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GMS Market Commentary on Shipbreaking in Week 17 - Taking Time

As the number of Covid-19 cases continues to rise across the globe, the expected / enforced lockdowns across all subcontinent markets have been further extended until May 4, at least. However, there have reportedly been some small concessions made in India this week, as a select number of local recycling yards that have been actively practicing social distancing and ensuring protective gear is being provided to yard workers, are now being permitted to commence cutting activities slowly and responsibly. This does not mean that India is open by a long shot as all flights are still grounded, foreigners are denied entry, and any vessels arriving Alang for recycling are not being permitted into port limits, with no boardings, beachings, and deliveries taking place yet. The expectation is that things are going to move at a slow and methodical pace, until the virus is brought under control, across all subcontinent locations & Turkey and lockdown measures could well be extended further, as with many parts of Europe and Asia, where shutdown and quarantine measures have been extended until June 1. Finally, with the onset of Ramadan, countries celebrating the religious month are expected to remain out of the game for the most part, which may come hand-in-hand with the ongoing global quarantine and lack of any workable tonnage presently in the market.

Bangladesh - Last week, many in the industry were surprised to hear about the sale of the Sinokor controlled VLOC HBIS SUNRISE 38,222 LDT for a decent USD 310/LT LDT, basis an 'as is' Singapore delivery with about 2,700 Tons of bunkers remaining on board at the time of delivery. Since no crew can travel for the take over in Singapore, the Buyers intend to retain Seller's crew on board until they are able to mobilize their crew for take over, once the markets start to open up again. Logically, with all subcontinent locations currently closed, the resale destination remains unclear at this juncture. So it certainly is a speculative purchase from the concerned Cash Buyer. However, with the vessel being in Singapore and provided that post-closure prices are not drastically off, she will likely be a Bangladesh candidate, especially given the preference of Chattogram Recyclers for larger LDT vessels. As it stands, the Bangladeshi government has extended their lockdown measures until May 4lh and it is likely that there will be no clearance on existing vessels until then and no import of fresh vessels will be permitted either. Yards remain closed in Chattogram and no cutting activity is currently taking place. Finally, during the month of Ramadan, it is expected to be a quieter period as citizens are urged to self isolate and practice social distancing.

India - There was some easing of restrictions in Alang this week, as a very few select yards were granted special permissions and were allowed to resume limited cutting operations, so long as their workers continued to strictly practice safe social distancing regulations and were being issued the appropriate safety equipment. To be clear, no new arrivals of fresh vessels have been allowed and even vessels still stuck at anchorage are being denied boardings and beaching permissions for the time being. Foreign crew are not being allowed into India and flights are not operating to permit Indian crew to fly out in order to take over any as is vessels either. As such, the Indian market remains on a total shutdown with virtually no activity emanating from Alang. Finally, info on steel plate prices and the levels to expect once the market is reopens has yet to really emerge from the Alang, even though it is clear that the currency has drastically depreciated by nearly 10%, from Rs 71 to briefly over Rs 77 against the US Dollar of late.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Salzgitter Reports Weak Results for Q1 of 2020

According to the still preliminary figures now available, the Salzgitter Group generated a pre-tax result of EUR -31.4 million in the first quarter of the financial year 2020 (Q1 2019:EUR +125.9 million). The contribution from the Aurubis investment included in this result (EUR -18.7 million; Q1 2019: EUR 50.2 million) was negative due to valuation effects caused by fluctuations in the price of precious metals. Discounting this effect, the Salzgitter Group’s quarterly result was in line with market expectations (EBT: EUR -16 million). Exter- nal sales declined to EUR 2.1 billion due mainly to selling prices (Q1 2019: EUR 2.3 billion).

It said “The significant impact of the Corona epidemic only filtered through to our order situation in mid-March, with the result of the first three months therefore largely remaining unaf- fected. The coming quarters will nevertheless be determined by global restrictions on economic activity. Consequently, production in large parts of the Salzgitter Group, in- cluding in Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH as our major subsidiary, will be temporarily scaled back from May onward and short-time work applied for. We already made reference to the likelihood of these necessary steps in our press release dated April 2. The duration of these measures will depend on how the Corona crisis develops. We anticipate a negative pre-tax result in a significant, with a high probability, triple-digit million euro range for the financial year 2020. The scope of feasible scenarios is so extensive that precise quantification would be pure speculation from a current standpoint.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Steel & Tube Flags Job Cuts

New Zealand based Steel & Tube is proposing 150 to 200 redundancies as it anticipates a Covid-19-led downturn. It said “Prior to Alert Level 4, Steel & Tube said its sales had been improving and it had secured large project work, but lock-down-related delays meant sales in the second half would be considerably below the prior period, although cost cutting had helped offset the drop. Steel & Tube Holdings Limited has undertaken a review of future market scenarios. The impact of COVID-19 and New Zealand Government lock-down restrictions on the economy and sectors STU is exposed to are expected to have a considerable impact on sales in the second half of the financial year and beyond. STU’s geographic sales strength, improved customer service functions and ecommerce options for customers are now enabling further rationalisation of the physical branch network. While these changes will deliver long term benefits, it is expected significant redundancies along with other impairment costs will impact 2H20.”

It said “The Board and Management have undertaken a review of future scenarios for the various sectors the company supplies, given the impact of COVID-19 and the lock-down restrictions. Economic forecasts for the various sectors are mixed and all indicators currently suggest there will be a decline in economic activity overall. This revised outlook has accelerated a restructure of the company to ensure a cost base that is fit for purpose. Steel & Tube’s geographic sales strength, improved customer service functions, recent investment in digital capabilities and ecommerce options for customers are now enabling further rationalisation of the physical branch network. Importantly, Steel & Tube will continue to supply and service its customers whilst maintaining a strong presence across New Zealand. Unfortunately, these changes will impact on jobs and result in 150 - 200 redundancies. Discussions have commenced and the company is engaging with staff and union delegates on this process and to provide support to all affected employees.”

Outlook “Prior to the Alert Level 4 lock-down, sales were improving as expected and Steel & Tube has continued to be successful in securing large project work. COVID-19 and further lock-down related delays will impact sales in the second half of the financial year ending 30 June 2020 and sales are now expected to be considerably below the prior comparative period, partially offset by cost reduction initiatives. While the restructuring of the company will result in cost benefits and greater efficiency over the longer term, redundancies, other execution and network impairment costs, and COVID-19 related doubtful debt provisioning will be realised in 2H20. The Company has deployed industry leading procedures to safely manage operations during the Government’s Alert Level 3 restrictions. The majority of Steel & Tube facilities will be open and the company has implemented digital systems to support customers with contactless ordering and delivery of products.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Steel Production Capability Utilization Rate in US in Week 17 Dips to 56

AISI announced that in the week ending on April 25, 2020, domestic raw steel production was 1,250,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 55.8 percent. Production was 1,892,000 net tons in the week ending April 25, 2019 while the capability utilization then was 81.3 percent. The current week production represents a 33.9 percent decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending April 25, 2020 is down 2.1 percent from the previous week ending April 18, 2020 when production was 1,277,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 57.0 percent.

Adjusted year-to-date production through April 25, 2020 was 28,850,000 net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 75.4 percent. That is down 8.3 percent from the 31,449,000 net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 81.5 percent.

Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending April 25, 2020 in thousands of net tons: North East: 127; Great Lakes: 437; Midwest: 132; Southern: 501 and Western: 53 for a total of 1250.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
SSE Thermal Sells 50% Stake in Slough Multifuel Project to CIP

SSE Thermal has agreed to sell a 50% stake in its Slough Multifuel project to Copenhagen Infrastructure III K/S, a fund managed by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners. The 50MW energy-from-waste facility will now be developed as 50:50 joint ventures between the two companies. SSE Thermal holds existing planning permission for the facility, which will be located on the Slough Trading Estate in Slough, Berkshire, and has been carrying out site preparation works for the construction project since 2018. When completed, Slough Multifuel will be capable of handling around 450,000 tonnes of waste-derived fuels annually, diverting the waste away from landfill and instead using it as a valuable source of energy.

Energy-from-waste specialist Hitachi Zosen Inova has been appointed as the EPC contractor for the project. Construction is expected to commence at the beginning of 2021 and take up to four years. The completed facility will then be operated by SSE Thermal.

The total investment spend on the project is expected to be around GBP 350 million, divided equally between SSE Thermal and CIP. The consideration due from CIP will be received in line with project milestones being met and will initially contribute to project development spend.

SSE also owns the existing Slough Heat and Power Plant on the Slough Trading Estate, which continues to supply energy, water and heat to local customers.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Time is Running Out for Steel Industry in UK – Mr Sanjeev Gupta

Founder of Liberty House Group and Chairman of GFG Alliance Mr Sanjeev Gupta wrote in The Telegraph “Steel is a foundation industry at the heart of these supply chains but its future in Britain is imperilled. Neglect over decades has eroded the foundations of a once proud UK success story. Well-meaning, but ill-conceived, policies have diminished domestic output, leading to a glut of foreign imports. In the 1970s, there were more than 300,000 steelworkers in Britain. Now there are barely 30,000. Today the entire industry could fit into Sheffield United’s Bramall Lane stadium in the city that was once the steel capital of Europe. If we’re not careful, the COVID-19 pandemic could be the final nail in the domestic industry’s coffin as cashflow dwindles and safety critical employees are forced to self isolate. While everyone in the business community should be immensely grateful for the steps ministers have taken to protect and preserve livelihoods, unfortunately there are gaps: the furlough scheme doesn’t allow for reduced hours working, while business continuity loans are only available under strict criteria, at sums too small to protect large corporations and with a long wait before any money is actually disbursed. Fixing this is no easy task. Any Government investment is subject to state aid rules and civil servants are rightly cautious about spending taxpayer funds. But, on the other side of the ledger, is an industry which is responsible for tens of thousands of jobs, livelihoods and whole communities in some of the UK’s most vulnerable regions.”

He wrote “Some might say steel’s decline is inevitable in Britain. But in continental Europe France, Germany, the Netherlands foundation industries are better invested and more efficient, thanks to far-sighted industrial policy. Similarly those nations have found a way to support their steel sectors through the economic lockdown. The UK now needs to follow suit. Most gallingly, we’re on the cusp of a genuinely exciting opportunity. The industry, which accounts for around 9% of all carbon emissions globally, is re-tooling for a greener future. By transitioning from blast furnaces to electric arc furnaces, which recycle used steel, ie scrap, rather than burning fossil fuels to make primary metal, we can make economic use of the 10 million tonnes of surplus steel scrap our country produces every year which is currently largely exported. Further, through investment in technology such as hydrogen-powered steel production, there is an opportunity for Britain to reposition itself as a global leader in low-carbon metal and to bring supply chains back to the UK. To get there, we need an enhanced industrial policy that takes in training, investment and a sensible policy on the cost of energy for industrial use.”

He concluded But these are issues for another day. The questions for today are how much do we care about the UK steel industry and what role can it play in our recovery plans? The Government has been unequivocal about its commitment to do whatever it takes to salvage vital parts of the British economy, steel surely falls into that category. It would be crass and wrong-headed to describe a pandemic as an opportunity. But it is a wake-up call about the way we live, the way we consume and the way we produce. The present incumbent of Downing Street has shown he is willing to think big about the future of Britain. That must include a vision for the future of steel.”

Full Articles at

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tata Steel UK Seeks GBP 500 Million State Bailout - Report

Sky News has learnt that Tata Steel, owner of the Port Talbot steelworks in South Wales, has approached ministers to ask for a funding package worth in the region of GBP 500 million. The request is said to be under discussion with the Treasury and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Sources close to Tata Steel say the talks are at a preliminary stage. Tata Steel spokesman said "We continue to work with both the UK and Welsh governments to identify what support is available."

Further details of the funding request were unclear this weekend, although it is largely understood to comprise a commercial loan that would be repayable when demand for steel recovers.

It comes after Tata Steel's big customers called a halt to production across Europe because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Telangana IF Steel Makers Seek Government Support

Business Line reported that the All India Induction Furnace Association of Southern Region has sought government immediate support contending that the steel sector industries are on the verge of closure in Telangana. It said The steel industry is capital, labour & power-intensive and a substantive support from government is required to mitigate the severe effect of lockdown and allow industries to restart again smoothly. Steel industry serves as the backbone of the economy.”

The association requested that discoms raise the bill for March & April as per the actual meter reading and demand charges proportionate to the factory working days. A complete waiver on fixed electricity charges to steel industry will cost the state exchequer a mere INR 20 crore approximately but go a long way in helping the Industries in these unprecedented times. The steel industry association requested the government to provide interest-free installments to pay the electricity bills due in the lockdown period, reduce power tariff by 15 per cent and waiver of electricity duty of 6 paise per unit.

Since the lockdown, the steel industry has been reeling under huge financial burden of interest payments, fixed electricity charges and payment of salary and wages to all employees.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Hyundai Steel Posts Loss in Q1 of 2020

South Korean steelmaker Hyundai Steel has announced its financial results for the first quarter this year. Hyundai Steel has posted a net loss of KRW 115 billion for the first quarter, compared to a net loss of KRW 74 billion in the last quarter of the previous year and a net profit of KRW 114 billion in the first quarter of 2019. Loss was due to sluggish operations in China. Meanwhile, the company's sales revenues fell by 3.2 percent quarter on quarter and by eight percent year on year to KRW 4.67 trillionin the period in question, while its operating loss totaled KRW 30 billion, compared to an operating loss of KRW 148 billion in the last quarter and a operating profit of KRW 212 billion in the first quarter of the previous year.

In the first quarter this year, the company’s finished steel production amounted to 5.09 million tonnes decreasing by 1.1 percent quarter on quarter and by 4.5 percent year on year, while its steel sales volume totaled 5.08 million tonnes down by 0.9 percent quarter on quarter and by 3.1 percent year on year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China Steel Posts Loss in Q1 of 2020

Taiwanese steelmaker China Steel Corp has posted pretax losses of NTD 509.43 million for March 2020, leading to first-quarter losses of NTD 2.57 billion. The sales volume of carbon steel in March 2020 totaled 962,092 tonnes, with 69% of domestic sales. Accumulated sales volume of carbon steel as of March 2020 totaled 2,726,578 tonnes, with 69% of domestic sales.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
British Steel to resume work at Skinningrove & Lisburn

British Steel has announced that production at its works in Skinningrove in Uk and Lisburn in Northern Ireland will restart on Monday. British Steel chief executive Mr Ron Deelen said “Three weeks ago we paused production at our Special Profiles business in Skinningrove furloughing around 300 employees as we adjusted to the difficult market conditions. While the market remains challenging, we now have increased confidence in our ability to navigate our way through this situation and produce the requisite volumes of Special Profiles. I’m therefore pleased to confirm these employees are returning to work and production will resume at Skinningrove on Monday 27 April. A small number of employees who were furloughed at our Lisburn service centre will also shortly return to work on a phased basis. I’d like to welcome back our employees to Skinningrove and Lisburn and thank them for their understanding during a difficult period for themselves and their families. I’d also like to thank employees who’ve ensured we can continue safe manufacturing operations at our other locations. With the appropriate safeguards in place, we’re maintaining production at our Scunthorpe and Teesside Beam Mill sites, including our two blast furnaces. The ongoing support of the Government, our customers and our suppliers is also greatly appreciated.”

He added “We face many challenges in the weeks and months ahead, personally and professionally, and British Steel can play an important role in supporting economic recovery by protecting thousands of jobs and supplying the products and services our customers need.”

British Steel had not suspended works at its other UK site, including in Lackenby and Darlington.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Mr Pradip Kumar Tripathi Appointed as Next Steel Secretary

The Indian government has appointed Mr Pradip Kumar Tripathi as Secretary of Steel. Mr Tripathi is an IAS officer of 1987 batch of Jammu and Kashmir cadre. Mr Tripathi, Special Secretary and Establishment Officer, Department of Personnel and Training, will take charge as the new steel secretary upon superannuation of present incumbent Mr Binoy Kumar, who retires on May 31, 2020

Mr Kumar, a 1983 batch officer had taken over as Secretary, Ministry of Steel on September 1, 2018.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Steel Imports into US in Q1 of 2020 down by 22% by YoY

Based on preliminary Census Bureau data, the American Iron and Steel Institute reported that the US imported a total of 1,750,000 net tons of steel in March 2020, including 1,511,000 net tons of finished steel up 15.9% and 12.1%, respectively, vs. February final data. Through the first three months of 2020, total and finished steel imports are 6,410,000 net tons and 4,507,000 net tons, down 21.7% and 25.6%, respectively, vs. the same period in 2019. Annualized total and finished steel imports in 2020 would be 25.6 and 18.0 million net tons, down 8.2% and 14.4%, respectively, vs. 2019. Finished steel import market share was an estimated 17% in March and is estimated at 17% over the first three months of 2020.

Key finished steel products with a significant import increase in March compared to February are oil country goods up 129%, line pipe up 93%, structural pipe and tubing up 52%, cold rolled sheets up 30%, wire rods up 22%, hot rolled bars up 18%, wire drawn up 14% and standard pipe up 13%. A product with a significant year-to-date increase vs. the same period in 2019 was mechanical tubing up 16%.

In March the largest volumes of finished steel imports from offshore were from South Korea 205,000 net tons up 29% from February final), Germany 69,000 up 33%, Taiwan 61,000 up 87%, Japan 56,000 down 19% and Spain 42,000 up 544%). For the first three months of 2020, the largest offshore suppliers were South Korea 545,000 net tons down 24% vs. the same period in 2019, Japan 202,000 net tons down 39%, Germany 169,000 down 45%, Turkey 156,000 net tons up 22% and Brazil 141,000 net tons down 14%.

Voor meer, zie pdf.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
NLMK Shareholders Confirm Mr Grigory Fedorishin as NLMK Group President and CEO

At the Annual General Shareholders Meeting held on 24 April 2020, NLMK shareholders voted to confirm Mr Grigory Fedorishin as the Group’s President and Chief Executive Officer and to elect a new Board of Directors, with a majority of independent directors

Nine members of the Board of Directors were elected:
Vladimir Lisin
Oleg Bagrin
Nikolay Gagarin
Thomas Veraszto (independent director)
Joachim Limberg (independent director)
Sergey Kravchenko (independent director)
Stanislav Shekshnia (independent director)
Benedict Sciortino (independent director)
Marjan Oudeman (independent director)

The shareholders also approved the Company’s 2019 Annual Report and Financial Statements. The shareholders approved the payment of remuneration to members of NLMK Board of Directors and the external Auditor.

NLMK shareholders did not approve the amount of Q4 2019 dividends recommended earlier by the Board of Directors.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Iranian Steel Exports in 2019-20 Iranian Year Surge by 22% YoY

According to the Iranian Steel Producers Association's latest report, total of 10.36 million tonnes of finished and semi-finished steel products were exported from Iran in the last Iranian year that ended on March 19, 2020, to register a 22.21% YoY increase. Semi-finished steel made up 6.9 million tonnes or more than 66.66% of the total export volume, up 26% YoY. Billet and bloom had the lion’s share of semis exports with an aggregate of 4.83 million tonnes to mark a 24% YoY rise while slab followed with 2.07 million tonnes, up 31% YoY.

Exports of finished steel products increased by 16% YoY to reach 3.45 million tonnes. Long steel products had the biggest share of finished products exports with a total of 2.65 million tonnes, 76.7% to register a 26% growth YOY.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
INOX Develops Antimicrobial Coating for Door Hardware

INOX is now offering an antimicrobial coating for its line of stainless steel products, including commercial and residential door levers and pulls, deadbolts, panic devices and push/pull plates. INOX MicroArmor Antimicrobial Coatino is a powder coating infused with antimicrobial technology that is applied during the hardware’s manufacturing process and works to inhibit the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria, mold and mildew by up to 99.9%.INOX MicroArmor Antimicrobial Coating contains silver ions that attach themselves to a microbe’s cellular enzyme to inhibit the growth of the microbe, reducing the spread of bacteria, fungi and mold. During the manufacturing process, the powder coating is applied to an INOX product and the silver ions within the coating integrate with the product itself. This enables the hardware to have 24/7, around-the-clock protection that does not wash off or wear away and remains effective in reducing the growth and spread of bacteria.
The antimicrobial technology infused in MicroArmor is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. INOX MicroArmor is also certified by the Japanese Industrial Standard Z 2801 method.

INOX is an innovative engineering company that designs and manufactures premium decorative hardware and door locks.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Severstal Reports Financial Results for Q1 of 2020

PAO Severstal announces its Q1 2020 financial results for the period ended 31 March 2020. Severstal Management CEO Mr Alexander Shevelev said "The first three months were extremely challenging for all the world’s steelmakers. In February, China, the world’s largest steel market, faced an outbreak of COVID-19. Stringent quarantine measures led to automotive plants and construction projects shutting down, resulting in lower demand for steel products. After that initial outbreak of coronavirus, restrictions came into force in Europe and Russia. The anticipation of an economic slowdown and weaker steel demand led to negative steel price dynamics starting from March 2020, although that price level is still significantly higher than our costs. In Russia the national currency devaluation and seasonal slowdown in demand led to the redirection of part of our sales to the export market. Using the flexibility of our distribution channels we increased the share of steel export shipments to 45% in Q1 2020. While we face many challenges, Severstal is experienced in dealing with volatile market environments and has navigated through a number of downturns. We have a proven strong track record of successfully executing our strategic priorities, cost control and operational optimisation. This, in combination with the flexibility of our distribution channels, wide product range and strong financial position enables us to move with certainty through this difficult time and continue to implement our strategic plans.”

Voor cijfers, zie pdf.

OUTLOOK “In Q1 2020 global steel demand was affected by the spread of COVID-19. China faced strong restrictions on economic activity in February leading to a sizable accumulation of steel inventories, but a gradual restart of activities in March supported steel market sentiment. Whereas raw material prices were supported by high production levels, steel prices for export destinations were sensitive to the drop in demand and further restrictions, especially across ex-China regions. At the start of 2020, Russian domestic steel demand was growing y/y, however it is likely to deteriorate due to Russian GDP contraction and the introduction of stricter measures to combat COVID-19. However, despite a number of potential headwinds on both export and domestic markets, Severstal’s low cost position allows us to remain competitive in the market and the Board remains confident in the resilience of the Company’s business model relative to its local and global peers.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Beursblik: Credit Suisse verlaagt koersdoel Aperam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Credit Suisse verwacht dat de vraag naar roestvast staal dit jaar flink afneemt en heeft het koersdoel voor Aperam verlaagd van 31,00 euro naar 27,00 euro met handhaving van het advies op Neutraal. Dit bleek woensdag uit een analyse van de Zwitserse bank.

Op mondiale schaal voorzien de analisten van de bank een daling van de vraag naar roestvast staal van 9 procent en voor Europa een afname van 11 procent.

Mocht Credit Suisse gelijk krijgen, dan daalt de vraag naar roestvast staal onder de niveaus van 2009 en dat betekent dat de markt voor roestvast staal door de corona-uitbraak harder wordt geraakt dan de markt voor koolstofstaal, waar de bank, als het om de inname van een positie gaat, ook een voorkeur voor heeft.

De belangrijkste reden voor de afnemende vraag is de verwachting dat de besteedbare inkomens wereldwijd onder druk komen te staan.

De bank verlaagde woensdag ook de ramingen voor de operationele resultaten (EBITDA) voor dit jaar met 35 tot 44 procent.

Het aandeel Aperam noteerde woensdag 1,8 procent hoger op 23,92 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
ArcelorMittal Publishes Q1 2020 EBITDA Analyst Consensus Figures

ArcelorMittal announced the publication of its first quarter 2020 EBITDA sell-side analysts’ consensus figures. The consensus figures are based on analysts’ estimates recorded on an external web-based tool provided and managed by an independent company, Vuma Financial Services Limited. To arrive at the consensus figures below, Vuma Consensus has aggregated the expectations of sell-side analysts who, to the best of our knowledge, cover ArcelorMittal on a continuous basis. This is currently a group of about 20-25 brokers. The listed analysts follow ArcelorMittal on their own initiative and ArcelorMittal is not responsible for their views. ArcelorMittal is neither involved in the collection of the information nor in the compilation of the estimates.

EBITDA consensus average $ million
1Q 2020 – USD 867

The sell-side analysts who cover ArcelorMittal and whose estimates are included in the Group consensus outlined above are the following:
Ahorro – Cesar Bergon
Bank of America Merrill Lynch – Jason Fairclough
BBVA - Luis de Toledo
Citi – Ephrem Ravi
Commerzbank - Ingo-Martin Schachel
Credit Suisse – Carsten Riek
Deutsche Bank - Bastian Synagowitz
Exane ­– Seth Rosenfeld
Groupo Santander – Robert Jackson
GVC Gaesco Beka - Iñigo Recio Pascual
ING - Stijn Demeester
Jefferies – Alan Spence
JPM – Luke Nelson
KeyBanc – Phil Gibbs
Morgan Stanley - Alain Gabriel
Oddo – Alain Williams
Societe Générale – Christian Georges
UBS – Myles Allsop

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Baosteel Reports 44% Drop in Q1 Profit

Baoshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd net income in January-March 2020 fell to CNY 1.54 billion, down by 44% YoY. In the first quarter Baosteel produced 11.8 million tonnes of steel. Baosteel said“Due to the extended Spring Festival holidays and spreading new coronavirus pandemic at home and abroad, domestic demand for steel products dropped obviously Steady iron ore prices also dragged down profit at its mills. Profits were also pressured by high supply levels and sluggish demand for vehicles and containers.”

Bao expectes demand for steel sheet to further drop in the second quarter on low utilisation rates at downstream sectors as well as high inventory levels, which could narrow its procurement and sales price spread and hit its first-half earnings. It said “We will further expand in the market, strengthen the linkage between production and sales, and tap potential for cost cuts to lower the impact on our operation brought by the coronavirus”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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