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AISI Update on Raw Steel Production in US In Week 31

In the week ending on August 3, 2019, domestic raw steel production was 1,897,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 81.5 percent. Production was 1,848,000 net tons in the week ending August 3, 2018 while the capability utilization then was 78.8 percent. The current week production represents a 2.7 percent increase from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending August 3, 2019 is up 0.7 percent from the previous week ending July 27, 2019 when production was 1,884,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 80.9 percent.

Adjusted year-to-date production through August 3, 2019 was 57,945,000 net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 81.1 percent. That is up 4.8 percent from the 55,279,000 net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 77.0 percent.

Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending August 3, 2019 in thousands of net tons: North East: 213; Great Lakes: 699; Midwest: 209; Southern: 702 and Western: 74 for a total of 1897.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Wellicht een kans voor AM?

German Railway to Get EUR 85 Billion Upgrade

KHL reported that the German government has approved a plan to spend EUR 86 billion to upgrade the Deutsche Bahn rail network. Transport minister Mr Andreas Scheuer called the project “the biggest railway modernisation programme” in the country’s history. The 33,000km network, run by national rail company Deutsche Bahn, has suffered from dilapidated bridges and overused tracks, with delays and breakdowns plaguing the system for a number of years. This has prompted the government to agree a 54% increase from the previous five-year plan.

In Bavaria, Bauer were commissioned to undertake remediation work on a number of embankments, to allow for the reintroduction of tilting technology – a function allowing trains to travel faster which has been prohibited since 2016, due to the poor condition of the tracks.

Mr Scheuer said the government would invest EUR 62 billion in the project, with another EUR 24.2 billion coming from Deutsche Bahn.

Within the scope of work, 2,000 bridges will be renovated, while the ultimate goal for the programme is to see a doubling of the current number of passengers by 2030.

Source : KHL
Nico Steel Gets Patent for Electroplating Process Of Aluminium-Copper Alloy

Nico Steel Holdings said that it has received approval for its patent on the electroplating process of an aluminium alloy with copper, for a period of 20 years, starting from June 2019. The patent was granted by the National Intellectual Property Administration in the People's Republic of China. Company said in a press statement that this patented process is being used to produce one of the group's key proprietary alloy products known as NICO-CCU.

Nico Steel said that the aluminium-copper alloy (NICO-CCU) is currently used for thermal application and antenna application to manage the heat and surface electrical conductivity of laptops and tablets.

It added that the aluminium alloy used for this product has the flexibility to use another of the group's key proprietary aluminium alloy product - NICO AL50 - as a base material.

Source : Business Times
thyssenkrupp Updated Functionality Of Its E-Commerce Customer Portal

thyssenkrupp Materials North America Inc updated the functionality of its e-commerce customer portal at New functions enable customers of the Copper and Brass Sales Division to buy metal alloys online in all shapes and sizes. It also gives them the ability to duplicate the purchase of a previous order quickly and to obtain quotes.

In addition to accessing a variety of real-time, account-specific information and account functions, the portal provides shipment tracking and options to perform a variety of reporting tasks for delivery notices, invoices, MSDS, mill test reports, and order history.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
IJzererts en goud zet delvers in beweging

Gepubliceerd op 7 aug 2019 om 08:03 | Views: 509

ArcelorMittal 06 aug
12,50 0,00 (0,00%)

Gold World Spot (USD) 08:23
1.486,22 +11,97 (+0,81%)

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - De aandelen van Europese mijnbouwbedrijven en staalconcerns weten woensdag de aandacht weer op zich gericht. De verder dalende prijs van ijzererts zal opnieuw een negatieve impact hebben op de koersen van bedrijven die sterk actief zijn in deze sector, denken analisten. Daar staan volgens kenners gouddelvers tegenover. Die kunnen profiteren van de oplopende goudprijs, die inmiddels het hoogste niveau in zes jaar heeft bereikt.

De negatieve marktomstandigheden voor ijzererts worden onder meer veroorzaakt door het handelsconflict tussen de economische grootmachten China en de Verenigde Staten, een verdere opbouw van de voorraden en signalen dat de vraag naar ijzererts zwakker wordt. In de eerste helft van het jaar was juist sprake van een stijgende ijzerertsprijs, aangejaagd door de verwachting dat de vraag zou toenemen.

Onder meer delvers van ijzererts weten de aandacht dus op zich gericht, zoals Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, Anglo American en Ferrexpo. De staalmakers zoals ArcelorMittal, Voestalpine, Evraz en Tenaris staan ook in de schijnwerpers.

De goudprijs stijgt juist omdat beleggers het edelmetaal zien als een traditionele veilige haven bij hobbelige economische- en beursomstandigheden. In Europa zijn onder meer de gouddelvers Polymetal, Centamin, Acacia Mining en Fresnillo genoteerd.
Handelsoorlog raakt staalmaker Voestalpine

Gepubliceerd op 7 aug 2019 om 09:01 | Views: 211

ArcelorMittal 06 aug
12,50 0,00 (0,00%)

WENEN (AFN) - Staalfabrikant Voestalpine heeft in het voorbije kwartaal last gehad van het handelsconflict tussen de Verenigde Staten en China, die bijdroegen aan de afkoeling van de wereldwijde economie. Die verslechtering raakte onder andere de Europese auto-industrie, een belangrijke afzetmarkt voor het Oostenrijkse concern.

De omzet bij Voestalpine daalde in het eerste kwartaal van zijn gebroken boekjaar met bijna 4 procent tot 3,3 miljard euro. Alle divisies hadden daarbij te maken met teruggelopen leveringen. Tegelijkertijd stegen de kosten, onder andere voor CO2-emissies, ijzererts en de opstart van een Amerikaanse fabriek. Het bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) viel daardoor bijna 28 procent lager uit, op 370,9 miljoen euro. De nettowinst daalde met 60 procent tot 90,4 miljoen euro.

Voestalpine verwacht dit boekjaar een bedrijfsresultaat te behalen dat gelijk is aan dat van 2018/2019. Daarvoor moet het bedrijf wel in de kosten snijden. Daarnaast is die doelstelling alleen haalbaar als handelsspanningen en onzekerheid rond de brexit niet uitmonden in een recessie of crisis. Ook kan een rigoureuze ommezwaai in het Europese CO2-beleid die ambitie verstoren.
Winst Glencore geraakt door lagere prijzen

Gepubliceerd op 7 aug 2019 om 09:24 | Views: 0

Glencore 09:09
222,78 -8,57 (-3,70%)

LONDEN (AFN) - Mijnbouwbedrijf en grondstofhandelaar Glencore heeft het eerste halfjaar van 2019 afgesloten met een fors lagere winst. Prijsdalingen van onder meer koper en kobalt en zwakke resultaten van mijnen in Afrika zetten de resultaten onder druk.

Glencore, dat met zijn hoofdkantoor huist in Zwitserland, zette in de eerste zes maanden een bedrijfsresultaat van 5,6 miljard dollar in de boeken. Dat betekende op jaarbasis een daling met bijna een derde. De nettowinst viel met 200 miljoen dollar een slordige 92 procent lager uit, mede ook door afschrijvingen op olie-activiteiten in Tsjaad en Afrikaanse koperactiviteiten.

Topman Ivan Glasenberg sprak in een toelichting op de cijfers van "uitdagende marktomstandigheden", maar ook van hogere kosten en tegenslagen. Glencore had eerder al aangegeven als gevolg van de prijsval van kobalt en strengere belastingregels een mijn in de Democratische Republiek Congo te willen sluiten.
Algerian Qatari Steel Aims to Stop Steel Imports

Argus Media reported that Algerian-Qatari steelmaking partnership Algerian Qatari Steel brought on line its third rolling mill at the Bellara mega industrial complex close to Algiers at the end of July, with a view to stopping imports. The company aims in the short and medium term to effectively meet the needs of the national market for steel products in quantity and quality, with the strategic objective of stopping the import of steel.AQS said that "As for our long-term prospects, they can be summarised as the second phase of the project's investment program, bringing production capacity to more than 4 million tonne, with an implementation budget of nearly USD 2 billion."

The remainder of the project, including a 2.5 million tonne per year direct reduction unit and two electric steel plants with a crude steel capacity of 2.2 million tonne per year, will be brought on line by the end of this year.

The facility will have the capacity to produce 2mn t/yr of finished steel 1.5 million tonne of rebar and 500,000 tonne of wire rod to meet the domestic construction demands of Algeria.

Algeria is a major importer of finished and semi-finished steel products for rolling, primarily from the CIS region. In 2018, Algeria imported 982,992 tonne of billet, 533,855 tonne of which was from Ukraine and 281,344 tonne from Russia.

Source : Argus Media
Steel Ministry Held Meeting to Discuss Road Map for Odisha

India’s Steel Minister Dharmendra Pradhan held a meeting with officials to discuss a road map for developing a steel hub in Odisha. Steel Ministry in a tweet said that "Met with steel industry stakeholders and senior officials of the ministry to chart out a road map for setting up a steel hub in Odisha. The state of Odisha is amongst the richest mineral bearing states of the country.”

Last month, Pradhan and Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik discussed ways to enhance the state's footprints in the steel sector.

The development assumes significance in the wake of presence of major steel producers, such as Tata Steel, Steel Authority of India Ltd, Jindal Steel and Power Ltd, in the state.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Jindal Stainless Reports Q1 Profit Drop

Stainless steel maker Jindal Stainless posted a 57% drop in its consolidated net profit at INR 48 crore for the April to June quarter on the back of lower sales and the incurrence of an exceptional loss. Consolidated net sales fell by 3% at INR 3,263 crore. The company also incurred an exceptional loss of INR 24 crore on account of FOREX movement. Mr Abhyuday Jindal MD of Jindal Stainless said that “Our performance in the first quarter indicates our strong financial position. The outlook for the business remains positive with the outlay of significant investments by the government in the union budget for Railways and infrastructure. However, we continue to face a challenge from high levels of imports, particularly from FTA countries like Indonesia and Vietnam. In the wake of these emerging business challenges, we have carried out an internal restructuring to sharpen our key focus areas. We have created a centralized team to serve as a knowledge bank, carve out new stainless steel applications through conversion from other materials, and develop new markets.”

The company said the stainless steel market is currently facing serious threats from subsidized imports coming from countries like Indonesia who’s imports constituted over 28% of total imports into India during the quarter.

Source : Economic Times
Iran Restricts Iron Ore Pellet Exports to Stem Domestic Shortage

Iran Daily reported that Iranian Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade has not issued any permits for iron ore pellet exports since the beginning of August because of a shortage in the domestic market and no pellet cargoes are available for export and cargoes committed earlier are loading but delayed and shippers are facing demurrage costs. Some Iranian cargoes have already been contracted to be sold for October delivery, with buyers having made advance payments for them. But market expectations are for Tehran to continue restricting exports of concentrate in the coming months.

This follows a move in early June, when the ministry announced that in the interest of ensuring sufficient supplies for domestic mills, only mines, not traders, are permitted to export iron ore pellet and concentrate. Mines were also directed to prioritize supplies to the domestic market and would only be granted export permits after fulfilling their domestic demand.

Iran has an estimated 49 million tonnes of pellet output capacity this year and the government is concerned that the domestic market may face a shortage of concentrate, particularly when imports are not possible under US sanctions.

Source : Iran Daily
CSC Orders 3 Slab Casters from SMS Group

China Steel Corporation of Taiwan has awarded SMS group a contract to supply three 160-ton converters for its No 1 steel making plant in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The aim of the upgrade is to improve the availability of the converters and reduce the need for maintenance. Replacement of the old and commissioning of the three new converters are scheduled for the period 2020 to 2022. Hung-Ta Lin, Ass. General Superintendent, Steel Making Dept. CSC Taiwan: “We have been operating a BOF converter shop from SMS group at Dragon Steel Corporation for some years now. Our experience with SMS group has been so good that the choice for this order was an easy one. We look forward to working with SMS group in the years to come.”

The scope of supply covers the converter vessels, the trunnion rings, the proven lamella-type vessel suspension system, the tilt drives, the X-Pact® electrical and automation systems for the tilt drives, and supervision of erection and commissioning.

SMS group will ship the trunnion rings of 9-meter-diameter each in one piece to the customer’s site in Taiwan, considerably reducing the overall installation time.

The maintenance-free lamella-type converter suspension system ensures unrestrained arrangement of the converter vessel in the trunnion ring. Thanks to the use of the lamella suspension system, a larger air gap between the vessel and the trunnion ring and high-quality, and high-strength fine-grained structural steels, the converters can cope ideally with the alternating thermal stress during operation.

The X-Pact® electrical and automation systems for the converter tilt drives feature frequency-controlled three-phase drive technology which guarantees not only a high level of plant availability but also safe and reliable positioning of the converter vessels under continually changing dynamic loads.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Need Firm Policy for Scrapping Old Vehicles - Mr Sajjan Jindal

ET reported that JSW group chairman Mr Sajjan Jindal said that the need of the hour is a firm policy for scrapping old vehicles which are fuel guzzlers and not environment-friendly. He tweeted “Surprised to hear that India has become the 2nd largest importer #Scrap in the world. This is a clear indication that our system is not geared up for consuming our internal scrap. Incentivisation for scrapping old vehicles can be one of the solutions. @PMOIndia #ScrapAndPropel. The govt could waive off registration amount for a new car if the buyer produces a certificate proving scrapping of old car.”

He said “It would be a “perfect opportunity for a buyer to get scrap value for his car + reduced GST + exemption on registration. Reason enough for purchasing a new car?”

He added “We must encourage people to scrap old vehicles, be it private or commercial. It is a fact that the old vehicles are not very environment friendly and are fuel guzzlers. @NITIAayog #ScrapAndPropel.”

This comes at a time when moves are afoot within key ministries to reduce dependency on import of scrap and encourage scientific processing and recycling of ferrous scrap. Union road transport and highways ministry has also come out with an ambitious vehicle scrapping policy, which has proposed a mandatory cap of 20 years on the life of all commercial vehicles starting in 2020. However, it has been delayed and the PMO has directed it go through a consultative process with the various state governments. The policy, aimed at reducing pollution, has been welcomed by vehicle makers since it is tipped to generate higher sales for them. As per the proposal, until the 2020 deadline kicks, owners of such vehicles can voluntarily scrap their vehicles and receive a discount on the purchase of new ones.

Source : ET
Tata Steel Unit Terminates Pact with HBIS Group to Divest Stake in South East Asia business

Tata Steel Ltd has called off plans to sell a majority stake in its South-East Asia steel business to China’s state-run HBIS Group. It said TS Global Holdings Pte Ltd had executed definitive agreements with HBIS Group Co Ltd, to divest its equity stake in Tata Steel (Thailand) Public Company Ltd and NatSteel Holdings Pte Ltd to a company in which 70% equity shares was to be held by HBIS and the balance 30% by TSGH. The completion of transaction was subject to regulatory approvals. We have been informed by HBIS that they have not been able to procure the requisite approvals from the Hebei Government, one of the key conditions precedent for the proposed transaction. Both parties have, therefore, decided not to extend the definitive agreements.”

It added “Following the above, Tata Steel will immediately begin engagement with other investors in continuation of its strategy to find a partner for the South-East Asian business.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Pakistan PM Gives Directive for PSM Revival

The Express Tribune reported that Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has directed the Ministry of Trade and Commerce to accelerate efforts for the revival of Pakistan Steel Mills, reiterating the government’s priority to turn the industrial giant into profit. Chairing a meeting to review the progress on efforts to revive PSM, the prime minister said destruction of the profit-making enterprise was the manifestation of maladministration and negligence on the part of previous governments.

The PM was apprised of the existing condition of the mill, losses caused by its closure and progress on implementation of the decisions taken by the government.

PSM had been earning profit till 2008 and went into losses in 2009 before being closed in 2015, it was informed. The mill was constantly suffering loss and the government had to bear a cost of PKR 370 million per month for the payment of employees’ salaries. It was told that around PKR 217 billion was payable by the mill.

Source : The Express Tribune
GMS Market Commentary on Shipbreaking in Bangladesh in Week 31 - EXPECTANT FOR EID!

any hopes of an anticipated recovery from the Bangladeshi market have to be put on hold. Very few end Buyers are willing to discuss new vessels, especially with so many units (especially large LDT ones) still occupying local plots at the moment. Much of this previously delivered inventory has yet to shift as cutting has slowed immensely due to the constant monsoon rains that have been hampering activity at local yards. Furthering the slowdown has been the seasonal return of laborers to their home towns during the summer months.

As such, despite nominally being the highest placed subcontinent market, in reality, it is expected to take at least a couple of weeks more before we see any semblance of realistic levels from Chattogram. By that time, it is hoped that there will be some clarity on the BSBA challenge to overturn the recent increase in VAT that was announced over the June 13th budget.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Picks Danieli for Phu My Rolling Mill Upgrade

Tung Ho Steel Vietnam again chose Danieli to upgrade its 600,000-tpy flexible rolling mill in Phu My. Coming four months after the FAC for the new bar and light-section rolling mill, this order consists of an in-line water quenching system for 10- to 43-mm straight rebars. Quenching will optimize the alloying elements in the rebar products and achieve the high standard requirements of yield strength, coupled with very good weldability and improved elongation. Just one chemical composition set-up for the starting billet will optimize production planning for both melt shop and rolling mill.

The project includes piping and cabling detail design together with mechanical and electrical equipment supply and advisory services. Installation and start-up are scheduled during the shutdown at the end of 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Winst Tata Steel naar dieptepunt

Gepubliceerd op 7 aug 2019 om 16:29 | Views: 195

ArcelorMittal 16:26
12,28 -0,22 (-1,73%)

MUMBAI (AFN/RTR) - Staalconcern Tata Steel heeft zijn winst in het afgelopen kwartaal zien dalen naar het laagste niveau in meer dan twee jaar. De grootste staalfabrikant van India kampte onder meer met de lagere staalprijzen.

De nettowinst zakte naar 6,9 miljard roepies, omgerekend zo'n 86 miljoen euro, van 19,4 miljard roepies een jaar eerder. De omzet steeg in dezelfde periode met 1,3 procent tot 359,5 miljard roepies.

Staalmakers over de hele wereld hebben al het mes gezet in hun verwachtingen vanwege de lage staalprijzen, hoge grondstofprijzen en de handelsoorlog. Tata probeert de aandacht meer te verleggen naar zijn thuisland, waar de overheid de infrastructuur een beurt wil geven en de vraag naar staal daardoor wordt verhoogd.
GMS Market Commentary on Shipbreaking in Turkey in Week 31 - SIMMERING

With the Indian market now approaching the low USD 300s/LDT, some of the offers emanating from Alang Buyers for small LDT tonnage are just USD 60 per tonne away from those being offered by Turkish Recyclers a price differential that is probably the smallest we have seen for some time now. Local steel plate prices have remained relatively steady since last week and the Turkish Lira continues to bounce around the TRY 5.6X mark against the US Dollar.

Notwithstanding the overall stability of Turkish fundamentals over the last several weeks, it is the excruciating shortage of tonnage that has left local Buyers desperate for vessels and local yards on the verge of shut down.

What will come of this market in the near future is hard to tell, but if the subcontinent markets continue to dwindle, Turkey may suddenly find itself in the recycling limelight once again.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
GMS Market Commentary on Shipbreaking in Pakistan in Week 31 - CAN’T BE COUNTED ON!

Despite some encouraging recent enquiries, Pakistani Buyers have yet to really put their money where their intentions are, with consistent and firm offers. As a result, we are seeing more vessels slip through the grasps of Gadani recyclers and it certainly is time for them to get serious, especially if they want to secure some of the relatively lower priced vessels that they have been craving for some time now.

Of course, the market continues to be plagued by the sale of cheap Iranian billets amidst the terrible recent depreciation of the Pakistani Rupee, even though local steel plate prices remain strong (even firmed marginally this week) and yards have remained barren, after nearly a year of inactivity.

As such, there really should be a point where local Buyers need to jump back into the game while the opportunity is ripe.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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