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New Zealand’s Steel & Tube Holdings STU Confirms Guidance

New Zealand’s Steel & Tube Holdings Limited confirmed that its FY19 results are expected to be in line with the guidance issued in May 2019, of FY19 EBIT between NZD 15.5 million to NZD 17.5 million. Market share and volume gains have led to an increase in revenue, disciplined cost management has seen operating costs reduce and the company has a strong balance sheet, with net debt reduced to NZD 15 million.

Steel & Tube intends to announce its results for the twelve months ended 30 June 2019on Friday 23 August 2019, prior to 9 AM NZST.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
GMS Market Commentary on Shipbreaking in India in Week 30 - LOWEST PLACED!

The catastrophic declines witnessed on steel prices over July have continued unrelentingly, resulting in virtually no new / sensible offers forthcoming from Alang Buyers this week. The declines have been so drastic that plate prices have fallen well in excess of USD 50 per tonne within the month of July itself, declining another USD 17 per tonne this week alone. As such, prices for all vessel types are comfortably positioned below the USD 400/LDT mark as India sinks well below Pakistan, to sit as the lowest placed market in the subcontinent for the first time in 6 months.

Consequently, we anticipate any subsequent green vessels to fetch woeful numbers from here on ahead at least until local steel plate prices firm up. The only saving grace (if we can consider it as one given the drastic drop in plate prices) is the Indian Rupee, which is once again trading in the high INR 68s against the US Dollar.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Mr Dmitry Korchik is new DG of Belarusian Steel Works

BelTA reported that Belarus President Mr Aleksandr Lukashenko has approved the appointment of Mr Dmitry Korchik Director General of the Belarusian Steel Works - the Management Holding Company of the Belarusian Metallurgical Company.

Mr Dmitry Korchik worked as deputy industry minister before.

Source : Belta
GMS Market Commentary on Shipbreaking in Bangladesh in Week 30 - LULL ENDURES!

With Eid holidays approaching in the middle of August, yards still stuffed with tonnage, and the constant rains badgering the country, there has been very little interest from Bangladeshi end Buyers in acquiring fresh tonnage, especially since the announcement of the budget back in June. The 10% VAT issue from the budget has yet to be resolved and this has negatively impacted domestic prices by about USD 30/LDT. Until this is effectively overturned by the powerful BSBA lobby, we anticipate prices and sentiments will remain suppressed for some time, at least until some of the locally delivered tonnage is consumed.

Overall, it is clear that prices have declined by about USD 50/LDT across the subcontinent markets from their peak positions earlier in the year and whilst the fourth quarter of the year is expected to be more bullish (as it has historically been), it is certainly worth being cautious for now, especially given the constantly declining trajectory the subcontinent markets have been witnessing of late.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Hoa Phat Invests USD 393 million on Dung Quat Steel Project in H1

Viet Nam News reported that Hoa Phat Group spent nearly VND 9.17 trillion (USD 393 million) into Dung Quat iron and steel production complex in H1 of 2019, raising total investment in the project to approximately VND 42.92 trillion. Group’s chairman Mr Tran Dình Long said that total initial investment for the project is VND 40 trillion of medium term loans for fixed assets and VND 12 trillion for short-term activities.

During the investment process, Hoa Phat applied some new technological achievements, increased investment in environmental protection and purchased European equipment to raise capacity, therefore, its spending on fixed assets increased to VND 50 trillion and for working capital of VND 15 trillion.

Source : Vet Nam News
Update on Revival Plan for Pakistan Steel Mills

The Nation reported that PTI led coalition government in Pakistan is yet to implement the revival plan for Pakistan Steel Mills in almost one year as the losses and liabilities of the country’s largest industrial complex are continuously increasing. Sources told The Nation “Losses and payable debts of the PSM had increased by PKR 40 billion in ten months. Losses and payable debts had gone to PKR 500 billion on June 2019 from PKR 460 billion on August 2018 when the incumbent government had assumed the charge.”

Sources added “The government had prepared revival plan for the PSM. However, the government is holding talks with Chinese and Russian companies for sale of the PSM on the basis of public-private partnership. The government had also decided to conduct the audit of the PSM. The Ministry of Privatisation has asked Ministry of Industries and Production to conduct audit of PSM accounts till 2018-19 before offering it to a private party on Public Private Partnership. The Privatisation Commission had also initiated the process of hiring Financial Advisor to solicit suitable partnership for the revival of PSM. The federal cabinet had recently decided that PSM would be handed over to the successful bidder on lease for a period of 25 to 30 years. It was also pointed out that current liabilities of PSM will be settled before offering it for bidding on lease.”

The International Monetary Fund has also asked Pakistan for the audit of PSM. The new audit of Pakistan Still Mills will be conducted by reputable international auditors and published by end-December 2019.

Source : The Nation
AISI Releases 2018 Annual Statistical Report

The American Iron and Steel Institute announced the release of its 2018 Annual Statistical Report which provides comprehensive data on the US steel industry and select data on the North American steel industry as a whole. In 2018, total steel imports into the United States decreased 12% compared to the previous year, while finished steel imports decreased 13% over the same period and captured a 23% share of apparent steel consumption, down 4 percentage points from the previous year. Shipments from domestic steel mills measured 95.3 million net tons in 2018, up five percent from the previous year. Shipments in 2018 were four percent higher than the average of 91.5 million net tons seen from 2013 to 2017. The report also notes that US raw steel production was 95 million net tons in 2018, a six percent increase from 2017. The construction and automotive industries continued as the leading end-use markets for shipments of US steel products.

The AISI report is the most comprehensive reference of its kind, providing statistical data for the US steel industry and a variety of selected statistical data on the Canadian, Mexican and world steel industries. It features extensive charts and graphs, including selected statistical highlights on shipments, apparent supply, imports, employment and raw steel data over a 10 year period; selected financial highlights; shipments by products and markets over a 10 year period; raw steel production (including selected state-level production data) and capability utilization; and, detailed imports and exports data.

AISI President and CEO Mr Thomas J Gibson said that “The steel industry has been at the center of the economic policy debate on both national and global levels over the last year, and the AISI Annual Statistical Report serves as a critical source of industry data. The ASR is a comprehensive and reliable reference for steel industry statistics, including an executive summary that features trends in the North American steel industry. The 135 page report includes numerous charts, graphs and other thorough industry information. We are proud that the ASR remains the industry standard for reporting on the steel market in the United States. I encourage anyone who is interested in industry data to purchase a copy.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Beursblik: Jefferies verlaagt koersdoel Aperam

22,56 0,13 0,58 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN) Jefferies heeft woensdag het koersdoel voor Aperam verlaagd van 31,00 naar 30,00 euro, maar handhaafde het koopadvies wel.

De EBITDA van 95 miljoen euro die Aperam in het tweede kwartaal genereerde was 10 procent lager dan waarop Jefferies had gerekend. Toch ging het op kwartaalbasis nog altijd om een groei van 17 procent. Zwakte in Europa werd volgens de analist goedgemaakt door herstel van de prijzen in Brazilië.

Daarbij lukte het Aperam volgens Jefferies ook om bij lagere volumes de kosten onder controle te houden. Aperam heeft volgens analist Alan Spence dan ook een sterk track record in het halen van zijn besparingsdoelen.

Aangezien de Europese Commissie vooralsnog niet heeft besloten om importen uit Indonesië aan banden te leggen, denkt Jefferies dat dit in combinatie met kalendereffecten druk op de Europese markt voor roestvast staal zal zetten. Daarom denkt Spence dat de EBITDA dit lopende kwartaal op 76 miljoen euro zal uitkomen, 19 miljoen euro minder dan in het tweede kwartaal.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
ArcelorMittal duikt in de rode cijfers

14,518 0,00 0,00 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal is in het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar in de rode cijfers gedoken en verwacht dat de mondiale vraag naar staal lager uit kan vallen. Dit bleek donderdag voorbeurs uit kwartaalcijfers van de staalreus.

In het afgelopen realiseerde ArcelorMittal een EBITDA-resultaat van 1,56 miljard, hetgeen iets meer was dan de 1,53 miljard dollar waar analisten vanuit gingen. Het resultaat is evenwel beduidend minder dan de EBITDA van 3,07 miljard dollar van vorig jaar en ook minder dan de 1,65 miljard dollar in het eerste kwartaal van dit jaar.

Het operationele verlies kwam uit op 158 miljoen dollar, tegen een winst van 2,36 miljard dollar een jaar eerder. ArcelorMittal moest afgelopen kwartaal 0,9 miljard dollar aan afschrijvingen doen, onder meer gerelateerd aan enkele desinvesteringen met betrekking tot de overname van ArcelorMittal Italia en aan een afschrijving in Amerika als gevolg van de sterke daling van de staalprijzen en hogere grondstofkosten.

De omzet bleef grofweg gelijk op 19,28 miljard dollar. Dit was een jaar eerder 20,0 miljard en een kwartaal eerder 19,19 miljard dollar.

Onder de streep restte een verlies van 447 miljoen dollar. In het eerste kwartaal was er nog sprake van een winst van 414 miljoen en vorig jaar zelfs nog een winst van 1,87 miljard dollar.


ArcelorMittal verwacht dat de mondiale vraag naar staal iets minder hard kan groeien dan verwacht. De vraag zal in 2019 vermoedelijk groeien met 0,5 tot 1,5 procent, waar de staalreus eerder nog uitging van een groei van 1,0 tot 1,5 procent. De staallevering zal op jaarbasis nog steeds groeien.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Staalgigant ArcelorMittal ziet resultaat dalen

Gepubliceerd op 1 aug 2019 om 07:22 | Views: 221

LUXEMBURG (AFN) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal heeft in het tweede kwartaal een lager bedrijfsresultaat behaald dan in de voorgaande periode. Dat blijkt uit cijfers die het bedrijf donderdag voorbeurs naar buiten bracht.

Het bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda), de belangrijkste winstgraadmeter bij ArcelorMittal, bedroeg bijna 1,6 miljard dollar. In het eerste kwartaal was dit bijna 1,7 miljard dollar. De grootste staalproducent ter wereld had eerder dit jaar al gezegd last te hebben van de zwakte op de staalmarkt en concurrentie van goedkoop buitenlands staal op de Europese markt. Ook kampt het in Amsterdam genoteerde bedrijf met hogere grondstofkosten.

De omzet was bijna 19,3 miljard dollar. In het eerste kwartaal was dit 19,2 miljard dollar. De wereldwijde verschepingen van staal waren 22,8 miljoen ton, tegen 21,8 miljoen ton in het eerste kwartaal van dit jaar.
'Cijfers ArcelorMittal redelijk in lijn'

Gepubliceerd op 1 aug 2019 om 09:48 | Views: 292

ArcelorMittal 09:43
14,72 +0,20 (+1,38%)

AMSTERDAM (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De cijfers van staalconcern ArcelorMittal over het tweede kwartaal waren redelijk in lijn met de verwachtingen. Dat schrijft Citi in een reactie op de resultaten.

Citi stelt dat het bedrijf vooruitgang boekt bij de vrije kasstroom en de afbouw van schuld. De focus van de markt zou hier op moeten liggen bij ArcelorMittal, stelt de Amerikaanse bank.

ING schreef dat het bedrijfsresultaat iets hoger uitkwam dan de consensus van analisten. ING wees op de 2 miljard dollar aan bezittingen die ArcelorMittal heeft aangewezen voor verkoop binnen twee jaar, wat zal helpen met schuldafbouw en uitkeringen aan aandeelhouders. Het advies staat op buy, met een koersdoel van 31 euro.

ArcelorMittal noteerde donderdag omstreeks 09.35 uur een plus van 1,6 procent op 14,75 euro.
Beursblik: sterkere balans ArcelorMittal in zicht

14,762 0,244 1,68 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft in het tweede kwartaal een beter dan voorzien EBITDA-resultaat geboekt, terwijl er een significante versterking van de balans kan worden verwacht. Dit concludeerde analist Stijn Demeester van ING donderdag in reactie op de cijfers van de staalreus.

In het afgelopen kwartaal boekte ArcelorMittal een EBITDA-resultaat van 1.555 miljoen dollar, hetgeen volgens ING een "bescheiden" beter resultaat is dan waar de consensus op mikte. Het resultaat is wel 6 en 50 procent lager ten opzichte van respectievelijk het vorige kwartaal en het vorige jaar. Vooral lagere prijzen en hogere grondstofkosten drukten het resultaat.

Verder merkte ING op dat de nettoschuldpositie van 10,2 miljard dollar wat beter was dan de voorziene 10,7 miljard dollar.

ArcelorMittal denkt bovendien dit jaar 5,4 miljard dollar aan contanten nodig te hebben, hetgeen volgens ING een miljard dollar minder is dan wat de staalreus voorheen dacht nodig te hebben. Dit komt volgens DeMeester door lagere investeringen en belastingen.

Verder merkte de staalreus op dat het 2 miljard dollar aan bezittingen kan afstoten in de komende twee jaar, hetgeen ruimte biedt voor een afbouw van de schulden en een versnelde uitkering in contanten aan aandeelhouders, aldus de analist.

Rekening houdend met de IFRS 16-regels mikt ArcelorMittal nu op doelstelling voor de nettoschuld van 7 miljard, waar het eerder rekening hield met 6 miljard dollar.

ING handhaafde het koopadvies op ArcelorMittal met een koersdoel van 31,00 euro. Het aandeel koerste donderdagochtend 1,5 procent hoger op 14,74 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
'Geen juridische bescherming Arcelor Italië'

Gepubliceerd op 1 aug 2019 om 11:37 | Views: 455

ArcelorMittal 11:41
14,45 -0,07 (-0,47%)

ROME (AFN) - De Italiaanse regering is niet van plan staalconcern ArcelorMittal alsnog te beschermen tegen aanklachten wegens vervuiling rond de staalfabriek Ilva in Tarente. Dat laat een ingewijde weten aan persbureau Bloomberg. ArcelorMittal dreigde onlangs met het stilleggen van de Zuid-Italiaanse fabriek als het geen immuniteit tegen milieuzaken zou krijgen.

Ilva, de grootste staalfabriek van Europa, is al decennialang verwikkeld in schandalen wegens vervuiling van de omgeving. De milieuperikelen en aanverwante gezondheidsklachten bij omwonenden stortten het bedrijf in financiële problemen. ArcelorMittal kwam in 2017 als beste partij uit de bus kwam voor de redding van de fabriek.

Aanvankelijk beschermde een wet uit 2015 ArcelorMittal tegen vervolging wegens milieudelicten van Ilva uit het verleden. Na protesten van omwonenden, oordeelde een rechter begin dit jaar dat die garantie mogelijk tegen de Italiaanse grondwet indruist. De regering nam daarop een wet aan die per 6 september een einde maakt aan de immuniteit van ArcelorMittal, dat vervolgens liet weten de fabriek op die dag te willen sluiten.
Linking Climate Metrics for Steel Companies - CDP

London-based CDP, formerly known as the Climate Disclosure Project, in a latest study report "Melting point- Which steel companies are ready for the low-carbon transition?" has updated and expanded CDP's research and League Table for steel companies, first published in October 2016. It ranks 20 of the largest and highest-impact publicly listed steel companies on business readiness for a low-carbon transition. The companies in aggregate represent 30% of global steel production. The steel industry generates between 7% and 9% of global greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel use and industry. To align with the International Energy Agency's 2-Degrees Scenario (IEA 2DS), the sector will be required to reduce its emissions intensity by 65% by 2050, compared to 2014 levels. The industry has historically achieved significant improvements in energy efficiency. However, modern steel plants are currently operating near optimal technological limits and around 70% of primary steel is still produced via the highly efficient but energy intensive BF-BOF route. To align with a transition to a low-carbon economy, the steel industry will require a step-change in emissions reductions through the deployment and commercialization of radical mitigation technologies and alternative steelmaking processes.

Key findings
SSAB top the ranking, with ArcelorMittal, Hyundai Steel and Tata Steel closely ranked together in second, third and fourth respectively.

Companies ranking in the bottom three are Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel, US Steel and Beijing Shougang.

There is a significant geographical divide between the highest and lowest performing companies. Chinese, Russian and US companies lag behind in terms of disclosure and performance in key areas.

The analysis finds the weighted average Value at Risk for the companies to be 14% of net present value under a 2°C scenario, where global carbon prices rise to US$100 per tonne CO by 2040.2

Reporting on emissions and energy consumption is inconsistent across the sample. Only four companies clearly disclose emissions intensity in line with worldsteel guidance.

Progress towards reducing Scope 1+2 emissions from steelmaking has been limited. Emissions intensities have been reduced at an average rate of 0.92% p.a. since 2013.

Across the 20 companies, over 50% of inland steel capacity is located in areas of high water stress risk. Company operations located in China and India are most at risk.

Only five companies have officially supported the TCFD.

Seven of the 20 companies have set up Power Purchase Agreements to utilise renewable energy in their steelmaking operations

Six companies have delivered technologies, that we consider to be transformative. Innovations include the emergence of hydrogen steelmaking projects and a number of CCUS initiatives.

60% of companies have set emissions reduction targets, yet only two companies are aligned with a 2°C or below emissions pathway. SSAB has set a goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2045 across its entire operations.

Companies are beginning to utilise scenario analysis to assess the impacts of climate change on their business. Seven companies use an internal carbon price.

There are four key areas assessed in the League Table, which are aligned with the recommendations from the TCFD:

Transition risks: CDP assessed companies’ Scope 1+2 emissions intensities and energy performance, as well as data transparency and Scope 3 emissions reporting.

Physical risks: CDP analysed company exposure to localized water stress issues on a facility-by-facility basis across their entire operations. We compare this water stress exposure with companies’ water consumption and governance frameworks.

Transition opportunities: CDP assessed companies’ involvement in low-carbon innovations in relation to steelmaking and circularity. We also analyse levels of R&D and investment in renewable energy.

Climate governance and strategy: CDP analysed companies’ governance frameworks including emissions reduction targets and the alignment of governance and remuneration structures with low-carbon objectives.

The summary League Table below presents headline company findings. It is based on detailed analysis across a range of carbon and transitional indicators which could have a significant impact on company performance. The League Table is designed to serve as a proxy for business readiness in an industry which will face increasing challenges as governments increase efforts to implement the Paris Agreement. Companies placed towards the bottom are deemed less prepared for a low-carbon transition.

Arcelor op de 2e plaats, zie pdf.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
JSW Steel Declared Preferred Bidder for 3 Iron Ore Mines in Karnataka

JSW Steel Limited announced that it has been declared as the Preferred Bidder for three iron ore mines with an estimated resource of around 92.97 million tonnes in the auctions held by the government of Karnataka in July 2019. The three mines are Narayanpura Manganese & Iron Ore Mine, Dharmapura Iron Ore Mine & BBH Mines. It announced “The weighted average highest final offer price by the Company to become a "Preferred Bidder" for these three mines is 78.88% of average monthly prices of iron ore of different grades and quality published by Indian Bureau of Mines in the State of Karnataka from time to time. The Company will take all requisite steps as per the tender document to obtain Letter of Intent, all statutory clearances, execute Mine Development and Production Agreement and start the mining operations.”

Earlier in October 2016 and September 2018, JSW Steel was declared as the Preferred Bidder for 6 Category "C" iron ore Mines having estimated resource of around 120.714 million tonne, in the e-auctions conducted by the Government of Karnataka.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Jobs in the South African Steel Sector Are Under Threat - SEIFSA

Mr Michael Ade, chief economist at the Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of South Africa, wrote that jobs in metals and engineering businesses in South Africa under threat as companies face a plethora of challenges. He wrote “Businesses in the metals and engineering sector are operating under extremely difficult conditions. Manufacturing businesses, including those in the diverse metals and engineering cluster of industries, are still grappling with a plethora of challenges, which increase operational costs, thus impacting negatively on production, margins and profits, with possible extended ramifications on employment. Domestic demand is low, underpinned by poor growth and nondescript high-frequency data. Even though the general expectation is for a rebound in the GDP in the second quarter of this year, the economy’s dismal performance during the first quarter is still reverberating. The real GDP measured by production decreased by 3.2% in the first quarter of this year, representing the second-highest quarterly decrease since quarter one of 2009, when a 6.1% dip was registered during the global financial crisis. Correspondingly, general household final consumption expenditure also decreased in the first quarter of this year, depressing both the derived demand for the metals and engineering cluster’s intermediate goods and selling prices. This has compounded the pressure faced by businesses.”

He wrote “Worryingly, the weak market fundamentals also dictate the functioning of the labour market within the sector, with most companies often choosing to shed jobs in order to contain costs and improve their bottom line.”

Given this context, one would empathize with some Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of SA member companies, which are involved in legal processes aimed at reducing jobs in order to stay afloat.

Source : News 24
Kloeckner & Co Could Play Role in Thyssenkrupp Restructuring - CEO

Reuters reported that German steel distributor Kloeckner & Co is open to playing a role in the consolidation of Thyssenkrupp’s materials trading division, including taking a minority stake. Kloeckner & Co CEO Gisbert Ruehl said “We will always look at proposals. Nothing could be ruled out.”

He still said that Kloeckner was no longer pursuing an acquisition of Thyssenkrupp Materials Services after Thyssenkrupp said in May it expected to keep a majority of the unit in the long-term.

Mr Ruehl said he regularly meets Thyssenkrupp boss Guido Kerkhoff, but cautioned that investors should not read too much into that.

Thyssenkrupp in May unveiled a major restructuring, effectively looking for partners for its business divisions, including Materials Services where it could sell a minority stake to a strategic partner.

Source : Reuters
Zekelman Industries to Build ERW Tube Mill in Blytheville in Arkansas in US

Zekelman Industries announced it will build the world’s largest continuous ERW tube mill in Blytheville, Arkansas, on property adjacent to its existing Atlas Tube mill. The mill will be capable of producing sections as large as 28 OD x 1 wall. The company projects an additional 75 new employees will be hired to work in the mill, growing its Blytheville workforce to approximately 150 employees. Startup of the new mill is scheduled for September 2021.

The USD 150 million mill project represents the largest private investment in the U.S. steel industry in the last decade, enabling new domestic manufacturing capabilities. The state-of-the-art facility will be capable of producing hollow structural sections (HSS) in square, rectangular and round shapes and in sizes ranging from 8 square x 0.750 wall to 22 square x 1 wall. While Atlas Tube has supplied Jumbo HSS (up to 22 square x 0.875 wall) since 2012, the new mill allows the full range of these products to be made in the USA for the first time — and with a larger maximum wall thickness than previously available. The largest rectangular section produced here will be 30 x 14 x 1wall, and the largest round section will be 28 OD x 1 wall.

Atlas Tube provides structural support for buildings such as airports, stadiums, mega warehouses and large distribution centers, as well as infrastructure applications such as bridges and oil & gas pipelines. The Blytheville mill will produce HSS and pipe piling to meet or exceed ASTM A500, ASTM A1085, CSA G40 and ASTM A252 standards.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Baosteel Zhanjiang Orders Digitalization Packages, Automation & Electrics for HSM from Primetals Technologies

At the end of March 2019, Baosteel Zhanjiang, a subsidiary company of the Chinese corporation Baoshan Iron and Steel Co Ltd, contracted Primetals Technologies to supply digitalization packages, automation technology and electrical equipment for its new 1,780 mm hot strip mill to be constructed in Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province in the southern part of China. The implementation of an extensive package of Industry 4.0 solutions is an important step to achieve the target of building an intelligent and the most advanced hot strip mill in the world. The project is expected to be finished at the end of 2022. In addition, a cooperation agreement for the joint development of advanced Industry 4.0 solutions in hot rolling was signed.

Primetals Technologies´ Industry 4.0 solutions will make the hot strip mill fit for digitalization and optimized production results. Through-Process-Optimization (TPO), an integrated know-how based solution, will improve efficiency, stability and product quality across the entire rolling process. Advanced Profile, Flatness and Contour Control (APX) ensures highest product quality by incorporating a combination of comprehensive modelling and artificial intelligence, and optimization of profile distribution. In order to ensure highest availability and productivity, Primetals Technologies Strip Steering Expert / Wedge & Camber Control using the latest vision-based measurement equipment and advanced control technology for automatic threading, in bar control and thread out will be implemented. The scope of supply also encompasses the basic automation system (level 1), measuring devices, motors and drives. Level 2 will be supplied by Baosteel with the APX being supplied and implemented by Primetals Technologies as part of the digitalization package.

The new hot strip mill is the second one to be built at Baosteel Zhanjiang. It has a rated capacity of 4.5 million tonnes per year and will produce coil in a width range of 720 to 1,780 mm and thicknesses between 1.2 and 12.7 mm.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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