.

Electric Island is located across the street from DTNA headquarters, less than one mile from I-5, and represents the first location specifically designed for medium- and heavy-duty trucks aligned to the blueprint of the West Coast Clean Transit Corridor Initiative. WCCTCI’s collaboration between nine electric utilities and two government agencies yielded a strategic plan in 2020 to electrify 1,300 miles of I-5 across the three West Coast states to provide publicly available charging for freight and delivery trucks.

The site is designed to keep Electric Island future-proof, allowing the chargers of today to be replaced with new charger technologies of the future, including the planned 1+ megawatt chargers, when they are released. Additional plans for future on-site energy storage, solar power generation, and a product and technology showcase building remain under development.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
het zwaard
In België is BMW het meest verkochte auto merk. Toch een beetje vreemd als dit duur merk in tijden van Corona zo goed verkoopt. Niet alleen als bedrijfswagen maar ook voor de particulier. Heeft iemand hier een verklaring voor ?
EVBox gaat strategische samenwerking aan met Mercedes Benz Trucks
Van onze redacteur 17:30

EVBox, de Nederlandse ontwikkelaar en producent van laadpalen, gaat een strategische samenwerking voor laadinfrastructuur aan met Mercedes Benz Trucks. EVBox levert de laadpalen en laadinfrastructuur aan klanten van de Duitse truckfabrikant, die onderdeel is van het Zuid-Duitse automobielconcern Daimler.

De donderdag bekendgemaakte deal, waarover geen nadere financiële details bekend zijn gemaakt, heeft als doel de elektrificatie van vrachtwagens in verschillende Europese landen te versnellen. EVBox werkt daarbij samen met het Franse energiebedrijf en tevens minderheidsaandeelhouder Engie. De twee bedrijven zullen ook betrokken zijn bij het onderhoud van de laadstations.

Het Amsterdamse EVBox profileert zichzelf als de Europese marktleider met de fabricage van laadpalen en bijbehorende software. Het heeft ook plannen om de Amerikaanse markt te veroveren en streeft op een korte termijn een beursnotering in de VS na.

Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/ondernemen/1384532/evbox-gaat-s...
Mercedes-Benz to Use Green Steel in Vehicles in 2025

Mercedes-Benz AG has taken an equity stake in Swedish start up H2 Green Steel to introduce CO2 free steel into series production. Together with its steel suppliers, the company is retooling its supply chain to focus on the prevention and reduction of CO2 emissions rather than compensation. The partnership with HSGS is another step towards CO2 neutrality, which Mercedes-Benz is pursuing as part of Ambition 2039, its goal to achieve a fully connected and CO2 neutral vehicle fleet in 2039, eleven years earlier than the EU legislation requires. A Mercedes-Benz sedan is for example made from about 50% steel, which accounts for about 30% of CO2 emissions in production. With the partnership, Mercedes-Benz is actively and consistently tackling one of the biggest challenges in the automotive industry on the road to CO2 neutrality.

By using a new innovate manufacturing process, the production of steel at the supplier level is CO2 free. By contrast, steel produced using a classic blast furnace, emits an average of more than two tons of CO2 per ton. In the new process, the supplier uses hydrogen and electricity from 100 % renewable energy sources instead of coking coal in steel production. The hydrogen serves as a reduction gas, which releases and binds the oxygen from the iron ore. Unlike the use of coking coal, this does not produce CO2, but water. The supplier uses electricity from 100% renewable sources for the energy requirements generated in the manufacturing process.

H2 Green Steel H2GS was founded in 2020, aiming to build a large-scale fossil-free steel production facility in northern Sweden. H2GS will produce 5 million tons of fossil-free steel by 2030. By doing this, the company will contribute to the decarbonizing of the European steel industry, one of the largest carbondioxide emitters. H2GS will establish operations in Boden and Luleå. The founder and largest shareholder is Vargas, which is also co-founder and one of the largest shareholders in Northvolt.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Daimler Truck & Shell Join Hands for Hydrogen Trucks in Europe

Daimler Truck AG and Shell New Energies NL BV have signed an agreement to jointly drive the adoption of hydrogen-based fuel-cell trucks in Europe. The companies plan to support the decarbonisation of road freight by building-out hydrogen-refuelling infrastructure and placing fuel-cell trucks in customers’ hands. Shell intends to initially rollout a hydrogen-refuelling network joining three green hydrogen production hubs at the Port of Rotterdam, in the Netherlands as well as Cologne and Hamburg in Germany. From 2024, Shell aims to launch heavy-duty refuelling stations between the three locations and Daimler Truck aims to hand over the first heavy-duty hydrogen trucks to customers subsequently in 2025. The plan aims to continuously expand the hydrogen powered freight corridor, which will cover 1200 kilometres by 2025, in order to deliver 150 hydrogen refuelling stations and around 5,000 Mercedes-Benz heavy-duty fuel cell trucks by 2030.

Shell and Daimler Truck aim to deliver the optimal hydrogen infrastructure network by designing the network based on customer needs and usage patterns. The agreement also includes the joint aim to establish an open refuelling standard defining the interaction and interface between the truck and the refuelling station in order to realize customer friendly, cost efficient, reliable and safe hydrogen refuelling. Both companies invite other potential partners to join them in their efforts.

Both Daimler Truck and Shell are founding members of the recently launched H2Accelerate consortium and consider the group a key vehicle to support the rollout of hydrogen-powered transport in Europe. Daimler Truck and Shell remain fully committed to working with the consortium and aim to work through H2Accelerate to enable their rollout plans in the coming decade.

The agreement builds on Daimler Truck’s fuel-cell truck rollout plans and is an extension of Shell Group’s existing hydrogen refuelling networks in Europe and North America.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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