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Novartis slaagt eindelijk in overname Alcon
15 december 2010, 8:05 | ANP
ZURICH (AFN) - De Zwitserse farmagigant Novartis is er na bijna een jaar eindelijk in geslaagd het Amerikaanse Alcon volledig over te nemen. Novartis moest wel diep in de buidel tasten om dwarsliggende aandeelhouders van Alcon over de streep te trekken. De aankoop kost 12,9 miljard dollar (9,6 miljard euro).

Novartis maakte woensdag bekend het oorspronkelijke bod van 2,8 eigen aandelen per aandeel Alcon indien noodzakelijk te zullen aanvullen met contanten. Op die manier wil het Zwitserse concern garanderen dat de aandeelhouders van Alcon 168 dollar per aandeel krijgen.

Novartis, dat al 25 procent van de aandelen Alcon bezat, nam in januari een belang van 52 procent in Alcon over van Nestlé voor 28,1 miljard dollar.

European Drug Regulator Head Warns On Poor Drug Innovation
Last update: 12/16/2010 1:09:56 AM

By Sten Stovall
LONDON (Dow Jones)--The low level of successful drug innovation from the pharmaceuticals industry represents a major public health concern and an enormous waste of money and needs to be addressed by drug makers and their regulators, the outgoing executive director of the European Medicines Agency said Wednesday.

Of the estimated $85 billion spent globally each year on drug research and development, around $60 billion is virtually wasted when one calculates how few new molecular entities are produced, said Thomas Lonngren, who this week ends 10 years at the helm of Europe's drug regulator.

"How many [new drugs] are approved each year--six, seven, eight, nine maybe? If the value of these few new drugs is worth 10-, maybe 20 billion U.S. dollars, then where is the remainder of the $85 billion going?" Lonngren asked a seminar at the agency's London headquarters. "Maybe we could use this $60 billion in a better way?" he added.

Lonngren, a Swedish pharmacist, has been the executive director of EMA since January 2001 and ends his second five-year term Friday. He said drug companies over the past decade haven't been investing in drugs that address key areas of public health, such as antibiotics. In the meantime, there has been massive growth in bacteria that's resistant against currently available antibiotics.

"That poses a major public health issue," Lonngren said. In an interview with Dow Jones Newswires assessing his 10 years as the head the European drug regulator, Lonngren said Big Pharma should perhaps focus more of its R&D resources on the prevention and treatment of disease. Another problem, in his view, is drug makers' reduced R&D investment in medicines treating disorders of the central nervous system, like dementia.

"The Western world's population is getting older and this and related diseases will pose a major issue for health care." Turning to future trends in regulation, Lonngren said evolutionary forces within the globalizing sector are pushing its regulators to interact and cooperate more--a trend that is also forcing them to take on wider responsibilities and react more quickly to events.

"We need to come together--and we are," he said. He pointed to the coordinated action in September between the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and his agency over GlaxoSmithKline PLC's (GSK) controversial diabetes drug Avandia.

In a choreographed operation, U.S. regulators simultaneously announced they were putting tight curbs on the drug while European authorities said they were stopping its sales, which effectively ended widespread use of a medicine that was once a multibillion-dollar-a-year seller for Glaxo.

"In the case of Avandia, we had the same information, the same data. The special timing of the announcement was an agreement between me and [FDA Commissioner] Peggy Hamburg in a telephone conference call. I think that was very successful, as it allowed us to explain the rationale for our decision and the FDA could explain their decision, and is an example of how enforcement will be done in the future," Lonngren said. He said drug regulators and Health Technology Assessment bodies like the U.K.'s National Institute of Clinical Excellence--which rations access to drugs on the publicly-funded National Health Service--will increasingly cooperate and interact in future. "The evolutionary momentum of this is unstoppable," Lonngren said.

-By Sten Stovall, Dow Jones Newswires; +44 207 842 9292; (END)

Dow Jones Newswires

December 16, 2010 01:09 ET (06:09 GMT)
Galapagos ontvangt €3,5 miljoen aan succesbetalingen en breidt alliantie met Roche uit
Mechelen, België; 16 december 2010 – Galapagos NV (Euronext: GLPG) kondigt vandaag aan dat zij een succesbetaling van €3,5 miljoen heeft ontvangen binnen de overeenkomst met Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY). De alliantie is bovendien uitgebreid om de nieuwe targets te kunnen toepassen bij medicijnontwikkeling voor fibrose.

In januari 2010 zijn Galapagos en Roche een strategische alliantie aangegaan op gebied van de longziekte COPD. De alliantie die zich oorspronkelijk alleen richtte op kleine moleculen en antistoffen, werd in mei 2010 verder uitgebreid met peptiden. In december 2010 is de alliantie uitgebreid met onderzoek op gebied van fibrose: de vorming van litteken–weefsel meestal als gevolg van een langdurige infectie in longen of andere organen.

“Door de alliantie met Roche bewijzen we eens te meer dat wij in staat zijn om met menselijke primaire cellen nieuwe targets te ontdekken in de meest uiteenlopende ziektegebieden,” zegt Graham Dixon, Senior VP Drug Discovery van Galapagos.

Over de alliantie met Roche
Galapagos gebruikt haar technologie om nieuwe targets te vinden en vervolgens kandidaat-medicijnen te ontwikkelen op basis van deze targets. Roche heeft de exclusieve optie om elk programma te licenseren, ofwel na de selectie van een kandidaat-medicijn, ofwel na de afronding van Fase I klinische studies. Daarnaast heeft Roche een exclusieve optie om targets te licenseren voor het ontwikkelen van antistoffen of andere therapieën. Bij uitoefening van een optie is Roche verantwoordelijk voor de verdere (pre)klinische ontwikkeling en commercialisering van het product. De succesbetalingen kunnen voor Galapagos oplopen tot €550 miljoen, plus royalty’s over de verkoop van elk product dat onder de overeenkomst valt.

Over Galapagos
Galapagos (Euronext: GLPG; OTC: GLPYY) is een middelgroot biotechnologiebedrijf. Het bedrijf is gespecialiseerd in het ontdekken en ontwikkelen van moleculen en antilichamen met nieuwe werkingsmechanismen. Galapagos heeft één van de grootste pijplijnen in de biotech met zes programma’s in de klinische fase en meer dan vijftig chemische molecuul programma’s in onderzoek en preklinische ontwikkeling. Via risicodragende allianties met GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Merck & Co., Roche en Servier kan Galapagos mogelijk tot €3,3 miljard aan succesbetalingen ontvangen plus royalty’s. Galapagos heeft meer dan 800 medewerkers in zeven landen, met haar hoofdkantoor in Mechelen, België. Meer info op
European Pharma Cut To Underweight From Benchmark By Credit Suisse

Last update: 12/17/2010 2:38:04 AM(MORE TO FOLLOW)

Dow Jones Newswires

December 17, 2010 02:38 ET (07:38 GMT)
Dank je wel Dirk.
Blij, dat ik niet op die laatste paar euros van Crucell heb zitten wachten.
Flink belang opgebouwd in Chelsea Therapeutics van $ 2.80 als laagste en doorgekocht tot $ 5.-.
Nu voorbeurs iets boven $ 7.--.
Ik ben benieuwd, of er nog iemand mij gevolgd is.
Filing volgend jaar, gaat een beetje op DNDN lijken.

Kan ik nu nog instappen?

DNDN gaat boven een miljard omzetten.
CHTP zal niet veel verder komen dan 300 miljoen met natuurlijk wel prijsbescherming in de USA gedurende 7 jaar en in Europa 10 jaar.
Fibromyalgia gaat behandeld worden met hetzelfde produkt, In 2011 einde fase 2. Tzt minimaal 150 miljoen omzet.
Een toename van research-uitgaven t.b.v. reumatische artritis mag verwacht worden.
Met deze vooruitzichten reken ik op een enigszins getemperde winst.
Toch denk ik, voor minstens vijf jaar onder de pannen te zijn. Als je dan vanaf deze koers gerekend, 200% pakt, ben je spekkoper.
Even kalm zijn met kopen. Zakt na deze stijging nog wel wat.

Eigen onderzoek altijd gewenst. Uiteraard geen verantwoordelijkheid mijnerzijds.
Genzyme Highlights MS Drug's Prospects At Investor Meeting
Last update: 12/20/2010 2:09:11 PM

By Thomas Gryta
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Genzyme Corp. (GENZ) highlighted the development of potential multiple sclerosis drug alemtuzumab to investors Monday, as the drug maker defended its value in the face of a hostile takeover bid from Sanofi-Aventis SA (SNY SAN.FR). The Cambridge, Mass., biotech held a meeting in New York Monday that detailed the clinical data for alemtuzumab, which is expected to have late-stage data next year on its effectiveness in MS. The drug is still being tested, but is a key component in the valuation difference between Genzyme and Sanofi, which has made an $18.5 billion hostile offer for Genzyme that has been repeatedly rejected as too low.

Genzyme Chief Executive Henri Termeer said the alemtuzumab program "is probably the largest single program that we have ever undertaken." He said that alemtuzumab is the most important component of Genzyme's pipeline and the company is spending about $2 million a week on the development program for the drug.

The drug has shown success in earlier stage trials, including the ability to remain effective for years after patient last took the drug. The meeting marks the second time that Genzyme has stressed the importance of alemtuzumab. It initially gave long-term projections in October of sales hitting $3.5 billion in 2017, making up 25% of the total MS treatment market at that time.

Sanofi Chief Executive Chris Viehbacher has said that Genzyme's projection for alemtuzumab "stretches the bounds of reality in anybody's mind" and placed its own expectations at about $700 million in yearly sales of the drug in MS.

Last week, Sanofi extended its $69-per-share offer until Jan. 21. Few shares were surrendered in the initial offer period because Genzyme's stock has traded above the offer price since the bid was launched. Genzyme is currently reaching out to third parties who may be interested in the company.

Many Wall Street analysts believe Genzyme will eventually be sold at a higher price, and also see its long-term estimates for alemtuzumab as overly optimistic. Sanofi recently disclosed that the financial advisers of both companies have been discussing the possible use of a contingent value right--which could give the holder payments based on future sales milestones--as a way to bridge the valuation gap for the drug in any deal. It is widely expected that any acquisition would still need to include a cash component that exceeds the current $69-per-share offer.

At the meeting, Termeer outlined the drivers of Genzyme's business, including its recovery from major manufacturing setbacks, the repair of the business damage from those problems, and the development of its product pipeline.

Alemtuzumab is already approved to treat a rare type of blood cancer under the brand name Campath, bringing in less than $150 million a year for the company. For MS, the drug is given far less frequently and in lower doses. Dr. Edward Fox, a clinical assistant professor at the University of Texas's medical branch, spoke at the meeting about the need for MS drugs to be given as early as possible because of the accumulated disability that occurs from the disease.

He reviewed the current clinical data for alemtuzumab in MS. He projected that if it is approved for MS, alemtuzumab would initially be used in patients with more active forms of the disease and those that aren't responding to current therapies. Dr. Fox is involved in the phase III alemtuzumab program.

-By Thomas Gryta, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-2169; (END)

Dow Jones Newswires

December 20, 2010 14:00 ET (19:00 GMT)
Sijbesma (DSM): 'Je moet nooit bang zijn voor een overname'
21 december 2010 | Het Financieele Dagblad
Door: Engelenburg, H.
DSM maakt deze maand een eindspurt naar de status van een concern dat groei creëert uit biotechnologie en materialenkennis.

Henk Engelenburg


'We zijn wel een beetje trots', zegt bestuursvoorzitter Feike Sijbesma in een gesprek met deze krant. 'We hebben het concern gecreëerd dat we wilden, en dat vieren we.'


Sommige analisten noemen DSM door de groeikansen, de oorlogskas en de lage aandelenkoers een mooie overnameprooi. Sijbesma: 'Als je de concernwaarde zichtbaar maakt en daar goed over communiceert, hoef je niet bang te zijn voor een overname. Daarom vertellen we de markt over onze samenwerking met Crucell in productietechnieken voor biofarmaceutische medicijnen. We gaan naar een grotere proeffabriek voor biobrandstoffen. We investeren in biomedische materialen voor toepassingen in het lichaam.'

Sijbesma stelt dat DSM veelvuldig producten introduceert die meteen omzet genereren, zoals coatings voor zonnecellen en nieuwe ingrediënten voor voedingsmiddelen tegen ouderdomsziekten en voor flexibele ledematen. Nee, we vrezen geen overname. We hebben een heldere strategie en we moeten de goede dingen gewoon goed doen.'

Feike Sijbesma

'Pil helpt alcoholisten met minderen'

© photo news
KOPENHAGEN - Een Scandinavisch farmaceutisch bedrijf beweert een pil te hebben ontwikkeld waarmee alcoholici kunnen blijven drinken en toch het alcoholgebruik onder controle houden.

Nalmefene wordt ontwikkeld door het Deense bedrijf H. Lundbeck en zou het lekkere gevoel van drank blokkeren. Dit schrijft Bloomberg Press. Het doel van het nieuwe medicijn is alcohol beperken, niet om de drank volledig uit te bannen.

Hoge drempel
"Een vaak voorkomend probleem bij alcoholmisbruik is dat mensen weigeren om zich te laten behandelen", luidt het bij de onderzoekers. "De hoge drempel om de drank volledig af te zweren, speelt daar een belangrijke rol in."

Het nieuwe medicijn wordt momenteel getest. Lundbeck hoopt dat het middel vanaf 2012 op de Europese markt zal worden toegelaten. Het bedrijf stelt dat de pil een alternatief kan zijn voor middelen als Antabuse of andere anti-alcoholmedicatie waarbij gebruikers ziek worden als ze drinken.

24/12/10 10u42
Sinovac Receives SFDA Approval to Commence Clinical Trials for Inactivated Enterovirus Type 71 Vaccine
Last update: 12/28/2010 8:35:00 AM

BEIJING, Dec. 28, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Sinovac Biotech Ltd. (SVA), a leading provider of biopharmaceutical products in China, announced today that it received approval from the China State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) to commence clinical trials for its proprietary inactivated EV71 vaccine against Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD). According to the approval document, Sinovac is required to conduct each phase of the human clinical trials in accordance with SFDA requirements, to conduct studies to assess safety and immunogenicity in the phase I and II clinical trials, and to conduct efficacy study in the phase III clinical trial. Sinovac filed in late December 2009 with the SFDA the application to commence human clinical trials for its inactivated EV71 vaccine.

Dr. Weidong Yin, Chairman, President & CEO, stated, "We are very pleased to advance our near term vaccine development pipeline with the approval from the SFDA to commence clinical trials for our internally developed EV 71 vaccine. Currently, there is no vaccine available worldwide for this disease. We had no precedent to go by during the development, so we had to start with the basic research on this vaccine. Moreover, our R&D people has successfully completed pre-clinical research and made significant breakthroughs during the development.

We will move forward with our research and development of vaccines with the objective to supply high quality vaccine products to children worldwide as soon as possible and to contribute to the prevention and control of HFMD." As previously announced, the Company began preclinical research in 2008 for its independently developed EV 71 vaccine. The animal model, built by researchers at Sydney University, showed cross protection and demonstrated that the vaccine is effective in animals. In addition, Sinovac has already filed five patent applications covering the EV 71 vaccine.
GenVec Forms Collaboration With World-Leading Animal Health Company
Last update: 12/29/2010 7:14:00 AM

Merial to develop and commercialize FMD vaccines

GAITHERSBURG, Md., Dec. 29, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- GenVec, Inc. (GNVC) today announced that the company will be working with Merial to develop and commercialize GenVec's proprietary vaccine technology for use against foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). Merial is the leading FMD vaccine producer in the world, with leading positions in all key markets. Under the agreement, Merial will be responsible for all costs related to the development and commercialization of FMD vaccines developed through the collaboration.

GenVec will receive development milestones and royalties on sales. GenVec's novel FMD vaccine approach utilizes GenVec's proprietary adenovector technology and is manufactured on a proprietary GenVec cell line that is capable of producing antigens without the use of the highly contagious FMD virus.

Because the vaccine is produced without using live or killed virus materials, it can be produced cost effectively in the US and around the world. "We look forward to working with GenVec to explore this promising technology for FMD vaccines," said Teshome Mebatsion, Senior Director Vector Vaccine Research, Merial.

Robert Nordgren, Global Head of Merial's Bio R&D added that "Merial sees great potential for GenVec's technology to positively impact the way that animal vaccines are produced and developed." "Our relationship with Merial complements our strategy of entering into collaborations to support the development of our pipeline of products," said Dr. Paul Fischer, GenVec's President and Chief Executive Officer.

Dirk R. Wijnen schreef:

GenVec's proprietary vaccine technology for use against foot-and-mouth disease
GNVC’S Ad5……


Merial will produce a master seed of PER.C6 cells purchased from Crucell. 3. Merial will produce an Ad5-FMD A24 virus in the PER.C6 master seed cell line.

Leiden, The Netherlands, December 22, 2005 - Dutch biotechnology company Crucell N.V. (Euronext, NASDAQ: CRXL) announced today that it has signed a second PER.C6® research license agreement with Merial, a leading animal health company.

The non-exclusive agreement allows Merial to use the PER.C6® cell line for the development of gene therapy in a specific field of companion animal medicine and includes an option for a commercial license agreement. The new agreement follows the October 2004 licensing deal which allows Merial to utilize PER.C6® for the development and commercialization of veterinary vaccines for foot-and-mouth disease.

Crucell and Merial Announce Commercial License Agreement for PER.C6® Technology for Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccines
Collaboration with USDA Agricultural Research Center Aims to Produce Vaccines for Rapid Control of FMD Outbreaks.
Leiden, The Netherlands / Duluth, GA, USA - October 18, 2004 - Dutch biotechnology company Crucell N.V. (Euronext, NASDAQ: CRXL) and Merial, a world-leading animal health company, today announced that they have entered into a license agreement for the utilization of Crucell's PER.C6® technology for the development and commercialization of veterinary vaccines for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). FMD is a highly communicable disease of production animals and is identified by the U.S. government as a potential bio-terrorism risk.
Under the terms of the agreement, Crucell will receive an upfront payment, milestone payments, annual maintenance fees, and royalties on sales of vaccines. Further financial details were not disclosed.

In on-going and close collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Plum Island Animal Disease Center, Merial will further develop FMD vaccines discovered by ARS. These vaccines would be held in reserve for rapid distribution in the event of an accidental or terrorist-caused FMD outbreak.
Samenwerking met het Agricultural Research Center van het Amerikaans ministerie van landbouw (USDA) moet leiden tot vaccins waarmee MKZ uitbraken snel kunnen worden ingedamd.

Leiden / Duluth, Georgia, USA - 18 oktober 2004 - Het Nederlandse biotechnologiebedrijf Crucell N.V. (Euronext, NASDAQ: CRXL) en Merial, een wereldleider op het gebied van veterinaire vaccins, hebben vandaag bekendgemaakt dat zij een licentieovereenkomst hebben gesloten voor het gebruik van PER.C6® technologie bij het ontwikkelen en commercialiseren van vaccins tegen mond- en klauwzeer (MKZ). MKZ is een uiterst besmettelijke veterinaire ziekte die door de regering van de Verenigde Staten wordt beschouwd als een mogelijk bioterrorisme risico.

Op grond van deze overeenkomst ontvangt Crucell een aanvangs-, jaarlijkse en 'milestone' betalingen alsmede royalty's over de verkoop van vaccins. Verdere financiële gegevens werden niet bekendgemaakt.
Als onderdeel van haar voortdurende nauwe samenwerking met het U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Plum Island Animal Disease Center, zal Merial MKZ-vaccins ontdekt door de ARS verder ontwikkelen met behulp van PER.C6®. Deze vaccins zullen worden opgeslagen om snelle verspreiding mogelijk te maken in geval van een spontane of door terroristen veroorzaakte MKZ-uitbraak.
Dr. Robert Nordgren, Head of Biologics Research and Development bij Merial, zei hierover: "Het doet ons veel genoegen te kunnen samenwerken met Crucell en het U.S. Department of Agriculture bij het ontwikkelen van vaccins die niet alleen de diergezondheid verbeteren, maar ook de veiligheid van de VS tegen bioterrorism verhogen, en ervoor zorgen dat wij sneller kunnen reageren op bedreigingen tegen onze landbouwindustrie. Het is nu van het grootste belang dat wij snel dit laatste deel van de ontwikkeling van MKZ vaccins afronden met PER.C6® - MKZ-uitbraken kunnen nu eenmaal onverwacht optreden."
Dr. Luis L. Rodriquez, van ARS Plum Island, is Research Leader voor dit project. Hij zei hierover: "Op dit moment beschikken we nog maar over een beperkt aantal effectieve interventiemethoden voor het bedwingen van MKZ-uitbraken. Wij zoeken al lang naar een effectief alternatief voor het grootschalige ruimen van dieren in getroffen gebieden, wat tot nu toe de enige aanpak was. Het combineren van vaccins en antivirale geneesmiddelen lijkt een veelbelovende methode om MKZ-uitbraken in de Verenigde Staten snel te beteugelen en de gevolgen te minimaliseren."
"Het feit dat Merial PER.C6® heeft verkozen als het productieplatform voor vaccins in de bestrijding van MKZ bevestigt eens te meer de waarde van onze PER.C6® technologie voor de productie van vaccins voor mens en dier," aldus Jaap Goudsmit, Chief Scientific Officer van Crucell.
MKZ treft een groot aantal diersoorten zoals varkens, schapen en rundvee. Volgens deskundigen zou één enkele MKZ-uitbraak in de Verenigde Staten betekenen dat er miljoenen koeien moeten worden geruimd en dat de Amerikaanse vleesexport jarenlang stil zou komen te liggen. Dit zou niet alleen een negatief effect hebben op de vleesindustrie, maar ook op tal van aanverwante sectoren. De Amerikaanse landbouw¬sector als geheel, waarin jaarlijks USD 1.500 miljard wordt omgezet, zou er ernstig onder te lijden hebben. De MKZ-epidemie in 2001 kostte het Verenigd Koninkrijk USD 15 miljard aan kosten van ruiming, schadeloosstelling, gemiste export en teruggelopen toeristenaantallen.

Uit oktober:
Regulatory Challenges Impede the Adoption of New Downstream Processing Technologies
Can vendor—user partnerships overcome the typical wait-and-see attitude toward new technologies?

In virtually any other industry, the adoption of more efficient, less costly production technologies would be rapidly accepted. But not quite so in the biopharmaceutical industry, where concerns over regulatory acceptance and approval delays prevail.
So in this industry, with its built-in inertia, new technology introductions can be tough. Investors expecting rapid returns on product innovations used in clinical or commercial therapeutic production can be quickly disappointed. Downstream processing, the bottleneck that everyone wants a solution for, is a prime example. In previous columns, we've discussed various technologies being developed to address this bottleneck, but we haven't addressed the strategies behind getting these new technologies into the market.
Preliminary data from BioPlan Associates' 7th Annual Report and Survey of Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Capacity and Production clearly indicates that little has changed over the past seven years regarding solutions to address the downstream bottleneck. Many new technologies are under investigation, but these are being "actively considered" and not actively implemented. Many end users want to see new technology improvements used to manufacture a product approved by the FDA, but until this happens, regulatory challenges will continue to overshadow the benefits of reduced costs, fewer steps, more purification cycles, and disposability.
Being a first-adopter in this industry requires balancing the regulatory risk against the benefits of being first to integrate a new technology. According to our survey and our panel of experts, the industry continues its wait-and-see attitude. The problem is how receptive the FDA will continue to be to novel alternatives to chromatography. "When more single-use purification technologies start to penetrate the market, you'll also see increased focus on characterizing and managing robustness and scalability," says, Michael Kuczewski, scientist I, downstream process development, Percivia, LLC.

Others believe the FDA has already indicated a receptive attitude. Justin McCue, head engineer, bioprocess development at Biogen Idec says, "Membrane adsorbers have been readily accepted. One of the keys to acceptance is to ensure appropriate in-process controls and tests are established for alternative technologies." Acceptance, according to Amitava Kundu, associate director, process development, Genmab, Inc., is a function of comparability of processes, which "must be accompanied by an ability to probe for changes in secondary and tertiary structure of the protein as well as an ability to further understand and monitor the presence of large aggregates … that could potentially be created in the process."
A key problem in the approval process, says John Zeng, head of purification R&D at Lonza Biologics, will require that vendors and end-users work together to tackle problems such as the testing associated with new materials, matrices, and formats, "Developers need to work closely with vendors to overcome this hurdle by more testing," he said. Zeng believes that the first ones will take the biggest risk. However, given the merits of novel downstream technologies to improve selectivity, binding capacity, and throughput, the regulatory pathway should become relatively easier as agencies take a more positive approach to alternatives to chromatography.

The industry is asking for solutions that include clearer guidance from regulators and more partnering with vendors and industry associations to address the downstream bottleneck.
Being first in the water may be a challenge for new technology adoption, and before broad acceptance of novel downstream technologies take place, the industry will need to move forward to get to those early adopter success models.
AstraZeneca Raised To Buy From Hold By Citigroup
GlaxoSmithKline Raised To Buy From Hold By Jefferies
Sanofi-Aventis Cut To Hold From Buy By Jefferies

DowJones Newswires
Vaag bericht via Twitter:

Corrects number of flu deaths and makes clear antibody being tested from NIH and not Crucell. Reuters: Healthcare


eee schreef:

Vaag bericht via Twitter:

Corrects number of flu deaths and makes clear antibody being tested from NIH and not Crucell. Reuters: Healthcare

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