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Ik zal wel 'n domme jongen zijn,maar zonnepanelen lijkt me in Greece ook wel interressant ? Is ook nog wel te financieren ?

haas schreef op 3 juli 2015 21:20:

Ik zal wel 'n domme jongen zijn,maar zonnepanelen lijkt me in Greece ook wel interressant ? Is ook nog wel te financieren ?
Ik had hier al maanden geleden een schitterende posting gedaan hoe b.v. 20-30 miljard investering in zonne-energie centrales, zowel CSP als PV, een super investering was geweest. Veel werkgelegenheid erbij, hele goedkope energie voor de Grieken zelf (als steuntje in de rug), en beter nog, netto stroom naar de EU! (als een soort terugbetaling).
Naast het mileu, was dit een kapitaal investering geweest waar iedereen beter van geworden zou zijn?

Nu is het geld, meer dan 300 miljard verdwenen!
Solar power could provide a record 15pct of UK's electricity

The Guardian reported that sunny weather and a recent surge in solar panel installations means that solar power could provide a record 15% of the UK’s electricity on Friday afternoon.

Torrid heat tends to slightly reduce solar panels’ generating capacities, and with fresher conditions forecast across much of the UK, the amount of solar in the electricity mix could reach a new peak.

A spokeswoman for the Solar Trade Association, which made the prediction, said that “It is hard to say if a record will be set but given that more and more solar is installed every day, it is likely that a new record is set every time we have good conditions now and this week we are certainly having them.”

A new clean energy record would be a boost for the solar industry which celebrates its annual ‘solar independence day’ tomorrow with open house events across the UK. Energy minister Andrea Leadsom will be visiting one solar farm at a leisure centre in Brackley, Northamptonshire.

Solar photovoltaic installations have soared recently in the UK, partly due to developers rushing to meet a change in subsidy regime in April. There are now around 700,000 small-scale installations now on the grid, enough to power over 655,000 households, according to government figures. Britain is currently installing solar capacity more quickly than any other European country.

The supermarket giant Waitrose announced that it had installed enough solar panels on the roof of one of its dairy farms in Leckford to power the lighting and milking equipment.

Globally, another solar milestone was passed today with installed solar capacity of 200GW now available to meet global demand, according to BSW, the German solar trade association.

Mr David Wedepohl, a BSW spokesman, said that “Through technological breakthroughs in mass production the prices for solar electricity could be decreased by 90%. In around 30 countries worldwide electricity from your own roof now costs less than what your local provider will charge you per kilowatt hour.”

With a 36% annual growth rate, the solar photovoltaic industry is mushrooming so fast at the moment that some analysts expect that half the current global total will be being installed every year by 2020.

The cumulative market at that point would be around 700 GW, roughly equivalent to the size of all the electrical generating capacity in Europe, if the predictions by Greentechmedia prove correct.

The biggest cloud on the horizon for solar energy is how to store the tremendous amounts of energy it can instantaneously produce for later use or dispatch it via interconnectors to meet demand across Europe.

A draft EU market design paper due to be launched on July 15th calls for cross-border short-term markets that are responsive to local demand, and enable the trading of large volumes of renewable power, such as solar.

Source : The Guardian

iets voor ECB ? leent 20-20 miljard á 1 %(=tevens nettowinst voor Dragi:) terugbetalen in 20 jaren ?

waar 'n wil is is 'n weg?

PS: 'n land gelijk, 'n gemeente, bedrijf, burger: als die in het verliesmodel staan hebben ze allen GELD nodig om Die Wende te kunnen maken naar winstmodel !!
Green Austria on warpath against nuclear power in Europe

Austria's announcement Monday that it would challenge state aid for a new nuclear plant in Britain marks the latest step in the country's solo campaign to roll back atomic energy in Europe.

Since the late 1970s, Austria has been fiercely anti-nuclear, starting with an unprecedented vote by its population that prevented the country's only plant from providing a watt of power.

With the exception of Italy, Austria is surrounded by countries with nuclear power, although Germany, to the north, has vowed to phase out its plants by 2022.

Mr Andrae Rupprechter, Environment Minister, said that "It's an energy source from the last century."

He said, referring to the Hinkley Point C contract in western England, that "It is outdated because it's a non-sustainable, high-risk source that is only competitive with an unjustified subsidy."

Austria filed its complaint at the European Court of Justice after Britain proposed GBP 17 billion in state funds to help build two reactors, projected to cost GBP 24.5 billion.

Rupprechter is contesting a determination by the European Union's executive Commission last October, which found that the deal was compatible with EU state aid rules.

For the minister, the aid is 'illegitimate.' He said that "If we establish high subsidies for nuclear energy, we will never have an even competition situatio. The future lies in renewable resources and we have to create a level playing field to give these resources the fairness to compete in the market."

More than three-quarters of Austrian electricity comes from renewable sources, which also make up 34% of its total energy production.

It is already far beyond the EU target, which calls on renewables to meet 20% of energy needs by 2020.

Home to plenty of sun, wind and water, the nation hopes to increase that amount to 50% by 2030.

Source : Economic Times
Shale gas will not succeed in Europe - Think tank

It is reported that Shale gas will not succeed in Europe as gas demand in the continent could be satisfied by other sources.

That’s the view of Andrew Grant, Financial Analyst at Carbon Tracker who also said shale developments in the continent are at a very early stage.

Speaking to ELN about ahead of the launch of the Carbon Tracker Gas report, Mr Grant said: “Under our scenario [shale gas] is not really needed. Europe has a significant need for gas but it also has a number of options in order to supply it.

“It has gas from Russia, from the Middle East and The Caspian. Shale developments are in an early stage, no one is really managing to do it successfully [..] With flat demand in Europe there isn’t a huge demand for extra gas beyond that, it could be supplied by other sources rather than unconventional.”

According to Mr Grant, shale is one of the “most expensive” sources in some countries and there are environmental challenges against fracking.

The report also states liquefied natural gas (LNG) would be “uneconomic” in Europe as it’s production will grow to 97% in 2025.

This means USD 283 billion of LNG projects will not be needed in the next 10 years as they might not fit with gas demand in Europe.

Mr Grant added: “The LNG market is kind of well supplied and we expect that to continue. In our scenario, we actually don’t need to bring any new LNG projects to satisfy demand until 2024.”

Source : Energy Live News
German green power forces neighbors to bolster blackout defenses

Published on Wed, 08 Jul 2015 71 times

Bloomberg reported that Germany’s drive to harness wind and solar power is producing so much electricity that it’s spilling over into neighbors’ grids and increasing the threat of blackouts.

Poland and the Czech Republic are spending USD 180 million on equipment to protect their systems from German power surges, while Austria is curbing some trading to prevent regional networks from collapsing. On a windy day, the overflow east can exceed the output from four atomic reactors.

Germany’s fivefold increase in green energy in the past decade has outpaced investment in power lines to move it across the country. Electricity is looping through Poland and the Czech Republic to reach southern Germany, where supply is constrained as Chancellor Angela Merkel shuts nuclear plants after the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan. The disruptions show the limits to the European Commission’s vision of a single power market.

Mr Zbynek Boldis, the head of trade and international relations at Czech grid CEPS AS, said in an interview in Budapest that “A huge accumulation of overflow increases the threat of a blackout. The root of the situation is allowing a huge amount of electricity to be generated regardless of the capacity of the grid.”

German grid companies plan to spend at least EUR 22 billion on high-voltage power lines as they upgrade their grids to accommodate more solar and wind power before the last of the eight remaining reactors close in 2022. Nine units generating almost 10 GW, enough to power 20 million European homes, have been shuttered since 2011, with the latest on June 27. Nuclear power now accounts for 16% of Germany’s electricity, compared with 26% for renewables.

German power overflows are increasingly forcing Poland to protect its grid from overloading and triggering a blackout. The nation’s grid operator had to double the amount of last-minute changes to power-plant output to balance the surges in the Q1 from a year earlier.

According to CEPS, on the windiest days, sometimes more than 50% of the power sent from northern Germany to its southern states and Austria travels through Poland and the Czech Republic.

Polish grid operator PSE SA said that the surges take up so much of its import capacity that there’s not enough remaining for it to regularly carry lower-cost German power that could be made available to commercial users. German electricity for delivery next year is about 18% cheaper than Polish power, close to the widest gap since at least 2008, broker data show.

Mr Henryk Kalis, the energy buyer for ZGH Boleslaw, a zinc processor controlled by ArcelorMittal, said that “My boss keeps asking why we aren’t buying power from Germany, but this is practically impossible.” The Bukowno, Poland-based company pays more than USD 26 million a year for electricity.

The Poles and Czechs will by the end of next year finish installing transformers on two power lines connecting with Germany to control the unplanned flows and help free up capacity that can be traded or auctioned off to domestic customers.

While that will ease the pressure from overflows, the Polish and Czech grids still face congestion from the demand for cheap German power in Austria, which shares a wholesale electricity market with Germany.

Source : Bloomberg
Russian to bypass Ukraine gas route stall as Saipem deal off

The Moscow Times reported that Russia's plans to drop Ukraine eventually as a route for piping its natural gas to Europe have hit a snag after Russian gas exporter Gazprom called off a deal with Italy's Saipem to build a subsea link to Turkey.

Russia has long sought to circumnavigate Ukraine to pipe its gas to Europe because of pricing disagreements, which have led to disruptions in supplies to the European Union.

Moscow has already reduced gas shipments to the EU via Ukraine to around 40% of its total exports, from around 75% a few years ago. It has threatened to halt the flows completely after 2019, when a 10-year transit deal expires, though it softened its stance recently.

The now-terminated Saipem contract, worth EUR 2.4 billion is the latest in a string of failed attempts by Gazprom to diminish Ukraine's role in its gas exports.

The cancellation also puts a question mark over Gazprom's goal of building gas pipelines to Turkey and further to southern Europe via the Black Sea with a total capacity of 63 billion cubic meters a year, in what would be the world's largest undersea gas infrastructure.

An industry source told Reuters on Wednesday that Gazprom had told pipeline makers to suspend deliveries of pipes for expanding Russia's network so it could be connected to the so-called TurkStream project. Russia and Turkey are yet to agree on terms of the link.

Gazprom said in a statement about the contract's termination that "The decision was dictated by the inability to reach agreement on works and commercial matters."

Shares in Saipem at one stage fell more than 6% on Thursday, making it the biggest loser on Milan's bourse.

The stock was down 4% at 8.42 euros by 12:23 GMT.

Saipem said it had been notified of the contract termination as one of its vessels was mooring in Russian waters to start laying pipes. Any compensation will be determined in accordance with the contract's terms, it said.

TurkStream was brought forward in December, when Russia dropped plans to build the undersea South Stream gas pipeline to Bulgaria due to EU constraints.

Source – The Moscow Times
Kabinetsbesluit: komende 5 jaar geen winning schaliegas

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Deze kabinetsperiode zal in Nederland niet geboord worden naar schaliegas. Commerciele opsporing en winning van schaliegas is de komende vijf jaar in Nederland niet aan de orde en bestaande vergunningen voor de opsporing van schaliegas worden niet verlengd. Dat heeft de ministerraad vrijdag besloten.

Aan het eind van het jaar besluit het kabinet, binnen een totale visie op het energiebeleid na 2020, of het wenselijk is dat schaliegaswinning in Nederland als optie in beeld blijft. Als schaliegas dat het geval is, zullen eventuele onderzoeksboringen naar de aanwezigheid van schaliegas in de Nederlandse bodem in opdracht van de overheid en niet van bedrijven plaatsvinden. Die onderzoeksboringen zullen dan tevens gericht zijn op de mogelijkheden voor gebruik van aardwarmte.

Sinds 2013 heeft het kabinet verschillende onderzoeken laten uitvoeren naar de maatschappelijke effecten, de gevolgen voor het milieu, en de mogelijke opbrengsten en kosten van schaliegaswinning in Nederland. Omdat nog geen proefboringen plaatsvonden, is nog niet duidelijk hoeveel schaliegas aanwezig is en of de winning daarvan rendabel is. Uit de onderzoeken blijkt daarnaast dat er nog onduidelijkheid is over de effecten van het boren naar schaliegas in de diepe ondergrond in Nederland.

Door Bart Koster; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 5201; bart.koster@wsj.com

Gamesa to unveil off-grid power plant prototype next year

The Wall Street Journal reported that Spain’s Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica SAplans to start showing off a prototype of a new off-grid power plant early next year, opening a business line for one of the world’s biggest wind-turbine manufacturers.

The plant, which combines a windmill and a diesel generator, will be marketed to businesses that need power for operations without easy access to it, and for rural populations in countries such as India, Indonesia and the Philippines, Gamesa Chairman Mr Ignacio Martín said in an interview this week. Gamesa will offer the same prototype with solar power in areas where wind is less plentiful.

While the project is still in an embryonic stage, Mr Martín said that Gamesa hopes to make it a significant venture within a few years. He said that “This business offers great possibilities, hundreds of millions of people live in areas without ready access to electricity. Gamesa also wants to offer the power plants to industries that operate hundreds of miles away from power grids, such as mines in Chile’s Atacama Desert.”

A few other renewable energy companies, including Vestas Wind Systems AS, have sold a similar plant for a few years. But most off-grid power plants are diesel-powered. As oil prices plunged over the past year, operating such plants has remained costly. Mr. Martín said that a plant powered in part by wind or sun could cut generating costs significantly.

Gamesa, based in the northern Spanish city Bilbao, is looking for new income streams ahead of an expected slowdown in growth of turbine sales for onshore wind farms in the coming years.

Source : The Wall Street Journal
Wind power generates 140pct of Denmark's electricity demand

The Guardian reported that so much power was produced by Denmark’s windfarms on Thursday that the country was able to meet its domestic electricity demand and export power to Norway, Germany and Sweden.

On an unusually windy day, Denmark found itself producing 116% of its national electricity needs from wind turbines yesterday evening. By 3am on Friday, when electricity demand dropped, that figure had risen to 140%.

Interconnectors allowed 80% of the power surplus to be shared equally between Germany and Norway, which can store it in hydropower systems for use later. Sweden took the remaining fifth of excess power.

Mr Oliver Joy, a spokesman for trade body the European Wind Energy Association, said that “It shows that a world powered 100% by renewable energy is no fantasy. Wind energy and renewables can be a solution to decarbonisation and also security of supply at times of high demand.”

Source : The Guardian
125 job loss at steel manufacturer Mabey Bridge in UK

Western Daily reported that the UK government has come under attack for its decision to curb onshore wind after a turbine factory announced plans for closure with the loss of 125 jobs. Steel manufacturer Mabey Bridge said it is proposing to close its renewables division in Chepstow, Monmouthshire, with the uncertainty of market conditions for the UK onshore wind industry in the longer term a contributing factor.

The move follows a failure in exhaustive efforts to find a buyer for the business as a going concern, the company said.

The news comes after the Government announced it was ending subsidies for new onshore wind farms a year early, to meet a pre-election pledge to halt the development of onshore wind.

Source : Western Daily
Greek power sector suffers as referendum hits new coal power plant

It is reported that the results of Greece’s recent referendum is having a debilitating effect on the country’s biggest utility, Public Power Company S A, with the development of a new coal-fired power plant one such major project impacted.

According to Mr Thucydides Koukoulios, with Poyry Management Consulting, who spoke to Politico website, fewer customers than usual are paying their power bills and the company is seeing a shortfall of about EUR 20m a day.

He said that “The further reduction of cash inflows means that PPC has to rely on their cash reserves which creates difficulties for its operations. Because of the cash squeeze, PPC is contemplating withholding a EUR 200 million down payment for a new EUR 1.5 billion coal-fired power plant in order to free up funds.”

According to the Ekathimerini website “The dilemma is said to be serious and there can be no definitive decision for the disbursement of the advance payment without political support from the government. In fact, the contractor responsible for the plant’s construction is also facing funding problems due the credit controls in Greece.”

PPC is the biggest power producer and electricity supplier in Greece with approximately 7.4 million customers. The company holds assets in lignite (or brown coal) mines, power generation, transmission and distribution.

Mr Sotiris Chatzimichael, head of the Strategy Directorate at PPC, said Politico that “People don’t have access to their money. The electricity bill is not their first priority.”

Well before the present crisis the company had difficulty in receiving payments for energy services provided, a situation which has now accelerated.

Earlier this year, the company announced it was sitting on unpaid bills worth around EUR 1.9bn, more than its market capitalization of just over EUR 1 billion, according to Bloomberg. In 2014 it had revenues of EUR 5.8 billion.

Mr Chatzimichael said that “Of course this is not money we consider lost, it’s unpaid bills. Nevertheless it presents a huge cash flow problem for PPC on top of all the others.”

The company also noted that it has had to provision EUR 374 million for customer bad debts.

There is hope that the immediate problem will abate if Greece manages to unlock a bailout programme which allows banks to reopen.

Giamouridis said that despite PPC’s financial problems, a major disruption to Greece’s power supply is unlikely.

About 70% of the country’s power comes from locally-mined lignite and renewables such as hydro, wind, and solar. Greece’s ability to continue to use those sources would remain relatively unaffected, even if talks with creditors collapse and the country is forced out of the euro.

Meanwhile Greek renewable power projects aimed at reducing the country's dependence on energy imports from Russia will be on hold for some time, as the threat of exit from the euro prompts investors to delay initiatives.

Euractiv reports that two investment sources familiar with the plans said at least 4 major solar and wind projects in Greece had stalled.

One of the sources said that "Business development decisions are on hold at the moment. There is too much risk."

Source : PEi
Verf van nano-zonnecellen tovert asfaltweg en buitenmuren om tot zonnepanelen

Gepubliceerd: 14 juli 2015 16:11

Eén schilderbeurt op de muur of weg en je hebt een zonnepaneel. De Britse startup SolarLayer heeft een uniek concept voor zonnestroom. Maar de crowdfundingcampagne moet nog op stoom komen.

Daarover schrijf de site Duurzaambedrijfsleven.nl

De Britse start-up SolarLayer heeft innovatieve kristallen ontwikkeld die te mengen zijn met verf en asfalt. De zelforganiserende kristallen maken van elk object onzichtbaar een zonnepaneel.

De zelforganiserende nano-zonnecellen van de Britse start-up SolarLayer lijken nog het meest op zout. Verwerkt in coatings of bouwmaterialen wekken ze zonnestroom op. SolarLayer noemt onder andere toepassingen in daken, muren, tentdoek en wegen.

Het concept is ontwikkeld door wetenschappers uit Groot-Brittannië, Argentinië en Zwitserland. Het bestaat uit minuscule zonnecellen, gemengd met stroomgeleidende vezels. De versie voor verf en coatings moet in 2016 op de markt komen. Voor 2017 staat de lancering van het product voor asfalt gepland.

Zonne-energie uit potje verf

De nano-zonnecellen van SolarLayer richten zich vanzelf naar het Noorden en geven de opgewekte stroom alleen in die richting door. Zo voorkomt het systeem kortsluiting in het als verf aangebrachte zonnepaneel.

Via een adapter, die aan de noordzijde in een behandeld oppervlak wordt geprikt, geeft het materiaal een spanning af van 3 tot 12 volt. De coating gaat volgens de start-up 20 jaar mee. Wat de efficiëntie van de omzetting van zonlicht tot elektriciteit is, vermeldt SolarLayer niet.

De start-up wil via het crowdfundplatform IndieGogo 100 duizend dollar ophalen om de productie op te starten. Storm loopt het nog niet. Veertien dagen na de lancering van de campagne is nog slechts 335 dollar binnen.

Voor video, zie link:

Lignite power plants to take up 50% of German cap reserve - RWE

Published on Wed, 15 Jul 2015 46 times viewed

The head of RWE generation believes half of German capacity reserve will be drawn from his company’s lignite coal-fired power plant fleet.

The coal plants will backbone the country’s renewable power-based drive according to Mr Matthias Hartung, CEO of RWE Generation, who said “Further talks will show how many of our blocks will go into the reserve. We assume that the distribution of 2.7 GW will be roughly according to the current distribution of lignite power generation in Germany.”

The plants will be paid to supply electricity during times of power shortages, a potentially more common situation given the intermittency of wind and solar power. While the plants won’t be allowed to sell on the market, they won’t have to buy extra European Union emission permits from that year, as originally planned for coal-power plants that are more than 20 years old.

Germany’s government parties reached a compromise earlier this month to cut carbon emissions by giving some of the dirtiest lignite plants until 2021 to shut permanently. RWE said being required to buy the additional carbon permits would have resulted in closing 17 of its 20 lignite plants and two of its three open-cast mines.

Lignite’s share in Germany’s electricity production rose to 25.6% in 2014 from 25.4% a year before, data from German utility lobby BDEW show. In the same period the share of renewable energy climbed to 25.8% from 24.1%.

Source : PEi
Abandoning gas route via Ukraine 'Unacceptable' for EU - Mr Sefcovic

Published on Thu, 16 Jul 2015 79 times viewed

Mr Maros Sefcovic, Vice President of the European Commission, said that Russian plans to replace gas deliveries via Ukraine with alternative transit routes threatens European energy security.

Mr Sefcovic said that the EU gas transportation system, especially in Central Europe, had been designed to be fully compatible with gas deliveries via Ukraine.

He said that "If the aim is to gradually dry up the Ukrainian transit route, it is something which is not acceptable for the European Union because it would really change the gas balance in Europe, it would put in a very difficult situation countries in Central and South-East Europe."

In early July, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko also expressed confidence that the agreement between Russia and Ukraine on gas transit to Europe would be extended beyond 2019 as he believed that there was no alternative to the Ukrainian route.

In late June, the head of Russian energy giant Gazprom, Alexey Miller, warned that the company did not intend to renew its transit contract with Ukraine after it would expire in 2019 if Ukraine offered unfavorable terms for the company.

Mr Sefcovic said that "When you look at the construction and the proposals of this stream [through Turkey], there is one goal how to make the Ukrainian transit route less relevant, or how to cut off supplies through Ukraine completely. Of course, this would have very negative consequences for energy security in Europe, because the Ukrainian transit route is very important, it is the biggest one, it's 140 billion cubic meters per year."

Source : Sputnik News
Doorvoer olie stuwt Rotterdamse haven omhoog

Gepubliceerd op 17 jul 2015 om 12:20 | Views: 429 |

ROTTERDAM (AFN) - De haven van Rotterdam heeft een goed eerste halfjaar achter de rug met een stijging van de totale overslag van 6,8 procent op jaarbasis. De groei komt vrijwel geheel op het conto van olieproducten. Dat maakte het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam vrijdag bekend.

De doorvoer van olieproducten steeg ten opzichte van de eerste helft van 2014 met 29,7 procent. Daarnaast werd 8,3 procent meer ruwe olie verwerkt. Zo'n 30 procent van de ruwe olie en 45 procent van de olieproducten komt uit Rusland.

Droge bulk, waaronder landbouwproducten (agribulk), kolen en ertsen, lieten over de gehele linie een daling zien. De agribulk daalde met 18,4 procent, waar de afname bij de andere producten maximaal 3,6 procent was. Volgens het Havenbedrijf leidden goede graan- en raapzaadoogsten in Europa tot een lager importvolume en werd er minder soja ingevoerd uit Zuid-Amerika.

Meer winst

De groei van de totale overslag resulteerde ook in meer winst: 122,5 miljoen euro tegen 119,4 miljoen euro een jaar eerder. De omzet steeg met 14,7 miljoen euro.

Volgens het Havenbedrijf zijn de vooruitzichten voor de haven redelijk gunstig ondanks stevige concurrentie van andere havens. Voor het hele jaar verwacht de haven een groei van ruim 4 procent vooral door de containeroverslag. ,,De groei bij olieproducten zit nu wel aan z'n plafond'', zei topman Allard Castelein in een toelichting op de cijfers.

Volwassen markten

De onderneming blijft zich inzetten op volwassen markten zoals raffinage en chemie, groeimarkten als LNG (vloeibaar gemaakt aardgas) en containers en op nieuwe markten als 'offshore' en 'biobased'. ,,Groei, innovatie en verbreding van activiteiten in de haven gaan niet vanzelf. De concurrentie met andere havens is stevig en het bedrijfsleven moet zich flink inspannen om resultaten te boeken.''

De overslag van LNG nam in de eerste helft van dit jaar al een vlucht met een ruimschootse verdubbeling tot 1,1 miljoen ton. De overslag van containers steeg met 3,7 procent tot ruim 6,2 miljoen stuks. ,,Hier is het einde nog niet in zicht: op dit moment zijn bijna vijftig schepen die elk meer dan 18.000 containers kunnen vervoeren in bestelling. Rotterdam ligt aan diep vaarwater en is daardoor 24/7 bereikbaar voor de grootste volledig beladen schepen.''
'Waarderingen energiebedrijven zeer aantrekkelijk'

Door Belegger.nl op 20 jul 2015 om 15:58 | Views: 533

De verkoopgolf van hoogrentende obligaties van energiebedrijven heeft geleid tot enkele zeer aantrekkelijke waarderingen voor beleggers, zo stelt Ken Leech, chief investment officer van Western Asset, onderdeel van Legg Mason.

Van verschillende energiewaarden is de prijs volgens Leech omlaag gesleurd vanwege de golf van lukrake verkopen die veroorzaakt werd door de steile daling van de olieprijs. Maar terwijl sommige beleggers voorspelden dat verschillende energieobligaties ten onder zouden gaan na de correctie, stelde Leech dat veel waarden de huidige prijsdaling van olie kunnen overleven.


‘Er is dit jaar heel wat gebeurd in de markt van hoogrentende energieobligaties’, vertelt Leech in een note. Hij ziet veel bedrijven die de komende 5 jaar het hoofd kunnen bieden aan olieprijzen van rond de 50 dollar per vat. ‘De waarderingen van sommige bedrijven doen je watertanden, vooral omdat ze het vermogen hebben om de productie te beperken en de kosten te verminderen. Dit stelt ze in staat om instorting van de olieprijs beter te boven te komen dan sommigen nu vrezen.’

Leech ziet overigens nog altijd een algemene omgeving die ondersteuning blijft leveren voor risico-activa ten opzichte van overheidsschuld. 'Gezien het lage rendement van staatsobligaties en ons toegenomen optimisme in verband met de groei geloven we dat risico-activa beter kunnen presteren dan overheidsobligaties.'

Amerikaanse staatsobligaties

Echter blijven Amerikaanse staatsobligaties met een lange looptijd naar zijn mening waarde bieden. 'De Amerikaanse rendementscurve is steiler geworden aangezien de rendementen van staatsobligaties met een looptijd van 30 jaar zijn gestegen. Dit betekent dat we dalende rendementen hebben op de korte termijn, veroorzaakt door zwakke economische gegevens, maar stijgende rendementen op 30 jaar. Dit levert een verschil op van bijna 100 basispunten tussen staatsobligaties op 10 en op 30 jaar, wat zeer zeldzaam is.'

- See more at: www.belegger.nl/Column/161371/Waarder...
Renewable power subsidies to be cut back - Report

Published on Wed, 22 Jul 2015 27 times viewed

FT reported that ministers have unveiled plans to slash green energy subsidies, prompting industry complaints that the government is sending Britain back to a 'dark age' of fossil fuel reliance.

Smaller solar panel projects and wood chip power generators have been targeted in the latest moves to rein in rising costs of renewable energy support.

Mr Amber Rudd, energy and climate change secretary, as she announced the changes, said that “We can’t have a situation where industry has a blank cheque and that cheque is paid for by people’s bills.”

Her department will consult on plans to end subsidies for solar farms of up to 5 MW in generating capacity a year earlier than planned and cut back support for certain biomass generators immediately.

Mr Richard Kirkman, UK technical director of Veolia, the French waste and water company, said that “That amounts to an abrupt set back for renewable investors, just months before a crucial climate change conference in Paris.”

He said that “We appear to be entering another dark age where we will return to total fossil fuel reliance, power cuts [and] low confidence in UK investment.”

But officials in the energy department said the action had to be taken to limit spiralling costs of subsidies that are largely paid for by consumers through their energy bills. A cap on the total amount available was supposed to reach GBP 7.6 billion by 2020-2021.

But officials said that they discovered this year that so many wind and solar projects were being built that the cap was likely to reach GBP 9.1bn instead, so action was needed to prevent higher costs.

Mr John Musk, RBC Capital Markets analyst, said that the move was unlikely to have a significant impact on big, publicly listed renewables companies.

He said that “However, they are negative for sentiment and investors need to be aware that the Conservative mantra for DECC in the current parliament is to ‘reduce energy bills for hard-working families and businesses’.”

Source : FT
AES starts construction of Europe's largest energy storage project

AES has begun construction of what will be the largest energy storage project in Europe when it comes online later this year in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland.

The 10-MW/40-MWh Kilroot Advancion Energy Storage Array is being added to the AES UK & Ireland Kilroot Power Station in County Antrim along the country’s east coast. The grid-connected lithium-ion storage facility, which will help balance supply and demand and support the island-wide grid via system operator SONI, is expected to begin operations by the end of 2015. It will also enable more efficient dispatch of existing generation and increase the ability to integrate renewable power sources.

Northern Ireland has around 660 MW of installed wind capacity, according to the Irish Wind Energy Association, with another 2.3 GW installed in the Republic of Ireland. Mr John Zahurancik, president of AES Energy Storage, said POWER last year that one of the Kilroot project’s goals is to allow the island to make the most use of its wind farms and cope with overgeneration situations.

He said that “It’s about making sure they can take all the wind generation they’re paying for.”

AES has previously filed plans to build a total of 100 MW of storage at Kilroot, a 660 MW coal, oil and biomass–fired plant that has been operating since the 1980s. That larger proposal is still pending.

Mr Roger Casement, AES UK & Ireland plant manager, said that “We are excited to begin construction of AES’ first energy storage project in the UK, bringing enhanced reliability, flexibility and efficiency to the grid. We’re proud to offer Northern Ireland a cost-effective and cutting-edge solution for supporting security of supply and modernising our infrastructure.”

Source : POWER Magazine
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