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Shanghai Emissions Contracts to Start Trading in July

SCMP reported that China will begin trading carbon emissions contracts later this month after eight years of trials, as the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases kicks off the crucial market-based mechanism to put the nation on track to meet its 2060 carbon neutral goal. Leading the charge on the Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange will be power plants and electricity generators, estimated to be responsible for 40 per cent of China’s carbon dioxide emissions, before seven other carbon-intensive industries join in the mandatory trading. State Council, citing a directive by Premier Li Keqiang, said “Trading will be expanded to cover more industries subsequently so that greenhouse gases emission can be reduced by market forces,” according to the statement, which did not provide a schedule. The remaining industries are in construction materials, steel, petrochemical, chemical, non-ferrous metal, paper and aviation.”

State Council said “Monetary tools will be available to channel funding towards clean energy infrastructure and energy-efficient projects in an orderly and targeted fashion.”

To be sure, trading in Shanghai had been delayed from the June 30 commencement date announced in March by Minister of Ecology and the Environment Huang Runqiu during his visit to central China’s Hubei province, which will host the registration system and the data of the exchange.

The impending commencement is a crucial part of the plan by the nation responsible for 30 per cent of the world’s annual greenhouse gases to reverse the trend, through a mechanism that puts a price on emissions, prompting companies that exceed their caps to buy quotas from energy-efficient companies.

President Xi Jinping surprised the world last September with his unexpected pledge at the United Nations for China to reach carbon neutrality, becoming the second major economic entity after the European Union to put a date on that promise.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
IEA See CCUS as Important Pillar for Southeast Asia Climate Change

International Energy Agency last month said that Southeast Asia would need to fast accelerate its collective investment in carbon capture technologies, to the tune of an average of USD 1 billion per year between 2025 and 2030, or risk missing Paris Agreement temperature targets. That would mean developing capture potential from essentially zero today up to 200 million tonnes or more by 2050. But Southeast Asia continues to lean heavily on fossil fuels like coal for power generation, and some plants have many years of operation ahead of them. At the same time, the uptake of renewable electricity has been slow in several countries. Carbon capture, utilisation and storage can help to put the fastgrowing economies of Southeast Asia on the path to net-zero emissions.

Since 2000, almost 90% of Southeast Asia’s energy demand growth has been met by fossil fuels and the region is home to major coal and liquefied natural gas exporters. While the opportunity for CCUS goes beyond fossil fuel applications, the technology can be an important pillar for helping the region transition from its current energy mix to one that is aligned with future climate goals. CCUS can contribute to emissions reductions in many parts of the region’s energy systems. The deployment of CCUS can enable some of the more recently built power plants and industrial facilities in Southeast Asia to continue to operate with substantially reduced emissions, contributing to economic development and energy security objectives. CCUS is one of the few scalable solutions available for decarbonising heavy industries like cement and steel, and its deployment could also unlock new economic opportunities associated with low-carbon hydrogen or ammonia production. CCUS can also play a critical role in reducing emissions along the supply chain for natural gas.

Meeting climate goals will require countries to accelerate the deployment of CCUS technology. In pathways consistent with the Paris Agreement’s temperature goals, CCUS would build from a limited base in the region today to 200 million tonnes or more of CO2 capture by 2050. Investment in carbon capture technologies in Southeast Asia would need to reach an average of almost USD 1 billion per year between 2025 and 2030.

Momentum for CCUS is growing in the region. Interest in CCUS in Southeast Asia has been growing in line with international trends. Worldwide, plans for more than 30 commercial CCUS facilities were announced in the first half of 2021 alone. In Southeast Asia, at least seven potential projects have been identified and are in early development - in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Timor-Leste. Singapore has identified an important role for CCUS in its long-term emissions-reduction strategy and is actively pursuing research and international partnerships, including with Australia. The establishment of the Asia CCUS Network in June 2021, with the objective of facilitating collaboration and the deployment of CCUS, is another significant milestone and opportunity to advance CCUS in the region.

Targeting industrial clusters will support economies of scale and kick-start deployment CCUS in the region. A hub approach can enable CO2 capture from multiple industrial and power facilities and promote greater efficiencies in the planning and construction of capital-intensive transport and storage infrastructure. Separating capture from the transport and storage elements of the CCUS supply chain can also facilitate dedicated business models for transport and storage, recognising that the specific skills and expertise needed for large-scale carbon management may not be available in most emissions-intensive sectors. Globally, plans to develop CCUS hubs are progressing in more than 12 locations, with potential to capture more than 50 Mt CO2 per year. In Southeast Asia, some of the largest industrial clusters can be found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Viet Nam.

Regional approaches to C02 transport and storage infrastructure can build on international experience. Regional approaches to CO2 transport and storage infrastructure could enable faster and more widespread uptake of CCUS in Southeast Asia. In particular, the development of large, shared C02 storage resources that can be accessed by multiple facilities and countries could support CCUS investment in locations where storage capacity is either limited or where its development faces delays. Such an approach could incorporate offshore C02 storage together with C02 shipping, providing additional flexibility and contingency in the CCUS value chain where several storage facilities are available. Efforts to develop shared infrastructure in Southeast Asia could be informed by international experience. For example, the Northern Lights C02 transport and storage project in Norway will accept C02 from facilities across Europe and has sparked plans for several new CCUS projects.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
China begint met handel in uitstootrechten
ANP Producties 8 uur geleden

PEKING (ANP/BLOOMBERG/AFP) - China start vrijdag met de handel in CO2-rechten. Vanaf dat moment krijgen ruim 2200 bedrijven in de energiesector het recht om een beperkte hoeveelheid CO2 uit te stoten. Hebben ze meer nodig, dan kunnen ze die rechten kopen van bedrijven die niet al hun rechten nodig hebben. In de Europese Unie is er al een vergelijkbaar systeem.

De prijs voor het recht om een ton CO2 uit te stoten opende vrijdag op 48 yuan renminbi, omgerekend 6,29 euro. Al snel steeg die met de per dag maximaal toegelaten 10 procent. Daarmee ligt de prijs nog altijd ver onder Europa. Begin deze maand bereikte een ton CO2 daar de hoogste prijs ooit van 58,64 euro.

Het Chinese systeem heeft dan ook kritiek gekregen dat bedrijven er te veel uitstootrechten hebben gekregen. Experts claimen echter dat die toekenning zorgt dat bedrijven kunnen wennen aan het systeem en aan het idee van zuiniger en schoner te werken. China is van plan de handel in emissierechten snel te verplichten voor andere sectoren, waardoor waarschijnlijk producenten van cement, staal en aluminium daarmee te maken krijgen. Die bedrijven behoren tot de grootste vervuilers.

De Chinese president Xi Jinping wil dat de uitstoot van zijn land in 2030 piekt en dat China in 2060 CO2-neutraal is.
Global BECCS Potential Constrained by Sustainable Irrigation

Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage, a negative emission technology, has been considered inevitable to achieve the climate goal. Although numerous studies have been conducted, the effect of irrigation remains largely unexplored when taking water use sustainability into consideration. A new study finds that although unlimited irrigation could increase the global BECCS potential by 60-71% by the end of this century, sustainably constrained irrigation would increase it only 5-6%. A new collaborative research led by researchers from the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Ritsumeikan University and Kyoto University found that although unlimited irrigation could increase global BECCS potential (via the increase of bioenergy production) by 60-71% by the end of this century, sustainably constrained irrigation would increase it by only 5-6%. The study has been published in Nature Sustainability on July 5.

Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage is a process of extracting bioenergy from biomass, then capturing and storing the carbon to a geological reservoir. It is a negative emission technology since the biomass is produced by plants through photosynthesis that can uptake the carbon dioxide from atmosphere. To achieve the 2 degree C or 1.5 degree C climate goal, large-scale deployment of BECCS was assumed to be prominent in many previous studies. However, this caused increasing concerns on the challenges brought to water and land resources to grow the bioenergy crops. For example, existing studies have showed that irrigation to achieve considerable bioenergy crop production needed for BECCS potential comparable to the requirement of 2 degree C or 1.5 degree C climate goal would lead to severe water stress even than climate change itself.

Under this context, where and to what extent irrigation can enhance the global BECCS potential remains unknown under sustainable water use. "Here, we define it as water use securing the local and downstream water availability for conventional water use and environmental flow requirements, suppressing nonrenewable water resources withdrawal, and preventing additional water stress." explains lead author Zhipin Ai from National institute for environmental studies, Japan.

The study was based on simulations with a spatially explicit representation of bioenergy crop plantations and water cycle in an internally consistent model framework. To quantitatively determine the constraints of irrigation water resources, the researchers designed distinct irrigation ways (unlimited irrigation, sustainable irrigation, and no irrigation) with bioenergy crops planted on land scenarios with strict land protections to prevent adverse effects on biodiversity, food production, land degradation, and desertification due to large-scale land conversion.

The study found that, under the rain fed condition, the average global BECCS potential in 2090 was 0.82-1.99 Gt C yr-1. The BECCS potential reached 1.32-3.42 Gt C yr-1 (60% and 71% increases compared to that under rainfed condition) under full irrigation, whereas under sustainable irrigation, the BECCS potential was 0.88-2.09 Gt C yr-1 (5% and 6% increases compared to that under rainfed condition). The BECCS potential under sustainable irrigation is close to the lower limit of 1.6-4.1 Gt C yr-1, which is the required amount of BECCS in 2100 that consistent with the 1.5°C or 2°C climate goal as documented in the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC.

Given the many negative environmental impacts of large-scale deployment of BECCS, the researchers suggest that comprehensive assessments of the BECCS potential that consider both potential benefits and adverse effects are necessary for simultaneously achieving the multiple sustainable development goals on climate, water, land, etc. "In addition, considering the relatively low biophysically constrained BECCS potential under sustainable water and land use scenarios, a critical reexamination of the contribution of BECCS towards achieving the Paris Agreement goal is needed." says co-author Vera Heck from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

This study was supported by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
EDP Decarbonization Targets to Reduce 98% Emissions by 2030

EDP raised the bar in the decarbonization process by reinforcing its environmental targets up to 2030: the company will reduce specific CO2 emissions by 98% up to 2030 compared to the levels of 2015, reinforcing its commitment to the previous goal, which was 90% for the same period. Another reinforced target involves indirect CO2 emissions, which will also decrease 50% by 2030. This ambition is supported by the growing production of energy from renewable sources, which, in this first semester, already represents 81% of the electricity generated by EDP, in parallel with the progressive deactivation of the group's coal-fired power stations.

The review of EDP's carbon neutrality targets has now been validated by the Science Based Target initiative, an organization that evaluates and approves companies' initiatives for a low-carbon economy and for climate change fighting. In this assessment, SBTi also recognizes that EDP's decarbonization strategy is in line with the trajectory defined by science, which aims to contain the increase in the global average temperature by 1.5 degree C.

This is a commitment that the company had already made in 2019, when it signed up to the Business Ambition for 1.5ºC initiative, promoted by the United Nations. In this context, EDP has committed to establishing a CO2 emission reduction target, consistent with what climate science defines as necessary to limit global warming to the most demanding level of the Paris Agreement.

With these commitments, EDP consolidates its ambition of being 100% green up to 2030 and completely carbon neutral up to 2030, as foreseen in its most recent strategic plan. An ambition that includes, among several goals, investing 24 billion euros in projects that contribute to the energy transition, and doubling the production capacity of wind power and solar over the next five years. EDP believes that these contributions will be decisive in fighting climate change and promoting carbon neutrality in a more sustainable planet.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Air Liquide, Borealis, Esso TotalEnergies & Yara to Clean Normandy

Air Liquide, Borealis, Esso SAF, TotalEnergies and Yara International ASA have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to explore the development of a CO2 infrastructure including capture and storage, to help decarbonize the industrial basin located in the Normandy region, France. With the objective to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 3 million tons per year by 2030, which is equivalent to the emissions of more than 1 million passenger cars, the first phase will consist in studying the technical and economical feasibility of this project. This partnership, which will seek funding from European, French and Regional schemes, is open to other industrial parties.

The ability of industrial players to reduce their CO2 emissions in the medium and long term is a key issue for the sustainability of industrial activities and ecosystems in the area of Axe Seine/Normandy. The companies involved in the MoU have agreed to collaborate to assess the technical and economical feasibility of implementing an industrial CO2 capture and storage chain, from their industrial facilities to ultimate storage in the North Sea.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ExxonMobil to Participate in CCS Project in Scotland

ExxonMobil has signed a Memorandum of Understanding to participate in the recently announced Acorn carbon capture and storage project (in Scotland. The project plans to capture and store approximately 5-6 million tons of CO2 per year by 2030 from gas terminals at the St Fergus complex at Peterhead, Scotland, which includes ExxonMobil’s joint venture gas terminal.

ExxonMobil to participate in carbon capture and storage project in Scotland

The Acorn Project has the potential to provide more than half of the 10 million tons per year of CO2 storage the UK government is targeting, and when expanded has the potential to store more than 20 million tons of CO2 emissions per year by the mid-2030s.

ExxonMobil also said it has joined NECCUS, an alliance of industry, government and academic experts committed to reducing carbon emissions from industrial facilities in Scotland.

ExxonMobil’s membership will help the alliance explore the potential of technology-driven solutions to reduce emissions by drawing on the company’s extensive global experience with carbon capture and storage. NECCUS members include the Scottish government, four leading Scottish universities and several industry partners.

In March, ExxonMobil established a Low Carbon Solutions business to commercialize low-emission technologies. It is initially focusing on CCS, the process of capturing CO2 from industrial activity that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere, and injecting it into deep underground geologic formations for safe, secure and permanent storage.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Carbon Recycled Methane Recognized as Zero Emission Ship Fuel

The Ship Carbon Recycling Working Group of Japan’s Carbon Capture & Reuse Study Group has confirmed that carbon recycled methane produced by methanation technology can be recognized as zero emission ship fuel. A technical paper describing the details of the calculation procedure and evaluation conducted by the WG has been published in the latest issue of the journal of Japan Institute of Marine Engineering. Carbon recycling, which is the process of capturing and reusing emitted CO2, is becoming increasingly important as one of the pathways to realize a carbon-neutral society.To explore the feasibility of the concept of utilizing methanation technology for zero-emission ship fuels, the WG was formed within Japan’s CCR Study Group, and started its activity in July 2020.Since it is a basic premise for the WG’s activity that carbon recycled methane can be recognized as zero-emission fuel, the WG firstly worked on the evaluation of its potential.

While International Maritime Organization has yet to develop the rules for calculating emissions from the onboard fuel combustion of carbon recycled methane (Tank to Propeller), the importance to be cognizant of CO2 emissions in the fuel supply process (Well to Tank) has been noted. The WG has assumed and evaluated the following four processes as the supply chain for carbon-recycled methane fuel

(1) CO2 separation and capture

(2) CO2 transportation

(3) Methanation fuel synthesis

(4) Methanation fuel liquefaction

As a result, the CO2 emission per unit calorific value of carbon-recycled methane fuel by methanation was calculated as approximately 27g-CO2/MJ (regarded as Well to Propeller). This figure is comparable to other alternative fuel candidates generally recognized as zero-emission fuels, confirming that carbon-recycled methane can be recognized as zero emission ship fuel. In addition, further reduction to approximately 20g-CO2/MJ is expected by improving the efficiency of the separation and capture technology, and using electricity produced from renewable energy.

In order to verify the feasibility of carbon recycled methane as a ship fuel, the WG will continue to work on issues such as CO2 transportation by large-scale liquified CO2 carrier vessels, supply of hydrogen from renewable energy, prevention of methane slip, supply infrastructure of liquefied methanation fuel, and economic viability.

Methanation is a technology for synthesizing methane, the main component in natural gas, by causing a chemical reaction between hydrogen and CO2 in a reactor vessel filled with a catalyst. It uses emitted CO2 separated and captured from industrial facilities. As the CO2 generated when combusting synthesized methane is considered to be offset by the separated and captured CO2, it is expected that CO2 emissions can be significantly reduced by using hydrogen generated by electrolyzing water with electricity derived from renewable energy.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Shell Proposes Large Scale CCS Facility in Alberta

Shell recently announced a proposal to build a large-scale carbon capture and storage project at its Scotford Complex near Edmonton. This would be a key step in transforming Scotford into one of five energy and chemicals parks for Shell around the world, providing customers with lower-carbon fuels and products into the future, such as hydrogen. The proposed Polaris CCS project, the largest in a series of low-carbon opportunities Shell is exploring at Scotford, would capture carbon dioxide from the Shell-owned Scotford refinery and chemicals plant. The initial phase is expected to start operations around the middle of the decade, subject to a final investment decision by Shell expected in 2023. Polaris would have storage capacity of about 300 million tonnes of CO2 over the life of the project.

The initial phase of the Polaris CCS project would capture and store approximately 750,000 tonnes a year of CO2 from the Scotford refinery and chemicals plant. It would reduce Shell’s direct and indirect emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) by up to 40% from the refinery and by up to 30% from the chemicals plant. It would also create up to 2,000 jobs.

The second phase of the Polaris CCS project involves the creation of a CO2 storage hub in Alberta, further decarbonizing Shell’s facilities and storing emissions on behalf of third-party industry sources as a trusted and reliable CO2 storage operator. Fully built, and contingent on acquiring pore space leases from the Province of Alberta, Polaris could serve as a CO2 storage hub for more than10 million tonnes of CO2 each year.

Once fully built, Polaris would contribute to the Edmonton region becoming Canada’s first hydrogen hub. In the initial phase of Polaris, CO2 captured from the refinery’s hydrogen plants would produce blue hydrogen for use in the refining process, with the potential for large-scale blue hydrogen production in future phases. Shell is also exploring the development of additional volumes of blue and green hydrogen at Scotford that leverage Alberta’s abundance of natural gas and availability of renewable sources of power.

The Polaris CCS project follows the success of the Quest CCS facility at Scotford, which has captured and safely stored more than six million tonnes of CO2 in its six years of operation. Recently, Shell has also taken a final investment decision on the Northern Lights CCS project in Norway and is part of the Porthos CCS project in the Netherlands.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
JAPEX & JFE Engg Start Study for Carbon Free Energy Transportation

Japan Petroleum Exploration Co Ltd and JFE Engineering Corporation have started joint study regarding technical challenges related to carbon dioxide and the transportation and supply of new energy such as hydrogen and ammonia in order to realize a carbon neutral society in June 2021. JAPEX, which has a wealth of experience in production of oil and gas in Japan, supplying natural gas by combining its high-pressure gas pipeline network and liquefied natural gas terminals and operating natural gas power plants and JFE Engineering, which has a wide range of technologies related to the construction of infrastructure such as plants and pipelines, found themselves to be a perfect match regarding how they both intend to achieve a carbon neutral society. JAPEX and JFE Engineering thus agreed to start joint study regarding related technical challenges, with a view to the social implementation of their efforts in the future.

In this joint study, JAPEX and JFE Engineering will use their knowledge and experience to identify and resolve challenges regarding separation, capturing, and transportation of CO2 through pipelines and so on with a view to future social implementation and commercialization. Furthermore, while taking advantage of our knowledge, JAPEX and JFE Engineering will undertake joint study on technical challenges related to the transportation of hydrogen, including the utilization of existing gas pipelines, and the supply of hydrogen and ammonia as a fuel for power generation.

Based on this joint study, in the future, JAPEX and JFE Engineering aim to separate, capture, and transport CO2 together with the supply of hydrogen and ammonia, as well as to achieve CCUS, including CO2-IGR/EGR, in which CO2 is utilized effectively and injected/stored underground.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Violates WTO Principles

Reuters reported that China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment spokesman Mr Liu Youbin said that the European Union's plan to impose the world's first carbon border tax will expand climate issues into trade in violation of international principles and hurt prospects for economic growth. He told "CBAM is essentially a unilateral measure to extend the climate change issue to the trade sector. It violates WTO principles and will seriously undermine mutual trust in the global community and the prospects for economic growth.”

He reiterated China's stance that each country's response to climate change should take into account its level of economic development and CO2 tariff would severely harm the willingness and capability of countries to tackle the issue.

The European Commission this month outlined plans to impose a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism or CO2 tariff, on polluting goods from 2026, forcing some companies importing into the European Union to pay carbon costs at the border on carbon-intensive products such as steel.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Miljoenensubsidie voor Limburgse chemische installatie zonder CO2-uitstoot
Jeroen Segenhout 00:01

Een naftakraker van Sabic op Chemelot in Geleen. Het Saoedische chemieconcern gebruikt nog fossiele brandstoffen om hoge temperaturen te bereiken voor de productie van basisgrondstoffen voor plastics. Foto: Roger Dohmen/ANP

De Nederlandse overheid stelt €5,5 mln beschikbaar voor een proef met een elektrische kraker, een petrochemische installatie waarmee basisgrondstoffen voor plastics worden gemaakt. Het Finse Coolbrook, dat de technologie heeft ontwikkeld, heeft daarmee de financiering rond voor dit €12,5 mln kostende project op het chemiecomplex Chemelot in het Limburgse Geleen.

Coolbrook zegt dat het met zijn technologie CO2-emissies geheel kan elimineren. Dat is van belang voor de chemie-industrie, die tot de grote vervuilers behoort en onder grote druk staat om haar uitstoot van broeikasgassen drastisch te verminderen.

Bewegende rotor
Krakers stoten nu wereldwijd tegen de 300 megaton CO2 uit. Dat gebeurt door de verbranding van fossiele brandstoffen om hoge temperaturen te bereiken om gas- of oliemoleculen in kleinere stukjes te breken. De gekraakte moleculen kunnen opnieuw worden gecombineerd tot ethyleen en propyleen, basisgrondstoffen voor plastics.

In het proefproject in Geleen wordt gasvormige nafta (aardoliedestillaat) uitsluitend verwarmd via bewegingen van een rotor in de kraker. Daardoor ontstaan schokgolven, die de noodzakelijke warmte creëren voor het kraken van de moleculen.

Russische oorsprong
Coolbrook is begin 2020 in Limburg neergestreken om zijn technologie te kunnen bewijzen. 'We zitten daarmee in het centrum van de industrie, met een netwerk', aldus oprichter Ilpo Kuokkanen. Zijn start-up is in 2012 ontstaan met hulp van ingenieurs uit de Russische ruimtevaart. Daarna is er verder aan gewerkt in samenwerking met enkele universiteiten en bedrijven, waaronder het Japanse Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

Het Finse bedrijf hoopt straks grote chemieconcerns aan zich te binden. Kuokkanen verwacht 'in de komende maanden' samenwerkingsverbanden aan te kunnen kondigen. Op Chemelot is onder meer de Saudische chemiegigant Sabic actief met twee grote naftakrakers. Sabic zit ook in een consortium van grote chemiebedrijven die naar de ontwikkeling van de 'kraker van de toekomst' kijken.

'Het gaat om een zeer traditionele industrie die al vijftig, zestig jaar met dezelfde technologie werkt. Het is niet gemakkelijk om deze bedrijven van gedachten te doen veranderen. Maar nu is er wel publieke en juridische druk', verwijst Kuokkanen naar het recente oordeel van de rechter in Den Haag dat Shell zijn CO2-uitstoot versneld moet terugdringen.

Hogere attentie
Ceo Harri Johannesdahl ziet al verandering op het hoogste niveau. Tot twee jaar geleden sprak Coolbrook bij de grote concerns nog met technische teams over de ontwikkeling van elektrische krakers. Nu heeft het onderwerp de hoogste bestuurslaag bereikt, zegt hij.

De Finnen moeten nog wel laten zien dat dat hun technologie doet wat ze belooft. De reactor wordt momenteel in Finland gebouwd. Deze zal in februari of maart volgend jaar in Geleen arriveren, waarna het testen in het voorjaar kan beginnen. In april 2022 moet de reactor helemaal operationeel zijn.

Kuokkanen noemt de steun vanuit de Nederlandse overheid 'extreem belangrijk'. 'We verkeren in de ontwikkelingsfase. De combinatie van aerodynamica, turbomachines en chemie wordt nog niet commercieel toegepast. Dus is het belangrijk dat overheden op deze wijze leiderschap tonen.'

Commerciële toepassing is volgens Coolbrook vanaf 2024 mogelijk. Dat kan ook met een lagere investering dan in de bouw van een traditionele kraker, zegt de onderneming. Maar dan moeten chemiebedrijven hun manier van denken wel radicaal veranderen. Kuokkanen: 'Dat kan wat tijd kosten. Zij moeten ook interne uitdagingen overwinnen.'

Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/ondernemen/1406124/miljoenensub...
Petrofac Builds Direct Air Capture into its Net Zero plan

Leading international service provider to the energy sectors Petrofac announced that it has become the first company to sign a Memorandum of Understanding as a customer for Storegga’s proposed UK-based, large scale Direct Air Captur facility. Petrofac has committed to purchase the permanent removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at the facility, delivering a key tool to supplement existing decarbonisation initiatives in support of its Net Zero goals.

Storegga and its partner, Carbon Engineering, a leading DAC provider and developer of the technology, have commenced preliminary engineering and design of the proposed UK facility. Under its Technical Delivery Alliance with Storegga, Petrofac is supporting this Pre-Front End Engineering and Design phase.

The facility aims to permanently remove one million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere annually. Targeted for North-East Scotland, the proposed facility will be the first large-scale facility of its kind in Europe. The partners are targeting first operations for 2026.

DAC technology, when combined with secure geological storage, delivers the permanent and verifiable removal of carbon dioxide from the air, reversing the emissions process. DAC is a high quality, technological solution for greenhouse gas removal that can be scaled to meet demand, with very low land and water use. For sectors of the economy that are currently challenging to decarbonise directly, such as aviation, shipping, and oil and gas, this form of greenhouse gas removal provides an effective way to address their carbon footprint and achieve net zero targets. It also delivers a mechanism to eliminate emissions from the past, and as a tool towards achieving full climate restoration.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ArcelorMittal investeert in CO2-reductie-technologie
Reductie uitstoot van 60 procent.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal en de Canadese regering investeren 1,765 miljard Canadese dollar in CO2-reductie-technologieën in de Dofasco-fabriek van de staalreus. Dit meldde ArcelorMittal vrijdag.

De investering van omgerekend 1,37 miljard euro zal de jaarlijkse CO2-emissie in de fabriek in Hamilton in de provincie Ontario in de komende zeven jaar met circa 3 miljoen ton verminderen, ofwel circa 60 procent van de uitstoot.

De regering van Canada investeert 400 miljoen Canadese dollar in het project. ArcelorMittal voert nog gesprekken met de provincie Ontario over eventuele financiële ondersteuning.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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Researchers Succeed in Green Synthesis of Polycarbonate from CO2

Using a CeC>2 catalyst, researchers develop an effective catalytic process for the direct synthesis of polycarbonate diols without the need for dehydrating agents. The high yield, high selective process has CO2 blown at atmospheric pressure to evaporate excess water by-product allowing for a catalytic process that can be used with any substrate with a boiling point higher than water. By combining a Ce02 catalyst with atmospheric carbon dioxide, researchers from Osaka City University, Tohoku University, and Nippon Steel Corporation have developed an effective catalytic process for the direct synthesis of polycarbonate diols without using dehydrating agents. Their method, published in Green Chemistry, does not rely on toxic chemical feedstock like phosgene and carbon monoxide, making it the world’s first high yield “green" reaction system.

To bypass these issues, the research team developed a catalytic process that does not use a dehydrating agent. By focusing on the difference in boiling points between the chemical product/diol and water, the research team predicted a high


This paper is based on results obtained from a NEDO Feasibility Study Program (Uncharted Territory Challenge 2050).

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Eni & BASF R&D Initiative to Cut CO2 in Transportation Sector

Eni and BASF have signed a strategic agreement on a joint R&D initiative to reduce the CO2 footprint of the transportation sector. The cooperation aims to develop a new technology to produce advanced bio-propanol from glycerin, a side stream of the production of industrial biodiesel (FAME, fatty acid methil esters), that Eni will purchase from European producers. The technology under development involves the conversion of glycerin to propanol via an innovative, catalytic hydrotreatment process.

The new approach consists of a process of applying a high-pressure hydrogenation reaction over a BASF catalyst, ensuring that the bio-propanol is produced with a high yield and purity while minimizing by-products. The bio-propanol offers the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 65 to 75% compared to fossil fuels.

Propanol obtained via this innovative method can be easily added as a drop-in bio-fuel component to gasoline. Thanks to its better physicochemical properties compared to bioethanol and its very high-octane number, bio-propanol is a valuable component for the preparation of premium gasoline.

More than half of the world’s glycerin production originates as a by-product of the biodiesel industry: every ton of biodiesel produces approximately 10% glycerin. As a result of increasing biodiesel production, the world’s glycerin production increased from 200,000 t/y in 2003 to approximately 5,000,000 t/y in 2020. Being a vegetable residue, glycerin is classified as an advanced bio-feedstock, according to the European RED II directive.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ADNOC & Fertiglobe to Sell Blue Ammonia to Japan’s Itochu

The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company announced that, in partnership with Fertiglobe, it has sold its first cargo of blue ammonia to Itochu in Japan, for use in fertilizer production. The sale builds upon recently announced joint efforts to enhance industrial cooperation between the UAE and Japan and support the development of new UAE-Japan blue ammonia supply chains.

Fertiglobe, a 58:42 partnership between OCI and ADNOC, will produce blue ammonia at its Fertil plant in the Ruwais Industrial Complex in Abu Dhabi for delivery to ADNOC’s customers in Japan. The shipments, which were sold at an attractive premium to grey ammonia, underscore the favorable economics for blue ammonia as an emerging source of low-carbon energy. They represent the first production milestone of a planned scale-up of blue ammonia production capabilities in Abu Dhabi, which is expected to include a low-cost debottlenecking program at Fertil. In addition, it was announced in June that Fertiglobe will join ADNOC and ADQ as a partner in a new world-scale 1 million metric tons per annum blue ammonia project at TA’ZIZ in Ruwais, subject to regulatory approvals.

Fertiglobe is the world’s largest seaborne exporter of nitrogen fertilizers, and its Fertil plant is one of the largest regional fertilizer producers with production capacity of 1.2 million metric tons of ammonia and 2.1 million metric tons of urea. While the ammonia Fertil produces is typically considered as “grey” ammonia, the plant will be fitted with CO2 liquefaction units, and CO2 will be transferred to - and reinjected into - underground reservoirs by the ADNOC Al Reyadah carbon capture and storage plant to facilitate the production of blue ammonia.

Ammonia can be used as a low-carbon fuel across a wide range of industrial applications, including transportation, power generation, refining and industries including steel, wastewater treatment, cement and fertilizer production. For Japan, in particular, hydrogen and its carrier fuels, such as blue ammonia, are expected to play an important role in the country’s ongoing industrial decarbonization efforts.

ADNOC is a regional leader in carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) and is leveraging its experience to build its blue ammonia business. CO2 from the ammonia production process will be captured and transferred to Al Reyadah, the first commercial scale carbon capture plant in the Middle East and the world’s first commercial facility to capture CO2 from the iron and steel industry. The CO2 is subsequently used in ADNOC Onshore’s Rumaitha and Bab fields where it is safely stored underground. Each year, Al Reyadah captures up to 800,000 tons of CO2 from local UAE steel production.

ADNOC announced in May that it will advance a world-scale blue ammonia production facility at the TA’ZIZ industrial ecosystem in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi. The design contract for this project has already been awarded, with a final investment decision for the project expected in 2022, and start-up targeted for 2025. The facility’s capacity will be 1 million tons per annum. In June, Fertiglobe entered an agreement to join the project, subject to regulatory approvals.

The company continues to engage with customers and partners to unlock new opportunities for blue hydrogen and hydrogen carrier fuels.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
C02 Capture Plant Installed on Coal Carrier CORONA UTILITY

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd has been conducting a joint project with Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co Ltd and Nippon Kaiji Kyokai to develop C02 capture plant onboard vessel as part of the "Research and Development for advancing marine resources technologies". The installation of the small C02 capture plant has been installed on the coal carrier "CORONA UTILITY", operated by “K” LINE for Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd Yokohama Works.

After departure of the vessel from MHI Yokohama, experts from Mitsubishi Shipbuilding will be on board the vessel for one voyage to commission the small C02 capture plant, evaluate its operation performance at sea, and analyze the captured C02. After that, until the end of FY 2021, the ship's crew will evaluate the operation, safety and operability of the C02 capture plant, and will conduct demonstration tests in order to commercialize the plant such as downsizing in size and weight, efficiency of C02 capture system with Mitsubishi Shipbuilding.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
De vervuiler betaalt: naar netto nul uitstoot in 2050
13 aug   21:23

Na de publicatie van het nieuwe IPCC-rapport zal weldenkend Nederland toch wel doordrongen zijn van de ernst van het klimaatprobleem. Er zijn vast nog wat struisvogels die hun kop juist dieper in het zand steken, maar het probleem is nu helder.

En de oplossing ook: de netto uitstoot moet snel naar nul. Stop met verbranden van kolen, olie en gas (in die volgorde) en zorg dat onvermijdbare uitstoot wordt opgeslagen of gecompenseerd. In 2050 moet dat doel zijn bereikt, vinden al meer landen. Maar hoe dan? Hoe komen we van nu naar netto nul in 29 jaar?

Je zou eigenlijk een mechanisme moeten hebben dat groene investeringen automatisch rendabel maakt, fossiel vanzelf uit de markt prijst en consumenten nudget richting fossielvrije bestedingen. Het goede nieuws: dat mechanisme is er. Het heet ‘prijsmechanisme’; geef CO2- uitstoot een prijs en de markt doet het werk.

Dat is echter niet de meest intuïtieve aanpak. Want waarom met prijzen de hoeveelheid uitstoot beteugelen, als je die hoeveelheid ook direct kunt aanpakken? Een begrijpelijke gedachte, die afgelopen week in het FD door weer- en klimaatexpert Gerrit Hiemstra werd uitgedragen: 'Misschien moeten we iedereen een quotum aan fossiel opgewekte energie geven dat elk jaar minder wordt', zei de meteoroloog. 'Als het op is, is het op.'

Maar hoeveelheidsregulering heeft grote nadelen. Neem de meest simpele manier om het doel van nul in 2050 in beleid om te zetten: verbied gewoon de uitstoot vanaf dat jaar. Dat is duidelijk en lijkt simpel afdwingbaar. Maar zo’n verbod doet niets om de transitie naar een emissieloze economie te begeleiden. Iedereen moet snel naar nul, ongeacht kosten en baten. Het is bovendien juist niet afdwingbaar. Als het 2049 wordt en een groot deel van de maatschappij blijkt nog steeds CO2 uit te stoten, zal de politiek de deadline verlengen.

Dat laatste probleem is minder groot in het voorstel van Hiemstra. Met een jaarlijks afnemend persoonlijk rantsoen begeleid je een deel van de burgers richting nul. Maar alleen voor wie het rantsoen bindend is. Mensen met een relatief laag energieverbruik zullen lange tijd geen prikkel voelen om nog zuiniger te doen. Ongebruikt rantsoen is waardeloos. Het nuttige principe dat de meest rendabele energiebesparing het eerst wordt uitgevoerd, krijgt geen kans om te werken, want CO2 krijgt geen prijs.

Dat laatste is niet helemaal waar, want wie meer gebruikt dan het rantsoen zal moeten worden gestraft. Waarschijnlijk met een boete. Ongemerkt kunnen kwaadwillenden zo hun plicht afkopen. CO2 krijgt toch een prijs, maar alleen voor wie het systeem wil saboteren.

Maak die prijs dan liever expliciet. Dat is niet ingewikkeld: voer de Hiemstra-rantsoenen in, maar laat mensen overschotten en tekorten met elkaar verhandelen. Voorkomen van uitstoot is dan voor iedereen rendabel. In Europa doen we dat al zo voor grote verbruikers, en de ervaringen met deze emissiehandel zijn (na een moeilijke start) hoopgevend. Er is op de markt voor emissierechten wel een goede marktmeester nodig en speculatie ligt op de loer. Ook is het onbevredigend dat aanvullend klimaatbeleid in principe leidt tot een lagere CO2-prijs, en dus tot meer uitstoot elders. Maar dat probleem is met slimme interventies deels op te lossen.

Het prijsmechanisme is dus ook bij rantsoenering onmisbaar. Waarom dan niet nog een stap verder gaan en CO2-uitstoot direct belasten? Daar valt veel voor te zeggen. Een nadeel is dat je nooit zeker weet welk tarief nodig is om de doelstelling (nul in 2050) te bereiken. De kans op een te lage (of te hoge) prijs is groot. Bij emissiehandel heb je dat probleem niet.

Maar, ho even! Waarom moet het met een prijs en een belasting? Waarom slecht gedrag beprijzen, als je ook goed gedrag kunt belonen. Een uitstootreductie-subsidie doet hetzelfde en klinkt zoveel vriendelijker. Dat klopt op zich, maar het principe van ‘de vervuiler betaalt’ is voor veel mensen toch belangrijk. Bovendien: met een subsidie maak je energiegebruik in het algemeen goedkoper. Energiebesparing wordt daarmee minder noodzakelijk.

Nee, met subsidies halen we netto nul in 2050 niet. Wel met Hiemstra-rantsoenen, mits die goed verhandelbaar zijn en er een echte CO2-prijs ontstaat. En anders moet het toch gewoon met een forse CO2-belasting.

Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/opinie/1407939/naar-netto-nul-u...
Drax & MHI to Deliver Carbon Capture Power Project

Drax Group and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engineering Ltd have agreed a long-term contract for Drax to use its carbon capture technology, the Advanced KM CDR process, in what would be the largest deployment of negative emissions in power generation anywhere in the world. The contract, which combines UK innovation and world-leading Japanese technology, will see Drax license MHI’s unique carbon capture solvent, KS-21, to capture CO2 at its power station near Selby, North Yorkshire.

Drax is already the largest decarbonisation project in Europe, having converted its power station to use sustainable biomass instead of coal, reducing its emissions by more than 85%. By deploying BECCS technology, Drax aims to go further becoming carbon negative by 2030.

The first BECCS unit at Drax could be operational as soon as 2027, supporting thousands of jobs across the North of England as soon as 2024, and capturing and storing at least 8 million tonnes of CO2 a year by 2030.

Drax is the first company to sign a contract to deploy carbon capture technology at scale in the UK. The project combines MHI’s proven and world-leading technology with offshore geological storage under the North Sea, helping the UK achieve its target to cut carbon emissions by 78% by 2035 and demonstrates global climate leadership ahead this weekend’s G7 in Cornwall and of COP26 in Glasgow in November.

As part of the agreement, MHI plans to locate its core CCS team at the company’s European headquarters in London and explore additional employment opportunities in the UK in future. MHI is also looking at ways to strengthen its supply chain, including the potential production of its proprietary solvent in the UK.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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