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druppel op een gloeiende plaat als het al toegewezen wordt. Ben bang dat het morgen sowieso wel eens dramatisch kan worden (VS).
Ohhh dus daarom kelderden we zo hard naar beneden.
Tja, ik weet het nu eenmaal graag, dan maak ik me minder zorgen = vrouwen logica ;)
Logica CMG verlaagd naar neutral bij Credit Suisse

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

MARKET TALK: LogicaCMG omlaag naar neutral bij Credit Suisse

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Credit Suisse verlaagt het advies voor LogicaCMG naar neutral en het koersdoel naar GBP1,80 van GBP1,95, in afwachting van de komst van CEO Andy Green begin 2008. De zakenbank ziet ruimte voor verbetering, met name voor het aanpakken van de overheadkosten, maar voorziet eerst een negatieve impact van de trading update op 5 november. Met name prijsdruk in het VK voorspelt weinig goeds en zal zich mogelijk uitbreiden in de rest van Europa. In september gaf de bank nog het advies outperform af. Het aandeel sloot maandag op EUR2,27. In Londen eindigde het fonds op GBP1,58. (AVR)

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31 20 5890270, amsterdam@dowjones.com

L-3 Awarded Contract for United Kingdom Project LISTENER
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 23, 2007--L-3 Communications (NYSE: LLL) announced today that it has been awarded a contract for the Assessment Phase of Project LISTENER for the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence (MOD).

Project LISTENER integrates sensor products in order to provide actionable intelligence against selected targets and to achieve interoperability between U.K. ISTAR assets and U.S. and Coalition systems and networks. LISTENER leverages the experience of L-3's Network Centric Collaborative Targeting (NCCT) program, which networks Command and Control (C(2)) and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets to dramatically improve target location accuracy, timeliness and combat identification for the war fighter.

The Assessment Phase is a $2 million (GBP 1 million), 10-month engineering effort focused on risk reduction and solution definition. L-3 was one of two preferred bidders for this phase of the program. Main Gate approval is expected in 2009 for follow-on demonstration and manufacturing through 2015. The LISTENER capability is expected to remain in service until approximately 2035.

"Project LISTENER is blazing the trail for U.K. network-enabled capability," said Bob Drewes, President of L-3's Integrated Systems Group. "It takes advantage of our success in fielding the Network Centric Collaborative Targeting capability, modified for U.K. collection, processing, dissemination, and security context."

L-3 will be prime contractor for the effort, providing program management, airborne platform integration, and systems engineering for requirements development and test and evaluation. The company leads the KAIROS Consortium, a team which includes U.K. partner companies QinetiQ (land and sea platform integration, system architecture, technology development, training and human factors) and LogicaCMG (integrated logistics support, security and communications). L-3 has committed to perform at least 60 percent of the LISTENER effort in the U.K., and has set up a LISTENER project office in Tewkesbury, near the MOD customer.

Ron Cook, Vice President of L-3's London Operations, added, "L-3 has assembled a top-flight team with QinetiQ and LogicaCMG, two of the U.K.'s leading firms in Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance (ISTAR). The L-3 solution combines proven performance and a sovereign solution."

L-3 Integrated Systems (L-3 IS) develops and integrates defense and commercial technology for U.S. and allied customers worldwide. Headquartered in Greenville, Texas, L-3 IS has more than five decades of experience in the development of complex intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems; command and control; and secure communications. It is recognized internationally as a systems integration organization specializing in the modernization and maintenance of aircraft of all sizes. It is a leader in advanced technologies for signal processing, electronic countermeasures, sensor development and aircraft self-protection. Systems provided or maintained by L-3 IS help protect military and civilian personnel, bases, assets and national borders throughout the world.

Headquartered in New York City, L-3 Communications employs over 63,000 people worldwide and is a prime system contractor in aircraft modernization and maintenance, C(3)ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) systems and government services. L-3 is also a leading provider of high technology products, systems and subsystems. The company reported 2006 sales of $12.5 billion.

To learn more about L-3, please visit the company's web site at www.L-3Com.com.


Except for historical information contained herein, the matters set forth in this news release are forward-looking statements. Statements that are predictive in nature, that depend upon or refer to events or conditions or that include words such as "will," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates," and similar expressions are forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements set forth above involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from any such statement, including the risks and uncertainties discussed in the company's Safe Harbor Compliance Statement for Forward-looking Statements included in the company's recent filings, including Forms 10-K and 10-Q, with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking statements speak only as of the date made, and the company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

RWE npower selects LogicaCMG for Smart Prepayment Metering Trial
24 October 2007
LogicaCMG, one of Europe’s leading IT and business services companies, today announced its involvement in a six month pilot programme with RWE npower to operate a central prepayment energy service. The company’s Instant Energy smart metering service is currently allowing prepayment customers involved in the trial to manage their energy usage on a ‘Pay As You Go’ 24/7 basis. LogicaCMG is already market leader in the smart metering field.

The Instant Energy service facilitates real time communication with customers’ meters using SMS messaging. It enables customers to top up their credit, using the same technology as pay-as-you-go mobile phones, ensuring that the consumer is in control and fully aware of how much credit is on their meter.

There are huge business and customer benefits to be reaped from the Instant Energy Service. Customer benefits include:
· better service, as energy can now be bought in a shop, online, via text message
· greater visibility of usage
· tariff changes can be made automatically ensuring that the customer pays the correct price and does not get into debt unexpectedly

Business benefits include:
· improved customer proposition
· improved operational effectiveness
· greater capability to trial new offerings outside Business As Usual systems and processes

Jane Franklin, commercial metering manager, RWE npower commented:
“The advantages of smart metering have been recognised by the government and this is a clear step towards smart metering becoming a reality. This trial is the perfect opportunity to test new offerings to our customers with our partners LogicaCMG and Onstream, both of whom have an excellent and proven reputation in the field of smart metering. The success of this trial is key for us, given the importance of smart metering in the Government’s energy strategy.”

Rich Hampshire, principal consultant, energy and utilities, LogicaCMG UK commented:
“We are very excited to be working with RWE npower, who is clearly committed to ensuring the best service and competitive price for its customers. LogicaCMG has worked with the majority of major UK energy and utility companies to ensure that the solution delivers a step change to the experience of this customer group and exceed the suppliers' expectations of future services. Energy companies are now able to realise the operational benefits of smart metering technology and the debate has now shifted from the reasons for the deployment of smart meters to the speed of their rollout.”

About RWE npower
RWE npower is the UK's largest electricity supplier. It generates electricity and supplies gas, electricity and related services to around 6.8 million customers through its retail business npower. The company operates and manages a flexible portfolio of power stations, and is a market leader in renewable energy development through its wind and hydro business npower renewables.

Senior Central Bankers Seminar on Clearing & Settlement trends and development
25 October 2007
LogicaCMG will hold its 3rd Senior Conference on November 15 2007

On the 15th of November 2007, LogicaCMG, one of the leaders in the provision of clearing and settlement systems for payments and securities will hold its third Seniors’ Seminar for Central Bankers in London. With some issues that were once almost solely the preserve of central bankers very much now in the public domain, senior bankers and consultants will debate critical matters affecting central market infrastructure including liquidity management, TARGET 2 Securities and payments settlement reform.

Whilst over 70 per cent of the central banks in the world operate an RTGS system, and the benefits of such systems in dealing with systematic risks are demonstrated every day, there are nevertheless a number of market trends requiring new approaches in clearing and settlement and the management of liquidity.

Increasing globalisation of the economy, more integrated regional financial markets, new regulations and directives, the internet and the increasing use of modern payment instruments are driving the change. Central banks but also private organisations are more than ever enhancing or developing central clearing and settlement systems in order to provide faster payments and settlement, cost efficiency to the users of domestic and cross-border payments, as well as to optimise liquidity management needs.

In order to facilitate the discussion between the participants, expert presentations based on field experience will set the scene:
· Kathleen Tyson-Quah, CEO of Granularity Ltd, will tell about the "Modernisation and integration of Gulf financial markets";
· Michael Lewis, Consultant at Electronic Payments & Commerce Ltd, will outline a vision for reform and development, encompassing the effect of regulatory change, the entry of “new players” and the impact of external influences on payments development and operations;
· Andrew Douglas, Head of Market Reform at SWIFT, will present how TARGET 2 Securities (T2S) can contribute to the establishment of a more effective European capital market;
· Anita Bradshaw, Consulting Director within LogicaCMG, will introduce her vision about “Liquidity Management in the 21st Century”;
· Senior consultants from LogicaCMG will give their views drawing on lessons learned from recent practical experience.

Please contact Michel Massain michel.massain@logicacmg.com +44 (0)784 1602 623 for the agenda and registration to the 2007 seminar.

The seminar will take place at LogicaCMG on November 15 from 9am to 5pm.
Stephenson House
75 Hampstead Road
London NW1 2PL
(Metro station: Euston Square or Warren Street)

LogicaCMG announces £1 million contracts for Galileo security
30 October 2007
Helping Europe’s satnav programmes achieve security accreditation

LogicaCMG, one of Europe’s leading IT and business services companies, today announced a suite of contracts with a total value of about £1 million to help ensure Europe’s Galileo satellite navigation systems are safe and secure. Two of the three contracts are with Thales and the third with Astrium Services.

In the first contract LogicaCMG is helping to define security requirements for critical parts of Galileo, including supporting the accreditation process and helping to produce a certification plan for the system. In the second contract it is analysing the organisational structure needed to manage Galileo security, which will ultimately influence the architectural design of the Galileo Security Monitoring Centre.

Finally in the third contract LogicaCMG will analyse how Galileo’s high resilience Public Regulated Service (PRS) can be used by organisations across Europe while ensuring its security features are not compromised. This package of work falls under the PACIFIC study, initiated in September 2006 to look at how user communities can get added value from the PRS. The projects are part of the Galileo programme which is currently under development, being managed by the European Union’s Galileo Supervisory Authority and the European Space Agency.

Users of Galileo will need assurance about its security in order to prevent misuse of its services, and particularly because they may rely on Galileo for safety-critical and mission-critical applications such as air traffic control, logistics and shipping. This might include assurance that Galileo information has not been corrupted, or that the service will not be discontinued at short notice. Another example is the need for uninterrupted and reliable position information to be available to the Emergency Services when in the middle of a crisis response.

A spokesperson for Thales France commented: “Thales and LogicaCMG are satisfied to be jointly involved in these projects and to be in a position to propose, using their respective expertises, a security approach shared by the international community"

Stuart Martin, director, space and satellite communications at LogicaCMG UK, said: “Security and safety must be designed into complex systems at the start, not added on after they are deployed. These contracts demonstrate LogicaCMG’s continuing reputation for excellence in satellite security, and we are pleased to have the opportunity to help make Galileo truly secure and safe for users throughout Europe and beyond.”

Climate Change: the Supply Chain impact
The first noticeable impact of climate change has already begun to show itself. Whether or not Companies believe that climate change is happening, Governments do, and they have begun to Regulate and Legislate about carbon emissions and other waste. Carbon trading is potentially the first step in a broader waste trading system, with opportunities for companies that put their houses in order – and massively increasing costs for those that do not.

Waste in all its forms – whether components, end-products, by-products or labour – will
become a luxury unacceptable to commercial organisations. Failure to manage waste effectively will hit the bottom line hard – directly through costs of removal and indirectly through trading scheme losses.

The overall picture resulting from analysis of the likely impacts of Climate Change illustrates many threats to Supply Chain organisations. Companies need to consider both short-term and medium-term impact.

Download the Climate Change white paper to view the full report. A summary of the findings can be viewed below.

In the short term, Governmental actions – legislative and regulatory – will have most relevance. Those organisations not already striving to improve by introduction of Best Practice manufacturing and distribution, those which are not responding to existing and proposed regulation and legislation, will be severely disadvantaged. Many will fail.

In the medium term, all companies need to consider their energy usage, and their strategies in respect of locations and procurement. Transportation costs are virtually certain to rise, giving rise to major implications for procurement strategies and for market targeting. Companies which do not develop their strategies in the near future will risk the consequences of implementing them too late.

In general, the major impacts of climate change are long-term, but the reality is that to mitigate its effects Governments are rightly taking action now. The long-term nature of the overall problem must not draw attention away from the fact that industry faces its effects today, from freak flooding to slow-but-certain desertification and increasing energy costs.

LogicaCMG is already helping companies to identify the risks they face arising from climate change and helping them develop action plans covering all aspects of the challenges their Supply Chain will encounter.

Additionally, LogicaCMG offers advice and strategic direction on climate-related topics as varied as manufacturing effectiveness, new product development, carbon trading, procurement strategies, location management and management of climate-based risk.

Citigroup Smith Barney.
Geeft een Buy voor LogicaCMG op de huidige koers van 2,09.
Datumadvies: 9-11-2007.
Periode: 1 jaar

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Citigroup Smith Barney.
Geeft een Buy voor LogicaCMG op de huidige koers van 2,09.
Datumadvies: 9-11-2007.
Periode: 1 jaar

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Mobiel | Nederland
Pilot met mobiel betalen in supermarkt geslaagd
Gepubliceerd: vrijdag 9 november 2007 | 11:30 CET
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De pilot 'Betalen met je mobieltje bij C1000' in Molenaarsgraaf is goed ontvangen. Het merendeel van de honderd deelnemende klanten betaalt in de supermarkt alleen nog met de mobiele telefoon. De proef is een initiatief van het RFID Platform Nederland, LogicaCMG, Schuitema, Rabobank, KPN en NXP Semiconductors.
'De pilot is volgens de deelnemende partijen een groot succes omdat klanten snel blijken te wennen aan het pinnen met hun mobieltje. De mobiele telefoon vervangt de pinpas en verder verandert er niets aan de manier van betalen die ze gewend zijn. De deelnemers zeggen vooral enthousiast e zijn over het gebruiksgemak en de mogelijkheden van Near Field Communication. Dat vertelde Rover van Mierlo, directeur Logisitiek Onderzoek & Ontwikkeling bij Schuitema tijdens het 10e eNederland congres, waar hij de eerste resultaten van de klantenproef presenteerde. Deelnemende klanten betalen hun boodschappen door de mobiele telefoon bij het pinapparaat aan de kassa te houden en vervolgens de pincode in het pinapparaat te toetsen. Net als bij een PIN-betaling wordt het bedrag direct van de betaalrekening van de deelnemer afgeboekt. Behalve voor PIN-betalingen gebruiken de deelnemers hun mobieltje ook om electronische statiegeldbonnen in te wisselen bij de kassa, op de bankrekening te storten of te doneren aan een goed doel.et merendeel van de deelnemers wist voor aanvang van de proef weinig over de toekomstmogelijkheden van mobiele telefoons en NFC. Inmiddels zijn ze volgens Van Mierlo overtuigd en komen zij zelf met suggesties voor uitbreiding, zoals het electronisch bewaren van spaarpunten en het koppelen van een NFC-betaalmogelijkheid aan het kopieerapparaat in de supermarkt.

Satellite 'sentinels' to help track climate change

By Tim Ferguson
Special to CNET News.com
Published: November 13, 2007, 8:31 AM PST

A European project to monitor the continent's climate from space could provide a boost in the fight against climate change.

The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security project (GMES) will eventually consist of five satellites--or "sentinels"--that will monitor different climate elements.

The project has been jointly developed by the European Commission and European Space Agency and is aimed at generating data to inform government policy for combating climate change and help plan for the effects of the changes already taking place.

Each satellite would provide different data sets, such as ocean-monitoring information (temperature, color, level) and atmospheric data.

Speaking at a panel discussion in Westminster, U.K., professor Alan O'Neill, director of the National Centre for Earth Observation, said, "I think that the GMES could be a critical contribution to an Earth information system."

The project could provide "assured continuity of crucial data sets" that could help understand and predict climate change and inform policy making in hundreds of years, he added.

Professor David Crichton, consultant on insurance and climate change, cited a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that suggests government policy now needs to focus on making the infrastructure more resilient to climate change.

There are firm plans for the first three sentinels--with launches expected in 2011 or 2012--but plans for the final two satellites are less certain due to funding issues.

O'Neill said the U.K. has to do more than it has done so far to ensure results of the data-gathering can be quickly made into policy. "If the U.K. gets its act together, it can get involved in the building of (GMES)," he said.

Stuart Martin, director of space and satellite communications at LogicaCMG, which is heavily involved in the project, said the U.K. isn't putting enough money into the GMES pot.

Michael Jack, chairman of the U.K.'s Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee, agreed. He said, "There is a sort of reluctance in our system to spend any money on space."

John Higgins, director general of IT industry association Intellect, added, "The perceptions of this topic are quite different around the world. There are actions that need to be taken."

But Jack said the U.K. decision makers need to be better informed about the project and more effort needs to be made to engage with the public around the project. "At the moment there's a yawning disconnect," he said.

Jack added there are lessons to be learned from the European Galileo project--aimed at rivaling the U.S. GPS satellite system--which has also suffered from a dearth of funding.

The U.K.'s House of Commons Select Committee on Transport has said Galileo is suffering from an "alarming" absence of information about its costs and benefits.

LogicaCMG sees return to double-digit UK margins
Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:27 PM GMT

BARCELONA, Nov 16 (Reuters) - Anglo-Dutch computer services firm LogicaCMG Plc (LOG.L: Quote, Profile , Research) could make double-digit profit margins in its UK business again, but not this year, Chief Financial Officer Seamus Keating said on Friday.

"The UK has been a business that has achieved above 10 percent margins," Keating told Morgan Stanley's Technology, Media and Telecoms conference in Barcelona.

"The UK business is still a strong business so there's no structural reason why we shouldn't achieve those sorts of margins," he said.

LogicaCMG's UK revenue fell 9 percent in the first half of the year, leading to a profit warning in May.

"We're not expecting to get back to that level in 2007," Keating said. "I think it will take some time." (Reporting by Georgina Prodhan; Editing by David Holmes)
© Reuters 2007. All Rights Reserved.

Indian IT industry must move from a ‘culture of waste’ to industrialisation


Chennai: What are the vulnerabilities of the Indian IT industry, and what can be the countermeasures?

Pat comes the reply from Rahul Patwardhan (Pat), CEO Global Service Delivery (GSD) India and Director – Application Services, LogicaCMG, thus: “The Indian IT (information technology) industry is currently resting on its laurels. It has to think ahead and move away from the current unipolar thinking.”

Indian IT companies need to look internal to their business and see how they can reduce manpower on the bench (currently at average of 30 per cent), adds Pat, during the course of a rapid telephonic conversation with Business Line recently.

“The industry needs to strive for an utilisation that is similar to the manufacturing sector. IT seems to have gotten used to a ‘culture of waste’ and productivity has taken a backseat,” he rues.

“Unless there is introspection, external variables like the rupee appreciation will continue to plague the industry and we will always be in a panic mode. What IT requires is industrialisation,” Pat elaborates, over a subsequent e-mail interaction.

Excerpts from the interview.

First, a fact sheet about GSD in the company, its growth, share in total headcount, revenues; and also the larger picture, about LogicaCMG, its other divisions and the company’s place in the global IT map.

LogicaCMG is a major international force in IT and business services. It employs around 40,000 people across 41 countries. The Global Service Delivery (GSD) organisation is close to 10,000 people with 2,500 of them based in India.

India as a market is of strategic importance to us. One of our key objectives is to have 30-40 per cent of group revenues to come from value-based outsourcing. Our focus is on service delivery and marketing our India capabilities to the global markets, and for the same we will therefore ramp up our capabilities at GSD, India.

Our solutions and services span consultancy, design, systems integration and value-based applications and business process outsourcing. Our business is structured around five core vertical market sectors, viz. energy and utilities; financial services; industry, distribution and transport (IDT); space and defence; and telecom and media and public sector. Such industry focus means that our services and solutions are tailored for the challenges that our customers face in their specific markets.

Headquartered in Europe, LogicaCMG is listed on both the London Stock Exchange and Euronext (Amsterdam) and traded on the Xternal List of the Nordic Exchange in Stockholm.

How has GSD evolved over the years?

Though the concept of offshore delivery is over a decade old, GSD is relatively new. It has evolved in the industry really over the last five years. The industry is still perfecting the model and it will be crucial during the consolidation phase that the IT industry will face.

The pure offshore model followed by many companies involves large-scale delivery centres in low-cost locations with very minimal presence on site. In this model, the on-site location is considered as a cost centre and is staffed quite often with people who are not familiar with the local culture. This results in challenges to address the cultural and communication gaps especially in Europe.

‘Blended delivery’ is a unique model where delivery is provided through an optimal mix of on-site, near-shore, and offshore resources to deliver a seamless and consistent service, which is in compliance with client requirements, cost factors and skill sets required.

When customer complexity or risk is high, the service is delivered on-site, and as the complexity and risk becomes lower, near-shore and offshore delivery locations are utilised. The blended delivery model perfectly addresses the unique requirements of the European outsourcing market.

This approach helps ensure that the right degree of customer intimacy is retained on-site and that quality services are delivered from the right global sourcing location to meet the client’s service delivery requirements at an acceptable price.

What is different in your model of GSD?

Some of the key differences in our GSD model are as follows:

· Integrated, common window to access whole of global services production facilities for a sales person in any country. Country units do not need to deal with multiple offshore units directly.

· Deliberately globally distributed (not over-weighted on one country).

· Adopts shared services model for all activities by organising all competencies globally as a single unified global “plant” for each competence, fully tooled to act as ONE PLANT.

· Blending on the fly across locations.

· Output service unit pricing rather than input effort based pricing.

· Third generation industrialisation of IT services production – ahead of industry.

· Paradigm differences in factory management: such as, low bench (less than 10 per cent instead of 30 per cent bench prevalent in industry), and daily capture of production statistics unlike the prevalent monthly- and project-based metrics capture in the industry.

A success story that showcases the best of your potential.

Let me tell you about our work for InBev, the world’s leading brewer active in over 130 countries and employing more than 86,000 people worldwide. The company is transforming itself into a leading global business: a strategy that implies more streamlined and centralised IT services.

To help realise its vision, it sought out suitable external partners. LogicaCMG’s close understanding of InBev’s business, its flexible approach and a previous successful relationship in Germany were all cited when InBev made LogicaCMG its strategic partner for application management.

InBev wanted to focus first on its regional capabilities. It signed a 70 million euro five-year contract with LogicaCMG in June 2006 to manage its Western Europe and global headquarters business systems. Six months later, the contract was extended to cover Central and Eastern Europe.

Under the agreement LogicaCMG manages InBev’s core applications, including a new SAP-based ERP system. It also supervises subcontractors and other service providers. LogicaCMG also took on 110 InBev employees.

The result was an application service environment that harmonises operations in 17 countries spanning 12 time zones from County Cork to Bering Strait. A significant amount of the delivery solution involved an India component. InBev has reduced operational costs, improved service levels and is gaining broad business benefits.

Was there a trigger for the innovation in GSD that you talked about?

The main trigger for innovation in GSD is the need to shorten the time to market for our products and services and gain competitive advantage in the marketplace. Innovation in LogicaCMG is considered as ‘the growth engine for future revenue streams and basis for sustainable development of the business of our clients and our own’.

As a global organisation, we believe in leveraging talent on a global basis to meet the business requirements. The GSD organisation has a key role to play in leveraging innovation across the centres we have in the UK, the Netherlands, India, the Philippines, the Czech Republic, and Morocco.

We leveraged the product engineering talent available in In
Hoe zou CMG zich zelf voelen? Laatste tijden behoorlijk inkoop eigen aandelen gedaan tegen een aanzienlijke hogere koers, nu een herfinanciering. Voor hoeveel zijn zij het schip ingegaan? Of ......
Elan Software Systems Signs Systems Integration Agreement With Unilog, A LogicaCMG Group

Elan Software Systems, a leading provider of Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software solutions, announced recently that a comprehensive systems integration agreement has been signed with Unilog, a LogicaCMG company, a major international force in IT and business services. The XFP-MES software suite was evaluated by Unilog, a LogicaCMG group to be the best MES software package for Life Science Industries. Unilog, a LogicaCMG group has become a key certified System Integrator for the European market.

Unilog certified consultants are already providing their expertise on joint domestic projects and will soon expand their competencies to worldwide deployments aligned with the Group international strategy. Unilog, a LogicaCMG group and Elan Software Systems are currently working on a joint project for a global pharmaceutical company. The project objective is to manage the manufacturing operations of a vaccine product line, from raw material input to the review of the electronic batch record.

"LogicaCMG partnerships strategy is to build strong relationships with the key technology software providers that offer the best product/market match." explained Yves Lardanchet, MES Director, LogicaCMG group. "This was the case for Elan Software Systems that demonstrates a solid understanding of MES challenges for Life Science, proven references, state-of-the-art product offering. The XFP-MES offering is today the best MES solution for the pharmaceutical market."

“With over 40,000 people in 41 countries, LogicaCMG brings deep domain expertise to the delivery of business consulting, systems integration and IT with solid MES knowledge” confirmed Jean-Pierre Amadio, Managing Director at Elan Software Systems. "This new partnership is well aligned with the company’s growth objectives and will give us the opportunity to accelerate our international development.”


Elan Software Systems is a leading provider of Manufacturing Execution System (MES) dedicated to the Life Science industry.

For over 20 years, Elan Software has been providing regulated industries with advanced MES solutions to improve production efficiency and effectiveness. The XFP Suite from Elan Software provides production visibility and control throughout the enterprise by optimizing the entire production cycle from raw material delivery to end product shipment in compliance with 21CFR part 11 and ISA 88/95. The XFP suite promotes paperless manufacturing and provides life science manufacturers with advanced modules for warehousing, weighing and dispensing, work instructions and electronic batch record.

Seven (7) of the top ten (10) health care companies have trusted Elan’s MES software. Elan customers include Abbott, AstraZeneca, Baxter, Famar, Fareva, Genitope Corporation, Ipsen, LFB, Merck, Sanofi-Aventis, Stago, Takeda and UCB.

Elan Software is headquartered in Toulouse, France and Princeton, NJ USA. For more information, visit www.elansoftware.com

SOURCE: Elan Software Systems

Een veelomvattende samenwerking = geen overname.
Misschien is het toch een betere oplossing om zelfstandig te blijven.
Failure to adopt “invest to save” strategy puts outsourcing contracts at risk
28 November 2007
- Report by London School of Economics and LogicaCMG highlights consequences of outsourcing core skills when retained capability skills are left undeveloped -

Businesses are in danger of losing control of their outsourced IT projects due to a lack of internal IT leadership, poor business sourcing strategies, inadequate relationship building and a failure to provide the right internal resources and skills. These are the main findings of a new study commissioned by LogicaCMG, a leading IT and business services company, as part of its Outsourcing Enterprise whitepaper series.

The new research-based white paper, "Building Core Retained Capabilities", led by Leslie Willcocks, Professor of Technology, Work and Globalisation at the London School of Economics, reveals that senior managers must identify and retain key skills and core competencies in their in-house teams if they are to truly benefit from the relationship with their outsourcing supplier. The research shows that organisations are currently prioritising short term cost reductions over an “invest to save” strategy, resulting in a number of outsourcing projects developing problems such as loss of control, inadequate service, and constant renegotiation due to a lack of strong internal leadership and project management.

As organisations outsource more and more to achieve strategic advantage [By 2012 about 58% of the average corporation’s IT budget will be with outsourcing suppliers ], it is crucial that they resource properly internally. The research identifies nine core capabilities that must be equally applied to ensure long term business performance and strategic advantage from IT and business outsourcing. These capabilities include leadership, business systems thinking, relationship building, architectural planning and design and informed buying, which lean towards softer business skills.

The consequences of failing to invest internally in these core competencies are sizeable and include high contract costs and poor pay offs, back sourcing and excessive management effort. Investment in these capabilities is expensive and with management costs of the contract value for the retained team expected to be at 10 to 12 per cent by 2010, organisations must “spend to save” now, by investing in the right internal skills to develop long term strategic benefit.

The white paper concludes that to implement all nine core capabilities requires high performing individuals, who can develop into a high performance team with a greater emphasis on both business and interpersonal skills. However, the study reveals that in practice the recruitment and retention of individuals with these capabilities is confined to a small, high quality group, compounded further by the fact that current retained functions tend to possess strong technical expertise but are weaker on business and interpersonal skills. This results in a major human resources challenge and organisations need to be prepared to upskill and recruit to provide the right resources and support to create a successful in-house team.

Professor Willcocks, lead-author on the white paper, said: “In 15 years of research we have found that organisations are continually faced with a key challenge – what needs to be outsourced and what needs to be retained? We have found a link between the lack of investment in core in-house capabilities and the disconnect it creates between the outsourced function and the retained portion of the enterprise. Skills such as relationship management through senior management attention, contract, structure and refined capabilities can create a 20 to 40 percent difference on service, quality, cost and other performance indicators. If organisations are to benefit from outsourcing, a real change of focus is needed; from activities and assets to leadership, management and appropriate staffing.”

Martin Blackburn, Chief Executive Global Service Delivery at LogicaCMG commented: “While considerable attention has been devoted over recent years to the potential benefits of IT outsourcing, there has been little discussion of what kind of retained team organisations require to manage their outsourcing supplier. The report highlights that all too often organisations under-invest in building core capabilities due to cost. The result is that they miss the chance to pre-empt problems by not having a workforce with the capability to perform at the levels needed to maximise both success and achieve an optimal cost-effective outsourcing arrangement.

“Core retained capabilities enable organisations to achieve governance, control and flexibility in outsourcing arrangements, whilst mitigating against risk - a tried and tested way for organisations to keep control of their IT future.”

In addition to assessing the current IT outsourcing landscape, the paper makes some key predictions for the outsourcing market in the future, especially in the areas of global sourcing, supplier strategies and client developments. Key predictions include the rise in BPO activity overtaking ITO and the increased prevalence of nearshoring.

To download the full white paper, visit: www.logicacmg.com/OE4

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