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Dat tikt aan als alle nwe bouwwerken zo worden gebouwd:)
Zo bouw je het groenste kantoor van de wereld
Alleen een bestaand gebouw betrekken is 'groener': in Amsterdam is deze week het duurzaamste gebouw van de wereld opgeleverd.
Het 40.000 vierkante meter grote pand van Deloitte en advocatenkantoor AKD is een merk an sich: met een klinkende naam (The Edge) en gelikte website laten Deloitte en ontwikkelaar OVG er geen misverstand over bestaan dat ze trots zijn op hun nieuwe onderkomen.

En met reden: het gebouw krijgt van beoordelingsinstituut Building Research Establishment (BRE) met 98,36 procent de hoogste score ooit, waarmee het One Embankment Place in Londen van de troon stoot.

Zo doet The Edge dat:

1. Zonnepanelen

De gehele zuidelijke voorgevel is voorzien van zonnepanelen. Ook is er 4100 vierkante meter aan zonnepanelen geplaatst op daken van nabijgelegen vestigingen van de Universiteit en Hogeschool van Amsterdam.

2. Regenwater

In The Edge wordt regenwater verzameld en hergebruikt.

3. Aardwarmte

Een warmte-koudeopslag installatie met een dubbele open bron zorgt voor thermale energie. Die bronnen zijn ieder 130 meter diep onder het gebouw.

4. Software

Werknemers kunnen via een app temperatuur en licht op hun werkplek afstellen. De Philips-techniek zorgt volgens OVG niet alleen voor lagere energiekosten, maar levert ook informatie op over hoe het gebouw wordt gebruikt waarmee de efficiëntie verder kan worden vergroot.
Germany denies report on coal power plant agreement

Published on Mon, 15 Jun 2015 97 times viewed

Germany denied a report saying taxpayers might have to pay the country's utility companies more than EUR 1 billion to cover the cost of closing some coal-fired power plants.

Weekly magazine Der Spiegel reported that German Economy and Energy Minister Sigmar Gabriel had reached such a deal with Mr Peter Altmaier, Chancellor Ms Angela Merkel's chief of staff, and Mr Michael Vassiliadis, head of the IG BCE coal union.

A government spokesman said in an emailed statement that "The agreement mentioned in the report does not exist."

The report in Der Spiegel said the power stations, including German utility's RWE's plants in Niederaussem and Frimmersdorf, would be treated as emergency reserve capacity for four years as a first step before being shut down.

Germany's government is still weighing up proposals on how to cut carbon emissions from coal-fired plants, an economy ministry spokesman said earlier this week, dismissing a report that a coal levy had been put on ice.

The government has faced a backlash over its plans to slap a levy on the oldest and most polluting power plants, with unions saying the measure could put up to 100,000 jobs at risk.

Source : Reuters
Shale explorers await U.K. fracking decision

Jun 15 2015, 06:23 ET | By: Yoel Minkoff, SA News Editor

Fracking is likely coming to the U.K. after Lancashire County Council planners recommended the approval of gas exploration company Cuadrilla's application to frack at a site in north England.
The step comes as the U.K. moves from being a net exporter of oil and gas to a net importer, as supply in the North Sea dwindles.
A final decision on whether the controversial gas extraction method will be permitted will conclude on Friday.

PERSBERICHT: AkzoNobel levert coatings voor een groot windmolenpark op de Noordzee

17 juni 2015

Een van de grootste projecten voor schone energie in Europa maakt
gebruik van de coatingtechnologie van AkzoNobel. De producten van de
onderneming beschermen het offshore windmolenpark Gode Wind dat voor de
Duitse Noordzeekust ligt.

AkzoNobel levert producten uit het International(R) Protective
Coatings-assortiment voor de fundering verloopstukken van windturbines,
een product van Bladt Industries in Denemarken, en voor de monopalen van
het Duitse EEW. Het door Dong Energy ontwikkelde windmolenpark zal
voldoende elektriciteit opleveren om 600.000 Duitse huishoudens van
stroom te voorzien.

"De goede relatie tussen AkzoNobel en Bladt was doorslaggevend voor de
rol die wij mogen spelen in het project", aldus Clare McDermott,
Business Development Manager - Windenergie bij AkzoNobel Protective
Coatings. "We hebben samengewerkt op een aantal recente projecten op de
Noordzee, waaronder Borkum Riffgrund in Duitsland en Westermost Rough in
het Verenigd Koninkrijk."

Deze transactie onderstreept de positie van AkzoNobel als toonaangevend
leverancier van coatings voor de offshore windenergie industrie. Meer
dan 55 procent van de wereldwijde omvang van offshore windenergie maakt
gebruik van AkzoNobel coatings, waaronder ook projecten in China en
Japan. Coatings van AkzoNobel beschermen de funderingen van meer dan
1.000 offshore-windturbines, waaronder die van de London Array, 's
werelds grootste offshore windproject.

In een reactie op de aankondiging verklaarde Mauricio Bannwart, Managing
Director van het bedrijfsonderdeel Protective Coatings van AkzoNobel:
"Wij zijn bijzonder verheugd dat we voor dit belangrijke energieproject
geselecteerd zijn. De overeenkomst toont onze kracht in het ontwikkelen
van hechte relaties met de eigenaren en producenten van windmolenparken.
Het is bewijs van de goede prestaties van onze producten om
windmolenparken te beschermen tegen de barre offshore-condities."

De eerste funderingen voor het Gode Windpark zijn onlangs geplaatst. Het
project wordt in de loop van 2016 afgerond.


AkzoNobel is een internationaal vooraanstaande verf- en coatings
onderneming en een belangrijk producent van specialistische
chemicaliën.Vanuit een eeuwenlange expertise voorzien wij industrie
en consumenten wereldwijd van innovatieve producten en duurzame
technologieën om te voldoen aan de groeiende behoeften van onze
snel veranderende planeet. Ons hoofdkantoor staat in Amsterdam en we
hebben circa 46.000 medewerkers verspreid over 80 landen. Tot onze
merken behoren bekende namen als Dulux, Sikkens, International, Interpon
en Eka. We hebben een permanente leiderschapspositie op het gebied van
duurzaamheid van waaruit we ons inzetten voor een hogere kwaliteit van
leven en betere leefbaarheid in steden.

Not for publication - for more information

Media Relations:

T +44 191 402 2320

Contact: Andrew Wood

Persbericht - AkzoNobel: hugin.info/130660/R/1928927/692779.pdf
What we do for offshore wind farms
A Gode Wind transition piece

This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients.

The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information
contained therein.

Source: Akzo Nobel NV via Globenewswire



Renewable energy could dominate world electricity by 2030 - IEA

Published on Wed, 17 Jun 2015 41 times viewed

According to a new report from the International Energy Agency, renewable energy could surpass coal, nuclear power, and natural gas as theworld’s largest source of electricity within only 15 years.

The report was published to provide a backdrop to the current state of affairs in energy markets ahead of the international climate negotiations set to take place in Paris in December. The IEA noted that economic growth is starting to decouple from energy, global GDP expanded by 3% in 2014 but emissions stayed flat.

That puts the world at an interesting crossroads. A peak in global greenhouse gas emissions is starting to come within sight, but the world is not doing nearly enough to head off the worst effects of climate change.

As a result, much anticipation and excitement surrounds the upcoming climate negotiations in Paris. As countries start submitting their individual nationally determined contributions, or pledges that individual countries issue detailing their plans to reduce their emissions, we can get a clearer picture of what the future might look like.

For example, the U.S. plans on cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 26% to 28% below 2005 levels by 2030. The EU, on the other hand, is much bolder, not only in its headline number but also in its baseline: a 40% cut from 1990 levels. Plans from other countries are starting to trickle in.

If the INDC plans are acted upon, they could result in a vastly larger global economy by 2030 that burns a lot less fossil fuels. Global GDP could nearly double over the next 15 years, rising by 88%. At the same time, carbon emissions from energy rise just 8%, a remarkable achievement.

Another potential development is the fact that renewable energy could become the world’s largest source of electricity by 2030, moving past all the major conventional sources of electricity that we have known during the modern era: coal, nuclear power, and natural gas. That is no small feat.

Still, the projections are amazingly underwhelming. At a time when global emissions need to peak and decline if there is to be any reasonable scenario in which the world stays below its stated 2 degree Celsius target, carbon emissions actually continue to rise for another decade and a half? Much more will be needed.

The IEA said that burning through the remaining carbon budget – the amount of greenhouse gas pollution that could be emitted into the atmosphere while still keeping warming to 2 degrees Celsius, will hardly be changed by the plans laid out by countries going into the climate talks in Paris.

Given the INDCs so far, which include the US, the EU, Russia, Mexico, but notably not China, the world blows through its carbon budget by 2040, a mere 8 months later than if none of those countries pledged to do anything at all. Put another way, the carbon reduction plans appear to be a rounding error over the long-term. Even if they can be fully implemented, a big if, they will be far from enough.

Of course, the inroads made by renewables could be accelerated if global subsidies for fossil fuels were scrapped. The IEA notes that carbon markets impose an average price on fossil fuels at about USD 7 per tonne of CO2, but that is swamped by subsidies for coal, oil, and gas, which amount to the equivalent of USD 115 per tonne. In other words, renewables are indeed starting to undermine the economic case for fossil fuels, but these fuels still enjoy significant financial assistance from governments around the world, which will extend the fossil fuel era for decades to come if they are not overhauled.

Source : CS Monitor
Gazprom tekent intentieverklaring met Shell, E.On en OMV voor uitbreiding Nord Stream pijpleiding

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Het Russische gasconcern OAO Gazprom (GAZP.RS) heeft een intentieverklaring getekend met drie Europese energiebedrijven om de capaciteit van een gaspijpleiding te verdubbelen, meldt het door de staat gecontroleerde bedrijf donderdag.

Gazprom meldde een intentieverklaring ondertekend te hebben met Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSA), het Duitse E.On se (EOAN.XE) en het Oostenrijkse OMV ag (OMV.VI) om twee leidingen aan de Nord Stream-pijpleiding toe te voegen.

In 2011 werd de pijpleiding geopend als onderdeel van de Russische strategie om doorvoerlanden als Oekraine te omzeilen. De leiding loopt van Rusland naar Duitsland via de Baltische Zee.

Gazprom meldde dat de nieuwe pijpleidingen Nord Stream's huidige capaciteit van 55 miljard kubieke meter per jaar zal verdubbelen. Gazprom voorziet momenteel in eenderde van de gasimporten van de Europese Unie (EU), waarvan ongeveer de helft via Oekraine wordt getransporteerd.

Gazprom meldde dat de betrokken bedrijven een gezamenlijke onderneming zullen starten voor de uitvoer van het project.

"Het creeren van extra infrastructuur langs de kortste route, waardoor de gasvelden in Noord-Rusland met de markten in Europa worden verbonden verbeteren de veiligheid en betrouwbaarheid van de leveringen", aldus Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller.

- Door James Marson; Vertaald en bewerkt door Patrick Buis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00; patrick.buis@wsj.com

German utility's race for renewables seen as too little and late

RWE AG, the German utility whose coal-fired plants make it Europe’s largest carbon emitter, officially started the company’s largest renewables project on Thursday, a wind farm in Liverpool Bay off Britain’s coast.

The trouble for RWE is the Gwynt y Mor project, able to generate enough power for about 400,000 homes, could prove too little, too late for a utility some investors said has failed to adjust to the transformation of Europe’s power industry.

RWE generated 4.8% of its electricity from alternative energy last year, less than half the proportion of competitor EON SE. In Germany as a whole, 26% of power came from renewables. Even in the UK, where RWE is one of the top six power suppliers, the figure was 19%.

The Essen-based utility, forced to close its German nuclear reactors and grappling with power prices that have fallen every year since 2010, is getting left behind.

Mr Ernst Gerlach, director of Verband der kommunalen RWE- Aktionaere GmbH, a municipal investor association that represents 23% of the company’s shareholders, said that “RWE certainly hasn’t focused on renewables in time.”

In fact, the company’s cutting back on wind and solar investment. In order to shore up its finances, RWE’s reducing its annual capital expenditure on renewables to a third of 2013’s EUR 1 billion in the 3 years through 2017. There’s little prospect of the company ending its reliance on burning coal, especially lignite, a soft type of the fossil fuel.

After this year’s disposal of the company’s oil and gas unit for EUR 5.1 billion, including debt, Mr Peter Terium, CEO, sees RWE in a controlled offensive on wind power, he told reporters on Wednesday in Dusseldorf.

Thursday’s inauguration catapults the company to No. 3 in Europe’s offshore market, he said in a speech at Gwynt y Mor’s operation center in Mostyn, North Wales.

While Mr Terium admits RWE has made mistakes regarding renewables, including underestimating the development of solar power, he said that “it’s reasonable not to spend more money than comes in.”

According to Mr Thomas Deser, a fund manager at Union Investment and a big RWE shareholder, “RWE lacks financial scope to significantly expand renewables and reduce the gap to more advanced competitors.”

He said that “The company strategically has reached a deadlock because the business model to a big part is based on the production of lignite and the generation of electricity from it and from nuclear power.”

While coal-fired production has held its market share in recent years because Germany needed both renewables and fossil fuels to compensate for closed nuclear reactors, there are signs that could be about to change.

Europe can’t afford to keep coal-fired plants going and meet stringent targets to reduce emissions. Germany’s government expects utilities to cut carbon dioxide output in the country by an additional 22 million tonne by the end of this decade to help meet the nation’s target to reduce emissions by 40% from 1990.

Source : Bloomberg
First turbine installs at Kent offshore wind farm and 14 more to go

Published on Mon, 22 Jun 2015 43 times viewed

Canterbury Times reported that Swedish energy company Vattenfall has completed installation of the first of 15 turbines at its extension to the Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm off the coast of Whitstable and Herne Bay.

The extension will increase the size of the 30-turbine farm by 50% and once work is completed on the GBP 150 million extension, the wind farm will generate enough electricity to power up to 35,000 homes.

Mr Matthew Green, Vattenfall's project director for the construction of the scheme said that "One up, 14 to go. Vattenfall is making good progress on Kentish Flats Extension in this period of calm weather.”

Mr Green said that "Anyone watching from the shore will be able to watch a very challenging job with 155 tonne steel towers, 70 metres tall, in two sections getting lifted in one go and bolted onto the foundation, the nacelle, which houses the generator, at 160 tonnes, goes on top, followed by the hub into which three 55 metre blades, 12 tonnes each, are fitted.”

He said that "Big cranes, big boats, skilled technicians precisely slotting-in very heavy weights, 351 tonnes in total all done with safety top priority. Engineering doesn't get more challenging than this."

The extension to the Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Far, which has been operational since 2005, is expected to be completed later this year.

Last month, people in Herne Bay and Whitstable took to social media to complain about being kept awake all night by noise nuisance, believed to have been caused by work on the wind farm extension. Put upon neighbours said the racket was usually heard in the early hours of the morning.

The company said that there would be no more noise from offshore construction activity once the piling work was completed at the end of May.

Source : Canterbury Times
Kamp: mogelijk meer gas uit buitenland halen

Gepubliceerd op 23 jun 2015 om 16:12 | Views: 854 |

DEN HAAG (AFN) - Het kabinet overweegt meer gas uit het buitenland te gaan importeren. Minister Henk Kamp van Economische Zaken heeft dat dinsdag bekendgemaakt in een toelichting op het kabinetsbesluit om de gaskraan in Groningen in de tweede helft van dit jaar verder dicht te draaien. Dat moet het risico op aardbevingen verder beperken.

Kamp laat de komende maanden onderzoeken ,,of een andere benadering van gaswinning mogelijk en wenselijk is waarbij meer gas uit het buitenland wordt geïmporteerd''. Dan zou er minder gas uit het Groningse gasveld nodig zijn, maar wordt Nederland wel meer afhankelijk van buitenlands gas.

Maandag lekte al uit dat Kamp de gaskraan in Groningen in de tweede helft van dit jaar verder dichtdraait. ,,De veiligheid van de Groningers staat voorop. De gaswinning uit Groningen wordt zo ver als momenteel haalbaar is verminderd. Daarom besluit het kabinet voor 2015 tot een reductie naar 30 miljard kubieke meter'', aldus Kamp. Hij besprak zijn plan maandag al met bestuurders en bewoners in Groningen.


De 30 miljard kuub is 9,4 miljard kuub minder dan aanvankelijk was vastgesteld. Het verder dichtdraaien van de gaskraan betekent een nieuwe tegenvaller van 1,2 miljard euro op de lopende begroting, aldus Kamp.

De minister besloot eerder om de gaswinning in de eerste helft van het jaar te beperken tot 16,5 miljard kuub. Omdat de kans op een strenge winter voor het einde van het jaar heel klein is (die vallen normaal alleen in januari en februari), hoeft daar geen reserve voor te worden aangehouden. Bovendien heeft de gasopslag in Norg in Drenthe een overcapaciteit van 3 miljard kuub. Dat gas wordt ingezet.

Milde winter

De overcapaciteit van Norg en de milde winter maken dat er in de tweede helft van dit jaar nog maar 13,5 miljard kuub gewonnen hoeft te worden om aan de zogeheten 'leveringszekerheid' (totaal 33 miljard kuub) te kunnen voldoen. In Nederland zijn zeven miljoen huishoudens voor het koken en het verwarmen van hun huis afhankelijk van het Groninger gas. Hetzelfde geldt voor huishoudens in België, Frankrijk en Duitsland.

De spotprijs voor levering van Nederlands gas in juli steeg 0,2 procent tot 20,75 euro per megawattuur. In Londen, waar de prijzen maandagavond flink opliepen nadat het ANP had gemeld dat de kraan verder dicht wordt gedraaid, daalde de prijs voor een vergelijkbaar contract met 1,4 procent.
Van Oord krijgt windklus voor kust Liverpool

Gepubliceerd op 24 jun 2015 om 13:31 | Views: 1.412

ROTTERDAM (AFN) - Bagger- en bouwbedrijf Van Oord gaat de funderingen installeren voor het Britse offshore windpark Burbo Bank Extension. Daarover heeft het Nederlandse bedrijf een contract getekend met het Deense DONG Energy. Dat meldde Van Oord woensdag, zonder financiële details te verstrekken.

Van Oord plaatst in totaal 32 molenfunderingen voor het project. Daarnaast brengen de Nederlanders de steenbescherming aan en regelen ze het transport van dit alles vanuit de Duitse, Deense en Britse havens waar de funderingen vandaan komen. De installatiewerkzaamheden vinden volgend jaar in de zomer plaats.

Het windpark ligt 8 kilometer voor de Britse kust in Liverpool Bay. De windmolens van het park moeten meer dan 180.000 Britse huishoudens van stroom gaan voorzien.
Commission approves support for gasification plant in Finland

Published on Fri, 26 Jun 2015 171 times viewed

The European Commission has concluded that Finnish plans to grant around EUR 10 million of public investment to Vaskiluodon Voima Oy, the operator of a gasification plant in Vaasa, are in line with EU State aid rules. The plant will convert forest biomass into gas for electricity generation and district heating instead of using coal. The Commission found that the aid will further EU energy and environmental goals, notably reducing carbon dioxide emissions and dependence on imported coal, whilst maintaining competition in the Single Market.

Mr Margrethe Vestager, EU Commissioner in charge of competition policy, said that "The investment in the Vaasa gasification plant will reduce our carbon dioxide footprint and dependence on imported coal. It shows how State aid rules can encourage sensible public spending targeted at reaching the EU's environmental and energy policy goals."

In 2012, Finland notified plans to support the construction of a gasification plant in Vaasa and integrate it with an existing coal burning boiler. The plant will produce gas from forest chips and peat that will replace between 25% and 40% of the coal currently used to fuel the boiler. Finland will support the project with around EUR 10 million of investment aid, as well as a variable premium above the market price for electricity. This premium would be paid to Vaskiluodon Voima Oy, the plant operator, for the use of forest chips with the aim of ensuring sufficient profitability. It would be set at a value of up to EUR 5.47 per MWh, depending on the price of EU emission trading allowances, and would be paid for up to 12 years.

The Commission assessed the measure under the applicable EU rules on state aid for environmental protection and energy. It found that the investment in gasification allows imported coal to be replaced with renewable energy sources in a cost-efficient way. The gasification of forest biomass has not been demonstrated on this scale before and this plant could be a blueprint for future projects, both in the EU and worldwide.

Furthermore, the previously mostly fossil energy based heating will be much more environmental friendly: As a result of the investment, CO2-emissions are expected to decrease by 228,000 tonne per year. The plant also contributes to increasing security of energy supply and reduces Finland's dependency on imported fuels.

The Commission therefore concluded that the positive effects of the aid clearly offset any potential distortions of competition brought about by the public financing.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Euronext lanceert houtpellet-future

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Euronext nv (ENX.FR) gaat dit najaar een future aanbieden op houtpellets, die gebruikt worden voor de verwarming van woonhuizen. Dat maakt de beursorganisatie maandag bekend.

De future is bedoeld voor producenten, groothandel en detailhandel van de houtpellets, die hiermee hier hun handelsposities kunnen afdekken.

De houtpellets, die worden gemaakt van onbehandeld zaagsel en pulphout, zijn een relatief goedkope en daardoor snelgroeiende alternatieve bron van hernieuwbare energie.

Omdat de prijzen echter sterk kunnen schommelen, door seizoens- en aanbodeffecten, is de future een welkom instrument om risico's af te dekken, zegt branchevertegenwoordiger Christian Rakos van de European Pellet Council in een toelichting. "Dit biedt een helder antwoord op de hoge volatiliteit die we de laatste tijd hebben gezien in de pelletprijs."

De mondiale productie van pellets voor woonhuizen verdwijnt voor 80% in Europese boilers en kachels, meldt Euronext.

Door Archie van Riemsdijk; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst, +31-20-5715200 ; archie.vanriemsdijk@wsj.com

Boskalis krijgt opdracht voor aanleg Duits offshore windpark

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Koninklijke Boskalis Westminster nv (BOKA.AE) en VolerWessels hebben een opdracht ontvangen voor het ontwerp en de aanleg van het Veja Mate offshore windpark in het Duitse deel van de Noordzee, meldt Boskalis voorbeurs.

De contractwaarde bedraagt EUR500 miljoen, waarin Boskalis een 50% aandeel heeft.

De opdracht betreft het ontwerp, de inkoop, fabricatie, levering, transport, installatie en het testen van in totaal zevenenzestig windmolen-funderingen. Het park ligt 130 kilometer ten noorden van de Eemshaven en zal een totale capaciteit hebben van 400 MW, aldus het concern in het persbericht.

Het project zal eind 2015 van start gaan. De oplevering wordt voorzien in het vierde kwartaal van 2016.

Het aandeel sloot maandag op EUR43,98.

- Door Patrick Buis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00; patrick.buis@wsj.com

Germany needs an exit plan from coal - Expert panel

Germany has committed to shutting down the last of its nuclear reactors by 2022. Now an expert panel said that the country needs a long-term plan to shut down its coal-fired power plants, too. It's hugely controversial.

The German government is set to decide on Wednesday whether or not to implement a "climate levy" on especially dirty coal-power plants. The move comes after a seven-member advisory panel on environmental policy, all professors in disciplines ranging from energy technology and toxicology to law, presented a report on Monday recommending that the German government initiate a process to decide how best to shut down all of the country's coal-fired power plants by 2040.

The report said that "If the goal of keeping global warming below two degrees is to be pursued seriously, it's unquestionable that the great majority of global coal reserves will have to stay in the ground. The politicians' task is therefore to establish appropriate policy frameworks to ensure that the limited remaining global greenhouse gas emissions budget that's consistent with the two-degree limit isn't exceeded."

Two major unions, Verdi and IGBCE, demonstrated against the proposed climate levy in Berlin in April 2015

With solar and wind power set to provide the bulk of electricity supplies in future, there is, in the long run, no room for baseload power plants like nuclear and coal-fired power plants that have to be run at full power for technical or economic reasons. The country needs to transition to an electricity grid powered largely by renewable energy, with gas-fired turbines and energy storage units serving as load-balancers.

Germany is much praised for the rapid growth in wind and solar electricity generation it has experienced in the past fifteen years, thanks to its progressive but expensive feed-in tariff policy. But it still produces 43% of its electricity by burning coal, the dirtiest fuel. Moreover, nearly all its transportation remains fossil-fuelled, except for some electrified trains and a small number of electric vehicles. The country remains a very long way from the zero-carbon future it aspires to achieve by mid-century.

The report entitled '10 theses on the future of coal to 2040' offered a key message: The German government should learn a lesson from the highly politicized path the country took in the decades-long process that culminated in a broadly supported, all-party decision to leave nuclear power behind, a lesson about how not to proceed.

To minimize future conflicts, the government should invite all the key stakeholders to develop a path out of the coal-power era, the panel suggested. The aim: A coal-power exit plan that can be carried by a broad social consensus.

That will mean looking after the concerns of coal-industry workers, corporations, and electricity consumers as well as environmental campaigners - while still doing justice to the climate-science-driven global carbon emissions budget, which is very quickly being used up by massive world-wide coal, oil and gas combustion.

The advice is well-timed. In March,Mr Sigmar Gabriel, Energy and Economy Minister, put forward a proposal to levy a special tax or climate levy, on power plants that emit more than a cutoff level of carbon dioxide per MWh electricity produced. Its effect would be to financially penalize older, dirtier, less efficient coal-fired power plants - especially those running on lignite, or "brown coal, the dirtiest of all fuels.

Mr Gabriel is also leader of the Social Democratic Party, the junior partner in the current coalition government, so his policy proposals carry a lot of weight. Despite that, the climate levy proposal immediately ran into heavy opposition from two special interests, the corporations that own and operate lignite-fired power plants and the unions representing lignite miners and power plant workers.

Their opposition also carries a lot of weight, because a few regions of Germany, regions which tend to vote SPD at election time - are heavily dependent on lignite mining for jobs and revenues. Unions representing lignite workers staged massive demonstrations in Berlin after the March policy announcement, and environmental campaigners staged massive counter-demonstrations. In Germany, climate policy is serious business.

Source : www.dw.com
Energiebedrijf Eneco werkt niet meer mee met de doelstellingen van het energieakkoord. Simpelweg omdat het niet meer mogelijk is, zegt topman Jeroen De Haas. ''We moeten onze investeringen de komende jaren noodgedwongen terugschroeven met 400 miljoen euro. Er is dus geen geld meer voor de bouw van windparken, biomassa-installaties en aanleg van warmteleidingen.''

Eneco heeft nu twee windparken op zee, één bij IJmuiden en één bij Noordwijk. ''Verder groeien is niet meer mogelijk,'' zegt De Haas, ''terwijl die groei wel nodig is om de doelstellingen van het energieakkoord te halen.''


Het terugschroeven van de investeringen is het gevolg van een besluit van minister Kamp om energiebedrijven verplicht te laten splitsen in twee delen. Een commercieel bedrijf dat stroom en gas en levert en een publiek productiebedrijf, dat de leidingen beheert. Bedoeld om de consument te beschermen tegen te grote machtsblokken in de energiemarkt.

Gasunie en Gazprom samen in LNG-klus

Gepubliceerd op 2 jul 2015 om 18:50 | Views: 1 |

GRONINGEN (AFN) - Gasunie en het Russische Gazprom hebben een samenwerkingsovereenkomst gesloten op het gebied van vloeibaar gemaakt aardgas (LNG) voor de transportsector in Noordwest-Europa. Dat maakte Gasunie donderdag bekend.

De topmannen van beide bedrijven, Han Fennema en Alexey Miller, tekenden een akkoord op hoofdlijnen. Ze gaan zich onder meer buigen over de aanleg van infrastructuur waarmee schepen en trucks LNG kunnen tanken op locaties langs de Oostzee. LNG speelt volgens beide bedrijven een belangrijke rol als schoner brandstofalternatief voor schepen en zwaar wegtransport.

Fennema en Miller bespraken ook de zogeheten voorzieningszekerheid van gas voor de Europese gasmarkt. In recente jaren draaide Rusland meermaals de gaskraan naar Oekraïne, een belangrijk doorvoerland naar West-Europa, dicht. De heren stelden vast ,,dat samenwerking van belang is om Europa te verzekeren van een stabiele en betaalbare energievoorziening''.
Germany to shut down coal power plants an extend power grid - Sources

Published on Thu, 02 Jul 2015 24 times viewed

Government sources said that the German government decided on Thursday to order the shutdown of several coal-fired plants in order to reach its ambitious climate goals by 2020.

The sources said that Chancellor Ms Angela Merkel and the leaders of her two junior coalition parties also settled a dispute over high-voltage power lines which are planned to carry green energy from the breezy north to the industrial south.

Mr Sigmar Gabriel, energy minister, is expected to explain the results of the coalition negotiations which lasted more than four hours at a news conference on Thursday morning.

The government sources, who declined to say how many plants will be closed, said that "Coal-fired plants with a capacity of 2.7 gigawatts will be shut down. The affected power plants will not be allowed to sell electricity on the normal energy market, with this step Germany would manage to reach its goal to curb CO2 emissions by 40% by 2020 compared with 1990 levels.”

Gabriel originally proposed putting a levy on CO2 emitted by the oldest and most-polluting power stations above a certain threshold to help reach a target of cutting CO2 emissions from the coal sector by a further 22 million tonne by 2020.

But he faced a backlash from industry, with unions saying the plan could put up to 100,000 jobs at risk and lead to the decline of the mining and power generation industries.

The utility companies have lobbied hard against the levy and demanded compensation for an alternative reserve option.

While the levy now seems to be scrapped, it remained unclear whether companies such as RWE or Vattenfall Europe would get compensation payments or not.

Unconfirmed media reports earlier in the week have said the utilities may be allowed to move 2.7 GW of old coal-fired capacity into a reserve scheme in the coming years, netting a few hundred million euros in the process.

Source : Reuters
EU supports testing of new iron making technology HIsarna at TATA Steel IJmuiden

The European Union has agreed to contribute EUR 7.4 million towards testing a groundbreaking new iron production process being developed at Tata Steel's IJmuiden steelworks in the Netherlands. The 6 month test campaign of the HIsarna pilot plant in 2016 will establish whether the new technology can produce molten iron in a stable way over a sustained period of time. The EU's support represents nearly a third of the EUR 25 million test costs next year.

The main advantage of HIsarna technology is that it eliminates two energy-intensive preparatory stages in iron making. There is no need to cluster fine iron ore into sinter or pellet or to convert coal into coke, as there is in conventional blast furnace iron making.

If the technology is viable and can be scaled up successfully, it would enable further resource efficiency improvements in steelmaking – using the world's limited resources in a more sustainable way while minimising impacts on the environment. Steel companies would be able to use a wider range of raw materials, including recycling materials, and the technology would lead to 20% lower CO2 emissions. If successful, the HIsarna technology could deliver greater environmental and economic sustainability 10 to 15 years from now.

Mr Karl Koehler, chief executive of Tata Steel's European operations, said: "We welcome the European Union's support for this promising and potentially groundbreaking project. The development of this technology still has a long way to go, so support from the EU is vital. The steel industry is an integral part of the circular economy, striving for zero waste, 100% recycling and the reuse of materials. Hisarna could play a future role in the creation of a more sustainable low-carbon European economy.

Next year's test campaign is the fifth series of tests since the pilot plant was built in 2010. Tata Steel and its project partners aim to prove the facility can produce liquid iron for sustained periods. The previous four campaigns each lasted about two months, during which iron was produced for a maximum of three days.

Another key objective is to establish HIsarna's potential CO2 savings. There will also be tests using various types of raw materials, scrap and by-products from the steelmaking process.

HIsarna is a Tata Steel and Rio Tinto initiative, with close cooperation from European steel producers ArcelorMittal, ThyssenKrupp and Voestalpine and technology supplier Paul Würth.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Goldwind to build 175 MW White Rock wind farm in northern NSW

Chinese wind energy giant Goldwind has announced it will begin construction of the 175 MW White Rock wind farm in northern NSW in November, the second big wind farm to get the go-ahead since the revised renewable energy target legislation passed the Senate last month.

Goldwind announced that it has obtained agreement from Transgrid to connect the 70-turbine wind farm, located between Glenn Innes and Inverell, in the heart of Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce’s electorate.

white-rock-wind-farmLast week, a consortium led by GE announced financial closure for the 240MW Ararat wind farm, with construction to begin in the next few months.

Both GE and Goldwind are major wind turbine suppliers with massive balance sheets that have the financial grunt to support the building of their wind farms without power purchase agreements, unless smaller developers.

The Ararat wind farm has contracted 40% of its output to the ACT government, and decided to take merchant risk on the rest of the output, meaning it will sell electricity into the wholesale market.

Goldwind has neither a power purchase agreement or outside financing at this stage, but intends to negotiate these as the project moves forward. It took a similar approach in the construction of the Mortons Lane and Gullen Range wind farms.

Goldwind Australia managing director Mr John Titchen said that the passage of the RET had given clarity to the industry.

Mr Titchen said that “The removal of the 2 yearly review and the return to bipartisan RET support is welcome. White Rock Wind Farm is planned to be operating by mid-2017 at a time when new supply is needed due to increased demand under the renewable energy target.“

Goldwind bought the White Rock wind project from Spanish group Epuron at the height of RET uncertainty in October last year.

White Rock Wind Farm is located about 20kms West of Glen Innes in the New England Tablelands. The project has a development approval for up to 119 wind turbines with 70 wind turbines now planned to be built in the first phase.

It is the first big wind farm to be built north of Sydney. Queensland hosts one small 12 MW wind farm, and the White Rocks project is also in the heart of Joyce’s electorate.

Joyce once railed against wind farms, lamenting the “lemming-like” mentality to go renewable, and claiming they were expensive, didn’t work half the time, and will never replace coal, gas, hydro or nuclear. He also said last year that “Wind farms are one of those things that everybody likes as long as it’s not in their backyard.”

Goldwind said that it will utilise its 2.5 MW advanced technology, permanent magnet, direct drive wind turbines with a 121m rotor diameter at the White Rock wind farm. The wind farm is to be built on grazing country with eight landowners hosting turbines.

Source : Clean Technica
Germany agrees deal on coal power and nuclear energy

Published on Fri, 03 Jul 2015 91 times viewed

Irish Times reported that after months of squabbling, Berlin’s ruling coalition has struck a compromise it says will square the circle on how to abandon nuclear energy without breaching German climate targets.

Berlin has said that it will push ahead with closure of brown- coal or lignite-fired plants producing energy of 2.7 GW, the equivalent of five power stations but without imposing a planned industry levy to cover the cost.

Mr Sigmar Gabriel, economics minister, said that the deal would safeguard Germany’s 2020 carbon-reduction targets, to reduce 1990 CO2 levels by 40% but environmental groups said that the deal was a bonanza to Germany’s energy giants.

Shares in the RWE energy utility jumped nearly 6% on the news that a planned mothballing levy had been dropped. In addition, energy companies will be allowed keep the closed plants as part of a capacity reserve to be activated in case of energy shortages.

Mr Gabriel, the SPD leader and deputy chancellor, said that “We’re sending an international signal to show we are achieving the switch to renewables in a highly industrialised country and are setting European and international standards.”

The aim of the plan remains, to cut 22 million tonnes of CO2 emissions. Under the revised plan half the savings will come through mothballing coal-burning stations and the rest through additional measures for greater energy efficiency and for alternative power and heat co-generation.

Subsidies worth EUR 1.16 billion will on offer to support energy efficiency projects, while industry can tap a EUR 1.5 billion fund to boost production at gas-burning plants.

In Berlin, the opposition Green Party criticised the deal for transforming a planned industry levy for carbon production into a reward programme. It said the deal was an expensive and dirty sell-out, shifting on to taxpayers the cost of a deal it said would eventually fall short of meeting Germany’s climate change obligations.
Source : Irish Times
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