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Smart ‘auto’crats: Smooth road talks
7 Mar, 2008, 0312 hrs IST,Chiranjoy Sen, TNN

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Efficient transportation solutions are the order of the day, be it in a growing economy or for a large enterprise. With passenger and freight transportation set to grow exponentially, both firms and government need to make intelligent use of existing transport systems to support this growth.

And to this end, firms are coming up with innovative applications of technology and the India contribution to these software solutions is significant. Generically called intelligent transportation systems (read: ITS), it covers four key features — efficiency, environmental protection, safety and security — and is turning out to be billion-dollar industry.

Anglo-Dutch IT services firm Logica — that has a big research centre in Bangalore — along with leading European automobile companies, has developed eCALL, a software solution for intelligent transport systems. eCALL, also referred to as ‘emergency call’, is a pan-European initiative that is a combination of an in-vehicle system (IVS) — a device with a GSM cellphone and GPS location capability — and a corresponding infrastructure of public safety answering points (PSAP).

Speaking to ET, Logica’s director of product engineering, GBS Bindra, said: “eCALL will be the first fully-automated public safety system to be installed across the European Union by 2010. In Europe, hundreds of serious accidents occur everyday and due to poor response time, many lives are lost. The response time during an accident is very critical. Once the eCALL system is in place, it will help reduce the response time considerably thus saving several lives.”

eCALL has two components: one a software that runs inside the car called the in-vehicle system (IVS) and the other is the back office that collects the data and sends the rescue service immediately to the accident spot. The back office collects all the information and data from the car, converts it into information that can be read and tabulated in the map. So, the team there can visualise where the accident has occurred and sends the nearest rescue team to the point of the accident. “The mapping helps to pinpoint the exact location but also helps the rescue team reach the spot through the shortest distance,” says Bindra.

Besides, the back office also collects all the details of the car, driver and his personal records like the blood group and the medical history for medical aid. When the device is activated, the in-vehicle eCALL system will establish a voice connection directly with the relevant PSAP, which may be a hospital or a diagnostic centre.“It has taken Logica’s Bangalore unit about a year to develop the software while the hardware unit will be manufactured by the car manufacturers themselves besides vendors like Bosch and Siemens,” says Bindra. Navtech has mapped all the roads across the European Union countries that will help pinpoint the exact location (longitude and latitude) of the accident. Not only Logica, IBM Research’s India laboratory — based out of Delhi — is working on transport innovations — that too specially tailored for India.

Five applications are being worked on: driver-assist technologies; intelligent traffic systems using sensor technologies; advanced mass transit systems connected to mobile phones; ultra sophisticated voice recognition systems; and smart airport systems. These projects have started from the middle of 2007 and are still in stages of evolution.

the legend

Over the next two years, various changes are bound to happen. Cars will be able to sense other cars and avoid hazardous road conditions with driver-assist technologies that will make it possible for automobiles to behave as if they have ‘reflexes.’ Vehicles will exchange information with each other and with the road infrastructure, take corrective action and provide essential feedback to drivers. Traffic notifications via cell phone and intelligent traffic systems using sensor technologies are already in limited use, but all of these innovations are being worked on today at IBM’s research labs,” says Dr Daniel Dias, director of IBM’s India Research Laboratory, in a recent official press release.

The benefits of these technologies will be that traffic flow will be smoother and safer while harmful emissions will be reduced due to fewer stoppages. Using sensors, GPS technology and in-vehicle communications, an innovative transport system will send notifications of train and bus delays, or if an alternative route will be faster or more convenient. The same systems will allow schedulers to make real-time route corrections, making “bus bunching” a thing of the past.

Voice recognition navigation and entertainment systems will also allow drivers to adjust cabin temperature or call home while keeping hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. Intelligent traffic systems will make real-time adjustments to traffic lights to ease congestion and clear paths for emergency vehicles. If this sounds too futuristic and more dove-tailed for advanced Western roads, check this out.

AITS India, an umbrella organisation, which represents a broad spectrum of members including industry, government, consumer organisations and academia, is fostering the development and deployment of intelligent transport systems in India.

Developing an intelligent vehicle initiative that accelerates the development and availability of advanced safety and information systems for all types of vehicles. “The goal is to integrate driver assistance and motorist information functions so that vehicles operate more safely and effectively,” says a senior official at AITS. AITS India also has strong global links with similar organisations including ITS America, ERTICO, VERTIS and ITS Asia-Pacific.

The intelligent vehicle initiative covers applications for passenger vehicles, commercial trucks and buses. “Many of these applications are based on ongoing and recently-completed research on crash avoidance, in-vehicle safety and automated highway systems. Continuing research on human factor, and advanced driver warning and vehicle control systems are a major thrust of the intelligent vehicle initiative,” he added.
Logica to transform Wiltshire County Council internal business services
10 March 2008
Programme to streamline front-line support services will save local councils
up to £11m a year

Wiltshire County Council has awarded Logica a seven year, £12m contract to transform the organisation’s support services as part of a business management programme to simplify, standardise and increase the efficiency of internal business processes and applications across the Council, which is expected to deliver savings of up to £11m a year.

Logica is to lead the transformation programme and will implement and host a new SAP ERP solution to better manage and improve the delivery of the Council’s applications and processes for finance, procurement, HR, payroll services and performance management. The business and IT services company will also establish a shared services centre to provide operational and transactional support for the new unitary authority as five councils merge in to one local authority for Wiltshire from April 1 2009.

Through the new SAP implementation, all financial and HR information for the new Authority will be available for the first time in a centralised system that will be hosted and managed by Logica. This will ensure important performance management information is more readily accessible to local Government management teams, helping to increase efficiency and the effectiveness of the information.

Commenting on the contract, Carlton Brand, Director of Resources at Wiltshire County Council, said:

“The creation of a single Authority is a major undertaking for us and we needed a long-term partner with experience in creating and operating a shared services model to assure our drive for efficiency and value for money can be achieved. Logica’s proven track record in implementing successful change management programmes in local government made them the clear choice to help us deliver on our promise to give people in Wiltshire greater value for money at no cost to the quality of the frontline services we deliver.”

the legend
Logica actualiza sistema SAP no Metropolitano de Lisboa
10 March 2008
A Logica foi seleccionada pelo Metropolitano de Lisboa para actualizar a sua plataforma SAP ERP, que permitirá agilizar os processos de negócio, aumentar a eficiência e rentabilidade dos serviços e reduzir custos. O negócio com a empresa responsável pela exploração da rede, predominantemente subterrânea, de transportes colectivos de Lisboa e arredores surge no âmbito do plano de modernização dos seus Sistemas de Informação através da actualização das tecnologias mais evoluídas e robustas e vai abranger meio milhão de passageiros que se deslocam diariamente neste meio de transporte.

O upgrade da solução SAP ERP permite aceder a novas funcionalidades e ferramentas, aplicáveis a todas as áreas de negócio do Metropolitano de Lisboa.

"Num projecto desta complexidade, a selecção do parceiro é um factor fundamental para o seu sucesso. O Metropolitano seleccionou a Logica, tendo o projecto entrado em produção no prazo e orçamento estabelecido e com as mais-valias tecnológicas de acordo com o que havia sido acordado", afirma Carlos Rocha, Director de Sistemas de Informação do Metropolitano de Lisboa.

"A visão Logica para projectos desta natureza rompe com a ideia tradicional que um upgrade SAP é um projecto essencialmente de natureza técnica. Naturalmente será a componente técnica que alicerçará todo o projecto, mas as mais-valias para o cliente advêm da componente funcional do projecto e da oportunidade de revisitar os processos existentes à luz das novas funcionalidades. O projecto de upgrade no Metropolitano de Lisboa teve dois resultados essenciais: a disponibilização da nova versão ERP 6.0 dentro dos timings e orçamentos acordados e a disponibilização de um relatório de melhorias que pode ser visto como um roadmap SAP para os próximos dois anos." afirma Gonçalo Lança, Client Manager da Logica.

A Logica é uma das empresas que possui mais experiência em soluções SAP na Europa, com cerca de 200 projectos SAP; tem mais de 100 clientes em Portugal e o estatuto – único no nosso país – de SAP Alliance Partner. É também responsável pela concepção, construção e implementação de sistemas que asseguram a gestão do tráfego dos cerca de 4 milhões de veículos rodoviários que circulam anualmente através do canal da Mancha.

Sobre o Metropolitano de Lisboa

O Metropolitano de Lisboa é a empresa responsável pela exploração de uma rede, predominantemente subterrânea, de transportes colectivos na cidade de Lisboa e zonas limítrofes. Foi inaugurado em 29 de Dezembro de 1959, tornando-se a primeira rede de metropolitano de Portugal. Mais informações disponível em www.metrolisboa.pt

Sobre a SAP

A SAP é o fornecedor líder mundial de software empresarial. Actualmente, mais de 46.100 clientes em mais de 120 países usam as aplicações SAP® - desde soluções distintas que respondem às necessidades das pequenas e médias empresas até à oferta de suites para organizações globais. Baseadas na plataforma SAP NetWeaver®, que facilita a inovação do negócio e permite ágeis mudanças empresariais, o software de negócio da SAP ajuda as empresas de todas as dimensões, em todo o mundo, a melhorar as relações com os clientes e a facilitar a colaboração com parceiros, criando eficiências nas cadeias de fornecimento e nas suas operações de negócio. As soluções sectoriais da SAP apoiam os processos de negócio específicos de mais de 25 sectores de actividade, incluindo retalho, saúde, sector público e serviços financeiros. Com presença directa em mais de 50 países, a empresa está cotada em várias bolsas, incluindo a de Frankfurt e a de NYSE, sob o símbolo "SAP." (Informação adicional em www.sap.com)

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Logica krijgt opdracht GovUnited
18-03-2008 15:48:27
LoAmsterdam (BETTEN FINANCIAL NEWS) - Logica heeft samen met softwareontwikkelaar Green Valley de Europese aanbesteding GovUnited ASP-dienstverlening gewonnen. Dat heeft de onderneming dinsdag bekendgemaakt in een persbericht, zonder financiele details te noemen.

Logica en Green Valley bouwen samen een gemeenschappelijke voorziening voor gemeenten om de dienstverlening aan burgers en bedrijven te moderniseren. Lokale overheden kunnen met deze zogeheten toepassing hun service via verschillende kanalen integreren. 'Hierdoor kunnen gemeenten de burgers en bedrijven 24 uur per dag en zeven dagen per week bedienen, onafhankelijk van plaats en tijd', zo schrijft Logica.

Een woordvoerder van de onderneming stelt desgevraagd tegenover Betten dat de opdracht Logica 'enkele miljoenen per jaar' op zal leveren. Ze benadrukt wel dat de opbrengsten sterk afhangen van het aantal gemeenten dat uiteindelijk mee zal doen.

Het aanbestedingscontract, een voorlopige gunning, heeft in totaal een looptijd van vijf jaar. Het omvat de afname van de Digimeente Mid Office Suite door minimaal twintig gemeenten. De eerste gemeenten die deelnemen zijn Leiden, Zaanstad, Steenwijkerland, Winterswijk, Zuidhorn en Midden-Drenthe.

Logica is hoofdaannemer van de opdracht en levert het zogeheten Digimeente Mid Office. Het mid office is verantwoordelijk voor de koppeling tussen het zogeheten front office en back office. Green Valley zorgt voor de bouw van het front office, de ingang voor burgers en bedrijven.

GovUnited is het ICT-adviesorgaan van de ICTU voor de lokale overheid. De ICTU, opgericht door het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en de Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten, heeft als doel werkprocessen bij overheden als de maatschappelijke dienstverlening en de interactie met burgers te optimaliseren door het realiseren van de elektronische overheid.

Marijn Wellink

(c) BETTEN FINANCIAL NEWS (tel: +31 20 710 1756; fax: +31 20 710 1875)

New customers sign up to Logica and OGCbuying.solutions Payroll Services framework agreement

18 March 2008

Logica now delivers payroll services to half of Central Government employees
National Lottery Commission and Office of Rail Regulation reap price benefits of enhanced payroll services membership
Logica, one of Europe’s leading IT and business services companies today announced that a number of public sector organisations have signed up to or renewed their existing contracts under the Payroll Services framework agreement with OGCbuying.solutions. Logica now provides payroll services to half of Central Government employees. In the last five years, the original membership of 13 organisations has grown to nearly 80 members.

The new public sector organisations to sign up to a fully managed payroll service are the Civil Nuclear Police Authority, the National Lottery Commission and the Office of Rail Regulation. Communities and Local Government (CLG) has also signed a new contract for a fully managed payroll service for 3,455 employees and Government Offices for England has chosen Logica to run a fully managed payroll service for 2,800 employees.

In July 2007 Logica agreed an expansion to its exclusive Catalist framework agreement with OGCbuying.solutions to provide public sector shared services for payroll and related HR processes. Since then the framework agreement has expanded even further, enabling Logica to provide outsourcing services across a number of integrated HR and payroll software platforms including Oracle, SAP and Logica Interact.

The agreement allows public sector and publicly funded organisations to benefit from a best value, proven shared-service, which provides ongoing savings as more organisations participate. Benefits of the framework agreement include reduced costs of the payroll function by as much as 30% using a shared-service model, increased efficiency via automation of processes and the integration of HR and payroll functions through the creation of a single database of employee information and streamlined processes.

Logica is also an Oracle Simply HR partner, which means it can implement a templated, lower cost Oracle HR & payroll solution. This, when coupled with Logica’s exclusive BPO pricing for Oracle, makes a world-class HR product and premium payroll service an affordable reality for public sector organisations, no matter what size.

Matthew Jones, Financial Controller at OGCbuying.solutions commented:

“Since we signed the exclusive agreement with Logica eight months ago, we have been delighted with the level of support and consistent delivery that Logica has executed to make this framework agreement the success it is today. It is a credit to Logica that there are now nearly 80 members of the framework agreement and we hope to boost this to over 100 in 2008. The new members have also helped to drive down the payslip price further, making it even more attractive to those yet to join the shared service.”

Patricia Taylor, Director of Logica’s HR and Payroll business in the UK, commented:

“It is really encouraging to see that public sector organisations are taking advantage of this ground breaking and innovative framework agreement and moving to the concept of a virtual shared service centre. The more departments that take up the service the better the price per payslip for all customers, making it a real win-win situation for everyone in terms of cost reduction and efficiency. The high number of renewals and new customers is testament to the solid working relationship we have built with OGCbuying.solutions.

“Shared services will remain high on the agenda in 2008 and will continue to require expert business consideration, ensuring that purposes and targeted outcomes are fully evaluated, costs are realistically assessed, time to delivery established and intended impacts measured against actual results.”

Aleris Selects Camstar’s Enterprise Manufacturing Execution System to Optimize Productivity
Global Aluminum Products Leader Turns to Camstar for Increased Visibility, Greater Throughputs, and Product Complexity Management

CHARLOTTE, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Camstar Systems, Inc, a leading provider of Enterprise Manufacturing Execution and Quality Systems, announced today that Aleris International, Inc., one of the world’s largest recyclers of aluminum and zinc, selected Camstar's InSite™ Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for its Aleris Europe Rolled Products Division. InSite™ will provide Aleris with critical information to meet stringent traceability and quality objectives, which include increasing product complexity and satisfying higher customer demand. The solution, selected for the Duffel, Belgium and Koblenz, Germany plants, will enable Aleris to exchange data between the two plants for better synchronization and decision making. Logica, a system integrator and strategic Camstar partner has begun the implementation work at Aleris.

“Logica’s effective implementation methodology and extensive industry experience paired with Camstar’s flexibility and out-of-the-box functionality will result in a very successful implementation for Aleris,” said Tijnis Verhoeff, Director of Business Development MES for Logica. “Our professional services and Camstar’s ease of integration with shop floor and business systems will result in full customer satisfaction for Aleris.”

"We are very pleased to be working with a world-class aluminum rolled products manufacturer like Aleris," said Scott Toney, President and CEO of Camstar. "We support their goals of greater innovation and efficiency in manufacturing. Improved process control and access to real-time and detailed production information are the keys to increasing productivity. Camstar provides manufacturing control and visibility enabling rolled goods and other manufacturers to make instant adjustments to quickly increase capacity output by rolling out and scaling new and existing processes globally."

Logica hires EDS’s Josh Strasner to head North America

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Logica, the IT and business services company, announced today that Josh Strasner has been appointed Senior Vice President of Sales. He will be responsible for developing and executing the international IT services company’s sales growth in the North American market. Mr. Strasner joined Logica on March 17, 2008.

In his 23-year career, Mr. Strasner has held a variety of sales executive and management positions. Most recently he was Client Sales Executive at EDS, where he focused on global integrated oil & gas companies in the Energy Sector. Prior to EDS he was Senior Manager at BearingPoint where he was responsible for sales, leading multiple teams of consultants in a variety of client engagements in the international oil & gas and utility industries. Strasner also held senior sales positions at I2 Technologies and Vantive Technologies, where he achieved the Presidents Award for top performance.

“We are very excited about Josh coming on board. He brings to our company a wealth of sales experience that will help accelerate our growth and add value to our clients. He has extensive industry knowledge of the Energy and Financial industries and a proven track record of being a top sales performer,” said Amanda Mesler, Chief Executive, North America, at Logica.

Strasner commented: “I am looking forward to providing Logica’s clients with outstanding service as well as identifying new ways to help them solve the business issues they face, leveraging Logica’s global capabilities. I am passionate about my role at Logica, the success of the company and the success of our customers.”

Mr. Strasner has been highly successful in all facets of the IT services industry, including consulting services, application development and infrastructure technology outsourcing. He holds a bachelor of business administration degree in computer information systems from Texas State University. He lives in Clear Lake, Texas with his wife and two children.

Logica is a recognized world leader in information technology and business process outsourcing through its global service delivery model, as well as systems integration and business consulting. In the North American market, the company has a strong and growing presence in the energy, manufacturing and financial services industries. It offers a variety of solutions and services that include IT offshoring, mobile computing, asset management, bank payment and financial messaging systems, and managed testing for software development.

He holds a bachelor of business administration degree in computer information systems from Texas State University.

Vrij vertaald:
hij heeft een zakelijke-vrijgezellen-administratie eind-diploma gehaald in de IT wereld ;)

Logica levert managementsysteem voor Defensienetwerk

Logica levert een nieuw managementsysteem voor het telecommunicatienetwerk van DTO, de ict-organisatie van het Ministerie van Defensie.
27 maart 2008

De Defensie Telematica Organisatie (DTO) heeft een nieuw managementsysteem voor het telecommunicatienetwerk in gebruik genomen. Het Network en Service Inventory Management System' (NSIMS) is geïmplementeerd en wordt beheerd door ict-dienstverlener Logica (voorheen Logica CMG).

Op het nieuwe, centrale platform zijn alle configuratieprocessen geautomatiseerd waardoor efficiencyverbeteringen en kostenreducties moeten worden gemaakt. Volgens Logica is het beheer- en de beheersbaarheid sterk vereenvoudigd. Het systeem synchroniseert de netwerkadministratie met het actuele telecommunicatienetwerk, dat moet DTO continu inzicht bieden in alle diensten die over het glasvezelnetwerk en alle tussenliggende apparatuur lopen.

Logica is verantwoordelijk voor de installatie, configuratie en migratie van het systeem en neemt het onderhoud en de support op zich. In een volgende fase krijgt DTO één opslagplaats (‘repository') voor informatie over de logische lagen van de infrastructuur, alle elementen van het netwerk en de diensten die er op geleverd worden. Het netwerkmanagementsysteem is ontwikkeld op basis van standaard beschikbare Cramer softwarecomponenten van Amdocs, leverancier van operation support systemen (OSS).
DTO beheert de ict-infrastructuur van het Ministerie van Defensie en andere overheidsinstellingen. Vanuit 23 locaties verzorgt de organisatie de informatie- en communicatievoorziening, werkplekken en het applicatiebeheer voor 55.000 ambtenaren.

Eind 2007 tekende Logica een driejarige overeenkomst met KPN voor de ontwikkeling en het technisch beheer van strategische netwerkinformatiesystemen.

400 neue Jobs in Deutschland: Logica sucht IT-Fachkräfte für Technologie- und Management-Consulting

27 March 2008

Der internationale IT - und Beratungsdienstleister Logica will bis Ende des Jahres 400 neue Mitarbeiter einstellen. Zirka 30 Prozent der neuen Kollegen sollen Absolventen von Berufsakademien, Fachhochschulen und Universitäten sein, weitere 70 Prozent hochqualifizierte Professionals mit Hochschulabschluss und Berufserfahrung. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf IT-Spezialisten für die Bereiche Technologie- und Management-Consulting. Dabei sucht Logica Mitarbeiter für alle Standorte Deutschlands. Das Unternehmen hat Niederlassungen in Berlin, Bremen, Darmstadt, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Köln / Bonn, Leipzig, Ludwigshafen, München, Münster, Nürnberg und Stuttgart.

Platz für innovative Köpfe
Gefragt sind Mitarbeiter mit ausgezeichnetem Know-how in den Bereichen Technologie- und Management-Consulting für verschiedene Branchen, mit tiefgehenden IT-Kenntnissen sowie einem überdurchschnittlichen Beratungstalent. Weil bei Logica nicht zwischen Führungs- und Fachlaufbahn unterschieden wird, haben die Berater vielfältige Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Entsprechend ihrer Erfahrung übernehmen Consultants immer neue Rollen und Aufgaben. So qualifizieren sich die Mitarbeiter durch Erweiterung des fachlichen Know-hows und auch der sozialen Kompetenz für weiterführende Aufgaben.

Die Unternehmenskultur von Logica ist geprägt von Innovation und Flexibilität. Für einen starken Austausch zwischen den Angestellten aller Ebenen sorgen flache Hierarchien. Inhaltlich selbstbestimmt haben Logica-Berater großen Einfluss auf ihre Karriere. Dafür nötig ist unternehmerisches Denken sowie eine hohe Eigeninitiative und Innovationskraft der Mitarbeiter.

Mitarbeiterförderung von der Kinderbetreuung bis zur Fortbildung
In den ersten sechs Monaten erfahren neue Kollegen bei Logica besondere Betreuung durch einen Mentor. Die weitere fachliche Entwicklung erfolgt unter anderem durch ein umfassendes Coaching-Modell, das fortlaufend auf die aktuellen Bedürfnisse des Mitarbeiters angepasst wird. Auch nach der Startphase wird bei allen Angestellten das Thema Weiterbildung groß geschrieben. Dafür greift Logica auf das eigene Tochterunternehmen Unilog Integrata zurück, das sich auf Fortbildungen spezialisiert hat.

Die offene Unternehmenskultur wird auch durch ein internes Vorschlagswesen gelebt, anhand dessen Mitarbeiter Ideen für Verbesserungen einbringen können. Beispielsweise entstand durch diesen Prozess ein Service für die Vermittlung von Kinder- und Seniorenbetreuung, der heute mithilfe eines externen Dienstleisters realisiert wird. Zum Vorteil der Vereinbarkeit von Job und Familie ist auch die regionale Aufstellung von Logica: Durch die zahlreichen Niederlassungen in Deutschland ist das Dienstleistungsunternehmen sowohl nah am Kunden als auch nah an den Wohnorten seiner Mitarbeiter.

"Mit 400 neu zu besetzenden Stellen sind wir einer der Impulsgeber auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt für IT-Fachkräfte. Dabei bieten wir unseren Mitarbeitern attraktive Perspektiven für ihre individuellen Karrieren bei Logica. Wer gerne selbstbestimmt arbeitet, ist bei uns richtig", sagt Torsten Straß, CEO Logica Deutschland.

Studenten en hoog gekwalifiseerd personeel heb je nodig voor de toekomst en voor nu.

Enof Logica aan de IT-weg aan het timmeren is :)
Bij ruimtevaart denken we al gauw aan complexe satellieten die door een krachtige raket in een baan om de aarde worden gebracht waar ze hun taken uitvoeren. Deze taken kunnen variëren van het verzorgen van communicatie -zoals telefoon of beeldsignalen-, tot het observeren van aarde, planeten en heelal.

In toenemende mate wordt ruimtevaart ook ingezet voor toepassingen en diensten op aarde. Zo wordt met behulp van satellieten weersvoorspellingen opgesteld en kunnen we met satellietnavigatie onze weg vinden.

De complexiteit van ruimtevaartsystemen neemt snel toe waarbij meer en meer wordt vertrouwd op informatietechnologie. Ook op het gebied van ruimtevaart spelen wij een belangrijke rol. Wij zijn op dit moment de snelst groeiende organisatie in de ruimtevaart industrie in Nederland. In die rol leveren wij de grootste bijdrage vanuit Nederland aan het Europese ruimtevaartprogramma Galileo.

Daarnaast zijn wij actief op het gebied van het ontwikkelen van toepassingen van satellietsystemen in de samenleving. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn weersvoorspellingen, verzenden van TV-beelden en telefonie. Maar er zijn nog veel meer mogelijkheden en die zijn niet altijd even bekend. Logica levert advies en ondersteuning aan organisaties om de voordelen van ruimtevaart te identificeren en te demonsteren. Bij bewezen waarde ontwikkelen we deze toepassing en kunnen wij het systeem ook in beheer en onderhoud nemen.

Samen met U
Bij alle opdrachten en projecten die wij voor onze klanten uitvoeren, staat ‘samenwerken’ centraal. Samen met u gaan we opzoek naar het best passende antwoord op uw vraag. Samen met u maken we het projectplan en voeren we het project uit. Het gaat er tenslotte om dat u er beter van wordt, dat u uw mogelijkheden optimaal benut. Daar helpen wij u graag bij.

Logica Selects Autonomy as Preferred Partner for Enterprise Search and High-End Information Processing

Autonomy Technology to be Fast-Tracked to Logica's Key Customers

CAMBRIDGE, England and SAN FRANCISCO, April 1 Autonomy Corporation plc (LSE:AU.LSE:orLSE:AU.L), a global leader in infrastructure software for the enterprise, today announced that Logica (LSE: LOG.LSE:orLSE:AEX:LSE:LOG), a major international force in IT and business services, has selected Autonomy as a preferred partner for enterprise search and high-end information processing.

Autonomy technology which helps organisations maximise, monetize and mitigate risks associated with access, retrieval and management of information, will be fast-tracked to key customers within Logica's customer base with requirements in the areas of Knowledge Management, Compliance and Security. The announcement comes after years of successful collaboration on projects across Logica's organisation for a wide range of international customers.

Significant revenue opportunities are expected to be generated for both parties under the terms of the agreement as Logica exploits the advanced capabilities of Autonomy's Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL) to deliver world-class business innovation to its clients and Autonomy benefits from Logica's extensive global network.

Andy Green, CEO of Logica, said: "The ethos of Logica's business is around improving and simplifying access, sharing and use of information for our customers. Through our strategic partnership with Autonomy, we can further enhance the innovative business and IT services we currently deliver to our customers in the UK and internationally."

"We are delighted to announce this development in our relationship with Logica," said Mike Lynch, CEO of Autonomy. "Partners are an integral component of our success and we look forward to working with a global player such as Logica for years to come."

Logica selected Autonomy due to its single platform approach, enterprise-class security and ability to handle terabytes of data, both structured and unstructured, including voice, video, documents and email.

About Logica

Logica is a leading IT and business services company, employing 39,000 people across 36 countries. It provides business consulting, systems integration, and IT and business process outsourcing services. Logica works closely with its customers to release their potential - enabling change that increases their efficiency, accelerates growth and manages risk. It applies its deep industry knowledge, technical excellence and global delivery expertise to help its customers build leadership positions in their markets. Logica is listed on both the London Stock Exchange and Euronext (Amsterdam) (LSE: LOG; Euronext: LOG). More information is available at www.logica.com/.

About Autonomy

Autonomy Corporation plc (LSE:AU.LSE:orLSE:AU.L) is a global leader in infrastructure software for the enterprise and is spearheading the meaning-based computing movement. Autonomy's technology forms a conceptual and contextual understanding of any piece of electronic data including unstructured information, be it text, email, voice or video. Autonomy's software powers the full spectrum of mission-critical enterprise applications including information access technology, BI, CRM, KM, call center solutions, rich media management, information risk management solutions and security applications, and is recognized by industry analysts as the clear leader in enterprise search.

Autonomy's customer base comprises of more than 17,000 global companies and organizations including: 3, ABN AMRO, AOL, BAE Systems, BBC, Bloomberg, Boeing, Citigroup, Coca Cola, Daimler Chrysler, Deutsche Bank, Ericsson, Ford, GlaxoSmithKline, Lloyd TSB, NASA, Nestle, the New York Stock Exchange, Reuters, Shell, T-Mobile, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Autonomy also has over 300 OEM partners and more than 400 VARs and Integrators, numbering among them leading companies such as BEA, Business Objects, Citrix, EDS, IBM Global Services, Novell, Satyam, Sybase, Symantec, TIBCO, Vignette and Wipro. The company has offices worldwide.

The Autonomy Group includes: ZANTAZ, the leader in the archiving, e-Discovery and Proactive Information Risk Management (IRM) markets; Cardiff, a leading provider of Intelligent Document solutions; etalk, award-winning provider of enterprise-class contact center products, Virage, a visionary in rich media management and security and surveillance technology and Meridio, a leading provider of records management software.

Autonomy and the Autonomy logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autonomy Corporation plc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Logica Launches STORMS 3.7 Development Program
Integrating STORMS to the Logica ARM Platform
and Extending the Production Availability
of the STORMS Work Management System Indefinitely

HOUSTON--Logica, a leading IT and business services company, announced today the launch of its STORMS 3.7 development program. Prior to its acquisition by Logica, Worksuite had committed to the development of STORMS 3.7. STORMS 3.7 represents a major step forward for the existing STORMS customer base. While the original scope of STORMS under the Worksuite guidance had been limited to standard progression of the product, the Logica release will incorporate IMFPlus (Logica’s integration management framework) as both the internal and external integration standard.

IMFPlus provides a service-oriented architecture based on standard XML messages and includes built-in “re-useable business services” features that significantly reduce integration efforts. IMFPlus will enable STORMS customers to deploy XML-based external integration, and provides pre-integrated access to other Logica Asset and Resource Management (ARM) product suite components previously not available to STORMS customers.

The ARM product suite is a family of integrated solutions (work management, asset management, compliance tracking, scheduling, dispatch, mobile computing and business intelligence reporting capabilities) designed to streamline the business processes that support the operations of transmission and distribution organizations both in the office and field. Earlier this year, Logica announced the successful release and customer acceptance of ARM 1.2.

The initial version of STORMS 3.7 will be available late 2008. With the STORMS 3.7 release, Logica customers will have the ability to access the mobile and scheduling capabilities of the ARM product suite. Logica’s RTARM Mobile and ARM Scheduler represent a common platform for field force optimization for both the Logica WMIS and STORMS work management customers alike. The ARM Scheduler, and RTARM Mobile products are the result of a multi-year development program which incorporated the best capabilities of Logica and Worksuite scheduling, dispatch and mobile technology, incorporating new state of the art communications infrastructure and forms technology.

“We are very excited about this announcement and what the overall evolution of the ARM product roadmap represents to our customer base,” says Jeff Provine, senior vice president, Logica’s energy & utilities division. “An unfortunate reality in our industry is that many times the consolidation of product lines like ARM and Worksuite means that one customer group loses out. In this case our customer base, which is almost evenly balanced with WMIS and STORMS in the back office, will be positioned to utilize a common, pre-integrated, set of field force automation products from Logica.”

Herstart peperduur gps-project Europa

LUXEMBURG ma 07 apr 2008- Nadat het project jarenlang had stilgelegen, stuurt de EU over drie weken haar tweede gps-satelliet de ruimte in. De satelliet wordt 27 april gelanceerd met een Sojoez-raket vanuit Kazachstan.

Europees Commissaris Jacques Barrot (Verkeer) heeft dat maandag gemeld bij EU-beraad.

Het zogeheten Galileo-project moet met dertig satellieten de Europese variant worden van het Amerikaanse gps-systeem voor positiebepaling. Het project kost 3,4 miljard euro en is de grootste EU-investering ooit. De ontwikkeling lag enkele jaren stil omdat het bedrijfsleven niet bereid bleek te investeren. De Europese Commissie heeft project in november daarom overgenomen.
Alles wat met openbaar vervoer te maken heeft gaat werken via GPS plaats bepaling!

Logica set to take axe to UK jobs
Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Logica is set to make significant UK job cuts this month as the new chief executive tries to bring his ailing company in line with changes in the IT services market.

Morale at the company is low, with staff facing an uncertain future until Andy Green's strategic review is made public on 22 April, according to an industry insider. "There are big problems; morale is really low and it's not clear where the company is going," the source said.

The appointment in October of Mr Green, the former head of strategy at BT, ended five months of speculation about Logica's future. The stock has fallen almost continuously since its £24- a-share heyday in 2000, and Martin Read, the former chief executive, was forced out after 14 years in May by unhappy shareholders. Logica's shares closed at 115.25p yesterday, a far cry even from last year's high of 190.75p.

Mr Green's strategy needs to address a number of related problems.

A series of European acquisitions, such as the £631m purchase of Unilog in 2005 and the £882m purchase of WM Data in 2006, have created a fragmented business with no clear identity. And the company's sales have suffered because it has not reacted to changing customer demands and the growing focus on business engagement rather than just technology.

Most seriously, it has been slow to adapt to the rise of low-cost IT skills in developing economies. Of the company's 39,000 staff, just under 5,800 work in the UK, compared with about 3,000 in offshore locations such as India, Morocco and the Philippines. This is a far cry from the general industry rule of thumb of a 60/40 onshore/offshore split.

"All IT service companies need a model where a proportion of staff work in lower-cost economies and Logica's numbers at the moment are just wrong," said George O'Connor, an analyst at Panmure Gordon. "There needs to be re-balancing of the business in favour of more off-shore locations and we anticipate job losses in the UK."

Although there are more staff working in the firm's Nordic, French and Dutch operations, the UK is particularly vulnerable. The company's full-year 2007 results, published at the end of February, showed overall revenue up three per cent, but a fall of 8 per cent in the UK, which accounts for slightly more than a fifth of the whole business.

"It is widely accepted that there will be job cuts, and with a greater focus in the UK given the weak performance here," said Matthew Palmer, an analyst at Dresdner Kleinwort. "A lot of the work that Logica does here is at the lower end – application development and maintenance and so on – which customers can get done up to 50 per cent cheaper by an Indian vendor."

Mr Green has the faith of the City and the firm's shares rose 9.9 per cent when he was appointed. But he faces an uphill task, and, with the pain of headcount reductions out of the way, the challenge is only just starting. "As well as turning the business around onshore, and spending money cutting staff, Andy Green needs to develop the offshore capacity, and, with stiff competition for talent in India, it won't be easy," Mr Palmer said.

There has been a lot of buying and selling of Logica shares in the last few months as major stockholders place their bets on the impact of this month's review on the share price.

A spokeswoman for Logica said details of Mr Green's plans will not be revealed before the review is published later this month.

Logica set te nemen bijl aan Britse banen
Dinsdag, 8 april 2008

Logica is ingesteld om belangrijke Britse baan snijdt deze maand als de nieuwe chief executive probeert te brengen zijn noodlijdende onderneming in overeenstemming met de veranderingen in de IT-services markt.

Moreel in het bedrijf laag is, met het personeel een onzekere toekomst totdat Andy Green strategische herziening openbaar wordt gemaakt op 22 april, volgens een insider industrie. "Er zijn grote problemen; moreel is echt laag en het is niet duidelijk waar het bedrijf naar toe gaat," zei de bron.

De benoeming in oktober van de heer Groen, het voormalige hoofd van de strategie op BT, eindigde vijf maanden van speculaties over de toekomst van Logica. De voorraad is gedaald vrijwel onafgebroken sinds haar £ 24 - a-aandeel hoogdagen in 2000, en Martin Read, de voormalige chief executive, was gedwongen na 14 jaar in mei door ontevreden aandeelhouders. Logica de aandelen gesloten op 115.25p gisteren, een veel huilen zelfs van vorig jaar hoog van 190.75p.

De heer Green strategie moet het adres van een aantal samenhangende problemen.

Een reeks van Europese acquisities, zoals de £ 631m aankoop van Unilog in 2005 en de aankoop van £ 882m WM Data in 2006, hebben een gefragmenteerde business zonder duidelijke identiteit. En het bedrijf de verkoop hebben geleden omdat zij niet heeft gereageerd op de veranderende eisen van de klant en de groeiende nadruk op de betrokkenheid van het bedrijfsleven in plaats van alleen technologie.

Meest serieus, het is traag geweest zich aan te passen aan de opkomst van low-cost IT-vaardigheden bij de ontwikkeling van de economie. Van het bedrijf van de 39000 personeelsleden, net onder 5800 werk in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, in vergelijking met ongeveer 3000 in offshore locaties zoals India, Marokko en de Filippijnen. Dit is een veel huilen uit de algemene industrie vuistregel van een 60/40 onshore / offshore splitsen.

"Alle IT-service bedrijven hebben behoefte aan een model waar een deel van het personeel werken in lagere kosten economieën en Logica de nummers op dit moment zijn alleen verkeerd," zei George O'Connor, een analist bij Panmure Gordon. "Er moet opnieuw in evenwicht brengen van het bedrijf ten gunste van een off-shore locaties en we verwachten banenverlies in het Verenigd Koninkrijk."

Hoewel er meer personeel werkzaam in het bedrijf Nordic, de Franse en de Nederlandse activiteiten, het Verenigd Koninkrijk is bijzonder kwetsbaar. Het bedrijf is volledig jaar 2007 resultaten, gepubliceerd op het einde van februari, bleek de totale omzet met drie procent, maar een daling van 8 procent in het VK, die goed is voor iets meer dan een vijfde van het hele bedrijf.

"Het is algemeen aanvaard dat er sprake zal zijn afschaffing van arbeidsplaatsen, en met een grotere focus in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, gezien de zwakke prestaties van hier," zei Matthew Palmer, een analist bij Dresdner Kleinwort. "Een groot deel van het werk dat Logica doet hier is aan de onderkant - applicatie ontwikkeling en onderhoud, enzovoort - die klanten kunnen gebeuren tot 50 procent goedkoper door een Indiase leverancier."

De heer Groen heeft het vertrouwen van de Stad en de onderneming de aandelen stegen 9,9 procent, toen hij werd benoemd. Maar hij geconfronteerd met een taak bergop, en met de pijn van het personeelsbestand verlagingen in de weg, de uitdaging is maar net begonnen. "Evenals keerpunt het bedrijf rond de wal, en de besteding van geld snijden personeel, Andy Green behoefte aan de ontwikkeling van de offshore-capaciteit, en met zware concurrentie voor talent in India, het niet gemakkelijk zal zijn," zei de heer Palmer.

Er is veel van het kopen en verkopen van aandelen Logica in de laatste maanden als voornaamste aandeelhouders hun inzetten op de gevolgen van deze maand de review over de beurskoers.

Een woordvoerder van Logica gezegd details van de heer Groen de plannen niet zal worden onthuld voor de herziening is gepubliceerd, later deze maand.

Declan. schreef:

Alles wat met openbaar vervoer te maken heeft gaat werken via GPS plaats bepaling!

A joint programme of the European Space
Agency (ESA) and the EC, GMES is the next
flagship initiative for space in Europe.

It was
confirmed as the European Union’s priority at
the 2001 Summit in Gothenburg, where the
Heads of State requested that “the
Community contribute to establishing, by
2008, a European capacity for Global
Monitoring for Environment and Security”.
GMES is the response to the need by Europe
for geospatial information services. It will
provide autonomous and independent
access to information for policy-makers,
particularly in relation to environment and

Logica’s experience
GMES Data Security

Logica is the leading provider of secure data
systems to government in UK and
Netherlands, and this experience
underpinned our selection by ESA to define
the end-to-end data security policy and
implementation plan for GMES.
The “end-to-end” nature of the work requires
Logica to consider security issues as they
affect the sensors onboard the satellites all
the way to the security of information at the
end user, and at all stages of the information
flow in between.

deze is belangrijk in de zin aktueel,

Activities currently underway include:
1. implementing the systems architecture
needed to meet GMES operational
2. designing and building the dedicated
GMES satellites - the Sentinel family
3. enhancing and standardising existing
ground facilities, interfaces and data
4. implementing pre-operational GMES
services using existing assets (under the
EC’s 7th Framework Prorgamme - FP7).
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