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Drax starts pilot of Europe first bioenergy carbon capture project

Reuters reported that Britain's Drax has started a pilot project to capture and store carbon dioxide emissions at its biomass plant, the first of its kind in Europe. Drax said that Carbon capture and storage involves the capture of emissions from power plants and industry to allow them to be stored underground or compressed in containers to be used for industrial applications such as making drinks fizzy.

According to a recent UN report, the technology is also likely to be needed to help limit a rise in global temperatures at 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Drax said using the technology at the plant in North Yorkshire, England, that burns biomass wood pellets, often made from compressed sawdust could enable the company to operate the world's first carbon negative power station.

When coupled with CCS, the overall process of generating electricity from biomass removes more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it releases, the company said.

Drax said in a statement that "If successful, the six-month pilot project will capture a tonne of CO2 (carbon dioxide) a day from the gases produced when renewable power is generated.”

Drax said the CO2 will initially be stored on site but that eventually it will seek to find a use for the gas, such as in the drinks industry which earlier this year was hit with a CO2 shortage.

Britain has a target to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent compared with 1990 levels by 2050, but has asked its climate change experts to advise on whether it should set a date to meet a net zero emissions target.

A report by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in October warned not meeting the goal to limit rising temperatures at 1.5 degrees would mean huge changes to the world such as rising sea levels, life-threatening heat and loss of species.

Source : Reuters
India 4th largest emitter of CO2

Economic Times reported that while India is aiming high to meet its Paris Agreement pledge of reducing carbon intensity well ahead of time, latest data raises doubts over the government’s high ambitions. India has emerged as the fourth largest emitter of carbon-dioxide, with the toxic greenhouse gas’s emissions witnessing a 4% growth last year. The Global Carbon budget, released by the Global Carbon Project at the 24th session of the Conference of Parties , revealed that India emitted 2.5 billion tonne of CO2 last year. The report further stated that Indian emissions, which account for 7% of global emissions, will continue to increase, with a projected growth of 6.3% in 2018.

In the year 2015-16, the emission growth in the country was 4.5% which declined to 3.7% in 2016-17. The latest increase might prove to be an obstacle for the country in meeting its targets, say global experts. In its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), India has committed to reduce its emission intensity (per unit gross domestic product) by 33 to 35% by 2030 from 2005 levels.

With the emissions expected to grow at over 6% this year, experts feel that India’s emission target is not strong enough. “It is likely that India will meet its pledge but the increasing CO2 emissions reflect that the country’s pledge was too weak. If India is going to meet its pledge ahead of time, its first step should be strengthening it,” said Glen Peters, Research Director at Center for International Climate Research (CICERO), Norway.

While the other side of the argument can favour India’s target considering its large population, the country should not use it as an “excuse” and aim for less. Added Peters, “India definitely needs to do more to slow down the use of coal in electricity production and shifting the transport fleet to electric cars. Both these measures come with large reductions in air pollution.”

The thermal power sector, from which India draws nearly 79% of its power needs, is considered to be one of the most prominent sources of CO2 emissions. According to the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) data for 2017-18, as much as 73% of electricity was generated from coal. Mr Nandikesh Sivalingam, from Greenpeace India said that "In order to meet its international commitments, India needs to start capping its coal consumption. Apart from this, enhancing efficiency measures is also needed. The priority should be transitioning to clean energy at a faster pace.”

Source : Economic Times
Raffinaderij Shell Pernis als eerste klaar voor afvang van CO2

De raffinaderij van Shell Pernis, de grootste in Europa, kan als eerste raffinaderij meedoen met de voorgenomen grootscheepse afvang en opslag van CO2 in de Rotterdamse haven.

'Als de centrale pijpleiding voor transport van CO2 er ligt, dan gaat Shell meedoen', zei Jos van Winsen, directeur van de Rotterdamse raffinaderij, donderdagavond bij de officiële opening van een nieuwe fabriek voor de productie van schonere brandstoffen op het terrein van de raffinaderij in Pernis.

De nieuwe installatie op de raffinaderij van Shell in Pernis. Met de fabriek kan Shell meer hoogwaardige producten uit zware stookolie halen.Foto: Shell
De nieuwe fabriek, waarmee naar verluidt een investering van rond €1 mrd is gemoeid, is volgens Van Winsen direct geschikt gemaakt voor de afvang van CO2.

De directeur van de Shell-fabriek is een groot voorstander van het zogeheten Porthos-project, de naam die is gegeven aan het initiatief van Havenbedrijf Rotterdam (HbR) om bij de industrie in de haven op grote schaal CO2 af te vangen en op te slaan in lege gasvelden in de Noordzee.

Deze methode, ook wel aangeduid als CCS (carbon capture and storage), speelt een belangrijke rol in het landelijke Klimaatakkoord waarover nog steeds wordt onderhandeld. De petrochemie en de energiecentrales in het Rotterdamse havengebied zijn verantwoordelijk voor ongeveer een vijfde van de landelijke emissie van CO2. CCS wordt door HbR en de industrie gezien als een goede optie om op korte termijn de uitstoot van CO2 te verminderen.

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Rotterdamse haven wil 2020 kunnen beginnen met afvang en opslag CO2

'Porthos moeten we gewoon doen. Er is wat mij betreft genoeg gepraat', zei Winsen na afloop van de feestelijke ingebruikname van de nieuwe fabriek. Hij zegt 'wel positief' te zijn over de kansen dat Porthos er werkelijk komt, waarbij hij tegelijk uitgaat van een geleidelijke stijging van de emissieprijs van CO2.

Volgens Van Winsen kan de nieuwe fabriek al in 2021 of 2022 aangesloten worden op een centrale pijpleiding voor het transport naar een leeg gasveld in de Noordzee. 'We kunnen beginnen met een half miljoen ton CO2, op te voeren naar anderhalf miljoen ton per jaar.' Jaarlijks stoot de raffinaderij van Shell circa 4,3 miljoen ton CO2 uit. Een deel wordt nu al geleverd aan de tuinbouw in het Westland.

Jos van Winsen, directeur Shell Pernis: 'Er is wat mij betreft genoeg gepraat.'Foto: Shell

De afvang en opslag van CO2 stuit echter op weerstand van milieugroepen. Zij zijn van mening dat toepassing van deze methode de industrie er van zal weerhouden aan de slag te gaan met een fundamentele vernieuwing, zoals de toepassing van groene waterstof in en elektrificatie van het productieproces.

De aanleg van de centrale pijpleiding, die naar schatting rond de €450 mln gaat kosten, is ook nog onderwerp van discussie. De industrie is van mening dat de overheid de kosten moet dragen omdat er van publieke infrastructuur sprake is.

De raffinaderijdirecteur zegt dat het nu in de energietransitie ook aankomt op 'de politieke en maatschappelijke wil'. Hij vindt dat een centrale infrastructuur voor transport van CO2 en een zogeheten warmterotonde voor de levering van warmte aan omliggende steden het Rotterdamse havengebied aantrekkelijker maakt als vestigingsgebied voor nieuwe bedrijven.

'Parel van Pernis'
Met de ingebruikname van de nieuwe fabriek, door de productiemanager van Shell 'de nieuwe parel van Pernis' genoemd, heeft Shell zich volgens Van Winsen zeker voor nog eens vijftig jaar aan Rotterdam verbonden. 'Wij zullen de last man standing zijn. Zolang de samenleving om onze producten vraagt, dan zullen wij die hier blijven produceren.'

Met de nieuwe fabriek kan Shell Pernis meer diesel, kerosine en benzine maken uit dezelfde hoeveelheid olie. Er komt daardoor minder zware stookolie uit de raffinaderij. 'We zijn nu strategisch beter gepositioneerd', aldus Winsen.

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Wordt het scrubben of dure brandstof bunkeren?

Shell speelt hiermee ook in op veranderingen in de scheepvaart. Vanaf 2020 mogen schepen alleen nog laagzwavelige brandstof gebruiken. Als ze toch de zware stookolie willen blijven gebruiken, dan moeten ze speciale filtersystemen in hun schepen bouwen.

Pieter Lalkens

EU agrees deal to cut greenhouse emissions from cars by 37pct

Reuters reported that European Union agreed to a goal of cutting carbon emissions from cars by 37.5 percent in a decade, finally settling differences between vehicle-producing countries and environmentally-conscious lawmakers. Representatives of the European Parliament and the EU countries finally struck a compromise on Monday, after nine hours of talks, to cut emissions from cars by 37.5 percent and vans by 31 percent by 2030 compared with 2021. There was also agreement on an interim target of a 15 percent cut for both cars and vans by 2025.

The 28-nation bloc has been divided for months over how strict to be on CO2 emissions from vehicles as part of its push to reduce greenhouse gases overall by 40 percent by 2030.

The compromise was tougher than the original EU executive proposal of an emissions decline of 30 percent compared to 2021.

Source : Reuters
Australian carbon emissions from power sector to drop by 2030 - WoodMac

Australian carbon emissions from the power sector would drop by 34 per cent by 2030 compared with 2005, according to research group Wood Mackenzie. Mr Mark Hutchinson, consulting vice-president, Wood Mackenzie said that "...If the Labour government wins the upcoming election and implements its target of 50 per cent renewables and a substantial increase in storage by 2030, emissions will drop even more.”

He added that renewables were currently the lowest-cost form of electricity in Australia, but key questions remained about levels of storage and backup fossil fuel generation needed to keep the system reliable.

According to Mr Nicholas Browne, group’s research director, east coast gas will remain tight. He said that "As outlined in our east coast gas study, the supply-demand balance on the east coast will remain precariously tight. With LNG demand from Asia staying strong, the Queensland LNG plants will look to maximise output. This will continue to limit the gas available to domestic buyers, and gas, that is available, is likely to be priced close to LNG netback.”

Mr Browne added that a key marker in 2019 would be Gippsland Basin JV production. He added that “We are forecasting an 11 per cent decline. This decline is a major contribution to increasing demands being put on Queensland to supply the east coast market.”

Mr Mark Hutchinson said that the power market needs rule changes. He said that "We are concerned that without a reliability obligation like that required by the National Energy Guarantee, or a capacity market, gas peaking plants will begin to retire and make the National Energy Market less reliable.”

He further said that to provide guidance to investors in all technologies, there should be a clear federal policy around renewable energy targets and market-based auction systems to drive the future development of the power network.

WoodMac’s forecast also said that Australasia’s offshore explorers would get their mojo back in 2019. "After a decade of decline and its near death in 2017, offshore exploration in Australasia began to show signs of life in 2018. We expect the rejuvenation to continue in 2019, with up to 15 offshore wells planned," said Chris Meredith, senior analyst at Wood Mackenzie.

Source : Economic Times
Vergunning Equinor en Shell voor CO2-opslag

Het Noorse energiebedrijf Equinor heeft een vergunning gekregen van de Noorse overheid om CO2 op te slaan onder de Noordzee. Dat heeft het Noorse ministerie van olie en energie vrijdag bekendgemaakt.

Equinor gaat nu samen met partners Shell en Total een ontwikkelplan maken. Daarna moet het Noorse parlement in 2020 of 2021 een definitief besluit over het project nemen. De CO2 moet op twee kilometer diepte worden opgeslagen, vlakbij het grootste olie- en gasveld van Noorwegen: Troll.

Schepen en pijpleidingen
De bedoeling is om ook CO2 van fabrieken op land, zoals energiecentrales en cementfabrieken in die ondergrondse opslag op te slaan. Die CO2 zou dan via schepen naar een verzamelpunt worden gebracht aan de kust, waarvandaan het broeikasgas via pijpleidingen naar de opslag wordt geleid.

Een schematische weergave van het Noorse project om CO2 op te slaan onder de NoordzeeFoto: Equinor

Equinor, Shell en Total gaan nu een ontwerp bedenken, waarbij ook een nauwkeurigere schatting van de kosten naar voren zal komen. Een eerste voorlopige kostenschatting uit 2016 kwam uit op omgerekend ongeveer $ 1 mrd voor de aanleg van de complete infrastructuur, zo bericht persbureau Reuters. Het gaat om 's werelds eerste project waar CO2 afkomstig van verschillende industrieën kunnen worden opgeslagen.

1,5 miljoen ton CO2
Verwacht wordt dat er in een eerste fase 1,5 miljoen ton CO2 per jaar kan worden opgeslagen in de ondergrondse opslag. Dat kan later worden uitgebreid.
Als alle goedkeuringen binnen zijn, zou het project in 2023 of 2024 in bedrijf kunnen worden genomen.

Milieuorganisaties zijn tegen
Equinor verwacht, net als Shell, dat het realiseren van de klimaatdoelstellingen van Parijs niet mogelijk is zonder gebruik te maken van het afvangen en opslaan van CO2.

Ook in Nederland wordt daarom gekeken naar projecten om CO2 onder de Noordzee op te slaan. Milieuorganisaties als Greenpeace zijn echter fel tegen het gebruik van deze technologie. Ze beschouwen het als een lapmiddel dat de uitstoot niet structureel omlaag brengt. Het was een van de redenen voor de organisaties om weg te lopen van onderhandelingen over een nieuw klimaatakkoord in Nederland.

GroenLinks zet coalitie onder druk met nationale CO2-heffing

GroenLinks draait twee maanden voor de Provinciale Statenverkiezingen de duimschroeven flink aan bij de diep verdeelde regeringscoalitie. De linkse oppositiepartij maakt de invoering van een nationale CO2-belasting voor het bedrijfsleven inzet van de verkiezingscampagne.

Jesse Klaver ondervraagt premier Mark Rutte vorige week dinsdag in de Tweede Kamer over het klimaatakkoord.Foto: Hollandse Hoogte / Bart Maat

Partijleider Jesse Klaver lanceerde maandagavond op een ingelaste meet-up in Den Haag een initiatiefwet die zo'n CO2-taks alsnog van de grond moet krijgen. De heffing is een harde eis voor steun van GroenLinks aan de klimaatplannen van het kabinet, zegt Klaver. Hij gaat ervan uit dat de coalitie na de Statenverkiezingen in de Eerste Kamer haar meerderheid kwijtraakt en niet langer om GroenLinks heen kan. Recente peilingen laten zien dat het die kant op gaat.

'Dit zijn klimaatverkiezingen', stelt Klaver. 'Wij zetten geen handtekening onder een politiek klimaatakkoord waarin een CO2-belasting ontbreekt.'
Klaver wil de opbrengst van een heffing gebruiken gebruiken om de energierekening voor burgers te verlagen en bedrijven die willen verduurzamen te subsidiëren.

Vorige week kwam de PvdA ook met een plan voor een nationale CO2-taks. Beide partijen proberen hiermee munt te slaan uit de hoogoplopende spanningen binnen de coalitie over de klimaatplannen. VVD en CDA zijn tegen een CO2-belasting, omdat die de concurrentiepositie van het bedrijfsleven te veel zou schaden. D66 en ChristenUnie zijn wel voor een algemene heffing.

Grootste vervuilers
Een CO2-belasting is volgens Klaver noodzakelijk om de klimaatdoelen te halen - 49% minder CO2-uitstoot in 2030 en 95% in 2050 - en de kosten van de klimaatmaatregelen eerlijk te verdelen tussen burgers en bedrijven.

'Zo'n heffing is effectief en eerlijk omdat de vervuiler betaalt en het bedrijven prikkelt hun uitstoot te verminderen', zegt Klaver.

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Column Mathijs Bouman: invoeren die CO2-belasting, anders lukt het niet

Uit de meest recente cijfers van statistiekbureau CBS blijkt dat het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven in het derde kwartaal van 2018 ruim 85% van de totale CO2-uitstoot voor zijn rekening nam.

Klaver voelt zich gesteund door onder andere de Nederlandsche Bank en een reeks vooraanstaande economen, die eerder pleitten voor de invoering van een nationale CO2-belasting. Hoewel volgens DNB de gevolgen van een heffing op macro-niveau meevallen, kan de concurrentiepositie van individuele bedrijven, vooral in de chemische industrie en metaalsector, behoorlijk worden aangetast.

Bonus malus-regeling
In het eind december gepresenteerde concept-klimaatakkoord is, onder druk van het bedrijfsleven, geen CO2-heffing opgenomen. Voor de milieuorganisaties was dit reden vlak voor de presentatie van het akkoord van tafel te lopen.
Wel komt er een bonus-malusregeling. Bedrijven die te weinig doen om hun uitstoot te verlagen, krijgen een boete. Ondernemingen die vaart maken met CO2-reductie krijgen juist subsidie.

Klaver vindt deze regeling niet ver genoeg gaan. 'Dit leidt tot allemaal complexe en juridische uitvoeringsvragen, terwijl het ook simpel en eerlijk kan.'

Het plan van GroenLinks richt zich op de 435 bedrijven die nu ook al vallen onder het Europese emissiehandelssysteem ETS. Dat beprijst de uitstoot van 11.000 bedrijven in Europa, vooral de grote ondernemingen uit de metaalsector en chemische industrie.

Die prijs van CO2 verdrievoudigde vorig jaar. Eind 2018 kostte de uitstoot van één ton CO2 ruim €20. Klaver vindt deze prijs te laag en het effect op de CO2-reductie 'nihil'. In zijn voorstel komt daarom vanaf volgend jaar bovenop ETS een nationale belasting, van €25 per ton CO2. Die heffing loopt geleidelijk op naar €100 in 2030 en €200 in 2050.

'Een CO2-belasting is de meest effectieve maatregel om te voorkomen dat burgers opdraaien voor de kosten van het klimaatbeleid. Ik zeg tegen Mark Rutte: de tijd van het beschermen van de grote bedrijven is voorbij.'

European energy bourse EEX saw record power futures, CO2 trades in 2018

Reuters reported that trading of electricity futures and carbon emissions rights on the European energy bourse EEX rose to record levels last year, while the exchange also expanded globally. Leipzig-based EEX, part of Deutsche Boerse group, said its flagship power derivatives markets saw volumes rise by 36 per cent to 4,385.5 terawatt hours, within which European futures increased by 19 per cent. It benefited from a sustained upturn in power wholesale prices, both over-the-counter and on exchanges, in 2018 that also hit multi-year price highs. The boom was triggered by strong global fuels demand and political intervention in the EU carbon market to squeeze supply.

Mr Peter Reitz chief executive said that "In 2018, we increased our volumes in almost every market. In addition, with the establishment of EEX Asia and the expansion of our offering in North America, we implemented further important steps to strengthen EEX Group's position as a global commodity exchange.” Last week, EEX's spot power unit EPEX SPOT reported an all-time record in its 2018 volumes ahead of group totals, citing market alignment and new partnerships.

The EEX has established alternative contracts for Germany and Austria after a split of the previously joint market zone last October enforced by regulators. Overall, trading volumes in both markets taken together rose last year by 7 per cent to 2,022 TWh. The purely German contract is the new European electricity benchmark. Gas trading on EEX, which spans much of western Europe and the Nordic countries, missed last year's record by 1 per cent, due to a sharp fall in futures trading, it said.

EEX CO2 trading more than doubled to 2,896 million tonnes, as the bourse carried out primary market auctions for the EU and widened its role in the secondary emissions market.

Source : Reuters
Equinor reduces CO2 emissions from the supply chain by 600,000 tonnes

Since 2011, Equinor has reduced CO2 emissions from its logistical operations for the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) by 600,000 tonnes. The company’s ambition is to halve emissions in the NCS supply chain by 2030. On Friday 18 January, NorSea will open a shore-to-ship power supply station at the Dusavik supply base by Stavanger. This base is the latest in a row of supply bases where vessels on Equinor contract are offered shore power while at berth and charging of their onboard batteries.

Shore-to-ship power supply is one of several measures to reduce emissions in logistics. Thirteen supply vessels on long-term contracts with Equinor have installed shore power systems on board, and a further five vessels in the contract portfolio will be prepared for shore power supply during 2019.

Since 2011, Equinor has cut emissions from its logistical operations by a total of 600,000 tonnes of CO2, corresponding to annual emissions from all cars in Oslo. This includes helicopters and vessels used for supply, emergency response, rig moves and storage.

Total emissions have been reduced by 37%, while emissions adjusted for reduced activity have been reduced by 26%.

Equinor has an ambition of stepping up its emission reduction in the NCS supply chain from 26% to 50% by 2030, based on 2011 level.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ENI plant enorme bossen tegen CO2-uitstoot

Gepubliceerd op 15 mrt 2019 om 13:15 | Views: 2.745

ENI 11:59
15,62 +0,46 (+3,01%)

MILAAN (AFN) - Het Italiaanse olie- en gasbedrijf Eni gaat enorme bossen planten om zo zijn CO2-uitstoot te compenseren. In totaal wil Eni in Zuid-Afrika, Zimbabwe, Mozambique en Ghana 81.000 vierkante kilometer aan bos aanplanten, schrijft de Britse krant Financial Times. Dat is zo'n twee keer de oppervlakte van Nederland.

De bossen zijn niet de enige milieumaatregel die de Italianen nemen. Ook willen ze affakkelen en methaanlekken verminderen. Affakkelen, waarbij bij de raffinage van olie ontstane gassen worden verbrand, moet in 2025 zelfs uitgebannen zijn. De uitstoot van methaangas moet dan met 80 procent zijn teruggedrongen.

Olie- en gasbedrijven voelen steeds meer de noodzaak om maatregelen te nemen om hun CO2-voetafdruk terug te dringen. Tegelijk blijven de bedrijven wel meer fossiele brandstoffen produceren. Naar eigen zeggen doen ze dat om aan de groeiende vraag in ontwikkelende landen te kunnen voldoen.

ArcelorMittal and Dow start trials for a new CO2 project in North Sea Port

ArcelorMittal and Dow Benelux will start trials with a new pilot installation that will separate carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) from the gases resulting from steel production. The installation is located at the ArcelorMittal company site in the North Sea Port in Ghent. The process aims to capture the CO2 and concentrate it for storage (Carbon Capture and Storage) or further usage (Carbon Capture and Utilisation). This will make valorisation of this gas as a raw material for the chemical industry possible. The treated CO-rich gas will be used by Dow to make hydrocarbons, and by ArcelorMittal to make bioethanol. The Carbon2value project aims to validate technology that has already been proven on a laboratory scale in an industrial environment. A few years ago, ArcelorMittal Ghent and Dow took up the initiative to work within an international consortium on new CO2 reduction methods.

The results of the tests will be used to map the technical and economic feasibility of this CO2-saving measure. The regional and social opportunities will be evaluated by POM East Flanders. The project runs until the end of 2020. The results will be published and presented at the Carbon2Value end symposium.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Wood awarded contract to reduce CO2 emissions

Wood has been awarded a prestigious multi-million dollar contract by the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative Climate Investments (OGCI CI) to provide conceptual engineering for its gas power and industrial carbon capture conceptual design work. Effective immediately, Wood will lead this first-of-a-kind project which aims to reduce CO2 emissions. The industrial carbon capture design will initially cover five of the principal industrial emitters of CO2: the production of hydrogen, fertiliser, petrochemicals, cement, and steel. As part of the scope of work, Wood’s technology and consulting team will complete engineering and concept design work for a full-scale gas power plant with carbon capture, levering its global expertise in consulting, process technology, pipelines and capital projects.

Bob MacDonald, CEO of Wood's Specialist Technical Solutions business, said “Wood is delighted to be supporting OGCI Climate Investments on its gas power and industrial carbon capture conceptual design project. We are working closely with our customers to lead the energy transition, a global challenge facing many industry sectors. Being at the forefront of this important, industry-led initiative further demonstrates our ongoing commitment to mitigating climate change by reducing CO2 emissions.”

Climate Investments is a US$1+ billion fund investing in technologies and business models to lower the carbon footprint of the energy and industrial sectors and their value chains. The fund was created by the CEOs of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative to take practical action on climate change. They invest in innovative companies that are ready to be commercialised and collaborate with global co-investors and industrials to achieve speed and scale.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
DTE Energy accelerates carbon reduction goal a full decade

DTE Energy announced a bold new goal to reduce carbon emissions 80 percent by 2040 – accelerating by a full decade the carbon reduction commitment it made to Michigan residents and businesses just two years ago. In the company's Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) being submitted to the Michigan Public Service Commission on Friday, DTE outlines the steps it will take over the next five years, and beyond, to transform to a cleaner generation mix – adding more renewables, increasing energy efficiency for its customers above state requirements and retiring coal plants sooner than previously announced. DTE also announced it will reduce carbon emissions at least 50 percent by 2030, surpassing its previous carbon reduction commitment of 45 percent by that timeframe.

DTE's plan includes:

Accelerating coal plant retirements: DTE plans to close the St. Clair Power Plant and the Trenton Channel Power Plant in 2022, one year ahead of schedule. The River Rouge Power Plant also will be retired in 2022. DTE is working closely with the impacted communities to help with economic development during this transition. DTE is committed to no employee layoffs and will provide training opportunities for employees to find new roles within the company. We also expect to continue hiring during this timeframe due to anticipated employee retirements.

Investing in energy efficiency: DTE previously committed to reducing energy usage by 1.5 percent each year within its service area by working with customers to help them save energy. The 2019 IRP steps up the annual energy savings to 1.75 percent, which is 75 percent higher than the state requires. This will help DTE customers save even more energy and more money.

Investing in hydro energy storage to ensure reliability: An $800 million upgrade project is on schedule at Michigan's Ludington pumped storage facility, co-owned by DTE and Consumers Energy. This investment allows DTE to protect reliability because the facility operates like a giant battery that can be tapped when renewable output drops. When customer demand increases or generation from intermittent resources decreases and electricity prices increase, the water from Ludington's reservoir can be released, generating electricity for customers. When the project is complete in 2020, Ludington will generate enough power to serve 175,000 DTE households.

The plan DTE is submitting today focuses most heavily on the next five years and considers the most affordable and reliable mix of generation sources that are currently available. Longer-term, DTE will continue to evaluate and refine future options to meet its carbon emissions commitment as technology develops and costs decline.

With this plan, DTE's average annual carbon emissions will drop by 400,000 tons in 2020 and 2021. In 2022, when Trenton Channel, St. Clair and the River Rouge power plants retire, DTE's annual carbon emissions will be reduced by an additional 7.5 million tons. That's the greenhouse gas emissions equivalent of nearly 1.6 million passenger vehicles driven for a year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Shell invests in nature as part of broad drive to tackle CO2 emissions

Shell announced a programme to invest in natural ecosystems as part of its strategy to act on global climate change, including addressing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions generated by customers when using its products. Shell plans to invest USD 300 million over the next three years. This programme will contribute to Shell’s 3 year target, beginning in 2019, to reduce its Net Carbon Footprint by 2% – 3%.

Mr Ben van Beurden, Chief Executive Officer of Royal Dutch Shell, said that “There is no single solution to tackling climate change. A transformation of the global energy system is needed, from electricity generation to industry and transport. Shell will play its part. Our focus on natural ecosystems is one step we are taking today to support the transition towards a low-carbon future. This comes in addition to our existing efforts, from reducing the carbon intensity of oil and gas operations to investments in renewable sources of energy.”

Mr Mark Tercek, CEO of The Nature Conservancy, said that “Last year’s IPCC report was a wake-up call on climate: reducing emissions starts with fossil fuels. Shell’s announcement signals that one of the world’s biggest energy companies is pursuing a decarbonisation strategy with a broad set of solutions, including by investing in nature. By doing so, it is helping to curb global deforestation, restore vital ecosystems, and help communities develop sustainably. Shell is the first in the industry to set near-term targets for the emissions of both its operations and its products; this is clear progress, but it also illustrates how much work remains to achieve Paris climate targets. We look forward to seeing further investment from Shell in these areas.”

On the road, Shell is making a wider range of transport solutions available to customers. The company is stepping up its investments in lower-carbon options, from battery electric vehicle charging to liquefied natural gas and hydrogen. For example, in Europe, customers can now access 100,000 electric vehicle charge points through New Motion, a Shell company. Today, Shell announces that it is also investing in 200 new rapid electric vehicle charge-points, powered by renewable energy, on its forecourts in the Netherlands, on top of 500 ultra-fast chargers being installed on Shell forecourts across Europe, in partnership with IONITY.

For customers who drive internal combustion engine vehicles, Shell is making it simpler for them to reduce their carbon footprint through low-carbon biofuels and carbon neutral driving.

From April 17th, customers who fill up at a Shell service station in the Netherlands will be able to drive carbon neutral through the use of nature-based carbon credits. This will be done at no extra cost for customers who choose Shell V-Power petrol or diesel, while those who fill up with regular Shell petrol or diesel can participate for an additional 1 cent a litre.

Shell will roll out similar choices to customers in other countries, starting with the UK later this year. This complements Shell’s existing programme to help business customers avoid or reduce emissions, including supplying lower emission fuels and electric vehicle charging. Shell also offers businesses the opportunity to drive carbon neutral by compensating the CO2 emitted from driving their fleet.

CO2 emissions generated by participating motorists – as well as from the extraction, refining and distribution of the fuel – will be offset by carbon credits. As one of the most established traders of carbon credits in the world, Shell buys these credits from a global portfolio of nature-based projects, including Cordillera Azul National Park Project in Peru, Katingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation Project in Indonesia and GreenTrees Reforestation Project in the USA. Each carbon credit is subject to a third-party verification process and represents the avoidance or removal of 1 tonne of CO2.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
BP, Nouryon and Port of Rotterdam partner on green hydrogen study

BP, Nouryon (formerly AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals), and the Port of Rotterdam have joined forces to explore the opportunity of making ‘green hydrogen’ via water electrolysis for BP’s refinery in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, which has the potential for significant reductions in CO2 emissions. The refinery currently uses hydrogen made from hydrocarbons, to desulphurize products. Replacing this entirely with green hydrogen produced from water using renewable energy could potentially result in a reduction of 350,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year based on current circumstances. The parties have signed a memorandum of understanding to study the feasibility of a 250-megawatt water electrolysis facility to produce up to 45,000 tons of green hydrogen yearly using renewable energy. It would be the largest of its kind in Europe.

Nouryon would build and operate the facility based on its leadership position in sustainable electrochemistry. The Port of Rotterdam would facilitate local infrastructure and investigate options for further development of a green hydrogen hub in the area. The partners intend to take a final investment decision on the project in 2022.

Mr Ruben Beens, CEO of BP Netherlands said that “BP is committed to advance a low carbon future. We have committed to reduce emissions in our operations, improve our products to help customers reduce their emissions and create low carbon businesses. The use of green hydrogen, made from water with renewable energy, has the potential to deliver significant emissions reductions at Rotterdam. Working with Nouryon and the Port of Rotterdam will allow us to explore and fully understand the technical, operational and financial dimensions of this potential opportunity.”

Mr Knut Schwalenberg, Managing Director Industrial Chemicals at Nouryon, added that “This partnership builds on our expertise in electrolysis technology to open up new value chains. With green hydrogen, we can provide sustainable solutions to our customers ranging from low-carbon fuels and industrial processes to new forms of circular chemistry.”

Mr Allard Castelein, CEO of the Port of Rotterdam, commented that “Development of large-scale electrolysers connected to offshore wind farms is vital for making solid progress with the new energy system in order to realize our climate goals. This 250-megawatt electrolyser is a key proof point that Rotterdam has the ability to be a frontrunner in the energy transition, which is an important differentiator for the port industry.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Fortum launches world's first marketplace for CO2 removals - Puro

Introducing Puro, the world’s first marketplace to kick-start CO2 removal from the atmosphere. Puro is an internal startup at Fortum. This shared experiment pilot is joint by a group of 23 pioneering companies aims to find a way to verify, compare and trade CO2 removals. The companies joining the experiment across industry boundaries are Fortum, Tieto, Valio, St1, ÅF Pöyry, Compensate Foundation, Carbofex, Yara Suomi Oy, Lassila & Tikanoja, SOK, Orbix, Nordic Offset, Hedman Partners, South Pole, and SEB.

In order to mitigate climate change, humanity must both radically reduce emissions and balance the carbon dioxide (CO2) going to and from the atmosphere. Currently, less than 50% of the CO2 emitted annually is absorbed naturally, so it’s vital to accelerate the development of CO2 removal. There are many underutilized and underdeveloped methods that lack revenue for the CO2 removal that they provide.

Puro is developing new verification methodologies for CO2 removal. Science-based quantification of different CO2 removal methods is the foundation for credible CO2 removal certificates. Initially, Puro will offer certificates from three long-term CO2 removal methods at an industrial scale: CO2 fixated in carbonated building elements, wooden building elements and in biochar. As quantification and verification methodologies are developed further, new removal methods may be added to the marketplace.

Puro will hold the first auctions where CO2 Removal Certificates (CORC) will be traded in May and June. Puro auctions are open to all companies wanting to provide CO2 removal or to explore CORC as a solution to meet their voluntary climate objectives.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Uniper voelt hogere prijzen voor CO2-uitstoot

Gepubliceerd op 7 mei 2019 om 10:07 | Views: 777

DÜSSELDORF (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Energiebedrijf Uniper heeft in het voorbije kwartaal fiks meer geld uitgegeven om broeikasgassen uit te mogen stoten. De prijzen voor emissierechten stegen de voorbije periode sterk. Het concern, een afsplitsing van de kolen- en gasactiviteiten van E.ON, zag het operationeel resultaat daardoor met bijna de helft slinken.

Naast de hogere CO2-prijzen, wijt Uniper de daling van de operationele winst ook aan weersomstandigheden. Door een relatief milde winter in Noordwest-Europa, was er minder vraag naar gas.

Het aangepaste bedrijfsresultaat (ebit) in het eerste kwartaal bedroeg 185 miljoen euro, een daling van 47 procent ten opzichte van dezelfde periode vorig jaar. De omzet steeg in dezelfde periode met bijna 4 procent tot 21,8 miljoen euro. De nettowinst verzesvoudigde ten opzichte van een jaar eerder tot 791 miljoen euro. Die stijging was voornamelijk het gevolg van handel in derivaten waarmee Uniper zich indekt tegen prijsschommelingen.
Cargill Cuts CO2 Emissions From Shipping Fleet In Green Push

Cargill reduced CO2 emissions from its chartered shipping fleet by 350,000 tonnes last year as part of efforts to scale back its carbon footprint at sea. In its annual corporate responsibility report, Cargill said that it had cut CO2 output per cargo-tonne-mile by 12.1% in 2018 compared with its 2016 baseline, putting them on course to achieve goal of 15% reductions in 2020. Its annual output was fell to 7.382 million tonnes of CO2 in 2018 from 7.732 million tonnes in 2017.

The reports provide insight into how Cargill addresses the impacts of climate change and delivers sustainable solutions that are transparent, innovative and collaborative. In addition, they highlight progress made on specific goals in key areas such as direct sourcing, improving traceability, building up the socioeconomic resilience of farmers and protecting ocean and aquatic life.

It said “Cargill is committed to improving the sustainability of its operations and leading the maritime industry to a more sustainable future. In 2018, the business made important progress toward carbon emissions reduction targets, chartering more energy efficient vessels and preparing for sulphur emissions changes.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Dutch Climate Agreement Sets Targets For Wind Energy And CO2 Reductions

The Dutch Climate Agreement announced today sets ambitious CO2 reduction targets for 2030 and foresees significant further growth in onshore and offshore wind power. The Netherlands aims to cut CO2 emissions by 49% by 2030, a significant increase over its 2020 goal of 25%. The Agreement also fixes volumes for the expansion of wind energy to 2030: 7.5-8.5 GW of onshore wind farm and 11.5 GW of offshore wind turbines. It sees renewables providing 75% of electricity in the Netherlands by 2030.

However, the Agreement is thin on measures to push the electrification of heating, transport and industrial processes. And there’s no figure even for the level of electricity demand in industry.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Total Group’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report

In response to the false information being circulated, the Total Group would like to recall that: Worldwide, greenhouse gas emissions relating to Total-operated oil and gas facilities came to 42 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent in 2018. Given that global emissions amount to more than 50 billion metric tonne per year, this represents less than 0.1% of the total. The commonly cited figure of 1% of global emissions is therefore inaccurate.

EIn France, greenhouse gas emissions relating to Total-operated oil and gas facilities came to 10 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent in 2018. Given that the country’s emissions amount to 445 million metric tonne per year, this represents 2.2% of the total. The commonly cited figure of two-thirds of French emissions is therefore also inaccurate.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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