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Logica launches Corporate Payment Service

16 September 2008

First implementations in Finland.

Logica, a leading IT and business services company, today announced the launch of a new, innovative corporate payment solution for the European market. This unique and cost-efficient solution is SEPA compliant and enables an easy transition for corporates to introduce e-Invoices. The system can process pension payments, social benefit payments, salary payments and other payment types and related messages for taxation, reconciliation and internal bookings.

Logica is responsible for the implementation, maintenance, service development and customer support of the Corporate Payment System. It enables customers to centralise the internal payments and payment transactions of their organisation, harmonise the payment-related practices, handle payments related fraud and create a controlled banking connection. This results in cost reductions and fewer fixed cost for the corporate.

Logica developed this new solution for companies which aim to rationalise and improve the efficiency of their operating models and processes for payments. The solution is based on a new way of splitting tasks and responsibilities between corporates and Logica. It enables companies to focus on their core business while Logica ensures that their payment solution is constantly on top of the rapidly changing market demands. The service is available across Europe.

Roel Wolfert, group director Payments at Logica, said: ‘We have solid expertise and long standing experience in providing payments products and services to the financial sector. The last few years we have noticed an increasing need for corporates to manage the complexity of payments transformation processes and the associated knowledge and investments required. I am pleased to extend our expertise and domain knowledge to the corporate market place. We will help corporates to transform their payments business and enable innovation in the post SEPA era.”

Jukka Tarkiainen, managing director of Logica’s financial services business in Finland, comments: “As part of our new payment system service Logica builds the basic system and adapts it to the customer’s needs and the operating environment. Our customers have the system at their disposal as a service, and Logica is responsible for maintenance, support and development. The customers pay for the respective use and performance.”

This corporate payment solution supports Logica’s ambition to help the market transform their payments environments. The service is based on Logica’s standard software products and its payments expertise.

Logica, a leading provider of Payments solutions and products, provides Business Transformation for the Payments domain enabled by Payments domain consulting, business and IT architecture, standard software products, application development and maintenance, migration services, testing solutions all sourced using Logica’s blended delivery model.

Logica enhances Payments Testing service

16 September 2008

New service will help businesses and financial institutions to reduce cost of SWIFT testing by 30 per cent.

Logica, the leading IT and business services company, today announced the launch of a new offering within Logica’s Payments business - a new managed testing service that will help corporates and financial institutions mitigate against risk by testing SWIFT messaging changes.

SWIFT messaging changes are a small but very important part of the overall payments testing process. Corporates and financial institutions have to test their payments systems on an annual basis to ensure that payments move smoothly through the global supply chain. Logica provides the new service as part of its blended delivery model, which brings together onshore, nearshore and offshore capabilities into a single offering.

Logica has developed this new service in response to clients’ requirements for managed testing that will enable them to meet customers internal and external testing requirements, including those of SWIFT. By using a managed testing service, institutions can trust Logica to execute the testing process and focus on managing exceptions instead.

Jeremy Schutte, Senior VP Financial Services at Logica in the US, explains: “Corporates and institutions are having to deal with a number of different initiatives and sets of guidelines. Although SWIFT messaging changes are only a part of the jigsaw puzzle, they are a crucial element in the overall payments supply chain. The main benefit of this new service for financial institutions and corporates is that it helps them mitigate against the risks of non-compliance and reputational damage. Logica is already working with some of the world’s largest banks to manage software testing on their behalf, and this new service builds on our domain knowledge and robust, reusable processes in the important area of SWIFT messaging changes.”

Roel Wolfert, Group Director Payments at Logica said: “The payments industry is changing rapidly due to globalisation, new regulation and enhanced standards. These changes require a thorough understanding of payments and a solid approach to testing, whilst at the same time cost must be minimised. With the enhanced Payments Testing solution for SWIFT we can provide these benefits to corporates and financial institutions.”

Delivered by Logica’s Payments Testing Centre of Excellence, the service is built on more than 15,000 test scripts and a rigorous structure around the annual testing process. Managed testing is Logica’s solution for life cycle and end user testing. Logica takes complete responsibility for a client’s testing based on detailed service level agreements (SLA’s) drawn from Logica’s extensive testing service catalogues. SLA’s would typically include scope, unit costs, quality levels and the speed of response to requests. Benefits include increased testing capacity at peak times and cost savings of 30 per cent or more are not uncommon.

Logica introduces Service Factory – a new solution for the development of telecom services reduces time-to-market by half

16 September 2008

Logica, a leading IT and business services company, today introduces a unique new solution for the development of new services for mobile phone and broadband operators and media companies. The solution, Service Factory, reduces the time-to-market for the introduction of new services by half compared to existing processes.

The development of new services in Service Factory follows a standardised process, ensuring the quality of the services as well as the integration with the operator's existing systems. Logica is a global Microsoft Preferred Supplier for telecom products and will, in addition to system integration of Service Factory, also offer Service Factory as a hosted and managed service.

Those telecom or broadband operators who manage to quickly transform trends and user needs into new services have a great opportunity to increase their market shares and revenue streams. In order to achieve this, they need a process that ensures that the service can be made available when it is in demand and not six months later. With Service Factory, the operator is able to keep up with changes in the market as well as developing new services and providing them to customers, without compromising quality and the integration with existing systems.

“There is a great demand among operators for solutions that will enable them to quickly create, develop and introduce a service to their customers while it still is hot and in demand. The standardised process offered by Service Factory helps cut time-to-market by half. The Service Factory concept also includes a marketplace in which a large number of services developed by third-parties are made available. Providing this ecosystem of Independent Software Vendors, ISV, creates plenty of opportunities for new revenue streams,” said Johan Bergh, Director Utilities & Telecom at Logica Sweden.

Building on Logica's long and extensive experience within the telecom sector, a new global competence centre has been established. Here, customer needs can be satisfied, no matter if specific know-how or development competency is needed, or if customers prefer that Logica takes full responsibility through hosting and managed service of Service Factory. The Service Factory concept is based on Microsoft® Connected Services Framework (CSF) and Microsoft® Connected Services Sandbox, which offers a test and demonstration environment.

“With Service Factory, Logica shows that they understand the challenges facing telecom operators and they are leading the way in developing and delivering value-adding services that meet these challenges,” said Maria Pimenta, Sales Manager, Microsoft Sweden. "With Logica as a global Preferred Supplier, we have strengthened our telecom capability and will benefit from valuable additional competence in the implementation and system integration of telecom solutions.”

Logica opent tweede grote vestiging in India

18 september 2008

Kantoor in Chennai biedt ruimte aan 1500 nieuwe werknemers

Door de opening van een nieuw kantoor in het Indiase Chennai, heeft Logica haar dienstverlening verder uitgebreid en versterkt. Deze tweede grote vestiging van Logica in India, gehuisvest op het DLF IT Park - de ‘Silicon Valley’ van Chennai - biedt werk aan circa 1500 werknemers. In Bangalore werken momenteel 3000 medewerkers voor de klanten van Logica. De nieuwe vestiging in Chennai maakt deel uit van een investeringsprogramma ter waarde van ruim € 10 miljoen met als doel de offshore- en nearshore dienstverlening van Logica te verbeteren. Doelstelling is om tegen het eind van 2009 circa 8000 extra banen wereldwijd te creëren.

Paul Schuyt, Chief Executive Logica Nederland: ‘Het openen van een tweede vestiging in India is voor Logica een logische keuze. Het past binnen onze strategie die ervoor moet zorgen dat ons bedrijf verder groeit. Door ons blended delivery-model, de gecombineerde levering vanuit locaties binnen en buiten Europa, kunnen wij onze lokale kracht combineren met onze wereldwijde expertise in onze nearshore en offshore centers. Logica verdiept en verbetert zo de dienstverlening aan haar klanten.’

Logica biedt in India (Bangalore en Chennai) een vol spectrum van diensten aan op het gebied van systeemintegratie en outsourcing. Dit omvat activiteiten als Business Process Outsourcing, het monitoren en preventief oplossen van mogelijke problemen in het computerpark (Remote Infrastructure Management) en het ontwikkelen en onderhouden van applicaties (Applications Development en Management). India speelt ook een belangrijke rol in het ontwikkelen en implementeren van een uitgebreid programma over Logica’s wereldwijde innovatiestrategie.


Logica in eindronde voor bouw

BRUSSEL (ANP) - De Nederlandse ICT-dienstverlener Logica is geselecteerd als een van de twee kandidaten om software te leveren voor het Europese gps-satellietensysteem Galileo.

Het bedrijf uit Amstelveen moet het in de eindronde van de aanbesteding opnemen tegen het Italiaanse ThalesAleniaSpace, meldde de Europese Commissie vrijdag. Logica meldde eerder dat de opdracht een waarde heeft van 120 miljoen euro. De Britse tak van Logica dingt bovendien mee naar de opdracht voor het grondcontrolesysteem.

De Europese Commissie heeft in totaal elf Europese bedrijven gekozen voor zes onderdelen van de bouw van de Europese gps-satellieten. Het project is met 3 miljard euro de grootste EU-aankoop van technologie ooit.

Galileo is de Europese tegenhanger van het Amerikaanse GPS-systeem. In de testfase kreeg Logica al orders van in totaal 70 miljoen euro.

Bron: ANP
Publicatiedatum: vrijdag 19 september 2008 13:03:38
Copyright (c) 2008 - Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau ANP


Logica CMG

mvrgr japierabo
Firms chosen for Galileo run-off

Friday, 19 September 2008 15:20 UK

Eleven industrial groups will compete for the contracts to build Europe's much-delayed satellite-navigation system, Galileo.

They were chosen from an initial list of 21 that had indicated an interest in participating in the project.

Galileo will rival but also complement the US GPS network.

The European Commission has set aside more than two billion euros to build 26 satellites, buy launch rockets and set up the ground control centres.

The Commission's partner, the European Space Agency (Esa), is running the procurement contest with the aim of having Galileo fully operational by 2013.

As anticipated, the shortlist contains many of Europe's top aerospace, telecom and IT concerns. They will now have to convince the Commission and Esa that they can deliver the right technical solutions at a competitive price.

Galileo is expected to improve substantially the availability and accuracy of timing signals delivered from space.

Users should get quicker, more reliable fixes and be able to locate their positions with an error of one metre compared with the current GPS error of several metres.

But the project has been hit by delays and cost overruns. The original procurement plan involving a partnership between the public and private sectors collapsed; and the Commission was forced to start again, turning Galileo into an initiative that will be wholly financed from the public purse.

Nonetheless, many of the companies that were part of the original partnership are present in the shortlist of competing groups now hoping to win construction contracts.

The 11 pre-selected candidates are:

System Support (to bring all the elements of the project together): ThalesAleniaSpace (Italy); Logica (The Netherlands)

Ground Mission System (to look after the timing and navigation data): ThalesAleniaSpace (France); Logica (UK)

Ground Control System (to monitor the satellite constellation): Astrium (UK); G-Nav grouping represented by Lockheed Martin IS&S (UK)

Space segment (to build the satellites themselves): Astrium (Germany); OHB (Germany)

Launch Services (the rockets that will loft network): Arianespace (France)

Operations (the day-to-day running of Galileo): Nav-up grouping represented by Inmarsat (UK); DLR (Germany) and Telespazio (Italy)

Some work on Galileo is already under way - four operational satellites and some ground control systems are in the process of being built. The "six work packages" now open to competition have strict rules governing how much work can go to each company and how much of that work must then be sub-contracted to partners.

This means a lot of the work will be spread around Europe; and if work segments are split to ensure speed, the spread could be wider still. This is quite likely to happen for the preparation of the satellites, for example.

In any event, it looks now as though the spacecraft will be a team effort between Germany and the UK, with the satellite payloads (their electronic brains) being prepared in Britain and the chassis construction and final integration being done in Germany.

This comes about through any division of the space segment - because Astrium Germany will use UK colleagues on the payload; and OHB will use its UK partner, SSTL in Guildford, for the same job.

"This is really great for UK industry," said Phil Davies from SSTL. "It gives us a key role far into the future."

Timescales are tight. The first four constellation spacecraft are expected to be launched in 2010, with the remaining 26 put in orbit by the end of 2013.

In April this year, a test satellite dubbed Giove-B was launched from Baikonur in Kazakhstan.

Giove-B contains key technologies - such as atomic clocks - which will eventually be built into the 30 operational platforms that form the Galileo network.

Europe has already spent 1.6bn euros ($2.5bn; £1.3bn) on the project and ministers and the European Parliament have warned that the additional 3.4bn euros ($5.3bn; £2.7bn) recently approved for all sat-nav investments will be the limit on expenditure.
Companies failing to disclose data breaches to clients according to Logica security survey

24 September 2008

-Only 40 per cent of organisations whose data is breached tell clients
-More than half of companies fail to understand the impact of a security breach
-Over 50 per cent believe that security is responsibility of IT department

Survey results launched today by IT and business services company Logica, reveal that companies are failing to report data security breaches to clients; 60 per cent of those who have experienced a data breach, did not tell their clients and half failed to tell the police or authorities.

The study conducted in conjunction with the e-media group, surveyed 300 public and private sector organisations over the last two months. The findings revealed that more than half (57 per cent) of those surveyed, have “no idea” or understanding of the impact of a security breach on their business or organisation. A continued lack of engagement with the issue is evident, with just 16 per cent of firms having a “Value at Risk” (Only 16% of organisations have a “Value at Risk” profile for their information assets. This means that other organisations are unable to effectively classify their data and hence find it difficult to put in place specific security that will adequately protect that data from loss) profile for information assets it owns/controls; with half of respondents believing that security is solely an IT departmental issue.

Tim Best, Director Enterprise Security Solutions at Logica, commented on the findings: “Data losses put customers at risk and can lead to large contracts being withdrawn. With some organisations failing to disclose security breaches, this complacent attitude not only increases the likelihood of financial and reputational consequences but also highlights the inadequate security policies and protocols that UK organisations have in place. It is time to take action – it should be mandatory for all organisations to report significant breaches of confidential personal information to the Information Commissioner or their regulatory body. Only through mandatory reporting will the scale of the problem be understood, which will lead to the correct solutions being applied.”

The study also demonstrated a lack of awareness of how to securely manage data and a lack of knowledge of how to prevent a security breach among many organisations. Only 30 per cent educate staff in IT security and information handling procedures on a regular basis, with less than a third employing a specific security incident response team. The survey also revealed that while 63 per cent of those surveyed hold personal data subject to EU data handling regulations, only a quarter comply with ISO27001/2, meaning that companies are not adhering to security procedures when storing personal data.

Tim Best adds: “Security should not be the sole responsibility of the IT department; it is a boardroom issue and the focus must be to protect the trust that clients have in an organisation. If you have experienced a security breach, it is essential to conduct a risk assessment to understand the issue and avoid a reoccurrence. All organisations must put in place mandatory services and policies which enable compliance with legal requirements and establish coherent, comprehensive and cost effective security controls and policies throughout the organisation”.

“It is clear from this survey that IT and security training remains a fundamental issue, with 70 per cent of those surveyed not training staff in IT security and information handling procedures. As employers now look to adopt flexible working initiatives, they must invest in a comprehensive security awareness policy to mitigate against potential information breaches.”

Logica will be speaking at the Gartner IT Security Summit at the Royal Lancaster Hotel, London on Monday 29 September.

About the study
Logica conducted a comprehensive study of IT Directors, CTOs and iT security managers in 300 public and private sector organisations representing a cross section of industries and sectors. The survey was conducted in August and September 2008.
Logica neemt CRM-specialist Symbioo over

woensdag 24 september 2008

Logica neemt de Bilthovense crm-specialist Symbioo over. De ict-dienstverlener wil zo groeien in de markt voor crm op basis van Microsoft Dynamics.

Ict-dienstverlener Logica Nederland neemt crm-specialst Symbioo uit Bilthoven over. Dat bedrijf implementeert klantcontactsystemen op basis van Micorosft Dynamics. Voornaamste klanten zijn hypotheekmaatschappij Florius en leverancier van bedrijfscommunicatiesystemen NEC/ Philips.

De overname past bij de doelstelling van Logica om te groeien in de markt voor costumer relationship management (crm) op basis van Microsoft Dynamics. De specifieke kennis van Symbioo in aanvulling op Logica's ervaring en kennis in de markt voor SAP en Oracle moet leiden tot een sterkere nationale en internationale positie op de markt voor Microsoft-producten. Volgens Logica is er is er vooral op crm-gebied behoefte aan serieuze leveranciers. De Nederlands-Britse automatiseerder ziet dienstverlening rond Microsoft-technologie als een van de belangrijkste groeigebieden op de middellange termijn.

De zeven Symbioo-medewerkers worden ondergebracht op de Rotterdamse vestiging van de ict-dienstverlener. Er zijn geen financiële details van de overname bekendgemaakt.

IBM wins tender for State Treasury project

Prague, Sept 26 (CTK) - The company IBM, together with Hewlett-Packard, Logica and SAP CR, has won the tender to build the digital information system to manage public finances called the State Treasury, the Finance Ministry told CTK Friday.

The victorious project was the only one to have remained in the tender as the rival bid by the company Indra Czech Republic had been excluded due to a failure to meet qualification requirements, ministry spokesman Ondrej Jakob said.

IBM has offered a price of Kc2.19bn.

The aim of the project is to build an IT system which would make public finances management faster and more transparent. The system should also secure enough information for public finances management and update data on the state budget.

The tender involves the Central Accounting System and the Budget Information System. The two remaining systems - the Payment System and the State Debt Management - are already in operation. The Payment System is operated by the Czech National Bank (CNB).

The project should interconnect all state organisations whose management of finances it will enable to watch in detail.

The new system is to be launched in late 2009 or early 2010, Pavel Nevsimal, head of the State Treasury project, said earlier.

The Finance Ministry has been looking for the supplier of the State Treasury for almost two years.

Finance Minister Miroslav Kalousek cancelled the previous tender in February this year. The tender was sharply criticised because one of its conditions was the use of software supplied by SAP. The tender was even investigated by the antitrust office UOHS.

The ministry declared the new tender on July 15.

A total of 41 companies had asked for project documentation for the tender but only IBM and Indra submitted their bids in time
Logica appoints Chief Information Officer
01 October 2008

Logica, the IT business and services company, has appointed the CIO of AXA Technology Services (ATS), Laurent Allard, to the position of Chief Information Officer (CIO).

Allard will join Logica on 15 October 2008 and will be responsible for Logica’s internal IT and knowledge management, with a focus on integration of solutions, improved efficiency, security and greater effectiveness. Laurent will be based out of Paris.

For the last seven years, Allard has been CIO at ATS, responsible for the IT governance and overall operational success of the company’s technology activity through establishing, maintaining and controlling the IT strategy and the standards and processes that supported the strategy. His success resulted in a saving of €270m on the IT Service Delivery budget and a dramatic improvement in quality and customer satisfaction. Previously Allard also held posts of CRM IT Program Manager, AXA Chief Architect, prior to which he was Chief Architect and Head of the System Engineering team at Credit Du Nord and System Engineer at La Redoute.

“I’m extremely pleased to welcome Laurent to the Logica management team. He brings with him a wealth of experience in designing and driving streamlined IT systems and processes. As announced in April of this year, as part of Logica’s new strategy we are aligning our IT systems and process in order to integrate the business more tightly and ultimately provide better service to our customers and value to our shareholders. Laurent will help drive this process and ensure we successfully deliver on our commitment,” said Craig Boundy, Chief of Global Operations at Logica.

“I have been impressed by the public statements Logica has made this year regarding its intentions to deliver value to shareholders and drive above market growth. This is a company that I want to be part of and I’m looking forward to delivering the systems and processes that will make a difference to the way it operates,” commented Laurent.

Logica maakt politiewerk efficiënter door burgerparticipatie

01 oktober 2008

Proef met Burgernet in 9 gemeenten is opmaat voor landelijke invoering

ICT-dienstverlener Logica heeft het systeem voor Burgernet ontwikkeld waarmee negen gemeenten op 7 november 2008 een proef starten. Burgernet betrekt burgers via vaste of mobiele telefoon of sms bij het vinden van verdachte of vermiste personen en gestolen voertuigen. Burgers kunnen op deze wijze zelf een actieve rol spelen in het vergroten van de veiligheid in hun woon- en werkomgeving. Burgernet wordt, na een positieve evaluatie van de proef, in 2009 en 2010 landelijk ingevoerd.

De proef is een uitbreiding van het experiment met Burgernet dat in 2004 in Nieuwegein van start ging. Tijdens dat experiment konden burgers alleen via de vaste telefoon worden benaderd. Met het systeem, dat Logica nu voor de proef heeft ontwikkeld, worden deelnemers ook via mobiele telefoons en sms bij het opsporingsproces betrokken. Aanvullende informatie kan ook per e-mail verstuurd worden. De inzet van meerdere communicatiemiddelen maakt een nog snellere informatie-uitwisseling tussen burgers en overheid mogelijk. Hiervan kunnen vooral bij tijdskritische gebeurtenissen, zoals de vermissing van een kind, de vruchten worden geplukt.

De gemeenten die aan de proef meedoen zijn Gouda, Delft, Ede, Leeuwarden, Dantumadeel, Breukelen, Maarssen, De Ronde Venen en Nieuwegein. Mensen die in deze gemeenten wonen en werken kunnen zich vanaf vandaag via www.burgernet.nl als deelnemer aanmelden.

De kracht van Burgernet is dat het systeem binnen korte tijd de hulp van burgers inschakelt die in de directe omgeving van een misdrijf of vermissing wonen of werken. Bij de melding van een tasjesroof geeft een getuige door waar het misdrijf heeft plaatsgevonden en wat de uiterlijke kenmerken van de dader zijn. De politiemeldkamer start meteen een Burgernetactie. Op basis van de locatiegegevens wordt, met behulp van een geografisch informatiesysteem, het actiegebied bepaald. Het Burgernetsysteem selecteert op basis van dit gebied de hierin woonachtige of werkzame deelnemers. Zij ontvangen van de meldkamer een ingesproken bericht met informatie over de gezochte persoon op hun vaste of hun mobiele telefoon, of ze krijgen een sms-bericht. Als zij vervolgens iets zien of horen dat overeenkomt met het signalement, bellen zij naar een gratis telefoonnummer dat in verbinding staat met de meldkamer. Op deze manier kan de dader worden gevolgd en kan de politie sneller en gerichter zoeken. Na afloop van de zoekactie krijgen de deelnemers een bericht met informatie over het resultaat. Kijk voor een filmpje over de werking van Burgernet op YouTube.

Het systeem voor Burgernet maakt gebruik van Microsoft .NET, BizTalk en SQL Server technologie aangevuld met een Oracle Spatial database, Logica’s iFramework voor het efficiënt bouwen van webapplicaties, een maatwerkoplossing voor de grootschalige uit-en inbelserver en van GIS-applicaties. Door de service georiënteerde architectuur (SOA) van het systeem kan het eenvoudig worden uitgebreid en opgeschaald naar een landelijke applicatie.

Logica bags new CIO from insurance sector

Laurent Allard is leaving AXA Technology Services, part of the AXA insurance group to become CIO of technology services provider Logica, which has major contracts with government agencies and the Royal Mail.

Allard, currently CIO at AXA Technology Services, will start as the Logical CIO on October 15. “He brings a wealth of experience in designing and driving streamlined IT systems and processes,” said Craig Boundy, Logica chief of operations. Logica said he will be responsible for their internal IT and knowledge management.

“As announced in April of this year, as part of Logica’s new strategy we are aligning our IT systems and process in order to integrate the business more tightly and ultimately provide a better service to our customers,” Boundy said of the major project facing Allard.

Allard oversaw an alignment strategy that resulted in €270m in savings on the delivery of IT services to AXA. He has been responsible for IT governance. Prior to becoming a CIO Allard was CRM IT project manager and chief architect for AXA, he has also been chief architect and head of system engineering for French bank Credit Du Nord and catalogue retailer La Redoute.

The Royal Mail appointed Logica in May 2008 to provide application management of business intelligence and warehouse systems from Kalido. Logica is also working for Wiltshire County Council to simplify and standardise its systems. The delayed Defence Information Infrastructure programme involves a consortium of Logica, Fujitsu, EADS and General Dynamics.

Het kabinet wil de kilometerheffing geleidelijk invoeren. Vanaf 2011 zijn als eerste vrachtwagens aan de beurt en vanaf 2012 volgen de eerste personenauto's. Die zouden dan bijvoorbeeld een kastje of andere apparatuur aan boord krijgen dat via satelliettechniek de gereden kilometers registreert. Tal van bedrijven, zoals Siemens en Logica CMG, staan te trappelen om mee te doen aan het systeem. (ANP)
Logica haalt cio bij Axa

3 oktober 2008 -- Stefan Grommen

Ict-dienstenbedrijf Logica heeft cio Laurent Allard weggeplukt van Axa Technology Services (ATS), de it-poot van de bankgroep.

Allard begint op 15 oktober bij Logica. Hij wordt verantwoordelijk voor het interne it- en kennisbeheer van Logica. De nadruk zal voor hem, aldus een persbericht, liggen op integratie van oplossingen, efficiencyverbetering, veiligheid en meer effectiviteit. Hij gaat werken vanuit Parijs.

De voorbije zeven jaar werkte Allard als cio van ATS. Daarvóór vervulde Allard de functies van programmamanager CRM IT en hoofdarchitect bij AXA. Nog eerder werkte hij als hoofdarchitect en hoofd van het team System Engineering bij Crédit du Nord en als systeemingenieur bij La Redoute.
Finnish State Treasury builds extensive information system for the whole state administration with support from Logica

Finland begins with the implementation of an extensive internal information system for the whole of its state administration. The project is one of the largest information system projects within the public administration in Finland and will help the state to improve the handling of the financial and personnel administration. The aim is for one single system to manage the functionalities of the financial and personnel administration in all the government agencies. The State Treasury, which is responsible for the implementation of the project, and Logica, the winner of the procurement competition, signed the contract for the system delivery on 30 September 2008. The overall value of the four year project is approximately 50 million Euros with Logica’s share being approximately 25 million Euros.

According to the current plans, three pilot agencies will be the first to adopt the centralised system in 2010. The Ministry of Interior and all the agencies within its administrative branch will adopt the system in 2011. The project is then supposed to be extended to the rest of the state administration from 2012 until 2014. When the extension is fully implemented, the new information system on financial and personnel administration will cover all the state agencies (excluding universities), and will have approximately 90,000 end users which makes this project one of the largest information system projects within the public administration in Finland.

Mikko Kangaspunta, Head of Division at the State Treasury, explains: “At the moment, the units of the state administration are using financial and personnel information systems they have acquired themselves. We will develop a common information system solution and shared processes of working across all agencies and service centres with the objective of achieving significant savings in the long run.”

The State Treasury is responsible for the implementation and management of the centralised system and will continue so after the implementation has been completed.

The requirements of the state productivity programme

The procurement of a new information system was initiated as a result of the productivity programme of the state, which builds on the fact that approximately 40 per cent of the staff currently working at the financial and personnel administration will retire in the course of the next ten years. At the same time, the requirements regarding productivity of operations will remain high. Based on these factors, a common operations model for the financial and personnel administration within the whole state administration will be created. The system will cover all joint processes, concepts and information contents of the agencies and service centres.

Timo Laitinen, the Director General of the State Treasury, comments: “During the past years, we have increased the productivity of the financial and personnel administration of the state by establishing service centres, from which the state units purchase the management of core functions of the financial and personnel administration. The next step in the process of improving productivity and service capabilities is the development of this common information system solution.”

Logica enables the change

Logica, the leading IT and business services company, has been selected as the supplier of the system. Since the project is one of the most extensive information system projects within public administration in Finland, the success depends on a close co-operation between the different parties in the project, as well as on strong project and change management capabilities.

Heikki Nikku, CEO at Logica in Finland, comments: “Logica has a long and versatile experience of working together with different parts of the public sector. We have implemented many significant system projects with the State Treasury during the past years, and we are proud that we have been selected as a trusted partner for such an important project."

Logica’s system solution for this project is based on SAP technology and on Logica’s payroll administration software.

“We are in a very good position to implement this project as we are familiar with the specific characteristics of the accounting offices’ financial and personnel administration, and we are also the central supplier of the current systems", Kimmo Koivisto, Managing Director at Logica in Finland, emphasises. “We have comprehensive knowledge of implementing SAP solutions, and our international team of SAP experts is 3,300 persons strong. We will leverage our international expertise when implementing the system, and we will also make use of our capabilities and resources in lower-cost countries.
GovUnited selecteert Atos, Sogeti en Logica
maandag 6 oktober 2008

Gemeenten aangesloten bij GovUnited kunnen bij Atos Orgin, Sogeti en Logica terecht als zij een midoffice suite willen implementeren. GovUnited heeft daartoe de drie partijen geselecteerd. De drie dienstverleners helpen de gemeenten bij de invoering, waardoor meer standaardisatie en onderlinge samenwerking moet ontstaan.

ovUnited heeft Atos Origin, Sogeti en Logica geselecteerd voor de uitrol van de GU-1 Aanbesteding. Gemeenten kunnen bij deze partijen een offerte aanvragen om hun elektronische dienstverlening te verbeteren.

De GU-1 Aanbesteding wordt door GovUnited in samenwerking met E-GEM (elektronische gemeente, een programma van het ICTU) uitgevoerd. De aanbesteding bestaat uit de onderdelen midoffice (mo), het klant kontact centrum (kkc), content management systeem (cms), de producten- en dienstencatalogus (pdc), het werkstroom-, documenten- en archiefmanagement en een geomagazijn.


Logica werd in april na een Europese aanbesteding geselecteerd voor de levering van de midoffice suite. De leverancier verzorgt de levering van de het gehele platform en de implementatie bij de eerste vijf pilotgemeenten. Daarna kunnen de overige gemeenten ook bij Sogeti en Atos Origin een offerte aanvragen. Het is de bedoeling dat nog dit jaar twintig gemeenten met de implementatie van de midoffice starten.

GovUnited is een initiatief voor en door Nederlandse gemeenten. Het programma wordt uitgevoerd door de stichting ICTU. GovUnited heeft tot doel de implementatie van de e-dienstverlening te versnellen via de inkoop van gemeenschappelijke ict-voorzieningen voor de deelnemende gemeenten.

Council aims to achieve £27 million of savings in 10 years

13 October 2008

Isle of Wight Council have selected Logica to implement and manage a major new IT solution as key part of a transformation programme designed to save the council money, improve efficiency and allow for greater focus on community services. This programme aims to save the authority £27 million over the next ten years.

The integrated SAP ERP solution will replace a range of legacy and costly in-house systems. The new business model will go live from April 2009, providing an efficient support service and allowing employees more flexible access to information.

The transformation is part of a council-wide change and efficiency programme which will provide the Isle of Wight Council with a real-time integrated suite of systems including finance and procurement, payroll and HR. This will ensure greater ability for accounting and budget management; fast and controlled procurement requisitions; and an improved and well documented HR administration process to manage the workforce.

David Burbage, Director of Finance, at the Isle of Wight Council, said: “The new systems will make a major impact to the way we do business, driving improved efficiencies in our business processes and ensuring our procurement is at its optimum.

“Whilst our staff are doing an excellent job right now they are working with outdated and failing systems. By providing a single source of management information, the new systems will provide greater opportunities to improve financial management and HR processes. "

Barry Abraham, Isle of Wight Council cabinet member for residents and resources, said: “The new systems will allow us to focus on meeting our residents’, business’ and visitors’ needs in an effective and efficient manner.”

He added: “We chose Logica because of its proven track record in on-time delivery and its partnership approach; both the Logica and Isle of Wight teams will work side by side on site.”

Juanita Taliadouros, Managing Director, Public Sector, at Logica, said: “We were able to demonstrate to the Isle of Wight Council our strong track record in helping local government authorities streamline their business services and work more efficiently while improving internal and external service delivery. The ultimate goal is to deliver value for money and this is at the centre of the change management, business and IT services which we provide for our customers. We look forward to bringing that expertise to the Council and we are confident that we can support them in realising these benefits.”

Europese bedrijven verspillen jaarlijks miljarden euro’s aan inefficiënte veranderingen van bedrijfsprocessen
14 oktober 2008

Logica en Economist Intelligence Unit: eenderde van de projecten mislukt

West-Europese bedrijven verspillen jaarlijks miljarden euro’s aan inefficiënte veranderingstrajecten van hun bedrijfsprocessen. Eén op de drie trajecten voldoet niet aan de verwachting en kan als een mislukking worden beschouwd. In Nederland haalt zelfs 40% van de veranderingstrajecten een onvoldoende. Onder West-Europese ondernemingen met minder sterke financiële prestaties is dit percentage 49%.

Dit blijkt uit een recente studie onder 380 grote bedrijven uit verschillende sectoren in West-Europa, waaronder ook Nederlandse ondernemingen. Deze groep ondernemingen verspilt jaarlijks alleen al €10 miljard aan niet succesvolle pogingen om hun bedrijfsprocessen te veranderen. Het onderzoek is door de Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) uitgevoerd in opdracht van Logica Management Consulting. De resultaten van het onderzoek zijn gepresenteerd in het rapport: ‘Securing the value of business process change’. Het volledige rapport kunt u hier downloaden.

De invloed van mislukte veranderingstrajecten op de strategie en resultaten van ondernemingen is groot. Voor veel bedrijven zijn veranderingen onderdeel van de dagelijkse praktijk. Circa 84% van de ondervraagde bedrijven geeft aan in de afgelopen drie jaar twee of meer veranderingstrajecten te zijn ingegaan. Eenvijfde van de Nederlandse bedrijven meldt in de afgelopen drie jaar tenminste negen trajecten te hebben doorlopen.

Leon Manet, verantwoordelijk voor Business Change Management bij Logica Management Consulting: “Logica heeft onderzocht hoe bedrijven succesvoller veranderingstrajecten kunnen managen. De kritieke succesfactoren hebben we vertaald in richtlijnen en do’s en don’ts. Bedrijven die deze richtlijnen toepassen, zijn significant succesvoller in hun veranderingstrajecten gebleken. Daar slaagt namelijk circa 80% van deze groep bedrijven. We willen dan ook graag bedrijven, die in een veranderingstraject zitten of opstarten, adviseren om dit rapport te lezen zodat zij zich het nodige leergeld kunnen besparen.”

Top-3 tips om veranderingstracten succesvol te maken:

Pro-actief: zorg voor verandering voordat de markt verandert

Open: betrek klanten en business partners bij het proces

Project: maak er een zelfstandig project van met bijbehorende monitoring en bijsturing

Als het gaat om de grootste oorzaken van falende veranderingstrajecten in Nederlandse bedrijven, is dit de druk van de alledaagse bezigheden (37%), gebrek aan interne samenwerking (33%), slechte planning (33%) en gebrek aan IT/infrastructuur/applicaties (30%). Meer dan driekwart van de bedrijven spendeert tussen de één en zes procent van hun omzet aan veranderingstrajecten. Ruim de helft van de ondervraagde Nederlandse bedrijven is van plan tenminste 4% van hun omzet te besteden aan veranderingstrajecten.

Maar liefst tweederde van de Europese organisaties geeft aan dat de belangrijkste reden om veranderingstrajecten in te zetten, een hogere brutowinst (ebitda: earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amoritization) is. Uit de praktijk blijkt dat slechts 29% erin slaagt een gezond hogere brutowinst groei te realiseren.


Logica (NL)
0,95 ( 14:13 ) /

Logica krijgt beheeropdracht min BZK
17-10-2008 14:08:00
AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Een consortium onder leiding van Logica plc heeft een opdracht met een waarde van EUR60 miljoen tot EUR140 miljoen gekregen van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. Dat meldt de ict-dienstverlener vrijdag in een persbericht.

Logica gaat samen met BT en HP het beheer van de rijksbrede ict-infrastructuur van P-Direkt en Rijksweb verzorgen. P-Direkt verzorgt voor de rijksoverheid de personeels- en salarisadministratie. Via Rijksweb, de ict-dienstverlener voor de rijksoverheid, kunnen ministeries informatie met elkaar uitwisselen. Het contract heeft een looptijd van zeven jaar.

In de rolverdeling binnen het samenwerkingsverband is Logica hoofdaannemer en systemintegrator, BT hostingprovider en HP solutionprovider.

Door Harm Luttikhedde; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst +31-20-571-52-01; harm.luttikhedde@dowjones.com

Aandelen Tip 10 week 43 1 DSM, Kon.
2 (5) Royal Dutch Shell A
3 (4) Nutreco Holding
4 OPG Groep
5 ArcelorMittal
6 (3) Ten Cate, Kon.
7 Reed Elsevier
9 (10) Smit International
10 TNT
20 oktober 2008 12:00

Logica is weer terug in de aandelen Tip 10 bij beursonline.nl
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