2. Any shareholder who, at the end of the financial year, has held registered shares for at least two years and still holds them at the date of payment of the dividend in respect of this financial year, shall receive in respect of such shares a bonus equal to 10% of the dividend paid for the other shares, including any dividend which is paid in new shares. Where applicable, the increased dividend will be rounded down to the nearest cent. New shares thus issued shall rank pari passu with the existing shares in respect of which they were issued, for the purpose of calculating the rights to bonus dividend and increased distributions.
Similarly, any shareholder who, at the end of the financial year, has held such registered shares for at least two years and still holds them at the issuance date of a share capital increase by way of capitalization of reserves, profits or premiums that gives rise to bonus shares distribution, shall receive additional bonus shares equal to 10% of the number distributed, rounded down to the nearest whole number in case of fractions.
The number of shares giving entitlement to such increases may not exceed 0.5% of the share capital per shareholder as at the end of the relevant financial year.
In the event of a dividend payment in shares or bonus shares distribution, any additional shares shall rank pari passu with the shares previously held by the shareholder for the purpose of determining any bonus dividend or bonus shares distribution. However, in the event of fractions:
where the shareholder exercises its option for the payment of the dividend in shares, the shareholder meeting the legal requirements may pay a balancing amount in cash to receive an additional share;
in the case of a bonus shares distribution, the rights to any fractions of a share arising from the increase shall not be negotiable and the corresponding shares shall be sold and the proceeds distribute to the holders of such rights no later than thirty days after the registration in their account of the whole number of shares allocated to them.
The provisions of this paragraph shall apply for the first time to the payment of the dividend to be distributed in respect of the financial year ending on 31 December 2013, determined by the ordinary shareholders' meeting to be held in 2014."
(Source Guide to the General Shareholders' Meeting - Convening notice - p.32)
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