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Energie in EU: produktie, bronnen etc

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haas schreef op 19 mei 2015 17:48:

binnekort in dit theater: vliegtuigen zonder vleugels ?
Zijn er al! :-)

voda schreef op 19 mei 2015 17:07:

The future of wind turbines, no blades - Report

Published on Tue, 19 May 2015 55 times viewed

It’s no longer surprising to encounter 100-foot pinwheels spinning in the breeze as you drive down the highway. But don’t get too comfortable with that view. A Spanish company called Vortex Bladeless is proposing a radical new way to generate wind energy that will once again upend what you see outside your car window.

Their idea is the Vortex, a bladeless wind turbine that looks like a giant rolled joint shooting into the sky. The Vortex has the same goals as conventional wind turbines: To turn breezes into kinetic energy that can be used as electricity. But it goes about it in an entirely different way.

Instead of capturing energy via the circular motion of a propeller, the Vortex takes advantage of what’s known as vorticity, an aerodynamic effect that produces a pattern of spinning vortices. Vorticity has long been considered the enemy of architects and engineers, who actively try to design their way around these whirlpools of wind. And for good reason: With enough wind, vorticity can lead to an oscillating motion in structures, which, in some cases, like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, can cause their eventual collapse.

Where designers see danger, Vortex Bladeless’s founders, Mr David Suriol, Mr David Yanez and Mr Raul Ingeniero, sees opportunity.

Mr Suriol said that “We said, ‘Why don’t we try to use this energy, not avoid it.’” The team started Vortex Bladeless in 2010 as a way to turn this vibrating energy into something productive.

The Vortex’s shape was developed computationally to ensure the spinning wind occurs synchronously along the entirety of the mast.

Mr Villarreal said that “The swirls have to work together to achieve good performance.” In its current prototype, the elongated cone is made from a composite of fiberglass and carbon fiber, which allows the mast to vibrate as much as possible. At the base of the cone are two rings of repelling magnets, which act as a sort of nonelectrical motor. When the cone oscillates one way, the repelling magnets pull it in the other direction, like a slight nudge to boost the mast’s movement regardless of wind speed. This kinetic energy is then converted into electricity via an alternator that multiplies the frequency of the mast’s oscillation to improve the energy-gathering efficiency.

Its makers boast the fact that there are no gears, bolts, or mechanically moving parts, which they say makes the Vortex cheaper to manufacture and maintain. The founders claim their Vortex Mini, which stands at around 41 feet tall, can capture up to 40% of the wind’s power during ideal conditions. Based on field testing, the Mini ultimately captures 30% less than conventional wind turbines, but that shortcoming is compensated by the fact that you can put double the Vortex turbines into the same space as a propeller turbine.

The Vortex team said that there are some clear advantages to their model, it’s less expensive to manufacture, totally silent and safer for birds since there are no blades to fly into. Vortex Bladeless says its turbine would cost around 51% less than a traditional turbine whose major costs come from the blades and support system. Mr Suriol said that it’s pretty cool-looking. It looks like asparagus. It’s much more natural.

The company has already raised USD 1 million from private capital and government funding in Spain and they have plans to close a round in the United States soon. There’s enough interest, Suriol says, that he fields upward of 200 emails a day from people inquiring about the turbine. Of course, the technology still has a ways to go. They’re hoping to have their first product, a 9 foot, 100 W turbine that will be used in developing countries, ready before the end of the year. The Mini, it’s 41-foot counterpart, will be ready in a year.

For the time being, you’ll continue seeing pinwheels dotting the landscape, which Mr Suriol is actually happy about.

Mr Suriol said that “We can’t say anything bad about conventional wind turbines; they’re great machines. We’re just proposing a new way, a different way.”

Source : WIRED

Dank Voda,
Leuke ontwikkeling
Nieuw windpark op zee levert eerste stroom

Gepubliceerd op 22 mei 2015 om 16:37 | Views: 78

ROTTERDAM (AFN) - De eerste molens van het nieuwe windmolenpark voor de kust van Noordwijk en Zandvoort hebben een eerste succesvolle test afgerond. Daardoor werd er ook voor het eerst stroom geleverd aan het elektriciteitsnet. Dat maakte energiebedrijf Eneco vrijdag bekend.

Windpark Eneco Luchterduinen is het derde Nederlandse windpark op zee en ligt 23 kilometer uit de kust.

Momenteel wordt de 31e van de in totaal 43 windturbines geplaatst. Verwacht wordt dat het park medio augustus volledig operationeel is. Volgens Eneco zullen de 43 windturbines voor bijna 150.000 huishoudens groene stroom opwekken.
Germany must bury more power transmission lines - Mr Gabriel

Published on Mon, 25 May 2015 91 times viewed

Mr Sigmar Gabriel, Germany Economy Minister, said that the country must lay more power lines underground to take electicity generated by windpower in the north to industry in the south, to overcome opposition along the routes.

In an interview with ZDF television, Mr Gabriel also said that state of Bavaria will have to accept power lines running through the southern German state and could not push them off onto to its neighbouring states of Hesse and Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Mr Gabriel said that "I believe we're going to have to put considerably more of the transmission lines underground because otherwise more people will oppose the lines. I believe we need a willingness, in particular the financial willingness, to put more cables underground. The technology for that has improved considerably in recent years."

Power lines are seen as crucial to Germany's shift towards generating electricity from renewable sources of energy and away from nuclear and fossil fuels, known as the 'Energiewende.'

Political gridlock, however, has cast doubt on whether the lines can be built by 2022 when Germany's nuclear power plants, mainly located in the south, are scheduled to be decommissioned.

To ensure Bavaria, home to firms such as Siemens and carmaker BMW, has enough power, two electricity highways are planned to transport wind energy from the north.

But Bavarian state premier and leader of the Christian Social Union Horst Seehofer has questioned the need for the transmission lines, amid complaints from citizens that masts up to 70 metres high could be erected in their backyards.

Bavaria recently suggested moving the power lines to the west so that they would run through Hesse and Baden-Wuerttemberg instead of Bavaria. The CSU is the sister party of German Chancellor Ms Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union.

Mr Gabriel said that "That's rather astonishing because Bavaria agreed last year in the lower house and the upper house of parliament to the routes for the transmission lines. I think we've made some proposals to reduce the burdens on Bavaria."

Source : Reuters
RWE warning over German govt's emissions charges

Published on Tue, 26 May 2015 58 times viewed

Machinery Market reported that RWE, the German utilities company based in Essen, has warned that it will suffer 'drastically' if plans by Ms Angela Merkel’s government to increase emissions charges for older coal-fired power stations go ahead.

RWE said that it is already being squeezed by the German government’s support for renewable energy. The subsidised expansion of so-called'clean' energy, which now accounts for more than a quarter of electricity generation in Germany, has pushed down the wholesale price of power.

Mr Bernhard Gunther, CFO of RWE, said that “The emissions proposals will have significant economic consequences. We would have to shut down 2 of our 3 lignite mines and 17 out of 20 lignite-fired power stations.”

Coal miners and power-plant workers led protests against the plans at a series of rallies in Berlin last month, warning of job losses. The German Economics Ministry has said that it will review the impact on employment before going ahead with the plans.

RWE’s operating profits from conventional power generation dropped from EUR 559 million to EUR 428 million in the Q1.

Mr Gunther said that “As expected, the crisis in conventional power generation continues and this leads to shrinking profits.”

Source : Machinery Market
Vier nieuwe kerncentrales in Tsjechie •Hans Verbraeken

Tsjechië heeft aangekondigd vier nieuwe kerncentrales te gaan bouwen. De aanbesteding van de eerste is voorzien voor eind 2016, zo heeft de Tsjechische premier Bohuslav Sobotka afgelopen zaterdag verklaard. De sociaal-democraat leidt een centrum-linkse coalitie.


Sobotka deed zijn mededeling in Dukovany, in het zuid-oosten van het land, waar al een van de twee kerncentrales van Tsjechië is gevestigd, met een capaciteit van 2040 Megawatt. De eerste nieuwe centrale zal in Dukovany worden gebouwd, aldus Sobotka.

Staat meerderheidsaandeelhouder

De twee al bestaande energiecentrales worden beheerd door energieconcern CEZ. De Tsjechische staat is meerderheidsaandeelhouder in CEZ. De tweede centrale, met een capaciteit van 1050 Megawatt, staat in Temelin in het zuid-westen van het land. De twee centrales zijn samen goed voor een derde van de Tsjechische energiebehoefte.

Sobotka gaf geen informatie over de bouw van de andere drie centrales. Hij noemde de beslissing een 'een fundamenteel besluit' voor de toekomst van de Tsjechische energiesector.

Bron: FD.nl
Tennet geeft voor EUR1 mrd aan groene obligaties uit

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Elektriciteitstransporteur Tennet Holding bv heeft donderdag in twee tranches van elk EUR500 miljoen duurzame 'groene' obligaties uitgegeven, meldt het concern donderdag.

De obligaties hebben een looptijd van respectievelijk 6 en 12 jaar en couponrentes van respectievelijk 0,875% en 1,750%, meldt het concern in het begeleidend persbericht, eraan toevoegend dat Tennet de eerste Nederlandse niet-financiele onderneming is met de uitgifte van groene obligaties.

HSBC, ING, Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds TSB Bank plc. en Rabobank begeleiden de transactie.

Met de opbrengst investeert het concern in de offshore-projecten DowWin1, 2 en 3, voor het transport van duurzame elektriciteit van windparken op zee naar het elektriciteitsnet aan land.

- Door Patrick Buis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00; patrick.buis@wsj.com

Terschelling ontploft van woede na plan gaswinning

Waddeneiland Terschelling loopt te hoop tegen plannen voor gasboringen op het eiland. Het besluit daarover is deze week uitgesteld maar de bevolking is er niet gerust op: de vlag gaat pas uit bij een verbod.

Annet van Essen tuurt uit het keukenraam. ,,Wij willen niet voortdurend het gebrom van een boorinstallatie op de achtergrond horen,'' zegt de eilandbewoonster, tekstschrijver van beroep. ,,Wij willen in de lucht geen chemische stoffen om CO2 uit het gas te halen. Ons bos gaat eraan door die toeren maar ook de natuur in de Koegelwieck, een gebied zo bijzonder dat je zelfs toestemming nodig hebt om er paard te rijden.''

Het bedrijf Tulip Oil, opgericht door oud-werknemers van de energiereuzen Shell en NAM, wil vanaf Terschelling schuin de zee in boren om tot 6 kilometer voor de kust aardgas te winnen. In een diep gelegen bel zit naar schatting 4 miljard kubieke meter. Dat is 10 procent van wat jaarlijks in Nederland wordt gebruikt.

Van Essens mond viel open van verbazing toen ze ervan hoorde bij de plaatselijke VVD. ,,Plotseling kwam een rapport op tafel met tekeningen van mogelijke boorlocaties. Zo van: hier gaan ze gas winnen. Niemand leek er van op te kijken. Maar ik dacht: wát?''

De eilandbewoonster zette de actiegroep Gas(T)vrij Terschelling op. Ze leidde de eerste demonstratie ooit op het eiland. ,,Stonden we daar met zijn allen in de haven. Met borden en spandoeken. Heel onwennig allemaal,'' grinnikt ze. ,,Pas een uur van tevoren bedachten we ons dat we er misschien een vergunning voor moesten aanvragen. We belden de burgemeester. Die wist ook niet precies wat hij moest. Hij vroeg of we echt met z'n allen voor het gemeentehuis kwamen staan.''

Inmiddels heeft vrijwel heel Terschelling de hakken in het zand gezet. Achter de ramen hangen actieposters. Er staat een jakkemens op, een vrouw in de plaatselijke klederdracht, die resoluut een boortoren omvertrapt. ,,Achter elke poster woont een verontrust gezin,'' zegt Van Essen.

Een Terschellinger komt niet zomaar in verzet. Boven op het duin bij het dorp Hoorn knijpt Hessel Wiegman zijn ogen een beetje dicht tegen de felle voorjaarszon. Met zijn rode muts, lange baard en wapperende grijze haren wijst de Terschellinger naar de witte schuimkoppen op de golven van de Noordzee. Zijn vinger glijdt via het brede strand naar een ongerepte duinvallei vol gele bloemen. ,,Daar ongeveer. Daar moet die boortoren komen.''

Wiegman is niet voor boren, maar schaart zich evenmin onder de felle tegenstanders. Hij hoeft geen poster achter zijn raam, vertelt hij terwijl hij foto's laat zien van de zeven zeehonden die hij in een week tijd heeft bevrijd uit achteloos weggeworpen stukken visnet. ,,Iedereen in Nederland gebruikt gas. Dat moet ergens vandaan komen, toch?''

Maar aan gaswinning op de Wadden kleven risico's, waarschuwt de gepensioneerde Shell-medewerker Jenö Obendorfer. ,,Het vereist speciale technieken om aardgas uit de diepe lagen te winnen. Dat is één van de redenen waarom het in 1993 ontdekte veld nooit eerder tot ontwikkeling is gebracht,'' zegt hij thuis in de duinen bij Formerum. ,,Ik acht Tulip Oil veel te klein en te onervaren voor dit boorproject.''

Tulip Oil wil niet reageren. ,,Zolang het ministerie zich over de zaak buigt, geven wij geen commentaar meer,'' zegt woordvoerder Joost van den Dulk. Minister Henk Kamp van Economische Zaken hakt volgend jaar de knoop door, na onderzoek naar de gevolgen van gasboringen.

Germany led Europen Union's USD 5 billion coal splurge

Published on Wed, 03 Jun 2015 37 times viewed

EU Observer reported that a larger portion of EU taxpayers' money than previously thought was used in recent years as guarantee for the construction of coal-fired power plants.

According to a report by three environmental organisations, European governments supported their companies to export technology needed to construct coal plants with USD 5 billion in guarantees.

Another USD 1 billion was allocated as guarantees for related activities, like coal mining.

The guarantees were given via export credit agencies, government organisations which provide preferential loans or guarantees to help a country's company be more competitive.

Germany is the largest European provider of funds through its export credit agencies, with a total of USD 3.29 billion in funding for coal projects.

Meanwhile, coal is the most polluting of fossil fuels, partly responsible for increasing the earth's temperature.

The report, by Natural Resources Defense Council, Oil Change International, and World Wide Fund for Nature, comes a day before ministers meet in Paris to discuss climate-friendly investments.

The authors calculated that countries that belong to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, together with Russia and China, approved USD 73 billion in coal financing via public institutions between 2007 and 2014, with Japan USD 20 billion as the largest contributor.

Almost half of the global subsidies, USD 34 billion, was provided via export credit agencies.

Source : EU Observer
Iran to use Turkish stream to deliver gas to EU after sanctions lifts

Published on Thu, 04 Jun 2015 59 times viewed

Mr Azizollah Ramezani, director of the National Iranian Gas Company’s Liaison Office, said that Iran may use the Turkish Stream gas pipeline being developed by Russia in order to deliver gas to Europe.

Mr Ramezani said on the sidelines of the Gas Congress in Paris that Iranian gas could be delivered via the Turkish Stream pipeline being developed by Russia in the future.

He said that “There may be a common field, for example in the area of gas pipelines. In the future Iranian gas pipelines could possibly reach Europe and Russian gas pipelines to Europe may be joined and deliver gas together to Europe.”

The Turkish Stream is a proposed pipeline from Russia to Turkey across the Black Sea with a planned annual capacity of 63 billion cubic meters of gas.

Mr Ramezani said that “This is possible. There haven’t been any negotiations on this yet, but it could be a good idea to begin talks because this point where the Russian pipeline and the Turkish pipeline go to Europe, may also be a point where Iranian gas pipelines may be reached by Europe.”

According to Mr Ramezani, the Turkish Stream is not the only route for gas deliveries Tehran is considering. Iran is reviewing 5 or 6 routes, such as via the Black Sea, Iraq, Syria and the Mediterranean Sea.

He said that each route will be studied according to norms and economic cost efficiency. A route would only be chosen after Western sanctions were lifted.

In recent months, Iran has repeatedly stated that it would participate in regional and international gas projects when the sanctions related to its nuclear program were lifted.

Source : Sputnik
Siemens to supply turbines to USD 3 bln UK offshore wind farm

Published on Fri, 05 Jun 2015 43 times viewed

Bloomberg reported that ScottishPower Renewables Limited, selected Siemens AG to deliver turbines for a UK offshore wind farm in a deal that may be worth almost half the GBP 2 billion cost of the project.

ScottishPower said in an e-mailed statement that the utility chose Siemens as its preferred supplier to deliver as many as 102 of its 7 MW systems to the East Anglia One wind farm off Britain’s east coast. The deal is the largest yet for an approved facility in the country’s wind-power industry and it may be worth as much as GBP 850 million.

Ms Keith Anderson, CEO of ScottishPower Renewables, said in the statement that “The project will be the most cost-effective offshore wind farm ever delivered. Selecting the turbine supplier will be the single largest agreement for East Anglia One, and the most significant in terms of achieving important cost-reduction goals.”

Offshore wind is currently one of the most expensive clean-energy technologies costing about USD 176 a MWh compared with electricity from coal at about USD 91, Bloomberg estimates show. UK developers plan to cut this to 100 pounds, or about USD 153, a MWh by the turn of the decade.

ScottishPower’s facility will produce electricity at about GBP 119 a MWh and it will receive premium payments for its power through the UK government’s so-called contracts-for-difference auction. The project will create about 3,000 jobs and when it’s complete in 2020 it will be able to power about half a million homes.

Mr Tom Harries, an analyst at Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said that “Using the Siemens systems could aid in reducing costs through fewer turbines being required for the same sized project.”

Source : Bloomberg
EU should keep its hands off coal - Study

Published on Thu, 04 Jun 2015 54 times viewed

EurActiv.com reported that forcible displacements, thousands of deaths and harmful CO2 emissions, the '2015 Coal Atlas,' published by Germany's Heinrich Boll Foundation, shows some of the devastating effects of coal power, calling on the EU to stand up to energy corporations.

Every year, coal-fired power plants pump 15.5 billion tonne of CO2 into the air, making up one-fourth of all greenhouse gas emissions. For the EU, this not only means a burden for the climate, but for the health system as well.

EUR 48 billion in health costs are generated annually by coal power. Such statistics are included in the 2015 Coal Atlas. The report is an attempt by the Green-Party-affiliated Heinrich Böll Foundation, and Friends of the Earth Germany, to make it easier for politicians to phase-out coal.

Ms Barbara Unmubig, a member of the board at the Heinrich Boll Foundation said in a statement that “German Chancellor Merkel wants to be a role model on climate protection. But that won’t work if, despite the Energiewende, Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions keep rising from coal-fired power generation.”.

If the international community hopes to keep global warming under 2 degrees until 2050, humanity can only emit about another 1,000 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide. That is only possible if 80% of worldwide secured coal resources stay in the ground.

But according to the report, coal has even more serious effects. Open pit mines destroy natural habitats and the coal firing process releases large amounts of toxic pollutants, threatening the health of the population.

In the EU, more than 18,000 people die every year from the effects of air pollution due to coal production and coal-fired power plants, according to the NGO group Health and Environment Alliance, cited in the Coal Atlas.

Just one week ago, Greenpeace warned of the adverse health effects of mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants. The toxic heavy metal is believed to increase the risk of heart attack, cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease. The NGO indicated that lignite power plants, which generate half of Germany’s mercury emissions would emit ten times as much mercury in the future than is technically possible today.

The Coal Atlas also documents serious human rights violations, saying security measures and working conditions of coal extraction in opencast mines are unacceptable. Furthermore, thousands of people are driven from their homes. They lose farmland, fields and hunting grounds.

In many cases, the study says, mine water is pumped up to the ground surface and is diverted without being treated. Dissolved salts from the earth’s interior can render it completely useless or contaminate it with machine oil.

The Coal Atlas gives Bangladesh as a current example. There, the planned Phulbari Coal Mine in the country’s northwest threatens to displace 130,000 people and 220,000 people are in fear of losing access to clean water.

Source : EurActiv.com
German environment minister criticises alternatives to cut emissions from coal sector

Published on Thu, 04 Jun 2015 51 times viewed

Reuters reported that Germany's environment minister criticised alternative suggestions for how to cut CO2 emissions from the coal sector on Wednesday, saying they would lead to higher electricity prices and burden the public purse.

The economy ministry has proposed slapping penalties on the oldest and most polluting power plants, as part of targets to cut carbon dioxide emissions from the coal sector by a further 22 million tonnes by 2020.

But the measure has met with fierce criticism from the industry, which warns it could put up to 100,000 jobs at risk and lead to the closure of lignite-fired power plants.

As an alternative to the coal levy, the mining, chemical and energy trade union IG BCE has suggested introducing a scrappage bonus for old heating systems as well as grants for combined heat and power plants, which are more environmentally friendly.

An alternative economy ministry paper has suggested promoting combined heat and power plants alongside a programme for electric cars.

Ms Barbara Hendricks, Environment Minister, said that these suggestions would entail higher costs and noted that the building and transport sectors already had their own targets to reduce their own CO2 emissions.

She said that "I believe that we should make every effort to wangle something that is acceptable for employees, but also for the electricity price and the public budget."

The original coal levy was aimed at forcing coal plant operators to slash their emissions as part of a national climate package to stop Germany from falling short of its target to cut greenhouse gases by 40% by 2020, from 1990 levels.

Source : Reuters
Wie man 100 Milliarden Euro verliert
Der Boom der Erneuerbaren setzt die etablierten Energiekonzerne in Europa unter Druck. Mangels einer echten Zukunftsstrategie verlieren die Investoren das Vertrauen. VON MARLIES UKEN

Die Energiewende bringt Europas Energieversorger an ihre Belastungsgrenze. Laut einer Studie der Londoner Carbon-Tracker-Initiative haben die fünf größten, börsennotierten Stromkonzerne in Europa von 2008 bis 2013 insgesamt 100 Milliarden Euro ihres Börsenwerts verloren.

Genauer: 37 Prozent. EDF und GdF Suez aus Frankreich, Enel aus Italien sowie die deutschen Unternehmen RWE und E.ON wurden im gleichen Zeitraum von der Rating-Agentur Moody's mehrmals in ihrer Bonität herabgestuft. Die Unternehmen erzeugen rund 60 Prozent der Energie in Europa.
Even wat verder van huis: Als voorbeeld:waar ze veel m2 hebben: DownUnder
mss ideetje voor Afrika ? Of Greece ? Duitse leverancier !
Sandfire to kick off solar construction at Degrussa

10 June, 2015 Ben Hagemann 1 comments

Sandfire to kick off solar construction at Degrussa
Latest News

Sandfire Resources has partnered with German company Juwi Renewable Energy to build more than 34,000 solar array panels which will power the world-class remote copper operation.

The 10.6MW off-the-grid power station is a $40 million project, which will integrate with the existing 20MW diesel power station.

The total solar array will cover an area of 20 hectares, equivalent to 11 Melbourne Cricket Grounds.

RWE talks Abu Dhabi investor on renewable energy projects

Published on Wed, 10 Jun 2015 47 times viewed

Al Arabiya reported that talks between RWE and an unnamed Abu Dhabi investor are focused on joint renewable energy projects in the Gulf region and are not about the sale of a stake in the German utility.

RWE, under pressure from shareholders to tap new growth areas, said in March that it was in talks with a Gulf-based investor about several forms of cooperation, adding nothing could be excluded in terms of outcomes.

Asked whether talks were about a stake purchase, Mr Peter Terium, CEO of RWE, said pointing to solar, wind, networks and wholesale markets as potential areas that “No, it’s about projects in the region,”

He said on the sidelines of an economic conference in Berlin that “That, of course, takes time and then it’s about the question how they will be financed.”

Mr Terium said that potential projects would initially take off in the United Arab Emirates, adding that other markets could not be ruled out. He confirmed that talks could still see the investor, which he declined to identify, take a stake in RWE.

He said that “Nothing can be ruled out in our business.”

Europe’s utilities are grappling with a fundamental shift in their industry marked by a surge in renewables at the expense of conventional power sources, such as coal and gas.

Source : Al Arabiya
Siemens signs EUR 8 billion power projects deal in Egypt

Published on Wed, 10 Jun 2015 65 times viewed

Out-Law.com reported that German technology company Siemens has signed a contract worth EUR 8 billion to supply natural-gas-fired power plants and wind power installations in Egypt.

Siemens said in a statement that the projects will boost Egypt's power generation by more than 50% compared to the current installed base, adding 16.4 GW to the country's national grid.

It said that Siemens will work with local partners Elsewedy Electric and Orascom Construction to supply three natural gas combined-cycle power plants, each with a capacity of 4.8 GW. Each plant will be powered by eight Siemens H-Class gas turbines.

Siemens said that these plants will add power to the grid in stages, with an initial 4.4 GW online by the summer of 2017 and the full 14.4 GW available 38 months after financing has closed and advance payments have been received.

Siemens will also deliver up to 12 wind farms in the Gulf of Suez and West Nile areas, with around 600 wind turbines and an installed capacity of 2G W. Siemens will also build a rotor blade manufacturing facility in Egypt's Ain Soukhna region, which will provide training and employment for up to 1,000 people. The facility is scheduled to go into operation in the second half of 2017.

Siemens said that the deal will be financed by Siemens Financial Services, supported by export credit agencies in Germany and Denmark.

It said that Siemens has been doing business in Egypt since 1859 and has maintained a continuous presence in the country since opening its first office in Cairo in 1901.

Source : Out-Law.com
Poland's coal habit kills 43,000 people every year - Report

Published on Wed, 10 Jun 2015 64 times viewed

Sputnik News reported that Poland's dependence on coal as a source of fuel has resulted in levels of air pollution that are among the worst in Europe and reduced the average resident's life expectancy due to related health problems.

Poland is determined to maintain its dependence on coal as its main source of energy despite having the highest frequency of premature deaths in Europe which can be attributed to the effects of air pollution. Poland is Europe's 2nd biggest coal producer after Germany and gets around 85% of its electricity and 43% of its heat from coal-burning power plants.

Last week representatives of Poland's opposition party, whose candidate won last month's presidential elections, confirmed that “Our goal is to maintain the role of coal in the Polish economy in talks with the European Commission about carbon emissions. The Law and Justice party is ahead in opinion polls taken about the outcome of autumn parliamentary elections.”

In February the European Commission warned Poland about its non-compliance with EU legislation on air pollution, specifically exposure to fine dust particles.

Tiny PM10 particles can cause asthma, cardiovascular problems, lung cancer, and premature death. In Poland, they originate mostly in emissions from coal for domestic heating, traffic and industry.

The Commission said that "The latest figures from Poland show that the maximum daily limits for these particles is being exceeded in 36 zones, with yearly limits also being exceeded in 12 zones."

According to the European Commission, Poland is home to the Europe's dirtiest, most climate-unfriendly power station, the Belchatow power station in the Lodz region of Poland, which supplies almost 20% of the country's energy. The largest brown coal power plant in Europe, it generated CO2 emissions of 37.2 million tonne in 2013.

Source : Sputnik News
Gas to replace coal as largest component of UK energy mix - BMI Research

Published on Wed, 10 Jun 2015 50 times viewed

According to BMI Research, gas will replace coal as the largest component of the UK energy mix following the results of the UK’s first power capacity auction, the closure of coal-fired capacity to comply with EU regulation and the continued implementation of the UK carbon price floor.

In late 2014, gas secured a 45% share of the UK’s inaugural power capacity auction, which covers 2018 to 2019 and will see power companies paid to ensure generation capacity is available. Coal and biomass combined only secured 19% of the market.

More damaging, however, has been the introduction of the carbon price floor, a carbon tax in all but name, which artificially inflates the cost of coal-fired power generation in the UK compared to its European neighbours. As Mr Tony Lodge, Research Fellow at the thinktank, Centre for Policy Studies, recently said in a piece for the Yorkshire Post, power producers in the UK face a cost of GBP 23.28 per tonne of carbon emitted; in the EU, it is less than a quarter of that at GBP 5.30.

Mr Lodge said that “Clearly this makes running a power plant like Ferrybridge uneconomic, irrespective of low coal prices.”

He said that “If the tax is not urgently addressed then the consequences are indeed stark. There could now be further early closures of coal plants across Britain; last year these elderly but reliable assets generated around 35% of electricity supply and this can rise to 40% at times of higher winter demand. Another consequence is the reduced likelihood of new coal plants with carbon capture and storage or ‘clean coal’ as they will need the skills and infrastructure transfer from old plants to new ones.”

Source : World Coal
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 Japan225^ 37.281,60 0,00%
 Gold spot 2.909,90 0,00%
 EUR/USD 1,0836 +0,03%
 WTI 66,99 0,00%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


ACOMO +9,95%
Kendrion +8,38%
CM.COM +6,94%
WDP +5,16%
Accsys +3,28%


AMG Critical ... -7,95%
ArcelorMittal -5,25%
Air France-KLM -4,93%
ADYEN NV -4,15%
TomTom -3,57%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer, streaming powered by: Infront